
MAILS .. - . j. f v. TTi 1 I t From San Francisco: 9TP fM Av . ' 1.7 y" A Lurline. Aug. .24. W. 3:30 :: For Son Francisco: c rf'-IVf- t Persia, Aug. 24. :ff FP ftf 1 From Vanccuver: M N 1 Makura. Sept.' 8. ,. For Vancouver: Makura, .August 20.

Evening 6245 Bulletin. Eat." 1882. No. 12 Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. 7286 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1M5. 12 PAGEa PHIC3 FIVE (Z27I

r JOHN D. SPRECKELS wi chine IK III 7). I'O;jo VMHl 1 HERE WITH PARTY ON WitflllMiUl m-Amm- . I VENETIA urn commmm HIS YACHT ,2:.".CET0V!SflF CO. f BIIIRPfllSED IMS FOR A. PA - f'. ..." '.. "... M f'jP COM OF TEfflS SS I CARRANZA'S MAN AS I ATSiAIPilOI I I SB MILITARY GOVERNOR Galveston Cut Off From Main H u i c land r r a nc Isolates These, in Addition to Cavalry, Coming of Commission to Ha- - Austin, San Antonio, Hous- Will Bring National Guard wan Is m Line With Move to ton and Beaumont ,j - Up to High Standard Retain .or Replace Duty FEARS FELtIiIrE FOR ; BUSINESS MEN OFFER CONGRESS EXPECTED - l A . SAFETY OF U. S. TROOPS .TO FINANCE SCHEME : TO ACT IN DECEMBER .V4 4Ji4l4W tei W Lit Many Soldiers Garrisoned at No Thirteenth Company Will Be Retention of Duty, if Decided - OUTLYING FORTS THERE AND AT NOVOGEOHGIEVSIC City, Where Inrush- Formed, But Men Can Enlist Upon, Will Be Solely for Reve - TAKEN UNDER HEAVY CANNONADING VASHI.'.'GTO:; ing Seas May Cause Disas- . and Be Detailed at Choice nue, and Not for Protection AND ter Gale Reported To Be BERLIN REACHING AGREEMENT ON PAYMENT F0H 3 gun company By SINKING OF SHIP W. " Subsiding ; macnine win, soon C. 8.' ALBERT. P. FRYE , n be added. to the 1st Infantry, National (Special Star-Bulleti- n Correspondence) WASHINGTON, 4 l Associated Press by Federal Wireless Guard of Hawaii,1 if .. tentative plans August The an rAsaocIated JTess Service by Federal Wlrelessl of; Col." Samuel Johnson, the. adjutant force of four spe 17-.- nouncement.hat.a SAN FRANCISCO, Auq. 17. Congressmen: Curry, K:u.n DALLAS, Texas, Aug. genera, , work out according to pres cial agents will thoroughly Investigate 1 The great stonn raging on the ent prospects.' The local guard Is the sugar Industry of Hawsil --did not and Hayes of the California delegation pbn to c:!c t!;: fortunate in that it has most of the create the slightest degree of surprise house naval affairs committee to approve appropriat;:r.: f;; Gulf coast is doing much dam- , among who followed material and equipment on hand, for those here; have - CO - age, but so for no casualties' in the formation of this special, unit, and events since the enactment of the Un submarines for Pacific coast defence; :;; , and towns that the men can be, , enrolled and tJerwood-Simmon- a tariff law. the menaced cities equipped Jmmedlately. , . The impression ; has been steadily AB2T. v t L02IDOIT, Enor, 17. On3 cf tha a A w k have been reported. Another plan of the 'new adjutant growing for many months that the sit- general for Increase- - of "ttie ; guard, uation would be carefully. canvassed losss3 of the war has been suffered by Great Eritiia in Galveston's connecting-lin- k which promises ta be. productive of from every anplf In order that'a de &2 to send, reinforcements tor th3 trccps which Iivd I:," 1 mainland, big results in the neat future, ' Is a .pio cision- - might be reached concerning with the the : sugar ' at Gallipoli peninsula' to aid the attae!: cn th3 causeway built after the disas- neer company of engineers, which the the possible restoration of to ISSB a a 8 3 3 a S 4 Drd:r.:: war department U Vrery anxious to its former protective duties It has Ths transport Royal Edward, carryinj soldi:r3 to th: ... of number of years ago, have added to the organized militia been equally :weH understood that If r ter a v K Gen. Pablo Gonzales, now, . , 'John D. Spreckels ; rv nelles, was sunk by a snbmarins in tha Aegean sea of the territory." "r such action were taken It would be B h:t snapped; last night whenUhe based altogether on tue necessity for emlng Mexico City while Gen. X Joluf D. Spreckels yachL Before leaving for Hawaii last Sat Carranza stays in his stronghold day. 0n8 thousand men were lost. , of tore handsome urday Col. interested num raising "revenue, and not on the theo battcricr the waves' the, Venetia, slipped smoothJy into the Johnson a S at Vera Cruz, Gonzales: Is cred- ber of prominent, business men in the ry of aiforaing protection to tne in- away ICQ feet of the heavy con harbcr this morning from Hilo and - ' " : it ited with having secured control proposed- gun organization. dustry; V- : s machine 1 anchored In the stream. A merry party - S of Mexico City for the Carranza . promise . of A report on sugar conditions must Heavy Gorman ' structicn. of Honolulu people friends and ac and secured the their S forces, and undertaken to bring CaEnon. SbrJij-- '. hearty support and - cooperation, even be submitted to Congress before May; wind . law and to capital, Together with the .and quaintances cf the California .capital financing the new or l, 1916, weed that; article automatical 8 order the and : to the extent of entry-o- f - 1st, and society 'folk went out , to H to secure the the train- 3 waves from the Gulf of Ilexicd, . own expense If ly goes on the, free iisi. If found ne ganization at their - board, the Venctia and then began a PS loads of food awaiting outside- K Immediately cessary to enact remedial legislation m rains have fal ' federal funds were not M city so' MWiMMiM further furious busy, round cf entertainment which " ' " and prevent BUgar front "bein gen tire-- the and badly needed for available."' . half-starve- & victualing d Inhab-- ; Germany, 17. OfflchL--Af- len; Five fcct of rainwater is will give Mr. Spreckels and his party Charles R, Forbes, superintendent ly placed on the free list it is desired the i fBEIHJir, Acj. t:r t:ir;:r: i scant leisure time during their brief to undertaken by Congress x Itanta within ; r ; - Of Gal- - ; of public works, has taken over the have it the their heavy cannon and directing a steady Ura 1:7 :r. : . . reported in the Streets . . v ' s-- stay here. , . organization engineer company. which as8emhJps 6, . The ''' of the a QB1 58 B? ingr VCStcn. V V - 11 has been rumored that the son would to have briefest BBR8 8SBSQQh forts in front cf ITovno, th3 G:rmin3 aro rcdz::r 7 f . ' V. and already has received many appli idea .he the tl: Austin; Can Antonio, Hons of Claus' Spreckels, the sugar king cations from thote who are anxious possible interval elapse before the res ficaiibns. Ths ontlyinj frcnt ha 3 now : :n c : L whose history is indissolubly tied up '" sugat t , to dutiable list, to enroll. . " toration of the -: - Gennanj tocI: 210 cannon and iZZO : :- ton and Ecanmont haye been with that of Hawaiian industry, would . rul with a corresponding aid 'In the 'ma- ?r::r.z Accorditr to war department " isolated by the storm, which have an, eye open for business whilo ing, the machine gun outfit cannot be tter of raising revenue.; .V,r, n SAUDI At Novcjccrjievzlr, which zlzo t:z ' ' he is herer particularly the steamship recruited as a separate unit, to form The plan to make a three months' - ing out Tine j rf- has tern down telephone ana business, inasmuch as he is head of company study of .conditions . in Hawaii- may be rth f ' a thirteenth of the regiment, a : Steamship . - pe- rn Company and modified a rv w ::t '. the Oceanic nut must coirnosed of men detail- somewhat and shorter wt C:rt:an . telegraph wires - , be ' ii i head of- varlcus .sugar and sugar te-- edt' from' the': companies'-o- thev rcgi- riod .allowed for., that' purpose. . The lj' -- ,; " I .1 Li I I have been . , The a n s p o IlcClellan fining, companies." men-ca- n Inquiry be. sugar. tin tahci t r rt . However, f- his menL However, Uiese oe en must. extended to:the ill brcke frc;n her. no crises, and friends and business Itssdclat.es-.- &cn listed, &tr assigned to conrpamea' or Industry in Cttturi.""Fort; Hico. -, It thatthe Is here on any business whaU the lit Infantry wittf the distinct tin- is, proposed itaerform .thiy portion' of drifted half a mils seaward but j the- - commission returns ever, They say the trip ls.for preasiire fleretanilng that. they, be assigned to task after' the U. G. - X-;.- to - is believed Jtci h3 cafe.'.- . cnlyv But even at that it. is probable the provlslonarmachlne gun company. from. Hawaii. YChief Special. Agent h G::...v- that he will to some extent look into The company, by regulation, is com Frank J. Sheridan is in charge of the - goes along - party- now. at the Hawaiian Islands. " business conditions as he manded by the regimental commls- cost of Ad: Local amy officers are con and may have some announcement to sary. : ; ... . Under the Georgia's Fearless Former Gov make, as to the future of the Oceanic of provisional ma production division ;of the - commerce sidcrably worried over the pos The officers the contempFated investiga- ernor Declares Mob Should company as It concerns Hawaii. ; Ko chine gun company must be detailed bureau which : W htcct U. 3. zz: ) ; Congress .. in sibility, disaster, at. Texas Officer, general director of near- ,; : tions for the benefit of Hang Body Jew; cf and from the regimental and battalion of Prison Germany, ''damf'cj :.-.- " : In- framing tariff legislation, only dutiable ' discuscinj the payment cf fcr - - ly 20 Jarge corporations, .whose . staffs of regiment, and must have t': city,- wncre many .tnousana , the can investigated, and er Found on Tree Early To terests' embrace everything from ho-- an - enlisted personnel of 60.' V; articles .be the of tha American ship V7illiaa P. Frye in Vzi Z:z:i .V.!;:. , S. ;soldi'crd sugar Inquiry must;-therefor- be' con- U. fe;'quartered. tels' to railroads and steamship lines, Mr. Forbes leaved this afternoon tor day; Near; Mary. Fhagan's was mads public here today, .: by cluded before i.May.CTiof. next year. 7 Mr. Spreckels fcund himself tired Kauai. but expects to return within ; Th3 pest to the fury - : cf-dam- i: Former Home : - has- completed will v. rc:sd his many and varied labors and has a aays, wnen ne taae up ac The division and r Germany has agreed to the payment :3 tl. , stcrm and disaster lew win publish shortly reports on women's lui cf the is measure . men; . Corre- taken this extended trip as a tive work of signing Wireless discussion has been over method VzL : ' ,: Associated Press by Federal the cf a complete physi- spondence Division muslin underwear cotton hosiery and payncni. feared; . . towards mental and with the of Militia .3 pre r SAN FRANCISCO, CaK, August ,17. 1 cal relaxation. He will be In Hono affairs has. already provided for the knit goods, and reports are being States accepts Germany's proposal to pay ths ar:-:- nt on s "The lynching ,of Frank was the act nir:: Late reports today Say that lulu for a short stay only. The yacht equipment of one extra" company of in pared men shirts, collars and by cuffs and men's ready-to-wea- r, gar f cowards and an outrage upon Geor a commission after examining the facts. : . of try out of unallotted funds, and o! the hurricane is dying out. will leave soon for the island Kauai fan ments. Preliminary Is pro gia, declared Former Governor 51a Richard Ivers of Brewer & Com one troop of cavalry. ' It Is expected work in The American note asks Germany fcr a statement wh:.h:r transport was gress on men's hats and cotton gloves. ton today. . It who com The uuiord pany, wno tnis city ror a trip to that further special appropriations was.Slaton lert These inquiries,will furnish a full re muted Frank's death sentence to life her intentions are to abide by her interprctaticn cf ths'tr: t due to sail shortly from Galves- the mainland early in June returned will be made in the near future. j up port on the dry goods schedule of the imprisonment a few days before leav or the American interpretation, in ths conduct cf naval c Mr. Mr. has taken nation :- h:r :r wlthMK Spreckels in his yacht Forbes the y- - n-.- : ton with troops for the Philip tariff. 5 - ; , ing the executive chair,- - Ivers', trip was also one of pleasure al guard work with enthusiasm, and ations. As to the treaty provisions dispute, is agreed to mini ' "Ml engaged in this lynching should in it pines, passing through the only. He spent all cf his time on the estimates that he will have the the-Hague- . f hang,, declares Slaton, who Is visit submit them to , - touching Pacific coast, partly in the Canadian mum strength required for a militia .v.vr; ';:'f Panama Canal and engineer company inside of two weeks. Ing, the exposition. "Good 'citizens Rockies, where he enjoyed the hunting everywhere will condemn the act." here. It is considered doubt- and magnificent scenery of this region The company, according to the tables organization, a captain, ful now if she can sail as pro- - and partly on a tour along the Sierra of will have Associated Press by Federal Wireless Dsflin Claims Snccojinl -- V : Nevada mountains through California. first lieutenant, second lieutenant and ? : 17, '. ' ATLANTA, Gk, August posed.- S men. . ; Ute v' stayed only , a ;.in enlisted r He short time today 'the. body '"of .Leo "Frank was 3I1 Texas, City is only four feet San Francisco to see the wonders of brought here. It Is understood It will aS;Raid ; on EdjIi S sncc 1 To::. : the Panama-Padfi- o exposition as he 2: be sent to his former home-f- n Brook sca-leve- l. 12 above It is about desired to spend most of his vacation lyn, where his parents' are Hying, and ' ;v ; - ' The G in the country." , raise ' i- following cablegram froni official German ecurces haa miles from alveston. In the buried there. , '' -' mm Vr ; ' - morning Mr. - -- In conversation this In an address before the Civic been received: : , .t big storm of 1C00 the mainland " Ivers Indicated his belief that Tree or League later, in the day, 7 1 May 1 'German Admiralty reports: German flooded, sugar will go into effect on of , naval airship: c: near Galveston was F-- 6!aton said: . - 4 TO SURFACE 12-1- next year, as provided In the Wilson- "It is better for Leo Frank to have the night of August 3 renewed and is believed by army offi- Bars 2 Former' ; Attorney From attacks cn EnjH:h z:izz: it Underwood tariff bill, and that Hawaii been lynched than executed. One at Gal- must expect the deleterious effects of towns. They bombarded successfully military c:tal!I:':z::r' cers here who have been at Sitting in Judgment Law- - tacks the body, the . other the soul. on industry. s-- free trade Its dominant The outcome case is at Harwich. All the airships :".- veston and Texas City that the ; son to;GetNew Deal ; of the the result returned safe, altaeurh Ranging 226 feet from bowsprit to K BY SEPTEMBER 1 of the exalted position of woman in by the enemy.' : post is probably under water stern, and every foot designed for the heart of the Georgian."; : v commodious graced with no suggestion Associated Press by Federal Wireless now, there being, five feet of DENVER, Colo; Aug. 117. of the clumsy freight carrier, the Bitter Associated Press by Federal Wireless warfare- - mining operators water in Galveston. beautiful steam yacht Venetia perfect- Heavy Swell Stiff Breeze between MARIETTA, August 17s and and miners In 'the Colorado fields was Georgia, fi reputation one " ly lis her as of the M Addi- - The body of Leo M. Frank, lynched grandest boats on the Pacific Built Prevent oonng of indicated, today , when the aupreme early this morning by the masked ; : ,: court issued a writ of prohibition , Associated Press Service by Federal Wire:?::) - to combine the two difficult Ideals of tional Buoys Today bar band of 25 men which took him from BASEBALL RESULTS ring Granby Hillyer from presiding at PORT AU PRINCE, Haytl, August 17-- To devaxt-J:- r- - speed and comfort, the Venetia runs the prison farm Milledgsville last the -i cf i the trials'; of miners and strikers ac at ni rcvoiunoruiry uiaoraers nave oeen aaaea tne norrors cr a eye : i in easy ' lines from ; uptllted Owing to a heavy, swell and a stiff night, was 8:30 morning AMERICAN LEAGUE." ' te inciting disorders. The found at this which on 8unday devastated the l;!-- J. bow to - serviceable A- cused of writ entire southern sids of thj C1cveland-Fir- schooner the breeze, Navsi Constructor J. - Furer hanging. to a tree near a road. At st flame, Detroit was Issued request of the mine The towns or aux Cayes, Petite Villa Villa, .1 c (Continued on page three) hlB to finish at the and Grand havs t: 10, Cleveland i second game, Detroit and men were not able workers.; It is alleged that Hillyer He had been hung within sight of stroyed. The Interior of the Island is flooded. :.. 7. Cleveland 3. anchoring the two remaining mooring was once. an. attorney for the compa- the former home of Mary Phagan, the buoys bver the F-- 4 today. Operations supreme factory girl of whose murder he was complet nies. The court also granted fAdditional TeleqraDh Desoatchcs cn C NATIONAL LEAGUE. NATIONAL GUARD were concerned mainly with a supersedeas fn the case of John R. convicted under Circumstances' that Pzz : up country-wid- e ? "At Philadelphia Cincinnati 2, Phil- ing rigging the dredge Reclama Lawson. tn United Mine Workers of aroused notl ce. will to . BASEBALL MANAGER IS 1 adelphia o. - tion, which . be attached the ficial, convicted of criminal conspi Frank had been brought .100 miles At New York Brooklyn 3, New buoys tomorrow morning if the sea racy ,The will be brought be from the prison farm, taken in an 1 L ' OUT BUT WILL CONTINUE i?1 : ce York 2. is then calm enough. - fore the feourt on its merits.,; auto at high speed. It Is learned that At Plttsbura First game, Pittsburg 'JAY BE ASKED TO While neither Mr. Furer nor Lieut a portion of the crowd wiihed to mutt TO PLAY WITH HIS TEAM 3, second game, Pittsburg K. B. Crittenden would make any defi lat the body.- - .. :: ,: Chicago 2; - ILLINOIS FALLING IN ! nite statement as to when the snb- - The body was cut down and an In 6, Chicago , , . tAssoclated Press by Federal WlreiessJ marine will be actually raised to the quest 'will be' held. . - - LINE WITH PUfia FOR BROOKLYN. N. V 'Aumit . iJ CO. 0,J1s INFANTRY, N. G. M. surface, September 1 is given as an HUNT CIVIL-MILITA- RY ilagee, MERER approximate date. So many unexpect WORK manager of the' Brooklyn Fed PRESIDENT REAPPOINT eral. League team and leading bats--, r' All Company D, N. G. ed things may happen between now members of may Associated Press by Federal Wireless man of the league, today resigned as com- and then, or unfavorable weather JUDGE W. L. WHITNEJ unless properly excxised by a Star-Bullet- 17-- manager - (Special in Wireless) occur again to delay the work, that It CHICAGO, UU August A train of the team. He will con- missioned officer, of company, will ing camp businessmen under mili TO BENCH TODAY nue to play with the Brookfeds the HILOv Hawaii, August 17-- The lo- Is Impossible to estimate accurately for , THE '"' - Early in season team report at the armory at 7:30 p. m cal company of the National Guard the date. tary- discipline: has been ordered for the the led the Sheridah- - ' , y".;i.'; :;,-- eague but has been dropping some Associated Press by Federal J Wednesday, August 18, which time of Hawaii may be called out late today That the submarine's condition. Fort t BBBBBBBKbSSBShSSS for Wlrels:: at , . even, when time. 17-- T: meeting to assist In capturing the desperate raised, will be such that , WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. a buness will be held to any AVhlt- - kill- not evidences of the cause of the CBBHSB89K9BDSQDQR X Circuit Judge William L. cf:-clar- Spaniard who on Sunday shot and -- Interstate Commerces Commission organize, committees to arrange for a ' disaster can be obtained It is 8 '..i ': : J. ;''' y B K ney was formally - reappointed X Portuguese from RECEIVER NAMED FOR -- ed a at Naalehu, later M investigation cf t.us company smoker' and to take up any the belief of the Army, and Navy Jour- S Augustus E. Murphy, clerk of 6? today by President Wilson. V A' that its f shooting at a captain of police before - F--4 Slocat . court, re- w : Star-Balletl- n MIDDLE complications cf Lb,e other matters pertaining to the com- he disappeared in the cane fields. nal. In an article concerning the S the federal' ha 8 cablegram to the WEST RAILROAD ancial Ch::3 the publication ' says: "Very celved a letter from Joseph Tu- - X brought news 9.o'clock pany. , . V' The Spaniard is known to have a little 1 the at this Rock Island system has dsm:r:tr; hope au- S multy, secretary to the president, v .'.-- - . (Hawaii Shlnpo is by X morning. by Federal Wireless) al -- rifle and 31 dunvdum cartridges. He entertained the naval 8 It said: S the need of a le-- llm!tr;:i cn r thorities the recovered submar- thanking Mr Murphy for a sup-- M X "Whitney reappointed judge." M ST. LOUIS, Mo, Aug. 17. C. F. swore he would Kill captain or that ! the ply descriptive - road. security issues ari a ' police and deputy sheriff if he were ine will contain any evidences which S of literature of S S ' The appointment had been cer- Bush, the weir known railroad man, the Hawaiian r: Among Attorney-Genera- l Mc- - responsibility t; j pursued. The police have hopes of will enable an accurate determination S Islands. S 1 tain since S has been named receiver of the St. the f:r Man Fence of the causes of the disaster." E the literature, was a copy of the 8 S Remolds cabled to Judge Whit- - Louis, Iron Mountain & Missouri-Pa-r corporation fui driving him into the open by starva- - of S Panama Canal: edition of the S S ney last Saturday asking him If ? clfic railroad system. tionr v."i ed Portuguese, died instantly, g Star-Bulleti- n, -- Structural and Ornamental Iron the shot which was greatly . W ; Isolated homesteaders in Kau S he would accept reappointment. o - One h .Irzl ar.i ty f the I - going through his heart. Booze is said appreciated by Mr.' y ac-- z ! H. E. HENDRICK. LTD. are Span S Tumult K g He cabled;- hack an affirmative The strike of the 5,000 employes of shir- - r:r3 llli-- district terrified while the to - - have been responsible for the fight K reply. ' . r Intemat!cr,-- l Tc-- r Ktrchxrit Attkti is murder s the Ca., t:rn fta. iard at liberty. Pedro, the which culminated In the crime. s cbrding to the letter ' I? t:i FlRS-PROpF- h 7ILt TriHCAnr-f- f AI TELL O C FOR PECllLLi!! v;;ll l!IIU unlit i ICE BEIJEOFffi OF CASEIiJIESIS CISEAEUIEVEmiiERE WE fSTORE EVERYTHING. CITY TRANSFER COMPANY JAMES H. LOVE PHONE 1231 '

