24 February 2010


Report No: 5 Subject: Questions to the Mayor Report of: Executive Director of Secretariat

Questions not asked during Mayor’s Question Time will be given a written response by Monday 1 March 2010

Supporting community-led development Question No: 633 / 2010 Jenny Jones How do you support organised local communities such as the Citizens Community Land Trust consortium who wish to lead on developing affordable housing schemes in their area?

Housing Question No: 714 / 2010 Nicky Gavron How do your Draft London Plan Opportunity Areas impact on your housing policies and targets?

Metropolitan Police Budget Question No: 881 / 2010 Dee Doocey How will your cuts to the Metropolitan Police budget affect front line policing?

Blackwall Tunnel Question No: 377 / 2010 Gareth Bacon With over 2,200 vehicles using the Blackwall Tunnel every hour in each direction, east and south east London are at risk of being brought to a standstill by plans to cordon off half of the Tunnel in each direction during the 2012 Olympic Games. Will you oppose these plans and ensure that they are never implemented?

1 Bridges and River Crossings Question No: 712 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Have you, as Simon Jenkins alleges, declared war on South London?

PPP Contracts Question No: 474 / 2010 Richard Tracey What mistakes did the Government make in drawing up the PPP contracts for ’s upgrade?

LFEPA Question No: 713 / 2010 Len Duvall Is the reputation of LFEPA causing damage to London Government?

Anti-Semitic Incidents (1) Question No: 429 / 2010 Brian Coleman Does the Mayor share my concern about the 460 reported anti-Semitic incidents that took place in London in 2009, an increase of 95% over the past year, including 48 incidents of assault? What is being done by the GLA and Metropolitan Police to tackle anti-Semitic behaviour and protect members of the Jewish community from attacks?

London Enriched Question No: 366 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook Does the Mayor believe that the large amounts of London Taxpayers’ money being utilised to support his and the former Mayor’s initiative “London Enriched” is a signal to refugees everywhere that London in particular is the home of milk and honey and exacerbates the arrival of thousands more refugees to Calais hoping eventually to get to London and access these perceived riches?

Out of Hours Care Question No: 394 / 2010 James Cleverly Following the report that there is only 1 GP covering the whole of Bromley at night, are you concerned that the inadequate provision of Out of Hours Care is contributing to health inequalities in the capital?


Manifesto Commitments Question No: 708 / 2010 John Biggs Should Londoners hold you to your Manifesto commitments?

Crystal Palace FC Question No: 874 / 2010 Steve O’Connell The Mayor will be aware that Crystal Palace FC has recently entered administration. Bearing in mind that as well being an iconic partner in the borough, it is a key employer in an area of deprivation, would the Mayor wish to comment? Would he also wish to offer any comfort to those employees and to the thousands of palace fans who face a future without their beloved club?

Extension of Oyster to services Question No: 601 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Do you think it was right of Peter Hendy to say in his Commissioner’s report to the TfL Board on the 3rd February that the “extension of Oyster to National Rail services in London went without a hitch?”

Congestion Charge Exemptions (1) Question No: 436 / 2010 Tony Arbour Which organisations or individuals are entitled to receive exemptions to the Congestion Charge?

Draft Municipal Waste Strategy Question No: 520 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey The 2015 target for recycling or composting municipal waste has fallen from 67% by 2015 to 45%. Does this reflect more the failure of your predecessor’s strategy or your strategy’s lack of ambition? (Waste Strategy 2003 compared to the Draft Municipal Waste Strategy 2010)

Oxford Street (1) Question No: 450 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Does the Mayor agree with the Transport Committee, the New West End Company, Selfridges, M&S and others that the pace of change for reducing the congestion in should be increased?

3 Budget Question No: 710 / 2010 Len Duvall Can the Mayor tell us what aspects of his budget were discussed with the London Congress at their last meeting?

Olympic land and debt agreement (1) Question No: 403 / 2010 Andrew Boff What will be the impact on the LDA and its projects if it takes six months for an agreement to be reached on Olympic land and debt?

Recycling in flats Question No: 642 / 2010 Jenny Jones How will you ensure that all Londoners, including the half living in flats, have easy access to adequate recycling and composting facilities?

Burglary (2) Question No: 419 / 2010 Brian Coleman Will the Mayor list by ward the number of reported burglaries in the London Borough of Barnet for the last month for which figures are available and will he ask the Chairman of the MPA to take urgent action on the level of burglary in suburban boroughs?

Low Emission Zone Question No: 719 / 2010 Murad Qureshi I note from advice given to you in December 2008 that it is costing TfL an additional £600,000 to delay Phase III of the LEZ to 2012. How is this cost made up?

Thames Bridges Question No: 432 / 2010 Richard Tracey Is the Mayor happy that road works on the Thames bridges in London are being sufficiently co- ordinated?

USA Day Question No: 720 / 2010 Len Duvall Given your commitment to providing value for money, will you be calling on the USA Embassy to

4 fund your forthcoming USA Day, using the monies they have saved through non-payment of Congestion Charge?

[Note: The following are priority questions, but are not in proportional order.]

Construction works disruption Question No: 721 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross I have unfortunately had a number of complaints over recent months about building contractors working on development sites behaving in an inconsiderate manner to local residents. Complaints range from noisy work taking place outside the hours specified in the planning permission to construction vehicles blocking access roads. Although enforcement of these matters clearly lies with the boroughs, as Mayor of London, will you consider putting in place a London-wide good practice code for contractors and borough planning departments to try and improve consistency on planning enforcement issues?

381 bus Question No: 722 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross It is clear from TfL’s own figures that complaints from disabled passengers on route 381 have not reduced over recent years as they have on other routes. What measures are TfL planning to take to tackle this?

Questions for Written Answer

Hate Crimes Question No: 367 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook Ben Kinsella, Robert Knox, Jimmy Mizen, Martin Dinnegan, Peter Woodham, Richard Whelan, Billy Ward and Christopher Gregory to name but a few in recent times, were all murdered by individuals from ethnic communities. Do you share the concern of many Londoners that absolutely none of these killings have been designated ‘racist murders’ by the Metropolitan Police, and that double standards are being applied, bearing in mind that, in my view, an enormous guilt trip was imposed on British people after the Stephen Lawrence murder and the subsequent numerous investigations? * Global Warming (1) Question No: 368 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook After your attendance at the Copenhagen Climate change Summit, would you agree with the sentiments of EU spokesman Nick Griffin MEP when he asserts that in fact “the world is cooling” and global warming is a fraud?

5 * Global Warming (2) Question No: 369 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook With the climate change agenda badly discredited with false data combined with one of the coldest spells on record, is it time to abandon our obsession with carbon footprints and tackle the real environmental disaster affecting London, namely overpopulation? * Global Warming (3) Question No: 370 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook Would the Mayor agree that all his recent initiatives on water shortages, energy shortages, housing shortages and waste disposal problems actually point to London being populated beyond its means and is it not incumbent upon the Mayor to address that issue above all others? * Akmal Shaikh Question No: 371 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook Your answer to Brian Coleman in Mayor’s question no: 318/2010, has provoked a number of constituents to ask how you conclude that Akmal Shaikh is a Londoner bearing in mind he was born in Pakistan, lived in America for many years and moved to Poland in 2003? Is it now possible to be a Londoner without the need for being born in this fair city? * Notting Hill Carnival Question No: 372 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook What were the clean up costs in the aftermath of the Notting Hill Carnival for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009? Who pays the clean up costs in the aftermath of the Notting Hill Carnival? * Sexual Violence Question No: 373 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook Is the Mayor taking any action in relation to the following report in “Safeguarding Children”: “A London Young Offenders Team has reported concerns about the number of young women who regard abusive behaviour from young men as a ‘normal’ part of adult relationships”? * Sexual Violence Question No: 374 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook Following the report in “Safeguarding Children”, in particular the shocking revelation that “nearly all the girls involved with gangs have been raped by male group members. Some senior gang members pass their girlfriends around to lower ranking members and sometimes to the whole group at the same time”, what action is the Mayor taking to protect these vulnerable

6 young girls from this kind of sexual abuse? * Sexual Violence (3) Question No: 375 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook Following the report in “Safeguarding Children”, in particular the shocking revelation that a Year 10 student was recently gang raped by some gang members, the girl and her mother are extremely frightened and when questioned the mother insisted it was consensual, what action is the Mayor taking to protect vulnerable girls exposed to this kind of sexual abuse? * Positive Discrimination Question No: 376 / 2010 Richard Barnbrook In light of the disastrous Ali Dizaei fiasco, will the Mayor seek the abandonment of promotion in the public sector on grounds of race and gender and allow qualifications and probity to flourish once again become best practice? Does the Mayor believe that organisations run more effectively when promoting people on their abilities rather than promotion on the basis of meeting equality targets? * GLA re-branding Question No: 378 / 2010 Gareth Bacon What is the estimated total cost of rebranding London with the typeface already used by Visit London? * City Hall (1) Question No: 379 / 2010 Gareth Bacon Now that the 3rd floor of City Hall is empty, will the space be rented commercially and what sort of per desk and overall income can the GLA expect? * City Hall (2) Question No: 380 / 2010 Gareth Bacon Have the MPA and TravelWatch refused to rent the created space on the 3rd floor and if so, why? What reasons have they given for doing so? * City Hall (3) Question No: 381 / 2010 Gareth Bacon Considering the MPA are a functional body of the GLA and TravelWatch are overseen by the Assembly, can the GLA enforce their move to City Hall in order to save taxpayers money on extra unnecessary rental? *

7 Energy Supply Question No: 382 / 2010 Gareth Bacon Does the Mayor agree that the approaching crisis in the UK’s energy supply forecasted in Ofgem’s Project Discovery report, published on 3rd February, which could lead to increases in energy bills of up to 25% by 2020, is the result of a lack of Government action or investment in energy infrastructure in the past decade? What is being done in London to reduce the likelihood and effect of a potential energy crisis, and to ensure that the lights are kept on in London? * Feed-in Tariffs Question No: 383 / 2010 Gareth Bacon Does the Mayor agree that the low level proposed by the Government for its long-awaited feed- in tariffs is disappointing, and what impact will this have on the Mayor’s efforts to promote renewable energy in London? * Responsible Procurement Question No: 384 / 2010 Gareth Bacon Wherever possible, will the Mayor publish on the DataStore website details of all GLA contracts awarded under the Responsible Procurement process, including the value of these contracts and details of the competing bids that were rejected? * NHS London Question No: 385 / 2010 James Cleverly Would the Mayor welcome the inclusion of NHS London within the GLA family or of the PCT’s being accountable to London government for scrutiny? * London Ambulance Service Question No: 386 / 2010 James Cleverly Would the Mayor welcome the inclusion of the LAS as one of the functional bodies? This would improve emergency planning and allow for better public scrutiny of a service vital to London. * Shatter proof glasses (1) Question No: 387 / 2010 James Cleverly Are figures available for how many glass attacks there are in London each year? * Shatter proof glasses (2) Question No: 388 / 2010 James Cleverly Is there anything that the GLA can do to promote the use of the new shatter proof glasses to bars and the hospitality industry in London to try and reduce the number of glass attacks?

8 * Coach Parking Question No: 389 / 2010 James Cleverly In response to question 332/2010, you stated that a feasibility study is due to be completed into coach parking by early February. Please can you provide the conclusions of this feasibility study? * Blackwall Tunnel (1) Question No: 390 / 2010 James Cleverly What did TfL do to publicise the closure of the northbound Blackwall Tunnel from Sun-Thurs (9pm-5am) for the next three years, and the change in the time of the routine maintenance closure of the Rotherhithe Tunnel? * Blackwall Tunnel (2) Question No: 391 / 2010 James Cleverly Will the northbound Blackwall Tunnel be closed at night during the Olympics? * Blackwall Tunnel (3) Question No: 392 / 2010 James Cleverly Is it possible to carry out the routine maintenance of the Blackwall Tunnel during the planned closures on Sunday-Thursday evenings for the next three years, rather than adding an extra closure on Sunday mornings? * Safer Neighbourhood Teams Question No: 393 / 2010 James Cleverly In Bexley and Petts Wood and Knoll, Safer Neighbourhood Teams are visiting every household to listen to residents’ concerns on crime and anti-social behaviour. What measures are there to ensure that all Safer Neighbourhood Teams across London engage with their local community? * Stadium legacy (1) Question No: 395 / 2010 Andrew Boff What would be the annual running cost of Olympic stadium if it remained an 80,000 seat venue after the Games? * Stadium legacy (2) Question No: 396 / 2010 Andrew Boff What would be the annual running cost of Olympic stadium if it became a 25,000 seat venue after the Games? 9 * GLA and LDA Events (1) Question No: 397 / 2010 Andrew Boff For events that receive funding from the GLA or the LDA, please specify their expected outcomes that they are expected to produce beyond the staging of the event? * GLA and LDA Events (2) Question No: 398 / 2010 Andrew Boff Which GLA and LDA funded events have failed to meet the outcomes expected of them and will they continue to be funded next year? * OPLC Question No: 399 / 2010 Andrew Boff How will the Olympic Park Legacy Company be funded over the next 10 years? * Cultural Olympiad (1) Question No: 400 / 2010 Andrew Boff Please state how much funding has been confirmed for the Cultural Olympiad, and the sources of the funding? * Cultural Olympiad (2) Question No: 401 / 2010 Andrew Boff Please state the Cultural Olympiad projects that have already been allocated funding, and the level of funding that each project will receive? * LDA Question No: 402 / 2010 Andrew Boff If the Mayor considers that there was an attempt to conceal the £160 million shortfall in the Olympic land budget under the period of the last administration, will he report those responsible to the Metropolitan Police?

