Individual Flight Diagrams.Gws

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Individual Flight Diagrams.Gws RTWOOD DOCTORS HILL TOP HUT BORLEY HILL DINGO FLAT WILDLIFE REFUGE COREE HUT R PIG HILL DEVILS PEAK un 1 MOUNT 1 COREE 5562 R Ru u n 5561 n 1 9 SURVEYORS HILL 2 4848 R R 5563 5560 u Ru u n n 8 n 1 5564 R R 3 5559 u 4847 4783 7 u 5453 n 4782 R n 1 u Ru 0 n 4 Ru 5565 5558 5328 4784 6 R 5431 n 5454 4781 u n 4846 5389 n R 1 BRINDABELLA MOUNTAIN 1 u 4 5 n R 5452 5390 u LA 5097 5566 5430 3 RINDABEL 5455 5557 5329 4785 n B 4845 4780 5388 5268 2 B 5432 5451 A PICADILLY CIRCUS 5096 5567 R 5391 5429 R 5456 5556 5330 i T v 4786 O 4844e 4779 5387 5267 r N R G 5450 5095 5568 OAD 5433 i 5392 R 5457 5555 n 5428 5331 4787 n DUNLOP u A 4778i 5266 R n n IAR 4843 5386 UR d 5434 5449 1 5094 e R 5569 MACGREGOR 5 5458 r 5393 O 5554 r 5427 A 5098 5332 a 5265 D 4788 4777 R 4842 5385 ONE TREE HILL 5435 5448 u 5093 5570 CHARNWOOD 5394 5426 n 5099 5459 HALL 5264 1 5553 5333 FRASER 6 4789 4776 5436 5092 4841 5384 5447 4973 5571 5395 5425 5100 5460 HOLT 5263 BULLS HEAD 5552 5334 4840 4790 4775 5437 5446 URIARRA5091 S Cree 5383 O k 4974 VILLAGE LATHAM FLYNN 5396 5424 Run 17 5101 5461 5572 U 5262 T CASEY M 5335 H 5438 E 4791 4774 o 5551 4839 5445 R C 5382 4975 5090 l DR o N R IV 5102 n E SPENCE 5397 5423 5573 O 5261 5462 g S 5204 U l HIGGINS MELBA o 5336 S 5439 5444 R 5550 4838 4792 4773 I H H 5381 A R 4976 5089 SMDIT OR I R SF 5398 5103 KING G G 5422 u R 5574 I NGUNNAWAL 5260 n 5463 N H 5203 A Cotter 5337 N W 5440 1 D IN 4793 4772 NICHOLLS Dam 5549 SCULLIN R 4837 D A r I FLOREY 5380 ve 4977 V E Y i 5104 5088 E R EVATT 5399 OAK HILL R R 5421 5259 R 5202 5464 5575 A 5441 MOUNT AGGIE u 5338 4794 4771 AMAROO BONNER n 5548 4836 5379 4978 5105 5087 HAWKER 5400 5420 1 MCKELLAR 5258 8 5201 5465 5576 5442 5206 5339PAGE 4795 E 4770 5547 E 4835 IV 5378 4979 5106 IV R 5401 5086 R D GU 5419 Cotter WEETANGERA D GIRALANG NDAR 5257 5200 BELCONNEN W PALMERSTONOO 5443 ILLIAM IM G AGGIE GAP 5207 5466 5577 5340 SL DR FORDE 4796 U I R W CRACE4769 VE R N I u 5546 4834 H u L 5377 4980 G 5402 5107 B 5418 O n 5085 L Lake 5256 n A GUNGAHLIN I E R 5199 A LAWSON H R L 5341 2 S 1 5208 5467 M 5578 E Ginninderra C T 4797 L 9 L E MACQUARIEO 5545 U 4768 I N CHALET N O D 4833 5327 C N 5376 5403 4981 5108 5084 R P 5417 5255 N I A 5198 H E V MOUNT FRANKLIN R 5342 R 5209 O N E O V K 5468 E 5579 5544 4798 A 4767 5326 LL 4832 5375 4982 5109 D 5083 5404 5416 5254 m a 5197 D R 5210 COOK 5343 R u I D 5580 KALEEN 4799 V FRANKLIN E n 5325 5469 5543B 4831 4766 a I r R 5082 N 5374 5405 3 do 4983 5110 D BRUCE 5415 n u U e 5196 B ARANDA D B n 5211 I 5344 R 5581 S 5542 4800 HARRISON 5470 MOUNT PAINTER I 2 T 5324 VE W 4830 4765 5373 0 