' MAILS .. - . j. f v. TTi 1 I t From San Francisco: 9TP fM Av . ' 1.7 y" A Lurline. Aug. .24. W. 3:30 :: For Son Francisco: c rf'-IVf- t Persia, Aug. 24. :ff FP ftf 1 From Vanccuver: M N 1 Makura. Sept.' 8. ,. For Vancouver: Makura, .August 20. Evening 6245 Bulletin. Eat." 1882. No. 12 Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII. No. 7286 PAGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1M5. 12 PAGEa PHIC3 FIVE (Z27I r JOHN D. SPRECKELS wi chine IK III 7). I'O;jo VMHl 1 HERE WITH PARTY ON WitflllMiUl m-Amm- . I VENETIA urn commmm HIS YACHT ,2:.".CET0V!SflF CO. f BIIIRPfllSED IMS FOR A. PA - f'. ..." '.. "... M f'jP COM OF TEfflS SS I CARRANZA'S MAN AS I ATSiAIPilOI I I SB MILITARY GOVERNOR Galveston Cut Off From Main H u i c land r r a nc Isolates These, in Addition to Cavalry, Coming of Commission to Ha- - Austin, San Antonio, Hous- Will Bring National Guard wan Is m Line With Move to ton and Beaumont ,j - Up to High Standard Retain .or Replace Duty FEARS FELtIiIrE FOR ; BUSINESS MEN OFFER CONGRESS EXPECTED - l A . SAFETY OF U. S. TROOPS .TO FINANCE SCHEME : TO ACT IN DECEMBER .V4 4Ji4l4W tei W Lit Many Soldiers Garrisoned at No Thirteenth Company Will Be Retention of Duty, if Decided - OUTLYING FORTS THERE AND AT NOVOGEOHGIEVSIC Texas City, Where Inrush- Formed, But Men Can Enlist Upon, Will Be Solely for Reve - TAKEN UNDER HEAVY CANNONADING VASHI.'.'GTO:; ing Seas May Cause Disas- . and Be Detailed at Choice nue, and Not for Protection AND ter Gale Reported To Be BERLIN REACHING AGREEMENT ON PAYMENT F0H 3 gun company By SINKING OF SHIP W. " Subsiding ; macnine win, soon C. 8.' ALBERT. P. FRYE , n be added. to the 1st Infantry, National (Special Star-Bulleti- n Correspondence) WASHINGTON, 4 l Associated Press by Federal Wireless Guard of Hawaii,1 if .. tentative plans August The an rAsaocIated JTess Service by Federal Wlrelessl of; Col." Samuel Johnson, the. adjutant force of four spe 17-.- nouncement.hat.a SAN FRANCISCO, Auq. 17. Congressmen: Curry, K:u.n DALLAS, Texas, Aug. genera, , work out according to pres cial agents will thoroughly Investigate 1 The great stonn raging on the ent prospects.' The local guard Is the sugar Industry of Hawsil --did not and Hayes of the California delegation pbn to c:!c t!;: fortunate in that it has most of the create the slightest degree of surprise house naval affairs committee to approve appropriat;:r.: f;; Gulf coast is doing much dam- , among who followed material and equipment on hand, for those here; have - CO - age, but so for no casualties' in the formation of this special, unit, and events since the enactment of the Un submarines for Pacific coast defence; :;; , and towns that the men can be, , enrolled and tJerwood-Simmon- a tariff law. the menaced cities equipped Jmmedlately. , . The impression ; has been steadily AB2T. v t L02IDOIT, Enor, 17. On3 cf tha a A w k have been reported. Another plan of the 'new adjutant growing for many months that the sit- general for Increase- - of "ttie ; guard, uation would be carefully. canvassed losss3 of the war has been suffered by Great Eritiia in Galveston's connecting-lin- k which promises ta be. productive of from every anplf In order that'a de &2 to send, reinforcements tor th3 trccps which Iivd I:," 1 mainland, big results in the neat future, ' Is a .pio cision- - might be reached concerning with the the : sugar ' at Gallipoli peninsula' to aid the attae!: cn th3 causeway built after the disas- neer company of engineers, which the the possible restoration of to ISSB a a 8 3 3 a S 4 Drd:r.:: war department U Vrery anxious to its former protective duties It has Ths transport Royal Edward, carryinj soldi:r3 to th: ... of number of years ago, have added to the organized militia been equally :weH understood that If r ter a v K Gen. Pablo Gonzales, now, . , 'John D. Spreckels ; rv nelles, was sunk by a snbmarins in tha Aegean sea of the territory." "r such action were taken It would be B h:t snapped; last night whenUhe based altogether on tue necessity for emlng Mexico City while Gen. X Joluf D. Spreckels yachL Before leaving for Hawaii last Sat Carranza stays in his stronghold day. 0n8 thousand men were lost. , of tore handsome urday Col. interested num raising "revenue, and not on the theo battcricr the waves' the, Venetia, slipped smoothJy into the Johnson a S at Vera Cruz, Gonzales: Is cred- ber of prominent, business men in the ry of aiforaing protection to tne in- away ICQ feet of the heavy con harbcr this morning from Hilo and - ' " : it ited with having secured control proposed- gun