Olympic land and debt agreement (2) Question No: 404 / 2010 Andrew Boff If the LDA and Government cannot reach a funding agreement over the Olympic land and debt, will the functions of the OPLC be reincorporated into the LDA? What will happen to those who have been appointed to the roles of Chair and Chief Executive and to the OPLC Board? *

10 Olympic Employees Question No: 405 / 2010 Andrew Boff How many of the 1009 employees on the Olympic site, who are resident in the 5 boroughs, obtained their job with assistance from the LDA’s Olympic Local Employment and Training Framework? * Olympic Legacy (1) Question No: 406 / 2010 Andrew Boff Will you release the report provided by Capita Symonds to the LDA in July 2008 on the size of the budget shortfall for transforming the Olympic Aquatics Centre after the Games? * Olympic Legacy (2) Question No: 407 / 2010 Andrew Boff Are you confident that the £350million budget for converting Olympic venues into their legacy use after the Games is sufficient? * Olympic Legacy (3) Question No: 408 / 2010 Andrew Boff Does the £350million budget for converting Olympic venues after the Games contain any contingency? * Olympic Legacy (4) Question No: 409 / 2010 Andrew Boff Has the LDA decided whether it or the OPLC will perform the full contract due diligence task with the ODA on the transformation costs of the Olympic venues after the Games? * Olympic funding Question No: 410 / 2010 Andrew Boff Why was the £17million increase in the costs related to the Olympic Village not foreseen in previous budgets? * Olympic funding (2) Question No: 411 / 2010 Andrew Boff When will the cost of the ODA providing venue security and operating the Olympic Park between 2011-2012 be finalised? *

11 Kitchens in the Olympic Village (1) Question No: 412 / 2010 Andrew Boff How many kitchens will be installed in the housing built as part of the Olympic Village following the completion of the Games? * Kitchens in the Olympic Village (2) Question No: 413 / 2010 Andrew Boff How much will it cost to install kitchens in the housing built as part of the Olympic Village following the completion of the Games? * Kitchens in the Olympic Village (3) Question No: 414 / 2010 Andrew Boff How many people would have not been accommodated by the Olympic Village had kitchens been installed in homes in the initial construction phase before the Games? * Olympic Village (1) Question No: 415 / 2010 Andrew Boff What is the cost of constructing the housing in the Olympic Village? * Olympic Village (2) Question No: 416 / 2010 Andrew Boff What is the maximum amount of people that will be housed in the Olympic Village at any one time during the Games? * Bishop’s Place Question No: 417 / 2010 Andrew Boff Will the Mayor make available the financial viability statement which supported his approval of the Bishop’s Place development. * Burglary (1) Question No: 418 / 2010 Brian Coleman Are you concerned about the level of residential burglary across London particularly in the suburban Boroughs and what recent discussions have you had with the Metropolitan Police Commissioner on the issue? *

12 Burglary (3) Question No: 420 / 2010 Brian Coleman Does the Mayor think that part of the rise in the level of burglary in London is due to the number of companies now offering instant cash with no questions asked for gold items and what action does he suggest can be taken? * Naming of Areas Question No: 421 / 2010 Brian Coleman Will you resist any attempts to rename or “re-brand” traditional and historic areas of my constituency such as and Bloomsbury as “Midtown”? * Parking Charges Question No: 422 / 2010 Brian Coleman Would the Mayor agree that the ’s plans to charge for parking on its roads until midnight are overly draconian, and would penalise hard-pressed motorists, increase pressure on public transport and have a negative effect on London’s evening economy, especially for theatres and the West End? * Ambassadors (1) Question No: 423 / 2010 Brian Coleman Would the Mayor please list the Mayoral Ambassadors and the resources allocated to each of them? * Ambassadors (2) Question No: 424 / 2010 Brian Coleman Could the Mayor describe the process by which Annie Lennox was appointed “Mayoral Ambassador” and outline her duties and her qualifications for the role? * Gospel Oak Gun Crime Question No: 425 / 2010 Brian Coleman Is the Mayor concerned about the level of gun crime in the Gospel Oak ward of the London Borough of Camden? If so, what action does he propose? * City Hall Business Lounge Question No: 426 / 2010 Brian Coleman What is the purpose of the ”business lounge” on the seventh floor of City Hall? *

13 931 High Road N12 Question No: 427 / 2010 Brian Coleman What date is it envisaged that the MPS will vacate the traffic garage at 931 High Road N12? * Tree Commissioner Question No: 428 / 2010 Brian Coleman Does the Mayor consider there is merit in the idea promoted by the Heath and Old Hampstead Society of appointing a “Tree Commissioner” for London? Will the Mayor work with the voluntary sector on this proposal, which it is suggested could be achieved at no cost to the public purse? * Fan Zone in Regent’s Park (1) Question No: 430 / 2010 Brian Coleman Will the Mayor re-consider whether Regent’s Park, or any Royal Park, is the most appropriate place to host a month-long “Fan Zone” for 20,000 football fans during the World Cup this summer, including live and recorded music and the sale and consumption of alcohol on the premises? Has the Mayor considered alternative, more appropriate venues such as Wembley Stadium or one of the many other football stadiums in London? * Fan Zone in Regent’s Park (2) Question No: 431 / 2010 Brian Coleman What concerns have been expressed by the Metropolitan Police and regarding the feasibility and public safety implications of holding a “Fan Zone” event at Regent’s Park for the World Cup this summer? What consultation has taken place with local residents concerning the proposed event? * Potholes Question No: 433 / 2010 Brian Coleman What cost is estimated by Transport for London for repairing potholes on its roads that have arisen from the recent weather conditions? Will the Mayor ensure that these works are completed as soon as possible? * Gospel Oak Substation Question No: 434 / 2010 Brian Coleman On numerous occasions, Camden councillors and officers have complained to over reoccurring graffiti at a disused substation in Gospel Oak ward, which is blighting the local area. Would the Mayor and Transport for London use their influence to persuade Network Rail to either demolish the substation or improve security arrangements to prevent the graffiti from taking place? Would the Mayor also agree that Network Rail should improve day-to-day communication channels for local authorities, so that they have a direct access number and a named contact whom they can deal with to resolve local issues?

14 * Transport for London Question No: 435 / 2010 Tony Arbour Should TfL be sponsoring an event that showcases the achievements of a single political party, such as Richmond’s Annual Reception by the Council leader and Cabinet which was funded by TfL’s ‘Smarter Travel’ funding? * Congestion Charge Exemptions (2) Question No: 437 / 2010 Tony Arbour Would you consider providing an exemption to the Congestion Charge for Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) vehicles when they are responding to an emergency? * Light bulbs (1) Question No: 438 / 2010 Tony Arbour Why does TfL replace all light bulbs (working and non-working) in Underground stations after a set period of time, rather than waiting for the bulbs to stop working? * Light bulbs (2) Question No: 439 / 2010 Tony Arbour How long do TfL leave light bulbs in operation in Underground station before automatically replacing them? * Academies (1) Question No: 440 / 2010 Tony Arbour What is the role of the Mayor’s Academy Trust and what direct influence will it have over individual academies sponsored by the LDA? * Academies (2) Question No: 441 / 2010 Tony Arbour Who will sit on the Mayor’s Academy Trust and how will they be appointed? * Academies (3) Question No: 442 / 2010 Tony Arbour What will be the role of the Mayor and the LDA in the Mayor’s Academy Trust? *

15 Plastic Bag Free Campaign Question No: 443 / 2010 Tony Arbour Will the Mayor give his full backing to the Greener upon Thames, Plastic Bag Free Campaign and commend Greener Kew for their efforts in achieving this in Richmond upon Thames? * Sri Saddhatissa International Buddist Centre Bus Stop Question No: 444 / 2010 Victoria Borwick The centre has experienced significant problems with people gathering at the bus stop and throwing objects at the Sri Saddhatissa International Buddist Centre in Kingsbury Road. What measures could be put in place to stop this from taking place? * Sri Saddhatissa International Buddist Centre Bus Stop Question No: 445 / 2010 Victoria Borwick If no alternative measure can be found, would the Mayor instruct TfL to move the bus stop? * ORN vehicles Question No: 446 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Would the Mayor provide a list of all the vehicles that will be allowed to use the Olympic Route Network? * ORN Question No: 447 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Taking into account the 4,000 cars provided by BMW, the expected 3,000 or so coaches, all the Olympic sponsors, and the motorcades for visiting dignitaries, how many vehicles are you expecting to use the ORN? * Olympic vehicles Question No: 448 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Would you clarify whether the official cars to be used as Olympic vehicles, the Minis provided by BMW, will be disability compliant? * Picnics at the Olympics Question No: 449 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Will the Mayor confirm that visitors will be able to bring their own picnics into the Olympics grounds so that they can watch the Olympics from the inside the Olympic village on the giant screens, so that even if they do not have a seat they will be able to access the Olympic park and watch the Games? * 16 Penalty charges (1) Question No: 451 / 2010 Victoria Borwick In answer to the earlier question (No: 358 / 2010) it was revealed that during 2009, TfL issued 155,466 penalty charges for CCTV parking contraventions and received £8,709,456 in charges. Please will you provide a breakdown of the boroughs in which the fines were issued? * Penalty charges (2) Question No: 452 / 2010 Victoria Borwick How many CCTV penalty charges issued were issued by TfL in each of the five years prior to 2009? And what percentage of the annual total did CCTV issued penalty charges constitute? * Penalty charges (3) Question No: 453 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Please would the Mayor provide a breakdown of the numbers of TfL parking charges (issued by both CCTV and others), and the revenue generated, for past five years? * Penalty charges (4) Question No: 454 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Please can you provide me with a percentage breakdown of the reasons given by TfL for the issue of CCTV penalty charges in 2009? * Taxis for the Olympics (1) Question No: 455 / 2010 Victoria Borwick What will be the arrangement for taxis and private hire vehicles to deliver to and collect from the Olympic Park during the 2012 Games? * Taxis from the Olympics (2) Question No: 456 / 2010 Victoria Borwick Will the Mayor please provide the location of taxi ranks close to the Olympic Park? And the distance each rank is from the entrance? * Housing density Question No: 457 / 2010 Victoria Borwick There is concern amongst some that large swathes of areas of Outer London, that are thought of as sub-urban by most Londoners, will be considered ‘urban’ for housing density purposes by the London Plan because they are located within 800 metres walking distance of a district centre or, along main arterial routes. What defence does the London Plan offer residents to resist over-develop in these areas?

17 * Housing density (2) Question No: 458 / 2010 Victoria Borwick If areas within 800 metres walking distance of a district centre or, along main arterial routes, are considered ‘urban’ for housing density purposes. What area of land in outer London is considered ‘urban’? Would you provide this information broken down by borough please? * 362 Bus Route Question No: 459 / 2010 Roger Evans Given that the 362 bus route is a low frequency service with only two buses per hour, why is it so often delayed and why does it so often terminate its route early? * 66 Bus Route Question No: 460 / 2010 Roger Evans Why does the 66 bus route frequently terminate early? * Hainault Station Lifts Question No: 461 / 2010 Roger Evans When can my constituents expect to see the passenger lifts at Hainault Station working? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (1) Question No: 462 / 2010 Kit Malthouse Following the severe delays recently endured by people trying to renew their resident discount for the congestion charge, when will the current operators contract will be up for renewal, and what delay the contractors should expect if they apply for a renewal? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (2) Question No: 464 / 2010 Kit Malthouse Will IBM be penalised for its failure to respond to congestion charge resident discount applications within a reasonable period? If so, what will the penalty be? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (3) Question No: 465 / 2010 Kit Malthouse Many people suffered extensive delays and inconvenience receiving their congestion charge resident discount and have been forced to pay the full fare and subsequently claim the money back, will these people be given compensation by IBM? And if so, how much? *

18 Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (4) Question No: 466 / 2010 Kit Malthouse If those residents severely inconvenienced when renewing their resident discount for the congestion charge are not to be compensated by IBM, will the Mayor ask TfL to ensure that they will be duly compensated for the difficulties they have endured? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (5) Question No: 467 / 2010 Kit Malthouse What are the current average call waiting times for those residents calling the congestion charge customer care line? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (6) Question No: 468 / 2010 Kit Malthouse TfL have been offering refunds to those residents that, due to the current backlog, had to pay the full £8 congestion charge on a daily basis until their account was updated. Why are some residents waiting longer than the ten days TfL specified for their refunds, and is this right? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (7) Question No: 469 / 2010 Kit Malthouse Why, when there was a back log of six weeks in issuing residents discount for the congestion charge, did TfL continue to send out paperwork using second class postage? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (8) Question No: 470 / 2010 Kit Malthouse Constituents have complained of receiving incorrect congestion charge PCNs as much as 13 times in a month. What are the estimated contract losses in staff time and resources for such inefficiency? * Congestion Charge Residents Discount Renewal (9) Question No: 471 / 2010 Kit Malthouse oes TfL’s contract with IBM to run the congestion charge allow it to fine or penalise the contractor if it is judged to have performed poorly? If so, how is poor performance determined and what are the penalties? If not, should this not have been included? * Bicycle Docking Stations (1) Question No: 472 / 2010 Kit Malthouse Can the Mayor outline the criteria for deciding where to install bicycle docking stations in the 19 city? * Bicycle Docking Stations (2) Question No: 473 / 2010 Kit Malthouse Why did TfL identify the quiet residential location of Bourne Street, Westminster, as a site for a docking station when the wider and more appropriate Mozart Square and Road are available nearby? *

Lane Rental Charging Question No: 475 / 2010 Richard Tracey In the 6th February issue of ‘The Week’, the Mayor advocates lane rental charging to reduce the disruption due to road works. Could the Mayor outline the programme to take this forward? * Question No: 476 / 2010 Richard Tracey Could the Mayor provide an update on the Thameslink upgrade? * Olympic Route Network Question No: 477 / 2010 Richard Tracey Could the Mayor ask the ODA when they will be in the position to start briefing stakeholders about their precise plans for the Olympic Route Network? * Tower Bridge Question No: 478 / 2010 Richard Tracey Will Tower Bridge be closed from traffic for three months this year? If so, when will this take place? * Taxi Drivers (1) Question No: 479 / 2010 Richard Tracey How many Green Badge taxi drivers are there in London? * Taxi Drivers (2) Question No: 480 / 2010 Richard Tracey How many Yellow Badge taxi drivers are there in London? *