SERIES Pao-Pacif- ic Luncheon at Y. U. EAST just r;ov LCffl RESIDEJT mm C. A. Gymnasium Marked by FAVOF3HK0 Important Announcements ILove'o : Noted t Revivalist Tells Rev.-- A. A. T. :Long!ey,: Market Super- - John Keith's-- ; 0squ:sVQf 5Qr Paii-Pacif- It was Chinese day 'at the' lc A. Ebersoie He Plans Few ; intenderi Says Corapetitjon 000 to; r.!rs. Edith Sprcckels lunch hour today, and a crowd ' , - of men, SO in number, met In the Y. May Be Involved oe Campaigns Next Year of Florida Fruit Too Great ;V-p-p-mmp , - M. C A. gymnasium to listen to the - f f ; ' " : chief speaker, C. K. Ai. tell of ' 1 ; story, - "Lmade special trip to. San Vlezo. the. The fact that , the Pacific Mail A sensational . will case with and called on 'Billy Sunday thre.' work that the Chinese ha?e don? In Steamship Company shortly will take an angle which touches a bequest of the upbuilding ' f said Tlev. a: A, Ebersoie. associate of Hawaii p its ships off the Paclfic and that th? 150,000. to Mrs. Edith Huntington pastor iof the Central JJnlon church. Owing to the need of morft TOom,; Oceanic Steamship !ompny expects Spreckels, now In Honolulu, has come T this morning while waltine for the through the constantly increasing at- to take the Sierra 5ff the Honolulu-- here from San Francisca luncheons,' ym--' - ; Mayor e Matsonja, on which he and Mi s. Ebcr tendance at the the San Francisco run ftaa sadlv handican- The story is that told by a Mrs. Lano Makes. Inspection, 1 Con8iCeralile concern Is manifested sole were passengers; to '!' nasium will hereafter b'j useU instead; ped the nlan of the territorial market- Louise. Thomson in Loa Angeles dk. Hall,' and Finds, by army authorities here, concerning ; "Sunday said to me: "Well, Eber- - of Cooke which''hin been found mg division to ship fresh Hawaiian Briefly, it Is that she is the daughter PIcn.Feifcle I the Galveston flood situation. There ole, you tell them I'm coming as too small to accomm;date all those pineapple to the mainland, according of the late John Keith, a wealthy m in : Would Save City Money - ; - are two brigades of soldiers station- soon as I can 'arrange it for next snm: who come.- ', to Superintendent A. T. Longley, who ing man, and suddenly she haa ap- Alexander Hume Ford presided a returned from coast today.. peared from the unknown to claim his ed near there, numbering approximate- mer.' I am only going to hold cam the Late yesterday Mayor Lane Inspect. ly 7.000 chairman and In his usual pleasant half-millio- n estate. "' men, also a number of trans- paigns In, a few cities fq the coraiu? In addition to, this . Information, Mr. dollar ports, . clever, way. c Star-BuUeU- police building and fol which may have badly year, this fall' at Omaha, about mid and introduced the leak- Longley told the n that. The story she tells td explain her ed the station been ers. .. camagea cr winter in Syracuse, and later at Bal ''':':"': after a thorough Investigation of con- long absence from, the scene of Keith's lowing the Inspection he announced wrecked in the storm. Mr. Al said, Jn part: . . , . Army headquarters today stated Umore. I may ? not take more thai ditions,' he has found it practically im later life is one of the most curious today that he believes that the station Mt may not be a bad Idea , ine that the recent special order reliev- 'it-- 1 for possible to: open in the. this year in court annals. those three, anJ do it will leavo East - to you early - bouse .will accommodate two extra ing Major Edgar duty mo free to come to Honolulu early take back to the historical a market for -- Hawaiian pines.- The Thirty odd years ago, according to Russell from days when were barely of-he- r mayor lo- in office signal next' summer,'" T ' the islands competition of the pineapples grown MrsThomson's narrative brok- Stories wherein the plans to the of the chief officer known to the ' world. ; While 1 Galveston, and ordering him to This- - is the word 'brought back by, outside in Florida, he says, is too strohg. en life, John Keith and his' daughter, cate, the city, offices... at the American war of independence executive take the transport Buford" from Gal Hev. Air. Ebersoie, who called on Rev. Mr. Longley'g trip to the coast was Louise, were . shipwrecked off the Y was going on there were some very separated. The foundation, I m told, is plenty veston August 2S for Hawaii, may be . William A. Sunday io convey to. him primarily for the purpose of Interview Alaskan coast They were interesting dramas enacted right here J. support two more floors." completely upset by the flood, which the offer of the Honolulu Inter-Churc-h ing the. officials of transpacific steam Passengers clung to. ice packs. John strong to In of may prevent major reach- I federation to come here an evan- - the Isles the paclSc. Vancouver, ship.. companies with a view to having Keith saw on a floe a girl whom he said Mayer Lane today, "and if so it the. from " for C. K. A li gclistlc campaign. In his Boot of. Voyages, 'related that r : t them put additional ventilators on thought was his daughter and saw her, appears to me that the Vity can save ing here. Tho. order. instructed Major From his Interview wjth the famous in the year' 1789, Captain Mctcalf 514 "and l8S7.;Chineso hold personal their vessels which would permit the disappear into the sea, a lot of money by puttingSta city hall Russell to report for duty as a signal had sailed frcm. Macao," China, wjth I m aeparuneau . tevhaJIrt, Rev,, Mr. Eberaole" is conf- property 'assessed "value 2,483,074. To. shiDDlng of a ereater anantltv of Rescued by Esquimaux. on top of the police station. , Not only oiacer ue Hawaiian 10 - ' a crew of Americans and 45 Chi deposit-"ors'acctun- ts was ix! rnt that the spring of 1916 will see tal 'H,Xo5,18. Savings bank' fresh pineapples from Honolulu to the He believed her. dead. She . would It save the cost of. a iuHalng nese on the schooner Eleanor. : 'This, Esquimaux found un-- Mr, Sunday here, holding meetings fcr'1914 to June "30" show mainland. These interviews were had, rescued. An her site but it would save the expense of v Special Order No. 172 has been re was j igloo. similar to those which have resulted vessel said to have called at the 1SS4 Chinese' with, total deposits of he said today, but the outcome was conscious and took her to his laying a foundation." ' - voked as concerns Seccnd Lieuta. Sid- of, -.- ' village iln hi; freds of thousands of conrer- - islands Hawaii and Maui. Although $535,062.14.'? ; . ; nnt wrr snrpafiil ' .1 And there. In an Eaauimaux extra are erected on ney IL Foster and Edward L. IloCnan n - If the stories - sions-i- no records can be found to substan- girl was Mrs. Thorn- - every city in which he. has Av.H, Ford, who preceded Mr. Al, The Pacific Mail officials Informed the Louise, who - an; of the Second Infantry, who la the ' top of- the police station,- elevator : '' M-- tiate the; claim' waa commonly' be ' -- ""' son, live 16 years, and almost appeared." ';'':';V ';'?" It said, Jn. part: ; ; Mr. Longley that they would give the for for would be included in the plana original order were instructed to Join good 45 I Most of his vacation was 'passed in lieved that a number of these ; ' fourthf Civic' Convention has division all . the soace required on got her race. ' the 21th Infantry on the transport to rrhe I present building is two stories in Chinese, if net all,"had taken tip ' Pan-Pacifi- At the end of period Mrs. Colorado by Rev.. Mr. Ebersoie. who their allotted the c Club '40 him-- their vessels and would arrange' the that height. The "mayor will make another sail for the Philippines September 13. stayed , at Denver and .' Colorado residence In the i&lahda What help- meeting, September. placing of freight from the Orient so Thomson said sue waaiouna oy wmte The haa been amended to di- utes at. the Kauai - trip of Inspection today or tomorrow order -- ed strengthen ' space trappers recognized. waa re- Srrlnss. for .nearly two months. , Ho to this belief was that 26 27, five-minut-e speeches that this would be readv when and She them on explratipn of their and' for - with, ; Building Inspector Freitaa and rect the would not -- 'Honolulu. "her old home In British Co- had planned a trip north to Rev. Mr. the schooner Eleancr have from the representative leaders of our the vessels arrived in The turned to be asked to furnish an leaves cf absence, to report to the Sunday's summer "home in Hood enough jobs to go around even to on; news the Pacific Mall : would go lumbla, only to find her husband waa the latter' wilt the several Pacific nationalities in Hawaii that estimate of the cost of erecting the commanding general of the Western . 45 again and with a family River valley, Oregon, but on .learning third of the' Chinese. Further, , out of business,' however, put an end married of 'This marks a hew era in the his- C department, for temporary duties pend. the-evangeli- when himself any Hve children. Her had not two extra stories,; , that .was in San Diego Vancouver returned to tory and advancement of Hawaii. For to plans, in that direction. father Ing' the arrival cf the 2Uh Infantry, 1795, of. made a special trip there to Interview the . islands in or thereabouts, The Oceanic people offered the di been heard will regiment. the first time the nationalities of the 4 -- where, they join the him and present the Honolulu Inter-Churc-h he'fqund Chinese settlers. already here Pacific are recognized at a great civic vision 8pace for 100 tons of pines a Heartbroken she returned to the 'nT.nTAii'CnfCn Federation's offer. and that commercial'' relations had gathering" steamer, meaning' the "Sierra, but that Esquima.ux village td live out her life, in this territory and their 1912,; Special Order No. 172," concerning Rev. Mr. Ebersoie said, the noted been established between these Islands ' v-- r it could, not promise anything on the Then, in Mrs. Sarah: J. Tedford, ' cooperation desired. J." ' Jv' '; sister-in-la- w 1st Lieut. Albert Booth, has been revivalist sroke at union revival ser- and.'Chlna., .., . : . " vessels stopping on their an aunt or sent for her, . "At , the home of Betsy Rosa in amended In Special Order 177, receiv- vices held in, the San Francisco tabl way to the mainland Trom Australia. Since that time she has been with ; -- Philadelp.hia,'' where the first Ameri- place on unas-signe- d crnaclo a month ago. "We will keep The Hawaiian products In those Mr.; Longley learned in; San Francisco Mrs, Tedford and It was not, she saya ed today, to him the . can flag was made, . a descendant of list-t- o September in correspondence with Rev.-Mr- Sun- very, among probably until she saw a notice of the death of take effect days few, Pan-Americ- an will be taken 13 wer.v but chief Betsy Ross has. presented to the that the Sierra on his present day," tald the Honolulu, which'was Honolulu-Sa- n John Keith, in the newspapers that she L He will remain minister,, them was sandalwood, very - Pan-Americ- off the Francisco run -- ' Union- the first an and will know later; In- - the .year hlgbjy'prized byntfie Chinese, so that; and . placed In sendee between San knew her father had survived the duty. -- v whether wljl p to come,, flag, the flag of the two Americas. Alaska. he able and even today the, islands are stiU known Pan-Pacif- Francisco and Australia, wreck. in Let us; have; a; ic flag a flag J-a- when." ter on, The, promised divis-- The San Francisco Chronicle says Private Rolland R. Weimer of the ' as sandalwoQd, islands." the Matson line the HELP C!;:,"!St ' people Pacific, for all. the of the - - $500,000 Corps, Logan. Is V ' Chinese realized that1 the opportunities! Jon more . space for pineapple ship- that John Keith's will left to Hospital. Fort Cat, r. .'Wir v For the Civic Convention I am to were ments, bnt declined-t- o give aid the Drotners ana sisters. Mrs. jaitn crdered'to Honolulu for duty 1n tho for ..development unlimited,, andi five-minu- te to p appoint speaker for each 1 " a I - Huntington Spreckels was bequeathed department, according to a so the' nce culture' was introduced,' greif-Pacifi- extent of installing t additional Venti Hawaiian of bur? races, a speaker . -- . . i t . - thriving in the great awampy lators. The company offered to give I $50,000, and Mrs. Wlllard C. Chamber 'From. the settlement at Kalanpapa, special cruec rtceiveu luua..j trictaof who 'in five minutes will tell briefly ; neglected- - al-- . snaca for-30-0 tona. or 9000 cases, of lain ; $25,000,' and a limousine: The Molokal, Ung Man Chlu, a leper, has anJ , lands and; growing what, the people of .'"his nationality mo?t side by side with taro. The rice fresh pineapples each month. university, of uauromia had a c:a:m sent $25 to, the Chinese. Merchants' 'Quartermaster Sergt, lelvln TL will do' to make these islands . industry was "at one 'time the'leadingf canand "Summing thewhole. thing up," Mr. for. $145,000 and if was because of Association, to be tisod in .the relie now Douglass, Arizona, haa a place to livef in. On thacom-mitte- e : Gunn, at better Longley said, today'vlf'werwill dispute over that claim that i post work for flood aufforcrs in China. one in Hawaii flourishing until, the J pleasure, as have to the been transferred to Honolulu. He will it .Is a to name.' rely on the Mata0ttline:for ;ouriplne ponemeht of the probating of. the will The money, includes Ung Man Chiu's September annexation of these islands to five-minut- V ed San Francisco Well-know- n 'the speakers ' for: Hawaii, leave Honolulan' Said to United States, The operation of the shipments; 'andtat ttab weare 'limited .waa granted. ; . o ; ;. own gift, and what he was able to, so. report the commanding officer, China," CJ K. Al; Japan, . will to ' ruined Prince KuhfoJ to 3uo tons a montnjTnat is ; Dot, a Keith, U is . said, never mentioned licit from the other lepers. . duty. Have. exclusion act has practically Latin-Americ- a, Hawaiian department, for Set on.FIatfcrm. With Y, So$a; M. C. Pache daughter. - Only f says W bng : mere drop bncket. Next that he had a one 1 do not know," Chot this industry, as It deprives Chinese - intha 'year, co;,- Australia, TZ Hendersonf Kor v ' paragraph in the-- will - indicates association, "how Revivalist at 'Frisco If the pineapple crop shows an in that of the merchants' 1 rice growers of the supply of Chinese r Slegmund F. ; rea, Dr. S. Rhee; and as jdelegates: f the, any thought of con able to get this Quartermaster. Sergt 7-- '..' . v ; ... crease, we will have to have more testator had a the lepers have been t: laborers;.:... '.. .V Pan-Paclfic- ,r - ' Fran- A.- H. Ford ; Canada, Ji . we cer- E. Fuhrmann, on arrival at San 'News 'filtered In here today from yctt'ask; any schobl.hOy Is. space for shipments.' test. He wrote much money together, .but "K what Washington-Oregon- , R, - Honolulu, to be sent W. Wadman; Anyone contesting - -- and; cisco frcm is Honolulu passengers on the Matsonia, the leading industry In Hawaii today After- snendin? several davs In San and. successful- tainly" appreciate the gift the -- T. F. Miasonla, ilontana, for duty, to A. McCandlCss. E. Lambert: Scuth' America. -- . ly breaking this will shall be allowed wish of the lepers cn Molokal to add to'Fcrt the effect that John wjli su- Francisco, Mr. Longley proceeded to Tho-ma- a he without hesitation say, that " Sergt, .1-2- Sedgwick; California, A.' L. JJackaye;, in tcrrel eve Quartermaster 'become an." ardent' advocate, of. ' But-i- f In- Chicago. Where he exnected to onen a no more. their part In relieving the. sufferers gar la. you ask him" who 1 New 'Zealand, A. C.ALinnemann; No was. of any ; - ; l r.tterson, who reports to Fort "r'"y," Sunday, ;. the world, famous Sugar, Its market for the fresH pineapples grown mention made child China.".. - - troduced .here he Inay'flnd "Spme. day .we. are to have a flag will, lawyers say has McDowell, Cat, for duty. 'whose preaching' has, Con- dircult to .answer. '.in digging up the by the small farmers in Oabu which in the and this the So far this week the association verted, thousands and whose pulpit ot Pacific unity andmat nag must De are not- - ' can-- makes it possible for a child, who can collected $122.25 for the relief fund. one wijl find In 1802 a' contracted for at the ! records that . '' prove given.' A .popular officer of the. Hawaiian acrobatics have delighted or disgusted ''as! made up' of parts. First let us. know nerlea' ' v that Kelthwas. her, father, to Sam Wo Chan has $S6.50, Chch5 tn3l was! sent from Chlnai " : C. suar flags, ' your permis ' Chan,-$2.2- 5 ; Poy, $22.50 ; Tong department, 2nd Lieut Harrison IL thousands more. . each other's With While In the eastern 'city' he con- take the entire fortune. Yim Ho. V the Chinese nad , already discovered, " Acccrdiss to. h friend, Mr. McCaftd; sion I will appoint Tuesday,' Septem ferred '"'With.' men. Mrs. Thomson's story was imme Wah Fpon,. $35.50, and Ung Man Chiu Richards, Fourth ' Cavalry, haa been that these islands Would be suitajale several commission - . even, 21, Day; repre diately by , ordered,- la a special order received lr?3 became so friendly with Rev. - ; ber as Flag when the IS contradicted relatives of $25.. ' cultivation.-- " . He'found that it Impossible to open Ve- "wMr. Sunday at San Francisco that for saigar ? ''. sentatives ;cf each Pacific state and Keith, among them Luke Davis, a ne Papers which are beginning to ar today, to proceed to San Diego, to - -- ."The next important industry' that nM ...ha ... for when. DiJIyT . preached in '! Sad country and colony will be expected ta tofliv; phew, and Amos Keith, a brother rive from the stricken districta'tcll of I ivfcv u ftlflm ;the the' Chinese had taken' up was thef hpiivp aM. ht mm ' rrancisco tabernacle, during. the re- present us wuu iue uag oi ub muu the flrat of Febrtiirv ttnti! th mldrtln euu. uever wm. the .awful devastation and the suffer- duty at the Signal Corps aviation cultivation of pineapples; Thia Vaa 1 I '" cent union evangelistic services in the and furtherance of this plan' I will at all. ing brought on by; the flood. . They schocl at North Island, across the bay long before the days of the Wahlawaj in exposition city; Mr. McCahtllesa was appoint xne. louowwig aa a comnmiets - anrt Concerning the disposition of the say thatarhen the'flrst rush of .water from San Diego. ''.. ' pine growers, although 1 don't want ty ch0Co fnifts that Hnnolntu will the. platform. ,He is said to have On flags and Flag Day: Canada; Rev. estate, the Chronicle of August 11, came i down upon Canton practically take away' any of the credit belonging be able tr"shib bineamiles there In "njoined the ranks of those Honoiulans W. F; Fry; Washington1, F; Carter; Or- carload lots and sell;them at a paying says: the. entire, city was under water. Fires Department Orders. ' de- who to. to the latter, who were the ones to : ' only many houses, wantMr. Sunday come here egon,' Ed De"kum California, G.' W. R. - The distribution of the estate also broke out in of the 160. - ; price.- Large shipments of Florida Special Orders No. and v. velop it to such a large scaled ; made, revive" Honolulu.: " King; Pan:AmerIca,Jack Gomes; New pines so far was the. presentation un due to hasty departure of residents, 3. Captain F. Johnston, Med- Aj5t' Pupil. ." are being made to. Chicago, and James. Ktmehame'ha '.'l Zealand, C. F. Maxwell ; Australia, J. der ;the provisions of Keith'c will of who. took what property they could Ccrp Ruger, will pro- "ICamehanieha, the. fruit is very popular, he said. ical Fort H.T "The." ChihesV taught W. Bains;' Philippines, "u1 M. de Jesus; Mr. vLohls:ler exhlalned that on ' the a limousine to. Mrs. Willard C. Cham carry, and fied. fqr safer, districts. It ceed to Honolulu, H. T reporting on the Great his first lessons In the econ Ccnsul Woohuah Tszang; ' Ja- - paciflq coast about four times aa many berlain and an auto to Charles McCord, is expected that the next mail from arrival to the commanding officer, de- omics cf government and gav Lira the pan; .H:AHU; Korea,. Ke!ih; the Orient win bring word of the re duty: : a k A A - awrbelni.useCaabetow.thaflrat w.h?;w" ha?eur::; partment' bospiUt for ex- - .' by inea. or pori cnarges, import no Syngman Rhee; Hawaii, Col. Cur- Qf distribution of the estate will be held lief work accomplished '.the'": first - granted 1st , v Dr. Julv. They are' with a - 4. leave cf absence " ' meetins fff The port To credit, Icing. i J ' ' I up probably by protest August 23 money out from Honolulu. . duties. his the tls laukea. : ' . ', good demand in suite of the fact that on sent Clyde R. Abraham, 2nd Infan-- establishing system of Mrs. Mrs. Lieut was quick in for "I would suggest a' uniform, size oi: California fruits . rlenUf ul and Thomson and Tedford. try. is extended eight aie ; Fort Shafter, the collection of taxes and duties for by seven, flags and -- - It waa said yesterday that . Mrs. five feet (or the Cher.p. i .5 ix days.- - v - . ." own country prac Edith Huntington Spreckels, who-wa- s h$ slmllaf to those tliat the' committee enlist the aid of t am y 5. Major Charlea A. Ragan, aieaicai tised in China China was at that time appropriate ce-- -- ra' r bequeathed: 150,000 by. Keith; had sold CffKEC; the ladies, andarrahge o ipt everyone : mn Corps, ia detailed as a member of the the only country whlch he held ah where'we fM9PV tn Mnrrla Wlnilt nt . tho ESI with rcmonies iorMno.pre8enta.uon fl ormg hr general court-martia-l appointed to foreign ,;;.' nda. markets which "will ine Eagle Tannery: Mrs. Spreckels j a relations. . 2 .''.. said meet at Fort Ruger. uii iiiu ISLuMi to bayc withdrawn her petition for a B, "With tec of population Jf-i- m L :;...--"'- ' Rivera, Troop increase .ll At - A C 1 EtlOi, 6. Private Ramiro and the development of he industries, tfeappear for thatcaion.in.naupnal uisiriuuuou oi iua t?Laxe.' FREED JAIL Barracks, is coUr8e, we 'cannoC expect to market " 1 4th' Cavalry, Schofleld the cr'ing heed was for labbr. . Look- dress, "bearing , their; flags, and the to the Hospital Corps at Rev. M.'kanamofl. a' the fru!t Available this vear and SHAFTER'' AERODROME V transferred hoted Salvation - " ' ing over the records,' I found that in chairman may . make presentation. In '' - -'- "" ' ' while we; are making every effort to ON that post Army worker, .who, arrived on Lie tbre$-minut- e sen- - THROWS "MONEY" x August 1851, the" Hawaiian Agricul brief expressions of find, a market foTVall the pines for 7.R Captain unaries w. vaa, Maru yesterday, from Japan, flags will raised about THE ; SCREEN TONIGHT V REV QLUTi 0 , reDortcd tural and Historical Society sentthe. timent iThe he whjca M C rvirnft havine will epend several days here Investi- we can. get ransnorUtion. no .'I r.....oc ship Thetis, Captain Cass, to China these walls and carried with us to doubt a great many will have to be at these headquarters, la aasJsaed. to gating the spirlt'ial lives of his coun- for laborers. In a few months the the fourth Civic Convention."; Money" Is the feature film; which to the department trymen in. Hawaii, and. holding ravlval lost I didn't look Into the demand for will be shown at the aerodrome, Fort duty asvassistant ship returned to Honolulu with" 195' Following Mr. Ai's speech which canned pineapple, every - quartermaster, with station In .thia ' 6rvices, here and on the island of but restaur Shafter, this evening. ; In addition, the That Herr Lauterbach,-- ' formerly Chinesd as agricultural and TL ; .' '' laborers In Was given hearty applause, Lloyd to . .V v;r Mr. wail.1 . V.-- , ? ant which I went had Hawaiian Emden, city. j' gp" I "20 ? : following interesting program Is to be second officer of the cruiser g addition boys as house servants. ; morning ' Mr lianamori preached last night Klllami ;who returned . this pineapple, canned, on the menu. given: ' i :. -- who - passed through ' Honolulu on The experiment proVed to; be so' sat coast, who has charge "During Chi- - .' ;.;' of intention to become to a Jarge crowd In the Nuoanu Japa- from' the and the pineapple season In. Band. Concert at 6:45 O'Clock. ' Tuesday of last week on the Mon- Declarations isfactory, laborers turned out Y. ; g-- were filed late" this - since the department of the cago "that City car-- r t x r citizens nese ' v .' a. 1 a. n of the Oriental receives several l American church. Tonight he will preach a marci! aanrngion urays . . .uraiuna golia botmd for the coast,' was freed by io,dq inausinoup, ini,. u&piau) ass M. C.- - A." work here, was asked to say loads each day from Florida. Very few in U. S. district court al the Japanese Methodist church a.! Fantasia Creme de la Creme . .TobanI from' his British prison at Singapore afterncon King was again sent out with his ship to a -- few words are received from Porto 'Rico. The August and Ernest De Corta, brothers, South street, and tomorrow yill ' Intermezzo Russe Franke by. a native revolution, is the news July, additional of-hi- s of the leave- - Hilo on China m' lS&Tfor Mr; Killam told briefly visit season starts about the firs t of April 1, cf WaikikL Both are natives for ' August the Mauna Kea. He s - ' Selection The SpringtMai4 . Reinhardt flashed' from Berlin on and ICO laborers., ''.. : ' since expecta ; v y meeting several and continues uiltit the end of the Madeiras, and have lived here to rett.rn to , Honolulu next to the states, and of Rag Dynamite . . printed in mainland papers aa having year. As to. pines, one ship ..... i .'.Biese fs a "plasterer, while his Tuesday, and will sail for the United From that time to annexation In Chinese boys there from 'Hawaii, 'all the Cuban Nicholas Novak Principal Musician. been given out from the wireless sta- 1899. Ernest Slates on the steamship Aug- 1900 there arrived in these Islands of ' whom, he said, are making good; per told me that he had hundreds of J brother is a finisher. They are ti anl Korea, ' tion at Sayville, Long Island. ' - ' - ; - .,, Tj- --. respectively. ust 31. Kanamori la said to be one S7.817 Chinese. v v At the University of Missouri are ious ui wi9 iruit in uuua wmcn we . Vi.i Says the Berlin despatch:" 24 years bid f of the most eloquent Conflagrations of 1688 and 1900. speakers in the I I has been a further revolu ' . . . -- . KA4nr' At, in Vienna ...... f ..ouppe There : ... tho' n Jaianese tongue. , .'-:-. "New let me refer to the great .'. ,w. 'sn fnr tionary SIngpore. Here . . 1 ... , . . I I outbreak -- ...... clrvn .IT. f VMlHUua ...... uuuu. at 1SS6 and 1900,', the. first , - a number of - v :v, ; , , A Toe Tickler The Elephant s Pro- the rioters liberated 'Pan-America- n hn MMirn1' w " of which wiped out the entire China- the North.and - ; Hungarian . I ; if vclubf -- German, Austrian- and I f t, irJ menaae ...... ,ouauers 1 111 nir1 town,' while' the second one swet'out Soiith America, which includes 21 re- nMo cav Koir " prisoners of war and certain Intern " Longley stopjped Lake City, Walts Love and Spring .Waldteufel E AT a' Chinatown' bTggetf thin' it was In publics; and which is much like the at; Salt Potpourri Operas ed civilians and helped them leave In- urn Pan-Pacifi- Echoes of; the c where, says, prospects ::. lootf. The Chinese .loss was $4,000,000, club in its alms and --work he . there are dia: ..':v ;: "M- i 1 Recker p .. but did my country men.Told their arms Ings. 'Mr, "Lambert prophesied that of a good 'market. He saw' some. Ha .t .'.. "Among::'!;.ttne persons so liberated is " Oddity The White waiian , plileappl68" there which were Crow..:....Eno and wait for charity? Not They at the local club would In time come to ' the second officer of the German cruis- -- , I J-- 2 . Selectlcri Alma; here Do You antisept.c ' once as. great tf standing among na selling forrI2 Cfihts a nound, Mr. Herrr-Lauterbac- if went to wcrk:anI bulljt bp an have Live? ..Briquet er Emden, who has TTrZZ Pan-Americ- Longley says' t ...... : lidlvO even better , Chinatown' than .before, tiens as the club now he thinks do local di 1.... arrived at'Batavia." ; vision could shin them prices Intermezzo Chicora ...... Boehnlein putting up good . substantial brick has. there at iirt will which Would make them sell Rag The Intoxication Rag. . Whidden BY AUTHORITY. buildings. They soon commenced busi- The luncheon next Tuesday be at about ness on bare given over to speeches from the Portu six ' cents a pound. Intermezzo The Kimono Girl. :BJake EVEflG their word.. Fortunately Waltz Thousand and One Nights,. NOTICE, TiilS this was accepted by the white pebplq guese. who will tell- - of their part in Sneaking oftbe Hawaiian ' exhibit In control; of the large " the .life 6f the territorjv at the exposition in San Er8nci8io.'Mr. ;' ' Stra ufis wholesale Sand Dance. . . Friedrcann houses and banks. Although the strict- Longley said that ft "bad the crowd." DanceThe Payment of Water and Sewer Rates. IT V Mellow Melody . .Meyer ' This evening gay est economy and privations had to be Detectives of the Pennsylvania j hut that 'there should be soraethia? FinaleThat. pinMBt m. aa a will witness V more AH and sewer "rates rsroain-- DOUCHa; 4am mtcxaixoHSa, endured for- - years by ray countrymen, iniiiuuu are searcumg lor panies wuo for the people to see." He" sirs water' at li 9a time at Hemie's Tavern. In additlo.t that aquarium, KALANI'S LATEST SONG ing unpaid on September 1, 1915, shal fheUr fcrmA Wbn8 tea tats : reposed' placed a bomb on the track in ah at: the without a doubt Is - to the usual excellent dinner and the confidence fa their bon - I Urn mt UetlatU bLteta, . per n to wreck the Broadway the' bigsrest and. most 'popular attrac ' WJLL BE HEARD TONIGHT become delinquent and lfr cent in poUoaow ta&M pleasing dance, there wUl be a violin estyliaa hot been tttep laced,' for every tenjpt Limited bone teid.; ' oA addition shall be charged and S3 soloist, who will render an elaborate dollar, owed has- - been, paid. ; t tion and .that when he was? there vis thereto mxaOid. OJtltary wirxrilaA A itors" lined the' tanks' three and f-- This: evening the band wilr play at collected as a part of such rate. program of popular, selections. These "As importers and exporters, if we v - dee?. . j !',-- : .. pumping station beginning Alt Unpaid rates shall hear interest selections will be ' Interspersed with take the number of our people In com- TS CURE A CCU3 DAY f the Kalihi D : at 7:30 o'clock , - .; - at the rate of 6 per cent per annum pieces by 1 the Hawaiian orchestra; parison, with other races here, the peri Quinine Ten re- - glee sing two of Ka-- until paid. "All water privileges re centage of, paid be,, Take Laxative Bromo thousand Zulu nesres are Tho club will 25c,50c,$lL&. which has done much to win the fame duties can found to g ' ' ported, ttf be song comoositions, one is maining unpaid are subject to imme- V'-''- .' - "";' Tablets. AlI'drUffEistS refcoid with. the British lani's titled wheh has become, a part of . these be high...... - personaj ngjneser canal. V L Lei, Rose o Kawika, dedicated to diate shutoff. evenings" which have made the Tav "The amounts or. real and the monev if it fails to cum ? ; TI. K. MURRAY, ; ananakoa. and th popular.. patrons property taxes 191 paid by : ern so Friends and for the -- -- - , Wiaklilln, D. d. . TSpA a new compoii- Asst. General Manager, .Honolulu ' S11 i YC!?r Fw other "Kalahiklola ; v.t- -t of the Tavern are Invfted to be present Chinese,: show that 814 Chinese hold Vtn fam Sewer - tfott introduced to the public for tho Works. this evening's festivitlea. Adr. real property assessed value $1,866,- ' - . 6244-Au- g. at : oo. at. v. Tnr.naricc JEyc ; 17, 4us v.Dmma w. a Cesedy first time. . .':.'.' 1V2L STAE-BULLE- v HONOLULU m- TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. Tir TMHOGS ' 'LICE HERE SPIE.ILS OOOO-HOUSEKEEPE- M IM El ... THE'STORE P0E nS The supervisors --will meet at 7:3") QI' ' o'clock this evening. . TMrs ?!!!!ASES JADE '.'ALL VITH PiifJY ffil ' i 50EET tTnxalnln r tttX T - 1 If Spsdc. will hava work. Jn. second degree to night at h30 o'clock, - Theodore Richards Tells of out of business, and In fact the J. P. YACHT Morgan companies have formed an ac- Porfcar 20e tinv.;U..SP(XVLLvi; 15e Conditions in East, and CiM; tual organization for the sole purpose Walk Mrs. Carter Harrison and party of A f Chicago called on Governor Pinkham 1( of driving them out. Supjar Peaa (18 Karat); Regular 20c j a.....;. SPECIAL AT 1 :; tmv... .; ba's Huge Sugar Stocky, . this morning. ;; V"The lice men," says Mr. Richards, (Continued from page one) "a rei commission merchants of the war RiiOnves (Old Iission extra large); Kelar 5(V tin iv..i . ; SPECIAL AT 40: Two new aprons up ocg, I "A meeting of Knights Kame-- V phrases have the idea of the name being that stern and driven by; two boilers and the of Cliocolate Eaairesj Regnlar 10c package :. ; .V. . .SPECIAL AT 3 FOU 2oc cnrWall street with the new business they are parasites of the larger ,ani-- threo cylinder engines which develop Jdd n the M. C. A .... developed from the of I MfffM1? Ir I m that has' sale mal. These men scour the counirXifor 136; horse, power, ahe races through ;W&r supplies to Europe, says Theo- the war hog. trying to secure business 1-2- 7-1 the seas at the speed of a liner, easily HEIIRY IIAY CO., LTD. Turn ths littlo dhs to dore RiehardB of the Hawaiian fioard, fcr h Is "fictitious firm . and signing, up The Kawalahao Alumnae Associa d chll-..dre- maintaining a cruising average 14 "who with Mrs.: Richards and the n fictitious contracts for large- - amounts of tion will hold . a special meeting to returned this morning from a trip cf fictitious money. OftenUmea .the knots. . ''..-- ' morrow morning at 10 o'clock at Ka - . to Ue eastern coast fake buyer and- the fake seller find Beautiful as her outside appearance walahao church. "The'two new words are 'war hog each other, and make out contracts of is, it is only a mild introduction to andVllce men,, says Mr. Richards, and vast proportions. . , , her luxurious interior. Finished in The department of public works will - they bid fair to become as well-know- n Mr. Richards says that the Immense costly and skilfully matched hard call for bids in a few days for the pur duri>he war, at least, as the old crop cf sugar which Cuba will produce woods, and tinted in soft and relieved chase of a one. and oneaalf ton horse-draw- n time, 'bull,' 'bear" and 'lamb? ; this ' year has caused a good ,bit of tones, each cabin outdoes the othr, .road; roller to bemused on the -- Top --. - "Tho.war hog is the man who starts fear in the East, among popple with and the larger apartments are models Round road work. i . a fictitious manufacturing firm for the large Hawaiian holdings, but the gen of spacious elegance. It is evidently it a. boat to live on as well to Ten per cent will be added to all Bale of fictitious munitions. : His plan eral belief seems to be that the sugar made as is to. get a name started among the price will be kept tip to standard, travel on. water, and sewer, rates remaining un brokers, of Wall street, that will event Cuba's crop this year will he, .nearly The Venetla was built in 1903 at paid on September 1, according. to an ually develop, into aa. actual business enough for the entire United 'States. Leith, Scotland, . by Hawthorne, Scott advertisement signed by H. E. Murray, and in ,this plan the first War hogs Tha Richards spent a good fart of & Company, , the famous designers appearing , la another colum of the L. R. Martin," arrested by Detectives I .'vrV.., :' Star-Bulleti- n. . , -- tJbe .. ,. . . , , succeeded remarkably well.- - the summer at Spofford Lake, New and builde.s. is constructed with Akui and Hutton yesterday; for alleg- 'As the war has gone on, however. Hampshire, where the; daughter was five steel bulkheads, burns oil. draws Women's 18 ft.,7 in., is 21 ft. 2 in, in breadth, ohla flooring for capitol ed; burglary cf a room on' Chaplain ' ' the hig, business houses have gradual--j convalescing from an operatkmfor ap The the ; GREY-FAWI-T gross tonnage 588. ; lane,, was' to six on . ly begun to crush the fictitious firms i pendlcltls. r and has a of buildlng;; arrived today and rworkmen sentenced months are engaged in, laying flooring on the the reef today in police court. l 'and v, 'f '. SMOKER AS FAREWELL NEW PRINCIPALS FOR hallways oi the Executive building, jn J the former offices of the harbor com Lopez appeared in district court PUTTY COLO?. - : KAMEHAMEHA ARRIVE! t- mission and In the auditor's offices. Monday charged with and . v FOR CAPT. REDINGT0N V assault bat TOP BOOTS - S." S: Matsonia from Ban . . . - . v? Per Francis tery. On motion of his attorney his co, Aug. 17.- -: Qhas. Chas, At 7:30 tonight in the reading room Coming from the East to start work Abrens, Mrs. r Cards have been issued announcing case was continued until- - August 17. Prettier lasts, higher . Chi-.ne- se Abrens, Miss Pj vhrcns, Mrs. the entrance W. Cathcart, for near-rio- t ' and. Jn.fhe company room of the in their new, positions as principals ef John He was involved at the at .' American Company H, Lieut. J. Andrews, Dr. T. Arase, Geo. H. Bal mer city, and county attorney, Into the baseball game Sunday. ; arches, circular of the Kamehameha SchooJs.VC. ley, - .Lo command, farewell smoker It Mrs. S iarringer, A. Bayer, James the law firm of. Thompson & . Mliver- faxing. ' ( in b ' y" Red-.ingtc- n, Abbl Mewton E. Bayliss, Mrs. Bayllss will be given Jn honor of Capt. Rostwlck and .Miss ar James E. and ton. Hereafter the firm will bear the Yamasaki drove a on 12, M - truck Pier Tli dur-- " rived morning on, MatsonU infant, Iss Ruth Beraro Henry W. name of Thompson, Mllverton & Cath- Come and See em. who has been in command this the which is against rules . of har- Berg, Miss F. Bind. Miss Fv Blake- - cart, the the ing,the,last two years. Members are from San Francisco. President El G. i bor ; commission, according ,to the C3.CD nef, Mrs. Chas. A. Bon, Master John ;Pricc3,: $4.50; requested to bring any eligible friends Webster selected bcth. educators, and charges placed against - him , today. "be ser-- son Bon, Mis Jessie Bon, Wm. Scott I . Probation Offleer John Anderson Is C3.C0 . 'who might interested in the The truck smoked gasoline fumes, and and $7.50 '. is confident thev wfii manage j boys, , ;;. - efficient Bond, Miss H. E. Bray, Prof. Chas. R. looking. for two one of whom is .ice...... - is against the law to smoke on a ly. Bostwick, Miss Mary Bostwick, Mrs. believed to have stolen motorcycle it i The smoker marks the termination Miss Newton takes the place of a government pier. ;: However, ;Bu- - belonging .Japanese. case the truck of the range practise season and the Miss Ida M. Pope, who died a year ago. A.U Brown and infant. Miss E. to a The will not be arrested hut Yamasaki will chanan. Miss M. Buchanan, Dr." John was reported to. the police and today , tbeginning of the armory work, which answer .for it just the same, will continue until next spring. This afternoon, the preliminary ex v, Buckley, Mrs. John P. Buckley ana l was turneo. over to iqe prpoauoa oi- - company charged child, Mrs. R-- J. Bunnier, H. J. Bun 'fleer. This is unique of its kind, amination cf .Dr. W.T-- Dunnf Fanny . Sims and : Isabella Braxton, i Chinese-America- Buchenal,' it being the only company of n with a statutory offense, was continu nler.. Mls Elizabeth Miss - both "colored 'ladles," got somewhat Buchenal,- B. Burns, . G. citizens in existence, It Is ed, to 2; o'clock Thursday afternoon. Ruth .Mrs. Governor, Pinkham will be present excited Schofield , - at last night and Burns, H. D. Bufhs, Miss M. . Camp- at the Chamber Commerce meeting also : the second, largest company In The hearing date was .changed, after of says, Carey, Miss, Cham tomorrow, Isabella, so Fanny drew out her , bell,rEdward Alice which suspension six-shoQt- the National Guard in Hawaii. it. had. been set for today.; Dunn, is at. of the trusty er Fort Above Kin" Street K- and commenced to 18 on I100Q The-bearing- , periain,;.. unoy, u, uianc, j. . - coastwise is to be discussed and . out bail. will t, Mv things -- make hum for awhile. Fanny , Con Odd Zouave toleros In contrasting be held before U. 8. Commissioner Clark. Mrs. J. R. Clark, .W. W.. it is . expected . that the. governor will morning . had a . warrant issued, this - (!urry.-- canncn, Miss M. Cordialls, Miss A. express, his, views matter. : ( colors are charmingly braided. Georae - : on.th and now. Isabella., faces a. charge of t'reighton, Mrs, James Crowley,, Miss assault with a deadly weapon. I Dolmen t, James .Dougherty, Mrs. The defendant in the case of the James, Doughertyr A. 8, Drier, Rupert Oahtt Railwa7 and V; Land Company .ft i s Drum, Mrs. E, L. Dunlap, liss E. Du against Belle Freeltas, res!d:c In Dowsett Kolohana Kaill, an action for lane, beeechwcod creosote to stop 1 . totMiss M W. Eadle, K. A, Ebersolef the recovery of certain land, filed in took n p:-rpn-r?nr.-- H. L. Ebersole, A. A. Ebersole, Mrs aurpeme court yesterday a petition toothache- - last night . The, stuff, was the - ( too- strong and the partaker lost con- : A. A. Ebersole, Mrs. Arthur Eddy, Wal tor 'a - rehearing of the matter. The ; J l - sciousness. Her husband called the ter S. Eddy, E. M. Ehrhorn, Dr.- El case- - based;.on exceptions la from the police ambulance and said his wife 4 c;ls more Elliot:. Mrs. Elmore Elliott, Miss circuit court of the circuit.- - at first tempted suicide. Before ambulance Secora . Estavea, Mrs. ,M. O.: , Fiebig, the reached the hospital woman re- Mrs. w. Flint, Misa V. Frear. Mrs P A discontinuance of "a motion for the , i :1 W. Freeman, K. covered consciousness and : explained Frear, sA. .Mrs. G. entry of'.judgment for the issuance of things, Frenchv Mrs. Joseph French, ' Arthur a writ of psohibltlon and for the tax .'.Then the ambulance took her I ? Gay, J. A. Gibb, A. G. Gibb, E. C. Good ation coeta waa Iletf fn supreme' to the , policey station land-- ' later,'; She C O L N C of f th " ; AS went nome. ? ?.' zz : ale,' Mrs.; E. C. Goodale, Howard Grace, court iyestfday : oy M. Qyama,' plain v r.v. Perfect Goods at Startlinl Pr:c j .m Mrs. M. Graham, M. Graham, v in 4a o ' W. tiff; which the defendants , Saucepan and Cover. C1.C3 Graupe, Mrs. W. Graupe, Mrs. C. Har are .CircutiV Judge Stuart : and certain ' Double Boiler .C...... "..v..;,",'.. 1.: D rison. Miss E. Harrison, Brother stockholders .of, tb Japanese Bank, DAILY REMINDERS henry n, W. R. Hobdy, Mrs, Tea Kettle...... ;...... 2.7: AV. R. Hobdy H. E, Hoffman, The members of the First Methodist Jas. I 8 - Holt,, Mrs. H, K. Hope, L..O. Howard, church wilt give, farewell social in Kitchen Set, Pieces, consists of: a Round - $4.00. t ' the .Island :la aato Eight-Inc- h K. G. the church next Wednesday evening pan, c . , G. Jackson, Mrs. E. Jackson 2141jr-ad- v. cake pie plate, cake turner, measures . : Lewis Stables. . Phone - Y. M. M rs. Y. for Mrsr Edwin E. Brace, wife of Fi ed JamJs&u. Jaouen, the mer, soup t - Miss L.v Merchant has from ladle, strainer, puddirsr taa r i M. Japvien, Miss S, A. Kalino, A. pastor, and, her chUdren. Mrs, Brace returned I v 1 J. a business ,trlp In the eastern, states. M ( Kennedy. K.lllam, Mrs. Uoyd and children will leave, for. he main :Joyd Adv. V"" . . . Klllam. Dr. H. Khmer. I iss D. KnoxJianaan tne steamer MaKura August The latest street and dress for ' 20. The jsoclal will follow prayer hats Peter Lamont, Earl C. Lane, 'R: J, the fall are new arrivals at Milton & Par Larkey.'Mrs, R.. J. Larkey and infant, sons. Adv. "' - Mrs. ..f.--L. lahy. Miss C. IL. J-e- e, The Goodwin, only exclusive corset ; Tho IIc23 cf 'Uztzzzizi - Miss Martha L." Jloot. an American (fa Mrs. ljeet J. Lennox,- Mrs. J," Innoxv shop in Honolulu; absolutely new 1915 Francisco" -- newspaper and magaafhe correspond Piaster Thomas Leslie, Leon Levy, Ji. models. Pantheon building. adv. ,; ent, .on . SUlnyo lewison, L.; Upsltz,'Mrs. F. Loncke, who is beard, the Maru. . - - highest Panama hats reduced sfrom 910 to The Exposition gave A. T. Longley, Mrs. A. T. Longley, which left here .today,, is on the last $7X0: Kico: . , Porto hat reduced from honors to these Standard prod- Master WilHam Lydgate, airs. J-- m. perticn e of a trip around the .world. $5.50 to $2.75. Leading hat cleaners, ' - bhe. paid high . compliment Lydgate.- J; Miss A. Lyser, a to the 1152 Fort st, optv Convent d v., i. ucts made from California J.-- newspapers Hcholulu.,' Mrs, F. : Lyser, Miss E.. Lyser, J of .'The news ,Buy good groceries yet save mon . - crudes, in competition with other M anning, M rs. J. J. ! M annlng, Ernest papers are esj)?iaiiy, good here, saya ey on the purchases. Take advantage - m " May, rJcAndrews; A..Mc- - . iss Root. rj t V;;r .; of May & Co.'s Wednesday, specials, V gasolines and automobile oils. Mra J. J. Candless, Miss G. McCarthy, William of which mention Is made in an ad- McCluskey. Mrs: William McCLuskey vertisement. In another column ' and two children, GS. McKenzie,. H ;:Gommcdiou5 L McNear, Mrs,; L. Merchant, CL-M- er t hr 22 rick, Miss Cynthia, MiHs., Mrs TLi Mi X ' nor, Masujl Miyakawa, W. F.'Momeyer, houc2 on Ider evenr) r - Mrs v. : . - Momeyer,' mws s.; aiora- han, U Mcon; Mrs.' L. Moon, F. E. Mur Pleasanton Hotel, 7. . phy. Dr. H. V.Murray,. Miss A. New ton, R. J.' O'Brien Mr. Odagui, Mrs Pries aiid Terms. ; ; (California) Odagui, Mlse J; O'Roark. MrsMH. Qws- - ftnnrn ley( Y, M: Park, J, C. Planklngton. H. Inquire .of - : : '4 H Powers.-- . Mrs. HJ IL Powers, tf.' rt, IfitLSC Pratt,, Mrs B.t ri, Prattl H: Raphael. J. Richards, Theo. Jiicbards. Miss Ruth - Mining Richards.. Mrs. T. R. Richards, Mrs. : The and Scientific Press of . Gan in U&ue; 31, A.- - Robertson, H, SatUer, Mrs. II. Sat Francisco, its of July fiv,e-pag- e, tlt-r-, M.: L. publishes a vfclUHustrated Mrs. Gustav Schaefer, Miss G3 t, . article on . the mine- - and . mill .of Merchant ?l:c: Phihppme Embroideries Schaub. C.i Schlmdt, Mrs.- - C ; R the V Epgels Mining. cor- - T s.hmHi' tv.. . n. fr ?w f! Ritttt: Copper Company. a XIANILA HATS - u - ? antt I ... , li j . tt - ...... I Mrs. B. F. Seellg. Axel Simonsen, Mrs. ip"" "'.uwujiu.u Axel Simonsen, Mrs. M. L.- - Simpson, by Grdss Linen Embroideries Miss T. Sinclair Miss V.- Smith.r E. The article is Thomas T. Read. Paul Steel, Dr J. E. Still well, Miss himself a mining expert of note, and HAND-MAD- he gives unstinted ,pratse . to , those E , ; May Sutherland, Enid Sutton, LACES Miss who .'by. perseverance ' apd --mining O. H.'Swezey, James Wakefield, Mrs. skill have' taken a property 26 miles E. P. Walker, Mrs. S. H. Ware, Miss ' Waterhouse, from ; railroad transportation, and E. Waterhouse, Miss P. haye been able to make a S Mrs. J. Waterhouse, Master W. R., Wa- substantial to ; - . - East :- ," Indian' re, operating profit.? : . jp.-o- Blaidsell Bldg. r 1150 St. terhouse, W.. N. Wheeler, Mis Esther r Fort The planning of the En eels mill ,011 Belle Wheeler, Mrs. W. N. Wheeler, cornea in far special comment, that ii Miss B. White, S 8. White. Mrs. a plant being, the, only one so far erect- - White; Miss C. S. Wight. Mrs. L. P. in which '.no other process than Wilson, k. it. woiiora, w . u. .wooa-war- d, flotation used for. recovery M. Young,: the of n J. M. Young, Mrs. J. the - copper.. ; - m r Mrs. H. Zimmerman, C. B. Hunter, Mr. Cement Gar n YOU KNOW and Mrs. J. i. Pavitt, Miss Miriam, a b K a a i': B. J. - B. BtU8BSaiS . v THE BEST V MisSsF. Lenoir, O'Farrell, Flower Zo::0! Dewar. Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Curtis, W. STANDARD OIL TANKERS k P.? Spalding, Mr. Edwardson, Mr. Wy-att,-FV- 'P. V MAY BRING FREIGHT HERE ' a Mobs. J. W.CoaneHa, Miss Pedectdc V'ita "J q, Mrs. V F, Browning, Miss Rosencrans, - (Hawaii hlnDo bv Federal a gen6rnl dairy productions come ' hnd froin T; ; .: ' ' G, M. Eadie. a" . j--i AVirelessl. .. It y X A SAN FRANCISCO, Augiisf.17. Vasss and Fc::r-- ...j - MORNING Oft-'CHANG- E A persistent rumor is' gaining X RAW LEY'S Olaa was the only stock traded In ground here that the oil tankers ; :. ' Where the Price is Right" at this morning's session of the local m of the Standard Oil Company X plying between California and Any 4225 . : exchange, . and speculators of these are for nny Phone v , . Fort aiid Beretania- investors ornamental - Jt.Honolulu, will be alike,- apparently, - having been hold utUized in the s carry freight - ing off to watch the sugar market, and inz of after tha with- see the effect of Cuba's much, herald 0. drawal of the Pacific. Mail steam-- ed bumper crop. Olaa sold today at crs. . . - r" . .x a new low record tor the last sev Oriental Goods eral weeks, bringing only 6 5-- 8, the previous sale having been at t. Waia-lu- a YcaYft Hsva It V 23. - Silk and Cotton' is still at And we honestly believe that WIUJAM SCOTT BOND, member VII 7 . - y v - Kimonos of the big real estate firm of William Bond & Company of Chicago, arrived u Heir dcmc Luinbcr L ' S: and on touay. - won a s : ' t'-'--i - tne Matsonia 2 r": '"" 1'' '"'"1 Hotel ir. i is t Vl t ;1 ct SU near Nuuanu. company handles real estate, banking tl ; - and loans. r- , Foun HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- N, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1015.

