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Opinion Travel A belly full of ’s new « Om dagen arbeid, og kvelden holiday cheer gjester. Sure uker, glade fester! » Haute Route Read more on page 6 – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Read more on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 126 No. 47 December 25, 2015 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy ‘Tis the season for ... comic books?

For over a hundred years, special comic books have been published each November to gear Norwegians of all ages up for the season

Glenn Folkvord through new adaptions of old movies or char- One-shots adapted from other media What’s inside? Gjerdrum, Norway acters, such as and the eight chil- appear too; in 2011, the Czech movie Three News 2-3 dren and private detective Varg Veum. Wishes for Cinderella (1973) was re-told in Business 4 In frosty Scandinavia, the Norwegians This year, about half of the 50 different its own photo-comic. Even though the movie have many more or less weird Christmas magazines are Norwegian franchises, but is not about Christmas, it has aired on Nor- Sports 5 traditions, such as watching a New Year’s American comics are well represented, with wegian TV every for 39 years, Opinion 6-7 sketch on TV on Christmas Eve instead of various Disney titles making up half a dozen. with a single, deep-voiced actor dubbing all Taste of Norway 8 New Year’s Eve. They also go trick-or-treat- Carl Bark’s Christmas has since 2005 offered the dialogue, a tradition that apparently was Travel 9 ing goat style during Boxing Week. cleaned-up reprints of the Disney maestro’s worthy of a Christmas magazine of its own. However, for hundreds of thousands of seasonal classics, while other typical im- Non-comic annuals are also tested. This Roots & Connections 10 Norwegians, adults and children alike, read- ported Christmas comic books are , year, actor-singer Herborg Kråkevik has com- Obituaries & Religion 11 ing special Christmas comics is a cherished Tom & Jerry, Calvin & Hobbes, , and piled Christmas Roses, a collection of essays In Your Neighborhood 12-13 tradition. Come late November, collectors, Hägar the Horrible. and artwork from some of Norway’s most Norwegian Heritage 14 comics fans, and ordinary celebrators trek Actually, as far as the content of the prominent authors and painters. Last year’s to bookstores and shops to fill their baskets Christmas annuals go, there is almost no one-shot, the magazine version of Oddgeir Arts & Entertainment 15 with annual comics that are not only enter- rule, and Christmas relevancy is not an issue. Bruaset’s popular TV documentary Where taining, but also part of Norway’s identity. Reprints of the Belgian Wild West comic Sil- nobody thought anyone could live (yes, that is $1 = NOK 8.749 Traditionally published in a wide format, ver Arrow originally published in the 1970s the title of the series) got its sequel this year. updated 12/18/2015 typical modern editions range from Christ- and 80s or the Norwegian science fiction It too is not a comic but a holiday revisit to the mas-themed specials of new comic franchises comic Engineer Knut Berg that originated in places and people Bruaset met in his series. In comparison such as goth girl Nemi (a popular Norwegian 1941 have nothing to do with Christmas and 11/18/2015 8.7137 monthly), via reprints of nostalgic classics, or everything to do with nostalgia and tradition. See > comics, page 15 06/18/2015 7.7600 12/18/2014 7.3797 Cover images courtesy of the publishers 2 • December 25, 2015 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Håp om brannmuseum Fortsatt Verdens største pepperkakebyen 17. desember ble det offisielt: Pepperka- Nå kan det endelig bli brannmuseum i Bergen kebyen i Bergen er verdens største. verdens Likevel får den ikke plass i Guinness rekordbok. Pepperkakebyen i Bergen er byens stolthet i adventstiden, og i år ble den bygget opp for 25. gang. Den er beste land kjent for å være verdens største, men de siste årene har amerikanerne påberopt Nok et år topper seg å ha en større, nemlig « Lane» på Manhattan. Den amerikanske Norge FNs rangering pepperkakebysjefen hevdet bergenserne over hvilke land det drev med løgn og bedrag, og det likte ber- genserne dårlig. Så dårlig at noen av dem er best å bo i tok litt av i fjorårets ordkrig med ameri- kanerne. — Jeg mottok noen eposter fra VG folk i Norge som var veldig slemme, forteller Jon Lovitch. 17. desember var For 12. gang siden 2001 topper Norge det på tide begrave stridsøksen. Lovitch Foto: Eivind A. Pettersen / NRK den menneskelige utviklingsindeksen til FNs hadde tatt turen over dammen for å over- Et brannmuseum har vært ønsket i 80 år, nå setter bystyret fortgang i planene. utviklingsprogram (UNDP). være politiets årlige oppmåling av den — Norge har over tid lyktes med å bergenske pepperkakebyen. Resultatet NRK en utstilling av brannbiler, men et opplevel- øke sine inntekter, og samtidig sørge for at levnet ingen tvil, bergenserne har den sessenter som forteller om bybrannene og inntektene er relativt jevnt fordelt. Norge største pepperkakebyen. Likevel er det Den gamle, verneverdige hoved- Bergens historie, uttalte den avgåtte kultur- har også lyktes i å investere i utdanning og igjen «Gingerbread Lane» som havner brannstasjonen i Bergen sentrum stengte byråden Helge Stormoen (Frp) til NRK i juli. i helse. Dessuten har Norge et høyt nivå av i rekordbøkene. For pepperkakebyen i dørene i 2007. I åtte år har veteranbrannmen- Bergen Brandkorps Historielag har de likhet mellom menn og kvinner, og det går Bergen oppfyller ikke kravet til Guinness nene vedlikeholdt stasjonen i håp om at det 80 siste årene tatt systematisk vare på meng- typisk hånd i hånd med et høyt menneskelig rekordbok om at den må være spiselig. — skal bli museum her. der av utstyr og kjøretøyer siden før krigen. utviklingsnivå, sier Jens Wandel, sjef for Vi har for eksempel elektriske tog av plast 15. januar er det 100 år siden den store Like lenge har museumsplanene eksistert. UNDPs administrative avdeling, til NTB. som ikke kan spises. Dessuten bruker vi bybrannen i 1916. Nettopp dette jubileet kan Veteranene vedlikeholder den gamle Norge er tett fulgt av Australia, Sveits, noen ingredienser som ikke er så bra å få i sette fart i museumsplanene. hovedbrannstasjonen på dugnad så godt de Danmark og Nederland på rangeringen. På seg, medgir pepperkakebysjefen i Bergen, Et ferskt budsjettvedtak i Bergen by- kan. bunn ligger Niger, Den sentralafrikanske re- Steinar Kristoffersen. styre gir håp til ildsjelene som har jobbet for Veteranforeningen har samlet på vogner publikk, Eritrea og Tsjad. (NRK) å få etablert et brannmuseum: og brannpumper som kan dateres tilbake til Rapporten peker på at store fremskritt er «Bystyret viser til at det i 2016 er 100 år 1600-tallet, og som fortsatt er fullt brukbare. gjort siden rapporten første gang ble laget i 2,500 avviste asylsøkere sendes ut siden Bergensbrannen 1916, og viser i denne Det samme gjelder et dusin brann- og stige- 1990. Siden den gang er 2 milliarder men- Politiet har startet en stor aksjon for å forbindelse til byrådsplattformens formuler- biler som har opplevd både eksplosjonsulyk- nesker løftet opp fra den laveste utviklings- sende minst 2,500 avviste asylsøkere ut ing om å utrede muligheten for å gjøre den ken under krigen (1944) og storbrannen på kategorien. av Norge. 17. desember ble flere fly med gamle hovedbrannstasjonen om til et brann- Bryggen i 1955. Men skal den positive utviklingen avviste asylsøkere sendt fra ulike steder museum. Bystyret ber om at byrådet i løpet fortsette, må verdens myndigheter gjøre i landet til Kirkenes, der folk ble sendt av 2016 legger frem en sak som belyser mu- English Synopsis: The Bergen Fire Department His- langt mer for å skaffe arbeid til alle, fastslår videre over Storskog og inn i Russland, ligheten for opprettelsen av et slikt museum.» torical Society has hoped to turn the fire station into rapporten, som identifisert tilgangen til rett- a museum for 80 years; now it may become a reality. melder NRK. — De har visum som har Et fremtidig museum skal ikke bare være ferdig og verdig arbeid som en av de aller gitt dem lovlig opphold i Russland. Noen viktigste faktorene til menneskelig utvikling. har såkalte multivisum, som lar dem reise Med et arbeidsliv i rask endring, preget inn og ut flere ganger, andre har en opp­ av globalisering og teknologiske fremskritt, holdstillatelse, sier prosjektleder Tor er UNDP bekymret for at utviklingen vil føre Espen Haga i Politiets utlendingsenhet Ny rekord for Kygo til større ulikhet mellom folk. (PU). 17. desember kveld var det 15 mi- Globalisering legger press på ar- nusgrader på Storskog. Ifølge NRKs opp­ Kygo topper suksess-året med å bli den raskeste beidernes rettigheter. Teknologiutvikling og lysninger har flere av personene som ble automatisering gjør at mange jobber forsvin- sendt over grensen, dårlig helse. artisten til én milliard avspillinger på Spotify ner. (VG) — Verdens land må sette arbeid i sen- Aftenposten trum for sine utviklingsmodeller. Rapporten Mannefall på arbeidsmarkedet går så langt som å antyde at nasjonale banker Det ble 25,000 flere arbeidsledige fra Tidligere i 2015 slo nordmannen strøm- kanskje ikke bare bør styre etter inflasjon- tredje kvartal i fjor til tredje kvartal i år. merekorden for flest avspillinger på én dag, smål, men også etter nivået av arbeidsløs­ 23,000 av dem, eller hele 92 prosent, er og i Spotifys oppsummering av musikkåret heten, sier Wandel. menn. Det viser tall fra Statistisk sentral- kapret han tre førsteplasser, melder NTB. Rapporten etterlyser en ny agenda for å byrå, skriver VG. Krisen i oljebransjen Det tok den bergenske DJ-en litt under sikre arbeideres rettigheter, velferd og ver- er i stor grad årsaken til at stadig flere ett år å nå én milliard avspillinger, meldte dighet over hele verden. menn mister jobben. — Det er der ned- selskapet 17. desember. Andre store artister, Rapporten etterlyser også en ny tekning gangen har startet—og slått ut sterkest. som soulsangeren Sam Smith, har brukt om- om hva som er arbeid. Frivillig arbeid, uløn- Dette er en næring som er dominert av trent to år på samme bragd. net omsorgsarbeid og kreativt arbeid må i menn, og dermed også en av grunnene Dermed kan den unge artisten plusse på langt større grad verdsettes enn i dag, slås til at ledigheten har vokst mye mer blant nok en triumf i det store Kygo-året 2015. det fast. menn enn blant kvinner, sier seksjonsled- — Jeg trives veldig godt med suksessen, er Helge Næsheim i Statistisk sentralbyrå. oppsummerte 24-åringen nylig i et intervju English Synopsis: Norway once again tops the UN’s Seniorforsker Knut Røed ved Frischsen- med Aftenposten. list of the best countries to live in. teret for samfunnsøkonomisk forskning Kygos første store sololåt «Firestone», ved Universitetet i tror at arbeidsle- akkompagnert av australske Conrad Sewells digheten vil merkes de fleste stedene i stemme, ble sluppet i desember i fjor. Siden Foto: Vegar Valde / BT / Aftenposten landet etter hvert. — Nå er det fortsatt har han fulgt opp suksessen med låten «Stole 2015 er Kygo-året. Abonner store regionale forskjeller, ledigheten er the Show» og den tredje egenproduserte san- lav og fallende i noen fylker, mens den gen «Nothing Left». I februar slipper Kygo sitt første album. på norsk er kraftig stigende i andre. Men de fleste Til Aftenposten sa han for noen uker — Jeg håper albumet mitt, som kommer forventer at virkningen av reduserte olje­ siden at det var vanskelig å trekke frem spe- om ikke altfor lenge, vil vise at jeg har større amerikansk ukentlig! priser vil slå inn på hele landet hvis man sielle høydepunkter. repertoar enn det jeg til nå har vist, sier han. ikke får inn mottiltak. Kygo trakk likevel frem festivalene Ul- Ring til (800) 305-0217 (Aftenposten) tra på Bali, Corona i Mexico, CRSSD i San English Synopsis: Norwegian musician and DJ Kygo Send e-post til Diego, Lollopalooza i Berlin og Bergensfest broke the record for the fastest artist to reach one bil- med eget Kygo-hotell. lion plays on the music streaming service Spotify. [email protected] Norwegian american weekly December 25, 2015 • 3 news from norway Swedes leave This week in brief Cabinet reshuffled Life in Norway ranked best for 12th year Conservative (H) Prime Norway as oil Norway has been ranked the world’s best country to live in for the twelfth year in a Minister row, in the annual benchmark report on boom ends human development published by the UN shakes up cabinet for Development Program. the first time since the Drawn in by high Jens Wandel, the Dane who heads salaries, young Swedes UNDP’s administrative department, told 2013 General Election NTB that Norway’s success in combin- are starting to go home ing solid income growth with a high level of equality had secured its world-leading Michael Sandelson The Local position. “Norway has over time man- The Foreigner aged to increase its income, and at the According to new figures from Statistics same time ensured that incomes are rela- The post-swapping, approved by HM Norway, between April and September more tively evenly distributed,” he said. King Harald V of Norway according to pro- than 2,000 Swedes left Norway, while only Norway is closely followed by Aus- cedure, is as follows: 1,800 moved to the country. If the downward tralia, Switzerland, , and the Fisheries Minister and newly-appointed trend continues through December, 2015 Netherlands, while its neighbors , Norwegian member of the Nordic Council will mark the first year since the millennium , and Russia lagged behind at 14, of Ministers, Elisabeth Aspaker, takes over that Norway has seen a net emigration of 24, and 50 respectively. At the bottom of for Conservative Party colleague Vidar Hel- Swedes. the list came Niger, Central African Re- gesen as Norway’s Minister of EU and EEA “Swedes are susceptible to changes in Photo: Torbjørn Tandberg / public, Eritrea, and Chad. Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. the Norwegian and Swedish labor markets,” Landbruks- og matdepartmentet / Flickr The report noted the considerable Tine Sundtoft, the Conservatives’ for- , new Minister of Immigration. explained Lars Ostby, a demographer at Sta- progress made on living standards world- mer Minister of Climate and Environment, tistics Norway. “When the arrows go up in wide since the report was first compiled who has been honorably discharged from her Party (FrP). Minister Listhaug is also now in Sweden and down in Norway, it affects mi- in 1990, with two billion people rising up Office, is replaced by Minister Helgesen. charge of integration affairs at the Ministry gration flows.” from the lowest development category. The new post of Minister of Immigra- of Children, Equality, and Social Inclusion. Swedes are the second largest immi- Wandel argued that for improvement tion and Integration has been created for Progress’s deputy leader, Per Sandberg grant group in Norway after the Poles, with to continue governments must focus on re- Sylvi Listhaug, Norway’s former Minister of MP, is now the Minister of Fisheries. 36,900 residents at the end of 2014, accord- ducing unemployment and valuing unpaid Agriculture and Food. Norwegian media initially announced ing to Statistics Norway. labor, particularly work done by women. She assumes responsibility for immi- on December 15 that he would be the new According to a report by the University According to the report, 52 percent of all gration-related matters at the Ministry of work worldwide is performed by women, Justice and Public Security for the Progress See > cabinet, page 15 See > swedes, page 7 but they only receive a third of the salaries. (The Local) “Alarming migrant and refugee A mountain between friends treatment,” Council of Europe says International cooperation is planned as What do you give the refugee and migrant flow across Eu- rope continues. the country that has “I am alarmed by the many reports of ill-treatments of migrants and refugees everything? Why not across Europe today. Migrants and refu- gees in Council of Europe member states a mountain peak? have the same fundamental rights as any- one else under the European Convention The Local on Human Rights (ECHR),” said COE Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland in a A Facebook campaign has been statement. launched for Norway to give their flat Finn- Norwegian Jagland will appoint a ish neighbor a mountain that would become Special Representative on Migration and its new highest peak as a gift for the cente- Refugees in light of recent reports of hu- nary of its independence. man rights violations in Europe. The rep- The campaign, “Halti as an anniversary resentative’s role will be to collect and gift,” has won the support of the head of the Photos: (left) Lars Holme / Peakbagger.com, (right) Halti som jubileumsgave / Facebook analyze information on the human rights Norwegian Mapping Authority and been Left: Finland’s current highest point, which is also a border marker with Norway on the slope leading situation of migrants and refugees. De- warmly received in Finland, where one com- to Halti. The peak, if added to Finland, would become its highest point. tails from the fact-finding mission will mentator claimed the gesture “would be re- Right: The proposed minor change to the map is shown above, center. enable the Council of Europe to provide membered for a thousand years.” support for member states. “The aim of the site is to see how many by drawing a line 200 m north and 150 m to Harsson, 75, said he had the idea back The representative will liaise with in- Norwegians are interested in giving Finland the east, would bring Finland a new highest in 1972 when he was flying along the bor- ternational partners, including the UN Ref- the peak of the Halti mountain, which is 20 peak, while losing Norway just 0.015 square der taking measurements. “I was taken aback ugee Agency (UNHCR), the International meters within our borders, as an anniversary kilometers. by why on earth they had not received this Organization for Migration (IOM), UNI- gift in 2017,” the campaigners wrote at the “Isn’t it a creative idea?” Bjørn Geirr peak,” he said. CEF, the EU, and EU agency FRONTEX. launch of the campaign site on Facebook on Harsson, the retired employee of the Nor- Although Harsson admitted to having “We have an obligation to protect December 8. wegian Mapping Authority who dreamed up had the idea, he said he did not use Facebook their [migrants’ and refugees’] rights, At 1,365 m, Halti does not even make the the proposal, told NRK when they contacted and suspected his son had put up the page. and, together with our international part- list of Norway’s highest 200 peaks. But even him this week. On Decmber 9 Harsson sent an email ner organizations, we need to address one of its lowly lower spurs, Hálditšohkka, is “We would not have to give away any to Anne Cathrine Frøstrup, the head of the violations where and when they occur,” the highest point in Finland, at 1,324 m. part of Norway. It would barely be notice- Norwegian Mapping Authority, his former Thorbjørn Jagland stated. Simply adding a triangular addition to able. And I’m sure the Finns would greatly Norway, which now has a new Min- See Mountain, page 7 the border between Norway and Finland, appreciate getting it,” he said. > istry of Immigration and Integration and has recently upped border controls, has This week’s news from Norway is brought to you through partnerships with: received some 30,110 applications for asylum so far this year (latest figures). The Council of Europe has previ- ously censured Norway for failing to help migrants sufficiently. (Sarah Bostock & Michael Sandelson / www.thelocal.no & theforeigner.no The Foreigner) 4 • December 25, 2015 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes Statoil offering severance packages to transaction is expected to close by the end Social Hub wins big all 22,500 employees of 2015, pending satisfaction of customary Statoil posted the news on their intranet on legal conditions. Socius curates social media to tell the story of December 15, informing their employees “As the world’s largest producer of an event inside a stylish, user-friendly design that all employees would receive an offer to mineral fertilizer, we believe strongly in the apply for severance packages. Previous prac- prospects of California’s farmers and - tice in complying with necessary workforce ers. This planned acquisition emphasizes our reductions has been severance packages to commitment to the region’s agricultural mar- groups and departments within the company. ket,” says Jørgen C. Arentz Rostrup, Presi- Statoil is now offering severance pack- dent of Yara North America. ages to all employees. Statoil currently em- The West Sacramento terminal will ploys 22,000 people in 38 countries around provide Yara with greater market access to the world. The aim is a reduction of 1,500 Northern California and its intensive agricul- employees by 2016 in addition to a reduc- tural market. The newly-acquired site will be tion of 500 temporary employees by the end used as an import terminal for finished prod- of 2016. According to the annual report, the ucts and complements Yara’s terminals in San workforce was reduced by 1,900 employees Diego, Stockton, and Port Hueneme. The lo- during 2014. gistical advantages of this strategically impor- (Norway Post / Statoil) tant asset will improve Yara’s customer ser- vice, reduce truck transit times, conserve fuel, Yara agrees to acquire Sacramento and enhance overall logistical efficiencies. terminal “We believe that our broad portfolio of value-adding crop nutrients and commodi- Yara has signed an agreement to acquire the ties are well-suited to meet the needs and assets of West Sacramento Nitrogen Opera- challenges faced by California’s agricultural tions from Agrium for a purchase price of communities,” says Rostrup. “Yara is com- USD 27 million. Yara will utilize the loca- mitted to helping North American farmers Photo courtesy of Socius tion as an import terminal for finished prod- improve crop yields, crop quality, and crop Founders Daniel Butler and Frode Jensen. ucts, optimizing the site within the total foot- profitability.” print of Yara’s West Coast operations. The (Yara) Rasmus Falck Last spring Socius moved back to Nor- Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance Oslo, Norway way to get financing. Since they did not speak German it was useless to try in Ger- (Dec. 18, 2015) Winners Losers At the New York Fashion Week, the many. They entered the first Angel Challenge Norsk Kr. 8.7493 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Norwegian startup Socius was promoted held in Norway. This is a workshop-based Dansk Kr. 6.8824 Funcom 0.99 15.12% Reach Subsea 1.60 -15.79% by Victoria Beckham and Cara Delevingne. program for angel investors and startups. Norwegian Energy Co. 20.00 14.29% Oceanteam Shipping 3.50 -14.63% The results were that one million images and For seven evenings, 20 angel investors work Svensk Kr. 8.5735 EMGS 136.20 -9.68% Petrolia 4.80 11.63% videos of the fashion week were shared on together on investor analysis of a handful Islandsk Kr. 130.95 StrongPoint 15.50 8.01% TPS-NOPEC 5.62 -8.34% social media. Socius’s Hub has become the promising startups. The startups are compet- Canadian $ 1.3939 RenoNorden 35.80 5.60% GC Rieber Shipping 0.27 -7.26% place to follow this exclusive event online. ing for a final investment of over 1 million Euro 0.9224 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Socius makes it easy for brands to deliver en- NOK. gaging online stories. They let brands curate In December the champion of the first and display the best content being shared Angel Challenge was crowned. It was a close about them in social media onto their own race between five great startups, but the win- stylized Social Hub. ner was Socius. Not only did they receive Behind the company is an international the investment of 1.3 million NOK, but also team. They all have branding and advertis- 26 investors with tons of experience on the ing backgrounds and have produced digital team. According to the jury the winner has a Sealift Inc. campaigns for brands over the last decade strong team and the company is entering into across the Nordic countries. The company an already existing global market with a new was born when they created the first-ever so- innovative service and solution. • Ship Owners • cial hub for the New York Fashion Week in Startup Norway works to help Norwe- 2012, taking content from Twitter, Tumblr, gian startups grow and scale internationally, and Instagram and uniting it into a stylish by increasing attention towards our region • Ship & Cargo Brokers • user-friendly design. from international investors, media, and po- The entrepreneurs, Daniel Butler and tential customers. They initiated the Angel Frode Jensen, met at MESH in Oslo and re- Challenge. located to Berlin. From there they set up U.S. We need more private capital that also • Steamship Agents • operations in New York with some important comes with competence and experience to customers. The entrepreneurs proudly say help new entrepreneurs establish and scale that the company is driven by Scandinavian innovative companies! design. They were then contacted by Axel Rasmus Falck is a strong Springer, one of Europe’s largest multimedia innovation and entrepre- brands, which had picked them to pitch for a neurship advocate. The au- chance to be one of the 19 startups included thor of “What do the best in their Plug And Play accelerator program. do better” and “The board Six months later they were co-hosting a huge of directors as a resource Fashion’s Night Out party in N.Y. By the end in SME,” he received his of the week they had curated over 200,000 masters degree from the Fashion Week moments and published University of Wisconsin-Madison. He currently around 7,000 of the best. lives in Oslo, Norway. The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM 68 West Main Street, Oyster Bay, New York 11771 Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Phone: (516) 922-1000 Fax: (516) 922-6526 Streaming live on the internet at: www.sealiftinc.com E-mail: [email protected] www.1150kknw.com norwegian american weekly December 25, 2015 • 5 sports Teaching ancient Norwegian skiing Chinese Ma Liqin introduces Norwegians to the old ways during the Lom Ski Festival