20 Average Age of Taxis (1) Question No: 481 / 2010 Richard Tracey What is the average age of Green Badge taxis in London? * Average Age of Taxis (2) Question No: 482 / 2010 Richard Tracey What is the average age of Yellow Badge taxis in London? * Average Age of Taxis (3) Question No: 483 / 2010 Richard Tracey In setting the age limits for taxis with the Mayor’s draft Air Quality Strategy, has any consideration been given to introducing differing age limits for green and yellow badge holders? * Taxi Age Limits Question No: 484 / 2010 Richard Tracey Has any progress been made with the taxi industry and central Government in finding ways to mitigate the potential costs to taxi drivers of implementing taxi age limits in 2012 and 2015, such as through extensions to the Government’s scrappage scheme, as stated in the Mayor’s draft Air Quality Strategy? Has any consideration been given to providing incentives and support for drivers to replace their vehicles earlier than these dates? * North London Line Infrastructure Question No: 485 / 2010 Richard Tracey What are TfL’s expectations of Network Rail’s contribution to the upgrade of North London Line infrastructure? * Cycle Superhighway (1) Question No: 486 / 2010 Richard Tracey What consultation took place with Merton and Wandsworth Councils on the Merton to City Cycle Superhighway, particularly regarding road widths and heavy traffic on this superhighway route? * Cycle Superhighway (2) Question No: 487 / 2010 Richard Tracey How will TfL improve its consultation with the boroughs for future Cycle Superhighways? *

21 Energy from Waste Question No: 488 / 2010 Richard Tracey Do you agree that boroughs should have the autonomy to set their own waste priorities, so that for example Wandsworth can focus on Energy from Waste and avoiding landfill? * on Tube Map Question No: 489 / 2010 Steve O’Connell Given that the East London Line Extension will mean the Croydon Tramlink enjoying two connections to TfL-run lines, will Transport for London commit to including the Croydon Tramlink on London’s Tube Map? * Kick start Question No: 490 / 2010 Steve O’Connell Will the Mayor provide an update on the success of the HCA’s Kick Start (Round 1) scheme? * Home repossessions Question No: 491 / 2010 Steve O’Connell How many home repossession have there been in London in the 2009? * Housing market Question No: 492 / 2010 Steve O’Connell What is the Mayor assessment of the housing market in London in 2009? * Housing Strategy Question No: 493 / 2010 Steve O’Connell What are the improvements does the Mayor’s new Housing Strategy offer that the previous Strategy did not? * tube station (1) Question No: 494 / 2010 Steve O’Connell When is redeveloped, does the Mayor expect that there will be any additional non-transport related development on the site or associated development elsewhere? *

22 Bond Street tube station (2) Question No: 495 / 2010 Steve O’Connell When Bond Street tube station is redeveloped, will the Mayor ask the developers and Transport for London to create small affordable retail units on the site for local independent shops to use, as supported by the Mayor in the London Plan? * Bond Street tube station (3) Question No: 496 / 2010 Steve O’Connell What is the timescale for the completion of the redevelopment of Bond Street tube station? * Average speed CCTV cameras Question No: 499 / 2010 Steve O’Connell Given the warm way in which the introduction of average speed check CCTV camera on the A13 was treated with in the Mayor’s monthly report, should we expect to see more average speed check cameras installed on London’s roads? * Ealing Broadway Question No: 500 / 2010 Richard Barnes Further to your answer to question 3928/2009, is the Mayor aware of the new opportunity for improved access to created by Boots’s decision to forgo their lease? Given this change of circumstance, will the Mayor ask TfL to look again at the possibility of re- opening the old District Line entrance to the station? * Special Constables leaving the force Question No: 501 / 2010 Dee Doocey How many Special Constables have left the Metropolitan Police Service in each of the last five financial years? * Special Constable accommodation Question No: 502 / 2010 Dee Doocey If the MPS meets its recruitment targets for Special Constables over the next three years, will there be adequate accommodation within existing police stations to house them? * Special Constable working hours Question No: 503 / 2010 Dee Doocey Have any consultations taken place between the MPS and employers regarding the increase in the minimum hours requirement for Special Constables from 16 hours a month to 25 hours a month?

23 * MPS hire cars (1) Question No: 504 / 2010 Dee Doocey As a result of the review of the MPS fleet, how much do you expect the MPS to spend on hire cars in the year 2010/11? * MPS hire cars (2) Question No: 505 / 2010 Dee Doocey Beyond their use in surveillance and/or special operations, for what other reason are hire cars required? * Anti-semitic attacks Question No: 506 / 2010 Dee Doocey How many anti-semitic attacks were reported to the MPS for each of the last five years? * MPS race discrimination cases Question No: 507 / 2010 Dee Doocey How many cases for race discrimination have been made against the MPS and/or the MPA in each of the last five financial years? Of these, how many have been settled out of court, and at what total cost to the MPA? * Olympic Park running costs Question No: 508 / 2010 Dee Doocey With reference to my question 0316/2009 can you confirm that you are still planning for the GLA to contribute £10 million per year to the running costs of the Olympic Park from the year 2012/13? * Voluntary and community sector Question No: 509 / 2010 Dee Doocey In your Economic Recovery Action Plan, referring to the economic downturn, you said that “In such times, the public sector needs to reaffirm its support to the voluntary and community sector which helps provide vital local services”. Westminster Council have recently cut their grants programme to the voluntary and community sector by 10%, and in particular have cut their grant to Voluntary Action Westminster by nearly 50%. Doesn’t this decision go against everything you are trying to achieve? *

24 LDA budget for Olympic Skills Question No: 510 / 2010 Dee Doocey The LDA has transferred the Olympic Skills programme budget of £6.6 million from the ‘Olympics’ budget heading to the ‘Sustained Employment’ budget heading, yet the total ‘Sustained Employment’ budget remains the same at £53.1 million. Does this mean that £6.6 million has been cut from Olympic Skills, or £6.6 million has been cut from Sustained Employment? * LDA budget for sustained employment Question No: 511 / 2010 Dee Doocey The LDA is planning to cut the revenue budget for Sustained Employment by nearly 50% over the next four years. Do you agree with this reduction? * Olympic land sales – National Lottery repayment Question No: 512 / 2010 Dee Doocey Do you believe that the repayment of money that has been diverted from the National Lottery to pay for the 2012 Games should happen according to the terms laid out in the 2007 Memorandum of Understanding between the Olympics Minister and your predecessor? * Housing Strategy Question No: 513 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey What changes have you made to your statutory final Housing Strategy following the public consultation? * Provision of supported housing Question No: 514 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey What progress has been made on your target that “1,250 new supported homes will be provided between 2008 and 2011, to meet the needs of older and vulnerable Londoners”? How does this provision break down by borough? * Provision of family sized intermediate homes Question No: 515 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey What progress has been made on your target for larger intermediate homes (8% 2008/9; 12% 2009/10; 16% 2010/11). Are you on track to deliver these family homes? * Climate Change Strategies Question No: 516 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey What were the costs of preparing, launching and consulting upon your Climate Change

25 Strategies? How much was spent on consultants and the City Hall exhibition? * Climate Change Mitigation Strategy – retrofitting existing homes Question No: 517 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey How will the HEEP programme step up delivery from being offered to at least 2,000 homes in each borough from summer 2010, to 1.2 million homes by 2012? What funding is required to deliver energy efficiency measures to 1.2 million homes, beyond that committed by the LDA? * Climate Change Mitigation Strategy – implementation Question No: 518 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Will you be producing an implementation plan for the Climate Change Mitigation Strategy which will show when policies are due to be delivered and how they are going to be funded and managed? * Climate Change Adaptation Strategy – consultation Question No: 519 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Will you be consulting with young Londoners to get their responses to your climate change strategies? Will you update the climate change information on the young Londoners website (current links are to a 2002 GLA report and out of date websites)? * Air Quality – health research Question No: 521 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Expert evidence at the Environmental Audit Committee on 9 February referred to 3,500 premature deaths in London due to long term exposure to dangerous airborne particles (PM2.5) in 2005 and indicated the number could be up to 8,000. What progress have you made with the health research commissioned to support the next draft of your Air Quality Strategy? * Air Quality – public awareness of health impacts Question No: 522 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey At the Environmental Audit Committee on 9 February a leading expert referred to 3,500 premature deaths in London due to long term exposure to dangerous airborne particles (PM2.5) in 2005, and indicated the number could be up to 8,000. Given that these numbers are higher than previously acknowledged, what urgent action do you propose to take to ensure that the general public in London is made fully aware of the health impact of poor air quality? * Air Quality - premature deaths Question No: 523 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Given that a leading expert at the Environmental Audit Committee on 9 February highlighted the importance of premature deaths as a metric in communicating the health effects of air pollution with the public, will you confirm that in the next draft of your Air Quality Strategy you

26 will include estimates of premature deaths in London (at each of the 6% and 15% coefficients mentioned by COMEAP in its 2009 report) due to air pollution and publish the results of your health research? * Air quality hotspots Question No: 524 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey In answer to MQ171/2010 you stated that “Transport for London is putting together a package of measures for PM10 hotspots that will start to be implemented even before the Air Quality Strategy is finally published. The packages, which could include traffic management measures, improved enforcement of traffic offences and changed road layouts”. What “traffic management measures” are proposed? What consultation will be required to implement them and when could they be in place? What roads will be affected? * Bus fleet emissions – NOX reduction Question No: 525 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey In answer to MQ161/2010 you stated that “TfL is currently investigating technology for reducing NOx emissions from the bus fleet and considering the options for 2010/11 onwards”. Given that you have successfully trialed some types of filters already why are you looking at further options and what are they? * Taxi fleet emissions Question No: 526 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Thank you for the useful answer to MQ190/2010 which explained that if all of London’s 22,000 taxis were to meet a Euro 4 standard there would be an approximate annual saving of around 20 tonnes of PM10 and 250 tonnes of NOx compared to the current taxi fleet. a) Please define the sources of the 20 tonnes (e.g. exhaust, and tyre and break wear) and what year(s) this refers to? b) Please set out the total taxi annual emissions (tonnes) in comparable form, (e.g. for taxi exhaust and taxi tyre and brake wear) for each of PM10 and NOX in each of Central, Inner and Outer London. c) What percentage reduction of taxi emissions (in comparable form) and of overall road traffic emissions for PM10 and NOX, would this 20 tonnes represent in each of Central, Inner and Outer London? * Thames Tunnel – Kensington & Chelsea Question No: 527 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Since you support the Thames Tideway Tunnels in your Water Strategy, will you ask Kensington and Chelsea to end its opposition the Thames Tunnel, as its deputy leader and cabinet member for planning, Daniel Moylan, is on record as saying that the planning process for “this proposal must be challenged” and the Council reportedly pledged to fight the plan “tooth and nail”? *

27 Thames Tunnel – Hammersmith & Fulham Question No: 528 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Given your support for the Thames Tideway Tunnels in your Water Strategy, will you be asking Hammersmith & Fulham Council to reconsider their recent publicity which included the suggestion that the construction of the Thames Tunnel could lead to people losing their homes? * Drain London Forum Question No: 529 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Further to MD455, what progress has been made in developing a London-wide surface water management plan? The proposal also suggests using £300k for creating a GreenRoof Fund to subsidise the cost of retrofitting green roofs in high flood risk areas, when will this GreenRoof Fund become available? * Mayor’s Fund for London Question No: 530 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey As Patron of the Fund, are you aware of the identity of the anonymous “major global bank” which donated a seven figure sum to the Fund (Press Release 059)? * Great Spaces Question No: 531 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Please provide details of how much funding, from what source (TfL, LDA), each of the 36 Great Spaces projects have received to date? * Great Spaces Awards Question No: 532 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey When will you be holding your first annual Great Spaces Awards? What are the criteria to be eligible for an award? * GLA payments Question No: 533 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Since its move to TfL the GLA’s electronic finance system has proved unreliable. What percentage of suppliers were paid within 30 days in December 2009 and January 2010? * SME payments Question No: 534 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Please provide an update on the achievement of Action 10 in your Economic Recovery Action Plan for: “The entire GLA Group - Transport for London, the Metropolitan Police, the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority and the London Development Agency and the Greater

28 London Authority - will halve its standard time for payment of valid invoices from SMEs to 10 working days”. Has this target been met in November 2009, December 2009 and January 2010? * 10:10 Question No: 535 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey In your draft Climate Change Mitigation Strategy you state that “City Hall has signed up to the 10:10 campaign, committing to reduce its CO2 emissions by ten per cent in 2010, and will report its CO2 emissions publicly” (p.167). Will you make it clear on London.gov.uk that City Hall has signed up to 10:10, and where and when will you report publicly on emissions reduction? * 10:10 – functional bodies Question No: 536 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Given that in your draft Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy you said that “the GLA group will take the lead on reducing CO2 emissions” what progress have the functional bodies made in signing up to the 10:10 campaign? * Supporting Business Improvement Districts Question No: 537 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Further to MQ176/2010, and your decision not to apply a lower multiplier or offset against the BRS for businesses which are also paying levies to Business Improvement Districts, please outline the measures to support BIDs and “provide more co-ordinated support and advice to them” which you refer to in the final prospectus (p.83). * Red route parking and loading bays – North Cheam Question No: 538 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey In answer to my previous MQ196/2010 you only provided details about Stonecot Hill. Please explain for the red route parking and loading bays on the A24 at North Cheam: what consultation has taken place with traders, what the results have been, and what further consultation is planned? Why is this consultation process taking so long, when there have been issues for more than a year with over zealous policing of recessed bays on adjoining side roads which have no impact on the free flow of traffic - which harms the already fragile trading of shops. * Organising for Delivery – accommodation strategy Question No: 539 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey In answer to MQ149/2010 you said that £150,000 had been set aside as the budget for implementing the accommodation strategy, including ICT costs. However in answer to MQ150/2010 you stated that technology work to support the accommodation strategy was £179,600. Please set out the total cost of the accommodation strategy, and what implications this has for City Hall budgets if costs have been more than anticipated? *

