What's Next? Caroi.\N S
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INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES S.\R.\11 EvA....:� B \RKER, Indianapolis MIC.IIA£1 A. BUCK).lA.'-', lndianapolic;, Second Vice Chair �1\RY A\N B R.\DI F\'. Indianapolis EDWARD E. BRFE�. Marion, Firs1 Vice Chair DIAN'\Ej. C.\RT�IEL, Brownstown PKI RJU,\ D. CLTRRAN, Indianapolis Ent..\R GL£.'-'N 0.\\'IS, Indianapolis DANIEl �1. E�·tf, Indianapolis RICIIARD D. F'l•l O).IAN, Indianapolis RICHARD E. FORD, Wabash R. RAY I I \II h.lNS, Carmel T!IO\IA' G. HOB.ICK, Indianapolis, Secretary �lARTIN L\KE, �!arion L,\RRY 5. LANDIS, Indianapolis POJ.LYjONTZ Li-.:\NON, Indianapolis J 1\IFS H. M.IDI> O,, Bloomington �IARYJA.. 'E �IFFKER, Carmel ANDREW W. NICKLE, SouLh Bend GEORGE F. lbPP, Indianapolis Bov�m: A. RUI I Y, Indianapolis E\'ALI�f 1-1. RHODFHA\IEL, Indianapolis �' �I. Rou..AJm, Fort '"'aync, Chair j;l>'lES C.SHOOK JR., Indianapolis P. R. Swn:NEY, Vincennes, Treasurer ROBERT B. TOOTHAKER, Somh Bend \Vn.I IA\1 H. \VIGr.INSjR., Bloomington ADMINISTRATION SAL\ATORF C. Cu H LA JR., Presidem RA�IO:\'D L. SHOE'-LAKl-R, ExecuLh'e Vice PresidenL A'I'<Ailfi.LFJ. JAcKloO'<, Con1roller SLSAN P. BROWN, Senior Director, !Iuman Resources STFPIIEN L. Cox, Vice President, Collections, Conservation, and Public Programs TIIO:.. IAS A. MAsoN, Vice President. II-IS Press BRtND.\ i\IYI•.R.S, Vice President, Marketing and Public Relations li\/DA L. PRArr, Vice President, De\'elopmenl and .Membership DARA BROOKS, Director, Membership WHAT'S NEXT? CAROI.\N S. S!\ln'H, Membership Coordinator TRACES OF INDIANA AND MIDWESTERN HISTORY RAY E. BOOMIIO\\'FR, �lanaging Editor RAc11u. M. PoP.\lA, Assist<mt Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS �1. Tf.RE>A BAER K-\TIILH.N M. BRFF.N DOUCI.AS E. CLANIN I'Al'LI.J. CORPL'Z LHt.ll DARBEE .JLOITH Q. ��C�lt:U.FN PHOTOGRAPHY 5L'SAN L. 5. Surro\1, Coordinator THE WINTER ISSUE OF Traces DA\10 TLRh, Photographer will include the story of Indianapolis business EDITORIAL BOARD EDWARD E. BRFEN, Marion man and evangelist E. Howard Cadle. During HOI\ \RD C. C11 0\I'Fll JR., Indianapolis J .\.\IES A. Col p.,, Indianapolis the 1930s, Cadle earned nationwide fa me fo r a RICHARD D. FEU)MAN, Indianapolis RALPH D. GRAY, Indianapolis religious radio program that he broadcast daily jAMES H. MADISON, BloomingLOn D.-\1 E OcDF:':, Indianapolis over WLW in Cincinnati. The program origi LF�li-R �·1. Po\mR, Indianapolis ROBERT L. RFIO, Evansville nated live from the Cadle Tabernacle, a ten ERIC T. SA..\111\\'HS S , Bloomington BEI{.\l.\RD V{ SIIEI!.IL\.�, Bloomington thousand-seat revival cen ter that Cadle had con RICHARDS. SI\IONS, i\larion H. structed in 1921. The issue will also fe ature '"ILLI.UI 'VIGGI\S]R., Bloomington DESIGN articles on Richmond's Harry Frankel, better R. LL0\1) BROOKS, Design Director RYAN SNEED, Designer known to his fa ns as Singin' Sam, the Barbasol Thrhc, Inc. Man; the rise and fa ll of the Indianapolis Racers PREPRESS AND PRINTING cenvco of the Wo rld Hockey Association; and the IHS WORLD WIDE WEB PAGE career of Te rre Haute congresswoman Virginia h1tp:/ /w\vw.inclianahistory.org Jenckes. Tmrr5 of Indiana and Midwnll'rll I fi,IOI)' (ISSN l()t!Q.788X) is pttblished qtmr� terlr and di... u·il>uted as a bcndi.tofmcmlx.'rship by the Indiana l li<.:toricalSocic1y Press; editorial and exnutiH�· offit('S, 150 Wesl Ohio StreCl, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-3269. Membership categories include tudenl I 0, lndi\'idual $3;1, Famil)/Dual 50, and Sustaining 100. Single ropics are 5.25. Periodical<; postage paid at Indianapolis, lncli;ma; LTSPS N11111bcr 003-275. Utt>rm)' rontri tmrmns: r\ brochure containing information for contributors is m·ailablc upon .. requco;t. Trart>1accepls no responsibility for unsolicited manusrrip� submiucd without rt·turn poM.agc. Indiana nc''"papcr publisher.,ma� obtain permission to rcp •·int �niclc� bywrittCit request toth(• Press. The Press will rt·fcr requcsLS from other publishers to the autl1or. ©2004 lndiaua llistorico.tl So<:iCl) Prcs'l. AJI righu rcscr\'ed. Primed on acid-free paper in Lhc United States ofAme rica. Prutmaslt'r.Please senrl addre'iS cho.mges to TmreJof lndimw ami,\fulu¥'1/ml /-/is/01)'. lndian;.t llistorical Socicl� Press, 450 \\'est Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Indiana INDIAN \nHISTORICAL SOCIETY 16202-3269. harr.s is a m<.•mbe•· of the Confcrcnre of llistorical _Journals. .