

MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist The Responsive Eye




OF THE SEATTLE ART MUSEUM, THE PASADENA ART MUSEUM AND THE BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART SCHEDULE OF THE EXHIlJITION Bianchini Gallery, New York; Calerie Suz- 6. JHC 1. 1961 Engraving on plastic, 3 The Museum of Modern An, New York: anne Bollag. Zurich; Galleria Cadano, Milan; I.4.CJ45 19 /8 x 26 ", Collection Mr. and Mrs. February 23-A pril 25,1965 , New York; Cordier & James H. Clark, Dallas, Texas Ekstrom, New York; Dwan Gallery, Los * 7. .THe II. 1962.. Engraving on plastic, Cit)' Art Museum of St. Louis: May 20-June 7 Angeles; East Hampton Gallery, New York;64. 94to 191/~x 25 /8 ", Collection Mr. and Mrs. 20, J 965 Robert Elkon Gallery, New York; Martha James H. Clark, Dallas, Texas. Ill. p. 31 Seattle Art Museum: July 'IS-August 23,1965 Jackson Gallery, New York; Sidney Janis 8. Long A,~~iJ;63.Oil on composition 3 The Pasadena An Museum: September 25- Gallery, New York; Samuel M. Kaatz Gal_64. 954 board, 39 /4 x 39% ", Sidney Janis Gal- November 7, 1965 lery, New York; Kornblee Gallery, New lery, New York The Baltimore M useurn of Art: December 14, York; Galerie Lambert, ; Felix Landau 4 9. Last Y£~~}964. Oil on composition 1 1965-Januar[ 23, 1966 Gallery, Los Angeles; Marlborough-Gerson& ·953 board, 31)% x 39 /2". Sidney Janis G:1I- Gallery, New York; The Pace Gallery, New ler y, New York York; Betty Parsons Gallery, New York; 10. White Cor5i)964. Oil on composition LENDEll.S TO THE EXHIBITION Poindexter Gallery, New York; Stephenb4.'155 board, fj:;. x 47% ", Sidney Janis Gal- Mnrc Adrian, Vienna; Karl Benjamin, Clare- Radich Gallery, New York; Galerie Denise ler y, New York mont, California; Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rene, Paris; Bertha Schaefer Gallery, Ne~ 1"1. W()!lderil/~ 1~64. Sit ~n comp~sition Benjamin, New York; Herbert C. Bernard, York; Stable Gallery, New York; Stael11pBlb-l·9~board, f~~x 47% . SIdney Jams Cal- Ncw York; Alberto Biasi, Padua ; Mr. and Gallery, New York; Terrain Gallery. New lery, New York Mrs. james H. Clark, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. York; Tibor De Nagy Gallery. New York; ALVIANI,GETULlO.lraliau, born Udine, 1939; William N. Copley, New York; Toni Costa, Howard Wise Gallery, New York. lives in Udinc MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist Padua; Adam and Toby Emmerich, New .. 12. LL 36,Q ,14x14 inv. ~964) Aluminum, York; Gunter Pruhtrunk, Paris; Gerhard von 65 .ss 331~~_ ~~:ge.::..J.::JilJ 4er/~T._ . M. I L·I G I Pari CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITION 105 I-.S ~ ..:e MIJ$:etJI"f d' .....re~, Graevemtz, umcu; 1y reennam, ans; W k k d . h . k ·11 d Al'iDSZKIEWICZ,II..ICH!