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

To celebrate the start of the ski season, Oppland county hosts the Lom Ski Festi- val each November. For many, the festival marks the first ski of the winter and provides a good excuse to share the experience with others. Locals gather for courses on ski mak- ing and skiing history, ski tours to Sognefjel- let, concerts, and more. This year, the locals were joined by special guests from China to learn about the ancient method of skiing. One of those guests was 38-year-old Ma Liqin, considered to be an ancient skiing hero. He belongs to the only group of people still using this old method, who live in the Altai Mountains, a range located at the in- tersection of China, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Mongolia. He was joined by a delegation of six others from China to view the ancient skis found in the area and teach Norwegians about the technique. This ancient skiing method features wide, wooden skis atop a layer of fur and a Photos: Espen Finstad / Oppdal Fylkeskommune single pole. While this old method was re- Above: Ma Liqin demonstrates the old method of skiing on wood and fur skis, using placed by modern skiing in Norway in the only one pole. 1800s, those living in the Altai Mountains Left: Closeup of the skis and bindings. continue to use these skis daily for hunting and transportation. “There’s starting to be some attention around the peoples who still use wooden skis, and one can wonder how long the tra- en Jiashan, spoke about the skiing culture in snow,” he continued. ing history, and it led us to the Altai Moun- dition has been preserved. The skiing tech- the Altai Mountains. He previously studied According to Finstad, the cultural ex- tains in the Xingjian province of China.” nique is very attached to the traditional life in Norway and wrote his master’s thesis on change between Jotunheimen and the Altai At the start of the New Year, a group of of hunting, trapping, and reindeer herding, the ski culture in Northern China. Mountains was initiated last year after Opp­ Norwegian skiers will be traveling to China and we do not know how long this activity “It is a skill that is inherited for genera- land archaeologists found a well-preserved to participate in a competition held in the will be kept alive,” said Oppland’s county tions from father to son. It is common that ski with binding in a melting glacier. The Altai Mountains on January 2 and 3. Using archaeologist Espen Finstad to VG. fathers make skis for their children,” he said. ski is estimated to date back 1,300 years only traditional equipment, participants have “We may have a 10,000 year-long ski- “Most people learn this skiing technique and is very similar to the skis used in the Al- to use this skiing method to travel through ing history in the world where we skied this when they are children. Many people learn tai Mountains to this day, proving that this 100 kilometers of forests and mountains way. Gaining knowledge about the tradition to ski when they learn to walk. It is a region method once existed in Norway as well. over two days. Hopefully the lessons during is to illuminate a long skiing history—it is a with a lot of snow, and there aren’t devel- “This is the only ski from Norwegian the Lom Ski Festival prepared them for this window into the past,” he added. oped roads everywhere. It is convenient to history that is preserved with binding,” says challenge! One of the other Chinese visitors, Ayik- use skis to get around the large amounts of Finstad. “We began to get interested in ski-

Sports News & Notes

Football: Molde to face Sevilla in 18. Kjetil Jansrud was second, while Alek- Round of 32 sander Aamodt Source was number three for Molde has exceeded expectations in the Eu- a completely Norwegian podium. “A crazy ropa League this fall. The club won Group A Norwegian day! Never before have three of the Europa League with three wins, two Norwegians topped the podium in a super- draws, and one loss for eleven points, two G race. Fantastic!” said NRK commentator more than Fenerbahçe. Ajax was third with Andreas Toft. seven points, while Celtic finished last with (NRK) three points. Molde’s 1-1 tie with Ajax on Dec. 10 Football: Gullballen nominees secured the group victory, meaning that the Alexander Tettey, Omar Elabdellaoui, and club has now equaled Rosenborg’s record for Ada Stolsmo Hegerberg are nominated for points in the Europa League. the Gullballen, writes NTB. The prize is The group victory also resulted in MFK awarded at the Idrettsgalla, which this year being seeded in the Dec. 14 draw, which de- will be held in Lillehammer on January 9. (NRK) termined that Molde will meet Sevilla in the LOOK AT HOW INSURANCE Europa League Round of 32 on Feb. 18 and CHECKUP Feb. 25. Sevilla is currently in seventh place Auto Racing: Historic victory for Strømøy YOUR LIFE HAS CHANGED! in La Liga and is considered to be among Marit Strømøy from Sandefjord became the the toughest teams for Molde to meet. The first woman to have won a Formula 1 race Families grow, kids leave for college, “Mom” becomes “Nanna” and retirement becomes reality. All along the way, Insurance products issued or offered by Spanish team is the defending champion in when she won the last boat races in the F1 Thrivent Financial, the marketing name your protection needs are changing. for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Europa League. H2O World Championship in the United Appleton, WI. Not all products are Make sure your coverage is keeping pace with your life. available in all states. Thrivent Financial (NRK / Aftenposten) Arab Emirates on Dec. 18. This is one of the Schedule an Insurance Checkup with a Thrivent Financial representatives are licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For few sports where men and women compete representative or visit Thrivent.com/checkup. additional important information, visit Alpine Skiing: Triple Norwegian podium on equal terms. Marit Strømøy was the first Thrivent.com/disclosures. Aksel Lund Svindal won his fourth World woman to compete in Formula 1 in 2007. Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 • Cup victory in the super-G race on Dec. (Norway Post / NRK) 28507NBC N10-15 6 • December 25, 2015 norwegian american weekly opinion

Musings from Norway & Norwegian America Puzzles by Sölvi Dolland Food for Thought Join the conversation! Solution to “Jul i mange land” The dog ate my lefse

