Jizera News Libereckthe Liberec Areao Jablthe Jabloneckonec Areao Frtheýd Frýdlantsklant Areao Ttheanv Tanvaldskald Areao
NONEPRODET FOR SALEJNÉ – SUMMERLÉTO 2013 FREEZDARMA OF CHARGE | ENGLISČESKY H JIZERA NEWS LIBERECKTHE LIBEREC AREAO JABLTHE JABLONECKONEC AREAO FRTHEÝD FRÝDLANTSKLANT AREAO TTHEANV TANVALDSKALD AREAO » Liberecká výšina in all its glory The Liebig Castle was built above Liberec in 1900–1901. After many years of dilapidation, it was renovated in 2013 and it now serves its original purpose. It is a trip destination with a restaurant with a capacity of 116 people, a 25 m high lookout tower, a hotel and a wellness spa. Social and cultural events, including medieval-style celebrations, are held there. » In the footsteps of the Scheybals The Jana and Josef V. Scheybal Teaching Trail bears the name of two significant local ethnographers, whose legacy extends far beyond the boundaries of the Liberec Region. It is 20.5 km long and it connects to different regions, i.e. the harsh Jizera Mountains, where Josef V. Scheybal was born, and the Bohemian Paradise, where his future career began. » The Frýdlant Château with Albrecht von Wallenstein The original castle which was extended th into a renaissance château in the 16 Photo: Milan Bajer century became the property of Albrecht von Wallenstein after the Battle of White Mountain. This year, Wallenstein will once again be present on his estate within Journeys are like books. We just have to know how to read them. 37, who was shot and killed there in May 1945. Every human life is like the framework of the local celebrations. They contain sad and happy stories, myths, fairy tales with morals, a novel. Don’t miss an audience with the Duke secrets and historical facts.
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