What's Next? Caroi.\N S
INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES S.\R.\11 EvA....:� B \RKER, Indianapolis MIC.IIA£1 A. BUCK).lA.'-', lndianapolic;, Second Vice Chair �1\RY A\N B R.\DI F\'. Indianapolis EDWARD E. BRFE�. Marion, Firs1 Vice Chair DIAN'\Ej. C.\RT�IEL, Brownstown PKI RJU,\ D. CLTRRAN, Indianapolis Ent..\R GL£.'-'N 0.\\'IS, Indianapolis DANIEl �1. E�·tf, Indianapolis RICIIARD D. F'l•l O).IAN, Indianapolis RICHARD E. FORD, Wabash R. RAY I I \II h.lNS, Carmel T!IO\IA' G. HOB.ICK, Indianapolis, Secretary �lARTIN L\KE, �!arion L,\RRY 5. LANDIS, Indianapolis POJ.LYjONTZ Li-.:\NON, Indianapolis J 1\IFS H. M.IDI> O,, Bloomington �IARYJA.. 'E �IFFKER, Carmel ANDREW W. NICKLE, SouLh Bend GEORGE F. lbPP, Indianapolis Bov�m: A. RUI I Y, Indianapolis E\'ALI�f 1-1. RHODFHA\IEL, Indianapolis �' �I. Rou..AJm, Fort '"'aync, Chair j;l>'lES C.SHOOK JR., Indianapolis P. R. Swn:NEY, Vincennes, Treasurer ROBERT B. TOOTHAKER, Somh Bend \Vn.I IA\1 H. \VIGr.INSjR., Bloomington ADMINISTRATION SAL\ATORF C. Cu H LA JR., Presidem RA�IO:\'D L. SHOE'-LAKl-R, ExecuLh'e Vice PresidenL A'I'<Ailfi.LFJ. JAcKloO'<, Con1roller SLSAN P. BROWN, Senior Director, !Iuman Resources STFPIIEN L. Cox, Vice President, Collections, Conservation, and Public Programs TIIO:.. IAS A. MAsoN, Vice President. II-IS Press BRtND.\ i\IYI•.R.S, Vice President, Marketing and Public Relations li\/DA L. PRArr, Vice President, De\'elopmenl and .Membership DARA BROOKS, Director, Membership WHAT'S NEXT? CAROI.\N S. S!\ln'H, Membership Coordinator TRACES OF INDIANA AND MIDWESTERN HISTORY RAY E.
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