The Responsive Eye

The Responsive Eye

.. I' MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist The Responsive Eye BY WILLIAM C. SEITZ THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, NEW YORK IN COLLABORATION WITH THE CITY ART MUSEUM OF ST. LOUIS, THE CONTEMPORARY ART COUNCIL OF THE SEATTLE ART MUSEUM, THE PASADENA ART MUSEUM AND THE BALTIMORE MUSEUM OF ART SCHEDULE OF THE EXHIlJITION Bianchini Gallery, New York; Calerie Suz- 6. JHC 1. 1961 Engraving on plastic, 3 The Museum of Modern An, New York: anne Bollag. Zurich; Galleria Cadano, Milan; I.4.CJ45 19 /8 x 26 ", Collection Mr. and Mrs. February 23-A pril 25,1965 Galerie Chalette, New York; Cordier & James H. Clark, Dallas, Texas Ekstrom, New York; Dwan Gallery, Los * 7. .THe II. 1962.. Engraving on plastic, Cit)' Art Museum of St. Louis: May 20-June 7 Angeles; East Hampton Gallery, New York;64. 94to 191/~x 25 /8 ", Collection Mr. and Mrs. 20, J 965 Robert Elkon Gallery, New York; Martha James H. Clark, Dallas, Texas. Ill. p. 31 Seattle Art Museum: July 'IS-August 23,1965 Jackson Gallery, New York; Sidney Janis 8. Long A,~~iJ;63.Oil on composition 3 The Pasadena An Museum: September 25- Gallery, New York; Samuel M. Kaatz Gal_64. 954 board, 39 /4 x 39% ", Sidney Janis Gal- November 7, 1965 lery, New York; Kornblee Gallery, New lery, New York The Baltimore M useurn of Art: December 14, York; Galerie Lambert, Paris; Felix Landau 4 9. Last Y£~~}964. Oil on composition 1 1965-Januar[ 23, 1966 Gallery, Los Angeles; Marlborough-Gerson& ·953 board, 31)% x 39 /2". Sidney Janis G:1I- Gallery, New York; The Pace Gallery, New ler y, New York York; Betty Parsons Gallery, New York; 10. White Cor5i)964. Oil on composition LENDEll.S TO THE EXHIBITION Poindexter Gallery, New York; Stephenb4.'155 board, fj:;. x 47% ", Sidney Janis Gal- Mnrc Adrian, Vienna; Karl Benjamin, Clare- Radich Gallery, New York; Galerie Denise ler y, New York mont, California; Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rene, Paris; Bertha Schaefer Gallery, Ne~ 1"1. W()!lderil/~ 1~64. Sit ~n comp~sition Benjamin, New York; Herbert C. Bernard, York; Stable Gallery, New York; Stael11pBlb-l·9~board, f~~x 47% . SIdney Jams Cal- Ncw York; Alberto Biasi, Padua ; Mr. and Gallery, New York; Terrain Gallery. New lery, New York Mrs. james H. Clark, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. York; Tibor De Nagy Gallery. New York; ALVIANI,GETULlO.lraliau, born Udine, 1939; MoMAExh_0757_MasterChecklist William N. Copley, New York; Toni Costa, Howard Wise Gallery, New York. lives in Udinc Padua; Adam and Toby Emmerich, New .. 12. LL 36,Q ,14x14 inv. ~964) Aluminum, York; Gunter Pruhtrunk, Paris; Gerhard von 65 .ss 331~~_ ~~:ge.::..J.::JilJ 4er/~T._ . M. I L·I G I Pari CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITION 105 I-.S ~ ..:e MIJ$:etJI"f d' ....<!:>.re~, Graevemtz, umcu; 1y reennam, ans; W k k d . h . k ·11 d Al'iDSZKIEWICZ,II..ICH!