Judith Vinje Los Angeles

I had just returned home from some last-minute Christmas shopping when I noticed some startling pieces of debris on my lawn. Having three dogs—a 100-pound white Husky, a medium-sized white Spitz, and our new puppy, eight-month- old Rocky—I was fairly accustomed to occasionally seeing the flotsam and -jet sam of daily life strewn over my lawn. Most of the time, it is harmless. Nothing more than having to stoop over Norwenglish Crossword and pick up the shreds of something they dragged out of the recycle bin. Empty water bottles. Tinfoil wrappers. A mess, Solution to puzzle #8: but just trash. Nothing to cry about. But lefse? That was something dif- Photo: Judith Gabrriel Vinje ferent. Shame or satiety? This bad doggie has a belly full of Christmas spirit in the form of lefse. For three quarters of a century, noth- ing has been more important to me at produce almost 600 packages a day. And it is the grandchildren, and their mates all Christmas time than lefse. For decades, really quality lefse, soft, fragrant, and tasty want good, tasty, soft, fragrant, pliable my Norwegian sainted grandmother with a perfect scattering of the light brown lefse. Something I just can’t seem to pro- made it, mailing it across the country to spots that make it so distinctive. duce. It wouldn’t be Christmas without her nine children and their families. I ordered mine, and eagerly awaited the lefse. When she passed, my mother and promised delivery of my Christmas lefse. I phoned in a complaint to the par- I learned to make it—passable, but no- And then yesterday, the shipment ar- cel delivery service. The nice girl on the where near the heavenly soft, fragrant rived. phone apologized profusely, but she was moon rounds MorMor made. It came all right. Returning home from just an employee handling phone calls And when I was left alone to make shopping, I was aghast to see what was from irate customers. I didn’t want to be- lefse, life took on a new challenge, one strewn over my yard. The box from Montana come irate over such beloved food, so I that I was not always up to. Some years lay tattered in shreds on the lawn. Pieces of just calmly told her my story. She seemed Norsk-Engelsk Kryssord I made lefse with instant mashed pota- cellophane packaging were strewn about. to understand, and told me that the lefse toes (something my Norwegian buddies One pack contained a few tattered pieces company should ask for a refund. told me was terrible to do). Other years I of lefse. The Husky was lying down with a She agreed the box shouldn’t have Solution to last week’s puzzle: started from scratch, with varying results, more than satiated expression on her face. been dropped over the fence, especially from limp flying saucers to record disk The Spitz wagged his tail nervously, and the with three very noisy dogs barking loud- type rounds. puppy just kept snatching up pieces of ripped ly, as they would for any who came near. Then I discovered mail-order lefse. cellophane. So now I will stand guard at the gate Yes, there are a few of them in the coun- At first I was in shock, disbelief. This on the day the new package is set to ar- try, but the one I found happens to be the couldn’t be happening! The thought of rive. And it will be worth it. Christmas official lefse-maker for Norsk Høstfest. Christmas Eve dinner without lefse sent a without lefse is unthinkable. Granrud’s Lefse Shack is located in chill down my spine. Don’t tell me this is what I get for not Opheim, Montana, a town where 33% of It turned out that I was able to re-order making my own. It is just as Norwegian to the total population of 280 is Norwegian. my lefse, although it will cost an arm and a know that there is a small company in the To make the lefse, 10 people work togeth- leg to have it delivered in time for Christmas plains that is thriving because so many of er, peeling and cooking, mixing, , Eve dinner. us still crave our national mainstay. Long rolling, frying, and packaging. They can But it is something I must do. The kids, live lefse! And keep the dogs away.

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. G G ive a little... et a little!A gift for... Psst! NAW Norwegians can be so hard to Name: makes a buy for! But NAW has the perfect Address: great gift! solution. This Christmas, when you City/State/Zip: give a six-month subscription ($35), Email: From... we’ll give you a gift: one month

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Skaftun [email protected] Krumkaker We’ll do a little Googling if something seems Editorial Assistant off, but otherwise our policy is to trust that Molly Jones [email protected] Dear Editor, our writers know their stuff. This instance Taste of Norway Editor NAW notes 1000 year old cookie? This is patently didn’t make my error sense tingle until you Daytona Strong [email protected] Happy New Year! wrong! There is no evidence whatsoever that brought it up. But since you mention it... Advertising Wow, 2015 was a hard year waffles, goro, or krumkake goes more than A few minutes online indicates that the Drew Gardner [email protected] here at NAW. But it’s almost 200 years old. They did not have the irons earliest waffle irons were used in the Low Subscriptions over! Since we won’t see you required, nor stoves, prior to this. It is simply Countries in the 13th century, and that they John Erik Stacy [email protected] again until 2016, we’ll just have wrong. One cannot make waffles, goro, or were indeed held over a fire with long wood- to wish you a happy New Year a krumkake over a hearth! covered handles. I haven’t found any photos Contributors little early. Here’s to a fresh start! Sincerely, of artifacts, but there are many of “camping” Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Skål! Hakon B. Vinje waffle irons, which I take as proof of concept. Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. Norwegian Language Institute Granted, that’s only 800 years ago, and Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Week off New York, N.Y. the waffle concept surely took some time to M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway Because we at NAW are on make it to Norway and become krumkaker, Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. Daughters of Norway Members Various break right now, you will not re- Dear Hakon, so we are still probably wrong. But I did Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. ceive a paper on January 1. We’ll You bring up a very fair point about our learn something. Thank you! Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway be back in your mailboxes on or newspaper, which is that we don’t have the Sincerely, Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. around the 8th (USPS-willing). time or staff to do thorough fact-checking. Editor Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Rosalie Grangaard Grosch Arden Hills, Minn. leaving as it was now easier to save money Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. < mountain < swedes Kari Heistad Edina, Minn. From page 3 From page 3 working in Sweden. “Although I earn a few Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. thousand more a month here than at home, the Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. employer, making the proposal. of Oslo’s Frisch Centre, roughly a fifth of all cost of life is almost double,” she said. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. “I must say that I think it’s a very good workers in Norway between the age of 17 “Over the past year the demand for la- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. idea,” she told NRK. “It is a nice gift to give and 25 were Swedes in 2013—a twenty-fold bor in Norway has been much lower, while Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. to a country that lacks a high mountain, increase on the 1,300 working in the country demand has been very high in Sweden,” Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. where the highest point isn’t even a peak,” in 1990. Harald Magnus Andreassen, the chief Nor- Darin Lietz Seattle, Wash. she said. The trend of Swedes moving to Norway way economist for Sweden’s Swedbank, told Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Finns commenting on the Facebook page to work, which peaked between 2011 and Aftenposten. Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. have been overwhelmed with the gesture. 2014, was even the subject of the award- “At the same time, wages in Norway are Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. “This would be the coolest thing ever!!!!” winning Swedish film Svenskjävel (“Under- worth less compared to those in Sweden be- David Moe Sun City, Calif. wrote Harri Nieminen from Tampere. dog” in English), which follows a Swedish cause of the exchange rate.” David Nikel , Norway Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. “The Norwegians would make history au pair who has an affair with her Norwegian There have never been more vacancies Finn Roed West Bloomfield, Mich. and become heroes not just in Finland but in employer. than there are now in Sweden. There is sim- Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho the whole world!” wrote Jyrki Veranen. Jennie Borg (27), an IT worker, told Nor- ply much less reason to go to Norway,” An- John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. way’s Aftenposten newspaper that she was dreassen added. Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. Hjalmar Norwegian American Weekly strives to make by Nils Axle Kanten its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publica- tion of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942- 1389) is published weekly except the first week of January, the week after Easter, the last week of July, and the first two weeks of August by Nor- wegian American Weekly, INC. 7301 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, Wash. and at additional mailing When we were young we Youngsters nowadays offices. • POSTMASTER: Please send address didn’t have TV! We played in just sit on the computer Damn lucky pigs! changes to Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 the woods and built huts! and surf the internet! 5th Ave NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US $212 to Norway and all other foreign Han Ola og Han Per by Peter J. Rosendahl, with new translations by John Erik Stacy countries. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten

Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven


Work during the day and guests at Look to see, Per, if they Hurry up and hide the gold, « Hurry up, Ola, they’re have a rope in the car and Per, there comes a car! night. Sour weeks, happy parties! » beginning to wake up! I’ll tie up the whole bunch. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I am not afraid of that. By Jiminy, they have our gold! 8 • December 25, 2015 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Invite a cozy feeling with warm gløgg Red wine, akevitt, and a medley of spices create a festive holiday beverage

Daytona Strong Norwegian American Weekly

This time of year nothing says koselig more than flickering candles, tins of buttery cookies to tuck into, and the aromas of warm spices wafting from the kitchen, where a pot of gløgg sits on the stove. Essentially a , Scandinavian gløgg is less sweet than its relatives from other parts of the world. It is deeply spiced and bolstered by a generous pour of akevitt. Typically served with raisins and almonds in each cup, I have added dried figs, a tip I learned from Anna Brones, coauthor of Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break. The figs add a lovely, subtle flavor along with the satisfying bite of akevitt-soaked fruit at the bottom of each cup. I’m keeping my Christmas decorations minimal this year, bringing out some well- chosen favorites and focusing primarily on the senses of the season and the feelings they evoke. Strings of lights draping throughout the house, candles set up on mantles, stock- ings, and a scattering of Scandinavian red cre- ate a cozy ambiance, one that makes me want to slow down and linger, to savor this fleeting time that comes but once a year. The pot of gløgg awaits the friends we welcome through our doors with its aromas of cinnamon, carda- mom, cloves, and wine. Its warm spices must Gløgg beckon, an invitation to come in from the cold and to warm bodies and hearts with good food 1 1/2 cups akevitt 2-inch piece of orange peel and beverages and the company of friends. Photos: Daytona Strong 1/4 cup raisins 1 (750 ml) bottle red wine, such as And that, to me, is the definition of hospitality. Nothing says “koselig” like a warm cup of gløgg. 8 dried figs, quartered cabernet sauvignon 3 cinnamon sticks 2 tbsps. sugar 10 green cardamom pods 1/4 cup blanched or slivered almonds 2 tsps. whole cloves

Pour akevitt into a jar along with raisins, figs, cinnamon sticks, cardamom pods, cloves, and orange peel. Cover and let steep overnight, giving a good swirl now and then. After about 12 hours, strain the mixture, reserving the spices and fruit. You can make it ahead up to this point or proceed immediately to the next steps (in which case you need not strain the akevitt). When ready to heat the gløgg, combine akevitt, wine, sugar, and the reserved spices and fruit in a medium saucepan over low heat. Cover and let it slowly warm up for about half an hour, checking on it and giving it a stir and a taste now and then to see how the flavors are developing. Be patient and keep a gentle heat—you don’t want it to boil, or even really sim- mer for that matter. When the gløgg is hot and the flavors have developed and mingled, add the almonds. To serve, ladle into mugs, adding raisins, figs, and almonds to each. Serves six. Note: If you’re going to keep the gløgg on the stove for an extended period of time, per- haps serving it throughout the evening, you might want to remove the cloves, and maybe the cardamom and orange peel too, so that the spices don’t get too strong. If you happen to have leftovers, strain into a bottle or jar. Reheat on the stove when ready to serve again.