\RDJ. A111e~~an:'torn Frederick Hammersley, Los Angeles; The or s mar c wrt an astens are 1 usrratc . di . h . h des wid I WI Eric, Pennsylvania, 1930; lives in Port \Vash- oseph H. Hirshhorn Collection, New York',I n irnensions, e1g t prece es WI t 1. icr- J ._ . inzton, New York Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jams, Thousand Oaks, ever discrepancies occur betwecn captions and * /:) . _. . . 1 h' C.. I . 13. All TIJllIgsDo LIllI: lJ1 the Three. 1963. California; Philip Jolmson, New York; E]]s- th1S cata ogue, t e mrormatl0n given lerc 15 more recent. b5. 7 Acrylic on composition board, 21~/~ worth Kelly, New York; Mrs. Leroy Lamis, x 357/s ".CoUectionMLandMrs.Robcrc Terre Haute, Indiana; Edoardo Landi, Padua; ADRIAN,.. v'MARC. Austrian, born Vienna, 1930; M. Bel~al1lin, New York -. I11 . p. 48 IIves III Icnna W aI ter L e bl anc, A ntv-lerp; L ynn L can, I d N cw K 7 69 i) I d . I I . d 14. Degret of VillidllfSS. 61964. ) Acrylic on g York; Wolfgang Lud-wig, ; Enzo Mari, bS.}· I.·r ~A?E l:aO :1ss o verIP:1l11t~65./48 composition board, 48 x 48 ". ~ d b Milan; Almjr Mavignier, Ulm; Mr. and Mrs. rtle '"t-78 . wne yt1C:lrtlstJani~ - C~ll@fr, !)k" Yedt /tIt~S. ~&IIIS Edg:lr B. Miller, ; Roy Moyer, New AGAM{YaacovGipstein).lsracli, born Roshon- STRAuS DE-ri20,T - I'I£w '(0/2'; CI'Jt_'t York; Me and Mrs. Hans NeulTI:lnn, Caracas; Ie-Zion, 1928; lives in Paris AVEDISIAN,ED{VARD. American, born Lowell, ·H 01 S kl I M BI· k· .I I I' ., M:1ssachuscm 1936' lives in New York Enc . son, toc 10 m; rs. ISS Par 111- 2. FIlII.' TU!lJIcs: Po YP IOIHe CmuposlflOll. ,... ~.' ~. ,-.- Ne\v York· M 'nd M B to P k' ~5.64196? 63 OJ b 5" ·7" C I b. UllfIl1ed.(1964J Acryltc on canvas, :J:J x 5011 , , r. drs. lIr n es In, _-. on ronze, 18 x . a - · JIG P N Y k I I· d ' bS./J.555". CollectiollJolm G. Powers, New P.nnceton, Oln . owers, ew or -; KaT ectlon Mr. an Mrs. Edgar B. Miller, .I . h I bl York Rem urtz, MUillC ; T 1C Honora e Anthony Chic:lgo Samuel, London; Mr. an.d ~rs. ~obert C. * 3. Double N[ctnlllorp1J~~~ I~ 1964. Oil on BANNARD, WALTERDA~BY. Amcrica~, born Scull, New York; Dr. Maxllmhan Sllbermann, &5. 6~ :lluminum, S' 10" x ilt. !hrll:H3rsugh New Haven, Conncctlcut, 1934; hves in New York, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney 1. Solomon, ,q -J( emeR Callsr)', New York. Ill. p. 28 Princeton, New Jersey 3 New York; Ludwig Wilding, Augsburg'CJ4·6S 7He. ~CJs~JItI/I. 01" A40i>~J2N' 4~r 16. Green Sll'p.(l96~ Oil on canvas 66 / , ALBERS,JOSEF.Amencan, born Bottrop, West- _ ' /~ Walter Zehringer, Munlch. I I· 1888 I· . N H C . 6.5·/03 x 62% ". TIQQr];ls l>1agy Ca~j'):1£A . ' p 1;\.1:1, ; Ives III ew aven, onnectlcut ¥6fk M~. -4/tIO ~.s. 'CJ.E$' irT, Calouste Gulbenban Foundatlon, London; 4. Lafe SOJll/d. 1957. Oil on composition J-Oo./~~. The MuseUl~ of Modern Art, Ncw York; Theb4.9..c.9 bO:lrd, 30 x 301/. Sidncy J:111isG:lllcry, BECKMANN,HANNES.American, born Stutt- Larry Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Con- New York gart, 1909; lives in Ncw York I1ccticut. * 5. {frOjJ; 1955. Oil on composition bOJrd, 17.111((/. 1964. Acryuc on composition