29 Hotel Expenses Question No: 540 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Why was your Director of Communications allowed to put on expenses a £250 bill for “One night accommodation at the 2009 Conservative Party Conference” when the Expenses & Benefits framework for GLA staff states that: “Up to 3 Star hotels should be used. Actual cost up to a maximum of £150 per night in Greater London and £110 per night elsewhere.” * Meeting with Shadow Minister for London Question No: 541 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey What specific London issues did you and Justine Greening MP discuss at your meeting on 10 February? * Meeting with Shadow Chancellor Question No: 542 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Who were the bankers in attendance at the lunch you attended with George Osborne on 19 January 2010? * New Free Morning Newspaper Contract Question No: 543 / 2010 Mike Tuffrey Further to MQ1572/2009 (when you stated that the contract would be awarded in December 2009), and MQ3273/2009 (when you stated that LU would award the contract in January 2010), when are you expecting to award this contract and will the contract include the requirement to improve environmental performance across the Underground, including recycling? * Newspaper contract on London Underground Question No: 544 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Please could you give me the guidelines for which you award the seven-year contract to distribute a morning free newspaper throughout the London Underground? Why has the awarding of the contract been delayed? * Brentfield Road Bus Petitioners Question No: 545 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Will you meet with the petitioners you recently turned down for more buses on Brentfield Road and explain your decision to them? *

30 A501 One way system King’s Cross (1) Question No: 546 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon How many personal injury accidents were there on the A501 one-way system in King’s Cross for the last three years? * A501 One way system Kings Cross (2) Question No: 547 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Do you and TfL have any future plans to make this area safer for Londoners? * Students and Oyster Cards (1) Question No: 548 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon TfL tell students they must be part of a “full time course with 15 tuition led/or structured learning hours a week.” A/ Do you understand this as referring to just contact time or self study too? B/ Do you not think clearer instructions would be more appropriate, such as “in full time education”? * Students and Oyster Cards (2) Question No: 549 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon I am informed that students cannot apply for an during August. A/ Do you agree with me that it would be a sensible option for students to be able to apply for an Oyster card during the month before Universities start? B/Will you please look into this with a view to allowing students to do so? * Students and Oyster Cards (3) Question No: 550 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Why is it that student Oyster cards cannot be topped up online? What is being done to rectify this to make it easier for students to top up their Oyster Cards? * Number 63 Bus Route East Dulwich Question No: 551 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Given the increasing number of requests from local residents, will you reconsider extending the 63 bus to Brockley Rise to provide a link to Honor Oak station once the East London Line phase 2 is completed? *

31 More Bus routes in East Dulwich Question No: 552 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Given the concerns from local residents, will you look into running a new bus service between Peckham town centre and Honor Oak to take in East Dulwich and Peckham Rye? * Dial-a-Ride (1) Question No: 553 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide Period 11 statistics for each London borough, and London as a whole including Requests, Refusals, Completed Trips, Passenger Cancellations, Total Service Mileage, Passenger Mileage, and the dead miles, (i.e. travel miles not carrying a passenger). * Dial-a-Ride (2) Question No: 554 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon How many same day trips have Dial-a-Ride scheduled for London as a whole for each 2009/10 period. * Dial-a-Ride (3) Question No: 555 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What was the percentage of single occupancy trips for London as a whole for each 2009/10 period carried out by Dial-a-Ride? * Dial-a-Ride (4) Question No: 556 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide Dial-a-Ride’s Passenger Mileage per 4 week period (2009/10) for each London borough and London as a whole. * Dial-a-Ride (5) Question No: 557 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Please provide Dial-a-Ride’s Member and Service Cancellations per 4 week period (2009/10) for each London borough and London as a whole. * Dial-a-Ride (6) Question No: 558 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon For London’s Dial-a-Ride 2009/10 refusals, please give a breakdown of the particular reasons and the number involved. *

32 Dial-a-Ride (7) Question No: 559 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon For London’s Dial-a-Ride 2009/10 member cancellations, please give a breakdown of the particular reasons and the number involved – using information gained from the question asked by the operators. * Dial-a-Ride (8) Question No: 560 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon For London’s Dial-a-Ride 2009/10 service cancellations, please give a breakdown of the particular reasons and the number involved. * Dial a Ride (9) Question No: 561 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon TfL has previously supplied the passenger mile for London Dial-a-Ride for Periods 1, 2 & 3 as being 152,447, 19,414, and 142,303. Please supply your explanation as to why, when dividing these figures by the respective periods’ trips made (105,447, 129,414, and 142,303), the miles per trip always results in 1.44 miles/trip. * Dial a Ride (101) Question No: 562 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What was Dial-a-Ride’s budget for the years 2000/1, 2008/9 and 2009/10? * Blackwall tunnel Question No: 563 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon A new road crossing in east London is urgently required to alleviate the congestion and resilience problems experienced at Blackwall. As TfL can’t afford it, how do you intend to fund it within the next ten years without hypothecating potential Blackwall tunnel toll revenue? * DfT funding cut to London’s Question No: 564 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Now the Government has announced that London Councils will be losing £30million of funding which helps pay for the Freedom Pass, have you written to the Secretary of State for Transport asking him to reverse this decision which puts the future of the Freedom Pass at risk? * Fill that hole! (1) Question No: 565 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon According to the website fillthathole.org.uk, run by the UK’s national cyclists’ organisation, TfL is rated 194th worst out of 212 for filling reported potholes. Out of 236 reports, there are only

33 35 reported fixed – a shocking 15%. As a keen cyclist do you agree with me that TfL must try harder to fix reported potholes in a timely manner for the safety of road users? * Fill that hole! (2) Question No: 566 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Following the extreme snowy weather in Januray, how many potholes do TfL estimate on their road network? How many have been repaired to date and at what cost? * Oyster Extension Permit numbers Question No: 567 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon How many people have bought Oyster Extension permits since the 1st of January 2010? * Amersham Station Question No: 568 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Why has the work stopped on the new lifts at Amersham station? * Peak travel from outskirts of London into centre Question No: 569 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Given your introduction of an afternoon peak fare, will you reconsider this for passengers travelling “against the flow,” for example, those travelling into London for an evening dinner engagement or theatre trip? * Ten worst performing bus routes in London Question No: 570 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon According to TfL performance statistics what are the ten worst performing routes in London? * Three worst performing bus routes per borough Question No: 571 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon According to TfL performance statistics what are the 3 worst performing bus routes in each London Borough * Cycling along the A316 Twickenham Question No: 572 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon A frustrated cyclist who regularly uses the cycle/pedestrian path along the A316 has informed me that it is extremely difficult to cycle down unless you go the same speed as the many pedestrians. Therefore: A/ Would you consider putting in a separate path for cyclists? 34 B/ Do you have any plans to support and improve the safety of cyclists along this route, including the need for additional, and better enforcement of, toucan crossings? * Vauxhall Tube station step free access scrapped (1) Question No: 573 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon I am informed that plans to have step free access in Vauxhall tube station were scrapped last year. A/ Can you tell me why the step free access has been scrapped? B/ Can you let me know how much TfL spent on the initial work to Vauxhall tube station before the plans were scrapped? * Increasing use of the Thames (1) Question No: 574 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Do you have any plans to open Wapping Pier so that can use it? * Increasing use of the Thames (2) Question No: 575 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What work are you and TfL doing to look at each of the conclusions and recommendations made by the Policy Exchange in its recent publication “A rate of knots?” * Train crashing into building materials at Aldgate Question No: 576 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon As reported in the media, a train at Aldgate station crashed into some building materials on the 19th January. A/ Can you tell me why this happened? B/ What steps have been taken to ensure this does not happen again? * Oyster PAYG in conjunction with Gold and Network Rail cards Question No: 577 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Why is it not possible at present to get Gold Card or Network Railcard benefits in conjunction with Oyster PAYG? How many people would benefit from this? Do you have any plans to introduce this? * London Bus Networks (1) Question No: 578 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Some passengers find buses harder to use than the tube. Have you considered some kind of colour coding, along the colours used to mark the tube lines, for buses that follow similar routes?

35 * London Bus Networks (2) Question No: 579 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Will you consider colour coding tube replacement buses to assist passengers using them when Tube lines are closed for upgrade work? * Bus driver instruction Question No: 580 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Do bus drivers receive specific instructions that they do not drive past bus stops where passengers are waiting, even if there are other buses at the stop? * TfL consultation on Taxi fares Question No: 581 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon In the November 2009 TfL consultation on taxi fares and taxi information for passengers, Section 3 (a) 3.5 states that Transport for London believe historically that the supply of taxi- cabs at night is poor other than in times of economic recession. Could you tell me what evidence TfL used to make this assumption? * Funding cut for women and BAME Londoners to become taxi drivers Question No: 582 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Will you ask the LDA to reconsider their decision to cut the last 6 months of funding from a successful fast track scheme that helps women and BAME Londoners become Black Taxi drivers? It is of particular concern given there are 94 Londoners due to complete the course over the next 6 months. * Circle Line route from Hammersmith to Edgware Road Question No: 583 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon n the new Circle Line route from Hammersmith to Edgware Road I am informed that passengers having to change at Edgware Road are uncertain which platform trains are to depart from, and find themselves having to rush over the footbridge. A/ Please can you instruct TfL to look into this and ensure that it is clearly marked for passengers in the future? B/ Did London Underground’s planning and engineering staff carry out sufficient preparatory work to see if this new arrangement would work? * Use of Agency Staff at TfL Question No: 584 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Please can you give me the following information about the use of agency staff at TfL: A/ How many Agency staff are currently employed within TfL?

36 B/ How much collectively do they cost each month? C/ What percentage of a agency staff’s cost goes to the employee, and what percentage to the agency? * Countdown signs (1) Question No: 585 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Broken down by borough, please list how many bus stops are there; and how many Countdown signs there are currently installed at the bus stops? * Countdown signs (2) Question No: 586 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon How many stops that currently have Countdown signs will not under your latest proposals that have been sent out to the Boroughs? * Countdown signs (3) Question No: 587 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Can you please provide me with a list, broken down by Borough of where TfL are currently proposing to install the new countdown system, as sent to all Boroughs in January, and a list, broken down by Borough of the stops where countdown is currently installed. * New trains on (1) Question No: 588 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon How many new trains have been ordered and delivered from Bombardier for the London Overground Service? * New trains on London Overground (2) Question No: 589 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Out of the total number of new trains that have been delivered, how many are currently in operation? * New trains on London Overground (3) Question No: 590 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon How many of the new trains will be used on the East London Line and the Euston to Watford Service? *

37 New trains on London Overground (4) Question No: 591 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Do the new trains and infrastructure on London Overground combined meet the requirements for safe driver only operation with passengers on board as required by the rules of the railway? * New trains on London Overground (5) Question No: 592 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon If there are issues with driver-only operation of these new trains, what is the cost and programme for rectifying this? * New trains on London Overground (6) Question No: 593 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Are you satisfied that the new trains to be used on the East London Line are able to carry passengers safely with the infrastructure and design as currently installed? * New trains on London Overground (7) Question No: 594 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What is the potential impact on the opening of the East London Line of any adaptions required to the new trains scheduled to operate on this line? * New trains on London Overground (8) Question No: 595 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Can the new trains on London Overground operate safely with just a driver at the current time? * A316 Chertsey Road/ London Road junction, Twickenham Question No: 596 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon I have received a lot of requests from constituents for the need for a safe crossing on the A316 at the London Road junction. Will you instruct TfL to review the need for a crossing here? * Ramps not working on buses? Question No: 597 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Further to my question last month (Question No: 108 / 2010) regarding ramps not working on buses I note that only 2 out of 108 ramps on buses on routes in Barking and Ilford were not working. If this is the case, why have bus drivers told my constituent on more than 2 occasions that unfortunately he cannot board the bus due to the ramp not working? *

38 Road congestion Question No: 598 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon As road congestion is rising in a number of areas, despite falling traffic, could you confirm if you intend to set targets for TfL to reverse this trend, and if so, by when will these targets be set? * Consolidating freight trips Question No: 599 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Consolidating freight trips typically reduces vehicle trips by 40-70%. Due to poor and deteriorating traffic conditions, would you detail your plans for piloting this concept in central London? * Discussions with Theresa Villiers MP Question No: 600 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What transport projects did you discuss at your meeting with Theresa Villiers MP on February 9th? * Meetings with Diplomatic Embassy representatives (1) Question No: 602 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Since June 2008 please list which representatives of diplomatic embassies you have met to discuss their non-payment of the Congestion Charges and when you met them. * Meetings with Diplomatic Embassy representatives (2) Question No: 603 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Since June 2008 please provide a list of where and when any member of your staff or a TfL member of staff has held meetings with any representative of a diplomatic embassy to discuss the non-payment of the Congestion Charge by that embassy. * Bus routes operating on non-TfL maintained roads Question No: 604 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon With a welcome expansion in the number of bus routes operating on non TfL maintained roads, will you talk with London boroughs about what financial support TfL can offer to councils who have to maintain the roads on which some bus routes operate? * City Airport flight path review Question No: 605 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon I believe you are backing calls for a public review of the new flight path brought in last year. What representations have you made or are you planning to make about this to push for a public review?