1 BETTERS j ARRIVALS FROM r (The Star-Dulleti- n invites free and j MAINLAND TODAY frank discussion In this column on all iktm legitimate subjects o nrrent interest. Mr;' and iirs. J. M. Yoong of this Communications are fenstantly re city returned today, on the Matson la celved. to which tfoiiliraiture is at- from" the mainland.. ;i v , '- tached. This paper will treat as 'con- : -. -- -v-di- tos the - A. -- ; tor letters - I vr: : fidential signatory If John MrCandless rame bark from 7; riley h.:allen writers so desire. pai jcinnot give San Franrfsco todav. and renorta the I space for " anonymdivi conimunlca-tiens.- ) exposition to be finer ever, and 1 ' ' than ' ' 1 1.9 v ": ,.v-;- :' " TL tSDj.. v v ? v 01 ST io. attracting large crowds. VV Gold Knives WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH ( WIS. alUUU iiiuuuur uu lauin ; ; ' RUSSIA. returned this morning on the Matso-nl- a ; fqr Meii DANGEROUS GROUND. after passing several months on ""'': Aug. 13, 1915. the mainland visiting relatives and Every man or rants,to carrV, Dear Mr. editor Star, Bulletin. friends. carried ; lal)br,' ad- The Honolulu' Chamber of Commerce meets sidies and cheap have a tremendous I think Russia eh? he got Kahuna. vantage shipowner in over- Your very truly Friend Among on tomorrow to discuss the question of steamship over the American " : the former Honolulans - -: .' . T.:-:- one " J. AMOY board' the Matsonia today were Mr. he can get an exceptional knife-- competition. He pointed out how the v ' ' If passenger service letween .Hawaii and the seas Puunui. and Mrs. G. B. Mr. Curtla ' Curtia. 'eian prbndly exhibit to his -', that he mainland. : coastwise trade has been given legitimate, pro- makes periodical business trips here, e. de-- I traveling for Neeley & Walker, St. men friends--h- is r unquestionably There is a coastwise ship- tection and the immense development under , proposal that the, LOUIS.::,' ..." '. :';"..;.:.'-- f ping law be so amended as to allow foreign that protection. He said: : ' tit : Glenn E. Jackson returned today on bid-mount- vessels to passengers Hawaii The American protective tariff equalizes ed sell carry between the Matscnla with his bride; They These knives we - conditions and gives fair pJay to American manu- mainland. ; I,- : gold is and the - facturers and their employes. There is no such were married August In Iowa, and have fine steel blades, and the will make their home in Manoa. Mr. 14-K- ,, There a compromise : proposal the rnmnen Ration lo the American shlDOwner. who in 10-- K. br; yon prefer. is that Jackson Is physical director of the Y. either as compelled carry on bis. business, if It Is overseas - ' to -- fine on M. C. A. . some, attaching coastwise, law amendment reduce the business, on, conditions of free trade, or of worse ::'. There's a swivel on for foreign from British, foreign com- . vessels so carrying passengers, than free trade if bis or other POLICE SERGT. POHAK U, a vete- : to key nng.; , - . E. Paul Steel, who Is to up ;;,, : take petitor Is In receipt of a- subsidy from his govern- - .;,,:; Q.to ran member of the local force, is back $23, the theory of the proponents being ' r In department :''::---.';'.:- ; woik the Japanese, 'for ment. :.' ..".,": - r': :'.; '.V at work after a vacation of six weeks. I hat this will induce tlie foreign ships to enter the Y, M. C. A., arrived this morning And again he observed : r i ; : cn the Matsonia from the East, where T, LAKE, the local passenger trade . HARRY detective with he took a course in the Y. M. C. A. The magnificent development, of American coast- -' the city and county attorney's office, summer school at Lake Geneva, Wis. The situation has arisen because of tempo- wise shipping, which Is. five times the coastwise has returned to work after a vacation i Co.j " be-cau- shipping of any ' ;: re ry congestion traffic and se other nation and larger than the of two weeks. Wichrhdii & of passengef; whole merchant fleet of Germany any Miss Sarah Kallno,' who has been in or other nation re- ' California for the last six weeks, ' ; of tlie announced suspension of Pacific except Great Britain, shows of what American ship- R. HALSEY, inspector Leadiri 'Jewelers; ' U in charge turned, today on the Matsonia. after owners, builders and seamen are capable when given of : sta- .Mail service. It is a serious situation. No one the local federal Immigration visiting the . Panama-Pacifi- c Interna- , fair and equal opportunity. There have been tion,' expects Honolulu Ic fair to return to' tional Exposition in San .Francisco. nies thatj But is it a situation for Americans and equal : conditions in this coastwise trade.; Ameri- August' 31. He has been attending She reports it as magnificent in every to hieet throwing local trade open the can shipowners have been able , to, construct their the International Immigration Cong- Ipj .to v " ships and fcraploy their crews on an even basis, with-- ' ress at San Francisco. . . - uulipetiticn of foreign subsidized lines! f . out the handicap of competition with the low wage -- ' - After passing ; a year eighth meaner living " ; 'and; How will Hawaii be regarded in Congress, if scale'and conditions of Europe and MRS. GUSTAVSCHAEFER, who months touring the world, Mrs. Japan.- - And there has : been no and over- - has visiting family Oak- v. further been her at Charles Bon and two childrenn Jessie e ask faKUspenVion f' the coastwise law? "'whelming 'nandlcapV from European and Japanese land, CaU two 'months, ' for the last and Johnson, returned this morning on I subsidies ; " ' Tow will it affect the basic principle of politi: and bounties. f ' - returned to Honolulu today on the the Matsonia. glad to be home again., : - ' ; ' Matsonia. : "X- : ; Chicago. ? al economv :' for which Hawaii stands the Throughout his speech which occupied sev- They were met outside the harbor by ant evening, and will make all go awry fo Honolulu recently from eral hours, Gall Mrs. Bon's nephew, Donald i.Hv,Gil-- feeling that the Maryland has added The marriage took place at Lale, anu principle protection American industry ! Senator inger's' remarks were JAMES WAKEFIELD, manager of : will spend brief honey- - of for more. . another to her list of many triumphs, t the couple a frequently approved by leading Republicans. the drygoods department of Davies & An illuminating answer to these questions Company, Ltd., again Star-Bulleti- arrived home Rev. A. A. Ebersole, pas- DWIGHT MARRIED AT LA IE. The n quotes associate .ay, be found 'in' the Congressional Record for at this length from this morning on the Matsonia, after a tor of the Central Union church, re- Shortly after leaving Bayonne, N. J.; ;" trlD to the mainland. :;: j Dwlghti an. :' l)iuary.,l,' 11)15. On that day the United a congressional debate for one single purpose-- J turned to this city today after passing .. The many friends of George the steamer Teucer collided with seveial months visiting on the Pacific Of the firm of Lew era & Cooke, will lmfontfflerl chnnnr riff . Tnmnltlns- - so-call- ed to show how any attempt to amend coast- 1 NIBLAck, in the 6 Idltor; ma-rie- lates senate was discussion of the LESLIE and ccast He stayed at Denver and Colo- be surprised to learn that he was d vllle, otaten Island, and was so seri- liip purchase bill. In the course of that dis-- ; wise law in the interest's of foreign competition publisher of "the Leader of Guthrie, rado Springs f for some time. Mrs. yesterday morning. The brICe ously damaged that she returned to is going to be looked upon by Oakland, wilL sal) on ,thc aftfanoa this Ebersole. accompanied her husband. was Miss Gladys Johnson.' who came port, - , slon, comments were made, 'arguments set the stanch friends afternoon afte5 spjeftoinl; S? week In 1 ; of protection the islands, i cUarmt4,wIth Ha- : ith, facts.Jaid down, which bear directly on in Congressand the stanch He . Mr.' and Mrs! James D. Dougherty 1 waii and hopes maleMibther visit are again in Honolulu, having come subject to be discussed by Honolulu's busi-- - friends of Hawaii in the sugar tariff fight. Of here before, many rears. y .'L want;to c ' back to this city today on the Matso .'. say, as a newspaperman, -- men tomorrow.' V ,: ''.V-- - .' course the argument will be made that what is that the two nfa. Mr: Dougherty is a member of Honolulu dQies are remarkable in - rwar-orse- y now proposed in u the prominent Jewelry firm of Wall Oallinger, that old Republican Honolul is merely an amend- completenessr J Senator the with which.' they & Dougherty of this city. He went to ex-Beautifi- ili' a strong influence lin his party, made ment to the coastwise law regarding passengers cover, the local and foreign field and Seattle with the island Shriners.:-- . cozy bungalow on an the of their news . pre- day-r-- a and does not affect the . :.e principal j)eechi of the masterly freighting business, -- 1 appre- sentation," he comments; "I 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. R.Kriiam returned which is by ciate newspapers U ; (cli. Earlv in his address hequoted from far the larger factor. But this dis: that .the can do to today, visiting on the only at a' heavy Dnatfela) too. Honolulu after - report of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. tinction.will not be, given mucli consideration burden; Pacific coast and in the East, where can be secured by They certainly are a credit to Hawaii. Y. M. - leading-Republi-can- s Kiilam taught and studied at the ,' a ... . in Congress.. The.attitude- of And, also, let me say.lhif he street-ca- r part the report says: r t ,y C. A summer school at Lake Geneva,' ; c- J v ayslein here Jla'ATwul fh6 in first paymentof SCDtKe' - testi ?' 1SO0 there, as" Senator GaHinger. pointed out, is tr one-- theY.iii; ::a: Trade wltb Hawaii U ami , hat been since all-aroun- d - v Wis, Kiilam is service- that P'have seen: y ' which Ameri- - C. A.'s staff.: l American coastwise trade. In none but t overwhelmingly against any 'entering wedge" The roads are generallyjjood. but the reg-- -- .n r-- vessels may lawfully participate. The Inclusion boulevard to. WaikikI could an rotner payments to toiiaw In foreign is which wold open the coastwise trade to for- stand cf Hawaii among foreign ports trade , improvement" f. Mr.. Mrs. George K. French, a cousin of r-- : Nlblack is a rela- - i "shadow-o- f excuse; all Interested in the . : 1 " Lady Cheylesmere, today on S48 month- without a eign competition. ; V' i tive of Capt. Niblack, TJ S." N. for- arrived ularly at the rate of American merchant .marine will rightfully regard lt " Senator GaHinger also .brings clearly to mer commandant here, now command- the Matsonia, and will reside here. r.s ugly menace.. , , Y, tlie , comes to from an ....' . Mrs. French Honolulu ing the U. S. S. Michigan. . y. The total cost of home - surface La Jolla,' a seaside resort north ot his, said;- the analogy between protection on .. i' Later in speech Senator Oallinger t... .." formerly In -- San J3Iego. She lived was and pn ,1 - At the last session of Congress a bold attempt shipping )notectionJ industrytariff. England. Mrs. French Is the' wire of idnd lot will p made to put foreign ships Into the coastwise trade' Ha- .' George K comes That analogy is bound tofbe brought up if Hilt- - INI IPVIkWU Attorney French, and cf the United States. We bad a lengthy discussion v ? ;" i here to join her husband. 5 . just 5 bfrthese opportuni cf It. If I ever contributed anything to a discussion waii asks, for suspension .of the coastwise law, are - T- -' . . that, was worthy of remembrance, I flatter myself or modification of the lawand pointed out to am: to' leaVe to- . Mrs!' Carter Harrison! Chicago" so- what I said on that subject was worthy of con S. W. ROBLEYri ties. that Ka-neoh- - e,: wife; of former May- sideration. When the vote .was taken it was defeat- Hawaii's disadvantage."; ';: ' ; morrow for a 10 day vacation at ciety leader and wind- Honolulu .this , .it .1 ,. .'-- . and other points on the or Harrison, arrived in one In body. In the last : Star-Bulleti- ' ed by two to this Tlie n has already said Matsonia for a stay : Jthat the of the vlsland."r During morning ( bill is boldly sald the vessels ward side bit on.tbe dltion of this it that will only a few days. her party are tliat are to be constructed and most of them will compromise plan offers certainVbeneficial pbs absence the boys' extension clubs of :In probably are be. closed. They will open again on her daughter. Miss" Ethel Harrison, be constructed In foreign shipyards, sibilities, but that it shduld be and not McCarthy, daughter of Col. D. at-- w the last September 1. with general organization Miss G. to be allowed to trade with Hawaii, which. has Hea-to- n de- for the work of the winter season.' ; E. McCarthy, U, S. A.,, and Mrs. port So that, the first resort for 'Hawaii.. There are other : ays been considered a coastwise ' i , r. . i v.--- - Owsley, sister ot the :' HI feated in the broad purpose. It is attempted under possibilities which involve no d6ubtful,Manger-ous-, '...., r t '' of a bill of this kind to get the same result -- LESLIE NIBLACK "(Okla- the guise ' r to a limited extent, beyond question with the belief inconsistent .fight in favor of foreign com- homa); I leave Honolulu a good , rri Superintendent of Entomology EdT ; of government will goes through Congress the-- booster" for the Islands. It looks s to ward M. rEhrhorn the and hope. that" if this petition. Our. first resort should; be to the " next Attempt to put. foreign ships into our coastwise me as if your principal crop? are nursery, returned today from the ' together O. H. Swezeyi and destroy our shipyards and our American American companies What will they do for sugar and. tourists . ant the, tourist mainland, .with G 5 trade ' ,1 industry will be successful. i ? T. seri- crop is capable of much more develop- acting i entomologist of the planters' .!'.i C 'shipping 'v Hawai Is this passenger, congestion so sugar. experiment They. came here fsinessmen ; ment in the future than is your station. Honolulu may well wonder, if ous that they cahnot overcome it : accompanying Dr. L. O. Howards chief De- American-Ha- : of U. S. bureau of entomology. opposition t this'sort was voiced to American A suggestion has been made that 'the rW. A. BOWENr A piano Is great- the ly needed in the little church at Hana, partment of Agriculture, who is here government-owne- d ships in the coastwise trade, waiian 'y ' company be approached and Maui. If anyone wishes to send a for a brief inspection trip. what the opposition would be to opening the asked to establish some passenger accommoda-tion- s second-han- d piano, or money enough : : V to buy a new , one. the .gift would be gates foreign ships! :,:; ;;! coast-Hawa- ii MEN FROM MARYLAND , to on tJieirships,for:a triangular; greatly appreciated. Rev. and Mrs. VIEIEA JEWELRY CO., LTD., 115 Hotel St ' Voni-iaente- t t 4 Shortly afterwards Seuator (J allinger d nin, If the sugar men of Hawaii would George E. Lake are In ckarge at Hana. WANT TO MAKE DANCE that we have an abundance of ships join in pr6josingsuch an arrangement pro- J. D. LEVENSON: Mayor Lane MEMORABLE AFFAIR i n the coastwise trade because we liave pro-locte- Hl viding the Matson or the Oceanic companies has graciously promised the Ad Club the Royal Hawaiian band for our con- Come and trip it as you go -- with cheaper-buil- t them from competition do not feel able to expand their passenger tingent of the Kauai convention to On the light fantastic toe, and cheaper-navigate- d foreign ships. The facilities the American-Hawaiia- n company be held September 26 and 27. "Sonny And in thy right hand bring with thee joyful jollity - ; : consequence is that we. have a coastwise fleet would have to listen, is large- Cunha, our "musical little mascot," Youth and Hiry WatefliooseTrusfCo for its prosperity will also accompany, us,- - There'll, cer- Is the invitation sent out by th Mary- 1 hat is not only the admiration of our country ly built up on Hawaiian sugar freightage. tainly be a fine time for all who ac- land men to the fair sex of Honolulu the admiration the world. Honolulu businessmen should pause talk- company us. That's alL-1- - "1-- for tomorrow's ball at the rpof garden. Limited. ::v".; but of ere The men from the cruivrr are wcrli-in- g The senator's direct references to the "anal- ing suspension of the coastwise law, or decid- FOUR SONS OF SPAIN TO 1 ; as hard as they rm to mak? the evening go by without a hitrh. ogy letween protwtion on' industry and on ing upon a compromise which necessitates BECOME CITIZENS OF U. S. All invitations are distributed. Twf shipping came he had pointed out in de- of . law.! after modification that It is trenching upon 'A father nnrl tnn an A tvn hrnfhara Hawaiian orchestras will furnish the : ' "' and the floor com- tail where . foreign shipowners through sub dangerousground. filed in federal court yesterday decla- music for the dance 2568 Rooke. St., Puunui ...1..-- . 4 bedrooms... .$73.00 arranged all dances 23.00 rations of intention . to become Ameri- mittee has that 307 Vineyard street (housekeeping) 2 J ...... start, simultaneously in both .Walls. . 25.00 THE MURDER OF FRANK , Mr. McCarn?s; friends insist he will re: can citizens." They were Pedro Robles 1117 3d ave., Kaimuki...;...... :..T.. that prevent a mix-u- p in pro- " This will : : and. his son, William, and Frank and Waikiki :. V .'.". . r ? " turn to Hawaii bul are not so sure'now it grams and will also allow those pres- v' that Gabrel Campos. All are laborers and Waialae road (partly furnished)-- .. .. :2J.0O cold-blooded- ' it ly ent to dance in either hail. I.-- . ; i , Leo yi. Frank has been foully, is'going to be as chief justice, natives of Spain. Pedrp Robles came Bates street ...... i,-r'- . to Honolulu on April 15, 1901, Promptly at 8:30 Capt. Sumner E. ave.... 2 ; 3.00 Georgia mob. of and bis Palolo ave bet 12th and Koko Head (. murdered by a The members 10 sail- &. 2 ....f. 35.00 son followed years later. Both W. Kittelle, commanding officer of the 3:5 Wala!ao rd., bet. 11th 12th, ave.... . that mob hid their moral cowardice under ed from, Malaga, Spain. Frank Cam- Maryland, will lead the grand march, German powder jdant in Pennsylvania has pos came here on April 28, 1907, and and then all the dance members will iruisks, and numbers gave them courage to take - been blown up j Not, however, by one of Erich Gabrel arrived July 29, 1909. see that every one present lias a picas- UNFURNISHED prison and lumg him. The Frank fromthe fann Muenter-Holt'- s $40.00 ; bombs. cottages, "Royal Grove" . m i .....$35.00 and cli-nTa- Two new shameful-h- i story, of this casehas come to a xI Wilder ave., opp Oahu College...... 4 bedrooms... v. 30.00 I The men who lynched Frank should be 602 Wyllie st. ."...... 4 ."...... 45.00 Britain and .France to Italv and Russia: 1704 Kins: St...... t' 2 30.00. which encour- - tried for inurder, but the spirit FOR OR LEASE Cor. Kamehameha ave. and Manoa,...... 40.00 something " 27.50 aged them will balk any such procedure. Geor- I'Why don't you hum up and do raT Ilackfeld and Prospect sts...... 2 ...... with those Germans." 1004 W. 5th ave, Kaimuki...... ;...; 4 ...... 16.00 gia has blotted the page of American justice 1313 Makiki st. ... 3 " ; 30.00 with a dark and bloody plot. 12')5 Wilhelmina Rise, Kaimuki ...... 3 ...... 25.00 A house on Luna-- : . 4 " 32.50 President Yuan Shih-Ka- i is 770 Kinau st. . ... going to end 4-- , 1339 Wilder Ave. . " r 40.00 Pauahi street Democrats can't understand that presidential term controversy by making lilo Street, in first class condi- - v 1877 Kalakaua ave. 3 ," .20.00 1317 Makiki st, 3 ...... 35.00 himself emperor. ' : - ' ?... why Attorney-genera- l Gregory recommended tionf All conveniences. 2 . " 40.00 modern 2144 Lanihull drive. Manoa.... . - ' Robertson and Whitney for reappoint- 2130 Kamehameha ave, Manoa...... 2 ;. 40.00 Judges Good viow. 2 Lower Manoa rd. and Hillside.. .. i . 37.50 why President Wilson reappointed Like the proverbial jirophet, Hawaii's fair 2 ment, nor 1058 14th ave;. Kaimuki.. i...... '!...... 30.00 them. Tlie Pauahi street Democrats can't see building is not without honor save in its own 12th and Mauna Loa aves., Kaimuki 2 ...... 15.00 'y. . 3 40.00 , : ; Kewalo st, ...... should be a qualification. for public countrv. A Apply to - - why merit ;;, :. 1562 Xuuanu ave...... i ...... 5 50.00- ' .....I office. h '"".:-'- . .' , 40 Beach walk v..;.-,- ...... -- . 3 ...... 35.00. Company, 14 Mendonca Tract (Li1ih.su st) :W.. 3 20.00 Ltd., ' r-- Cheap water furnished to ships will in the Guardian 3 v 18 Dayton Tract (Lllihast,);.,, . y.r.. 20.00 ; -- . 18.00 MurderJs getting' as common in; Hawaii as long nin be money saved and invested for Ho-- StaDgeuwald BldgM Merchant St. . . 1020 Alpha lane V. t.. . 2 "'..;... HONOLULU STAR BULLETIN. TUESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1015. FIVE ij Books for mi'iIRBtQUtST LMItAILI'AY TKREEOFV.fil.C.A. RECEIVES LIST Boys and Girls' JO CHARITY IS GLAD TO BOOST STAFF RETURN ON OF ELIOIBLES Our list includct:; W ; LOUISA M. ALCOTT ; 1 Little Men Little Women FINALLY PAID TRIP TO HAWAII LINER Aunt Jo's Scrap Baj. if ELIZABETH GORDON I' Bird .Twenty-fiv- e - W, Children thousand dollars, less Ceorge P. liunt, governor of the Kil-la- X. W. P. .Young-ha- s re- Glenn E. Jackson; Uoyd R, m Postmaster $2500. eligi-ble- ' Mother Earth's Children the California inheritance tax of stajte of Arizona, has written another ceived the regular register of s ' " ' 1 , ' ' , ". Animal Children has been received by the Associated letter to A. P. Taylor, assistant sec- and E. Paul Steel Arrive from the local civil service de- V ; Flower Children Charities of Honolulu from the estate retary of the Hawaii Promcticn Com- From Coast Today partment of the postoffice, which of William G. Irwin, late of San Fran mittee, lollowing the Inforncatloa sent , . numpc th Hat of unnliriinta hn fiiTA ROVER SERIES' FOR BOYS - k ; " - y - , ciscor At a meeting of the board of him by Mr. Taylor in regard to arerj the dele-catio- passed the examinations, and who and many other works What almost be called a n directors of the association yesterday, change made in the for pineapple msht thus eligible for appointment to po- of good writer. dt3 Honolulu Yv M. C. A. secrft-tarie- s : :. ; v of it was Toted to set the fund aside as -- Day. . sitions as carriers or clerks The reg- morning on the Mat-soni-a, a capital investment and devote the "As the time for this annual ce arrived this is good one year Its retnrning work, oth- ister for after Income,: which will amount to $1100 in futherance of one of Ha- some to date, which is August 14. j $1207 payment ers coming to take u new positions. or annually, o die of greatest gifts draws near, 1 . eligible appoint- waii's f party Those who are to a managers salary. aope to assist, so far as Is possible, The uewlvweds the are Mr. ment in the clerical service in order and Mrs. Glenn E. Jackson, who er RQYAL the cel- Hawaiian News Co. When the will of Mr. Irwin was pro in securing favorable publicity for the of grades made in the examinations ; most was $25,000 married Auanist 4 In leva. Mr. Jack- ; ' bated it found that bad day In this state," writes Governor are as follows: William E. Redwln. Limited ' been bequeathed to the "United Chart son has for two years held th ebrated of all the baking Hunt f." - V"'!." "s't'n J. M. W. Bryant, R. C. Bayless, David J I ? of physical director at Hoho'iil J 4 . Hawaii", Jhe i, ties of and a ke amount to Taylor received A. Alama, Frank. KalanL John Luna-ha- powders the world the "United Charities of San Fran Mr. also a letter association and returns to ff'Sum TiM in Young Hotel Bldg. .- morning Louisville and Jr., Alfreda Perez, Tal C. Chang, Cisco- As were organlxa this from the activities there. Mrs. Jackson Is a celebrated for its great there do - W. B. Nashville Railway- Company, together I "nnl Carlos Parrls, Charles Hosea, ttons in existence under, these names, graduate of Ft iwrence ver'tv - with f their Passenger Bulletin ; for Jr., Prank C. Nunes,- Edward K. Bush, leavening strength and , New York state, havinsr her it was construed to mean; thai the recefv'l William ; ' 7:r-.r-:- August. The bulletin contains two ar Jeter. , money was meant the Associated dinloma .Time. The JarU3ons your-cakes- for on Hawaii, a picture of the lat Eligible for appoin&nent as carriers purity. It maker ticles anI home s Charities of Honolulu and the Asso will make their at Mano. are Antonio Marin and Henry Ontai. Charities San Judiciary building. The articles deal Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' R Killam re- biscuit, bread, To y o Panamas ciated of Faraciscov Lit . Just at present, are no vacan- etc, with Hawaii, as a resort for. tourists turned on the Matsonla a sum- there For Men, Women and Children. lie or no trouble was 'experienced in after cies in either branch, of the service, healthful, straightening out these matter.. who are shut off from European travel mer passed In the East at Lake Gene- it insures you K. UYEDA, by the war, and with the Hawaii ex but as soon as vacancies arise they '...' ; , The' board of directors passed a va. Wisconsin, where Mr. Killam, who against all Panama-Pacifi- c will be filled from this , list. . The ? V 102f Nuuanu 8L V ; hibit at the exposition. is in charge of Y. M. C. A. work-amon- alumhd resolution; yesterday, of ihanks to Mrs. expresses salaries for both clerks and carriers The Company the f desire Orientals of Honolulu, taught a forms ofadulteration Irwin and her late husband, who have tke are the same, beginning at $800 and that been generous in their assistance to to cooperate in every possible way in class !n the student conference, and advertising Hawaiian Pineapple reaching a maximum of $1200. go with the cheap brands. ' the needy In Hawaii. the of took; a special course In the summer HEYWOOD SHOES An interesting tajk on the work of Day upon the dining car menus of No school dealing : with, city, association y :'. Vj.'AvA-.'- 1 $340 and $100 the Men's Industrial of the fitfsburg vember. 10. "v . rr. work.v - t v?;:?: ; i Mads from Pure Grapo Creasi cf Tartar. Association Improvement . E. Paul Steel, the .nev: secretary - . at th for the of who will up educational- - MANUFACTURERS SHOE the Poor was given by Miss Martha take work in L. Root, an the Japanese department the T. Royal Ccci Bccif-SJ- O kce?i-F- n. crJ AU:z -- STORE v. American magazine writer, nt fcxt who has been visiting to Hawaii. " M. C. Ahere, arrived with the Kll-lam- s. ' 5i Bos 5S9. HoMklu; WnS, r RortJ Cklag Trnmimt Nw York. U. S. A. , . He has also been at the C. summer rke TO SUPERIfJTEi , Geneva session, taking the r. - - - mm course in city association actltUies. ; ' : M ' SSSith; ELBA Later this month, probably August TIOESTTH "promised land,' Honolulu, . USES THE : 31, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Trice will ar- TEACHER'S PENSION s- , J.tirii HAM-LI- They were In - .w1m MASON A rive. married Iowa the MAUI'S SCHOOLS Iewls, a stowaway, was fou.i.l ; - ' same ; LAW UP NEXT MONDAY , , . . day as Mr. and Mrs.' Jackson. Mata'rt ?.I.i!ujU " ...... on th Hnrr I'shutt Mr. Urice is educational ; secretary of BERGSTROM FOR ; sr;a DYSPEPSIA -- - time after the boa: fram ' v voes the Y. M. C. A. : , A meeting of the board of school c:e;ri MUSIC CO. all their Francisco, sat and looked tiia r'.ty William McCluskey, who recently commissioners will be held in the of- at was appointed supervising principal fice of the department of public in- from the boat this mornini, drearr.!a judidciary vain visions of cocoan'i 'pnln. hula Why Pepsin, Pancreatine. Etc ,,$o When in trouble, tell it to John C. for the public schools of Maul, arrived struction, building, on Auij - in Honolulu today from South Caro- ust 23. Among other things the com dancers and coral strand. . ; Frequently Fail. , ... Andei son. This applies to small boys, '' they lina, accompanied by Mrs. McCIa3key. missloners will make filial appoint tewis was not allowed a J.ind anl esneclallv newsnaDer sellers, and coming G- An International specialist whose are telling it to Johnny" every day. For several years Mr. McCluskey was ments of teachers for the will be returned to San F;aucl3" or. a" teacher In the local public schools school veer. i ; the Manoa, whkh sails t )Jay. Us in "RULE on - , young-Ktp- r - articles stomach trouble have been Yesterday : a Portuguese i only stowaway Eat,at the printed in nearly every; language, re ran Into the Judiciary buildine and and, until a few years ago. was the The teachers' pension Jaw, which the reported tlii4 trit supervising principal goes into effect July 1, 1916, will be and feels quite blue at b;n sa n-a- r V cently stated that to treat the average headed for Anderson's office: - He w as of East Hawaii. super- discussed and all teachers Irf ter- and yet, so far',' goal . SWEET SHOP case of stomach trouble,. Indigestion, crying. "Johnny"' put his arm about He left the Islinds to become the from the he intendent of schools of Charlotte coun- ritory probably will be. notified to in- stowed himself away In San FrancUco dyspepsia, etc., oy doctoring the stom- the bov's shoulder and demanded to ' - form boanl at once If they wish to attain." ; ' - ! ty, South Carolina,- which position the .. t;. ach, kilLng the pain with . opiates, or .was.- v TAIIElH DV. DEATH he know what the matter held two McCluskey to become' applicants for: pensions.. by theuse oft artificial aids to diges- "Two, fellas play inside mud " for years.' Mrs free Is , a daughter Judge ; i Lyman Teachers. who become applicants are tion such as pepsin and. pancreatin, explained injured one. "One fella of Fred Ycu'v ; the required ; to devote one per of if . : of HIlo, Pending their departure cent nae,-- for ?s l i was. just as foolish and useless as to go t'row mud on ; I.make for " troubled with r--- a- -i . for , is'. their yearly salary to pension are heartburn, Fi!Li'aro. by-- Death summoned Big Island Mr., and Mrs. McClus 'the Hose.,.-- 75c 'ih mcmtnir khe Phoenix attempt to put out fire throwing earlt - ; t-- a give plenty: lick, but the odder fellas : : : a distressed feelir after eit.; la a ; fund.'. . ' . V j Sox '.50c Mrs. Charlotte ,Davis.' Kng, . widow key arrf the guests of Principal and - ' :,: I Phoenix ...... water on the smoke, instead of the giye t m ' ' t'row me.down In tar. j One fella 1 V- - mm - f James A. King, Mrs. 'Edgar Wood. ; - THE CLARION fire., t He claims, and facts seera to me good punch on back. Hurt like minister of th ifiturinr vv i . ' his' claim, nine-- - during the republic of, iHawaiLv' Mrs. MATS0NIA STOWAWAY i justify that nearly - V. ' ' anytlng.V. . , , - tvmg was neany About, 2.5C0. men. are; employed i tj J tehtbs of all stomach trouble l$ due eyear.pKL; and for at 1 3E i He explained further that, the rod- ' to acidity and 'food 'fermentation; and W years past ha4,ibeen uaemI:lnTalid; the SpajrroWs Point, AW.? shipyard, & GOES BACK TO pOAST before and after each rr.e:J J ycu wl!l der fellaitud ru.awaF;-;'.-.'-- - that the only way in which to secure Death' resulted from, the) effects at- an the Maryland Steel Co 'Every depart- obtain prompt reJicf.SoIJ cz.lj by uj,2j Anderson-tol- d boy, to - to. return : t the operation ; -- ment in plant , - IhrOvr-o- f permanent la fiie " ' vperformed.v morq than a the is busv. "Within- .stone's thf Benton. Smith & Co., Lti. rfcUef to gt rld of his office' today. '. r t a I. e., week ago. . :. " FANCY5 CLOTH TOP BOOTS i cause, to neutralize the acid and fellows here r stop pur- "Ill hate those other v tthe: fermentation. Fcr this . The funeral will ne nsld fhU fFOR WOMEN .- - : tomorrow," he said And. he will, too. ftr. ' pose he'strongly recommends the plan noon front the W:lIla.ms, undertaking ; Scmethlng Unusual. . E: now generally adopted throughout parlors on Nuuanu street. v Kirabw; ; Com MclNERNY SHOE STORE . j Europe of taking a teapoonful of or- Mrs. King is survlvedibr four unna Fort,' above King St, ; - I ' dinary bisurated magnesia in a little Robert Davis KIne. William ". - ,'...... DANCEAT1HE n cf;;. . j '7 'cause here's a water Immediatelr j af(er eating; or King, Samuel Wilder King and Daniel f cais Is-.- whenever pain ' felt This imme Hermann King. One daughter; Hefen v V diately. neutralizes .the. acid, stops Harriet r King, and'.aibrtptbr,; Araoiir's'' the Robert' M. HACKFELD CO. fermentation and permits the stomach Wiley Davis, also survive her. to do its work in a normal, manner hotel Always liavp liiincly ca)ftof:; Limited. - and thus by removing the cause, en- i a -- koa DUNN CASE IS UP TODAY ;';.','; ables nature tcf quickly restore the in A rmour's O rape Ju i co--rca d y ' i : Commission Merchants. flamed stomach lining to a. perfectly ' HONOLULU' A preliminary hearing of tha . to serve as yoii need it plain .(. - - healthy EVENING . natural condition. For the a THIS of Dr. William T.: Dunn, vformer resi- convenience may- v or as the basiforTanoy I . of travelers It be dent physician at the Queen's hospital, fnit noted that most druggists are now nemg cupsr punches and ices. ;Yotir . ' able to supply, magnesia is had before U. S; Commission- blsurated m army er George S. 5 grain tablets, 2 or 3 Tourists, officers of the and Curry this afternoon. of which will Dunn is charged having ICeiserandCheneyTies almost instantly relieve the most vio- navy and their ladles, and local soci with commit , weather lent, of indigestlcn. ety folk are invited to attend a dance ted a statutory offense. He left Ho rarnus.'. 50c attacks For sale nolulu iTv. by Benson.-Sm- ith & Co., to be given, at tne .Moana noiei mis several weeks ago and was ar. By regularly drink inpr Hollister by n Drug Co., and Chambers Dtujc Co. (Tuesday.) evening, beginning at ' ? rested the American authorities In ' ' go Armour Oapifniceorbir ,THE IDEAL o'clock. (adv.) :. fa Pago. Samoa. He . was bron zh t back by 17. S. Marshal J. J. Smiddy. can endure Hip J ' better div PIONEER IN NEW KIND OF . HAWAII IS ONLY ISLAND comforts' of Summer. "It . ; TEACHING TALKS ON MAUI b. R1XG FIELD. Mass. The Caharet - CIA 1 Springfield . un- - : To;3Np;rjEAVY:REPORT la died by order of the Ia SrtiorrrsS, is pure, undiluted, : n ! i - Star-Bulleti- License Commission. The HAVE YOU HAD YOUR FEET (Special n Correspondence) edirt af V sweetened The ; : K A (GriAPE S: drinlcof fects pot only . I JUICE 'JReports" of many cases tubercu WAILUKU. Aug. 14 At the Alex- - the regulation enter "FOOTOGRAPHED? YET? of : K f losis House Settlement last evening cainment feature at hotels and res- rcf health' and pleasure for have been received' for the first ander v ' taurants but any performance in con- - ' half T, August from . Honolulu and a representative audience gathered to j . every age. REGAL BOOT SHOP - from the island of Hawaii, according listen to Mrs. Anna- Howe.l Wilcox, nection with banauetS Demon stra. Fort and Hotel Streets r ticn of dances in hotel 'dining rooms lJ to the antituberculosis bureau of supervisor of continuation classes In - the permissible. ; board of health. The other Islands are New York City under the Board of is Armour Fa c to ries at . not reporting manycases, and deaths Education. Mrs. Wilcox is one of the CfyHth. 9i3 N W Ctmtn) ; Westield," and rrom tne disease in all districts are most entertaining speakers that ever ai -- - -- Only-- , HONOLULU. MUSIC CO. light; as far-- is known. ; ? j visited Maul, and her audience wished Mattawan, Jiich. 'x- ' ' I'" : Clinics at the office of the bureau she' had given more than one hour to the choicest Concords used for this matchless brand. Everything Musical in the board- - of health this week her topic She was the pioneer la con have not yielded as many suspects as tinuation classes in the shops and de- Served at fountains, buffets and clubs.: Order a case from your Grocer .or v ' Fort next to ths Clarion previously.: Theses clinics, which are partment stores of New ; York. ; One Drusffist. held Tuesday and Thursday mornings hour, a day is usually devoted to the , are fcr the purpose of examining only work of leaching English to the em- FREE Cur . New Grape Juice Booklet. New recipes for.. , persons known to have been exposed ployes, and the demand has grown TRY THIS RECIPE beverages punches desserts. department great- and Hints for the hostess and. ... to the disease from another member now so that the is Grape Juice Punch! - .;. v:---- : - ; VIENNA BAKERY of the.family, , Fifty per cent of the ly increased during the past year, and housewife. Yours for your name on a postal v , ; coming Two lemons, two oranges, Home-Mad- e families examined in this manner last will still more increase this The Best Bread - , year a year. GouraudV 8 sliced thin; In Town. v. showed spread of the infection One quart outside of the original case. Three of berries 112S Fort SL Phono 2124 families were examined this week, one PLAN PHONE TO SUMMIT (strawberries or rasp- Oriented Cream berries) ; suspect being listed. To this was add OF MAUI'S GREAT PEAK skin beaotifoL ' renders to the . The juice of a quart can ed two suspects reported from the V - .; v.v:v soft, pearly whit appearance. tenements where the bureau's p gents , Its consistent om parities the , of pineapple; - Worth O. Aiken, recently elected as FIRE AND ROBBERY . ' complexion, end is ol crest One quart charged watar. are carrying on other work, ; the Maul member of the Hawaii Pro- assistance in tne oi ' ircaueniJ. ' One quart of Secure the services of Bowers' the new form complexion ills" . . ' Armour's motion Committee under : Grape Joi.ce Grape Juice. Merchant Patrol thei best pro- ' of organization, has written to As- We win send a complexion SUNDAY MOVIES COME V chamois and book of powder Serve in ptunchbowl or In tection against fire ar$J robbery. Secretary P. Taylor, Bottled where the Best Grapes Grow. ; sistant Albert leaves for 15c to cover the cost glass pitcher with plen- t.i planned to a : of mailinc; and wrapping'. TELEPHONE 1T1 UP AGAIN AT LAHAINA stating that it is erect ty of ice. ', telephone line to the summit of Hale-akai- a. tf Druggists and Department Stons . T. tOU. See Terk CHy Star-Bulleti- SSrCM I7 rat & - (Special n Correspondence) -- ust how definite the plans are Pitt 4 kit It. Hi Hackfeld Co., Ltd., Wholesale Distributors, 1 um ilU6- WAILUKC. Aug. 14. That the is not known. ' I SPECIAL '- question of having Sunday motion pic- Mr. Aiken says that the bunks, mat- - OF UKCn4foV tures on Maui is . not dead yet is tresses, and other conveniences for the $2.50,i, $3.50 an4 fsV" evidenced by the fact that George Haleakala rest house have arrived and HONOLULU PICTUf nM. Freeland of the Pioneer Hotel has will be taken up at once to the moun- ING AND SUPPL again petitioned- - the Maui board of tain. The house itself is now practi- Dcinci si. near i. supervisors for permission to show at cally complete. Lahaina on Sunday . evening. He m m '. claims be given DOCTORS. that has free shows WANTS WOMEN ' lust to get a consensus of opinion on We furnish tables, chairs and every equipment for soc ial gatherings of all kinds, as well' as the necessary . ; e matter, and that 1150 people at-- LONDON', Eng. A statement signed : m ICE CREAM, CON FECTIONS, ETC. ; DO A nded tne first Sunday he opened, by Premier Asquith, Earl Curzon and v Motor T till i the next Sunday a still larger Arthur J. Balfour calls the attention For select parties we have special ice cream moulds of many designs,' initial moulds, card characters" eic.,' fcr W. ELLIS, wd. A public hearing public in London E. has been of the to the work distinctive service. These moulds are serving as place many functions, i products-ar- Pantheon Building Nby the beard of supervisors for of the School of Medicine for Women, cards at social Our the t:: and which is now doubling its plant in the prices are lower. Bear us in mind when preparing for next We caf e. 8 ? that entertainment. also maintain an excellent - "";-- an effort to cope 'with the wartime Try it for your meals. 'A;:vr-:-:"iv:i-7f--:V-'- V'V":":v"VL-- ' V'--- increase in openings for woman doc- v t L J tS 'uMmivn i.;buj tors. The school is a pet charity of VV Kflt. the duchess of Marlborough, who : QF!--T?'- . seuicklyreUeTedbyKirtat heads the committee for assisting ths THE PALACE school. -- i , . : , "The Oasis BeautifulM " v "Xye Comfort At M'aunak4a, 1 r Cottle. KsrbsCri The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad King and Streets A SIX