Ame1 Gallery, New York; Ankrum Gallery,&4-.94-7 29'S' x 29% If. Sidncy Janis Gallery, 65.110 board, 30 x 30 fl. :r.;a§~I~iilHLfl~ei'1 Gall@F, I Los Angeles; Gallcri:1 del'Aricte, Milan; New York. Ill. p. 21 "'-W OO(~K OIoIL'( 1>18 "Y:erliI(Al'lle/iJS 94.u.£'er: 6t>s7t:Y'l. 6$.3'7 Ai.4IN2:i' A .Qa6&", ,q6.(. .... , o.J 65.4" A"tJSWIiW,ez, D£-edl!v ~ ilo~A:J',nD,J ~~t:JA1IZC1 .jo" ~ -~....'- 12 ,. 30 .. I rrrvv' I ,

BLNJAl'.UN, KARL STANLEY. American, born racas, 1923; lives in Paris I'tASTIG Serrano 1 Chicago, 1925; lives in Claremont, California * 28. Phvsuhroniie NUlIJber 1"16 1964. +--- * 37. PA-18. 1959. Oil on canvas, 57 /..,. x . " SrR,PS Jl

MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist x 371/2//,Owned by the artist. Ill. p. 37 . * 30. Dlacki~f{.~l Be~.(1964} Acrylic on can- Iowa, 1913; lives in Bennington, Vermont 717f:"~ fS-. BIASI, ALBERTO.Italian, born Padua, 1937; bS.6! vas, " . Sir-dexter Gallery, New * 40. AfllimlJ. (1964) Acrylic all canvas, 60

lives in Padua. [Formerly Gruppo N; see York. (Exhibited in New York only.) 65.48 x: 60 1/, Collection Philip Jobnson, New GruppoN) III. p. 14 York. !II. p. 13

22. Dr"a",ic Visi,,,S 9!2.(1964)5crigcaph 31. Bja'N2th,~.(l964) Acryhc on canvas, FEtTELSON, LORSER. American, bem Savannah, I>S./O on plexiglas and composition board, "5. b'j ~. ' "." Collection Vinccnt Me1zac, Georgia, 1898; lives in Los Angelcs 19% x 19% x 3% 1/. Owned by the W"shingtol1, D.C. (Exhibited outside * 41. Hard-Edge Line Paimill,g. 1964. Oil and 1" artist New York only) 65.S enamel on canvas, 60 x 40 Ankrum

BILL, MAX., Swiss born Winterthur." 1908' I)E L' AI', l' ONY.A' Ill(;ncan,b orn0 a kl an d , Gallery, ,Los Angeles. ill. p. 22 lives in Zurich California 1927; livcs in San Francisco FOYSTER,jERRY.Am.ericall,born Albany, New ls n23. Fo."rColors,ro'{kIWI(ite Center.(1961) 32. Mn;pie.696?).1?,;;';r:;j,!;~'!~,~~11'6"- York, 1932; lIves in Brooklyn, New York . 011 on canvas, ~ x 551/2" diagonal. 65.72x 21/4/1. The Larry Aldrich Museum, 42. pfastic Allilllatiol 1'·1I11I1bcr453.1964.JRk StaelllpAIGallery, New York Ridge6eld, Connecticut b5.~~prpcr v,,*,p, p astic, 60 x 60 II. Bian- BRACH PAUL A . b N Y k . b chini Callcry New York , . mctlcan, orn cw or, DEMAHCO,HUGO RUDOLFO.ArgentIne, orn ' 1924; live~in New York Buenos Aires, 1932; lives in Paris FRUHTRUNK,GUNTER.German, born Munich, 24. Seclioll,f!wJJ,qer1.(1963-64) Oil on can- 33. Spatial Dynalllism. 1964. Plastic and 1923; lives in Paris 05.13 vas, 674x6'Vt Cordier & Ekstrom Gal- 6S.'2.4 ~fr:~4§.%,X~II. C.,l'riG! Q~FJi§@- 43. Bille Ollt of Orallgc.(l96:}) Acrylic on 1 1 lery, New York RQIHr,PnrjBb4'%"b4~"(OfAtiONAL.) 65.1.lcomposition board, 33 /2 x 33 /2/1. ~ .... ~ 40., .PA~S Owned by the artist CASTELLANI,NRICO.Itaian,E I b orn Castelmassa DORAZIO PlERO. Itahan, born Romc, 1927; (Rovigo), 1930; lives in Milan I. . R' FULLER,SUE.American, born Pittsburgh, 1914; IVCS 1n onle 25. White Surface Number 18, 1964. Acrylic 34. Beyolld TIllo lyle/ers. 1964. Oil on can- lives in N.ew York ,.

6S.37 on ~tructl1tcdcanvas, 71 x 71 ". CalJeria &$. bO vas, 6' 5 II X 7' 3 ". Marlborough-Gerson 44. Srnllg COII/POS/tlOll .i\!JII./iber 11:. ~;6~;.. ~ A.(is~sHiJal-l- GUN Y k 65.75 Polypropylcne thread 111 plexlglas,~ AtI2 , ql ., a cry, ew or ,N. ~~P/!ii3~~ t1 vas, 'I x 12' O't,J7W1l244)".