39 * PPP agreement and Northern Line potential closures Question No: 606 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Tubelines and London Underground have been in talks since last June to reach agreements on the Northern Line upgrade closures. How much has this financially cost TfL in terms of staff time and any mediation fees? * Awarding contracts by TfL (1) Question No: 607 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon When TfL is procuring a service, such as the new signaling on the sub surface lines, what criteria are used to assess each of the tenders? What balance is given between areas such as cost, quality control, record of delivering similar work etc? * Awarding contracts by TfL (2) Question No: 608 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What happens when a tender deadline is set for a specific time on a specific date if one of the bidders submits their bid, say, 90 minutes after that deadline? Is it accepted or automatically ruled out? * Training and skills commitment in transport (1) Question No: 609 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon With the huge upgrade programme on the underground, crossrail and other transport infrastructure improvements planned for the capital what are you doing to encourage all contractors and partners carrying out this work to provide training and apprenticeships for young Londoners and Londoners out of work? How are you coordinating the different training centres and projects that different contractors have established or are developing to maximise impact? * Training and skills commitment in transport (2) Question No: 610 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What are you doing to raise the profile of training and skills initiatives for young Londoners and Londoners out of work provided by contractors and partners working with TfL and with TfL itself? * The extra C10 buses Question No: 611 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What plans do you have to ensure that the additional buses on the C10 route continue after June, as the extended route is proving so popular with passengers in the Rotherhithe area? *

40 Rail summit (1) Question No: 612 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What do you think are the key achievements from your rail summit with the Train Operating Companies held on 12th February? * Rail summit (2) Question No: 613 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon You have agreed to hold another rail summit next year with the Train Operating Companies to look at progress. What will success from your summit look like in a year’s time in terms of fares, stations, customer information, service frequency and progress on other projects? * Rail summit (3) Question No: 614 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Will you ensure your summit next year is open to the public, press and passenger groups? * Meeting with Ian Coucher, Chief Executive of Network Rail Question No: 615 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What issues did you discuss at your meeting with Iain Coucher on 3rd February? * Thameslink (1) Question No: 616 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon At your rail summit you stated that you were worried that Thameslink could be descoped. Please could you explain what discussions you and your office have had with DfT and others about the Thameslink project. What reductions in the proposed service or delays are you anticipating? * Thameslink (2) Question No: 617 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Are you aware of any proposed changes to the plans for to accommodate Thameaslink. If so, please provide details? * Route 45 – extension to Clapham South Question No: 618 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Given that the planned works to upgrade the northern line will result in many weekends of closures and closing stations early in the evening, will you consider extending the 45 bus to Clapham South for the period of the works to assist local residents? *

41 Complaints for delays on the tube Question No: 619 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Could you please provide figures for each of the last five years of the number of charter claim forms received by TfL from passengers seeking compensation for waiting more than 15 minutes for a train, broken down by station; and how many were accepted and compensation paid; and how many were rejected or further information sought? * Neasden Station Question No: 620 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon If as stated in your answer to my previous question (125/2010) TfL are not planning to have trains stopping at Neasden because of the cost of bringing platforms up to standard for passenger use, why have Help Points been installed on those disused platforms at Neasden? What is the cost involved in installing the Help Points on the Metropolitan Line platforms at Neasden Station and do they work? * Neasden Station (2) Question No: 621 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Please can you confirm what the total cost would be in upgrading the platforms at Neasden Station so that Metropolitan line trains can stop there? * Central Traffic Garage closure Question No: 622 / 2010 Jenny Jones Will it take police collision investigators longer to reach collisions in central London as a result of the closure of the Central Traffic Garage at Euston? Will this increase the time taken to restart traffic? * Question No: 623 / 2010 Jenny Jones Are you content with the discount scheme offered to First Capital Connect customers, and are you continuing to press the Secretary of State for Transport for further measures to improve this appalling train service for Londoners? * Electric vehicle charging points Question No: 624 / 2010 Jenny Jones Following your answer to 12/2010, will you instruct TfL to include a requirement to consider a renewable energy supply in the specification for charging points? This will deliver 100% reductions in emissions, rather than the 30-40% reductions achieved with a standard grid supply. *

42 Road works and cyclists Question No: 625 / 2010 Jenny Jones Following your answer to 27/2010, can you confirm that TfL will withhold permits for any road works that do not reference and adhere to the guidelines ‘providing for cyclists at road works’? * Cycle training in schools Question No: 626 / 2010 Jenny Jones How much will have been spent on cycle training in schools in 2009/10 and how much do you anticipate spending in 2010/11? * Smarter travel budget Question No: 627 / 2010 Jenny Jones What was the budget for Travel Demand Management in 2008/09 and what will it be in 2009/10, including money for local authorities? * Road Safety budget Question No: 628 / 2010 Jenny Jones What were the TfL and borough budgets for Road Safety in 2008/09 and 2009/10, and what will they be in 2010/11? * Safety camera notices Question No: 629 / 2010 Jenny Jones Can you confirm that there are forecast to be approximately 224,000 fewer Notices of Intended Prosecution issued to speeding drivers and red light jumpers in 2010/11 compared to the 304,324 in 2008/09? What criteria are being adopted in order to enable such a reduction? * Mixed and balanced communities Question No: 630 / 2010 Jenny Jones How will you monitor the implementation of London Plan policy 3.10 to determine whether neighbourhoods dominated by a single tenure, be that social rented or owner occupied, are becoming more mixed over the next 25 years? * Co-operative housing Question No: 631 / 2010 Jenny Jones Further to your answer to question 9/2010, if a new development was built by a co-operative using the Mutual Home Ownership model, would that also be recorded as social rent or as intermediate ownership? * 43 Affordable housing on public land Question No: 632 / 2010 Jenny Jones What are the other means of ensuring long-term affordability of homes that you allude to in your answer to question 11/2010? * Decent homes (1) Question No: 634 / 2010 Jenny Jones Can you provide a breakdown by borough of the number of homes that you expect to be treated under the Decent Homes programme using the 2008-11 Regional Housing Pot, and the number of homes by borough that will still fall short of this standard at the end of that funding round? * Decent homes (2) Question No: 635 / 2010 Jenny Jones Can you provide the amount spent under the Decent Homes programme in London for each of the financial years since the programme started? * Decent homes (3) Question No: 636 / 2010 Jenny Jones How much more would the government have needed to put into the 2008-11 Regional Housing Pot to allow you, with the boroughs and RSLs, to bring every social rented home in London up to the Decent Homes standard by April 2011? * Decent homes (4) Question No: 637 / 2010 Jenny Jones By when do you expect the Decent Homes research referred to in DD249 to be completed, and will the results be published on the LDA or GLA web site? * Police databases (1) Question No: 638 / 2010 Jenny Jones Further to your answer to question 20/2010, can you confirm that the Metropolitan Police Service also hold records on additional databases such as Crimint and CO11’s photography database, and that the Metropolitan Police Service submit information to other databases such as those managed by the National Public Order Intelligence Unit and the database for the Automatic Number Plate Recognition scheme? *

44 Police databases (2) Question No: 639 / 2010 Jenny Jones What is the current MPS policy for the retention of records for people who were not convicted for a recordable offence, where the MPS owns and manages the database? Is this applied across all databases managed by the MPS? * Police databases (3) Question No: 640 / 2010 Jenny Jones What is the current MPS policy for the retention of records for people who were not convicted for a recordable offence, where the MPS submits information to databases held by others? * Police overtime Question No: 641 / 2010 Jenny Jones Can you provide the total overtime bill for the Met’s policing of public demonstrations in each of the years since 2000, not including opportunity costs, indicating how much of this bill was met by external contributions? * Young people’s travel passes Question No: 643 / 2010 Darren Johnson What are the Mayor and TfL doing to ensure that young people are taught to swipe their free travel passes on buses? * Animal welfare Question No: 644 / 2010 Darren Johnson How do you intend to pursue animal welfare issues in the capital following the loss of the dedicated Animal Welfare Officer post within the Environment Team at City Hall? * Crofton Park Safer Neighbourhoods Team Question No: 645 / 2010 Darren Johnson As Mayor are you concerned that the Crofton Park Safer Neighbourhoods Team in is effectively four officers short and will you pursue this matter with the MPS to ensure that the team is brought back up to strength as soon as possible? * Royal correspondence Question No: 646 / 2010 Darren Johnson Can you assure me that you will be open about any lobbying you have received by members of the Royal Family or anyone else and that you will put relevant information on the public record, particularly where it concerns matters that relate to your statutory powers such as planning

45 applications? * Air quality time extension (1) Question No: 647 / 2010 Darren Johnson If a time extension is granted from 2010 to 2015 (or earlier) to comply with the limit value for nitrogen dioxide, the Government must ensure that the limit value plus maximum margin of tolerance is not exceeded from 1st January 2010 i.e. an annual mean concentration of 60 micrograms nitrogen dioxide per cubic metre. The UK will be subject to infraction action if this requirement is not met. Please therefore list all the monitoring sites belonging to the London Air Quality Network where annual mean concentrations of nitrogen dioxide exceeded 60 micrograms per cubic metre in 2008 and/or 2009 (using provisional figures where necessary), providing the percentage reduction required in order to comply with the limit value plus plus maximum margin of tolerance limit in 2010. * Air quality time extension Question No: 648 / 2010 Darren Johnson In your answer to my question 62 / 2010 about the fitting of particulate filters already approved by the Energy Savings Trust to Olympic construction vehicles it appears that your “quick pilot” announced last May has now turned into a desk study leading to a field trial which may then lead to implementation. At what point will particulate filters be fitted to all Olympic construction vehicles and how does this affect your promise that you will meet the limit values for PM10 “as soon as possible”? * Air quality cover up Question No: 649 / 2010 Darren Johnson Do you agree that the Government has covered up the full scale of the impacts of air pollution on the health of Londoners? Will you write to the Department of Health to ask them to clarify their figures for premature deaths due to both short term exposure to PM10 (coarse particles) and long term exposure to PM2.5 (fine particles)? * First capital connect Question No: 650 / 2010 Darren Johnson Given the statement from Chris Mole, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport responsible for trains, that First Capital Connect would not have its franchise removed despite the appalling service Londoners have put up with in recent months, what further steps are you taking having previously written to the Secretary of State and have you made any progress in lobbying for the removal of their franchise? * Staffing at train stations Question No: 651 / 2010 Darren Johnson Will you guarantee that stations and ticket barriers are staffed for the full operating hours, even if you close ticket offices?

46 * Electric vehicles Question No: 652 / 2010 Darren Johnson To what extent are your plans for 1,000 electric vehicles for the GLA family and 2,500 charging points reliant upon funding from the Office of Low Emission Vehicles? Will you ensure that Transport for London fund these commitments if the bids are turned down? * New Bus for London (1) Question No: 653 / 2010 Darren Johnson Now that the contract has been awarded, what do you estimate the liability insurance premiums will be for the first New Buses for London, as compared to standard double-decker buses? * New Bus for London (2) Question No: 654 / 2010 Darren Johnson Can you confirm that the cost is approx £2.2m per bus for the first five buses? * New Bus for London (3) Question No: 655 / 2010 Darren Johnson How many buses will need to be produced in order to make the new bus for London “competitive with comparable bus types” as per your answer to question 0462/2009? * New Bus for London (4) Question No: 656 / 2010 Darren Johnson Will the trials of the new bus include comparisons to standard double-deckers on the basis of staffing costs and safety risk? * Bus Kilometres Question No: 657 / 2010 Darren Johnson Further to question 0057/2010, can you break the figure down by route per month? * Air quality special measures (1) Question No: 658 / 2010 Darren Johnson Following your answer to question 66/2010 that you intend to help meet the EU limit values for PM10 and nitrogen dioxide as soon as possible, will you consider introducing special measures this summer to deal with pollution episodes which take us over the European standards? *

47 Air quality special measures (2) Question No: 659 / 2010 Darren Johnson Can you list the boroughs with which you or your officers have specifically discussed road closures and diversions in order to address air pollution? * Reforms for London’s economy (1) Question No: 660 / 2010 Darren Johnson If major firms in London’s financial services sector are “too big to fail”, what reforms are you proposing to protect Londoners from a future crisis in the sector? * Reforms for London’s economy (2) Question No: 661 / 2010 Darren Johnson In the absence of a means to force the financial services to adequately insure themselves against risk, which you proposed in an Observer article on the 24th January, what reforms would you propose in the UK to protect Londoners against excessive risk taking in the sector? * Reforms for London’s economy (3) Question No: 662 / 2010 Darren Johnson When you met the European Commission to discuss reforms that would affect London’s financial services, what positive reform proposals did you suggest? * Reforms for London’s economy (4) Question No: 663 / 2010 Darren Johnson If the next government aims to re-balance London’s economy away from the over-dependence of the past on financial services, public spending and the property market, how would your policies contribute to this aim? * London Green Fund (1) Question No: 664 / 2010 Darren Johnson Can you be more specific than “medium-term” in projecting when you expect the London Green Fund to reach the size of £100m of investment? * London Green Fund (2) Question No: 665 / 2010 Darren Johnson What metrics and standards will the fund manager use to analyse the financial and environmental impacts of investment decisions? Will they also consider social impacts? *

48 Green Procurement Code (1) Question No: 666 / 2010 Darren Johnson Does the GLA group promote your Green Procurement Code when posting contracts on the CompeteFor system? * Green Procurement Code (2) Question No: 667 / 2010 Darren Johnson Can you provide a breakdown of the number of contractors procured by the GLA group who have won bronze, silver and gold accreditation under your Green Procurement Code? Can you also indicate the total value of these projects? * Climate Change Mitigation Strategy Question No: 668 / 2010 Darren Johnson Please can you provide the data represented in figures 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6, 5.3, 6.3, and 8.4? * Climate Change Investment (1) Question No: 669 / 2010 Darren Johnson How did you arrive at the figure of £17bn of investment needed to deliver your part of the 60% carbon dioxide reduction? Can you provide a breakdown of how much investment is needed by sector, and, within that, by programme? * Climate Change Investment (2) Question No: 670 / 2010 Darren Johnson How much of the £17bn investment needed to deliver your part of the 60% carbon dioxide reduction is needed by 2015 to meet the 22% interim carbon dioxide reduction target? * Climate Change Investment (3) Question No: 671 / 2010 Darren Johnson How much of £17bn investment needed to deliver your part of the 60% carbon dioxide reduction is needed between 2015 and 2020 to meet the 38% interim carbon dioxide reduction target? * Climate Change Investment (4) Question No: 672 / 2010 Darren Johnson How did you arrive at the figure of £60bn total investment needed to deliver the 60% carbon dioxide reduction in London? Can you provide a breakdown by sector? * 49 Climate Change Investment (5) Question No: 673 / 2010 Darren Johnson How much of the £60bn total investment will need to happen between now and 2015 to reach the 22% interim carbon dioxide emissions reduction target? * Climate Change Investment (6) Question No: 674 / 2010 Darren Johnson How much of the £60bn total investment will need to happen between 2015 and 2020 to reach the 38% interim carbon dioxide emissions reduction target? * JESSICA funding Question No: 675 / 2010 Darren Johnson How much of the £64m JESSICA funding allocated to decentralised energy has or will be put into the London Green Fund? * Decentralised energy financing (1) Question No: 676 / 2010 Darren Johnson How much of the £5-7bn overall investment will need to be invested between now and 2015 to reach the target of 10% decentralised energy by 2015? * Decentralised energy financing (2) Question No: 677 / 2010 Darren Johnson To reach the 10% decentralised energy target in 2015 how much money do you expect to be invested from a) European funding b) national government c) LDA or GLA funds and d) private investment? * HEEP financing (1) Question No: 678 / 2010 Darren Johnson How much will the HEEP programme cost in the period 2012-2015, to deliver cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and easy measures to 1 million homes? * HEEP financing (2) Question No: 679 / 2010 Darren Johnson What levels of funding do you expect from a) LDA or GLA funds, b) other public investment, and c) private investment for HEEP between 2012-2015? *