' r--r Honolulu Stock Exchange

- ! RIM C5TT ?fo) T7? VfMr T Tuesday, Aug. IT. frrnr MERCANTILE. Bid: Asked Alexander, & , Raid w!n.Ltd t C Brewer & Co. J SUGAR.' ' ' : Ewa Plantation Co. 21 22 U Haiku Sugar Co. 170 SENT EXCHANGED ZEPFELIfID BiJDS Haw. Agri. Co...... msm M Haw. C. it Sug. Co. ...;.. 37 Haw." Sugar Co. ; . 36 ...... THE von HAMM - Honckaa Sugar Co...... TO REFUGEE VESSEL YOUNG CO, r, WITH THE i in HIT LTD Honolulu . . - Honomu Sugar Ca ...... iro ' S. Co.. . 21 mlEi ': A;nta ... ,V Hutchinson Plan. Kahuku Plan. ' Co...... ; .1C Kekaha Sugar Co...... 1 07 VESSELS SATURDAY Koloa Sugar Co. i;:i::;.;,;es of - 1 McBryde Sugar Co.. Ltd. 7 : 8 liarliord, jCn. Oahu Sugar Co. . . 1 ...... 2C ; ." The of harbor Olaa Sugar Co Ltd . . . . beard commissioners, With every stateroom filled, the How . it feels to havea Zeppelin Onomea Sugar Co...... 35 36 at a special meeting held late .yester- Matscn Lner Matscnia docked at Pier bomb explode only a few feet from Paaubau ' S. - Plan." Co.... 15, at 7:30 o'clock this morning.bring-in- g one's stateroom, is-- descrtbed In a copy ' V' day, Issued an ultimatum to the. Ger- Pacific Sugar Mill . .... ; numerous prominent Honolulans of the HongkongDaily-Jfres-s given the man refugee ships now tied up at , Star-Buletl- Pala Plantation Co...... local home" from the mainland. The boat n by Purser: J. P. Bourne Pepeekeo Sugar Co., ..... wharves. .The ultimatum calls for Ihe landed 224 cabin passengers and 22 of the Shinyo Maru. which left Hono- P. H. CURNETTE Co. . ;V har-ba- r steerage, also 21 automobiles and 5122 CcmmlMloner cf Deeds fir California Pioneer Mill . .... 28u zm removal of the steamers from the ' lulu this morning for San Francisco. & - ' NOTAttY Castle Cooke, Ltd. "' cargo. "' and Niw York; PUSLIC. San Carlos Mill. Co, Ltd.' before August 31. Failure to do tons of general The Hongkong paper' prints a letter Walalua AgrL' Co , . . .' 23 "Had a mlllpond of a sea all the from Mrs,' G. W. Barton of that city, Draws Mort;a;:s, Deeds, Cilia cf ' .... so will result in the commissioners Sale, Lasses, Wills, Attorney for Fire, Life, Marine, Automobile and !' Wailuku Sugar ; way over, was the way Capt. Charles who was a passenger on the N. Y. K. etc Co....Co", taxing the vessels at the regular ton gave trip. tha DIrtrlst Courts. 73 MERCHANT Walmanalo Sugar . . . 2ao " ' ;. Peterson his account of the steamer Yasaka Maru, the target for nage , ; ;;; ; Accident Insurance Agents Walmea Sugar Mill Co.. . . rates. ; An Interesting feature of the trip was the German bomb In question, while STREET, HONOLULU. Phone MISCELLANEOUS. . At present these ships are allowed the exchange of mall between the the ship was lying at anchor In the . Haiku F. & . Cort Pfd.. . to tie up to the piers at a rate of $10 Wllbelmlna . and the Matsonla Satur- Thames river, at London. . The Ya- p Ta-kat- a day .taking sister-shi- BAGGAGE . Haiku F. , & Vi Co, Com. a each. This is much less than day, morning, the Wilhelmlna saka Maru. is a of the Matsonla. main- Haw. Electric Co... :. .. it would cost for coal burned, if the mall from the for the ,Mam,"which called at this, port - Honolutu Construction ships land. only hav- ago. Haw. Pineapple Cc. . . 33 anchored outside the harbor, it The Matson is the line two weeks ' The letter follows: r A Draylna Co- - Ltd R.R.-Co-.; ; tonnage ing passengers' con- going'. 's is said. Under the . .tax, the this feature for "Before any further I, must - Hilo Pfd. 65 Queen St. ; o steamers would : required. , pay venience, according O.. . b. you .very, narrow -- we Ji w Hllo Ry Co.' Com...... be to ..to.JPr. tell ot a shave Phona4331 t Hon. a & M. Co.. Ltd from $70 to $100 a day , as long as Spaulding. the shtpi's surgeon. , bad at the Victoria Docks. After hav J'-.H- . ,Tbe. brought 360 Pay Your E:!k ' csr Hon.!Gas CoPfd.,; 100' they remained in the harbor, Commis liner sacks of mail ing been through a very anxious trip " e Hon. Gas Co. 100 sioner McCarthy, said. . v : ; ; from ,the roainlan.d. .Her cargo Is a from. Marseilles we-qult- thought that Com...... IN ' Hon. R. ,T. : & ...... The special meeting was called by genera) one,, consisting of , merchan- all our tronbles were at an end, and IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISS By Chccli- JUCa . l.-- h man, upon dise, cement groceiies, hardware and went bed on Friday even-ins- v -:' Steam , Nar. Co.. i ,. , .". 200. Chali Charles; R.? Forbes re. tq pea.eeully . - NZVC?APZm goods. , r .". Mutual TeL Co. .,. , ... .. ceipt of a letter from Hackfeld & Com various lines of ...... - Call ca cr -- Tins, Oabu; Ry- ift J-a- . . ir,o nahy. aeents for the steamers. TAtrtwo o'clock In the morning we AajTrr..ny - because this Insures you a re- - Co.. . - Write Bdtlwin Pahang '. At the request of Hackfeld & Com were awakened by. a tremendous crash Rubber Ca :i ... . advertisinq ceipt; It means a better way of pany, commissioners two weeks and quite, .thought our last moment & a DAin:3 Tanjong Olok Rubber Co. .... the -- paying out. money than by et. ; ago granted agency two weeks In had come. I clutched the Infant and AGENCY BONpS. .V V . the Tnzzlzzt uatfy handling; and the one who Hamalcua Ditch.i;Co. Gs. . which to decide upon some plan fpr rushed out Into the passage, where 124 Eaasosse Street Eia Haw. C. '& Sugar Co. 5s. . the removal of the steamers from the Officers of the T. K. K. steamer several of the passengers nad collect- , receives It It better satisfiedir CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD. Haw; Ca Cs 32 harbor. This period . expires today, Shinyo Mara report that Chinese ship ed, and we all stood ihere in pitch n irr. ::. .V... - ( . Cesldee, Ccmmic:!cn J.tcrchcnta Ter.-5s- . from & Com darkness expecting another crash at tarorten cf test It looks and Is Haw. Pub. Imp. and the letter Hackfeld pers are boycotting Japanese steamer :- ' z , ":; , -i "Its ,. any moment, :, ' i materials. Tricc3lr more businesslike. Haw. Ter. Pub, Imp. s. . pany requested that an additional stay lines wnerever possible.; lV, ? ' " . i "It appears that a Zeppelin had kind- jczt criar. - Haw. ;Ter. 4H cf two weeks, until August 31. be rrcl- N ' large or esiall. i ; ly dropped bombs on side of our Start a checking account be HaV. granted. . The Pacific Mall liner Persia, bring either ."i".' Tr. 3s ship. Several windows were smashed, dreds cf teases la ti:'.3 c::7 Hllo R.R.Co. 6s Issue 01. 50. After some discussion Commissioner ing the next mall from the; Orient, is ' - you man or woman, it simpli. and In the class a cabin was fact tatlz:ic:::n. : second Hllo R.R.CO. R.&E.Con.6s C. J. McCarthy Introduced ; a resolu due to reach : Honolulu a week from l7i- fies transactions and helps you badly going cfean ca. , Sug Co. tion to - the. I effect, the steamers today. The boat left Yokohama Fri damaged, a shot ccsrut XIavalUn Ccsoerejal Eisar Honokaa Ca...... that through. Fortunately the occupants to check your expenditures." Hon. Gas Co. Ltd. 6a... 100 will be allowed to remain n the.harbor day. . had left that very evening. . Hon; R. T.-- L. Co. 103V until August 21 at the present rate of Ctliu :Busar Cozapany, 6s.. "I can't begin to tell', you what" an Kauai Ry. Co. 6s.. ,'...... $10 a, day each,, and hat Jt the ves The Manoa is due to sail from the : - i. ; awful shock it was for us, and how v 4 -- rtla Plaatatloa. , McBryde Sugar Co. 5s.. . . . sels are atui tied up at me piers on railroad wharf about . o'clock, this -J ' thankful we felt when the daylight 1 Haul Agricultural Conpaiiy. Mutual Tel. 6s 1 .. .. . 101 September 1 the tonnage tax. will ap afternoon with 10 cabin .passengers came and we felt fairly safe. . , ' Ry. & 103 v V : - - and a big freight cargo for Sart Fran U1Z3 TOT7 Hsweflan Eussur .Ccapaay. Oahu Land Co. 5s.; 03 ply to each steamer, had" onlv i DANK OF HAWAII, LTD. ' ... ."Tha pilot told us that we Oahu Sugar Co. 6s.' ... , . : . . '106 ' when steamers came Into th e CISCO.,., .I',; Hauia Plaatatloa CocpaJty. - these just escaped a submarine attack. Well, Corner Fort. and Merchant. Olaa Sugar Co. 63..,'.... 90 harbor ..was agreed by those In IXeErrde' Co, Ltd. it case we were thoroughly well prepared for Euiir Pacific G. & F. Co. 6s.'...... Charge of them that they would moTe The of the American schooner - pro- Inter-Tsan- one- life boats absolutely ready, ; 155 ! Cahulul Railroad Conpany,; , ;. . , on Halcyon . against the Pacific Sugar Mill Co. 6s. . . th; ships outside the harbor visions ixT the boats and our life belts Pioneer Mill Co. 100. .... i hours' notlce,",saId Colonel McCarthy, Steam Navigation Company went . to '' Usual Railway Cccpaay. 5s..... han"dy. .. . ; ,;, t : move UiaL in. Hih yesterday morning with quite .. , Ecr.?!-:!:- TliotD KiuiJ Fruit & Co, LU i San, Carlos Mill Co. 6s... ..v. 100 "and now they say they can't; . Last AgrL Co. 100 ft Judge Sanford B. Dole of the local fed V ' Walalua 5s.... them because they state that a suf : Ilcsclia Raac2u ; amount of coal .cannot be se eral court presiding., Foster Davis P.ilKAHALA LIFTS AUTO -- dent 3 . . 15, 25 . is. HrA2-;.v:Tzn- ! ' Sales: Between Boards Oahu of ,the local office acting. as clerk I -- ft kodak r "i . .: . . FROM HARB0H BOTTOM . Sug. Col 26; 15, 15, 6,' Waialua 23; 100 Oliver . Soared as stenQgranher. c ..-.- - "They'll have to .be moved' . outside and Ti . zn Fcrt Brewery 18;. 30 Pioneer,28; 15 Brew-r- y tho harbor' that's all,' declared Chair-- The trial probably; wjll last a. week. - ' Z-y:- Mi-kaba- la 18." : .Captain Naopala of the steamer r : ' man Forbes,.. :r.I , .,. ' 25 . r yesterday In lifting I More ' I I . Session Sales Olaa'6. Commlss(dner If. E. Bodge seconded vessels were seen on this trln succeeded W-- ... VaA " ..''i;"-'':"'::- in- many ccordmg. Kawaauhau'sTory (ouxing car isslpn s; : lhan, - moitlis, In J. H. MEAT MARKET 6 CnCCir.Y Ccmm cCarthy er J . CANKER.;';.. er 31 tesolutiow along-Pi- LIMITED' Latest-suga- r quotation: 66 degrees Capt; Charles ot therMatson from the" water" ,413 lato f and It passed on . unanimous .vote. Peterson i Pay 4ft ysrly on Cavln--s De test, 4.63 cts oi $97.60 per ton. steamer Matsonla, wplch case in at which It fell Sunday after backing off Secretary CChurch; and Commissioner : compounded Francisco 7:30 ?v;f,- - m'S aoalta twlee v Pier ,15 from San at the pier; f: 'Annually. atteijeia, Wcfc. cut 4reoet uio n'r.locV this mornins. '''We nassfd five big boom was swung, If. ft E. Letter c! 5 A. from the lutes' C steamers and ithrec saiilns: vessels be side et the ankahala, and by careful C. a YE2 HCP A CO. :. The first of these refugee ships came Credit . Travelers decks tween San Honolulu,' ship Was placed di- tsi Sugar ; j Francisco 'and maneuvering, the 4.8825cts In-- year ago.; Since theti they . haye a c remarxeq. commanaer.-- v s auto. triilatle throughout Ue world.' been a constant source of trouble for in f rectly alongside the sunken We arrangi aft Vlnds cf trlpt com Then a diver descended and attached everywhere in c"etaIL thelharbormaster and the harbor car. very mission." The har,bor is now congest Two voyages of the British freight slings to the heavy parts of the Also luaus and hulaj, .. . After-thi- s donkey engine was set ed so times steamers have to er Lowther Castle will , nay for the the that at according to' Capt" to work, and the car Was soon out of PARADISE TOURS CO, Henry f Co undergo delay, .while other vessels ire boat, Howe" of the Vct:rr::u':3 rust sailing water ; and 'on the . wharf. The '. - Hotel and Union Ets.v tied up atJLhe,.wharves. Two of the vessel, today for Vladivostok '7 DRY CCC3 4 ;Cnt!2 Trancfcrs anq entire operations were carried out in 1 refugeVships ,;.7,, with t barbed, wire; prWye iron for , Fort . are ,ai Pier another army, ; fit 11 ambers HonoI ttlrCtock and Bond at the naval wharf, two at the: Hack tne Kussian uc toe ooat s WW less than an hour. tons, of. cargo, J5000 tons are. of crdip ; Js anchored feld wharf and another ary, ; ;. 'trc!-tr.-t ; . - barbed wire, such rart and f etrteta ui um uur. . r . ' uuibiue $ .'. . GOOD AGENTS as 'that.'on which countless boys have 4 FOR ICE COLD DRINKS AND torn their trousers. The wire will .be V MORE THAN SCORE OF NEW V 14 PER CENT ICE CREAM " 5 -- e In entanglements. It Is iporte4r'thjt-th- ,da Pont PASSENGERS used trench V.. 'AUTOS COME PN MATSONIA rf , . TRY THE WANTED. Powder Company will "erect a new DEPARTED ' HOME INSURANCE CO, OF HAWAII, . One year and, two' days. Kate elapse ; ;v CO. plant at Carney's Point; N. J., where K; KV S.- - Shinyo Marp, Honolulu's prosperity was HAVAIIAH DaUG ' LTD. i Per T.' S. since Panama was opened. for San Francisco, August 17, From the. Canal V again demonstrated this morning. Hotrfand Ct'J.J Ctrtita 88 KING - vvneon, passen (LLitftsd) STREET, CORNER FORT. Hongkong, Shanghai. Nagasaki and ine urst snip, toe "4. when the Matson liner Matsonla through August 15, 1914. Figures pre--; NOTICE ;TQ PBESENT BONDHOLD -- brought. 21.1 automobiles ln ber . Kobe: A: C. Averbeck, . Rev G. C. f L 4 ERS AND OTHERS CONCERNING pared here Show that' the canal has local, . HAWAIIAN TRU1T Mrs.' G. C-- Bartter - and hold, all consigned to motor CUGAm FACTORS, Bartter, helped Honolulu greatly as concerns f - APPLICATIONS FOR NEW BONDS .P.'" Bdckland, Mrs. P. J. car dealers and destined, for pur- ;'..COrMIC3l3-- - ,MCnCHANT8. children, J. - year f ; OF THE, MUTUAL' TELEPHONE ' shipping trade- In the the.nnm chasers, who are. awaiting, them ' Buckland, 'Miss Doreen, A:' Buckland, ' V 'v.'tMFPINCI and INSUH 4 ; ships stopping f x company. , -- .' ber of here from the eagerly i, .. - & ' Master Harry F. Buckland, Mlsa Kath . t . AfiC5 AGENTS. .. v : Carries ' en Trust canal for bunkers has totaled 58.) The au--- Jhe Mutual Telephone has proTlded . . Among the number was an f ' arine Coakley, Dr. H E. ,Egg6rs, J - In afj : for an. not to exceed $700,000 total number of ships directly from. H. H. Wil- - DR. SCHURMAlN, Cuslness (ts issue .ot O. "W. Gravely, A. R. Hager, H. John f tomebileinearse for t ' the canal Was 65. Honolulu merchants - f branches, ' or 5 gold coupon bonds to be dated .W. Klta"zawa. T, Ko-- 4- liams, a local jmdertaker: It was Derttanla and Union Street n sen. Katx. T. I are estimated to have sold at least - ; erm mura, E. M. Llghtner. H. S. M ead, J unloaded today with the other - Phone 1733 roxtr . -- conolulu, t. tl 1320. due October 1. 1930. to be se $2000 worth of provisions to each ship. motor vehicles, nd. when- all and F.' Mitchell-Robert- s, Master Lawrence f v tyr a trust or present ; - were 'assembled pa Pier tiie cured deed ail its M itchell-Robert- s: Mrs. R. H. Moorp, ' ia andjfuture-acquire- d property. V f as 11 an Of this Miss Moore. A. Moulaert, Mrs. A. Mou SHINYO M ARQ LEAVES wnart woaed automoDiie t - issue, bonds to the amount of $200,000 MunL Mrs. G. J, Muni and ' ''.show was. about to be held.- list cf Orrtcirs sid Directors: i laeii. G. J. ; autotrip around Ulxnd InfermaUon Fursls:s-nc- Lets i will bejdiapQsed of on October 1, 1915, ' SV THIRD OF HER CARGO Book tor ' Infant. S W. NUes,' Rev. J. Niles, - eitf.rt-j'-- o -- 8 CtF. BISHOP...... ,PreBllejat 4, .f .4 .v.. - ' yJ 4 ta - Pass. for the. purpose of redeeming the pre Mrs.; R. Qulnn,' Miss Frances Quinn, ' AT HONOLULU DOCKS Q, H, ROBERTSON Merchant Street $Ur Culidlr.j sent outstanding $200,000 of 6 bond3, . J?', scpuner. o. 1 . v. ..yice-Preslde- Miss Lillian Kia. J, - t - - wAgTOMOOILZ nt Manager 137? ' .i and fbone and the remainder will be held in the Shima. Mrs. VS. Shlma. C. :F.. Smith, :?' - of $3.50 . I . T With nearly, two millions and a half 'Sundays special rate R. IVERS . . . Secretary treasury, such amounts thereof as may .1 T ...... T. Taaemoto, ianaap, wre. n. dollars' , worth.-- cargo , and express Oppt YVM. A. - Phofts ZZZi fee required to time to i of C B. JL R. ROSS...... Treasursr be Issued from Torrey and 2 children, T. Wataru C. on hoard; K. K,' Uner time for Improvements of and addi matter the T. O.' CARTER J. Weed Jl l. Westengard, Mrs. J. L Shinyo Maru sailed, 9 o'clock th la R...... Director prop ' at tions to the company's plant and WestentaVd J Westengard. Mrs. morning, from, Alakea wharf, ,'3an . C fi. COOKE...... Director Electricity, gas, screens In all houses. erty. These bonds will be pf for t BUSSES denom White, A." ,C. Tllcbx, A. E. Wil , i ? R. A. yeste cottage or 2 ; I Francisco, after her stay here SITUATION WANTED, To and from SCHOFIELD DAR R. .Director Small furnished f Inations of $100, $500 and $1000. - J. tliliT. ..U son; jf. WrighU H.,Yo8hlUka. From day . j 132.50. s; afternoon and last night . V RACKS, AIakea and He til Cta, Partially s. furnished house;; The company, being desirous of, ac -- ,. R. JL COOKE...... Director Yokchama;; Miss E. .Alexander, John Uf the cargo, aw silk on board Is Engineer wants pcoltion; understands very.TWa .75c ona ay, 1 Fine cottage in town r $22. commodating the holders of the pre Ai ' G. f Hours . A, QARTLEY...... Director Rritton. Mlsa E. Bovard. JJiss worth $1,100,000, and gold shipments stationary and portable work; ref- round. trip- - Small cottage in town; 516. sent bonds as far as practicable, of J. Belyea. W. Clark, ,N. B. Dibble, for San Francisco erences. W. H., Haver, 622 Emory $1S D. O. ICJlT... Avditor $30. banks total .another , HAWAIIAN TRANSPORTA-TIC- N M.. New house; fers to to such holders, the rate . 6244-6- sell at Lt Chas. iDavy, J. Elklnton, J. R. million. The cargo is worth enough st, San Cal. i :. t COMPANY For Sale. of $101.50, bonds of the new issue to Geary, E, V.. Hawyes, Y. Ichige and to make the liner a veritable trea Choice building. in Kalihl. lota such amounts as may be desired and iwjrxaaC: .lchig?,.. CI Jough. ure ship." . ;. ,. , ; LOST. T. fde v -- as may; be practicable in view of the Rev. W.. T. Johnson, waster warren Before leaving the Shinyo discharg , : " Passbook No. 1385; finder please re denominations of the bonds but not Johnson. 4- Westpn Johnson, ed 2400 tons' of her 7072-to- n cargo faster Bishop Svgs. . K244-3-t H. Schnack - turn to Bk. J. exceeding amounts present vu-- . . J FIRE INSURANCE the of the Master- Herbert Johnson, Master here, The Honolulu portion of this .r"-;- ' by ' Real Estaiit ':': bonds held the holders thereof res liam.Jobnsoi P.rpf j, Klnosnita, was as follows: Thirty bales matting, BY AUTHORITY. .v. t 1 f " 842 Kaa.iumawu St. Te4phont 3633 pectively. Accordingly, undersign the Koye, u. v Komvjruma: v. (.vouuo anu 1307 .oaies gunnies,' 15,244 bags . rice. ft ; ? THE - ' Qhifibniers ed will receive applications until and servant,4 K. . Mayekawa, Miss I. Mc- 85 cases , porcelain and curios, 3026 RESOLUTION NO. 204. BAILEES FURNITURE STORE " including August 31, 1915, from the Leod. ; R.KMlzutanL : S. Matsiii, Miss packages wet goods. 132 packages pf F; FOR. SALE. " near King " B. Dillingliam Co. holders of the present bonds, each ap R. NobcshL- - J. N9.kanjshl.a0l. servant, plants and seeds, 702 bags beans, 3;3 Be it resolved by the Board of Su "Atkea St, plication forth S.-.B- ., os-bor- h, 1 goods, LIMITEO $500 Lot 75x200. 4th ave.,' I block to set the numbers and NeUl, , Mrs. . S. ,Bk N.e.UI,r H. casks sake ease silk 2 cases pervisors of the City and County of - 4 I aggregate amount of the present bonds ,W. G. Cigars, parcels, 29?8 packages mer- , from .car. . ...i K: Oshima; X; Paulsen, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, that General Agents fw Hawaii: . $2000 --Lot 100x400, Puunul. nr. Coun-tr- y held by the applicant and the amount Roy. IL Redwln.: Mrs,, JIM- - Smith, chandise, 55 bags mail. . the sum of Eight Hundred and Fifty LAMB Atlas - Assurance Cjmpty- - of f Club; fine marine and mountain (par'Yalue) of. the new bonds desired Miss & .M--; Smith. ; K. Sasakawa. , K. Dollars, ($850.00) be and the. same Is lUlED SNAPPER New York.' Underwrit- V Londcx views. y by the applicants . . Salto and senant,. W. T. Swingle, hereby appropriated cut of the Perma r. SHRIMPS . ers' Agency; Providence Wasiv Two-bedroo- m bunga-.- Applications modern, ; will also be received Mies M. Carry Thomas, Y. Tanaka, ASSK5UKRS AKK1VE1 Improvement for an ac- - j $2.00 nent Fund : lngtos Insurance Co. f Mf Lman Meat Marked 31, 1915, . low. Green st; lot 35x70; servants' until and including August Miss A. Tileston, M; Tanaka and ser , ...... 7 count to be known as Addition, Police 3445 r ..f '"- hcn '. propos- S. S. Mauna Kfea Hilo, - '; jQf 6tangenwald public of said from . 4th floor BuIldlM. quarters. .' ... from the for such vant, G. Takikawa, ,R. Withycombe, Per Station. . ed first' $200,000 of the new bonds, if Mrs. R. Withycombe, W.i J. F. Wil- August; 17. W; H. Wakely, G.--; C. Presented by, ." any, pi $101.50, may be Miss I ; Peck, Miss Patterson, P. E. B. STRAUCH at the, rate as liamson, Mrs. W... J. F. Williamson, ooie. , ROBERT HORNER. 8-- Klnjf Rev, W. L. Miss M. Walt? Bids T 8t available for sale after accommodating H.: Worthington, Z. Yamasaki, Capt. F Merrill. Small, . . Supervisor. THE YOKC.1AMA SPECIE ; - the holders of the; present bonds as S. Yamanoucni. Marshall, Miss N. Marshall, D. K. Hay- Honolulu, July 27, ID 15. BANK. LIM'TEO. hereinabove set forth, the application selden, wife and child, H-- Hugo and Ten. .'. Na-kan- o. K. . - ' I . t I In case to set forth the amount wife, Mrs. IC( Imamura, Miss Approved' ...;. . - Capital suoavrtbed. , . .in .if. each this 16th day of August t C'Masuda, r-:- ' :-- (par valuer of new bonds desired. In 1 : IMSSENGEKS BOOKED Miss Mrs. Sam Hall, D. 1915. . . t. . I Capiuil raid up. ... . inu00?00 I I i I i i I i Ss : I --- ; lii It case applications are received from th? : 11 ;r Rev. S, L. Desha, R. H. Bemrose, F, C. LANE, fund 1 9.600,00 ", ' JOHN. Restrre public In excess of the amount cf Per S. S. Mauna Kea, for Hilo, Aug J. Rcbello. J. Kalama, F. , Rowald, G. Mayor. City and County of Honolulu, Lo-- 1 " 8. AWOKI. Mimmer - K. ' : bonds so available for tah?, the enm- - ust 18. Frank Andrade, H. C. Lckart,- Larrisoni H. Zimmerman, A. Ma '' I IL i ". : pany ; reserves the right to apport n G. K. Harrison. C. M. Reid, S. Amlrll. son and wife, Miss Mason, Miss E. 6214-Au- g. 17, 18. 19. 'illfilflfll such bonds among the appiicants m H. C. Waidron. Miss U Weight, lU$s Cn; tie. Miss G. Feabody, M rs. F. M, such manner as it may deem equitabla E. Copp. Mrs. J. Iouis, Lieut Humbert V.akeCeld, Miss;C- - Snow, Mrs. G. C. NOTICE. & and to rejept any or all applications in and wife. Mrs. F. T. P. Waterhouse, Bryant, Jliss Bryant, Master "Bryant, Rolli ' BuildingWAY - whole or In naxt , I. . U .Waterhouse. Miss K. Water- U Neye, T. Harada, G. Solid, W. D. Draft No; 53. amount to $1.00, drawn MM M. by . Haw'n; Irrigation .Co., her Pianos' MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY, house. Mrs. Atkins Wight. A.; B. Rosscn, A: Brown, Mrs. E. W. Hart, Ltd, Hono C2 IANOS . itfflnw!o Uldo ITirchant St I By A. BALCH, Clark. M is?s Ethel Chong. Mis3 Annie Mrs. J. S. Walker, M. F..Matson, S. E. kaa,. on . July .1,, .has been ilost and ' J. HIM! - :WM-kiB5- .; - CO LTD. . ' Yi Ko- - , CTOCK I NO, BONO BROKERS ' Wung. . M ss Rosecrans. Henry M.ozetta, M. Robello, Sawa, K. herefore- payment stopi)ed. Finder Treasurer. Phon-- r Shl-mad- x W-Ma sa rae "Co.. C3t3 . Honc'vU an , en . Honolulu. T. H August 13. 1915.. x Chong; E. Brown, C. bayashi, Miss H. Lucas, Miss return ftbF?A.V Shaefer nsmbe-- rock ' EKc ' ' " 6211-Au- g. 13-3- .": 0213-3t- ' . 1 - :': . V '; .' '. T. Fitzpatrick, A. S. Hargie. agents. . l L Inc. . ke. J. Ltd4 STAB-BULLETI- r HONOLULU N,' TUESDAY; AUGUST 171015, STiVKN