* 26. Lave"dcr Creed. 1964. Acrylic on call- Gallgi,', N T ved" Ill. p. 10 GARCIAROSSI, HORACia. Argcntinc, born 65.8b vas, 52 x 9c4. Howard Wise Gallery, MilS. -'DIll'( •. j}4.tfP.sE7'. ~fI'6~ BuCllosAires, 1929; lives in Vaitcs-sllr-Marne New York. nI. p. 36 DOWNING, THOMAS. American, born Suffolk, (Seine et Marne), , (Mcmber of the bS.437 ;(twO{Jo/2E.. QD"'OJSA~. Iq6~. 6~. ;IfJ'V .tJ$ePA#W: AliZ r , ,~6Z.. Ace,..;, M AC/JYLJC t:W OAAlI/4S, tr Y, " U"'''4.f, 79~ 'p,_. &/T';' ~Il'f, riEW """""'". 7l!/(./,t2 o-II..'f. -YEw Yl>E?G. ~ o;lt..'f.

Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel) HEW1TT, FRANcrsRA Y. American, born Spring- de Recherche d'Art Visne!)

45. Interpenetration of Three Colors. 1959. field, Vermont, 1936; lives in Arusrerdam 63. Il/stabilifY through 1\101/CIIICIIt of rJ~~J!d4o &5.2.8 Tempera on wood, 16% x 3)1/8 ", Ga- 54. Abe's Box. (964) Acrylic on canvas, 65. 25 tator. 1962-64. Aluminum and-wood, lerie Denise Rene, Paris 6,.,4436 x 36 ", Martha Jackson Gallery, 56%""":-"':36%Dx 283;:'[1. Galeric Denise GEGa (Gertrude Goldschmidt). Venezuelan, New York /10. 6SR.;jj~ ~E"M or MoD£l2.,.J AU born Hamburg, Germany, 1912;livesinCaracas IRWIN, ROBERT. American, born Long Beach, LEVINSON, MON. American, born New York, 46. SpIIeY". 1959. Welded iron painted California, 1928; lives in Los An~Jes. 1.'1.314' 1926; lives in New York 115, 60 black, 23 V," high. The Museum of 55. Un'itled.(1963) Oil on canvas, 'If x' III * 64. Black Moving Planes X[~,,~4. PJ~t Modcrn Art, New York, Inter-Amer- bS.47Collection Mr. and Mrs. Edwin janss, l:J5. 51 glas, acetate and paper,"e1 ~" ican Fund Thousand Oaks, California Kornblee Gallery, Ncw York. Ill. P' 40

GERSTNER,KARL.Swiss, born Basel, 1930; lives KEllY, EllSWORTH. American, born New- LIBERMAN,ALEXANDER.American, born Kiev, in Basel J '~~~:;o.I$!W~oburgh, New York, 1923; lives in New York Russia, 1912; lives in New York 47 &5.:3 . ~:lll:::;:~,,6:C6~~~~,::~s,ti~;::~~:ib;.~~~re:,,:=";,426:~,~;JO~lBC:;:i:::bS~:~~~::;~;;::01~9~~Jr~~~~~,'ll~e~; x 2 S· Sracmpfli Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 45 (iAl-4:';~.:~1G. Parsons Gallery, New York. Ill. p. 19 Ill. P' 42 KIDNER,MICHAELJAMES. British, born Ket- * 66. Contilil/OIlSOl1 Red. 1960. Oil on circular Tellsioll Picture. ~9{ij,,-64LIlluminated tering, 1917; lives in London 311. /:'1 canvas, 80" diameter. The Museum of plastic and wood, 21¥v

MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist GOODYEAR,jOHN.American, born Southgate, Foundation, London New York only.) Ill. p. 25 California, 1930; lives in Lebanon, New jersey KOMODORE,WILLIAM.American.born Athens, LIPPOLD,RICHARD.American,bornMilwaukee, 49. Color Block. (1964) Painted wood, 24 1932; lives in New York Wisconsin, 1915,' lives in Locust Valley, New IoS

GRUPPON. An Italian group exhibiting anon- by the artist * 69. Cil/ematic Pain/illg. 1964. OJ on COtll-

ymotlsly, located in Padua, disbanded in bS.So position board, 241/s x 48Y8 If. Ovmed 1964, comprising Alberto Biasi, Ennio Chig- LEBLANC,WALTER.Belgian, born Antwerp, A -13 by the artist. Ill. p. 9 gio, Toni Costa, Edoaroo Landi, Manfredo 1932; lives in Antwerp M aSSlrOlll.. ! * 61. .iV10bilo-sta~iA '. 6~:?4PolYVInyl strips MACHLlN, SHELDON. American, born New * 52. Unstable Perceptiol!. 1963. Metal, 17% 65.5301.1 wood;, x 1. Owned by the York, "1918;lives in Broo-klyn, Ne\v York 1 I ~a8.&;,4. x 18 X 3 /2 ". Thc MllSeum of Modern artist. Ill. p. 51 70. Space Bo.\". (1963) Painted aluminum,