\RDJ. A111e~~an:'torn Frederick Hammersley, Los Angeles; The or s mar c wrt an astens are 1 usrratc . di . h . h des wid I WI Eric, Pennsylvania, 1930; lives in Port \Vash- oseph H. Hirshhorn Collection, New York',I n irnensions, e1g t prece es WI t 1. icr- J ._ . inzton, New York Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jams, Thousand Oaks, ever discrepancies occur betwecn captions and * /:) . _. 1 h' C.. I . 13. All TIJllIgsDo LIllI: lJ1 the Three. 1963. California; Philip Jolmson, New York; E]]s- th1S cata ogue, t e mrormatl0n given lerc 15 more recent. b5. 7 Acrylic on composition board, 21~/~ worth Kelly, New York; Mrs. Leroy Lamis, x 357/s ".CoUectionMLandMrs.Robcrc Terre Haute, Indiana; Edoardo Landi, Padua; ADRIAN,.. v'MARC. Austrian, born Vienna, 1930; M. Bel~al1lin, New York -. I11 . p. 48 IIves III Icnna W aI ter L e bl anc, A ntv-lerp; L ynn L can, I d N cw K 7 69 i) I d . I I . d 14. Degret of VillidllfSS. 61964. ) Acrylic on g York; Wolfgang Lud-wig, Berlin; Enzo Mari, bS.}· I.·r ~A?E l:aO :1ss o verIP:1l11t~65./48 composition board, 48 x 48 ". ~ d b Milan; Almjr Mavignier, Ulm; Mr. and Mrs. rtle '"t-78 . wne yt1C:lrtlstJani~ - C~ll@fr, !)k" Yedt /tIt~S. ~&IIIS Edg:lr B. Miller, Chicago; Roy Moyer, New AGAM{YaacovGipstein).lsracli, born Roshon- STRAuS DE-ri20,T - I'I£w '(0/2'; CI'Jt_'t York; Me and Mrs. Hans NeulTI:lnn, Caracas; Ie-Zion, 1928; lives in Paris AVEDISIAN,ED{VARD. American, born Lowell, ·H 01 S kl I M BI· k· .I I I' ., M:1ssachuscm 1936' lives in New York Enc . son, toc 10 m; rs. ISS Par 111- 2. FIlII.' TU!lJIcs: Po YP IOIHe CmuposlflOll. ,... ~.' ~. ,-.- Ne\v York· M 'nd M B to P k' ~5.64196? 63 OJ b 5" ·7" C I b. UllfIl1ed.(1964J Acryltc on canvas, :J:J x 5011 , , r. drs. lIr n es In, _-. on ronze, 18 x . a - · JIG P N Y k I I· d ' bS./J.555". CollectiollJolm G. Powers, New P.nnceton, Oln . owers, ew or -; KaT ectlon Mr. an Mrs. Edgar B. Miller, .I . h I bl York Rem urtz, MUillC ; T 1C Honora e Anthony Chic:lgo Samuel, London; Mr. an.d ~rs. ~obert C. * 3. Double N[ctnlllorp1J~~~ I~ 1964. Oil on BANNARD, WALTERDA~BY. Amcrica~, born Scull, New York; Dr. Maxllmhan Sllbermann, &5. 6~ :lluminum, S' 10" x ilt. !hrll:H3rsugh New Haven, Conncctlcut, 1934; hves in New York, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney 1. Solomon, ,q -J( emeR Callsr)', New York. Ill. p. 28 Princeton, New Jersey 3 New York; Ludwig Wilding, Augsburg'CJ4·6S 7He. ~CJs~JItI/I. 01" A40i>~J2N' 4~r 16. Green Sll'p.(l96~ Oil on canvas 66 / , ALBERS,JOSEF.Amencan, born Bottrop, West- _ ' /~ Walter Zehringer, Munlch. I I· 1888 I· . N H C . 6.5·/03 x 62% ". TIQQr];ls l>1agy Ca~j'):1£A . ' p 1;\.1:1, ; Ives III ew aven, onnectlcut ¥6fk M~. -4/tIO ~.s. 'CJ.E$' irT, Calouste Gulbenban Foundatlon, London; 4. Lafe SOJll/d. 1957. Oil on composition J-Oo./~~. The MuseUl~ of Modern Art, Ncw York; Theb4.9..c.9 bO:lrd, 30 x 301/. Sidncy J:111isG:lllcry, BECKMANN,HANNES.American, born Stutt- Larry Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, Con- New York gart, 1909; lives in Ncw York I1ccticut. * 5. {frOjJ; 1955. Oil on composition bOJrd, 17.111((/. 