c 3 Jilnie Jv ' --V - . tonight

. 3 Henry-B- iifalthal, the World's Greatest FEATURE Of,' F0PUL1R DILL OUT Of ' ' ' , . 11 iCLCS 5. NOTK TO ,111?:. - r i BASEBALL FAIT3 07 IIQITOLULU- -' fudtion Picture Actor Beginning tonight "Beulah," a pho-- , the romance unfolds the pathetic DOKT MISS SEKI W to-pla- y novel of stcry . of Beulab, telling sor ' ' of the American the of her TODALoE t i Supported by Miss Joyce 'Moore, in same name by Augusta J. Evans, will rows, her 'struggles and her ultimate it ! I ah Ml be the feature at the Popular theater triumph. Of course, in the end-Beu'.- during the ensuing week, with mitl-ne.e- J becomes the wife of her sweetheart - Miss Jane O'Roark of Riverside, Wednesday and Saturday 'after-noen-s. and. thus is recompensed for all the ' CaL, accompanied by her mother, ar V7cader. Henry B. Walthall and iliss misery she had passed through, rived in Honolulu on Matsonia Only Three Uore llihts to E:a This Ciirtlirj appear lead- the Joyce llocre will in. the Photography of a high order and morning, declaring al- this herself o i A Wonderfully Acted and Elaborately Staged Produc-tio- n ing characters. scenes that are typical -of Louisiana ready in love with Hawaii from the "Beulah" is a story of Louisiana, and help to make "Beulah- attractive.' meager C7U V7 T -- glimpse she secured of this the is woven a story of Walthall and Miss Moore support r of the lleart:gripping Classic of Louisiana around title are Island as the liner swung around; to ?311 V love and sacriflce. .Through six reels ed by an excellent cast : the harbor. Miss O'Roark is a talent- . i ... i ed young actress, playwright, a daring aviatrix and autoist,' a swimmer of no Notice this Cpcchl I S EMPIRE LEAD mean ability and an all round sports- Prcram woman. : v -- "... ! Misa O'Roark Is the author of a : -- ; -- ; IVJaGi'a'iy. . v 4 As number of vaudeville skits. In all of John vju'vMillardei? one cf the Ame tial, appearance in this city in a lead which she ar rears In person. Incident (The Experiences of the Baseball .Magnate) lean; stage star and author- - ota story ing role In "Dickson's Diamond. It ally she is the originator of a new - a of pioneer life: in - the- western states, is adapted from the famous Felix Boyd - DIXIH DAYS .'(Mnsic-- Selections) v 1 dance which she will introduce at the two-pa- ' We have them for your every need playea toe leading' role ln; the rt series, a product of Scott Campbell's .' (Dr-:r.- a) Bijou Thursday night , nz?. photo-pl- a y version of. the drama, "The taciie pen. ine piot deals witn. a ' nrDr: ; Questioned regarding the dance K!:c' soft cr,:s fcr C:!;y Man, of Iron, ithich. la to. be seen. i cleverly, devised mystery. Miss O'Roark was reticent for. a foot the Empire theater today. The play A clever comedy is shown in the light favorite. "Oh. it's just a sim - (The Popular Southern Scrap) haa been produced by ; Robert G. No deliniation of The Servant Problem. ple little farce, she said, "something Large well-know- n ones for the bath that arc a pleasure to use. lan. The cast contains The Empire theater program will close that affords me an opportunity to do ALSO: TWO SELECTED LIULTIPLE FILI artists including A" Jtc Holllster, Hen-- with the drama Lolo, the Rat It Is a few steps of a snake dance Show Starts Promptly at 7:45 o'Clcc!: and. Frederick Hasklns. . a story founded on , city tenderloin young - The Unbleached Rind for the Automobile rHallem ' A husband is Seated in a ; life. -- :.,-r ' Conness will make his ini chair dosing by the open fire. . I am A large assortment ak prices from ,.; :, a picture, I am dressed, in the styles of 2000 years ago, and lying on a 2CcfcjCS.G3 . couch. Tiring of my surroundings I MLilillES arise and climb down out ot the pic- ture. The strains of Oriental music are wafted into the room and. I begin RUBBER SPONGES FOB THE FACE, BATE to go through, the dance wlih a pet AND MASSAGE :.;'; : OOFTC'JIl snake. The young man awakens, tc: :ri;7 : I smile and glide away from him and in another moment I am back E AVhen .Madame ' Melba, the famous Bat two more; nights remain during on -- my couch in the picture. His appears In which Edison kjnetophone wlil be wife enters and the young man . is Australian prima dohna, the : -- pahahou:; :;: the first of her two recitals to be shown at the Bijou theater,- - tonight awakened from a sound sleep. He gets exclusive QmuEiiiI) uuwsii & Ltd., - up, yawns and then turns A sly look ' Co.t given in the. Hawaiian Opera House and tomorrow night After that date Bosworth Inc. Lc : eh:r in next Saturday evening, she will for new World FUut vorj?oratioo big fcaat me. It's a good thing you're only Presents 7 ; turea-wil- l . - picture,' he eaysin an aside as he - - I Tt3 Eexall Store mally inaugurate her coming Ameri- be shown at this.- popular a mm ' m m - ': i hi3 wife.- " J can tour. Incidentally the occasion house which, Incidentally is now un- looks' back at Fort and Hotel Sts." . v; Phone 1297! Will mark. the. first appearance of the dergoing k thorough renovation.: .'New r. ;.ir.2 7 (..; BELGIANS F0H31DDEN TO i :V. & ... . k ;v. . QPEN UITTIL 11:15 P,7 1,4: celebrated diva' In Honolulu. r paint is being liberally, applied : 1 SERVE GERMANY'S FOES A Gripping Drama of tbo . Madame Melba will spend five days throughout the entire house, number 5 are- - in this city. She arrives from . Aus of chairs being replaced. ahd Man- Oil Fields. tralia on the Makura Friday, and sails, ager Afagooa state&v with ini- BRUSSELS; via London. Gen.-vo- n that the Bisslng,. Belstam, on the Matsonia the following Wed; tial presentation of the new features, Governor!eneral of ; ES?L.0I73 0? EL.U :z nesday for San Francisco where Thursday evening, this work will be promulgated- an orders tor the. punish- she any Belgian between ages Fifteenth Episode begins continental tour. Because completed. V'.i-:' Aj..- - ' ment of the her 'xrA -- of 16 and .40 who. leayes the. state to of the limited capacity , of the. Opera J".; lc(3raw''hoids; ion the headline serve ..In vany capacity for a country House, two recitals were arranged and closing ' position for the demonstration :,tjjxip;to-thoorit-- : : according to the present demand foe at war with Germany,' The .penalty of the talking moviea, McGraw Is provided i3 a ne of 10,000 marks or tickets the dual event will register conversation, sport I - heard in with a five" years imprisonment, or both.' v . .Corning Tluirr ay- - ; the high water mark in the annals - , - ' wjjtcc,. . y , : nnv-v.'.-; f of musical affairs in this city. Days,?-- , musical, The sale of tickets was opened at Dixie clever film aw are-- a CP?.ICZ3 07 HIITY the Messenger Service office In Union and the vMinstrel After Piece' pair of' popular offerings, in, thai speaki- street Saturday, when, the receipts for .. .uasd . m ng1, pictures. Her . Redemption, a the day reached an unprecedented - talking movie drama, ia goodr while HATIILYI7 7ILLlAi:3 LI'S amount. - - 111 '. - ' two' multiEle .sllenf drama offerines .t j j ,Cfi j i complete. the bllh .; ;:. i iv.rr"" . uauiiij liiiKLULU f 'Prices::10, 0, 20 cents.

. - P'-- Ccrrfr:!!' -- Ia the wonderful K C Coot' Eook,U. Janet , ; GETS VfiaCDS nui::::.: ;ira:b ' IIcKenrie Ilill, of Eoston Cooking School line, tells every housewife how to become an expert cook how to prepare ; nch. dishes the family will, go simply,wild over what you aet lif Will Sing at the ' before tiitd. v:! ... ', ') 4. ,;: . John Lennox, manager of Sachs, re? The H C Cook's Eook is illustrated in 9 colors, contains 90 tested and . J turned in the Matsonla this . morning Moliy. offeri- JIaVaiinnOperallouse V recipes Uxat win De every from - .an , extended business trip "Sunshine: tba feature prom successful ng- X time if tie few simple suggestions are followed. throughout the states, . .. . - . at the Liberty theaterr la just that -- Rich Milk and Cream from certified cows ' The C C Cook's Book has been prepared While away Mr. Lennox made ex sunshine. Thrown in are a number Sat 21 at an expense of many thousands of dollar, tensive purchases- - for the - coming of exciting incidents that are natural - Aiii and If purchased at a store would easily cost " season. This new fall, merchandise is in. the...vaa:- - toil-fiel- ,.: of CaUfornia-r-whic- h 'i ;Butter freshly churned every day, 40c per lb. Tues. ' Aug. ' absolutely as w are, tbiSKpicmte 24 . ... : ' '. 7 50 cents, yet we give it free arriving and embodies the last word ably depicted in .w ' ,' von to know exactly what K. C Baking in the lines carried in this populai including an oil fire, which Is a mag- ana ao you Ticketa. on saje- - at Territorla) ICECREAM ; rowder is wnat it wiu lor in ?. store....--- C,' z. nificent spectacle and. an artistic piece tout own kitchen. You need this won.- - ; of ; photcgraphy. - The title ;role is "Messenger Service, Union St . ox ' Ctxvox dook is TK&i imponanco , IjoIs For- M;'-'i'yt);'- l ' ; handled by Weber; 'B.ull' , ' ; - WIFE Phone; 3481. '.'sV-- to every oonsewue. i A HEALTHY,. HAPfY rest in the hands of Phillips Smallcy, HONOLULU DAIEiniElI'S ASSOCIATION - - V is the- greatest inspiration a man can; is well handled, while, Herbert- stand- , Prtces $3, $2, $1 yA Hov to fjct.tho . have and the .life of family, yet ing makes a' most admirable I "Pat '.Phone 1542 ' ' .. ." .the Boxes and Loges .$4.- how many homes In this fair land are O'Brien.'. .' .. , wife CO'X 'J Write vocr name and address . blighted by the ill health of and "A tense, gripping drama of the oil- Dept. plainly on this coupon. At. mother I . . : ,: : fields,'' is the claim made for it by Chicago, v. .. tich. the colored certicatft , It may. be backaches, headaches, the Bosworth,vInccrporated,-- the producer. tortures . of . a displacement, -- or some It. is hardly that but" H: is an exceed- SmmI Uk Cook's figokv wia , ailment peculiar to her sex which ingly good picture,', telling &n enjoy ecns - DON'T SWELTER IN THE HEAT ! GO wi f makes lifeavburden.- rEvery woman1 able story. ..j ; In" this condition , should rely upon The ,'NewExploitS ot Elaine, which Vint - X I S3 i Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com are appearing each Saturday In the pound, mades from roots and herbs, to Star-Bulleti- n, givo promise an Im THE HOUSE OF SILENT. DRAMA. restore her .to health and happiness. provement even over the fate Elaine Matinee at 1 to 4 o'clock. V- - :: y-'y- - Adv. . ';.yy Evening (two shows) 6:45 to 8:30, ' run. . li '. .m m ; .:: ' TODAY'S PROGRAM. HOW HE MADE UP FOR IT. , worked for many years and was one WHEN A GYPSY; HATES J Rates $3,5a per day, $21 per Week. - r day called- to. account by his chief.' i Two: reel drama...... Lubin ' v Charles Lamb, so well remembered V "You arrive very. late, &tc Lamb.? Fixing Their Dads : J-H- : i , : CGO - for the personal charm and wit re ' "Yes.'! replied . Lamb,-- with a'smile) Comedy Vitagraph Co., v Pooil Iicl; : ;. ALL KINDS OF ROCK AND. SAfiD FOR CONCRETE WOUK vealed in. his famous essays, was not but remember howvearily l leave," A Woman of. Madness Tickets, via, Oahu Ry. at Fins.Driv3cf ZZ'W.z i ' ; equally noted for his punctuality., He Drama- - i . ; . . . .'. Edison - 1 t FIREWOOD AND COAL .i ..... Office. - 0TT '(('a ...... ' - waa very j - :7ell3 Farjo. . 53 QUEEN STREET P. O. BOX irregular in his attendance Within 300 Pages . 212' ' at the East India office,' where her " Comedy. . . '. r,.':V.... Essanay Iff ' I't

llllHMMllHHHim) it Days will soon Getthe.bay his new outfit of clothing NOW while stock is large and choice in suits are best. ; Doing this NOW; will get the subject off your mind, and will caurj

5 less nnanciai qisturDancetnan wouia oe tn result it your waited. Boy's Wool Suits, $3:50 up. ' Separate Blouses and ShirlG, 'CI. Boys' Wash Siiits, $1,UU up; . , Hats and Caps; Very pretty ties, both washable and silk. v ..Belts. Undnvear.


bquipmcnt 41" 1 76 Hotel Street Pantheon Building STAR-BULLETI- EIGHT HONOLULU N, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915.

f Fjote TheglRed-To- p a Ex Non-Ski- d Wi Y th FiskS I . ' 7 I f i A lire should give the purchaser satisfaction. The company behind the tire can give SERVICE r , r. if. uijiug ri lira and increase the satisfaction. The personal element entering into each trcnscclicri is cne part of : H 31 :hevFisJc:!'.Semce..;i;'-'?:- I : YY Y;' Yy r: ' - 330 $13.40 4 X33 (22.00 This Service, a quality product and low prices make the Fisk an unforgetable combination. 4 x34 $22.40 W To pay more than Fisk Prices is knowingly down an assured definite saving in up-kec- p. A Uv ft 4V43 ...... I...... ; . . ... $31X0 to turn tire 5 ,xZ7 ..:..,.;.V. $370 5 X33 ...... $390 FISK RED TUBES HEL P MAKE BAD ROADS GOO D 3 x30 ... $2.60 4 x3 ...... $4.63 3 14x30 . . . $3.00 4 4x36 .5 . Ci : $3.80 4 x33 ...... $4.23 x37 .. $6.93

- 3C

vr -- - ?: FRUIT PEST Af'D Former Classmates Soon To rnirnr p.c.crimv Work Side by Side For City UUI1U1J O LJ:,Lii i::; D2TH01T


' Dr. 0. L. Howard WilMnvesti-gat- e Mrs. Charles Bon Tells of Rai- Will run on Gas- - , , S 'LJ' Eradi- ; Best Methods of lroads Being Congested With oline, Kerosene or cating Them From Hawaii Troop and Supply Trains. Dl atlllata AU Here to study the habits and life "Germany thinks she Is sure to win. sizes fron 2 to 33 V.'hy Koi Have a history of the Din cotton-bol-l worm No other thought seems to have enter- a h.p. For. "work. ;r and the Mediterranean. fruit fly, and ed the minds of the German people." to see what has been done so that a said Mrs. Charles Bon today, while plcas'jro tcat3. Dress TJacle ? more effective flghtf. may be made standing on on the Matsonia s deck, : .Cuarasteed' ,.for. against these pests, particularly the her return from a voyage around the pink worm,' Dr. L. O. Howard, chief v our world lasting nearly . two years. ; c life.' Ees34for "We U." S. Bureau of Entomology, '' have the best material for of the Mrs. Bon came back ti H?noTnlu free cata!c;-a- la evening wear hand-- arrived this morning .on the Matsonia this morning alter having, been away that K ' " week..--- t ..; ;. cclors,.givici low aoraely embroidered pineapple to stay a ' . ? a year and eight months, her children - . , dan- accompsnvin? Bilk . '"I do not think there is much Jessie and Johnson, prices. Y Y s ger of bringing pink boll worm her. on the trip, which before it ended the ' Price, 0 into the United States fron, Hawaii," proved to - be both exciting an4 a pattern ' -- doing great perilous.; : . - -- :" , said the doctor. "It is a RepresenUUves wanted In the Hawaiian Uianis. . Cest Urrr.t'zr.i 11 2 damage to cotton crops ; in "When war was declared we were In deal of ; : ; . , t Discounts ta the Territories. . E?3Tt and India, but we have been Switzerland," remarked Mrs. Eon. p war-boun- d able to-kee- it out cf the states so "We were there nearly two 1 ' . Is nearest has months, and were able to leave finely, ' far. Hawaii the it . j?ood Amp ..' been' come to mainland, thanks to the 6f the Fort Street, able to the efrts ' .. Dcsts.-i .Cirett-'Y- , rican consul In Zurich, who secured . , 6S7 and we want to confine U hero. f; i Opposite Catholic Church ; - ' DetroIV CYA. only way bad cotton passports for lis. '..'':' Mi;:;in,'U. "About the this us week to inake rail- pest could get. to the mainland from "It took a the road trip from Lake ; . Constance Hawaii would be in samples of Ha- L ruling Flushing, Holland a journey which waiian cotton, and the recent ordinarily requires cnly 3 ; be : Upper left," A. M. Brown, city and hrnrs. providing that no amplea shall trains and war supplies using all the . county attorney, Upper right, Albert :J ! Ho accepted for shipment to the states were cause dehy " ;t fFuriiitu a";BpiI ey'sjs Furni turoj Rear an in- M. Cristy, first deputy.. Lower picture, railroads the of the Ca.h re Zzp until examined ana.wissed by German reopl?. when she ' keep William T. Carden, second deputy. That the spector should 'i out fall, were very confident of f ywc to jfiTrnjtura Reflections am coming to study tnepina left last ;From now hericeforth 'intend1 sell I here .Classmates will be reunited when victory, was stated by Mrs. Bon. "Thsv boll worm because this Is the nearest think they're sure to win. she at lower, prices than, ever before, and sell for Cw.X"lYfo the mainland. Albert M. Cristy, first deputy city and ad Vith Tories place to find it from county attorney, takes office Septem- "How they feel now I do not know, but Will sell you ;Solid Qak Dining Chairs and finish in any W don't relv on the Emrptian Invegti ' 1- - they extremely positive habits, ber and joins William T. Carden, then were that h ,1 cations of the vest's life' and new victory would soon be theirs," she style for $2.00. The curved To He carrying on inde-- second deputy, who assumed his ' and we have been ! v r. : - Y. C -- :' ' yesterday morning; stated. ;!.;";-- - ; ' wnen duties . . . ; . S10.C0 y ihipe doci away rndent investleations'' here, Cristy were From Holland Mrs. Bon and !r::her chll Round pinii: Tablss i.i. i SJi ' a .Mr. Carden, and Mr. with the annoyance they are completed, we swill have dren went to London, and from there ,Y:. Square . 6.C0 more efficient means of know classmates at Yale Law School. Mr. Y; pining Tatb3. much New They 4 cf rear reflections to era Carden was found early today sitting sailed for Ycrk. left here i lne what methods to use best by way of Yokohama, landing In Na : : ;See we will sell $25.00; worth $40.00. entirely. Your field islands, and In the swivel chair: recently vacated a Drcssdr for dicate the worm from the. open ples, and were in Switzerland when of vision is widened th Mediterranean fly as well." by William Lymer, with several We. do not believe inelling at one price tljis month law books ." in front of him".' He Is a war flamed out all around them. close-fittin- g Howard was accompanied here and the Dr. being "It seems good to be home again," and another next, wo shall continue to' sell for cash ; at by E. M. Ehrhorn, superintendent of native' Honolulan, and after edjes can not Inter- graduated from McKInley High School said Mrs. Bon; She was met ontsMe j "AVe have stock' most lines. Gil-mor- large Honolulu" .entomological experi- e, the prices quoted. a rtf the or-ni- a the harbor by her nephew Donald act-in- g University of Calif fere when you look ment' station, and O. Hv Swezey, he attended 'the assistant passenger agent o and later the . Harvard law school. " ; 1 y v . . off at an angle. entomologist both of whom have & Company. . ; ; CASH FURiriTURE AT BAILEY'S The Cristy and Carden appoint- Brewer Y Cpme in and see been on the mainland. Dr. Howard " r only August 23. ments came shortly after A. M. Brown, Y - Alakea Street near Kin Y Y 1 ; f ' i. us them. will be here nntll LOCAL ' about H? kava the local' station has done formerly a deputy under retiring City BUSINESS OF good work In research lines concern- and County Attorney John Cathcart, INSURANCE COMPANY fly and pink boll, worm, was appointed Mr. Cathcart's success- ing the ' fruit ISIFORD ,YV."'-.?:';;"''';':.':.- MAKES RAPID GROWTH A; '.' SA - mm " :';'.7:7 N. . t';v or.-: v Signor Barzilal,' a Republican mem The annual financial report of the ber of - the Italian chamber of cepu GomScrtoMe Hom3 (For Rent) Home Insurance .Company, which has " '"''' " -- " : . .. . ties, will be appointed a member of IS LIKELY had but four years of business history Y - "I Y- Y. ''Y''' ir: Y . ' Boston Dldg. Fort Street partly-furnishe- the ministry without portfolio to deal COD since its organization, shows the com- Ten d rooms, two baths (Kuud heat- "May A Co. with questions concerning the newly pany to be In splendid condition. Over Y er), hardwood floors, mosquito-proo- f. occupied territories which may arise. Premiums collected during four all Large shady the 1 years of organlaztion are as follows: yard kept by owner. Keeaumoku street y . ; 1911, $6595.96; 1912, $20!.7O9.46; 1913, $23,038.52; 1914, $23,022.91. . A life insurance . department 'has been added recently, which shows pol- CASH FOR WALKS during April, May Biiihop Truit C .v Ltd. icies made out and ' ' June to the amount of $250 300. - An- Cctliel Street. .. other , new department is . the "child's At a meeting cf the board of siper FUNERAL SERVICES .. ' endowment insurance. Three . hun- a dred policies have been written for The original guaranteed hose. Six pairs for visors tonight it is expected that FOR LATE L H. BOYD workmen's Insurance under the new to,- ap : $1.50 and if they wear into holes within six resolution will be Introduced law. money construct TOMORROW AFTERNOON Japanese Silk Goods and Curios : " propriate sufficient to v months you get new ones free. . sidewalks and curbing in front of all Richard De Silva, a convict serv- The remains of James Harbottle ing a five-ye- ar sentence at Sing Sing - city property within the fire limiU. ' y :M- y g the Boyd, who died at )Vaimea, Hawaii, prison, was drowned In the open air s e u s A re- a H JL This will be in conformance with a, Saturday afternoon, arrived in Hono- swimming pool for the convicts, which 1120 Nnusnn St. Phone J522 Abovn Hotel St r supervisors lulu in the steamer Mauna Kea this was V - HUB, passed the used for the first time. i solution which " ; Hotel. Bwa of Fort V at the last meeting ordering alt prop- morning. The funeral services will erty owners to curb and: build side- be held at 3' o'clock tomorrow after- walks In front of their property within noon from St Andrew's cathedral. Rev. . AViliiam officiating. TWO-CYCL- the fire limits. Cancn Ault WORLD'S LARGEST BUILDERS OF E MOTORS The resolution, will include the cftv The body will lie in state at the Boyd property cn River street from Kukul residence, 1644 Kalakaua avenue, to to " the waterfront and the old fish-mark- et night It: isrequested that members MARINE ENGINES 2 h. p. 'to 39 h. of Alakea street of the Order of Kamehameha, of at the foot t p. Perfection in design and; con- The city also will construct sidewalks which Mr. Boyd was a prominent struction. . and curbing at the Central Grammar member, be lat the family residence . We attend to Checking and Sealing of 5 . school. and also attend the funeral tomorrow. It is expected that Mayor Lane will Mr. Boyd was 57 years of age and STATIONARY ENGINES For Farm Y ' was prominent in the old days of " ; B: A; ;g g ;g M introduce his new rules of procei".r the or factory use. ):: '0. G e 0 for the board at tonight's meeting, kingdom. He was chamberlain and a aid-deam- p which will probably be followed by a to King Kalakaua with the PORTABLE OUTBOARD MOTORS on all outgoing steamers without inconvenience to passengera lively rank of colonel. In company with debate. Make boating a pleasure. The city engineer will have resolu- Queen Liliuokalani, he attended the real We also make a specialty of Furniture Moving. tions Introduced to appropriate money Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria at pieces expensive London. He was superintendent of EVERY ENGINE FULLY GUARAN- - to buy, several of : Ooy road machinery.. According, to his public works under President Sanford t '.' :Y' : TEED. B. Dele. Union-Pacif- ic plan, there will be no competition in Transfer Company, Ltd., the purchase, a Knox outfit being se-- . homegoers were ' ' cifed. Late treated to the U.rRrMaU Camera.'. 0 sight of an Impromptu parade at THE CAILLE PERFECTION MOTOR CO; v' "7 rcadway"'ahd Fulton stree. Ke eye York, when policemen up un- King next to Young Hotel 1875 rnY iiunniE rounded V Phone 510 - , St recede Callle Street. . ..- Agents Write to- - For Bed, weak, watery Eyes and I licensed peddlers in the Yicinitv. form wanted Detroit, Mich, U. S. A. - special offer. : GRANULATED EYELIDS ( ed theni in linn, and marched them day for VariMOoMl$an-SoUie(Etral- a 3 to the station. . The crime is serious in proportion to the SPORTS, CnASSlFlED 'AND EHtPPIKQ er degree of loyalty that we expect.-Walt- " ' " - Lippmann. section