Art, New y~, gift of the Oliveut LELAND,LYNN G. American, born .Buffalo, &.5. tfo 6 x 171/2X 5". Bcrtha Schaefer Gallery, ee..,~ "'" m..... New York ~)9nti81'1. uJ. p. 4 New York, ]937; lives in New York //1.6S Tlrle /tII{)$EtJAII CP hlooeJl2,J AR;T HAMMERSLEY,FREDERICK.American,born Salt 62. Untitled. 1964. Acrylic on canvas, 47 MACK, HEINZ. German, born Lollar, West- k . .'. bS :54 X 47/1 OJ![Jwd hte'JC orriH A I/If ~ La e City, Utah, 1919; lIves 111 Los Angeles . f/r4'LL4ft2y. ""'~. .. pbalia, 1931; lives in Olisseldorf. (Member of 53. Tlwt, i.VlIl1Iber 3964.1964. Oil on canvas, LE PARC,JULIO. Argentine, born Mcndoz:l, Group Zero) 1 8 l:J5.40 33% x 51 / /I. Owned by the artist 1928; lives in Paris. (Mcl1l.ber of the Groupe * 71. Door of Paradise. 696~ Aluminum ?oiol CjEiZsrw£12... rE'xru~ P,,1Vl!/E. NVIVI/JE12. 2.. 65.88 (,Q62 • &41 ALUM'NVM Q;'i' Q OSWQ) f:t5./bl 2Cjl3/'Jo.'2!:f,: STAeMPFLI cpqLLE"1Zy, NEW~o.Q..c.. ~ ~ ,tIAI2""'" ~ 0,-, /96$ . O$TE12: ZJov

MARl,Enzo.Jralian, born Novara, 1.932; lives 81. Square of Three: Black mid Yellow, 1964. 90. Red Paintino Nunioer 15. 1952. Oil OIl in Milan &5 . .3 Lithograph and oil all canvas, 32% 6.5.98 canvas, 60 x 80 ", Betty Parsons Gallery,

72. Structure Nlililber 725. 1962. Aluminum x 32% If. Amel Gallery, New York New York. (Exhibited outside New :L C. 2.«' ._/. C;S. S'8 and wood, ~ x ~ x 4'4., Owned NOLAND, KENNETH. American, born Asheville, York only)

by the artist North Carolina, '1924; lives in South Shafts- RrlNHARTZ, KARL. German, born Herne, West- * 73. Dynamic Optienl Dciormation of a Cube bury, Vermont phalia, 1932; lives in Munich bS.57 ill a Spltere.Q95f-6~ Transparent poly- * 82. And Agmll'r.1964 Acrylic on canvas, 91. 64/8. 1964. Painted wood, 31111 x 63" . .4 -~ ester resin, 4" diameter. Q"'Rd~ ~hi!os.'11 8/~1 x 8'~1Idiagonal Private collec- es. 71 Owned by the artist 501. 6~.8 ~t. IlL p. 50..,:"::.P~€~:fr,I"I!ELN tion, Seattle. Ill. p. 44 RILEY, BRIDGET. British, born London, 1931; YC,Q..C::::.- MARTIN, AGNES. American, born Maklin, OLSON, ERIC. Swedish, born Malmo, 1909; Jivesin London Canada, 1921;~ lives in ~ New York lives in Stockholm * 92.,~Cl/rrellt.1964 Emulsion on composltIon

C;1II- 7/ 1/ .74. The Tree.U96'9 Oil and pencil on 83. Optochronii G.5. 1963-64. Glass with 576. tflboard, 58% x 58 8 The Museum of 1 S.b5 vas, 6 x 6'. The Museum of Modern 64. 133 polarization and birefringence sheets, Modern Art, New York, Philip.-G: C.