5081 R 5406 MOUNT STROMLO E MITCHELL 4984 5111 D A 5414 4972 R E Y T 5345 5212 5195 I V R 5582 4801 5323 E 5541G DRIVE i 5471 U 5372 5407 v E 4829 4764 R 4985 5080 IV N 4971 5112 e DR G 5413 u C r A O H R n 5213 T 5194 L 5346 TE I TIDBINBILLA MOUNTAIN 2 R 5583 N 4802 u 1 5322 5472 5540 4763 5371 5408 n 4710 4986 5113 5079 LYNEHAM 4828 4970 L 4 5193 L O'CONNOR 5347 5214 WE NAMADGI 5321 5473 AS 5584 5539 4803 5370 5409 4711 4987 5078 C 4827 4762 4969 R OLD JOE O 5114 5192 A BLACK MOUNTAIN 5348 5215 D Y 5320 DUFFY WA 5585 5538 DOWNER 4804 5369 4712 RK 5474 4761 5410 4968 4988 PA 5077 4826 Ru 5115 WATSON Ru E 5349 5191 U DICKSON n n 5216 N 5368 5319 5586 E 4805 2 4713 5475 TURNER V 5537 4760 5 2 4967 HOLDER 5076 A 4825 4989 5116 TIDBINBILLA 4709 5350 5190 GINNS GAP 5367 SUTTON 5217RIVETT ACTON 5587E 4806 FE 4714 5318 5476 N 5536 DE4759R R G YARRALUMLA 5075 BRADDONR 4824 AL N L U u 4708 4966 O 4990 ak O HACKETT WESTON N 5117 e B AINSLIE n NATURE A TH 5351 CHAPMAN 5218 R R 4807 6 5317 5189 E PA O 5588 5535 4758 4715 G CURTIN RK 5477 N 4823 STIRLING G 5074Burley E CITY 4707 U S 4965 T 4991 E MOUNT MAJURA 5118 U N 5352 RESERVE 5219 E 4808 4716 5316 5188 V 5534 4757 H N NATIONAL MUSEUMA 5478 5589 LE 4822 IN G A OF AUSTRALIA R H 4706 D 5073 IG 4964 WARAMANGAD 4992 EL REID u HW M LYONS A 5119 5353 A R A ID W 4809 n Y 5315 5220A R DEAKIN E H 5533 u R T A 4717 R 5187 A A L MOUMT5590 AINSLIE 7 Y Y 5479 4821 n 4705 S V A PARKES AUSTRALIAN E CAPITAL HILL E G E 2 FISHER H NU W 5072 PARAD WAR MEMORIAL 5354 r 3 4963 MOUNT ARAWANG E N ZAC HUGHES 4993 O i AN 5120 M f 4810 4640 M f 5591 5532 5314 5221 5186 i 4718 O n 5480 4820 4704 C PARLIAMENT HOUSE CHIFLEY KIN GS 5071 5355 R 4962 FORREST 4994 5121 CAMPBELL 4811 u 4641 AV RUSSELL 5592 5531 n 5313 5222PHILLIP 5185 RED HILL BARTON EN 4819 4703 4719 UE 5481 2 5070 5356 4 4961 4812 Y 4995 5593 4639 4642 5223 A 5122 5530 4818 S GARRAN 5184 5312PEARCE M U RED HILL 5482 4702 4720 B L KAMBAH A KINGSTON MOUNT PLEASANT5069 5357 4643 4960W 4813 4638 O GRIFFITH4996C 5594 4817 MOUNT A 5123 5529 O D5224 TAYLOR 5311 RIV 5183 N D E 5483 4701 4721 B 5358 BYWONG TOWN MINING VILLAGE TORRENS E 5068 4637 4644 4959 MAWSON O'MALLEY R 4814 4997R 5595 4816 A 5124 R 5310 5225 5182 5528 4722 5484 5359 u 4700 n 4645 4958 5067 8 4636 NARRABUNDAH 4815 R D 4998 5125 5596 5527 R u D 5309 5226 5181 5360 R I R n 4723 V 5485 u A 4699 E n 2 K E 4957 FYSHWICK 4646 AT V 5066 5 4635 E HLLON I FARRER 4999 5597 9 F R L ISAACS 5308 CANBERRA 5526 D PIALLIGO5126 5361 4577 O D a 5227 5180 R T R R GREENWAY k AIRPORT e u I 5486 D 4724 u V 4956 PURRORUMBA HILL g 4698 n 4647 WANNIASSA E 4578 g 5307 5065 5598 2 e 5000 5525 5362 4634 r 5228 5127 6 a OXLEY 5179 A n 4955 5487 4576 4725 V o SYMONSTON 