Daytona Strong is the Norwegian American Weekly’s Taste of Norway editor. She writes about her fam- ily’s Norwegian heritage through the lens of food at her Scandinavian food blog, www.outside-oslo.com. Find her on Facebook (www.facebook.com/Out- sideOslo), Twitter (@daytonastrong), Pinterest (@ daytonastrong), and Instagram (@daytonastrong). Hungry for more Norway?

Photo: TINE Mediebank Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] to get 47 recipes every year (and the rest of the newspaper too). norwegian american weekly December 25, 2015 • 9 travel Haute Route Jotunheimen: The Throne Hall of the Mountain Gods

Photos courtesy of Johan Wildhagen / Clockwise from top: Climbing above Gjende Lake. Downhill from Besshø Peak, with Gjende Lake in the background. The start of the climb up from Glitterheim Lodge.

M. Michael Brady Asker, Norway

In the winter of 2012, Norwegian ad- the Mountain Gods.” This aspect has been English Channel, and from 1912 on, English gen, the two highest mountains in Norway, venture skiers Stian Hagen and Johan Wild- celebrated by generations of writers and writers began using it. Why the English so to end five days later at the Krossbu Lodge. hagen had just finished an ascent of Toubkal, poets. The deeds of the Jötnar influenced readily embraced the French name most like- In the winter of 2014-2015, along with a peak in southwestern Morocco, the loftiest the themes of the four operas that make up ly was due to the warming of Anglo-French other adventure skiers, Hagen and Wildha- of the Atlas Mountains of North Africa. Hav- Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen. relations of the time. Railroads had brought gen test skied the route. Aside from the ease ing done the classics of European mountain- Most famed in Norway was playwright Hen- Paris closer to , and travelers flocked of skiing at about half the elevation of the eering, they then wondered “what’s next?” rik Ibsen, who had braggart roam in both directions across the English Chan- original Haute Route in France and Switzer- Inspiration struck. Elephant in the liv- the Jotunheimen to leap astride a reindeer nel. Moreover, Haute Route was shorter and land, they reported some significant advan- ing room! They had been ignoring their from the Besseggen Ridge into Gjende Lake more easily dropped into casual conversa- tages. Anyone who has skied the Alps will childhood experiences of hiking summer below. tion upon returning from a hiking vacation in enjoy the renowned stillness of the Jotun- trails and skiing winter ski routes in the Jo- The designation haute route came into the Alps. With time, Haute Route became the heimen. Even on the busiest of days, there tunheimen, the contiguous mountain ranges English somewhat by accident. In the mid generic term for a traverse at high elevation seldom are queues of skiers going anywhere. of southern Norway that include the coun- 19th century, Englishmen of means flocked through mountains, the pièce de résistance of Moreover, the staffed lodges along the try’s loftiest peaks. They would go home to to the Continent to explore the Alps and then traverses on foot in summer and on skis in route—Gjendesheim, Memurubu, Glitterhe- the Jotunheimen and there put together an to return to England to write travelogues of winter. im, Spiterstulen, Leirvassbu, and Krossbu— haute route, a multi-day, high-elevation ski their adventures. One such travelogue was The Haute Route Jotunheimen envi- are more comfortable than their counterparts traverse. Though new, the thought merely “The High Level Glacier Route from Cham- sioned by Stian Hagen and Johan Wildhagen in the Alps. connected two aspects of outdoor life, each onix to Zermatt,” published in 1862 in Pass- now is being set up in cooperation with the famed in its own right. es and Glaciers, a publication of the Alpine Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT). It For further information, visit the Haute The Jotunheimen takes its name from Club, founded in 1857 in London. starts at Gjendesheim, a large DNT staffed Route Jotunheimen website at høgrutajo- the Jotun, in turn from the Old Norse Jöt- In 1911, French skiers reported the lodge at the east end of Gjende Lake. From tunheimen.no (at this writing, in Norwegian nar, a race of giant gods that live in one of first traverse of the same route on skis. Un- there, the route goes in stages of about 10 only; pages in English will soon be acces- the nine worlds of Norse cosmology. Lit- derstandably, they wrote in French and so miles a day over Glittertind and Galdhøpig- sible on the website). erally, “Jotunheimen” from the Old Norse shunned the longer name in English. They just Jötunheimr, translates to “Home of the gi- called it Haute Route, literally “High Route.” ants,” but more poetically to “Throne hall of That simple name traveled back across the Academic Achievement & International Goodwill June 25 - August 5, 2016

got lutefisk? Photo: UiO, Mantas Grigaliunas

Do you have a lutefisk dinner coming up? Send the info for our event calendar to [email protected]. uio.no/summerschool ∙ [email protected] ∙ (800) 639-0058 10 • December 25, 2015 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections

Norwegian American Weekly

Astri Juul Dominick Kent WA Nils Gimse Tacoma WA Photo of the Week Paul Glugvatshaug Mosjøen Norway Anne Halvorsen Isfjorden Norway Jenny Hodnefield Mossbank SK Canada

2. januar Nikolina Dismore Manorville NY Olav Hoyven Salem OR 25. desember Mikkal Mikkalsen Seattle WA Melvin Bellerud Auburn WA Gunvald Vallestad Petersburg AK Hans Olaf Hanson Irene SD Terje Lande Westfield NJ 3. januar Ruth Straume Federal Way WA Bernhard Bjornsen Plentywood MT Marilyn S. Henriksen Seattle WA 26. desember Paul Loken Benbrook TX Thorleif Kongsberg Milford NJ Jan Mark Lucas St. Paul MN Thelma Mears Seattle WA Alfred (Fred) Mathisen Wilmington NC Jim Plasik Shoreview MN Dorothy Thompson Corning CA Clifford Sjursen Marlboro NJ 4. januar 27 desember Martha Solberg Bayne Seattle WA Marjorie Dexheimer York PA Aase Brynestad Oak Ridge TN John Erickson Minneapolis MN Anne Eliassen Ft Pierce FL Bob Fornes Manalapa NJ Don Johnson Morra MN Jørgen Høyen Chicago IL Carl Lien Tacoma WA Photo: Al Benson Jacob Lange Santa Ana CA Jennie Martinson Warren MN Yorkville, Ill., resident Ken Johnson, left, portrayed Julenisse, Norway’s Santa, at St. Olaf Georgia Rosendahl Spring Grove MN Verna Randall Everett WA Lutheran Church in Montgomery, on Dec. 6. Johnson, president of Polar Star Lodge 5-472, Carl Rude Reseda CA Sons of Norway, distributed gifts to children after a luncheon, yule-tree trimming, and singing 28. desember Aaron Jarnagin Sequim WA around the tree. Included was a gift exchange for adults. Festivities highlighted the lodge’s John Abrahamsen Los Angeles CA annual Juletrefest, a traditional Norwegian Christmas celebration. Kåre Dalen Mt. Bethel PA 5. januar Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Gunnar Heistein Santa Clara CA Valborg Andersen Little Silver NJ Ina Soros New Westminster BC Canada Astrid Bergford Aliso Viejo CA Email [email protected] or mail your photo with photo credit and caption. T. Stamsos Lewistown MT LaVerna Christenson Ledgewood ND Dagmar Gubrud Tower City ND 29. desember Gunhild Hemken Ft. Myers FL Leif Ekroll Seattle WA Anny Motland Hommersvik Norway Andreas Garnes Columbus OH Michael I. Ofjord Minneapolis MN WWII hero honored Louise Gehsmann Morristown NJ Margaret Parsons Edina MN John A. Loken Bradenton FL Helen Rodi Benson MN Karin Lima Løberg Edmonds WA Earl Sivesind Claysprings AZ Colleen Ward-Dummer Cambridge MN 6. januar 30. desember Carl Bell Madison WI A. J. Alberg Patterson CA Hilda Braaten San Diego CA Annie Grethe Houser Phoenix AZ Lillian Bølstad Oviedo FL Tina Lapham Edmonds WA Olga Hauge Seattle WA Jenny Pettersen Mountain Home AR Leif Herskedal San Bruno CA Elsa Nilsen Thompson Albany NY Martha Johanson Seattle WA Rebecca McCreadie Bothell WA 31. desember Bjørg Sørum Rognstad Helen Arnstdatter-Olsen Bear Lake MI Brumunddal Norway Hjørdis Foss Seattle WA Wayne Thompson Tigard OR Liv Mahlum Seattle WA Tor Virding Vancouver BC Canada Carl Nelson Staughton WI Novia Chellstopr Werno Elkhart IN Ruth Olsen Hastings MN Edna Rasmussen Hayward CA 7. januar Fritz Støver Lynnwood WA Marie Dahl Staten Island NY Berit Laila Virding Raymond Nereng Blair WI Maple Ridge BC Canada Otto A. Ofjord Titusville FL Malla Ofstun Soldiers Grove WI 1. januar Gerald Sime Duluth MN Kristina Dale Lacey WA

Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? Photos courtesy of Jens Inge Egeland Email [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617. Must be submitted one month in advance. Above: From left to right: Retired Lieutenant NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! Colonel Bob O’Neal, his wife Ragnhild, Jens Inge Egeland, retired Master Seargent Cliff Magnus- sen, man of the hour Gunnar Horgen, his wife Sonja, and her daughter Heidi Johnsen. MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Left: A close-up of the medal, which reads, “Nor- way thanks you for your efforts.”