An, New York, Larry Aldrich Pounda- 14% x 6% x 3% /1 including metal base. Johnson Fund. II!. p. 34 tion Fund NeW Yo0t:' Or/L';' 6 Owned by the artist 93. Hesita'jg,64. ~~'iAion on composition /21. 5 TJII. AftJ~E.LlA/ 1# MO/JEJ12N AOT 65.73 board, ~ x~t1. TheLarry Aldrich Ml\VIGNlER, ALMlR. Brazilian, born Rio de OSTER, GERALD. American, born Providence,

MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut Janeiro, 1925; livesin Ulm {Donnu}, Germany R110 de "lsI.and, 19~8; lives in ~ew YO~"'9':LAS * 75. COIIWVC-COI/1JCX Planes. 19~ Oil all 84. Triple Radial. 1964. Serigraph on ~ SANDER, LUDWIG. American, born New York, b5.62 canvas, 55~ x 79% If. Owned by the 14./.4.4 and paper, and wood, 41x43 ". Howard 1906; lives in New York

A-iS artist. Ill. P: 33 Wise Gallery, New York 94. Chippewa 111. 1964. Oil 011 canvas,

/ 1 76. Vibralioll 0/1 Red. 1964. Oil on canvas, 65.so 6 6/ X 6'. Kootz Gallery, New York PEARSON, HENRY C. American, born Kinston, 05.63 55% x 39% II. Owned by the artist North Carolina, 1914; Jives in New York Scmurrr, ARNOLD. American, born Plain- McLAUGHLIN, JOHN. American, born Sharon, 85 · 1964 0·1 field, New jersey, 1930; lives in New York .BI ae" k011 WI nte, . 1 on canvas, ~. . /I III '5.676' 6" x 6' 6". S I Radi I G II 9.). Atma. 1964. Acrylic 011 canvas, 48 x48 . Massachusetts, 1898; lives Dana Point, Co _ tep len "a lC1 a ery,,,.1 California New York OM-.949 Terrain Gallery, New York

77. NlImber 7. 1962. Oil on canvas, 48 x SEDc!fY, PETER. British, botlJ -1930; lives in PICELJ, IVAN. Yugoslav, born Okucani, 1924; 64,937 60/1. Felix LandauGalJcry, Los Angeles London Jives in Zagreb * 96. Blue alld Grecll Madllfalioll. 1964. Emul- MIECZKOWSKI, EDWIN. American, born Pitts- 86. Sll~face XXXIV. 1964. Painted wood, &5.81 siol1oncomposition bo:nd,39 1/ x39 1/ ". burgh, 1929; lives in Cleveland, Ohio 393 2 2 AS 6S·2.1 /!lx39%II.GalcricDeniseRene,Paris u! )ve- ell f:lf >Y I 78. FI/sell.. s Box. \1964 l)AcrylIc . on "....,... ~ _8 filE! hue ~ll"ez" - c. 16;.C. ~OLLU.T.O!'l. r#l. ANP AfC~. POHL, ULI. III 4 b5. 4~ siri911 E8f1fd,24 x 24 ". Collection Mr. German, born Munich, 1935; lives . p. AI-SE'tr O'Utl.,'O, DALLAS in Munich and Mrs. Burton Peskin, Princeton, 6 ,\ SEMl'liRE, EUSeBIO. Sp~mish, born Onil, 1924; * 87. PX II /301O~59/64.y, 961f. pJe i Las. lives in Madrid New Jersey 1.41''''11 /; 3 05.41 27 /4 If highinc1udin&,::,asc f /I. 97. Hallgillg ScrceusQ 963)Stccl,26%x'191/4 ". MOLINARI, GUlDO.Canadian, born Montreal, A· 6 The Joseph H. Hirs horn Collection. 6:5'.78 Collection Dr. Maximili:1l1Silbermann, 1933; lives in Montreal Ill. p. 4 .4--5 New York