4697 E 5599 4579 n 4648 5524 5306 N 5064 5363 g 5001 U 4633 D 5229 5128 E 5178 R R R 4954 5488 I ER 4726 u 4575 V INDA DRIVE u E LE 4696 5600 5523 n n 4580 4649 5305 5063 MONASH 5002 1 2 4632 MOUNT WANNIASSA 5230 5129 0 7 4953 5177 5489 4515 4574 4727 5601 5522 4581 BONYTHON 4650 4695 5304 5062 FADDEN 5003 4631ISABELLA PLAINS 5230 GOWRIE 4952 5176 5130 4728 5490 5602 4516 4573 IS 5521 A 4694 B 5303 5061 R 4582 E 4651 5004 Ru L u 4630 L 4951 5231 5131 A MACARTHUR 4729 M5175olo 5491 5603 n n 4517 4572 4693 nglo 1 2 CASTLE HILL 5302 5060 1 8 4583 D4652RIVE BEARD 5005 4629 4950 5233 5132 4850 RICHARDSON 4730 5174 5492 5604 4518 4571 4692 R HUME 5301 5059 POPPET HILL u 4584 CHISHOLM OAKS ESTATE 5006 n 4851 GORDON 4628 4653 5234 5133 5493 CALWELL 4731 4949 5605 2 GILMORE HIGHWA 5173 5058 9 4519 4570 4691 Y 4869 4585 5300 5007 4852 4627 4654 5235 5134 5494 5606 4732 4948 5172 5057 R 4520 E4569 4690 u IV 4868 R 4586 5299 5008 5135 5607 n 4853 D 4655 5236 5495 3 CONDER 4626MONARO 4733 4947 5171 R 5056 0 THEODORE 4689 iv 4521 4568 e GOVERNORS HILL 4870 5298 r 5009 4867 4587 4656 5136 5496 5608 4854 4625 4946 5237 5055 A 4734 5170 W BANKS 4688 MOUNT JERRABOMBERRA R 4522 A 4567 4871 H 5297 5010 5137 5497 5609 4866 T 4588 4624 4657 THE RIDGEWAY 4855 4945 5238 5054 THARWA 4687 4735 5169 4523 4566 5498 4872 5296 5011 5138 5610 4865 4589 4623 4658 5053 R 4856 4686 4944 5239 5168 u 4524 4565 4736 5499 n 4873 4659 GREENLEIGH5295 ESTATE 5012 5139 1 4864 4590 4622 5052 2 4857 4564 4685 4737 4943 5240 5500 4525 5167 4874 5294 5013 5140 4863 4591 4621 4660 5051 4684 Qu 5241 5501 4858 4563 4738 TURALLA HILL 4526 e 4942 5166 ENCHANTED HILL a 5293 5141 4620 n 5014 5050 4875 4862 4592 4661 b e 5502 4859 4562 4683 4739 y 5242 4527 a 4941 5165 HAMM March 1984 Flight Diagram n 5292 5142 4861 4593 4619 5015 5049 4876 Run 29 4860 4662 5503 R 4561 4682 5243 4528 4740 BURBONG u 4940 5291 5164 5143 ROB ROY n 4594 4618 5016 5048 4877 2 4560 FERNLEIGH PARK ESTATE 4663 5504 Ru 8 4529 4681 5244 R 4741 FAUNCE HILL 4939 5163 u n 4617 5290 5144 5047 n 3 4595 5017 0 4530 4559 4664 5245 1 R 4680 3 4742 4938 5162 i 5145 DPMH - 16 Challis Street Dickson ACT 2601 4616 v 5289 5046 4596 e 5018 4531 4558 4665 r BUNGENDORE 4679 4743 5246 4937 5161 5146 4597 4615 5288 5019 5045 4532 4557 4666 4678 4744 4936 5247 BALD HILL 5160 5147 ROYALLA 4598 4614 5287 5044 4533 5020 BUTMAROO 4556 4667 4677 4745 5248 4935 5159 5148 4599 BUNGENDORE JUNCTION 4613 5286 5043 4534 4555 4676 4746 5021 4668 4934 5249 5158 Googong RADCLIFFE ESTATE 5149 4600 5042 4535 4612 4675 4747 5285 5022 4554 5250 5157 4669 R 4933 5150 u GIBRALTAR HILL Dam4601 4674 n 5041 4536 4553 4611 2 5284 5156 5023 R 4670 1 5251 u 4932 5151 n 4537 4602 4610 4673 1 4552 