organization. dustry; V- : s machine 1 anchored In the stream. A merry party - S of Mexico City for the Carranza . promise . of A report on sugar conditions must Heavy Gorman ' structicn. of Honolulu people friends and ac and secured the their S forces, and undertaken to bring CaEnon. SbrJij-- '. hearty support and - cooperation, even be submitted to Congress before May; wind . law and to capital, Together with the .and quaintances cf the California .capital financing the new or l, 1916, weed that; article automatical 8 order the and : to the extent of entry-o- f - 1st, and society 'folk went out , to H to secure the the train- 3 waves from the Gulf of Ilexicd, . own expense If ly goes on the, free iisi. If found ne ganization at their - board, the Venctia and then began a PS loads of food awaiting outside- K Immediately cessary to enact remedial legislation m rains have fal ' federal funds were not M city so' MWiMMiM further furious busy, round cf entertainment which " ' " and prevent BUgar front "bein gen tire-- the and badly needed for available."' . half-starve- & victualing d Inhab-- ; Germany, 17. OfflchL--Af- len; Five fcct of rainwater is will give Mr. Spreckels and his party Charles R, Forbes, superintendent ly placed on the free list it is desired the i fBEIHJir, Acj. t:r t:ir;:r: i scant leisure time during their brief to undertaken by Congress x Itanta within ; r ; - Of Gal- - ; of public works, has taken over the have it the their heavy cannon and directing a steady Ura 1:7 :r. : . reported in the Streets . v ' s-- stay here. , . organization engineer company. which as8emhJps 6, . The ''' of the a QB1 58 B? ingr VCStcn. V V - 11 has been rumored that the son would to have briefest BBR8 8SBSQQh forts in front cf ITovno, th3 G:rmin3 aro rcdz::r 7 f . ' V. and already has received many appli idea .he the tl: Austin; Can Antonio, Hons of Claus' Spreckels, the sugar king cations from thote who are anxious possible interval elapse before the res ficaiibns. Ths ontlyinj frcnt ha 3 now : :n c : L whose history is indissolubly tied up '" sugat t , to dutiable list, to enroll. " toration of the -: - Gennanj tocI: 210 cannon and iZZO : :- ton and Ecanmont haye been with that of Hawaiian industry, would . rul with a corresponding aid 'In the 'ma- ?r::r.z Accorditr to war department " isolated by the storm, which have an, eye open for business whilo ing, the machine gun outfit cannot be tter of raising revenue.; .V,r, n SAUDI At Novcjccrjievzlr, which zlzo t:z ' ' he is herer particularly the steamship recruited as a separate unit, to form The plan to make a three months' - ing out Tine j rf- has tern down telephone ana business, inasmuch as he is head of company study of .conditions . in Hawaii- may be rth f ' a thirteenth of the regiment, a : Steamship . - pe- rn Company and modified a rv w ::t '. the Oceanic nut must coirnosed of men detail- somewhat and shorter wt C:rt:an . telegraph wires - , be ' ii i head of- varlcus .sugar and sugar te-- edt' from' the': companies'-o- thev rcgi- riod .allowed for., that' purpose. The lj' -- ,; " I .1 Li I I have been . , The a n s p o IlcClellan fining, companies." men-ca- n Inquiry be. sugar. tin tahci t r rt . However, f- his menL However, Uiese oe en must. extended to:the ill brcke frc;n her. no crises, and friends and business Itssdclat.es-.- &cn listed, &tr assigned to conrpamea' or Industry in Cttturi.""Fort; Hico. -, It thatthe Is here on any business whaU the lit Infantry wittf the distinct tin- is, proposed itaerform .thiy portion' of drifted half a mils seaward but j the- - commission returns ever, They say the trip ls.for preasiire fleretanilng that. they, be assigned to task after' the U. G. - X-;.- to - is believed Jtci h3 cafe.'.- . cnlyv But even at that it. is probable the provlslonarmachlne gun company. from. Hawaii. YChief Special. Agent h G::...v- that he will to some extent look into The company, by regulation, is com Frank J. Sheridan is in charge of the - goes along - party- now. at the Hawaiian Islands. " business conditions as he manded by the regimental commls- cost of Ad: Local amy officers are con and may have some announcement to sary. : ; ... Under the Georgia's Fearless Former Gov make, as to the future of the Oceanic of provisional ma production division ;of the - commerce sidcrably worried over the pos The officers the contempFated investiga- ernor Declares Mob Should company as It concerns Hawaii. ; Ko chine gun company must be detailed bureau which : W htcct U.
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