50 HEEP and fuel poverty Question No: 680 / 2010 Darren Johnson As HEEP is rolled out will you include additional funds to ensure that insulation can be provided for free to the 159,000 fuel poor households in London that do not qualify for free insulation under the Government’s Warm Front scheme? * BEEP (1) Question No: 681 / 2010 Darren Johnson Will all of the 200 BEEP building retrofits per year in 2012-15 be financed by the London Green Fund? If not, where will the additional funding come from? * BEEP (2) Question No: 682 / 2010 Darren Johnson What is the anticipated overall cost to retrofit 600 buildings through BEEP in 2012-15? * Waste reduction targets Question No: 683 / 2010 Darren Johnson How did you arrive at the target of 790kg of waste per household in your draft Municipal Waste Strategy? * Used cooking oil (1) Question No: 684 / 2010 Darren Johnson Why does your draft Municipal Waste Strategy have no proposals for the collection, refinement and utilisation of bio-diesel made from London’s waste cooking oil? * Used cooking oil (2) Question No: 685 / 2010 Darren Johnson Why does your draft Municipal Waste Strategy not contain proposals for using bio-diesel converted from waste cooking oil in public transport and local authority owned vehicles? * Methane from landfill sites Question No: 686 / 2010 Darren Johnson Why does your draft Municipal Waste Strategy not contain specific policies to maximise the extraction of methane gas from landfill sites both operational and filled, for energy generation? *

51 Plastic bag free London Question No: 687 / 2010 Darren Johnson In your draft Municipal Waste Strategy you propose to develop a roadmap towards a plastic bag free London working with London Councils. Can you explain how this roadmap will work? * Food waste collections Question No: 688 / 2010 Darren Johnson The target date by which local authorities were expected to provide a dry recyclables collection was a real success of the previous Municipal Waste Strategy. Will you consider setting a similar target date by which all local authorities are expected to provide separate food waste collections? * Textile waste Question No: 689 / 2010 Darren Johnson What specific policies or programmes are you bringing forward to effect a ‘paradigm shift from throwaway culture’, particularly with regard to the problem of cheap fashion clothes in landfill? * Markets for recycled waste Question No: 690 / 2010 Darren Johnson What specific policies or programmes are you bringing forward to boost demand for recycled waste in London? * Renewable Content Obligation Bill Question No: 691 / 2010 Darren Johnson Do you think this bill would benefit Londoners by obliging manufacturers to include a proportion of recycled materials such as glass, paper, metal and plastics in manufacture, which in turn would create demand for recycled materials? * Waste crisis in London (1) Question No: 692 / 2010 Darren Johnson Your environment advisor was recently reported as saying that London is facing a major waste crisis in the middle of the current decade. Can you provide a detailed explanation? * Waste crisis in London (2) Question No: 693 / 2010 Darren Johnson Given the reported waste crisis due by the middle of the decade, has the London Waste and Recycling Board proved it is able to deliver the necessary waste infrastructure? * 52 Waste crisis in London (3) Question No: 694 / 2010 Darren Johnson Given the reported impending waste crisis in the middle of the decade, would you agree there is a strong argument for a single waste authority for London? * Food to fuel alliance Question No: 695 / 2010 Darren Johnson Is your Food to Fuel Alliance on track to deliver at least 5 exemplar food projects by 2012? Can you provide an update? * Open source software Question No: 696 / 2010 Darren Johnson How are the GLA and functional bodies implementing the Government’s open source action plan, recently re-issued by the Cabinet Office? * London Datastore Question No: 697 / 2010 Darren Johnson Will you ensure that when you release publications such as draft strategies, the data represented in charts, graphs and tables are entered into the Datastore? * Outer London Commission final report Question No: 698 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that this report would be published in autumn 2009. When can we expect the final report, and what is the reason for the delay? * Violence against women action plan Question No: 699 / 2010 Darren Johnson Having published your call for action in April 2009, you originally stated that the action plan would be published in autumn 2009. What is the reason for the delay? * Environment direction of travel statement Question No: 700 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that this would be published in spring 2009, but it was only published in July 2009. What was the reason for the delay? *

53 Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy Question No: 701 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that the draft strategy for Assembly consultation would be published in the last quarter of 2008, but it was only published in February 2010. What was the reason for the delay? * Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Question No: 702 / 2010 Darren Johnson You published your draft strategy for Assembly consultation in winter 2008, but have only just published your draft strategy for public consultation in February 2010. What was the reason for the delay? * Municipal Waste Management Strategy Question No: 703 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that the draft strategy for public consultation would be published in June 2009, but it was only published in January 2010. What was the reason for the delay? * Air Quality Strategy Question No: 704 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that the draft strategy would be published by mid 2009, later revised to the summer of 2009, but it was only published in October 2009. What was the reason for the delay? * Refugee Integration Strategy Question No: 705 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that this strategy would be published by spring 2009, but it was only published in December 2009. What was the reason for the delay? * Evaluation of London Plan energy policies Question No: 706 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that this report would be published by September 2009, but it was only published in December 2009. What was the reason for the delay? * report Question No: 707 / 2010 Darren Johnson You originally stated that this report would be published in March 2009, but it was only published in October 2009. What was the reason for the delay? * 54 Davos Question No: 709 / 2010 John Biggs Apart from meeting three people, attending a dinner and a lunch and a reception, at the last of which you ‘spoke’, what was the pupose of your visit to Davos? If it had been held in Cricklewood would you have bothered to attend? * North London Line Question No: 715 / 2010 Murad Qureshi Can you clarify the situation regarding the signaling upgrade to the North London Line? * Carbon Footprint of Londoners Question No: 716 / 2010 Murad Qureshi How does your strategy deal with the disparity in carbon emissions between wealthy and poorer boroughs? * Carbon Allowance Question No: 717 / 2010 Murad Qureshi Would you support personal carbon allowances for Londoners? * Air Quality Question No: 718 / 2010 Murad Qureshi How has the car scrappage scheme, launched last May, helped improve air quality in London? 3 bus Question No: 723 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross It is clear from TfL’s own figures that complaints from disabled passengers on route 3 have not reduced over recent years as they have on other routes. What measures are TfL planning to take to tackle this?

Taxi touting Question No: 724 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Representatives from London’s licensed black taxi trade have been in contact with me to raise concerns about the ‘satellite’ licensed minicab offices which have been set up in some late night venues. The drivers believe that the creation of these offices has resulted in minicab operators standing on the street with clipboards touting for business, which could provide a cover for unlicensed drivers. What measures are in place to monitor these offices to ensure that they operate appropriately and meet their aim of provide a safe way home for customers? *

55 Taxi touting 2 Question No: 725 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Representatives from London’s licensed black taxi trade have raised concerns about ‘satellite’ minicab offices having been set up in venues such as tobacconists’ kiosks and 24-hour supermarkets in central London. What are the criteria for venues wishing to set up a satellite office on site and are there any restrictions? How are such premises monitored to ensure that unlicensed cabs are not using these premises as a cover? * Taxi touting 3 Question No: 726 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Representatives from London’s licensed black taxi trade have been in touch with me to raise complaints about the illegal ‘ranking’ of private hire minicabs outside late night venues in Central London. Will you arrange for representatives from the PCO to discuss this issue with the black cab drivers, identify and target relevant locations? * Northern Line Closures Question No: 727 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross How many full and partial weekend closures does TfL believe are necessary to complete the planned upgrade works? * Mid route bus driver changeovers Question No: 728 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross How long should passengers aboard routes like the 188 and the 1 be expected to wait on a stationary bus while drivers changeover mid route? * 78 Bus (1) Question No: 729 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross After a short period of improvement I am now receiving renewed complaints about the 78 bus, particularly that bus journeys are frequently being terminated at Aldgate and Peckham Rye rather than Shoreditch and Nunhead, often with little notice being given to passengers. This is having a knock on effect on those waiting to board services from the ends of the route. What steps are being taken to address these ongoing performance problems on the route? * 78 Bus (2) Question No: 730 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross I have received worrying reports from Nunhead that 78 bus drivers are telling passengers that the route is due to be converted from single to double decker and that it will no longer serve Nunhead. Can you assure Nunhead residents that they will not be losing this vital bus service? *

56 P12 Bus Question No: 731 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Parents and children from St Francesca Cabrini, Fairlawn, Prendergast and Kingsdale Schools all rely on the Honor Oak Park end of the P12 bus route. In recent weeks I have received complaints about the buses being terminated early at Brenchley Gardens around the end of the school day making parents late to collect their children and often leaving them with a long wait for a bus back home. In one case parents were even driven to stage a sit in until the driver relented and drove on so they could pick up their small children! Will you take steps to ensure that efforts to regulate the P12 service in the middle of the route are balanced up against the need to provide a full service to the end of the route, particularly at the beginning and end of the school day? * Police cuts in Southwark Question No: 732 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross What will the impact of your cut of 455 Metropolitan Police Officers by 2012/13 be on the number of Police Officers serving Southwark? * Police cuts in Lambeth Question No: 733 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross What will the impact of your cut of 455 Metropolitan Police Officers by 2012/13 be on the number of Police Officers serving Lambeth? * Toyota Prius - Private Hire Vehicles Question No: 734 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross In light of the possible recall of Toyota Prius vehicles to repair the problem with the brakes, can we be assured that if necessary the licenses of those being used as Private Hire vehicles will be suspended until proof of repair is provided to ensure the safety of all passengers and drivers in London? * Horns Tavern, Knights Hill Question No: 735 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Will you encourage TfL (Bus priority team) to work with Lambeth traffic engineers to adopt their proposed solution to the longstanding problems of unloading outside the Horns Tavern on Knights Hill? * 149 Bus Question No: 736 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross What is the current peak hour capacity of the 149 bus? What will it be after the bendy buses are replaced with double deckers? *

57 63 Bus Question No: 737 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross In answer to my MQT 0245/2009 in December you said that you do not believe “that there is sufficient demand to justify the extension of route 63 to Honor Oak.” Do you agree with me that once the first phase of the East London Line Extension opens in a few months time that demand to travel to Honor Oak Station will increase and that therefore TfL should reconsider this proposal? * Bus Countdown (1) Question No: 738 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross How many bus stops are there in London? How many of these will be fitted with new countdown signs by summer 2012? * Bus Countdown (2) Question No: 739 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Please provide a list of how many on-street bus countdown signs you are proposing to allocate to each London borough. * Windrush Square Question No: 740 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross I welcome the development of the new Windrush Square, a new top class open space for the centre of Brixton and I want to make sure it serves its intended purpose - that is to provide a much needed focal point and pleasant environment for the local community. How you will ensure that the space is properly managed and kept free from crime and anti-social behaviour? * Southwark Station platform ticket (1) Question No: 741 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross I was very disappointed with your answer to 221/2010, and, with regard to the ‘platform’ fee to walk though Southwark Station from Waterloo East, which is publicised as an interchange at both stations, please answer this question from a passenger: Why would someone purchase a rail ticket, travel legally on the train and then try to travel illegally on the tube? * Southwark Station platform ticket (2) Question No: 742 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross In relation to the 20p ‘platform’ charge at Southwark Station for passengers who have arrived at Waterloo East by train, regarding your fear that not charging the fee will encourage fare evasion, please answer this question from a bemused commuter: Most tube stations have gates, how would a passenger seeking to avoid paying a tube fare manage to exit the station at their destination?

58 Most tube stations have gates, how would a passenger seeking to avoid paying a tube fare manage to exit the station at their destination? * Southwark Station platform ticket (3) Question No: 743 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross How was the 20p sum arrived at for this charge? * Southwark Station platform ticket (4) Question No: 744 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross How much revenue do TfL anticipate charging customers 20p to walk from Waterloo East to will raise? * Southwark Station platform ticket (5) Question No: 745 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross To date, how many platform tickets have been sold to customers wishing to walk from Waterloo East to Southwark station since the charge was introduced? * Southwark Station platform ticket (6) Question No: 746 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross To date, how many platform tickets have been sold to customers wishing to walk from Southwark Station to Waterloo East since the charge was introduced? * Southwark Station platform ticket (7) Question No: 747 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Prior to the introduction of the platform charge between Waterloo East and Southwark stations, how many people were apprehended for fare evasion when changing from Waterloo East onto the underground at Southwark? * Tanfield Avenue, NW2 Question No: 748 / 2010 Navin Shah What measures are TfL looking at to reduce road traffic casualties and bus journey times along Tanfield Avenue NW2? * SNT Base Question No: 749 / 2010 Navin Shah Although the new Safer Neighbourhood Team base for Harlesden and Kensal Green wards, opened in Station Road NW10 last month, residents have been less than pleased to be greeted

59 by a digital screen informing them “this police office has no front desk and is not manned”. A. What is the point of unmanned police offices? B. How are residents meant to be reassured by the opening of an unmanned police office? C. How many SNT bases in London actually have a front desk? Please list. D. What has been the total expenditure on unmanned police offices, both under your Mayoralty and the previous? * Ticket Offices Question No: 750 / 2010 Navin Shah Have you decided which 144 ticket offices you wish to close? Are you able to reassure residents of Outer London boroughs that they will not feel the biggest effects of this move, given lower passenger numbers per station? * Harrow Road Police Station Question No: 751 / 2010 Navin Shah Following his visit to Harrow Police Station last month, David Hanson MP, the minister for policing has agreed with many, including the former borough commander, that the station is not fit for purpose. Now the MPA has a new chair, are we likely to see the already secured funds for the Estate Strategy actually spent enabling police officers? * Bus Lay-by Works Question No: 752 / 2010 Navin Shah Does the Mayor join me in condemning Brent Highway’s commencement of bus lay-by works on Chamberlayne Road, NW10, five days before public consultation on the scheme ended? * Reduction in Bus Services Question No: 753 / 2010 Navin Shah Thank you for your answer to question 202/2010. Where do you anticipate reductions in bus services due to the creation of new rail capacity, beyond Crossrail? * Bus Subsidy Question No: 754 / 2010 Navin Shah Thank you for your answer to question 202/2010. Do you acknowledge the role of subsidy in enabling you to make the statement “The average fare on remain one of the cheapest in England”? Would you accept these are somewhat flippant words when responding to a question on your decision to increase fares, a decision that will hit the poorest Londoners hardest? *