RIEXICAPJ RAIDERS flUSH U. S. PATROL Scene at Lille, Ffahce, After a Battle GALVEsiorj - . v -- tmm mmz TROfl P I DIIESSi IE IS KILLED WMMITCH 1 ' " T MIEI ' . ;t-- ,v ' Feeling Running Strong in Tex- -' of the parties and cut it down. m l ' i f Hurricane Lashes Waters of eI a wireless through: the storm to' The boundary at Nogales is again Brownsville that the waters of the, as; Posses Search for closed. Heavy fighting was hr pro- Gulf to Fury, and Vessels gulf, piled up before the pressure 'of gress all yesterday between General r. ... Marauders V: ;Go Down at Moorings the wind, had. risen tea feet and that r Maytorena, Villa's lieutenant, and several vessels had been capsized at General Calles. Carranza's lieutenant, their moorings, . . : f . HEAVY FIGHTING fire miles south of Nogales, and there CITIZENS HUDDLED IN ' Terrible Lossee Certain, J' were skirmish raids almost up to the ' ? It is certain that there haa been AROUND fJOGALES " ' BUSINESS PART OF CITY boundaries of the city. -. v.U loss of life and heavy property dam- Vfllhrtas Eeaten. -- age, but on-wha- t scale there is no Americans in Capital Reported .Maytorena was decisively 'defeated Railroads Are Cut Off, and means of estimating. Just before the - 1,1 1 and, barely escaped capture. .He lost wires It was reported ". in Desperate Straits Many Left to Fate: Refu-- r failed. that the " a hundred killed and many wounded citizens had taken refuge in the busi- Hunger ; . H ouston 'From; and General Calles. is expected .to gees at . ness district , on the highest gronn.L r push after him into the city itself : they could find, aud that they were - - - f Associated Press by Federal Wireless Americane Starving, , (Assooiated Press by Federal Wireless faciag, their peril bravely, ia the et ' WASHINGTON', Dl C, August 17-U- nder From .Mexico t'itv. C. tt. Parker of ifOtTSTON, Texas. August that It was not serious. cover of darkness, one hundred the American, embassy, staff, tele- Galveston is cut off from the world. A general exodus from the city be- graphs, Mexican Irregulars s forded the Rio to the state department that The last telephone and . telegraph gan yesterday and thousands of refu- - Grande last night,! near ; Mercedes, the paralysis of business there and wiros went out last night and the gees are now quartered here.- The scarcity . Texas, surrounded twenty-on- e troop- the of provisions have fate of the city, under the furious trains were unable to accommoilatf ers of the. United States First Cavalry wrought great suffering among Amer- assault of a tropical hurricane, is un- the unexpected crush of , train c ar.J re- 1 doing iwder patrol dnty, killed one, icans, many, of whom have, been known. : j; when tlia last train pnlled out hun- wounded two, and escaped. They ate duced to absolute destituticn. . Assist- . The United States army transport dreds were kneeling In the railway - ' - ance is being doled put, to 120 of the Buford,! flash-- 1 station, prayinsc.'. .? , still at large. ''.- i stationed at Galveston, colony, who have asked for transpor- i: Popular feeling in Texas Is so high p will be difficult to prevent a tation to the United States. PRESIDENT WHEELER 1 that Jt ; M(UM "JO retaliatory raid Into Mexico by armed Carranza .at Vera Cruz is willing rttOTO MRVtCC. 1 : -- to receive the appeal I for FORECASTS COMPULSORY civilians. . at least . Pan-Americ- troopers from peace of the Panama : -- Jieinforcements,.of Cervera but Espada that we want- - ; to; (.lILfTART TRAIIilNGj Mercedes and posses ot armed clti-- ' congress, whatever answer It he "Another inreresting thing concern- ( may, He has notified the state DY Ken's from the surrounding country are make.. OFfJfllLS PUZZLED: 5 ing the Spanish,". continued .Mr. Farm- nearching for there, mad there Is fear department that he will not, obstruct er, In .way Associated Press by Federal Wireless LI ;--4. is the they change their may lay in ambush for one delivery of the proposal formulated. IP -- SAN FitANCISCO. CaW August IS. that they sges. 'Some" of the Spanish Imm- igrants who (pome here to work, en the President Wheeler of the University L'Hf!ili!G ASES plantations evidentry believe that a 12 or CallfomtaMn an address today ad- inES " strongly .military preparedne- ID 414 ; vocated or year :old boy will get ' better 1. !0 ::::: ' ss-for students. . ; v ' wages if he I3 said to he a re w y ears til.. A age : America will ultimately adopt com- whose father's name is Juan Cervera, elder, and so th Is "given as, 15 Spanish Youths First Adopt T.! : ' pulsory training." he said. or.lK ; V ALLIES TO DECLARE and whose mother's name is Estella V'''. : "The country is imperiled, despite ' Family Nameof Mother, '"W'hen, a few years the family COTTON C0NTPA8AND Then Espada or something similar, will find after the oceans on each side of It.'- - LONDON, Eng Aug.. 17. Through his own name to decides to leave the Islands and go tentiary, SuLJu: V;.;J:n, f "Change to American Custom be: Castro Cervera 1 1 ; r--; i i i v! ' to . the states, boy n the'American embassy here Washing Espada. . ,' ;v'-v- the come9 to' the and Her, ' ' - 3 Fri::;.:r . lotfpy ' office and- gives liis age as younger CONNECTICUT CORSET ton was unofficially . cotTiea "Among the great variety of Inter- ?The young Spanish lads are not shortfy, as fore than, it really lg in order , to get half ' that the Allies intend esting things we find in Issu- here, long before they discover ' WORKERS OUT ON STRIKE Associated ty FeJcrol y.'Irc'.:' '1 that the that '. ' " lres3 - .'.' '"- ' fare oh. the. boat ; ' - recent- of - - shadowed In declarations ing of to people method of nomenclature : : A-- certificates of various the American f ' . ATLANTA, Georgia, :.t 17. Cecil, under secretary of says own, "You can" readily, see,!' says Mr. Lord Robert races," Edwin Farmer, inspector is different fromthelr and, soon The body of Leo Frank w; v. : ; : foreign-affair- s, to 'declare cot 7 a wonderful revelation Associated Press by Federal Wireless state for at the federal immigration station, they:; begin changing' their names Farmer, "what ducted last ty r r : August nist arr.rJ contrabanl rrar. .. . Vare we in looking over cur rec- BRIDGEPORT, Connecticut n . More Misses Than Hits Regi- ton absolute the incidents that happen through around to suit the general custom! Juan find tld masked band, 13 repcrtr 1 tD 17.V-Elghfe- en ' covernment takea the' step re over ages Espada-reccordingl- ords in regard to the case. We always hundred employes of .The confusion the names and of Cervera becomes f; v. . at - been found tangir.. cr.i a tr. by Citizen Soldiers '. Bros, stered ; luctantly, under heavy: pressure both the Spanish. "; Juan Espada Cervera; and .when some give the age as It wa givett, by the the Warner ccrset factory, virtu- in five miles of the - 8 ' good .Is hown ally oeing womea and girls, walk- t'ie "'" Campv; within and without parliament "It seems," says Mr. Farmer, "that years later he makes up his mind to parents, unless proof all r.- Pittsburg - yesterday, closing at aniiocgeviiie. lie -d Lcc.i j practical admission that In no other the' Spanish have a way all their own go to the mainland and applies to this why t should be otherwise', v- ed out' on" a strike ed. Associated Press by Federal Wireless way can cotton be prevented, rrom in naming their children. A son; in- office for a certificates our troubles the works. The workers demand an - Mew YOrK, August reaching-th- e German factories of ex stead of taking his. father's name for commence. We look through- all the Pietro Flore, 75 years old.- - wa3 kill- eight hour day at the same rate of iPLATTSBURG. - ' " MILLEDGEVILLT:. Grr.rs'.' '" : paid ;'' years floor of wages as now fcr the ten hour e - 17. The twelve hundred business and plosives. ,"; his own last name, must take the name files of Cerveras fr can find for ed by falling from the sixth 17. Twer.ty-f.r- 1 r- ,, ' r Lloyd-George- , , muni -- -- , JS'ew day. . professional men In .the army train-- the minister of of his mother's family. , Thus a boy back, and finally, discover It is not his home in .York. v men ovc;, owcred V:.-- . ..." tions, Cermany Is ex ing Camp here are having their first estimates, that state penitentiary here .-t r.' t 25U.C00 day, many ' ' ,l shelves with stock. ; - experiences on the range , tne rcsdtng shells''a and he need not pile np his ,''v;. delivered Leo l'r:r frrn I wav authorities declare that U l.-- armv ri.e and the red flag, the other British er he is now. In t:.? r. li cf -- the. target without caitetf ,ihewo-sl- Irate treei.r or already ha3 lyncl. I ; y ing cf which' indicates that ' i tecu naving uijabie to continue the war. sparingly spmmanacliif ers liayo5 abiiied advertising i3 .vn. has been raissea completely, is ' enemies ur.knc ,' Question Haa Wide Range. . ; V : TaU Conducted infinPajw tyAI .V, -- very genar&l ;use. . . ih 'another ay. Their salesman goes to a dealer and Prior to the attack cn ,;The Question Is one of enormous ' ' fPew cf:the citizen soldiers, . it is U 90 CHAPTERS A"C2 A EX3 Smith last night the Uz , difficulties.' admitted Lord KODert sayX UW0 re going to nin this advertising campaign tV.s c ' shown, have any knowledge at all of ' connecting the jail with ;Very q,ues ? handling ;. modern nne. troublesome international fall You had' better stock up. When the dealer world were cut After the the of the ."raised.". You to consid this know how to. aim and tions are have had been bound, hid keys wer? t Many, do net - .:'.': ' a "dozen and if they go fast, er net only this country and Germany, WW answers, Well; I'll take half rc : . .. Instructed, in the way ;' .' from him and Frank, wa3 some had to be grat producing countries to hold the firearm to, the shoulder., but, also the can get a gross?of them within a day from my joblwr,M from his cell. conspi like .merica and the neutral cohsum I Closely surrounded ty r. Mavor Mitchel ls one of the saysV- - V buy gross from tii . Norway, Sweden the salesman Well, if you will a cuous exceptions. Yesterday he made jng countries like guard3, he was carried to an and Denmark, aud you have to try to dozen free.1 V A O- .two hundred me now, I will put in an extra bile, waiting th ;.: - good score over the respect outsit ranges. - , devise a policy which will the grounds and rushed away ir. i: and four hundred, yard : vV; is make rights of neutrals and yet safeguard That is called a 4freedeal., .The purpose to night In the general dirccticn tf 3h. our Interests "and inflict as much in onton. - ' An of 20 er cent In the the dealer fill his'shelves so that he will put all his might increase jury as possible on Germany;',.' , . wages of its employes was announced into geting rid of your goods and in that way exercise' a bv Hercules Powder Co.; the Serbs batter down p positive cooperation Bat, "as ia; rule, this turns out the V . MtRCANTUXMASl VC-- austrian defense works. ffJJ- TOR THE MANUrACTVRCR fTOft nZ. AMSITtOVf Av - PARIS: -- France,' Aug.-- 17,SerbIan opposite way. The dealer forgets that he got an extra -- l batteries yesterday brought to an end dozen by buying:a large quantity. He remembers tliat he 'J the Austrian attempts to complete de 'advertises.'?,-- retutns the rcicMcr irho noio ! Toshmo K fense works at Dobera, on the. Dan for i g6ods pii jiis shelves and they lose in : f has all those that ube, according to official despatches (hf nondrertisingrclaUeYlifYio he tan lower his jmcesyetl ' they staler. There- - ran value' every minute grow dirtier and received here from Nish. The Serb '. increase his 'profit. ) (3) To 'suggest HoUhe1 jobber arid) brought guns . action fornis, He apt to get sick of your lans their into ' r fore, he a prejudice.' is Y,rczlj CalcrAzr first against the , Austrian batteries niaritifactnrer' a eaittioiisvicihodto create man fln goods and close them , out at adeduced priced Then, in V established, at ""SL Archeve, silencing good-wt- u. ; (4) To ' 1 increase prepare the person witk latent in-- - completed ' a 1 "7 i : . i - ., will sell your competitor's brand : these. The .partially de amwyt i ji new tt the future, he trv t6 MONDA-Y- fenses of Dobera. were next attacked aavenising jot a pwce.in ims, " prpjession." :v . -- ; : "E. stead of yours. .; : V: ; . ., Chapter No. 2, O, S. --'!. when delivered w; i and destroyed. - 4 This course, personally to a class of siu , prof, net , "Hawaii and her ttzto ; Stated; t7: 30 p.m., deriU, 15. ' cqiiiralent to v. , According, to certain investigations, it would seem understood In the East as well a :':- xsts It is d correspondence TUESDAY" .. h, -' MUCH ROAD WORK NOW ' theyTshould be, or Congress wci:'. 1 costs - the f cooperation is vitaL Some statistics HonoUilo Lodge No. COS; Spe-- lOttrse?tbhich $9;. The entire 90 lessons will- b3 that dealers probably never have acted ia certla clal. Second Degree;7 :30 p. x ; BEING D0NE-O- N MAUI ijiveri exclusively withihis newspaper free of tltarge, show he is in control. vBased on a large number of cases matters of legislation that cava cut ! ' m.. , , .v : -: so deeply." ' v in; Chicago, wasfoun 'th in 55 cases out of 100, the the territory Star-Bullet- in l it (Special Correspondence) ".' f, - This Is a. statement made by the WEDNESDAY CIIAPTEK LXI; : e , .''to Hawaitani-jToodg- No. 21; Spe-- WA1LUKU. Aug- -' 14.060:8 Vare 9 dealer was'relied upon decide what brand of a certain editors of the Economic World, a clal, Thitd Degree; 7:30 p. m. once more the topic of present com- goods the5 cbrisumer would buy. This power of widely read publication on economic SALES 'ADVERTISING COOIl,IIRATIQ kind of let- . ment and discussion on the A'alley and political matters, in a recent THURCDAV i 1 Isle. grading , of the dealer to turn the desire from one brand to another A. Taylor, secre- Chapter, Rose Croix The the .. Quite often the trouljle witli a of ter to P. assistant Honolulu the-Maka-- advertising is Jack t road leading to W&luhia at tary of the Hawaii Promotion Com- No. 1; Special; 7:30; p. m, r v has largely lnflueh "' " corners has been completed and ooo)eration on the part of the 8ales brgahiiatioii; Jlany mittee. , - FRIDAY di- J ; It has caused many manufacturers to localize their adver- to Mr. it is much easier traveling in that KaTeft at The editors have written " failures can be fraced to tliat valine For if ti organ-iz- rection, formerly. , ; . ; i f Taylor, asking him to send them an than ' tising in tlienewspa their publicity oyer . On Thursday board of super ion does not hitch iij to a Miblicity canfmign, tlie ad- giving concrete knowledge on ' .the. the;-loca- l - 1 ' article s-;- 1 tATURbAY- -- the macadamizing of : .'V:. dealer's name. - 7; position of Hawaii and visors ordered' vertising inay flunk. . the economic I narwway Chapter No. 4, O. E. Makawao-Pai-a more, a mile on; the5 co-operati- on the problems that face the island. m.- than ; : A dealer can be made sure of if you con- v S.; Stated; 7:30 p. - ; road, beginning near the resi StilI, there is danger that the sales organization may They state that they will be glad to dence -- D. I4ndsay and. continu nect his name with your localized advertising. Also, you aH the service' possible in the of C overestimate ability of; the advertising to move goods. render. the Ij-lan- ing to a point bout opposite the Fred can use such advertising as a means to increase the effi- - matter of giving publicity to the ds ' tCHOFIELO LODGE Baldwin memorial home. Twenty-fiv- e In the old days when national advertising first began to In these matters. ; ai ex- : zat ion with the espe- WEDflClDA-Y- Vn hnndred '.dollars. month : is, the have its fling, salesmen would exhibit great big sheets, ciency of your sales organi in their work Mr. Taylor's article will deal - will the t - . treme that the board allow for have soap to put on the cially with the coastwise law and ' ' dealers. For instance, if you a - . ; , - - ? one side of which might show the front pages of a num- published .work.- 5 problem. It will be fata $50,000 a national weekly, tariff SATURDAY In Tvula there has been avast im ber of magazines and thus prove the immensity of com- market, instead of spending in together with an article of the saa provement in the roads because of the and $20,000 in a general magazine or so, you can develop so'rt from Governor Strong of Ala3la. relocation of two kad stretches at bined circulation, while on the' other side there would be i change ' the New England States, New 'ork, Pennsylvania, Ohio, -- Pulehu and Kealahou. The pictures of the ads which were to be rim. GREAT PROSPERITY has done away with two of the worst this 'year arid take enre of the other states as convenient. grades In Kula. It is now hoped that The salesman would spread this great big sheet out FOR U. HERMANNS SOEHNE , ' PREDICTED S. this, road will be the . basis of the in front of the dealer arid tell him that'this meant a land- In this eastern section, you liave 50,000,000 people. y A' me new liaieakaia summit roaa, as You can divide your appropriation among those 50,000,-00- 0 Associated Press by Federal Wireless io K. of P. Hall. grade will be much, easier than by slide of demand. The dealer Would not know. He might Vtrtimmluncten af- DULUTH, Minnesota, August IT. : and 15 way of Olinda ,as, was contem people and find how many inches of copy you can Moniatr. AueustiZ .'v Jirst be overcome by themystery of this thing called national a wave of prosperity will sooa Mbntag, September 6 and 20. plated. The expectation is that the That advertising and agree with salesman. Thus, he might ford to run in the best newspaper in every town in which sweep the ' country and that the Unl-te- d ' WOLTERS, convict gang "Will.iegin.On the sum the w. 'President ' ' Jories is on the eve of good busi- mit read - after th present Maui on shelf afTot goods ought to. yoii can get a dealer. ' Ybiir salesman can go to Mr States .; C. DOLTE.:Sekretalr. put his nibre than he . coast to coast roads - are put into .shape. 4 4 ness conditions from As a resultj if these were packaged goods, they would of Lockport and say, We are going to run these ads' in was : pred Icted by many of thespea I- LODGE NO. T. MODERN ' the. Lockport Upiotl-Sun-. We think that 'they Will sell ters yesterday at the convention of the HONOLULU JAPANESE MANEUVERS" soon get musty. People would not want packages that Mercantile PHOENIX : National Association of f ORDER 4OF ? n, i ' is- - you 300 cakes of pur new soap and also bring other trade . " ' looked dirtv. Thus, in that wav the force of the advert Agencies, which are present as . (5REATESTEVER at , ,,'r . x HELD ' adver- many of leading busi ."Wilt meet at their home, eorner iirg that was done would be negatived. And the dealer, into ypiir store.5 We will put your name under this delegates the - speak and Fort atreeta. TOKIO, Japan,. August 16. ness experts of the union. The Beretania The uiad ht:those shop-wor- n goods, on his shelves, would be- tising and will tell the Lockport 'public that our new soap Thursday evening at 7:80 o'clock. greatest maneuvers in the history of ers agreed that the conditions fcr HU ST ACE, navy jidVertising disappointment. can be Mr. will order some soap. He business: throughout the cocntry are CHARLES Jit, ;Uder. he Japanese are to be held off rate because of his had here." Jones any during FtANK MURRAY, Secretary. Yokohama harbor early in October YoT better; today than, at time ; , That abuse of advertising on the part of the sales will not try to'change the mind.s of those who conic in the past three years. . - 61S, B. P. O. .E. The-America- n - HONOLULU - ' Delicats Children f force; is now pretty nearly a thing of the past. that soap, because li e has publ icly announced that he meets in tneir nau. THREE TONS OF METAL USED 1 o t tunaHy only need a food tonic to make well how much de-- keeps and thus he has, at least passively, tecommended bn, , Kiu St, sear ' dealer today can pretty estimate it , MAN, IS ESTI MATE strong and healthy . ; TO KILL Fort every Fridaj them maud, there is going to be on the basis of a certifin adver- its cpiality. So you are sure then, at least, that .yoii will etenlag. Visiting ,(W- Olive Oil A. T you PARIS.: France. French military - tising proposition. Anyway, he knows most of the riot have Mr. hiitagonism. ate also' sure that . irotier are cor Emulsion that Jones' officer asserts that it. takes three ten i More-oy- - ilally Invited to.at f ontann goods which are advertised in this national way, can easi- Lockport people will know where to get your .soap. e of metal to kilt. one man, basin- h: - - , . U only n tend not the best food! tonic but is 1 estimate-o- the ar.0':3t cf Sold only ly be got from his jobber. CoiVsequently, lie puts inbiit r,: you may eelifai rly cerlain . that MW Jones wi con- Q J. McCARTHY,"EJt pleasant to take. . by us. f and number c' ; . fiee - Co --Ltd.- little stock. He can get additional goods so quickly that tinue to cooperate as long as your soap satisfied lustrade: belligerents. STAR-BULLETI- TEN HONOLULU N, "TUESDAY, AUG UST 1 7. 1015.

News and Comment Local and Foreiirn - Wr'tten by .Experts AP Sport Field Covered;

