Archives of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Science
ARCHIVES OF TOURISM, HOSPITALITY AND SPORT SCIENCE Volume 2 Year 2017 Aims & Scope The biannual journal Archives of Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Science is an international, scholarly, and refereed periodical aiming to promote and further ATHSS research in the fields of tourism, hospitality, recreation and physical education. The journal is published is addressed by Vincent both Polto membersUniversity of in the Lublin, scholarly Poland. community dealing with tourism, hospitality, recreation and sport science, as well as business ATHSS aims at creating a platform where representatives of all aforementioned sciences are able to exchange their practitioners and professionals. developments, as well as to share their insights in hands-on and case-based knowledge and experience,Archives disseminateof Tourism, Hospitality research findings,and Sport achievements Science welcomes and original, conceptual or empirical research papers, book reviews, conference reports. The journal reports,The scope case of studies, the research and letters presented to the ineditor. ATHSS papers are subject to double blind peer review by the members of the Editorial is international. All submitted featuring new ideas, tendencies, predictions, hypotheses and achievements Board and qualified international reviewers. Of special interest are submissions within the fields of hospitality, tourism, recreation and physical education as well asThe related submitted areas relevantmanuscripts to scholars are andaccepted professionals for publication in these fields. based on the views expressed in the submitted texts are entirely those of the authors and not necessarilyrecommendations of the Editorial obtained Board in an and anonymous Staff of Archives review of Tourism,process. Hospitality However, andthe Sport Science . Criteria for evaluating submissions include the suitability of their Tocontent, ensure significance, professional conceptual integrity, focus,the journal clarity follows of presentation, strict policies and onquotation unethical of credible sources.
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