INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOARD OF TRUSTEES S.\R.\11 EvA....:� B \RKER, Indianapolis MIC.IIA£1 A. BUCK).lA.'-', lndianapolic;, Second Vice Chair �1\RY A\N B R.\DI F\'. Indianapolis EDWARD E. BRFE�. Marion, Firs1 Vice Chair DIAN'\Ej. C.\RT�IEL, Brownstown PKI RJU,\ D. CLTRRAN, Indianapolis Ent..\R GL£.'-'N 0.\\'IS, Indianapolis DANIEl �1. E�·tf, Indianapolis RICIIARD D. F'l•l O).IAN, Indianapolis RICHARD E. FORD, Wabash R. RAY I I \II h.lNS, Carmel T!IO\IA' G. HOB.ICK, Indianapolis, Secretary �lARTIN L\KE, �!arion L,\RRY 5. LANDIS, Indianapolis POJ.LYjONTZ Li-.:\NON, Indianapolis J 1\IFS H. M.IDI> O,, Bloomington �IARYJA.. 'E �IFFKER, Carmel ANDREW W. NICKLE, SouLh Bend GEORGE F. lbPP, Indianapolis Bov�m: A. RUI I Y, Indianapolis E\'ALI�f 1-1. RHODFHA\IEL, Indianapolis �' �I. Rou..AJm, Fort '"'aync, Chair j;l>'lES C.SHOOK JR., Indianapolis P. R. Swn:NEY, Vincennes, Treasurer ROBERT B. TOOTHAKER, Somh Bend \Vn.I IA\1 H. \VIGr.INSjR., Bloomington ADMINISTRATION SAL\ATORF C. Cu H LA JR., Presidem RA�IO:\'D L. SHOE'-LAKl-R, ExecuLh'e Vice PresidenL A'I'<Ailfi.LFJ. JAcKloO'<, Con1roller SLSAN P. BROWN, Senior Director, !Iuman Resources STFPIIEN L. Cox, Vice President, Collections, Conservation, and Public Programs TIIO:.. IAS A. MAsoN, Vice President. II-IS Press BRtND.\ i\IYI•.R.S, Vice President, Marketing and Public Relations li\/DA L. PRArr, Vice President, De\'elopmenl and .Membership DARA BROOKS, Director, Membership WHAT'S NEXT? CAROI.\N S. S!\ln'H, Membership Coordinator TRACES OF INDIANA AND MIDWESTERN HISTORY RAY E. BOOMIIO\\'FR, �lanaging Editor RAc11u. M. PoP.\lA, Assist<mt Editor CONTRIBUTING EDITORS �1. Tf.RE>A BAER K-\TIILH.N M. BRFF.N DOUCI.AS E. CLANIN I'Al'LI.J. CORPL'Z LHt.ll DARBEE .JLOITH Q. ��C�lt:U.FN PHOTOGRAPHY 5L'SAN L. 5. Surro\1, Coordinator THE WINTER ISSUE OF Traces DA\10 TLRh, Photographer will include the story of Indianapolis business­ EDITORIAL BOARD EDWARD E. BRFEN, Marion man and evangelist E. Howard Cadle. During HOI\ \RD C. C11 0\I'Fll JR., Indianapolis J .\.\IES A. Col p.,, Indianapolis the 1930s, Cadle earned nationwide fa me fo r a RICHARD D. FEU)MAN, Indianapolis RALPH D. GRAY, Indianapolis religious radio program that he broadcast daily jAMES H. MADISON, BloomingLOn D.-\1 E OcDF:':, Indianapolis over WLW in Cincinnati. The program origi­ LF�li-R �·1. Po\mR, Indianapolis ROBERT L. RFIO, Evansville nated live from the Cadle Tabernacle, a ten­ ERIC T. SA..\111\\'HS S , Bloomington BEI{.\l.\RD V{ SIIEI!.IL\.�, Bloomington thousand-seat revival cen ter that Cadle had con­ RICHARDS. SI\IONS, i\larion H. structed in 1921. The issue will also fe ature '"ILLI.UI 'VIGGI\S]R., Bloomington DESIGN articles on Richmond's Harry Frankel, better R. LL0\1) BROOKS, Design Director RYAN SNEED, Designer known to his fa ns as Singin' Sam, the Barbasol Thrhc, Inc. Man; the rise and fa ll of the Indianapolis Racers PREPRESS AND PRINTING cenvco of the Wo rld Hockey Association; and the IHS WORLD WIDE WEB PAGE career of Te rre Haute congresswoman Virginia h1tp:/ /w\vw.inclianahistory.org Jenckes. Tmrr5 of Indiana and Midwnll'rll I fi,IOI)' (ISSN l()t!Q.788X) is pttblished qtmr� terlr and di... u·il>uted as a bcndi.tofmcmlx.'rship by the Indiana l li<.:toricalSocic1y Press; editorial and exnutiH�· offit('S, 150 Wesl Ohio StreCl, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-3269. Membership categories include tudenl I 0, lndi\'idual $3;1, Famil)/Dual 50, and Sustaining 100. Single ropics are 5.25. Periodical<; postage paid at Indianapolis, lncli;ma; LTSPS N11111bcr 003-275. Utt>rm)' rontri­ tmrmns: r\ brochure containing information for contributors is m·ailablc upon .. requco;t. Trart>1accepls no responsibility for unsolicited manusrrip� submiucd without rt·turn poM.agc. Indiana nc''"papcr publisher.,ma� obtain permission to rcp •·int �niclc� bywrittCit request toth(• Press. The Press will rt·fcr requcsLS from other publishers to the autl1or. ©2004 lndiaua llistorico.tl So<:iCl) Prcs'l. AJI righu rcscr\'ed. Primed on acid-free paper in Lhc United States ofAme rica. Prutmaslt'r.Please senrl addre'iS cho.mges to TmreJof lndimw ami,\fulu¥'1/ml /-/is/01)'. lndian;.t llistorical Socicl� Press, 450 \\'est Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Indiana INDIAN \nHISTORICAL SOCIETY 16202-3269. harr.s is a m<.•mbe•· of the Confcrcnre of llistorical _Journals. .
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