Attorneys and counselors at law Staff of Normandy. Norwegian American Weekly For his service during the war, Hogen has already received the War Medal, Par- Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, At a ceremony in Tacoma, Wash., Gun- ticipant Medal, and Haakon VII’s 70 years commercial transactions and estate planning. nar Horgen was awarded the Commemora- Medal. This new honor is the Commemora- tive Medal on December 1 for his service to tive Medal, which is given out only in 2015 Norway during the war. to honor WWII heroes who are still with us. 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Horgen was born on Slagen farm near Horgen’s friend Cliff Magnussen, who Tønsberg, Norway, in 1920. He was a sailor is a retired Master Seargent and fellow Nor- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 and went ashore in Philadelphia in 1942, vol- wegian American, nominated him for the unteering to go to gunner school in Dumbar- award and was given the honor of presenting ton, Scotland. After completing his training, it in a small ceremony in the chapel of the he sailed on several Merchant Marine ves- Tacoma Lutheran retirement home, where thank you for reading the Weekly! tusen takk sels and participated in the D-Day invasion Horgen resides. norwegian american weekly December 25, 2015 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Inga Haugen Johnson Dickson January 10, 1920 – December 11, 2015 Staying in touch Inga Haugen Johnson Dickson, 95, at Mesa Lutheran Hospital until she retired of Rochester, formerly of Williston, N.D., in 1986. In February 1987, she married This Christmas I enjoyed receiving happens as they hear the story of the child passed away Friday night, Dec. 11, 2015, at John Dickson from Williston in Mesa, Ariz. many Christmas cards and letters from born in a manger and the promise of peace Charter House in Rochester. John passed away in 1991. Inga moved to family and friends. Often there was a per- on earth. Just hearing this great good news Inga Christine Haugen was born Jan. 10, Hutchinson, Kan., in 2001 to be near her sonal note attached to a family photo or a and remembering the breadth of God’s 1920, on the family homestead south of Al- family. In 2003, she moved to Grand Forks, newsy letter. Reading these notes had the love helps reconnect them with God. exander, N.D., to Lars and Christine (Dahl) N.D., and then to Rochester in 2008 where effect of reconnecting me to their love and Staying in touch stands at the heart Haugen. She attended St. Joseph’s School of she resided at Charter House until her death. concern. It was a very good feeling. Often, of relationships in this life. By exchang- Nursing in Minot, N.D., and went to work at She is survived by her son, Dr. Robert I was able to return my own personal note ing notes this Christmas I was able to re- the Williston, N.D., hospital, where she met (Judy) Johnson, Grand Forks, N.D.; daugh- which further heightened the sense of con- establish some connections with friends Dr. Alan Kron Johnson. They were married in ter, Dr. Margaret (Dr. Fred) North, Rochester; nectedness with loved ones. Connecting who had nearly disappeared from my life. 1943. They lived in Chicago and Los Angeles, grandchildren, Traci (Arno) Krischik, Sis- with the people who care about us warms Staying connected to God also means where he completed his medical training and ters, Ore.; Kristine (Richard) Myers, Greeley, our hearts and strengthens us as we live staying in touch. It involves staying in she worked as a nurse. Upon completion, they Colo.; Tiffany (Ty) Parker, Durango, Colo.; out each day. touch with the stories and message of the returned to Williston, where they raised their Dr. Alan (Katy) Johnson, Grand Forks, N.D.; In a similar way, many people often Bible, a message that gives us so much joy three children. Inga was active in Eastern Star Stephanie Johnson, San Diego, Calif.; Greg feel the need to be reconnected to God. and peace. I hope this Christmas you had and was Mother Advisor for Rainbow Girls. Johnson, Henderson, Nev.; Emily North, New They have a tendency to gradually drift a chance to connect with friends and fam- She belonged to Beta Sigma Phi, was chair- York City; Joe North, Glendale, Ariz.; and away from God and the message of the ily in new and powerful ways. I also hope man of the Red Cross Blood Drive, and be- Andy North, Tempe, Ariz.; nine great-grand- Gospel. They get busy living their lives that the message of Christmas helped you longed to Sons of Norway for more than 50 children; and one great-great-grandchild. and neglect their connection to God. The connect anew to God and to God’s bound- years. She enjoyed traveling, playing bridge, Inga was preceded in death by her par- season of Christmas often helps bring less love. and doing Hardanger needlework. ents; her husbands, Dr. Alan Johnson and people back into contact with God. This Alan died in 1968, and in 1972, Inga John Dickson; her daughter, Nancy Boone; moved to Mesa, Ariz., where she worked and her brothers, Orville and Luther. Community Connections Bernard Knudsen, Died December 9, 2015 Kaare Bernhard (Barney), age 95, of In 1988, he retired to New Port Richey, Fla., Haworth, N.J., finished the back-nine and where he enjoyed year-round golf, country was called to God’s Kingdom on December line dancing, and many new friends. 9, 2015. He was married for 58 years to Jo- Barney was the father of Dr. Thomas sephine, who passed away in 2010 but has no B. Knudsen (Cynthia), Leonard M. Knud- doubt saved him a dance in Heaven. sen (Rebecca), Bernard J. Broda-Knudsen Barney was born in Stavanger, Norway, (John), and Dorothy Gillen (Gregory). He to the late Trygve and Theodora Knudsen who cherished his nine grandchildren and their immigrated to NYC in 1923. He was a proud families who blessed him with three great- Gratulerer veteran of the U.S. Navy who served during granddaughters. From the Tringali side of WWII. He graduated from NYU and was a the family, his brother-in-law Salvatore med dagen, finance executive for many years. In 1976, he passed away within 24 hours of Barney and partnered with brother-in-law Salvatore Trin- he is survived by his sister-in-law Dottie, gali to rebuild the family ironworks business. two nephews, one niece, and their families. Karen Aanes From, Ron Community Connections The Mission ChurCh of ParaMus 128 N Farview Avenue — Paramus, New Jersey 07652 Gratulerer med Dagen! Tel: (201) 265-1156 — www.themissionchurch.org Happy birthday / engagement / etc! Juletrefest Saturday, January 9, 2016, at 5 p.m. Your name and message here! Caroling around the , worship, music, fellowship, and For more information, call refreshments — everyone welcome! us at (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected]. “O Magnify the Lord With Me and Let Us Exalt His Name Together” Psalm 34:3

LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Funeral Home Certified Public Accountant Small businesses SOlie and Crematory (206)789-5433 Individuals Honoring • Caring • Serving 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 12 • December 25, 2015 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california atre. Call (612) 455-9501 or visit www.DontHug- that is at once exacting, intimate, fictionalized, virginia Freya Lodge Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner Me.com for more info. Use Code: HUG for $5 OFF. vulnerable, realistic, and proud. Comprising- ex Genealogy Interest Group Jan. 23, 4:00 p.m quisitely toned gelatin silver prints from 8x10- Jan. 17, 2:00 p.m. Santa Rosa, Calif. Gingerbread Wonderland inch negatives, the photographs render the Fairfax, Va. The traditional Norwegian menu will include now—Jan. 15 endless possibilities of tone, depth, and clarity The Genealogy Interest Group is composed lutefisk, as well as delectable meatballs in Minneapolis, Minn. possible only with this combination of film and of Washington, D.C., Sons of Norway Lodge brown gravy and all the trimmings, lefse, al- Inspired by Bergen’s annual Gingerbread City, paper. At Rick Wester Fine Art. members and others who are interested in mond cake, and coffee. Cost is $25 per adult Norway House has invited friends and families to researching their Norwegian ancestors. All member, $30 per adult non-member, and $10 enjoy Minneapolis and St. Paul made out of gin- Emerging Visions: Kari Rindahl Endresen are welcome at our meetings, beginners and for children ages six to 14. Only 90 tickets to gerbread. Local pastry chefs, Dec. 29—Jan. 14 experts alike. For more information, contact be sold; tickets available at www.brownpaper- experts, and novices alike have helped to create New York, N.Y. [email protected]. At Norway House. tickets.com/event/2252475. At Norway Hall. this fantastic replica of the Twin Cities. - Ginger Chelsea’s Agora Gallery will feature Norwegian bread Wonderland—Pepperkake Twin Cities will painter Kari Rindahl Endresen. She captures the Washington be on display in the Norway House Galleri. harshness and beauty of the northern regions of illinois Skål! Scandinavian Spirits the Arctic Circle in large, expressive watercolors: Christmas Around the World now—Feb. 28 Lakselaget Meeting the oddly bright nights lit by a midnight sun, the now—Jan. 3 Seattle, Wash. Jan. 2, 11:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. jagged peaks of mountains that appear dusted Chicago, Ill. Skål! Scandinavian Spirits shares the history Golden Valley, Minn. with confectioner’s sugar, the sparkling lights of Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry’s and traditions of drinking culture in the Nor- Lakselaget is for professional women and col- the aurora borealis, and the crisp, clean air that 74th annual Christmas Around the World and dic countries, from their origins in Vikings lege students who are Norwegian, of Norwegian at once stings and rejuvenates. Opening recep- Holidays of Light exhibit displays 51 trees rep- times, to how those traditions carried into descent, or interested in all things Norwegian. tion will take place Jan. 7, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. resenting 51 countries, including a Norwegian the U.S. with immigrants and continue to the The organization meets to network, mentor, eat Christmas tree. Each is decorated according the present day. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. salmon, and hear a variety of noteworthy speak- Showing of The Wave country’s culture, with a description of Christ- ers. This meeting will be held at Golden Valley Golf Jan. 6, 7:00 p.m. mas customs and how to say “Merry Christ- Normanna New Years Eve Party and Country Club. Wear your Norwegian sweater! New York, N.Y. mas” in their language. Hours are 9:30 a.m. Dec. 31, 7:00 p.m. As part of the Nordic Oscar Contenders series, to 4 p.m. Entry fees are $18 per adult, $11 per Everett, Wash. Scandinavian Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner Scandinavia House will show The Wave (Bølgen), child three to 11, and $17 for seniors over 65. Normanna Lodge will host a New Years Eve Jan. 16 directed by Roar Uthaug (Norway, 2015). In this celebration, complete with music by the Pick- Columbia Heights, Minn. thriller, a geologist tries to prevent a catastrophe Creating Your Family Tree led Herring Band, light buffet, hors d’oeuvres, First Lutheran’s Annual Scandinavian Lutefisk and when a mountain overlooking a popular Norwe- Jan. 2, 1:30 p.m. and complimentary Champagne at midnight. Meatball dinner will include lutefisk with melted gian tourist destination begins to collapse into Montgomery, Ill. Tickets cost $30. Make your reservations ear- butter and white sauce, meatballs, mashed pota- the ocean. In Norwegian with English subtitles. Join Polar Lodge for a potluck luncheon and ly; call the Viking Lounge at (425) 252-0291. toes, gravy, carrots, mashed rutabagas, herring, Cost is $10 for non-members or $7 for members. Creating Your Family Tree (Unit 5 Genealogy, beet pickles, lefse, julekake, rice pudding with Part 1) program, presented by Brooke John- Breidablik Lodge Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner raspberry sauce, and rosettes. Seatings at 12:00, A Storygåsbord of Tales son. At St. Olaf Lutheran Church. Jan. 10, 11:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $18, or 50 Jan. 9, 11:00 a.m. Kelso, Wash cents per year for children up to 10 years, and can New York, N.Y. Breidablik Lodge will hold their annual family- iowa be reserved by calling (651) 633-0679. Visit www. Bill Gordh, accompanied by his banjo, presents style dinner serving lutefisk, meatballs and Folk Art School: Whittling Klubb for Kids flcch.org for more info and directions. a delectable feast of Scandinavian folktales. At gravy, boiled potatoes, green beans, home- Jan. 6, 13, 20, 27, & Feb. 13 & 10, Scandinavia House. Ages five and over; free. made coleslaw, lefse, rye bread, and cookies 3:15—5:15 p.m. Beer & Brewing for dessert. There will be seatings at 11:00, Decorah, Iowa Jan. 18, 5:00—8:00 p.m. north carolina After learning about knife carving safety and 11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, Minneapolis, Minn. Norwegian Sweater Day sharpening techniques, new students will and 4:00. Purchase tickets by contacting Larry Join the Norway House Young Professionals for Jan. 16, 4:00—6:00 p.m. practice beginning techniques by carving a at (360) 575-1385 or [email protected]. “Beer & Brewing” at Surly Brewing! Come learn Indian Trail, N.C. Minnesota loon. More experienced students $23 for adults and $8 for children 12 and un- about the trends and draws to brewing in Norway Join Norsk Carolina Sons of Norway for their Jan- will choose their next project. All levels. Youth der. Pickled herring is available for $6.50 a jar. with special guest speakers Aaron Zierdt-Lupulin uary meeting. Wear your Norwegian sweater for ages 10-17. Tuition is $30; materials fee will and Omar Ansari-Surly. Cost is $15 or $10 for Nor- a day of ice skating. At Extreme Ice. Leif Erikson Lodge Crab Feed & Auction be $5-15. Tools and safety supplies will be way House members. provided. At Vesterheim. Jan. 23, 6:00 p.m. ohio Seattle, Wash. Ninth Annual Barneløpet Lodge Reading Circle Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of Norway, Ed- Maine Jan. 24, 1:00 p.m. Jan. 9, 2:00—3:00 p.m. ucational Foundation presents its annual fun- Maine Nordmenn Meeting St. Cloud, Minn. Cincinnati, Ohio draising crab feed, silent auction, and dessert Jan. 7, 6:30 p.m. The ninth annual Barneløpet will be held at River- The Edvard Grieg Lodge is beginning their eighth auction. The meal includes Dungeness crab Falmouth, Maine side Park. Children ages three to 13 are welcome; year of Reading Circle. This will be a free choice (bring your own picks and pliers!) or stuffed Bates College geology student Jordan Cargill events are organized based on age and ability to read whatever Scandinavian book interests you. chicken breast or Cornish Game Hen with will present a program on his 5-1/2 month levels. Cookies and hot chocolate will be served At Panera Bread, 405 E. Kemper Rd. For info and baked potato, coleslaw, garlic bread, bever- stay in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. The meeting amid a festive atmosphere complete with plenty to RSVP, contact Carol Luiso at (513) 683-3631 or age, and dessert auction! $40 per adult ($15 will be held at the American Legion Hall. For of food, as well as demonstrations and sampling [email protected]. tax deductible), $20 per student or child 13 more info call President Anne-Lise Moson at of Norwegian treats and music. (207) 807-6024. and under, $280 per table for eight ($80 tax deductible). Raffle tickets are $25 per ticket. Nordic Evening Prayer oregon Individual tickets available at www.brownpa- Massachusetts Jan. 24, 6:30 p.m. Sonja Lodge Annual Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner Jan. 30—31 pertickets.com/event/2466928; send checks Salon Series Chamber Concert: In Scandinavia Saint Paul, Minn. Eugene, Ore. for group tickets payable to LEL Educational Jan. 14, 7:00 p.m. The 2015-2016 Season of Nordic Evening Prayer The menu includes lutefisk, meatballs, white Foundation, Leif Erikson Hall, Attn: Crab Feed, West Newton, Mass. returns to Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Saint Paul’s sauce and melted butter, homemade coleslaw, 2245 NW 57th St, Seattle, WA with self-ad- Hear some of Boston’s best virtuosos on an Macalester-Groveland neighborhood. This year’s lefse, flatbread, and dessert! Reserved seatings dressed envelope. At Leif Erikson Hall. intimate scale, and join them in a lively round- theme is “Mystery, After All, Is God’s Other Name.” scheduled for 4:00, 5:00, and 6:30 p.m. on Sat- table discussion, presented by Pro Arte Cham- Services are held at 6:50 p.m. with an extended urday and 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 4:00, and 5:00 p.m. ber Orchestra of Boston. $30 per adult, $27 per musical prelude featuring each month’s guest Wisconsin on Sunday. Call early to reserve your mealtime. senior, and $10 for students or those under 25. artist beginning at 6:30 p.m. This service is titled Fosselyngen Lodge Torsk Supper For reservations and information email lutefisk@ Purchase tickets at proarte.secure.force.com/ Once a Stranger and features the Saana Ensemble. Jan. 23, 4:00—7:00 p.m. sonjalodge.org or call Joan Abbott at (541) 344- ticket/#sections_a0FG000000zc3dHMAQ. At Milwaukee, Wis. 1064. Handicapped access parking available. Scandinavian Cultural Center. Artifacts from Norway Join Fosselyngen Lodge at Norway House for Jan. 26, 7:00—9:00 p.m. a buffet of boiled cod, Norwegian meatballs, minnesota Cambridge, Minn. vermont boiled potatoes, vegetables, pickled beets, 20th Annual Vermont Ski Dance Weekend , flatbread, dessert, and coffee. A Don’t Hug Me Rumelva Lodge members will meet to share in- Jan. 28—31 Open seating is on a first come first serve basis. now—Jan. 3 teresting artifacts from Norway. At The Heritage Fairlee, Vt. Cost is $13 for adults and $5 for children ages Minneapolis, Minn. Center. Contact (763) 389-4908 or dasaterbak@ This year’s event will feature music and dance four to 11. Please call (414) 321-2637 to make A Don’t Hug Me Christmas Carol is a hilarious gmail.com for more info. workshops from the Telemark region and music reservations. spoof of Charles Dickens’ . workshops from the Valdres region. There are also Set in a bar in northern Minnesota, bar owner new york several Swedish music enthusiasts who gather Gunner Johnson is visited by three ghosts. Family Photographs by Bjørn Sterri during the day and in the evenings. At Hulbert With 17 original songs including, “I Love You now—Jan. 9 Outdoor Center. Register at skidance.us. More Than Football,” “The Wheel is Turnin’ New York, N.Y. But the Hamster is Dead,” and “Grandma Cut For 15 years Norwegian photgrapher Bjørn Sterri the Christmas Cheese.” At New Century The- has photographed his family, creating a portrayal Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly December 25, 2015 • 13 In your neighborhood SON Valhall Lodge celebrates 100 years

Richard Fairchild Rockton, Ill.

The Sons of Norway, Valhall Lodge 5-168 celebrated its 100-year anniversary on October 3, 2015. The event was held at Giovanni’s restaurant in Rockford, Illinois, and featured a number of prominent speakers including the Norwegian Honorary Consul General, Paul Anderson, and Rockford May- or Larry Morrissey. The festivities included a fine dinner, a raffle, and a silent auction. The highlight of the evening was a performance by the Leikarringen Heimhug Folk Dancers of Chicago. Valhall President Vicki Rudh-Jones ac- cepted a 100 year plaque from Sons of Nor- way International Director Jon Grinde, a 100 merous programs over the years including Norge Ski Club’s ski jump- year certificate from Sons of Norway Dis- Adopt-A-School programs. It has also di- ing tournaments in Fox Riv- trict Five President Owen Christainson, and rectly supported an 1836 Norwegian pioneer er Grove, Illinois. a proclamation from Rockford Mayor Larry cabin and heirloom vegetable garden located Over the last 20 years, Morrissey. The lodge also received a proc- at the Boone County Conservation District in the lodge has consistently lamation from the Governor of the State of Belvidere, Illinois. supported District Five’s Illinois and a letter of congratulations from Other lodge activities include sponsor- Masse Moro Norwegian the Royal Court of Norway. ing Norwegian cultural music programs, Heritage Camp by sending Valhall Lodge is the oldest Norwegian working with the Girl Scouts on badge proj- volunteers and sponsoring Photos: Bradley Goplen lodge in the Rockford area. Its mandate is ects, donating books about Norway to public campers. The lodge also Left: Leikarringen Heimhug Folk Dancers of Chicago, who them- to preserve and promote Norwegian culture libraries and schools, supporting sporting sends volunteers and cookies selves recently celebrated 90 years, entertained the guests. and heritage in the community. events like the Arnie Johnson Run benefit- to the Barnebirkie ski event Above: Valhall Lodge President Vicki Rudh-Jones with the Honor- Valhall members have supported nu- ing Habitat for Humanity of Rockford, and in Hayward, Wisconsin. ary Consul General for Norway, Paul Anderson. Nordic Lights Film Festival on its way Seattle International Film Festival and the Nordic Heritage Museum partner to bring films from the Nordic countries to Seattle

