(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0286399 A1 VALIN Et Al

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(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0286399 A1 VALIN Et Al US 20140286399A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0286399 A1 VALIN et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 25, 2014 (54) PYRAMID VECTOR QUANTIZATION FOR Publication Classification VIDEO CODING (51) Int. C. (71) Applicants: Jean-Marc VALIN, Montreal (CA); H04N 9/5 (2006.01) Timothy B. TERRIBERRY, Mountain HO)4N 19/177 (2006.01) View, CA (US) H04N 9/36 (2006.01) H04N 9/24 (2006.01) (72) Inventors: Jean-Marc VALIN, Montreal (CA); (52) U.S. C. Timothy B. TERRIBERRY, Mountain CPC ..... H04N 19/00703 (2013.01); H04N 19/0009 View, CA (US) (2013.01); H04N 19/00284 (2013.01); H04N 19/00139 (2013.01) USPC - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 375/240.03 (21) Appl. No.: 14/187,081 (57) ABSTRACT An apparatus and corresponding method are provided for (22) Filed: Feb. 21, 2014 pyramid vector quantization of video data, including receiv ing the video data in the frequency domain; and pyramid vector quantizing at least one group of pictures (GOP) from Related U.S. Application Data the received video data in accordance with a potentially vary (60) Provisional application No. 61/767,338, filed on Feb. ing bandwidth, the GOP comprising key frames and predicted 21, 2013. frames. iOO Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2014 Sheet 1 of 6 US 2014/0286399 A1 PREDICTION / N Compute reflection plane Compute/code angle - - 140 code other dimensions FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2014 Sheet 2 of 6 US 2014/0286399 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2014 Sheet 3 of 6 US 2014/0286399 A1 300 310 \ 312 8.01 bits (K=8) 8.92 bits (K=11) 10.00 bits (K=16) 11.05 bits (K=23) 12.00 bits (K=32) 318 320 322 324 FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2014 Sheet 4 of 6 US 2014/0286399 A1 4. Fewer pulses needed . N is NE is c 3 N N N : Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2014 Sheet 5 of 6 US 2014/0286399 A1 % -- C r .. .93 Kaks 3 2. g s f s a. i. W ---, Cme - a Patent Application Publication Sep. 25, 2014 Sheet 6 of 6 US 2014/0286399 A1 {}}({}){ US 2014/0286399 A1 Sep. 25, 2014 PYRAMID VECTOR QUANTIZATION FOR varying number of quantized frequency bands or a corre VIDEO CODING spondingly varying number of quantized data bits. 0007. A further exemplary apparatus is provided, wherein CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED the one or more stored sequences of instructions further cause APPLICATIONS the processor to: receive an input; compute a prediction 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi responsive to the input; compute a reflection plane responsive sional Patent Application 61/767,338 filed on Feb. 21, 2013 to the input and prediction; apply the reflection to the input entitled, “PYRAMID VECTOR QUANTIZATION FOR and prediction; compute an angle between the input and pre VIDEO CODING”, which is incorporated by reference diction; quantize the angle; and code the quantized angle. Yet herein in its entirety. a further exemplary apparatus is provided, wherein the one or more stored sequences of instructions further cause the pro cessor to: Split the received frequency-domain video data into BACKGROUND at least two frequency bands; and quantize an upper fre 0002 Coding systems and methods typically encode a quency band more coarsely than a lower frequency band. single audio stream and a single associated video stream for 0008. An exemplary apparatus for pyramid vector quanti streaming from a source to a destination. The combined band Zation to encode video data is provided, the apparatus includ width of the audio and video streams is the required channel ing an input terminal; a prediction unit in signal communica bandwidth between the source and destination. If this channel tion with the input terminal; a transform unit in signal bandwidth is reduced due to network congestion, for communication with the input terminal and the prediction example, conventional systems have limited means of unit; a pyramid vector quantization unit in signal communi adequately dealing with the reduction. In general, they may cation with the transform unit; an entropy coding unit in rely on low-pass quantization, which sacrifices energy detail signal communication with the quantization unit; an inverse for reduced bandwidth. quantization unit in signal communication with the quantiza 0003. Unfortunately, such systems and methods have tion unit; an inverse transform unit in signal communication drawbacks such as blurriness due to loss of energy detail, with the inverse quantization unit; a reference picture unit in activity masking overhead, and inefficient representation of signal communication with the inverse transform unit; a coefficients. Embodiments of the present disclosure address motion estimation unit in signal communication with each of these and other issues. the reference picture unit and the input terminal; and a motion compensation unit in signal communication with each of the SUMMARY