00:iTdU3 CRE17S llfiRD AT IVOSli FOR Chinese Team On DISCARDED COAST K3Ji DMoat Mi.n:o:j r CEE1TTA DAY EVENTS, SEPTELM 19 mainland making o;:e of ci OF U: OF C, WILL Yinning Record LEAGUE PLAYERS mm tss mi Old-tim- !. e 'Newly-entere- In-evad- Rivals Heafahis and Myrtles, and d For Second Time in History of College, Its Ballplayers Arc ing Honolulu Yacht Club Will Be Represented in Various Features QEIE TO Alfred Yap Writes Interestingly STAR the United States Met by Large Throng of Local IIM'Al ; -- -; - of- - Re- -; y----- Novelties To.Be Introduced ; Some of Travelers' Japanese ; , , Play-- US . cent Now : t ' 1 rContests I eafairing more novelties and laugh- the usual cups and medals will be; f . A large Japanese waiting the sports pastimes - thron; of of and of other ad-- , irig New Kantleh-ne- ' able events than ever before in 1 awatded to sutceesful competitors in ; Chicago Team Has Arranged Near York r Douglass, Schneider, r at the dock as the Shinyo Maru drew lands, and nothing could be more In p Jon 10 me usual races or the day, ,ctner events. Long-Tri- r to yesterday en dicative power than for Many Games and a 1 and Others Are Grad- afternoon, burst luti of this the skill plans are well under way for Regatta Uncle Sara will be represented In a ; By. A LFRED YA P. thusiastic applause'when the baseball which they show in the complicated, ay, September 1. With the entry ( cutter race In which the crews of the Throughout Japan, : (Special Star-Bulleti- n Correspondence) uated From the West team from. Meiji University, Tokio. game of baseball. In some features of the Honolulu Yacht Club in prob-- j submarine flotilla and the naval tug NEW YORK, N. Y, Aug. 4. The gave its college yells from the deck of inside baseball they are not yet iUy all the barge events', and Navajo will take part, and if the The baseball team of the University Traveling Chinese baseball team is How is it that ball players who of the steamer. The visitors were adept, and frequently they lack the tly the pair oar races, tb competition cruiser Maryland is in port at that cf Chicago left the eastern city on Betting a good record this summer. In have been termed not classy enough met at the dock by a reception com- length of arms which Is usually ne- promises to be sharper and more ex- time the will undoubtedly send her August 2 for a five months trip to the latter part of June the team play for the Pacific Coast League can play mittee of four headed by M. Kurokawa cessary to effective pitching, but on citing than ever. Each of the three contingent play witji universities In Japan, cover- ed several hprd games, winning the like stars in the Northwestern League and conducted to the city and later the whole they put up a snappy and ing some 23,000 miles on its tour. The by by major ' competing: club, the familiar, rivals, Other details of the day are still majority t and icsing a few close circuit and when drafted to Its quarters at the Mochizukl Club: determined fight against all comers the Healanl and Myrtle clubs, and undetermined, but there will probably journey is undertaken at the invitation scores. league clubs, show-u- p well and gain After a seasoa of almost unbroken .and the best amateur teams rarely de- newly-entere- d University Tokio, big the Honolulu be several steamer crew races: i of the Waseda in The boys frem Hawaii are making places in the brush. There are ball-tosse- rs by a score. Yacht beat : success at home, the Oriental feat them other than close Club, is straining every nerve to attempt was made to bring theitnouSh 'games are scheduled with their headquarters inv New York now several such cases, expect" to make a record The Inquisitive will have an excel- Meiji. A series of for ry off the first honors of the day and Kunalu women's club into several offKel nd three and playing in or near, the city. First, there is Phil Douglass, who themselves in their series of games lent opportunity to judge of their each afternoon large crowds ,turn out I the events and the club seriously con- games with each institution is plan Here is a brief account of some of couldn't last more than seven innings merits at the opening game next Sat- through with the local teams. Baseball wa3 fer practlscr at each .boathouse. From,'? sidered the effer. but unfortunately ned. The return will be made the team's doings late in June against when, twirling for San Francisco,-an- introduced in' Mcijl' college sfxjyeaT8 urday, for although Meiji College is ; Philippine 45 to 50 men appear dally at the Hea- many members are at present In the China and the Islands.; teams whose reputations are well was shipped up to the Northwest cir- ago and almost Immediately the IncH ' not1 champion this year, having been " ': lani Club alone. states and the Kunalu Club finds it- , On the .way to the coast a number of known in Hawaii: i tj: S cuit.' He made good with a junmp up tutlon rose to first lank ainonj the beaten by Kelo University, still the In order to enliven the day the Re-- self too depleted to offer adequate semi-profession- al games have been ar- June 21 All went, the Chinese there, and was by Cincinnati. is oh a par with best in an to drafted exponents of the iport In Japan. On team the' jtatta committee, consisting , of Ray representation. In the future, how ranged. The schedule includes con- Sunday school' excursion up at Hear Herzog sold him to the Brooklyn several occasions they have been the Islands. ,. . , , it-t- t 1 1 wTxh airman; JL J Hardesty and ever, some arrangement may be tests at St. Paul. Mandan. N. D.. Mis- .Mountain.; . . Had a ery good time. team, and on his first. start for the champions of ' the. Islands, and havel : The line-u-p follows: - . AY. L. Hopper,, e planning a series of made, and It is not Improbable that i soula. Mon., Spokane, Portland, Cheha- - There was lots of fun. In the lake, row Dodgers he pitched a beautiful game, always furnished keen, .competition i Satake.: manager; Nakamura. Osa-w- a. Regatta Day 1 " 16 ; V Eli-zuk- a. ludicrous,; events, such as tub races, will be graced by the lis, Sacrementa and San Francisco. ing: especially. which went Innings, v for their two closest rivals, the. uni-- ! Katada and Ando, pitchers; duck races and others of like interest, presence of the eternal feminine. The Chicago nine hopes to get games Jane 22 Went shopping and sight Pat Eastley didn't have enough versities ox Waseda and Keia This catcher; Obara, first base;;Fu- - It being the purpose of The day will be conclud- with Leland Stanford, and Cali- big teagua (captain), base; Nakazuwa, the committee doubtless Jr seeing and took r in 3 the class to warrant him a job in the Is the second time they have. under-Ui- e second - t'.-- . to intersperse these through the more ed by 'the usual dance In the roof fornia and has Issued challenges. It game, Phillies vs. Giants, score 1 to 1. Coast League. He went to and taken an of. foreign ttrritory.i 6hort top; Ikeda. third base; Naka- i Seattle Invasion rerious so garden Young will spend eight days an 23 sight- .w. r Iaujita; center-field- ; events as to make excite- of the Hotel., around 'June Went shopping and has been pitching such great ball that as year mey Cgsre-gatio- n jima, left field; ' lasi seni ;- sub- ment and laughter go hand in hand. For the last twenty years Regatta Francisco, sailing on the Mongolia '':;'-- ' -' Nakamura, right field; Dalmon, seeing again. .'V Connie Mack has purchased him for to Seattle, the personi'el of the - -- - - No effort is being spared by officers Day has been a unique and fascinating August 25. Ten days will be spent In June 24 Went shopping and sight- the 1916 season. ' v team being almost identical with this" stitute. ; Rowing . , games - " ; '' -. . . - cf xhe Hawaiian Association feature of each season of sport, and Hawaii and here some with seeing again. ; Joe Wagner was used at 'second one. v . to fill the big day with amusement with a long history of success behind members of the Oahu league are to be -- 2a shopping again; June Went Jeft base for San Francisco in 1912, but de- . M.eiji College Is ' ofdest morning to night. suc- played. Maroons will again em the univer- from To furnish a them it is the endeavor of each The New York at 6 p m., on the Manhat- veloped into a "lemon." He went to sity in Japan and is steadily keener incentive for competition In ceeding group of officers of Ha- bark September 11, arriving in Yoko Rowing the tan line for 'Schenectady; was a beau- the Northwest League, played sensa- in importance U", six-oare- size and confines the d barge race, E. Rowing -- 10 days team freshman waiian Association to outdo hama about later. The tiful ride up the Hudson. Our boat's tional ball and was drafted by the its attention chiefly to thejiberal arts J. Hardesty yesterday morning secur- all precedent ; The present officers, ir due in Tokio September 21 and on caught searchlight was In action and Cincy Reds. He has been playing and gives no courses In "the-sciences- . ed through Mr. J. Cooper, manager of J..N. Phillips, president; George Cro-zie- r. the 23th the first game of the Waseda many; couples spooning, without any ; ' good ball for that team, and is still 50 vice-presiden- - Under the tuition of faculty mem- The Clarion, the offer cf a. beautiful t, and Ray Rietow, series is scheduled. r - ' " warning beforehand.' . drawing pay checks from Garry Herr- university secretary-treasure- r, ' bers the furnishes Instruc- hammered silver trophy to be known are enthusiastic 26 General-Electri- c Sche- Several of last 'spring's regulars June at mann. :)y ; tion In administration v practise, ..poli- as the Clarion cup. In addition to this over the prospects for this season 7 were compelled. to give up the trip be nectady. N. Y.; lost to G. E. team to Cards Drop Catcher Burns. p tics, law,' literature, the languages, and cause they are needed game up arly for football this 4; had the sewed in the similar subjects to 'over r.lOQQILlBtu-dent- s. com- Burns, at present catching fall. The team as it sets out is frame but lost sooft after they t!eJ .i, Jt wonderful ball for the Philllesr was . ., j ... v. III illjliJiA OW posed L. W7 Gray, outfielder; us in A few. errors coupled HARVEST HOr.lE FESTIVITIES MAUI oCapt the fifth... mem- .. Baseball was introduced' 28 years N. Hart, catcher; E. Cole, second base; with opportune hitting won the game never a star until he became a ber of Tacoma Club of the Northwest- ago in Japan and since that time has F. McConnel, shortstop; j E. Cavln, for the General Electric. A very good " ; ern League. was by steadily increased in popularity en : McGoorty third base; F Carton, outfielder;' R. crowd attended the game, but would Eddie drafted The defeat of Eddie la ; the Cardinals, was shipped to Mon- the islands. Although It canuot day i3 the George, first base; E. Klxmlller, out have been bigger had it not rained " jret Australia the other bluest ECLIPSED ALL FORf.lER SUCCESSES - treal, and purchased by the Philadel- hardly , be' called ;the:rnatioriaI upset boxing game In country fielder; H. Rudolph, utility man; v": , the this J. at noon. : ;':;rv phia club, and has been , catching pastime, still not a year' goes hy with- has had in years. McGoorty was Wiedman, utility man; P.'Des Jardien, 1- -S 0 2 0 0 2 ' ' 20-rou- ". Chinese, hits. ..,11 J great r ; out adding hundreds nd : . ; ball since. . and thousands knocked out in the 17th round of a pitcher. . . : ; a 0 a ,1 Runs . . : . .0 34 0 04 - Irv Kantlehner, the San Jose young- cf enthusiastic, fans to the, supporters match with Le3 Darcey, the 12 The nine is in charge of Coach O. G. E., hits. I 1 0 0 3 3.0 l x game. Sporting Events, With Oahu! ster, ; never showed enough promise of the Practically all of the Australian middleweight who U evi- - 8 r i i a i i - ...... H. Page and a faculty representative. Runs 0 0 0 3 3 0 1 x gain learning, 'sup- r ...... 0 to : a place on any of the Coast institutions of in Japan dently a World's chainpicn. bOniCnUing, DnngS mUCn iEngle and Taylor ..... Battery Chinese, ' Chin and M ark ; port ...3 League clubs,; and he went up to large baseball squads, and the ; Mick King, "middleweisht champion Burns and Burns - : Rivalry .....k...12 G. E., Martin and Beaver. ' , the Northwest Irv won sev- keenest, rivalry has- - grown up among ; circuit of Australia, surrendered his title to Burns and Burns . .... June 27 Bushwick at Ridgewood," eral straight games and was them much the fashion or McLaren" ; 4 drafted after the Darcey in a recent match and now Star-Bullet- in and McLaren bst Bashwicks-- (Special Correspondence) Brooklyn, N; 'Wa tof the: Pittsburg v competitive spirit In - l. ja Pirates. He is now which exists the Darcev has whlnoed onn of the exeat- McLaren 'and McLaren ...12 six-innin- g game to 0 In a affair. The one young various groups of American; J d WA1LCKIT, Aug. 16. Saturday was 12 of the best pitchers in the igea. eit men in cla3a Amer Duke and McKenzIe V.. rain.- - ,: a day not soon to be forgotten by was called off an ac46unt of It National League. . , v : . - , From time to time representative ica Doastea or. aicuoorty was ratea Duke and McKenzl ... 12 would have been a tie game had sec- amateur teams from United Maui people: Th Harvest Home fes- Baldwin, and Livingston 11 ' None of the Coast League managers the States as good a boxer as Mike Gibbons. In : baseman Chin not erred on a tivities, "made possible through the Livingston ond could see Pete Schneider or Carl Mays make the trip to the Orient in order tact it was largely between these two Baldwin and ;:..;i2 grounder in the first inning, which to compete with the Japanese teams, generosity of the management and game. now with the Cincinnati Reds and. who was rightfully entitled to the rr embers of the staff of the Hawaiian let in the only "run of the .We Boston Red Sox teams, respectively. and as these in turn make correspond- American championship. Hotal , .135 Sugar.. Company, ...... I.:. outhit them with four" hits .to their 2. Coast League managers ing visits to the states, the result has Darcey will come to America soon, CommertttiT .'and Dillingham and- - Castle ...... 9 by were content c. i!paed;nylh!iig ever given in former NIGHTLY One was; a triple by Ayau, a double with signing players with reputations been a spread of good feeling between and if he does it will mean that Mika Castle and Hoogs ...... 12 EVENTS Duffy: and a single apiece by yt'ara. All Maui was present, and a Lai like Liefleld. Overall, Geyer, Powell, the two nations, and as a side issue Gibbons will have to tackle him. ', : Castle and Hoogs ...... 12 Mark and Apau." The. rain came in many of customs large mrnber of guests from Oahu. Dillingham and Castle Musser, and were too busy to look the of the American .,;...... 12 torrents in the middle of the sixth' universities, such as rooting at games, in A friendly," cordial spirit prevailed O'Dowda and Macey . 6 around the local section for tossers. . Work the coal mines in and ; s game: be through alL the fun and frolic of the Associated Press inning and ;SO the had to; Both Mays and Schneider are pitching have been introduced across the seas. around Pittsburg, Kansas, is very Llttlejohn and Davis 6 ' 'v- -; '.; - MADRID, Spain. The first bull- called off. V The ability which the Japanese poor. war-starte- clay's sports. . . . like phenoms in the majors. . Since the great European Llttlejohn and Davis ...... 4 fight night, was Chinese, hits ...... 0 0 1 1 1 began promptly aft- ever held at which 14 have exhibited during the past fifty the demands for coal has been Tennis matches O'Dowda and Macey . .12 held on July 3, proved snch a Runs .V...;. 0 0 0 0 years mastering theory er breakfast, ;and kept up through the Bockus GIbb here ...... 1.0 00 In both the reduced more than . half, with the and success that it Is believed the custom Bushwick, hits .. . ; . ..0 11 0 0 x 2 and practise of the mechanical arts of mines working only , - half time and the tally hours - of the- afternoon- - The Pfleuger and Warren .12 generally adopted throughout Runs .V.. 1 '0 0 0 0 x 0 was exceedingly close and the Piieuger ,12 will be ...... !.:.. HOPE DUItE WILL Icreign nations is equalled by their v,ages of 20,000 men cut to. a bare rcatch and Warren', Spain, especially during the warmest Batteries ChInese,:Apau and Mark; adeptness in picking up the fine points living score was as fol- Bockus and Gibb . . . . . 6 ' ' Hardy and Hohman. r ' ' portion of the summer. The novelty Bushwick. lows: . Cooke . 2 Rice and of the .first night- - bullfight attracted June 28 Amherst atv Amherst CoHins Ji Xindsay S Pcdmore and Zabrlskle .6 such a crowd that the Immense stad- Mass. After.: defeating some of. the Lindsay 2 Podmcre tnd Zabrlskle ...... 9 teams, Yale, AT OPENING Collins and ium was filled to suffocation .for there best eastern college like SI'II ,1 J 6 llics and Rosecrans ....'. 5 Rice and Cooke f was not a breath of air 6tirrlng, and Williams, Holy Cross and Dartmouth Rice and Roscrans ...... v..., 7 this largely defeated the purpose of the strong' Amherst nine fell before Walsh and Thomson ...... 8 Total i'. . .136 the new Idea, which was to escape the us to. thetune of 6 to 2. Heavy and Intense heal of the day. opportune hitting and fine base run- 0FCi.i;,A.P0 III. ning in the earl jr stage gave us a five-ru- n e spectacle, however, was a com- collegians. ; Cik'DIDATES FOR HILO MEN WILL plete success save for the lack of that lead over the' fast brightness and dead shade : gleaming -- An effort will bs made f to secure sun can 4-- 4 which the Castlllian alone Duke Kahahamoku for a series, of ) ex- produce. Hundreds of arc lights made YESTERDAY'S SCORES I hibition opening ap- stunts at the of the lulTJLE SHELLS FINISH TRYOUT the arena so brilliant that there IN.THE.BJG LEAGUES new swimming pool at the .' Young peared to be no added risk 'to the Men's Christian Association which any un- bullfighters themselves from NATlbrtAL LEAGUE. willtcke place some time during the . J familiar shadow. At Philadelphia -- "Philadelphia 5, first week in September. . ON HAVAII RANGE The Spanish comic papers are amus- Boston 0, Work on the tank is progressing B.V.D. Makes Ours ing themselves and the people with At Brooklyn New York 2, Brook- steadily under the supervision of the ' mmm all sorts of droll conceptions of what lyn 1. ... ' vv'.Viv:.X. contractors, and.it will be but a few . may become of some of the historic At Pittsburg Pittsburg 5r Cinclnna-- days now until the big concrete basin "the Land of lx-o- ar company cen- . With , four barges, three Members of the Hilo of terms and customs for so many takes on a very decidedly: natatorial the National Guard who have quali- turies bound up with Spain's national appearance. ,'.-- ' palr-oare- d, and a group of from 35 " fied for the final competition for sport It is suggested, for example, ' AMERICAN LEAGUE. One of the big diving platforms has The Free to 40 huskies turning cut each after- places on, the rifle team that will go place of calling the "bleach- that in At New York Philadelphia 2, New already been erected . on the side of noon for practise, the prospects of to Florida next mcnth, will not have ers" of the ring the "sun seats" these York 0. .. .. ; the pool, ana one other platform ana five-da- y - it- tto; come to Honolulu for the diving-boar- d the Myrtle Club for distinguishing cheaper places be termed "moon At Boston Boston 1, Washington 0. a are in course of con- B. Day-appe- N LodsdFitf V. ar They will ing self on Regatta bright. period originally ordered. seats." Instead, too, of the custom of At Louis Chicago 8 St. Louis 4. struction. The platforms are to be D. , you range Saturday tore- St. Although hampered by --the absence fire on the Hilo next throwing at the feet of a skilful game, 6, made of bar steel, and the highest one of At Cleveland First Detroit of any lrge proportion of veterans, and Sunday under the supervision ador hats, canes, cushions and hand- game, 3, will be 15 feet above the surface of oyer who Cleveland 2; second Detroit feH'jec every club, are training disinterested officers will be sent kerchiefs, as tokens of the approval - the members of the 1 Cleveland 1. . the water. ,. :.. with a grim determination and eyes from here. of the crowd, it is hinted that at the Fresh water will be supplied to the musdeaand;sinevv has abun-- fixed upon . results. Captain Crozier Correspondence between Capt J. D. night bullfights, pocket electric lamps pool from the big artesian well that only year's Easton, Company M, and Lieut-col- . W. incandescent ; globes that 1,000,000 states that three of last and the I is capable of sending forth m THEY STAND senior crew are rowing this season, R. Riley, the team captain, develop- light the terraced rows of the staa-iu- HOW. gallons a day, though it :is not prob room to stretch there isn't while two of last year's freshmen have ed the fact that none of the Hilo seals may come to be employed able that any such amount will ever get .away, to National League. been brought up to fill . vacancies in men could irom business for thl3 purpose to the discomfort be needed at one time. a pinch ahyvvhere from indoor this barge. The sajne condition attend- - the trial shoot at Honolulu. It of the banderllleros and toreadors. L. Pet On all sides of the tank, about five . 53 45 550 - Philadelphia in the junior crew;. -- :,; f;:.- Y j Tas a case of eliminating the Hilo .V,...... feet from the top, a foot restias been Brooklyn . 50 532 g like shooting Tne. crews or me pair oars contenaers aiiogemer wiwoui a iriai, ...... placed in the cement, providing a Btop-pin- sports, pool, to xrnic. ' 1 AFTER are present competing .areo la' the or allowing them to. fire the same 'TRIS' SPEAKER Chicago . r2 50 510 place for tired swimmers. at 48 48 500 ':., senior class. Oss and W. Anderson :vs". course as that, fired by the locar or- $8000 WORTH OF HITS Cincinnati .... Money for the pool fund has been outdoor sportsflike playing goif, Carter and Parker, and in the junior ganizations oii the Hilo range, and Pittsburg ..... 53 54 495 coming in rather slowly during the Kahanamoku. and. "Boyd vs. A Ander Col. Samuel Johnson, tlve adjutant gen- Bcston 52 54 491 few days. So this week only Persons ; who profess to be on the last far B. V. ' ' ' be- : 52 55 486 D. Itfseedom 'ringS son and "Wllhelm. , eral, decided on the latter action re- St. Louis $20 has been collected. The v- about - inside declar that th astonishing ...i 48 51 485 fore helelt for Hawaii last Satur Speak- New York total amount collected up to date ap- u turn to batting form of "Tris" V ' League. Be day.. er, who in two weeks climbed from American proximates $1550. :, off to . the nearest store, and get . V w. r, . .278 to .315, is due to the fact that he l. Pet 'the-jhaatt- , 69 35 664 er over prior to the depar- a cut, in Boston .. t ... fears there will be decided "68 39 ' 636 GOLF PLAY AUG. 19 - Firmly insist upon seeing the B.V. D.' ture of the fonuerand it was decided salary season if he does not Detroit his next 65 41 613 Woven refuse - that Col. Riley personally take charge shine as one of the American Chicago .. .'. .'...... ON NATIONAL LINKS Red Label, and firmly 53 53 500 : of the Hilo competition, as range; off- League's clouting stars. - His contract ..ashington to take any: Athletic Underwear vith-- i New York-.'.....;...,.- .. 51 51 500 Invi- icer, and ..that another officer be sent which calls one of the largest sti- The program for the annual : for 40 63 381 out it," Thenvyou!! properly cut, ; from here to supervise the marking in pends ever paid in. baseball, provides Cleveland tation tournament cf the National Golf get : , . . 41 67 380 the pits. They will leave here in the that TrisM shall receive $16,000. sal- St Louis ..:.V.v. . Links of America, to be played on Aug. corrertlymade,Iong-semceundenve- ar - Matsonia Thursday evening, and will ary c $2500 Philadelphia ...... , 35 69 337 19, 20 and 21, makes provision for and. a bonus for three ' return in the Mauna Kea early Tues- an equal number of - On is sewed years of service. It terminates at the three sixteens and every B.V.D. Undergarment - day morning of next 'week. ; close of the 1915 playing season. If TROTS RECORD MILE. beaten eights. All of Thursday, Aug. - ..... - . .'Sunday the 15 men composing the Speaker does not finish with a bat- 19. will be devoted to the' 18-hp- le quali- , This Hid Woven Lalel provisional team practised at the Fort ting average of at least .300 it is said ( LEVELAND, O.. Aug. 17. Peter fying rounds, so that all of the sub- Shafter range under the supervision that the management of the Red oox Vclo, winner, cf the Horse Resiew sequent match rounds on Friday and av.B. CUtti Cftek ar. S. Cmt CM VUtr. three-year-ol- d Vicm iaif v. S. A; of Col. Riley, team captain, and Capt has informed him that his next con- Futurity for trotters Saturday, Aug. 20 and 21, including r. thin m4 K.ee Lracik i THE NEW 'A: ' SLOO W.: Ne.ely, the team coach.' New one-ha- lf : American Horse will be 18 holes. 4 Uc ' tract will call for a cut and winner of the the finals, at Ufirui Se. tM Cttmm, : - special 'star T gauged rifles, manufac- Breeders' Futurity for the same agei by department spe- ranges. In tiro ctsTRrrAtiTRrt tured the ordnance ent Shooting conditions were trotters in 1914, won the feature event Unable to swim when he fell : - :': U:' tTrsJ.iUrt JUt.V.Lttt. rncn CmmtrU AKKUW cially for the- national match, were exceptionally good yesterday, and at the Cleveland Fair track yesterday water, Philip Rosenberg. 24, was saved .. ; : issued to team members yesterday, Capt Neely expressed himself as well afternoon for four-- y ear-olds,- -; negotiat- frcm drowning at Yorkerville, Pa., by COLLAR end most of the day was given to pleased with the general outlook for ing his fastest Tfjfle jn 2:02, his 10-ye- old sister who reached The B. V.D . Company, New -York. - " new arms differ- - - targeting' the at the the Florida trip. - Ing a new World's record. him with a boat . STAR-BULLETI- HONOLULU N, TTKSDAY, AUGUST 17; 1915.

i I

V. i i :rp T t ..A-I- I

j ' 1m I ! rn f I V 1 VY I r 1 7 fl

Jl For Rent SS 0OQO. O G

I H I m7T v7n HAWAIIAN FRUITS. FOR. n EJiT, r77: Five-roo- modern cottage; eUgantly Fuka ShokaL Haw. fruits; Prison rd. - U 6135-t- f furnished. Rent $35. Apply John .t-- MBBBBBBBBSBaaBSaSaBaBOBM Ooe, 7tf Ksbblt lane. VAHTED HAT CLEANER. FOR RENT AUTO PAINTER. CAFE. Kveryone with anything for sals to 1128 Desirable houses in various iarts of -- Harada, hat cleaner, Fort street Safe."-- C235-t- city, and unfurnished, Play Considering the fac- City Painting Shop, Kins:, nr. South f the furnished $15. $18, $20, $23. $30, $33, $40 and tors of sales, success la plaai-- S sts., expert auto and carriage paint Yee YI Chan, chop suey house; clean at advertise-men- t, ; up $125 In our an ad la more satisfactory tr.ia dining-roo- Sample of to a month. See list r; all work guaranteed. 6213-t- f cooL new "display classified" y upstairs; nice and office. Trent Tnist Co I.td Fort knowing "how It tft-- r STAB-BULLETI- - harraed' All kinds of chop suey; open until N at- Star-Bulleti- n .'l- now obtainable in the St between Kinsr and Merchant. wards. V.'ast . -J AUTO FENDERS. 119-12- 3 KONA COFFEE : f midnight Hotel ' 'v-:;v- street . 6058-t-f. ... v - excry the rate of . . :"';' "Bring Home the Bacon" Klshlma, King & Punchbowl; fenders. T. Matsumoto, Beretanla, nr. Alapai. time. t::3tf m 201-- bun-galo- w m DAY 6141-C- Kona coffee wholesale, and retail. U PEE LINE PEG An attractive, unfurnished in beautiful Manoa valley; a Stenographer and office assistant at Boston Cafe, .coolest place In town. r 45c PEE UlfE PEE Y7EEH ; rare opportunity. Trent Trust Co., . Honolulu Photo Supply Co. ArrlT After the show drop in. Open day ; ;: t ux5PTLnm pee uoiith Ltd.'. - - C240-t- l by letter In own handwriting.-sta- , .Bijou and night theater, Hotel St Ing experience-an- referenc ?" i BLACK8MITHINQ - ; 6539-tf- . ten-lin- e i Tlie above sample is a ad. Everyon m cottage, improve-ment- a, " New modern salary expected. ; . - -- t MOTORCYCLE. etc.; 8th ave, KaimukL br. Bldewalk grating, Iron door a, machin- Columbia Lunch Rooms; quick service that looks at this page will see it at a glanca. "I. ery repaired general blacksmith-Ins- . " car line. TeL S724. 6210-t-f By leading business fconp, "writa" and and cleanliness our motto; open day ' Shop. 135 Mer- sup- IT'fl GOOD ADVEETIiniia. -- man as clerk;. gocJ r.;t.;re Nelll's Work and night Hotel; opp. Honolula Cyclery Motorcycle . ' - jcig ' Bethel street .- family. r.ir.1-writln- g 6204-6- Furnished room In private for right party. Apply In own chant at 6518-t- f plies and repairing; old motorcycles We advocate this form of advertising for thosi v' Star-Bulleti- Phone 5136; 319 S. Vineyard st to box 202, n of- -' King -- bought and sold. and Bereta- v:-:'- m - ' - wishing something a little more attractive than the ,. 6240-l- i fice.-:- - :' c: i BUY AND SELL. "The Eagle- Bethel, bet .Hotel ..'and nla street; telephone 6093. ; :t -- King. 6195-6- m A nice place to eat; fine ,., want to Two-bedroo- m Diamonds, watchea and Jewelry bought ordinary "liner classified" adv., yet do not furnished cottage, 'opp. Dealers to Increase their bn3!-- ri home cooking. Open night and day, - old exchanged. tennis courts. 871 Young from - II. .a.' . and J. Carlo, Fort - : k5338-t- f . MASON. go into large display advertisingt where a contract st eelllns soda the , 6134-tf- . r U' tf. : .. .Water Works. CLaa'lL-Fra:;er- , is '''t-V- New Orleans Cafe,, meals, T. Yamamoto, Beretanla & Moillill; all necessary.'; X'.':: ClOG-lv- r .' BAMBOO WORKS. Substantial Furnished cottage 5 rooms, 63C Hotel 6224-2- No contract necessary this form of adve- : moderate. Alakea. cor. Merchant St kinds of stone monuments. is for Alapai st." M. " st, near Ohta. Reliable . Japanese ctauf.';;:?: i ' 6589:tf . V CalkL Bamboo furnltnrs; CSS Beret, rtisingand you can take as much space as you wish. 6132-t- f . . position as driver for prlvata tz::'.'j. nla at 6078-t-f Telephone 1CC0, none Cafe; Beretanla nr. Alakea . Try it and be convinced of its merit! Akeyir.i. C::: ir st ' Furnished cottage on Alewa Heights. C23S-t- BICYCLE STORE. PRINTING TeL 1842. f First-clas- s. P.: V I THE "AD UAHV cook Is wanted at ths lawn, 13C6 King st. C2Z)-C- H. Yoshlnaga, Emma, nr. Be retan la at. CAKES. We do not boast of low prices which 20 bicycles FURNISHED COTTAGE. off an all and bicycle Naganoya, King, nr. Lilihajyap. cakes. 'usually coincide with poor quality; Portuguese girl to care fcr chlM. C?.i. : ; C21i-t- ; ' f tuppllea. . . f we to put life, m but "know how" 6228-2- All conveniences, Ganzel pi.,. Fort and Hotel st. ; . " ty. I.' ' -- hustle and go into printed matter, IN 1541. r i t ; r ,. . $ IX. Hamada, baby carriage tires re- THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT Vineyard sts.; central; teL: CUT FLOWERS and that is what talks loudest and - 6236-t- f : - WANT Z 3. - Court for the Territory of HawaiL tired. Nauann st TeL 6043. Star-Bullet- in - longest Honolulu Job ' : ; - brought In .. v 6CS9-t- f Action said District x Harada, fresh cut flowers; teL 8029. Printing Department Alakea Street; ,- Furnished cottage at Cottage Grove. -- - Court- and the Petition filed In the ' V;nV 6121-t-f : , Branch Office, Merchant Street Telephone 1087. - 6222-t-f Clein .rs;s for wJplrj. CJif T " 830 opp. office of Clerk 4 Cato, bicycle King, ; the of said District ' store; - 5299-tf- . . ' ;. - 6l51-6- m - efflc. i Ci.l t! depot; tel. 1026. Klxmxrsv Cowers, Fort st Phone 1147. Court in Honolulu. ; C084-t- THE UNITED STATES OF AMERI FURNISHED ROOMS. . f . :. - .... PLUMBER. V: Eomeya, Bicycles, Punchbowl ft King. CA, PlalnUff, vs. LUCY PEABODY, -- - ' 6076-t- f. : ; Martins The cleanest and most reas- . . CLEANING AND DYEING. expert WHOLESALE HOUSES. et als.. Defendants. : - C Imoto, 615 King, nr. Liliha, onable 'rooms In "the city; hot. and SITUATION. WANT 13.' BssssaacBaamB plumber and tinsmith; phone 2073. . THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIT BAKERY Royal Cleaning Shop, TeL 3149 M. Kawahara, Queen st, AJinomoto cold bath; mosquito proof; walking Clothes 6180-3- m ED STATES OF AMERICA, GREET : 1 ; Majrled man (American, 31 yra. c! '). ' 6213-t- f (essence of flavor) for cooking pur- distance; $8 to $10 per month. 627 ING: ' .. C033-6- m ' Home Bakery, poses; ready to use. - 6232 sober, Industrious, thoroughly i Beretanla near Alike. S. Beretania at tf : -- PAINTER KAHO-ALI- I; 1 6079-lr- a. LUCY PEABODY; GRACE perlenced . , wholesale,. . .CLOTHES CLEANING ,rct:'l Ozakl Shoten, mdse King r; : gocJ 1202 TeL 4137. nr. il'nakea THE PROTESTANT EPISCO FURNISHED COTTAGE. commission business, car.: 6. Shlraki, Nuuanu; 6076-- m ' '"v ; :... PAL. CHURCH p . i . .. . buyer tc:;..-r- y BUILDER. The Pioneer,c clothes, .cleaned and re Painting and paperhanging. All IN THE HAWAIIAN ji or salesman; ''knows Beretanla-Emma- , willing-t- c;-- paired. Tel. 3125, ISLANDS, a corporation organized and Fjor4 rent SU rooms, fully ? furnished, and trade;: travel' z . 640 work guaranteed. Bids submitted - C Hara, Builder, King; teL 2821. 6081-t- f existing under ty mosquito-proo- f, country; accept any ' .:.;;.. -- :,k5328-t- f PROFESSfONALCARDS- and ht rthe gas stove, servants' to will k!r i cf - , 6147-t- f. free- - laws of the Territory of Hawaii; ST. 'quarters, corner King and McCully "position; local references cr t: ! ' Harada; clothes cleaned; teL 8029. MADEIRA EMBROIDERY r ANDREW'S PRIORY; -- ; I. A.', T ":r-- . HENRYrBOND streets, Bishop Trust v Co., Ltd., ' furnished. Address box 6121-t- f ; V . M. Nishigaya, house painter; tel.. 2322. RESTARICK; SISTER BEATRICE. Bethel street. , 6240-t-f Bulletin. - . r::: r.t . Mrs. Carolina .. Fernandez, Union V.- 6076-t- st whose full and true name is unknown; CHICKENS. f ' Madeira embroidery, sets, CONTRACTOR luncheon SISTER ALBERTINA, whose full and RENT AUTO. - VANTCS TO CUY. baby caps and dresses. Specialty of ; . POULTRY AND FRUIT true name !; is . unknown; THE NIshlmura, fishmarket,' fresh chickens. - - : : ii m initial and hemstitching. Reasonable. ; Building, cement work, painting, ' - Cadillac, only $2 per Wm. Sersp metals and scrap m : QUEEN'S br. . 6221-3- . HOSPITAL, a corporation r. :.1 . - k5322-- tf - plumbing, Bldg Co., 1464 Nosan Shokai, watermelons; Aala lane 5166.- 6242-l- m 623 4 etc. Aloha - organized and existing under and by rT. Barkow. phone Junk Co, Klnj St, P. 0. 1: 7. King 1576. M. K. Goto, - '6099-t- f : st. Phone CLOTHES CLEANING HYDRAULIC ENGINEER.- - : virtue of the laws of the Territory of , 6056-ly- r. - ein-t- f Manager. . Hawaii; , t BRUCE CARTWRIGHT, FOR SALE i Sultitorium, ladles' and gents' clothes B Jaa. T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald bldg Trustee under the Last Will and Tes- The City Construction Co., Fort, near cleaned 1258 Nuuanu, teL 3350. ? Of ..SALESLADIES .WANTCD consulting cItII & hydraulic englnr. tament EMMA KALELEONALANI, time-savin- g r; ' .In-- 1 con-tracto- 6J.90-6- m '. The envelope, Knkul st. architect, general . : , RADIUM. k5375-tf- . Transo .: deceased; THE TERRITORY CF HA- : first-clas- s No addressing necessary Five , bright, ; capable, 'ladies la c: h work; tel. 4490. C. BELLI ventlon. WAII; H. NA; HONOLULU ; e;!1 ; 6192-6- m Pawaa Clothes Cleaning Shop, TeL T. Takagl, HIgoya Hotel, Aala st, in sending out bills or receipts. Ho- state to travel,' demonstrate ana MASSAGE PLANTATION COMPANY, a corpora- - Star-Bulleti- n n 4862; all clothes and hats cleaned. agent for Jap-Radiu- m punks. V nolulu. Co., Ltd., sole i dealers;- $25 tcr$30Ter wet'ir r:lV: " ' tion organized existing con-- " m ;:; and under and Y. Fukuchl, phone 4822; general ' .:, 6152-5- i- -J - 6226-2- m v Y. Tachlyama, expert massage, teL agents for patentee. tf road Jare.. pai(L Goodrich Co., ' by virtue of the laws of the Territory tractor and builder, house painting, 2666. ,i 6187-3- m JDept 11D. Omaha, Nebr, . YAl2';n of Hawaii and , JOHN BROWN, e, Im paper hanging. . 6222-6- The Eagle, clothes dyed,' cleaned, re r On Alewa Heights, lot of " paired and pressed. Fort. nr. Knkul K. Oshima, massage, phone 1827. JAMES BLACK, MARY DOE and proved; natural stone building site; LOST United Construction Co., 6 Beretanla 6084-t- o Aug. 31. JANE BLUE, unknown owners and beautiful view. Cash, $300; on in- , SODA WATER ' phone 5058; building, concrete claimants. , ;. : ; ,$100Q. 1842. st; stalments; TeL Cream-colore- d - ' skirt, black sir!; j; ; 6231-t- f A. B. C. Renovatory; clothes cleaned. SURGEON CHIROPODIST You are hereby directed appear . .. 6240-t- f work and lot clearing. . The best comes from the Hon. Soda to '. 6104-6- m . :, lost bet. Wolters lafie and'Ki;:j st .. and answer Petition In an action Water Wks. That's the kind you the. ,, Y. Mlyahara, contractor, builder, ce-- Corns, corns, corns all foot troubles. entitled as above, brought against you Handsome roll top desk and chair In ReCto,Sunrl3e Cleaners; reT.ar.1. cleaning. Co. want Ohas. E. Frasher, Mgr. C242-3- t it xnent, phone 5058. Steam Alakea st, nr. Gas ; Mclnerny's Shoe Store, Fort street - cheap. stone work; ; ' 6106-lv- - In the District Court of the United excellent condition for sale : C234-t- f : r v-- . V - 6209-L- f - y Dr. Merrill. tf States, In and for the Territory of Ha- Can be seen at office, of The Chas. -- 'SHIRTMAKER. waii, within twenty ; days from and "IL Frazier Co., Alakea st, ; 6236-t- f F0H SALE Oaba Painting Shop, 95 Beretanla; - MUSIC INSTRUCTOR. ... upon you ' after service of a certified tel 3709, 3536; carpentry, paper Yamatoya; shirts, pajamas, made to Jr copy to- Real 'estate in various parts of the PURE BELGIAN HAT.IC. ' t; instruction, accompaniment of Plaintiff's Petition herein, . t 193-6r-a Ukulele banging. . r order; absolute satisfaction guaran- gether city. Phone 1884, J. C Sousa, 310 DRUMMERS and solo specialist - A. A.M SAntos, with a certified, copy of this Babbitry, 723 12th '. ?of bldg. C17C-t- f Kalmuki Avn.. r.r.r :y-- 1 teed; now at new location, 1305 Fort ' 2810?1 s Summons. - r - Bank Hawaii Y. Fukny. contractor & builder, ma- ' 1187 Garden lane ; phoiie Maunaloa" Ate., .offers yos want good quarters display opp. Tel. 2331. un- . If to st:, Kukul st - 6243-t- And you are hereby notified that d stock.-Tel.- son work; phone 1837, Beretanla f T Moving picture machine; bargain for ber pure-bre- 1, - . O. st your 6236-t- f W samples in Hllo, use Osorio's less you appear and answer . . ; 609i-t- f as above Apply O. Malley, ' box 2es. - ' . c:i:-tf- store. ' 6940-t-f required, cash. E. P. O.box the said' Plaintiff will take V. ,6242-6- EXACT FIGURES OF, RECORD 616. ; s , t B. Yamatoya, shirts, pajamas, kimo- - Fujtta, contractor and builder, r Judgment of condemnation of the COCONUT PLANTS FOR" CAL- -. .- 1L, DRUG 8T0RE. Nuuanu, near PauahL BREAKING EXPORT COMMERCE painter, paper hanger. Phone 6002. nos to order. lands described in the Petition herein 40x100. on King; near Sheridan st. - . 5533-tf- . Ixt C083-Cx- n i - V 6218-2- Coccanut plants for safe; Sarrxa a va- Shoe! Do; Jewelry, 619 King. and for any other relief demanded in ox office, v i drugs; ' V Ibis Hllli, 6180-t- f Washington, July 26. Exact figures the Petition. riety. Apply. A: V: I.ihae, A. H. Akagi, shirtmaker, 1218 Nuuanu st ' ' n277-t- Building Co.; teL SAN-FOR- D f Honolulu Draylng of. the record breaking American ex- WITNESS THE HONORABLE Inter-Islan- d and Oahu Railroad ship Kauai. 180-t- S1C1; teL 1985. f Star-Bulleti- n stable ( port commerce of , the fiscal "year ''en- B. DOLE and THE HONOR- ping books office, tf. at The government of India haa'ap- - ding ; 30, show the ABLE CHARLES F. CLEMONS, Judg- Nekomoto, contractor, 1801 . King sL SOFT DRINKS June that trade ' v balanco In favor of Jhe,U.nIted States- - es of said District Court, this 10th Lilies, gladiolas. tubfe roses, etc. m 6083-6- EMPLOYMENT study-o- f V OFFICE your Phone 1842. 6229-t- f tive the .white ants cf it" Our soda will make business greatest in the hfstorV was day of June, in the year of our Lord ' " " the T "' V country, which completely destroys l'.I grow. Soda Wks., Chas. $623.8W),O00 one thousand nine hundred . . K. Segawa, contractor, 762 8. King st Y. NikanlshI, 34 Beretanla, nr. Nuu- Hon. Water an increase of and fifteen a 6106-ly- r. Odd Zouave boleros In contrasting' books with which they con: ia contact 6076-ly- r. E. Frasher, Mgr. over year preceding and $428,000,-00- 0 and of the Independence of the United anu, , for good cooks, yard boya the - - - ( thirty-nint- h. are charmingly braided.- If not detected in time. ."'- Phone 4511; residence phone 451L more than the best previous re- States the one hundred and colors SHOE REPAIRING ':':',.-- Tsschlyama, cotrctr; McCandless bid. ,6246-t-t cord made in 1908.' v'. r'; ' i 6125-t- f. (Seal) (Sighed) A. E. MURPHY, 10 repaired ; 51 62. Exports totalled $2,768443,5827 an ih Phone 4136 for all kinds of help, or Hamada, boots tel. Clerk. 6220-i- m crease of $404,000,000 over the preced- B. Fujikawa, plumber; Nuuanu street call at 1166 Union st, or write to P. (Endorsed) UJLU 6173-t- ing year. Imports were $1,674,220,740', f O. Box 1200i, - Responsibility and "No. 87, DIS- a decrease of $219,700,000. . UNITED STATES Wr', promptness our specialty, J. K. Na-- : TRICT COURT for Territory of FuJIi Contracting & Building Co, Pala-ma-: movement, the ruse, manager. r. 6106-t-f The gold which reflects UNITED STATES OF furnished. 6184-t-f HOUSE Hawaii. THE estimates TEA the effect of the war shows imports of AMERICA LUCY. PEABODY, et Japanese help male and $171,568,755 exports of$146,22 4.14 8 ts. AND of all kinds, aud als SUMMONS. JEFF McCARN snd CONTRACTOR BUILDER female. G. Hiraoka, 1210 Emma st, Ikesu, best Japanese dinners. W. Oda, as against $66,538,659 imported and prop. 3212. 61S3-t- f J. W. THOMPSON, Plalntifrs Attor- 1420. . 6054-- U Tel. year Geo. M. Y&m&d. general contractor, phone v $112,038,529 exported the before. neys. - furnished. No. 208 Mc- The official figures show little varia- Katlmates Filipino Y. M. C.A4 Queen Mil Ha- TOMATO CATSUP United States of America, District of Building. 2f57. tion from estimates previously an. " 1 ..; Candless Telephone ni sts, will supply all kindstof help. Hawaii, ss. 52C5-- ; of- - Hawaiian tomato catsup factory, nounced. A. MURPHY, Dis- C. C. Ramirez,- Mgr, phone 6029. , I, E. Clerk of the Nuuanu sts. ; 6126-t- f - fice cor. Beretania and trict Court of the United States of Vineyard. TeL ; V- Banko Co Nuuanu and 6181-t-f America, in and for the Territory and 316L buildings, paper-banxin-g, Contracts Aloha Employment Office, TeL 4SS9; j hereby certify cement work, cleans lots. TAILOR District of 'HawaiL do Alapai st, opp. Rapid Transit office, j the foregoing to be a full, true and k5327-t-f . . ipfc O. 0ka2aki, tailor, HoteL nr. River st. correct copy of the original Petition 6101-t- I S' t Y. Kobayashi, general contractor, 2034 Cl06-t- f and Summons In the case of THE 8. King. Phone 3356. Reasonable UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Ya For best gardner ring 4136. 6109-t-f k5327-t- f u LUCY PEABODY et als., as the same remains of record and on file in the CRYSTAL WORKS. UMBRELLA MAKER office of the Clerk of said court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have engraTlng, Sano, PauahL nr Maunakea 'FURNITURE STORE. R. Mizuta. Umbrellas made and re- hereunto set my hand and affixed the 6211-t- f paired. 1284 Fort, nr. Kukui; phone seal of said District Court this 24th Wakita, cut flowers; Aloha Lane. 3745. 5331-t-f day of June, A. D. 1915. CARD CASES 6106-t-f ' (Seal) A. E. MURPHY, , VEGETABLES. Business and Tlslting cards, engraved TaklguchL cat flowers, MolllllL Clerk of United States District Court fruit Territory HawalL or printed, in attractiTe Russia - 6106-t- f. cccuse of cases, patent Honolulu Product Co., Beretanla and ClTM$b By F. L. DAVIS, leather detachable Smith st& Hawaiian fresh fruits, t Star-Bulleti- n office RR4Vt.f FIREWOOD Deputy Clerk. cards. 6197-3- m ihciireachnol one dass 6204-3- m CLOTHING Tanabe Co, Pauahl, nr. River st, tel. 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole- REMOVAL NOTICE Pay for your clothing as convenient sale and retalL 614o-6- m . but - 28--- ns open a charge account with The Drs. A. C. and O. E. Wall announce Adelina Patti . Ju;.- yvar Mgo today .Uoiria CcChired wsir iio.in-:a- 0fi4-t- mi nmii European . 'V- ! Mndel Clothiers. Fort nt f FURNITURE. lrtoio;tatlrif the conflict. .m - - that they have moved their offices to sctiia. . I' - - , Cigars rioi- i meas-uV- e S. Isono, King : . The Georgia Senate passed a and Alapai streets. the fourth floor of the Boston building, j Axsurn to vestehdavs rtzztr. prohlbites whites front teaching New anj recondhand furniture sold - FITZPATRICK BROS. . lI'P-'i- " T'fUt oitner down above founuia. ' 1 1 ' r. in negro schools of the state... Cheap. , ; .. , 6218 tf above May. & Co. 6219 3m Upper. left coruer down I'i i v J. vj . - . i i K. .". -