60 Station Upgrades Question No: 755 / 2010 Navin Shah In reference to question 201/2010, please note I stated ‘For the success of Intensification Areas in Outer London it is critical that improvements of public transport hubs are fully funded.’ Do you believe s106 agreement funds will be great enough to fully fund large capacity boosting work at key stations for intensification areas, for example the now cancelled plans to boost capacity and access at Harrow-on-the-Hill that was costed at £18-20m? At which point of economic recovery will this be so? * Intensification Areas Question No: 756 / 2010 Navin Shah Does the designation of an ‘intensification area’ within the London Plan have any direct financial consequences, in terms of grant from any GLA functional body, at all? * Transport for London/Network Rail/Train Operating Companies Question No: 757 / 2010 Navin Shah Please list successful examples of the “influence to secure improvements” (Q 201/2010) TfL has exerted over Network Rail and Train Operating Companies since your election in May 2008. Please provide separate answers for London Overground related improvements and improvements on other lines, e.g. Chiltern. * Transport for London/Network Rail/Train Operating Companies 2 Question No: 758 / 2010 Navin Shah How successful would you say TfL’s “influence to secure improvements” from Network Rail and train operating companies has been along the London Overground/ corridor? Please do not answer with reference to S106 secured improvements, such as Wembley Central. * Guaranteeing Safer Neighbourhood Teams Question No: 759 / 2010 Navin Shah Can you guarantee your reductions in police numbers in this budget will not affect Safer Neighbourhood Team policing? * 225 Bus Question No: 760 / 2010 Len Duvall Further to your answer to question number 261/2010, please will you ask TfL to clarify and breakdown how they arrived at the additional operating costs of extending the 225 at £609,000 for a relatively short proposed extension? *

61 Bus links to/from Verdant Lane/Whitefoot Lane Question No: 761 / 2010 Len Duvall It has been suggested that a bus service from Hither Green along Verdant Lane, Whitefoot Lane and Southend Lane to serve the large Sainsbury’s store at Bell Green would be a much valued and used service. The Verdant Lane area does not benefit from proximity to a rail station and is relatively difficult to access by public transport. Such a service would provide a potentially very popular link with benefits for residents in the Verdant and Whitefoot Lane area. Will you ask TfL to explore possible options? * Junction of Ravensbourne Park and Catford Road Question No: 762 / 2010 Len Duvall Can the Mayor give me an update on work being undertaken by TfL concerning the junction of Ravensbourne Park and Catford Road? * Affordable Housing Question No: 763 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Has the Mayor undertaken any assessment of housing developments stalling over the past year as a result of the current economic conditions? * Affordable Housing 2 Question No: 764 / 2010 Nicky Gavron How many stalled housing developments have accessed/applied for the Kick Start fund? * Affordable Housing 3 Question No: 765 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Of the 2008/2009 planning applications referred to you that include housing, how many do not support any social rented or intermediate housing on the basis of financial unviability? * Affordable Housing 4 Question No: 766 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Of the 2008/2009 planning applications referred to you which include housing, how many do not support any social housing on the basis of financial viability? * Affordable Housing 5 Question No: 767 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Of the 2008/2009 planning applications referred to you which include housing, how many do not support any social housing on the basis of financial viability, but do support intermediate? * 62 Affordable Housing 6 Question No: 768 / 2010 Nicky Gavron How will you monitor the level of affordable housing applications that are not referred to you, but dealt with at borough level? * Affordable Housing 7 Question No: 769 / 2010 Nicky Gavron How many 2008/2009 applications not referred to you, but dealt with at a borough level do not support any social housing on the basis of financial viability? * Affordable Housing 8 Question No: 770 / 2010 Nicky Gavron How many 2008/2009 applications not referred to you, but dealt with at a borough level do not support any affordable housing on the basis of financial viability? * Affordable Housing 9 Question No: 771 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Since you became Mayor, are you concerned at the number of planning proposals dealt with either at a borough level or referred to you that are not supported on the basis of being financially unviable? * London Plan (1) Question No: 772 / 2010 Nicky Gavron As too many families are living in over crowded conditions will you set higher targets for the number of 3 and 4 bed roomed socially rented properties? * London Plan (2) Question No: 773 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Given the recent report on the effects of overcrowding on children published by South London Citizens would the Mayor agree that there is great need to stipulate a minimum bedroom size in all housing? * London Plan (3) Question No: 774 / 2010 Nicky Gavron The government has stated it will need to monitor the usefulness of National Indicator 186 and whether the voluntary approach to the agreement of local targets on CO2 emissions is delivering the level of progress required by national targets. Do you intend to monitor information about Local Authority achievement of these emissions?

63 * Climate Change (1) Question No: 775 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Does the Mayor know which councils give priority to reducing CO2 emissions? * Climate Change (2) Question No: 776 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Does the Mayor know which councils are most successful in percentage reduction in CO2 emissions? * Climate Change (3) Question No: 777 / 2010 Nicky Gavron Does the Mayor accept the recommendations in the London Sustainable Development Commission’s Capital Consumption report to base emission targets on consumption rather that production? * Ticket Machines & Freedom Passes Question No: 778 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Why are Freedom Pass//Oyster Travelcard holders unable to buy tickets from the Boundary Zones to their destinations from Ticket Machines, ticket machines will only allow tickets to be purchased from the station that the ticket machine is located at. In other countries you can buy tickets from A to B * Buses on the South Circular Question No: 779 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Given the generally poor standard of east-west public transport connections in south London and in particular the lack of direct bus routes along the South Circular in Lambeth between Tulse Hill and Streatham Hill what plans do TfL have to improve the situation and help to reduce reliance on the private car for trips between Tulse Hill, Streatham and Clapham? * C10 Bus Question No: 780 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross What plans do you have for improving the performance of the appalling C10 service * TfL Industrial Relations (1) Question No: 781 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross London Underground, a constituent part of Transport for London, has agreed for their employees a two-year pay settlement (2009-11) with the recognised Trade Unions. Transport 64 for London is refusing to reach an equivalent arrangement with the Unions for their employees in the , Corporate and Surface Transport Directorates. I have been told that TfL have written individually to all employees in these areas and told them that if they are not a member of a recognised trade union they can sign a personal form to accept the pay increase and it will be paid to them One Unite member, who has signed the form agreeing to the offer, has now been told that he will not be getting the pay increase ‘because he is a member of a trade union’ Does the Mayor agree that discriminating against employees for being trade union members is an inappropriate way for TfL’s managers to conduct industrial relations? * TfL Industrial Relations (2) Question No: 782 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Transport for London have told trade union members working in the London Rail, Corporate and Surface Transport directorates that, because they are members of a recognised trade union with which it cannot reach agreement on pay, they are withdrawing from them access to TfL’s 75% rail fare reimbursement scheme. Does the Mayor recognise that this has a serious effect on TfL’s employees’ ability to meet their bills, and does he accept that these confrontational tactics are an inappropriate way to conduct industrial relations? * TfL Industrial Relations (3) Question No: 783 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Are you satisfied that the following information provided to TfL (non LUL) employees by TfL at http://source.tfl/PeopleAndDevelopment/10536.aspx is lawful? This is a direct quote .’’ Am I eligible for this pay increase? You are eligible for this pay increase if you: • work in TfL Corporate, London Rail or Surface Transport and are in pay bands 1-3 or on an equivalent grade, having TUPE’d into TfL from other organisations, and • are either a member of PCS, or • are not a member of any other of the recognised unions, and • have been in post prior to 1 January 2009, and • received an “achieved”, “exceeded” or “outstanding” performance rating for the 2008/09 performance year” * Use of E Pay to pay Congestion charge Question No: 784 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross I have had a complaint from a driver who has twice been sent a PCN for non-payment of the congestion charge despite having paid by Epay at a newsagents. He discovered that the problem is that the zero ‘0’ was confused with an ‘o’ when entering his vehicle registration. And this wasn’t apparent from the till receipt. He asks TfL to explain: (a) the reason for the policy decision to use Epay’s services

65 (b) how many problems there have been with Epay since November of last year and whether and how many people have had the same issues with the entering of the registration numbers of their vehicles (c) how well the training of Epay operatives has been supervised, if at all, by Transport for London (d) whether Transport for London is aware of the poor quality of the Epay customer services contact phone line (e) whether Transport for London does make an effort to make clear that receipts for the payment of the charge must have the make and model of the vehicle concerned [the old Paypoint receipts did not] (f) why it is that Transport for London cannot ask Epay to print receipts that clearly differentiate between the number zero and the letter ‘O’. * Helicopters over SE1 Question No: 785 / 2010 Valerie Shawcross Can you supply me with the numbers of Police helicopter movements in the last recorded year over the area east of known as the Tabard Estate SE1 * Northern Line closures Question No: 786 / 2010 Jennette Arnold As part of the proposed 16 months of early evening closures on the Northern Line from July onwards, evening services will start to ramp down from 20:30 onwards. How will this affect the average waiting time between 20.30 and 22.30? * New Bus for London Question No: 787 / 2010 Jennette Arnold The project monitoring and project approvals report presented at the TfL’s latest Finance and Policy Committee shows that an additional £10.876m was approved for the development and delivery of 5 vehicles under the new bus for London project. This means that, at a total approval of £11.37m, the cost of each bus will come to £2.27m. How does your new bus for London offer value for money to Londoners? * Tubelines versus ex Metronet Question No: 788 / 2010 John Biggs You repeatedly attack Tubelines. Have there been any slippages or mistakes on the former Metronet contracts which, if it were still a separate organisation, you would similarly attack? And for each of the outputs required on former Metronet Works, has there been any slippage, additional possession requirement or cost overrun? Please list each of these outputs and in this highlight the cases where overrun or over-cost has happened. *

66 Circle Line Crash Question No: 789 / 2010 John Biggs What was the cause of the collision at Aldgate Station recently? Whose fault was it? Who is to blame? Who did you denounce for this? * Aldgate East 1 Question No: 790 / 2010 John Biggs When will the substantive station works be finished (other than the Western entrance affected by the delays to construction above the site)? How far behind the contracted or promised date will this be? * Aldgate East 2 Question No: 791 / 2010 John Biggs When will the Western entrance, on the North side of Whitechapel High Street, be reopened? * Aldgate East 3 Question No: 792 / 2010 John Biggs Will the promised lift, to be delivered as part of the planning permission for the site above the Western entrance, now be provided? What has happened to this agreement, implementation of which I understood was affected by Icelandic banking problems? * Exclusivity Question No: 793 / 2010 John Biggs How were you able to speak exclusively, with substantially identically worded articles, to the Wandsworth Guardian, Epson Guardian, Kingston Guardian and Wimbledon Guardian (and at least two others) on the same day? * Council run newspapers Question No: 794 / 2010 John Biggs Do you agree with some commentators who have said that council run newspapers are a ‘ludicrous waste of money’ or is there perhaps a bigger problem which is that local newspapers are in a crisis because of falling revenues and circulations because of other changing behaviour, in particular the growth of the internet, a position only marginally, if at all, exacerbated by local authorities? * Ethical Standards Question No: 795 / 2010 John Biggs Do these extend to the Fire Authority?

67 * Indian Offices Question No: 796 / 2010 John Biggs Why did you reverse your previous decision and when was this decided and by whom and where reported? Can you append a copy of the report explaining this decision to your written replies? * Crime Data Question No: 797 / 2010 John Biggs Would you ever mislead over crime data? * Aquarium Question No: 798 / 2010 John Biggs Will you be supporting any proposals for aquariums under your administration? * Fares lower than 10 years ago Question No: 799 / 2010 John Biggs If fares are lower in real terms than 10 years ago, while you have done nothing but raise them, do you accept that someone else might have been responsible for this situation? Should such a person, relative to you, be celebrated as a hero or a villain? * Blackwall Toll Question No: 800 / 2010 John Biggs Do you unequivocally reject such a proposal? * London City Airport Question No: 801 / 2010 John Biggs Will you be commenting to the review by the CAA of altered flight paths? * City Safe Haven Question No: 802 / 2010 John Biggs How will a passing, threatened, young person know that City Hall is a safe haven? * Convention Centre Question No: 803 / 2010 John Biggs What definition of ’convention centre’ did you use in your answer to 233/2010?