R 5283 5155 5024 4 GOOGONG HILL 4671 u 5252 n 4931 5152 4538 4603 4609 2 5154 5025 R 4551 4672 2 5282 u 5253 n R 4930 4539 4608 u R 1 4604 n 5281 u 5153 5026 5 4550 2 n R 3 4929 1 u 4540 4607 8 n 4549 4605 R 5280 1 5027 un BALCOMBE HILL 4928 R 7 Run 16 4541 u 4606 2 n 4548 R 4 1 u TALIESIN HILLS 4927 9 n YARROW PEAK 4542 Ru 4548 2 R 5 n u ELEVEN MILE TURN OFF 2 4543 n 0 2 WIDGIEWA ESTATE LONDON BRIDGE HILL 6 4544 R MILLS CROSS RADIO TELESCOPE u n 2 7 LONDON BRIDGE MOUNT MOLONGLO HOSKINSTOWN FORBES CREEK ROSSI SINCLAIR HILL Scale: Date: 1:85 000 March 2011 Ref:080118.
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    N CANBERRA MOUNTAIN BIKE REPORT Draft December 2019 Prepared by The Canberra Mountain Bike Report has been prepared by TRC Tourism Pty Ltd for ACT Parks and Conservation Service. Acknowledgements We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the ACT, the Ngunnawal people. We acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and the contribution they make to the life of Canberra and the region. TRC Tourism would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the many stakeholders involved in this project, particularly the Project Reference Group: Rod Griffiths, National Parks Association, Jake Hannah, Majura Pines Trail Alliance, Mic Longhurst, Dynamic Motivation, Raynie McNee, Cycle Education, Lisa Morisset, Mountain Bike Australia, Kelly Ryan, Visit Canberra, Darren Stewart CORC, Jeff VanAalst, Stromlo Forest Park, Alan Vogt, Kowalski Brothers, Ryan Walsch, Fixed by Ryan and Claire Whiteman. Images: Courtesy of ACT Government, Spring Photo Competition, credits shown with image Front Cover Photos: Spring Photo Competition ACT Government (see credits in document) Map Design: TRC Tourism and Alan Vogt Disclaimer Any representation, statement, opinion or advice, expressed or implied in this document is made in good faith and on the basis that TRC Tourism Pty Ltd is not liable to any person for any damage or loss whatsoever which has occurred or may occur in relation to that person taking or not taking action in respect of any representation, statement or advice referred to in this document. DRAFT Canberra Mountain Bike Report| December 2019 i Contents Executive Summary v 1 Introduction 1 2 Strategic Context 5 3 The Mountain Bike Tourism Market 9 4 The Characteristics of Mountain Bikers 15 5 What Makes a Successful Mountain Bike Destination? 21 6 Canberra as a Mountain Bike Destination 24 7 Investing in New Trails - Potential Locations 43 8 The Canberra Mountain Bike Report 60 9 A Sustainable Management Model for the ACT 70 10 Benefits of the Report 75 11 Conclusion 79 Appendices 80 a.
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