BY AUTHORTTYr LORD-YOUN- G HOTEL NOTICE. SII Engineering Co; Ltd. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP GO " engineers and Contractors The Honolulu Civil Serrlce Commls rHErXPOSITION LINE ' Campbell Btdg.. Honolulu, T. H. slon will hold a t?neral eompetltlre r Telephones. 2610 and 4587 and classified examination at the Mo QWIGE TO FOR SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SYDNEY, N. S. W.t INC, KCtSOMABlC S.TKS. LOtt TS Klnley Hiti ScbooL corner of Bereta- - Slerri . . ,.V AUJ. 23 Ventura ..;;i.;;....iSpt. oia and Victoria streets, Honolulu, on m tnoma... 9 Sonoma Thursday, August J6, 1915,, at 7:30 p. ,n ...Sept ...... Oct. I UHESMEY COFFEE CO. m., for United States citizens desiring Talk of Separate Peace, and the significance of these Hungarian de tiarrt . , Se;t. 25 VeMQra No. positions Fire Depart- sires for peaea Ir sufflcleat to justify Ventura 7 Sonoma 29 ' la tbe.Honolulu Grov)-- ...... f. Oct ...Nov. 'coffee roasters ment and thte Police- - Department of Split FroAi Auslria is L us in thinking that something is brew- Dealers In Old Kona Coffet M0n the Beach the City and County of Honolulu, said ing in that part of the world, remains MAKE YOUR 1115 RESERVATIONS EARLY. V ingTiWmdest to be seen, but that there Is a move MERCHANT . examinations to be held under the ST, HONOLULU regulations ment and that there Is a distinct in C BREWER 4 COMPANY, LTD General' Agenta At YaMi" rules and of said Commls seems sion for the following positions: There to be a slow but stead- dication- - tha t the first atep In ' the di ily growing , - YOU General entry examination for the movement in Hungary, rection of peajr, will comt from Hua- WILL FIND THAT more than, Fire Department, v ' a fervent; desire and more gary,,ls more than probable. One fact DO IT ELECTRICALLY than a human longing for the advent is evident,! political .Hufagary: is Mounted patrolmen, foot patrolmen peace, that a (Including country officers and of writes the Budapest corre the weakest point of the central em- aIf Ifll spondent of Christian Science guards!, traffic officers and sub-st- a the pires, and that her people will not Liaison iMaviEration Comuanv Hawaiian Electric Co. tion officers for the Police Depart Monitor of Boston. It has been under- have moral strength enough to con ; stood throughout the war that Hun no struggle once they see j-- zt ! Hat Accommodations for La- ment , 'i' tinue the f',4w.t f it 2 n San jFrcrzi .23 cr. J i . r. c. u gary Is the weakest point of the cen national aim. no ' greater issues to j dle) ami GentremVni' Application and medical certificate Phons 221 blanks can be obtained tral empires from a political point of tempt them further. ... at the office view, although army FROM SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: of, the City and County Clerk, Mcln-- for her is the t m WIRE FENCES AND GATES tyre building, corner of Fort and King most valiant And heroic in that part S. 8. Mataonla .....Aug. 17 8. 8. Manoa ...... Aug. 17 of. the theater of war and the Hun- The vary best 'for every iat. streets, same must be filed with said 8. S. Lurline. Aug. 24 S. S...... Aug. 23 City County garian nation is strong in unity and ...... Matsonia . and Clerk not later than feeling, yet was always AXTELL'8 4 p. m- Tuesday. August 24. 1915. national there S. S. Wllhelmina..,,..Aug. 31 S. 8. Lurline,...... Aug. 31 4.C. i - germ ot.. revolt and dlsaiiection Alakea Street All applicants must' call at Baron's 8. 8. Manoa J... Sept. 7 S. 3. Wilhelmina.. . .Sept's Gymnasium, King on among the people with regard to the .... Luxurious an& street, Wednes common day, August 25, 1915, 5 p. m.. for aims of the Germanic em tlAIIE at pires,-- 8. S. HUontan of from comfortable physical and muscular test. which L somehow or .other did raiWTO this lint tails Seattle for Honolulu on or strictly class not about August 21, 1115. 1 first -- coincide with the national aims - SPECIAL SALE 100 rooms. v fifty By order of -' baths HONOLULU CIVIL SERVICE and aspirations of Hungary. Is not surprising CASTLE & COOKE, LILHTED, Craaa Linen and Pongee Waist i - It the least to Acnts, Hcncj COMMISSION, Hungary awakening v Patterna' . ' see to the knowl FilfEoiy , D. KALAUOKALANI, JR., ' edge of what she ought to have known YEE CHAN el CO. . ,; Secretary. V'-- before the war., that In this immense Corner rnjr tnd Bethel Strtltt ' 6239-l2-t ' struggle nothing to gain v she has and Associated Press) PACIFIC ITATZf , GTBAUOUII? CO. .at & . everything lose,'. She Is the weak SEALED TENDERS. to ADELAIDE, Sooth Australia. What Cailirr;i from Honolulu on or about the fsilowing dates: ireariy 1000 eletatloh, est point of the empires because, as ' feet treat ept Is hailed as inaugurating a new and FOR SAN FRANCISCO -- ' FOR THE ORIENT. AND , goes on, she will find out - CURIOS, JEWELRY irand scenery; Ene bass fishlnc For . Sealed tenders will be received by time that important era in tire industrial de Persia. . A . ; Aug. 24 Mongolia- (via ilaniTa)..Aug. 31 It-w- V as on part; ' NOVELTIES T. I particulars address. E., Li, Krnia, Wa-- the Superintendent of - Public Works all a mistake her she velopment Australian common Korea ...... , , . . . A tig. 31 Persia (Manila, out in) never been In danger;; her of the .... . and HAWAIIAN JEWELRY niawa. rnone 0393. up until 12 noon of Thursday, August has terri wealth was the laying at Blanchitown Siberia ...... Sept. 7 SepL IS -- tory . was never threatened, and fa NOVELTY CO.'. - 19, 1915. for Furnishing and Delivering on the river Murray, June 5, of the China .....Sept 21 Persia (Manila, out and in) Tor Boys' 1 only threatened now because of her - end Bethel Streets C6RAL Materials the Industrial foundation stone of the- first lock of a Manchuria ...... Sept 28 Dec 4 Einf GAkbEH HdYEL - : School. Waiajee,- Oahu., . i f i connection with the Austrian empire...... ". 9 Woncferful Marlna-Fl- d. great system of locks and weirs, which Persia i .'...... Nov. Set tha ,She begins to understand the l The Superintendent of Public Works ' that will harness this great waterway to Fersla Jan 25 turea In KANEOHE BAY reserves Tight to reject any or all Vr;: Glass-bottome- d the - an sail' and row- tenders. ' ; - n. empire as. a , whole. toatt for Mrs Good pie. The system, together, with' the ' Mealt specifications blank never Hungary herself; that neither JAO. ItOTT, Jr. ' .Plans, and water storages at Lake Victoria and V. Cerved. ; forms of proposal are on In Russia nor Serbia entertain any ter , FlLTTler and Sheet Metal K file the A. L Mac AYE, Proprietor l.-- ll Am.t Vl,Tyay. UlUUUCIWU.,. Will FIU"U i'.j Worker office of the Superintendent of Public Hon on a huge scale as well as the FOR GENERAL INFORMATION Capitol building, and that the fateful hour;"riiirthat might APPLY TO taeha Clock, Ceretanla, nr. Fort Works,. Honolulu. tT'r":.. use of the Murray waterway for trade " " Phons 2551 CHAS. R FORBES, : arrive for Austria might Just as well H. Hachfeld & Co., Ltd., Amenta You don't really love Hawan-trntl- l Superintendent be a happy hour for the kingdom of nd,1comm of Public Works. er;" Egypt, yea tiavt tflma, CincsJ Honolulu, August 7, 1915. Hungary. What the Nile Is to and the -- - . ; feFt-t- t 236-1- VV-- Mississippi Is rto- the United: states and th , ... v:,,:;. - 0t . German Efforts. the Murray Is to Australia.'" The Mur ; V; SEASIDE HOTEL Germany, as well as Austria knows "f H IGH SHERIFF'S SALE ? NOTtCE. ray Tiver system Is one of the longest J. H. Hertsche, "Manager navigable .world, times : l--X ;l I - SSS J! rivers in the at U U L O Ih Vi ILJtx D gala and STSSiSi , n- . : z .w- - .nnn - I I I II Under and by rirtua of a certain i by Hon ' Ccthel CW beL writ issued the ; ! s " . . -- ' ..... s " ?s Li i a Hotal Eta. orable; J.- - M. Monsarrat, District Mag the control of its water has been of Company will call Honolulu Kirs tni courase, - Steamert tha abovt at and Itavt ea w.hm vexed question la the- politics of the v : Istrate of Honolulu, City and County the fate of Austria depend upon this. tr about tha ditta mer.tlsnad below; ' most vitally concerned " Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, on three states 4 . of They could keep up'""this: courage and f. the 24th day of July, A; D. 1915, In months, but New 'South Wales, Victoria and South In everythln - this enthusiasm, for. nine Cconcmlxa the matter of T. J. Fitzpatrick,- plam Australia and because successive gov FOR THE' ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: today we ; ?an rsee; systematic '. propa: vs. ,U, defendant for the ernments have been unable to agree tiff,: Kimurav ganda going on , in the Hungarian press, ;; lz-io- u upon a basis of settlement .of riparian 8. Chlnyo 17 U:5 White Wh sum of Seventyiine and from which : we may; conclude that 8. 8. Nippon ttxru...... Au2. 3 8. Maru...... Ai:. . 30th-da- rtehts. the potential wealth of the . . . 79.12) v ; ( i U7 dollars. I did on the 8. 8. Chlnyo Mxru.;....Cept 19 8. 8. Chlyt t:irJ....C:;t It : At Your CrocerV of July, A. D. 1915, levy upon and unchecked Into , the-- sea--a giganUc 8. S. Chlyo MarU...... ;Cct 8 6. 8. Tenyo Maru ..C:t 5 shall offer and expose for sale and definite yet no lear con- 1 highest apund T;aj j wagte Ifl a tinent where the chief S. S. Tenyo Maru.....;.Oct 29 S. 8. Nippon Maru...... Oct 23 Silva's Tds'sery sen at. public; auction to tbe cepuuu, oi wufi " bidder, to much of tHe property here " desideratum Is water. The ceremonies : Limited - at Blanchetown therefore signalized UCZ A WATERMAN inafter referred to as may be neces even; In govern-me- nt V cant alUislons appear, - carried to self-Tille- r, "THE STORE FOR iSOOD a historic" event When CASTLE & C00KE, LIMITED Agcnis, Hcn:! An styles,1 Including sary to satisfy the said writ of etecu brgahSL aome -- desire ? for , , faint completion, the project wtll open ap CLOTHES". tion,' at the Oahu . Prison stables, rear ', at : ; ;.. :' Oka Cuitdfna. : ;Klna Ctreet of Oahu Prison in Honolulu, aforesaid, :; about 1.500,000 acres for cultivation 1 cel. luai uie yieocuv tuuutuuu w. bring an 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, the 31st How and It is estimated, win In. D. ARLEIGH & CO., LTD at fairs cannot continue any longer. K day- - Of August, A. D. 1915, all of the right, 'title-an- d .interest bf -- the said f.::3S w cnanjs wiincut r.zv.zz. ; , t and .when.wilsyifering ceaseT: t5j:ct - - - The cost will be about $21,000,000. U. KImura' In and t the- fonowmg , witn-l- n - s v Cyir.tj, It would .bwdirncuiit to ienne. Some idea of the extent of the scheme For Victoria and Vancouver- Fcr Suva, Auckland ir.i uersonal property of - the defendant -- newspaper article, l0 the limi ts of a - and tft;!;na for Delivered ln any quantify at may be gathered from the fact: that in. 23 ' Makura S l.;;.;ilcr.t unless the sum due tinder, the said and in what way this faint-Hu- n Makura ...... Au3...... C:;L - any 1 128. how. Australia, the Victoria res RESZTTINQ AND REMODEL time. Phone writ' of execution,- - together with In garian peact;could develop South Lake 17 Cct 6 longing for ervoirs can be made to store 22,000,- - Niagara...... SepL Niasara INQ OLD JEWELRY OAHU ICE CO. terest, costs and my fee and expenses luwj " mure .iwiwiavjCT,!. -- soiueiuuifi POO.QOO Of water. CO nt& orevlously paid., is most reassuring that these sounds '...... cubic feet THH0.H. DAVIESa ltd ge;:hhal tmz Gc!J ind Platinum' Ctttn:i PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. ' One Nattonal Wash register, 4 show People say have had relations : two mostiv WALL & DOUGH ERTY AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N " 1 ITS pr iw have,"; replied 6. S. CO. THE PANAMA CANAL UtiZ cases and contents, clock, ,ffn.tnH that thv 'mAntfl from with the trusts," "I HONOLULU ht I : Vlll despatched from NEW YORK fcr S p i n k l blrs" nssorted Japanese shoes,-1- 2 jars can j Senator Sorehhm. ""And I may at A Steamer be r .K say complete none Via Pacific coast ports every TWENTY DAYS. Approximate time in cHea. 1 Ice chest 7 chairs, z center liri. . h. Him. well In candor that HO- ht transit FORTY-THRE- E DAYS. SEATTLE AND TACOMA TO tkbles. 203 bkes. cigarettes. ; them were poor relations, either lhxs garian press Is, entirely In the hands ot NOLULU, S. S. KENTUCKIAN, to sail about August 23, and sailing cigarette papers, 25 pkga. Red Indian ouxr. ; LEWERS A COOKE, LTD. nd under thA Btrict control WHBumsion DAYS ' v s every TWENTY thereafter. tobacco 1 lot dry ' goods. 2 counters, j ' SUPPLY CO. ment authorities, and that nothing la V For particulars aa to ratea, etc apply to ; 1 lot stationery, 8 boxes shoe lnk. or any mas coum i -- GUARANTEE il the nature ponucai Xr:fiiT2. ATT P. MORSE. , , a,;. H. HACKFELD a CO, LTD, ' ihow cue windows. ;ap-- i m a ' " I ; appear; without the' cons AAL 1 KJL - CATISFACTIOM .United States gold VllIVllliJ 0 V General Freisht Agent ":"Azzzl.'. Ccrner Nuuariu and Pauahl Sta. SEE Terms, 'cash in proval of government j censorsnip or i rVrriQ lAtf CTFAa-ii-avaa coin higher. authorities., we. soon .realize i . i xraa aw w a . Dated at Honolulu, City and County that these utterances In, the Hungarian of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, this press cannot appear but' with the full jrriUD r.:cc:i COYNE:'V- FOR CO Designing, Remodeling and FURNITURE M SOth dar of July. A. D. 1915 consent Hungarian government. : VESSELS 10 AEEIYE e x Whether on Pleaaure or Dual- - " 1 ' - of the S Ybunj t - GLEASON, 0 0 ." .:;. - Building ef Machinery. Culldlni , PATRICK I know otl papers vrltfng; leading d 0 ; ' ..v. Deputy High, Sheriff, Territory of Ha on the subject having woraeo: Wednesday, Aufl. 18. si go East over : ' articles f nest, ' Write" Vr Call. wall many years, where Kauai W. O.; Hall, 1.4. str. H is "Of It Pleats on their staff, for. ' i n h r- - 6230-Jul- y 31. Aug. 17, 30 everv one of the leading articles, even : ; Thursday Ana 19. r Honolulu Iron Works Co. ; ; NOTHING COUNTS 'LIKE-'- " In'peace:tfm;Baa;tdvbe passed for Maul Mauna Loa, str. p.m. Sett or 20- ' 3.01 asei 10T7 SERVICE. WE GIVE T. LEGAL NOTICES. press du-reatfi- Friday," Aug. is W e.a 101 approval to the government ' .? ar KERSHNER VULCANIZING Australia, and New Zealand Maku- - - i .; ajs! tiie:editbr to ask: 17 9 4S 1 1.404 11.14 IN . CIRCUIT COURT,: FIRST where lias . co, Ltd. I THE : -- ; , - -- - Circuit, Territory of HawaiL ,In 18 ll SST S.40 ' ,..'.-,- - r-. ,- -' - p p. j. cash:.tapj 1177 Atakea SL Phone 2434 iNnfntn. iift .lAAdlnfc article, iftii i , - -- th is to p.m. - - : - : - Probate At Chambers. , TCL DEPAfeT . Routs Fisk and Miller: Tlrea. i i no YESSELS v 1 ll(M 11 ao7 C44 0JO9 TENTS AND AWNINGS , . Wil-- convey, Thus l can arnve ai 4- I t JO an In the matter of the estate of presentuur - Luau Tents & Canopies for Rent coifclusion In the ' - liam.H. Goetz, deceased. , ' ;. than that. j. '18. - 465 8.SS S.41 1.10 I Experience censprsmp so . Wednesday Aug. lit? at FRED L. WALDRON, LTD, Thirty Yeare : circumstances, when. is ' On Reading and Filing the petition v ft ; ' ." ' near,. Allen upttatre. Ih matters relating HIlo Mauna Kea LfL str. V 6.48 a 9C5 5.41 SJtt B 14 ' Ajenta. Fort St, A., Blerbach, ad ttrict ; especially - v ii i . and accounts of Otto Thursday. Aug. .19. .. Phont 1487 King Atito o aspects war, do ise! 33 , Stand ; the DOluical oi ine 1.10 9 5.4 t St G.-HaJ- 1.47 asi j.n ministrator of .the estate of : William Kauai Wt IA., str. at LATEST- - CARS. such . articles Could , appear witnout ' PHONH?47C0 H. Goets, deceased, wherein petition- Maui, Molokai Mikahala. I.--I. str. Time not Btated In tables. Sam McMillan, the approval o ,the political authori ' v I Q Sam Petfera er asks to be allowed 3632.18 and Friday, Aug. SO. ; ? v quarter of the moon Aug. 17. F ft C v , First Antont Rodrlguat, ; - ties., Frank Baker charged with- $728.00,. and asks that t Vancouver Makura, CA. str. . i I and . M.- - ; Separate Peace. F. Costa, ; Tony Cavaco the same be examined and approved. Maui Mauna- - Loa,-1.4- . str. v muHvbOAT CAPTURED. T I C K E T All kinds of : Wrapping .Papers and Hungary could conclude a sep- - and - that a final order; be made of .How Alao . Resarvatlona Twines, Prtnttng and Writing Papers. peace or Conclude a peace In J distribution of the remaining property arate y HAILS A telegram from Rome relates the any point oa AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N PAPER tit to the persons thereto entitled and following story, which appears in the xaalnland. , SUPPLY CO., LTD. many 10 ner is aireaui;u nuiv--u ...... discharging petitioner and sureties iaie, - ' . WELLS-FA- R Qneen .v- - watI1 anil trrpat I AloJil Bra UUe irUIU U19 lOllOWlug.j. rlbunaM:- Set rcrt lad Streets, Honolulu MILLINERY from all further responsibility herein: ..k.u destroyer, having boarded CO CO, 72 8. Phone 1410.- - Qeo. G. Guild, Gen. Mar. thinkers; have A French It Is ordered, that Friday, the, 20th politicar ugT: 2L a large sailing saip m u acswu lni St TeLISlI HONOLULU HAT CO., 1915, 9 yet it presents immense and Fciscoriin. day of August, A. D. at o'clock I i - Balkan .. s a - .....nH.vi jfAiiiriAfl v..orrian. ..;. Sea, found that It belonged? a Hotel 8t, nr. Bethel 8L a. m before the -- judge presiding. at Australia Makura, Aug. .20. - FT"l aimosijauaurpat, State and was supplying a . ueraau 0AHU RAILWAY TIME TACLE chambers of said court at his court 1 g!!S! Vancouver-Mak- ura, Sept 7. submarine with naphtha and benzine. in Ho ; room In the Judiciary building, rencb A commander thereupon - nolulu, County, of Honolulu, be , and VUUI ci umvv - in the OUTWARD. ; dressed up some of his sailors Phone 1498 could- - beglrf , peace negotiations with nt8a J?i!? & hereby Is appointed ; the i U For Walaaae, Walalaa, Kahuko, ani the same pt clothes of the crew of , the sailing snip. V FRANK W. HUSTACE, place hearing.aaid peti- her enemies without the - Consent YokohamaNjppon Maru, Attg. 28 v s way ttationt 9:15 a, m., i:29 p. m. Automobiles time and for and armed them. The sailing snip and Motorcycles tion and accounts, and that all.person? ner auies, ior oer.auin Australia Ventura. Sept. 6. crew, ' and com- For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and way rcr Miss ; Repaired. were disembarked the interested may then and there appear m a position u preen .. Vancouver Makura, Aug. 20. with his dis- statlona f7:J0 a. m, 9:15 a. m, went on board: Queen - mander i-.- All SU Rear Judiciary any they have, mem on ner pan, tenner uiytuiuaw- ' 11:30 a. ra 2:15 p. m4 p. tx, and 'show cause, If men. '. . .'v. simply guised , - Building same not be granted, cally or by force. She could, TBANSPOBT SEKTICK 5:15 p. m.i 29:30-x9- p. ta. why the should peace, com- - Having learned of the direction of 1ll:lt and may present evidence as to who by threatening to sue for I off, For WahUwa and Leilehna 10:2I pel join m this attempt the Cerman submarineVlie started a, p. are entitled to the said property. Austria her Logan from Manila for' San Francisco, on hnrtiv nftprwarda the enemv ves-- m. fl:40 p. m, 5:00 xi, U:M" to secure a separate peace, u- - (u . . , Uy the Court. departed from Honolulu. August 4. ; and asked for the oil receive, as much of - annrrhA . A. DOMINIS, . such a movement Thomas, from San Francisco to Ma- INWARD. Canton Dry Goods J. would, be gUppiies. immediately machine guns Clerk of Circuit Court, First the territory of Austria as nlla, left Honolulu August 14. Arrive Honolulu from Kanaka. Wa the sire appeared over the ship's side, and the Circuit lost in case cr utter, deieat Sherman, from San Francisco to Ho his men. cov. alua and Walanat SrSI a. 5:31 Company could compel Austria, to, join. her, for Cerman commander and b, Dated the 27th day of July, 1913. nolulu, Guam and Manila, tailed by the rifles of the French blue p. m. - '"'".' MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO. LTD. Hotel Austria j without Hungary could no 15.- -, ered St, near Bethel St R. W. Breckons, attorney for "peti from Honclulu July jackets, had no alternative out to sur Arrive Honof ala from Ewa MUI and ; longer face the invaders, and would Sheridan, from Honolulu to San Fran Pearl City f7:45 a. nL, 3:38 a. m, - PACIFIC ENGINEERING tioner. the idea render. The crew were ordereo on 6226-Jul- y 27. Aug. 3. 10. 17. at the same time sac"rifice cisco, arrived May 13; still coast a. m, p. :23 - breaking at board the sailing ship- and .thence 11:02 1:40, to, COMPANY, f dualism which means the ptx from gteattle to Manila, departed 5:31 p. m., p. m. : , LTD.' to, Malta., . A prize,crew . toon v TAKAKUWA & NOTICE. np or tne HapsDurg monarcny, anu from Honolulu, July 27, taken Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa ani . Consulting, Designing and Con- Central C0v Uermany not De in a posiuoji possession of the submarine .. would Warren, stationed at' the Philippines. Lellehua 8:15 a., to 11:11 . m, structing Engineers. Limited. taking News. ''";:" :''..?' '..!:. - -- All trembers of Hawaii Chapter No. to prevent fhe monarchy from 14-- 4:01 p. f7:10 p. m. . Bridies, Buildings Concrete Struc NAM CO" CRABS packed In 1, Order of Kamehameha, are request- such a step. .; I PASSENGERS BOOKED two-hou-r tures. Steel Stuctues, Sanitary Sys CONSCIENCE CACKLED LOUDER The Halelwa IJmlted. a Cana, . first-clas- tems, Reports and Estimates on Fro-- SanlUry wood lined. ed to be presentat the residence of Hew all this will work out or whether train (only s tickets honored) I.-- I. THAN HTS STOLEN CHICKENS. im-ri- Phm IlUR Nuuanu St near King St our late brother.. James H. Boyd, 1644 Per str. Kinau, for Kanai ports. leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:33 6 p. Kalakaua ave., at m., Tuesday Don't Fee! Good" August 17 Wm. Brash and Rn.W, - a. m., for Halelwa hotel; returning ar- "I M. A,.i.LVILLE. N. A ccnscience- evening, August 17, 1913. , ,; what loV of people tell us. Lydgate, Mrs. J, Lydgate, M Osali, J rives in Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. Tht That is a, - to their coop Per Order of the Kaukau Alii. Usually their bowels only need cleansing . Miss Waterhouse, Mrs; E.. B; Water- stricken thief returned Limited ttops only at Pearl City and Over 60 0244-l- 125 which he . stole from t house, Miss E. Kalawe. D.. W. Dean, chickens Waianatv . i. years oi Dry Cleaning C. A. Brown, Mr. and .Mrs. D. K. Richard Chambers at Centre urove Dally. fExcept fianday. ISnnday only. t.i 'Dad, what, meant "by carrying or tne coop is; Hayselden. C. A. Rice and wife. Misi recently. On the door .; SMITH, II v experience saying G. P. DENISON, . F. C. Phones ; coals to Newcastle?". ""It's a figure of wilt ibirrriA imdficerfine. Brown. Miss F. TashCmnra. D. B fa- - was found an unsigned note, SuoAHnttndorrt. O, P. A,'.' V US iVUUtUI)4 speech, my boy. Like trying to tell We know tins pcs!tri"iy i ate one ronache. Mrs. C. R. Xienman and three that since the theft the writer had 'I i . . . . HOW F BENCH LA UNOR Y ton-- -' children. Miss. I. Ivalnafca. Miss Marv been unable to sleep, and had return STAPBTJIXETTTT TOC - " I ' they dent know." Httsbure Post, v Bintbn.'SrnTnf ;S.CoW ttet. I Fernandez. . y: r; ' ed the fowl to relieve his conscience. TODAY'S: JfEYTS TODAY V