68 * Lord Mayor of London Question No: 804 / 2010 John Biggs Why is the non-award of a knighthood ‘small minded and petty’? Should everyone have one? Should it attach to certain jobs as of right? * Special Constable Question No: 805 / 2010 John Biggs What is the difference between a special constable and the ordinary type? * New Vice Chair of MPA Question No: 806 / 2010 Murad Qureshi Congratulations in appointing Reshard Auladin as vice chair of the MPA. Could you inform me what his remuneration package is for holding this position? * Air Quality Strategy I Question No: 807 / 2010 Murad Qureshi What further discussions have taken palace or are planned between you or your office and the European Commission since publication of the first draft of your Air Quality Strategy? * Air Quality Strategy II Question No: 808 / 2010 Murad Qureshi The first draft of your Air Quality Strategy does not contain sufficient measures to ensure London’s air quality meets EU pollution levels. Will you ensure the public draft does? * Crossrail I Question No: 809 / 2010 Murad Qureshi In answer to my question 305 / 2010 you indicated the peak construction period for Crossrail would be three months. When will this be? * Crossrail II Question No: 810 / 2010 Murad Qureshi In answer to my question 305 / 2010 you indicated that during Crossrail’s peak construction period of three months an average of 100 lorries per day would access the worksite. Will there be restrictions on the time of day these movements may take place or a cap set of the number of vehicles accessing the site each day? *

69 Crossrail III Question No: 811 / 2010 Murad Qureshi In answer to my question 305 / 2010 you indicated that during Crossrail’s peak construction period of three months an average of 100 lorries per day would access the worksite and that outside this time lorry movements would reduce to approximately 40 to 50 per day. For how long will these lorry movements continue overall? How many lorry movements will be needed in total? * Crossrail IV Question No: 812 / 2010 Murad Qureshi I note that London Councils has recently relaxed the London Night Lorry Control Scheme. Is there now any impediment to lorries or other works vehicles accessing the Crossrail site throughout the night? * Crossrail V Question No: 813 / 2010 Murad Qureshi Crossrail works are already causing disruption to the residents and businesses around the Royal Oak portal, which is set to continue for some years to come. Would you please give detail of any compensation scheme available to mitigate for this disruption and who is eligible to claim under the scheme? * Camden Town Question No: 814 / 2010 Murad Qureshi How will new weekend closures affect Camden Town Tube station? * GLA Offices in India Question No: 815 / 2010 Murad Qureshi In your reply to question 0309/2010 you state that you are conducting a review into the future of the GLA offices in Mumbai and Delhi. But you have already conducted a review, which reported in January 2009. It found that “the rationale for London to have offices in key emerging markets is fundamentally sound” and that “the GLA’s offices do play an important role in promoting London’s interests, from supporting the capital’s businesses to enhancing the image of our city around the world”. Why did you ignore the result of that review and allow the India offices to close? * Thames Estuary Airport Question No: 816 / 2010 Murad Qureshi Do you think building an airport in the Thames Estuary could be one of the biggest and bravest things you do? Please answer directly, yes or no *

70 Vehicle Emissions Question No: 817 / 2010 Murad Qureshi What would be the reduction in harmful emissions if a ten-year age limit for taxis and private hire vehicles were introduced in 2012? * Time for Action Question No: 818 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Why have I not received the work plans and costings as promised in MQT 2745/2009 ? * Police Specials (1) Question No: 819 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Why have you cut the number of specials due to be in place for the start of the Olympics from 10,000 to 6,667? * Police Specials (2) Question No: 820 / 2010 Joanne McCartney On 23 March 2009 you issued a press release stating, “The Mayor has agreed £32 million of funding from the MPA and Policing Minister Vernon Coaker for the recruitment of 10,000 Specials by the 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games.” What has happened to the £32m, especially the £8m the Home Office committed to the project? * Police Specials (4) Question No: 821 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Where do you intend to use police specials in place of police officer or PCSO posts you are cutting? * Police Specials (5) Question No: 822 / 2010 Joanne McCartney What is the turn over rate for police specials? * Police Specials (6) Question No: 823 / 2010 Joanne McCartney What is the average length of service for a police special? *

71 Freedom Pass (1) Question No: 824 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Constituents have informed me that their local post offices have been out of stock of freedom passes when they have gone to renew their application. This appears to be a widespread problem. Why did this happen? How many post offices were affected by a shortage of freedom passes? * Freedom Pass (2) Question No: 825 / 2010 Joanne McCartney What action are you taking to ensure that problems with freedom pass applications are sorted out and do not recur next year? * Freedom Pass (3) Question No: 826 / 2010 Joanne McCartney How many freedom pass forms have been printed and sent to Post Offices, by Borough? * Freedom Pass (4) Question No: 827 / 2010 Joanne McCartney How many freedom pass holders are there, by borough? * Pedestrian Rail Guards Removal Programme (1) Question No: 828 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Can you ensure that when TfL remove guard rails that they make good the area form which they were removed? I have had complaints that where rails have been removed, the standard of removal has been shoddy; for example on the A10 adjacent to the Enfield Retail Park. * Pedestrian Rail Guards Removal Programme (2) Question No: 829 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Could you please let me have the detailed locations of the guard rails to be removed as specified in your answer to my Question 258/2010 and the planned removal dates? * Pedestrian Rail Guards Removal Programme (3) Question No: 830 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Can you ensure that prior to rail guards being removed signage to this effect is placed on the affected railings so that local residents are aware of the intended works? Can you also please ensure that this signage is posted at least 4 weeks prior to removal, so that residents can make representations to their elected representatives about the intended plans? * 72 Pedestrian Rail Guards Removal Programme (4) Question No: 831 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Is it the case that having removed pedestrian rail guards along parts of the A10 in Enfield, that TfL/London Borough of Enfield is now installing cycle safety rails in the same locations? * MPS Special Priority Payments Question No: 832 / 2010 Joanne McCartney Which category of police officer/PCSOs are to lose their special priority payments? * Crossrail Business Exemption Question No: 833 / 2010 Len Duvall Why can’t you exempt schools from this tax? * River-crossing Question No: 834 / 2010 Len Duvall Can you please update me on you plans for a river crossing east of Tower Bridge? * Blackwall Tunnel Question No: 835 / 2010 Len Duvall Can you please update me on your plans to improve congestion at the Blackwall Tunnel? * Green Economic Development Question No: 836 / 2010 Len Duvall As you will know doubt know, Lord Mandelson recently announced that the government will be investing £70million in three universities to fund high-end engineering and science research and development. One of these institutions is Brunel University, at which the study of Liquid Metals (developing innovative technologies for the reuse and recycling of metal) will be funded. Will you commit to establishing links with the university with a view to helping fully exploit the commercial potential of their work through, for example, the proposed ‘Green Enterprise District’? * LDA Finance Department Question No: 837 / 2010 Len Duvall Can you please provide me with an update on your plans to outsource the services the work of the LDA’s finance department? *

73 LDA Board Question No: 838 / 2010 Len Duvall Can you please inform me of the total figure for expenses claimed by the LDA board and senior management since you were elected in May 2008?

Promote London Council Question No: 841 / 2010 Len Duvall Could you please provide me with an update on the work of the Promote London Council, including the number of meetings that have taken place, whether any of its members have been given portfolios to lead on any specific issues and/or if anybody has been given the responsibility of taking the PLC‘s work program forward?

“Public Sector Non-Jobs” Question No: 842 / 2010 Len Duvall Your answer to question 275/2010 failed utterly to address the question. Please answer the following question directly, bearing in mind that it has been put to you, as the Mayor of London, in order to ascertain your position: In answer to Written Question 3711/2009, you stated, “the majority of public sector employees have final salary pension schemes which are now rarely provided by the private sector. This is clearly unfair”. I agree entirely that the current situation is unfair but rather than abolish final salary pension schemes in the public sector, would like to see final salary pension schemes return to the private sector. You, alternatively, would appear to want to see everybody, both within the private and public sector, equally impoverished in their old age by poor quality pensions. Why? * “Public Sector Non-Jobs” #2 Question No: 843 / 2010 Len Duvall Your answer to question 274/2010 failed utterly to address the question. Please answer the following question directly: In answer to Written Question 3709/2009, you stated that “everybody within the GLA does an important and worthwhile job”, a sentiment I agree with wholeheartedly. Just to clarify then, do you believe that there are any “public sector non-jobs” within the GLA? * Olympic Jobs Question No: 844 / 2010 Len Duvall In answer to Written Question 268 / 2010, you stated that “compliance with contractual requirements, including those contained in the [Memorandum of Agreement] MOA, is verified where applicable during the procurement process for the contracts, and confirmed after award of contract by audit. Audits are performed by Tier 1 contractors on their supply chain”. Please explain to me how these audits are carried out. Do they merely involve the ODA asking the Tier 1 contractors if their sub-contractors are complying and accept their response? *

74 Olympic Jobs #2 Question No: 845 / 2010 Len Duvall In answer to Written Question 268 / 2010, you stated that the ODA “performs audits on the Tier 1 contractors and their lower tier contractors as part of a planned compliance programme”. Please explain to me how this process works and provide me with the number of audits the ODA has carried out on “lower tier contractors”. * Olympic Jobs #3 Question No: 846 / 2010 Len Duvall In answer to Written Question 268 / 2010, you stated, “the ODA’s current assessment demonstrates a direct hire percentage in excess of 65% in the operative workforce on the Olympic Park”. How did the ODA arrive at this figure? Did it carry out a detailed investigation or did it merely ask Tier 1 contractors to provide them with a figure and accept it? * Olympic Jobs #4 Question No: 847 / 2010 Len Duvall Does the data - which I do not accept is correct – provided to you by the ODA in relation to direct employment (Written Question 268/2010) refer to employment across the whole Olympic project, including the Olympic village? * Olympic Jobs #5 Question No: 848 / 2010 Len Duvall Has the ODA encountered any contractors (either Tier 1 or subcontractors) making unauthorised and unlawful deductions from their employees’ pay for training levy (CITB), administration charges, company insurances or holiday pay? * Crossrail Levy Question No: 849 / 2010 Len Duvall You recently exempted 4,000 businesses from the Business Rate Supplement levied to contribute towards Crossrail. Voluntary aided and religious schools have also been exempted from the BRS. Have other, state schools been exempted? * Crossrail Levy #2 Question No: 850 / 2010 Len Duvall Have public buildings been exempted from the Business Rate Supplement levied to contribute towards Crossrail? *

75 Personal Grants Question No: 851 / 2010 John Biggs Your report advises (p20) that you provided £100,000 and on p21 £38,785 towards projects. While this personal generosity is commendable how are you ensuring that your personal charitable giving is not confused with your formal actions as Mayor with public money? The vast majority of events and attendances in your monthly report were by advisers, the statutory deputy mayor or, sometimes, your voluntary deputy mayor. Can you list in tabular form the external events attended by advisers or the deputy mayor or another, and reported in your report and, separately, the external events attended by yourself. Can you comment on the appearance from this that you don’t do very much? * Lea River Park Question No: 852 / 2010 John Biggs In celebrating the international award received for this project and claiming it as one of your ‘Great Spaces’ projects you fail to acknowledge that it was actually devised as a project by the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation in partnership with the Lea Valley Regional Park Authority. Why is this? * Me and my shadow Question No: 853 / 2010 John Biggs How many a. Ministers and b. Shadow Ministers have you formally met in the period of your written report? Since the answer from your report is a. 2 and b. 7 do you think you are neglecting your duties as Mayor and playing politics? * King George Hospital Question No: 854 / 2010 John Biggs What is your view on the impact of the proposed closure of the A&E department at the hospital? * Population Data Question No: 855 / 2010 John Biggs What work are you doing to support the case made by several boroughs, including Newham, for more accurate population counts to address the undercounting which affects their resource allocations from Government? * GOB Electrification Question No: 856 / 2010 John Biggs What needs to happen before TfL will actively commit to supporting the electrification of this line, which would better allow its integration into London Overground? Is this a priority for you and who have you met and when to discuss or promote it?

76 * * ORN – Traffic Lights (1) Question No: 862 / 2010 Richard Tracey At the IOC’s annual congress in Vancouver, plans were revealed for about 1000 traffic lights in London to be switched off during the Olympics. How far advanced are these plans? * ORN – Traffic Lights (2) Question No: 863 / 2010 Richard Tracey When will a final decision be taken on which traffic lights in London will be switched off during the 2012 Olympics? * ORN – Traffic Lights (3) Question No: 864 / 2010 Richard Tracey When will the full list of these traffic lights be made public? * ORN – Traffic Lights (4) Question No: 865 / 2010 Richard Tracey What steps are being taken to ensure that pedestrians will still be able to cross the roads when the traffic lights are off? * ORN – Traffic Lights (5) Question No: 866 / 2010 Richard Tracey What lessons have been learnt from Ealing’s recent trial of traffic-lights-free junctions? * ORN – Traffic Lights (6) Question No: 867 / 2010 Richard Tracey Will the turning off of traffic lights during the Olympics be restricted to the Olympic Route Network? * Olympic land remediation (1) Question No: 868 / 2010 Andrew Boff When the remediation of land took place on the Olympic Park, how was the radioactive waste found on the site disposed of? *

77 Olympic land remediation (2) Question No: 869 / 2010 Andrew Boff Was contaminated material left below a depth of 31 inches? * Olympic land remediation (3) Question No: 870 / 2010 Andrew Boff Which statutory bodies were consulted in developing the approach for remediating the radioactive waste found on the Olympic site? * Olympic land remediation (4) Question No: 871 / 2010 Andrew Boff Will those who spend a lot of time at the Olympic Park site, e.g. future residents of the Olympic Village, face a health risk from radioactive or contaminated soil buried on the site? * Olympic land remediation (5) Question No: 872 / 2010 Andrew Boff When further development takes place on the Olympic Park after the Games, will it be necessary for the OPLC and developers to undertake remediation work on the land? * Olympic land remediation (6) Question No: 873 / 2010 Andrew Boff Will the Mayor make available all communication between the ODA and the Environment Agency related to the Radioactivity and the Radioactive Substances Act 1993? * Route 38 Bus route Question No: 875 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Are any impact assessments taking place following the withdrawal of bendy buses from route 38 and their replacement by higher frequency double-deck buses? * Bus routes 4 and 43 Question No: 876 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon On average, in any given week, how many journeys are terminated before the route end on bus routes 4 and 43? *

78 Canonbury station Question No: 877 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What plans are there to improve the entrance area at Canonbury station as part of the East London Line/Overground station improvements? * Junction of Lloyd Baker Street Question No: 878 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon What works were carried out by TfL contractors to improve the junction of Lloyd Baker Street, Margery Street, Farringdon Road, Calthorpe Street and King’s Cross Road? Have these works have satisfied resident concerns about pedestrian safety? * Junction of Fieldway Crescent, Madras Place and Holloway Road Question No: 879 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Has a proposal for improvements to safety at the junction of Fieldway Crescent, Madras Place and Holloway Road been agreed and when can residents expect to see the work start? * Angel town centre Question No: 880 / 2010 Caroline Pidgeon Would TfL be happy to see a similar scheme to that carried out by the local borough and TfL in Kensington High street also happen in Angel town centre as a result of the route 38 consultation and ensuing improvements? * Anti-Semitic Incidents (2) Question No: 882 / 2010 Brian Coleman How many of the 460 anti-Semitic incidents London in 2009, as reported by the Community Security Trust, have resulted in the arrest of those responsible? How many have resulted in successful convictions? * Countdown Indicator Proposals Question No: 883 / 2010 Brian Coleman Whilst I welcome the many new countdown indicators that Transport for London is proposing to install at bus stops in Camden, it is disappointing that up to 45 bus stops could lose their existing indicators without these being replaced. This includes Gospel Oak ward, where it has been proposed to remove 7 indicators without providing any new indicators. Would the Mayor instruct TfL to review these proposals to ensure that all existing indicators are replaced, taking fully into account the views of local councillors in the affected wards? *