1964. Acryuc on composition Ame1 Gallery, New York; Ankrum Gallery,&4-.94-7 29'S' x 29% If. Sidncy Janis Gallery, 65.110 board, 30 x 30 fl. :r.;a§~I~iilHLfl~ei'1 Gall@F, I Los Angeles; Gallcri:1 del'Aricte, Milan; New York. Ill. p. 21 "'-W OO(~K OIoIL'( 1>18 "Y:erliI(Al'lle/iJS 94.u.£'er: 6t>s7t:Y'l. 6$.3'7 Ai.4IN2:i' A .Qa6&", ,q6.(. .... , o.J 65.4" A"tJSWIiW,ez, D£-edl!v ~ ilo~A:J',nD,J ~~t:JA1IZC1 .jo" ~ -~....'- 12 ,. 30 .. I rrrvv' I ,<JOS. 4CJt!'1'Ut:. Drol cM'IAS I ,41 • AM'; ~. KA~ qOWWrl ~AI'4:; 66 Y,,, b6~"'," NAt. AMP MilS. A. r. c,....~n iNn-flD. T'. TO J£ ,,/ilL. _7' ' ""~l,J 't~e".;,. 7O"JQ o,./£..(. --- , BELL,LARRY. American, born Chicago, 1939; COST...., TONI. Italian, born Padua, 1935; lives Virginia, 1928; lives in Washihgton, D.C. livesin Los Angeles in Padua. (Formerly Gruppo N; see Gr~o N) 36. Pool. 19(4. Acrylic on canvas, 54 x 54". ia GlassSCl/lp'"''N"lIIber10. 1964. Metal * 27. Vis"al DJ~nic~3. Polycthyfen~;n 65. So Stable Gallery, New York ~ and glass,14x14x 14", Collection Mr. b5.14wood,.:r. x ". Owned by the £1. "6.3'12 and Mrs. William N. Copley, New artist. Ill. P' 51 (CIAqONAL) EQUIPO 57.A Spanish group exhibiting anon- York NEvi -tot!.:K. or./l.:f 4$.05 TIlE 1IIttJ.S&JM ()/: ~ All2T ymously, comprising Juan Cuenca, Angel CRUZ-OIEZ, CARLOS. Venezuelan, born Ca- Dnarr, Jose Duarte, Agustin Ibartola, Juan BLNJAl'.UN, KARL STANLEY. American, born racas, 1923; lives in Paris I'tASTIG Serrano 1 Chicago, 1925; lives in Claremont, California * 28. Phvsuhroniie NUlIJber 1"16 1964. +--- * 37. PA-18. 1959. Oil on canvas, 57 /..,. x . " SrR,PS Jl<IO 7EJlPCI1Il Ci/ <ARO~04e.9 &S S - 1 19. Nl/mber 27. 1964. all on canvas, :::.1 /46~. bS I."'rlHmt ~Sti6 Bll sse pt td, 39% . 447/~ ", Collection Herbert C. Bernard, 1 bS. b x 381jz", Owned by the artist x 40 /4 If. Collection Hans Neumann, New York. Ill. P' 23 J 4 BENKERT,ERNfsr. American, born Chicago, Caracas. Ill. p. 29 * 38. Vf?~1964. Engraving on glass, 47 / li . N Y k C B 'S. '2.2x l,iS/! diagonal. Galerie Suzanne Bol- 19_8;? ves ill ew or UNNINGHAM, ENJAMINFRAZIER.American, ' 20. Black ,"d.~~"eS Op-Tickler. (196~ born Cripple Creek, Colorado, 1904; lives in lag, Zurich. III. p. 50 b5:4~ Acryliconi131ltfiJ§itisl eeatel,24x24", New York FANGOR,WOJCIECH. Polish, born Warsaw, Mntbj,tholl GJUCf¥, New York * 29. Equivocation, 1964. Acrylic on compo- 1922; Jives in Paris Mttl. A Mf2S. $0""- xorr; 6S /7 .. b I 16 r'I" EH * II d ~ BERLEWI,HENRYK.Polish,born Warsaw,1894; . small oaro, - x -) 2 . ast 3mpton 39. Mu rico ore J)J11~\.j1ll1 ,,7. 'l963. x li e " Pat's Gallery, New York. Ill. p.?7 bS.2.~ Oil on~" /2. I. Galcrie IV SIll 1 106.65 T"H£ Nt.1SEUM oF Mo()ei:l'/ 4,er- * 21. Meclwllo-Fakrur: COllStmctio:~pi"4,iX DAVIS, GENE. Amcrican,. born Washington, Lambert, Paris. Ill. p. 29 .

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