reference picture unit and the motion estimation unit, wherein the motion compensation unit is in direct signal communica 0004. These and other drawbacks and disadvantages of the tion with the transform unit. Another exemplary apparatus is prior art are addressed by an apparatus and corresponding provided, wherein the pyramid vector quantization unit com method of pyramid vector quantization for video coding. An prises a band splitter. exemplary method of pyramid vector quantization for encod ing video data includes receiving the video data in a fre 0009. An exemplary computer program product is pro quency domain; pyramid vector quantizing at least one group vided, including a non-transitory computer-readable medium of pictures (GOP) from the received video data in accordance having a computer-readable program code embodied therein with a potentially varying bandwidth, the GOP comprising to be executed by one or more processors, the program code key frames and predicted frames; and quantizing the key including instructions to: receive video data in the frequency frames before the predicted frames to form at least one domain; pyramid vector quantize at least one group of pic stream, the at least one stream having a correspondingly tures from the received video data in accordance with a poten varying number of quantized frequency bands or a corre tially varying bandwidth, the GOP comprising key frames spondingly varying number of quantized data bits. and predicted frames; and quantize the key frames before the 0005. A further exemplary method includes receiving an predicted frames to form at least one stream, the at least one input; computing a prediction responsive to the input; com stream having a correspondingly varying number of quan puting a reflection plane responsive to the input and predic tized frequency bands or a correspondingly varying number tion; applying the reflection to the input and prediction; com of quantized data bits. puting an angle between the input and prediction; quantizing 0010. A further exemplary computer program product is the angle; and coding the quantized angle. Yet a further exem provided, wherein the program code includes further instruc plary method includes splitting the received frequency-do tions to: receive an input; compute a prediction responsive to main video data into at least two frequency bands; and quan the input; compute a reflection plane responsive to the input tizing an upper frequency band more coarsely than a lower and prediction; apply the reflection to the input and predic frequency band. tion; compute an angle between the input and prediction; 0006 An exemplary apparatus for pyramid vector quanti quantize the angle; and code the quantized angle. Yet another Zation to encode video data includes a processor, and one or exemplary computer program product is provided, wherein more stored sequences of instructions which, when executed the program code includes further instructions to: Split the by the processor, cause the processor to: receive the video received frequency-domain video data into at least two fre data in a frequency domain; pyramid vector quantize at least quency bands; and quantize an upper frequency band more one group of pictures from the received video data in accor coarsely than a lower frequency band. dance with a potentially varying bandwidth, the GOP com 0011. These and other aspects, features and advantages of prising key frames and predicted frames; and quantize the key the present disclosure will become apparent from the follow frames before the predicted frames to form at least one ing description of exemplary embodiments, which is to be stream, the at least one stream having a correspondingly read in connection with the accompanying drawings. US 2014/0286399 A1 Sep. 25, 2014 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS more uniform distribution, Such as in Opus. Other challenges 0012. The present disclosure teaches pyramid vector include the introduction of a quantization matrix and the quantization for video coding in accordance with the follow desire to represent the reference or motion predicted data ing exemplary figures, in which: perfectly by one of the codebook entries. For small (e.g., 4x4) 0013 FIG. 1 shows a flow diagram for a method of pyra blocks, all of the AC coefficients may be put into a single mid vector quantization in accordance with the principles of band. the present disclosure; 0026. In gain-shape quantization, vectors are represented as a magnitude multiplied by a unit-norm vector, i.e., as a 0014 FIG. 2 shows a system diagram for a video encoder radius plus a point on a hypersphere. Magnitude is coded with pyramid vector quantizer (PVO) in accordance with the separately, and the quantization resolution of the point on the principles of the present disclosure; hypersphere is adjusted based on the magnitude. There is a 0015 FIG.3 shows a comparative diagram of a codebook trade-off between the accuracy used to represent the amount for N=3 and different K in accordance with the principles of of texture versus the accuracy of the exact details.
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