79. Mlltatioll: Vert/ et ROllge. 1964. Acrylic POONS, LARRY. American, born Tokyo, 1937; * SIHVONEN, OLI. American, born Brooklyn, 65./1 on canvas, 6' 7" x 8'. East Hampton Jives in New York Ne\v York, 1911; lives in T:ws, New Mexico GaUery, New York. Ill. p. 12 88. N~\e'5Mate.696~ Acryhc on canvas, * 98. Dliplex.(196:V Oil 011 canvas, 56 x 52". &5.77 ii. ~o~-4II Collectloll Mr. and Mrs MORELLET, FRANCOIS. French,b om C I10 Iet 65. '81 Stable Gallery, New York Robert C Scull, New York. ilL p. 49 1/3. bS ~ NcJS£t.JM o~M()Of5!IIZ.44'12.1 (Maine et Loire), 1926; lives in Cholet. (Mem- SKINNER, CLAHA. American, born Chicago, ber of the Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel) REiNHARDT, AD. Amerjeln, born BufEIlo, 1915; lives in Easthampton, Connecticut * 80. Screell Pail/tillg: 0°) 22°5, 45°, 67°5. New York, 1913; lives in New York 99. N1III/ber5.69642 S('rigr::'l~h01J.,g!a~s and 65. 26 1958. Oil on C:1llvas, SS3'/a x 55% If. * 89. Red Pail/tillg NlIlIIbe~ 7. 1952. Oil 011 65.7Oplastic, and \\food, 4s:{x WI CoI- Galeric Denise Rene, Paris. Ill. p. 35 6:5.97 canvas, 61 4/1 x 12~etty Parsons Gal- lectionJohn G. POwers, New York ---- '1'IO%).~io~ . b I d·108 BOlllbardlJlf}"lIl of the Optic Nerve II. 1963. '119. Tlillko 1. ~ 96~ Painted metal, ~I SMITH, LEON POLK. Amencan, orn n Ian . ON 7'1;.j'~3 4 . .'. ;. . 3 Territor-y. (kl Ok a I101113 ) , ·906I; I·.ivesm . New Y or k o-w.IOLr ..tOil • 78 j.4 f diameter. Q 'n)~ ...... ,by the , b5. '3 Galcne Denise Rene, Pans . . .,....,~ ,Aof1J&WL/ .... ~Opo:;:~,... L G b roo. C White-Omnoe. 1964. 011 on canvas'J7J. ,,$ ll'f'tTrtAAZr.. NE~ 'r'o~ WILDI~G, U.DWJ~. erman., om Grimstadt, f:,S.Cf4 68 x 60". Galeric Chalerre, New York TADASKY (Tadasukc Kuwayama}. Japanese, PFalz, 1927; lives 1Il Wesrheim, Augsburg

SOBIUNO FRANCISCO.. S·pamsJ1, born G ua d a Ibn a- or Nagoya • 1935'live~~4aL/~ in New York *120. KiIiClicStrt/ctllre5/63.U96lTempe.raon.. jara,. 193; _; I'IVCSIO . Parrs. . (M em b cr o f t Jte Groupe *109 .A -.., 101 1964 -L)iJ. 'on canvas 52 x 52 If. es.'is wood wirh plasticcord,.' 33%x26x3Y/ de Recherche d' Art Visucl) 579.64 The Museum of Modern Arc, New Owned by the artist. 1U.P:39 *101. Unstable Transjormation: [tcctaposition, York, Larry Aldrich Foundation Fund. YVARAl(jean Pierre Vasarely). French,born 1 ee. 29 Sllfi!!(oSiti{~.(196i) Plexiglas, 31 /.. Ill. p. 32 Paris, 1934; Jives in Arcueil (Seine). (Memb" x 8x /2,'. Galerie Denise Rene, TOMASELLO,LUIS. Argentine, born La Plata, of the Groupe de Recherche d'Art Visuel) Paris. Ill. p. 46 1915' lives in Paris 121. It,stabi!:J Number 18. (196V Painted

STANCZAK,JULIAN. American, born , *110: Atmosphere Clvomoptastiouc Number 64. 790 plastic an~ wood, 20'/, x 191/8X lOU. 1928; lives in Cleveland OS.3/ 109. 1963. Painted \vood~, 39% Collection Roy Moyer, New York

102. fi~~jor tt~'W's.(96~ Acrylic on canvas, x 39% If. Cal@fie b'eniJe ReRe. Ill. p. 50 *122. Ac(eICJg;b'f>'li.'j!l/lJJ!,l~, Series B. 1962. UJi 1:.5. 4.6 gx~"'. MarthaJackson Gallery T 1tfJ2J'·..blbl p. ~C d "'b.4"'1>M 'ZD 63 Plastic and wOO~[~231/11x 243/ X 3Ysy. ' OUSIGNANT,e LAUDE. ana ian, orn onr- . 8 New York I 1932 I The Museum of Modern An, rea, ; J'ives 111 . M ontrea New STEELE,EFFREY.J Bnnsn,.. h b am Car diff1, Wa I es, 11 1 . L'E mpcc/clIl""I d c TOJ/mer CIIR 0/1.d 1964 . York, gift of Philip Johnson. Ill.p. 40 1931; lives in Cardiff _ 1:.~./9 ~'lJlic on ;j)(i';';;;.]2"1'~;x!16t WaR"lf" ZEHUINGER,WALTER. German, born Mem- *103. Baroque Experiment; Fred Maddox. 6964) C9R ~f), New YD"rk mingen, 1940; lives in Munich

MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist bs .74 Oil on canvas, 60 x 401/. Collection TSAl, WEN- YING. Americ;1I1, born Amoy, 123. NUll/bel'2. '1964. Plexiglas and painted The Han. Anthony Samuel, London. bS. '1'1. pbstic, 31 V, x 31 'I, x 21/&". Ownedby Ill. p. 4 China, 1928; lives in New York 112. RalldQIII Field. 1964. Acrylic on COI11- //5. bS rhe artist STEIN,JOEL.French, bornBoulogne-sur-Mer, 65·4 position board;lnd canvas, 60 x784 THE MUSEU"'" V MO (;€Ibl 4R:I 1926; lives in Paris. (Member of the Groupe Amel Gallery, New York de Recherche d'Art Visuel) UECKER,GUNTHER. German, born Mecklen- Photograph Credits *104. Optical..,l{fl'·= 01/ Screening. ifA4 burg, 1930; lives in Dusseldorf. (Member of 65 ..30 1964. P4'6tafs, ,sea, 18 x 3~i/8 II. HannesBrck1ll31ln, New York, p. 27; Rudolph Group Zero) Galerie Denise Rene, Paris. IlL p. 37 Bllrcklurdt, New York, pp. 13,40; Geoffrey 113. Moving Light. 1960. Nails}o8ftcanv3s..and STELLA,FRANK.American, born Malden, Mas- Clements, New York, pp. 4 (1), 16, 36, 47; &5·90 wood, 47 x 47/1. Howard Wise Gal- sachusetts, 1936; lives in New York Fotosiegcl, Ulm, p. 33; Jurgen Graatf, Berlin, lery, New York p. 9; Lucien Herve, Paris, p. 29;]onathan Hol- *105. Line i!,P' 696~ Oil on canvas, 6' #s (,,5.4 '2. x 6' sf';" The Joseph H. Hirshhorn Col- VASARHY, VICTOR DE. French, born Pees, stein, New York, p. 12; Ugo MuJas, Milan, p. lenion. Ill. p. 24 Hungary, 1908; lives in Arclleil (Seine) 51 (5); O. E. Nelson, New York, pp. 4 (4), 114. Monastir. 0958) Etched and painted 24,40,43; Rolf Peterson, New York, pp. 34,

l3$. 3'111 ?411 6 /I STEVENSON,ROBERT.~American, born San 79 glass and metal· x 31 50; David Richards, New Haven, p. 31; Mat- . '. '. A- c.' '14 - /2 X /8 . Diego, Cahfonua, 1924; lives III Los Angeles Collection Mr. and Mrs. Sidney L. 5010- thias Tamay, Bennington, Vr., p. 20; Foto F. *106. Optical COllstmetioll NUII/ber 2. (1963) mon New Ym Tas, Antwerp, p. 51 (4); John Thompson, Los 1 6$.15 Plexiglas, 12% x 121j4x '12 /4". Dwan 115. Tork~.(195~ Pai~ ~i~s,and metal, Angeles, p. 42; M. D. Trace, London, p. 4 (2). Gallery, Los Angeles. III. p. 42 bS·3S 32" x 24'/ x 6'/" GI. 0 . 14 18 18' acne enIse . A-c.Rene,Paris ' .. " STROUD,PETERANTHONY.British, born 1921' 116 B ~ A..,) II 'I · . B' V ' '. etc el!fe I.~J96.Jo!Painted metal ~ " IIves 10 ennmgton, ermont , If!' 3" ,,, a ,~ *107.. Orange Cirwmvert with Yellow. 1964~ D~. "x~-¥."x31'18"GI·D. {J;'4 aqer~A~~mse·.R ene, - , 9 2. . ~ PansHor -JUl. 0 I 71.. , f>4. b Compound emulsIOnon plywood, 55'/, *117 KI b ~V8"6 /o¥S· X 6011 II MarJb 0 h G G 11 . a ota. 1963. Oil on callvas,+ x.(,!..&". 14' or ug - erson a cry, bS b~ ! n New York: Ill, p. 20 ~ PUN C I"ry, ~T:m York Ill. p. 6 c.rr"'f AA2r MIJ$EtI~ or ST- J,.l'x.JI$ 118. OrioH Me. 1963. Collage, 6' a~" SUTE],MIROSLAV.Yugoslav, born Duga Resa, 6$.33 x 6' ~ ". Cal@fie b'hmisB R@R,9I2a~!i 1936; lives in Zagreb III p 26 .. AI. ~~~. J>IIv'l> ' , COVER:BackgrOLmd from a derail of Bridget ... ill, ;5osro./. Riley's Current. 1964