Special Release Nordic Heritage Museum

The Nordic Heritage Museum’s seventh Estonian and Russian, is well-crafted and ex- Nordic Lights Film Festival brings contem- pertly acted, a movie not to be missed. porary cinematic treasures of Denmark, Fin- Rams tells the story of two sheep farming land, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden—and brothers in a secluded valley in Iceland. The films from the Sápmi region—to Seattle. brothers live side by side, but haven’t spoken This year's festival includes an opening night to each other in over 40 years. When the val- reception followed by the film The Fencer, ley is threatened by infection, the brothers and a program that includes two shorts pack- deal with the disaster in different ways. ages, three of this year’s Foreign Language Inspired by a true historic—and poten- Photo courtesy of Norwegian Film Institute Oscar submissions, and a selection of infor- tial future—event, the Norwegian disaster Bølgen (The Wave) is Norway’s first disaster movie. mative documentaries. movie The Wave deals with the scenario of The festival’s premiere film we be a what will happen when a tsunami hits Nor- trayal culminate in a fragile coming-of-age These short films cross many borders, telling screening of the Finnish film The Fencer, way’s fjord land. story unlike any other in Amanda Adolfs- the stories that have been kept silent. loosely based on the life of the legendary Other highlights include a Danish doc- son’s stunning Swedish debut feature Young fencing master Endel Nelis who founded a umentary from Greenland, Eskimo Diva. Sophie Bell. Festival runs Jan. 14-17. For tickets and school for aspiring young fencers. Director Nuka is a young man with a mission; he has As an important part of NLFF, NHM is passes go to www.nordicmuseum.org. Open- Klaus Härö received the Ingmar Bergman a heartfelt desire to be the forerunner of the proud to present a strong Sámi shorts program ing night: $15 museum and SIFF members, award in 2004, and three of his films have new, open-minded, and more progressive this year; The 7 Sámi Stories gives voice to $20 general admission. Passes: $55 museum been chosen as Finland’s submission for Greenland. This is a story about a young man contemporary Sámi screen storytellers, em- and SIFF members, $70 general admission. Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy who fronts an exciting revolution. bodying visions of a new generation of Sámi Single tickets: $8 museum and SIFF mem- Awards. The Fencer, handsomely filmed in Obsession, mystery, murder, and be- filmmakers, made as a collaborative project. bers, $12 general admission. Deadline nearing for Summer School Subscribe to NAW! University of Oslo’s International Summer School has been in operation for a remarkable 70 years. Students take courses in a wide variety of subjects while living on the Blindern campus with people from all over the world. The 2016 session goes from June 25 to Aug. 5. Apply online now at www.uio.no/summerschool! The deadline for scholarship applications is Feb. 1, and for self-paying applicants by March 15. NAW will have more info about summer programs and scholarships in Febru- ary’s Education issue (which comes out after this deadline). Call (206) 784-4617 or email [email protected] 14 • December 25, 2015 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner King Neptune Award to Kåre Swasand Seattle’s NCC honors the CEO of Aleutian Spray Fisheries at their annual Fishermen’s Night gala

Text and illustrations by Anders Kvåle Rue. Simplification of text by Kari Grønningsæter. Translated by Jim Skurdall. Copyright © Deb Nelson Gourley, Astri My Astri Publishing. Magnus III Barelegs – Magnus III Berrføtt Born 1073, died 1103 Son of King Olaf III the Gentle and Tora Jonsdotter Ruled 1093 – 1103

Magnus was called Barelegs because he went bare-legged beneath his tunic. Another name well suited for this king was Mag- Photo courtesy of the Norwegian Commercial Club nus the Fighter, for he fought against One of Aleutian Spray Fisheries’ ships near the company’s base of operations in Seattle. enemies both at home and abroad. In Sweden, he demanded the return of Norwegian land, which led to a bitter Staff Compilation fishing industry. conflict. A peace treaty was finally Norwegian Commercial Club His work to preserve the history of the drafted in the town of Konghelle. Pacific Northwest maritime heritage contin- Then Magnus married Margrete, the At the Seattle Norwegian Commercial ues with support of the Center for Wooden daughter of the Swedish king. Club’s Fishermen’s Night on Dec. 10, Cary Boats. He is instrumental in the funding for In 1098 he sailed west with (Kåre) Swasand was presented with the or- the new William Garden Memorial Boat 5,000 men. He wanted to strength- ganization’s annual King Neptune Award, Building, which will carry on traditions en Norwegian sovereignty in the given to individuals or organizations whose through hands-on participation centering on Orkney Islands, the Hebrides, and contributions have furthered the economic youth education. on the Isle of Man. Yet this was not growth, well-being, and recognition of the Swasand heavily supported past King enough for King Magnus. He wanted North Pacific fishing industry. The award is Neptune Award winner Jim Cole in the more land, and so he sailed with his intended to honor long-term commitments writing of his book Drawing on Our His- men to Ireland and conquered Dublin. But he was slain re- turning to Norway, only 30 years old. King Magnus himself and contributions to the industry as well as tory, Fishing Vessels of Alaska and the Pa- had said: “Better to have a brave king than an old king!” breakthrough contributions. cific Northwest. He continues to support the Swasand is the CEO of Aleutian Spray Youth Maritime Association and the Bal- Fisheries, a family-owned and operated lard Maritime Academy. He is also a long- Magnus fikk tilnavnet Berrføtt fordi teland, og striden ble hard. Men i byen company since 1969 that is employing the time supporter of the Fishermen’s Memorial han gikk med nakne legger under kjortel- Konghelle ble det laget en fredsavtale, third generation of Swasands. He and the Fund, which offers assistance and care to the en sin. Et annet navn som passet godt på og Magnus giftet seg med Margrete, dat- family have built this into one of the most families of those lost at sea. denne kongen var Strids-Magnus, for han teren til den svenske kongen. diverse fishing companies in Alaska. He is Aleutian Spray Fisheries is currently run sloss mot fiender både ute og hjemme. I I 1098 seilte han vestover med 5000 also on the board of the U.S. Coast Guard’s by Chris and Lisa Swasand, Cary and Dian’s Sverige krevde han å få tilbake norsk skat- mann. Nå ville han styrke norsk suve-ren- Foundation, where he supports their award children. It is truly a family business. Cary’s itet på Orknøyene, Suderøyene og Man. banquets and auctions which give financial father, , was the first to get into the Men dette var ikke nok for kong Magnus. support including a playground installed at fishing industry, and his sisters Svanhild and Han ville ha mer land. Sammen med men- the Coast Guard base in Kodiak and schol- JoAnne have been long-time partners, with nene sine, seilte han nå mot Irland og ero- arship assistance to families of Coast Guard JoAnne’s daughter Heidi also currently em- bret Dublin, men på vei hjem til Norge ble personnel. ployed by the company. kongen drept, bare 30 år gammel. Kong Magnus hadde selv sagt: «Konge skal en Swasand has served on fishing industry In his acceptance speech, Swasand ha til ære, og ikke til langt liv!» committees and sponsored programs and credited his family with his success. “My films on vessel safety procedures, as well as story may start with my father,” he said, “but being the executive producer of cutting-edge along the way it has been my wife, Dian, my $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. training programs and procedures to keep sisters, Svanhild and JoAnne, my son Chris www.astrimyastri.com vessels and crew safe. A tragic fire onboard and daughter Lisa, and numerous partners the company’s vessel Galaxy, and the safety and loyal employees who have supported efforts and regulations that have come from me and Aleutian Spray Fisheries who have that event, have gone on to save lives in the added to the success I have had.” have a story to tell? NAW is now a market for fiction! • up to 1,500 words • English-language • Norway-themed or mystery • $50 flat payment • send your story right now to [email protected]! • what are you waiting for? norwegian american weekly December 25, 2015 • 15 arts & entertainment Tunnel to Norway The VPN service TunnelBear lets you stream Norwegian shows as if you were there

Molly Jones Norwegian American Weekly

Have you ever logged on to a Norwe- connects to the internet. But if you just have gian website to watch a video, only to be one or two things you want to watch and told that it is not available out of the coun- you change the settings to only turn on upon try? Maybe you wanted to stream NRK’s request, Little would work—and you can’t Øyevitne after you heard about Anneke von beat the price! der Lippe’s Emmy, but you soon discovered The Giant is $6.99 per month and in- that you couldn’t. cludes unlimited tunneling on any five devic- That’s where TunnelBear comes in. It’s es. So you can take your Norwegian TV with a VPN (virtual private network) service, you anywhere, from your laptop to your iPad which allows you to “tunnel” your connec- to your phone! For $49.99 a year, the Grizzly Photo: Øystein Nordvik tion to a different location in another coun- plan provides the same unlimited tunneling A prominent display of Christmas comics holds modern and classic titles. try, making your location and browsing in- as the Giant, but paying for the whole year at formation private. once saves you $33.89. < comics Vang boys—who were a reaction against the “TunnelBear can be used to protect your It’s ideal for people who want to watch From page 1 unruly Katzenjammer brothers, who could privacy, to bypass internet censorship and specific shows on their laptop or mobile not be described as excellent role models. to experience the internet as people in other devices and have a decent enough internet However, most Norwegian Christmas Haakon W. Isachsen is one of Norway’s countries experience it,” claims the compa- connection for video streaming. Unlike the annuals are comics, an invention that goes foremost experts on comics and Christmas ny. In other words, you can use TunnelBear Ex-Pat TV system (reviewed in the June back 101 years. The general concept of pre- magazines. Not only has he authored two just for private browsing or you can use it for 26, 2015, issue of the Norwegian American holiday annual magazines dates as far back books on the subject, he is also Egmont’s avoiding access restrictions—not being able Weekly), which has a listing of channels with as to 1817, when the first Norwegian Christ- chief editor for the product segment. He ar- to watch Norwegian TV outside of Norway, shows currently playing, you have to find the mas annual came out. The earliest annuals gues that the Christmas annuals are still an for example. shows yourself with TunnelBear. offered recipes, stories, and artwork, but by important part of Norwegian popular cul- There are several different options for You’ll discover that not all websites the early 1900s the concept had evolved and ture: “Today nearly half the titles are created using the VPN: apps for Windows, Mac have free streaming, though. While you can in 1914 the first annual Christmas comic by Norwegian comic artists. Even though OS X, iOS, Android, Linux, and a Google stream for free on NRK and TV3, others like book arrived in stores. It featured The Kat- the specials don’t carry the same weight and Chrome browser extension. While the TV Norge’s DPlay and TV2’s Sumo require zenjammer Kids, as created in the U.S. by significance in the national consciousness as browser extension is the quickest to install, subscriptions. So if you’re getting Tunnel- German immigrant Rudolph Dirks in 1897. they once did, I still think they are impor- the company recommends using the apps be- Bear to watch TV Norge’s Alt for Norge, Ironically, the magazines came about tant. In a media reality that is more and more cause they are more resistant to censorship. keep in mind the additional cost of the sub- thanks to widespread poverty among Nor- global, with products honed for an interna- I tried both and also found the video quality scription. way’s farmers, fishermen, and factory work- tional market, where any and all signs of lo- to be better while using the app than with the Another simple way to get more access ers—only at Christmas would one fork out cal culture, society, and tradition is chipped Chrome extension. to Scandinavian content is to log in to your money for reading material. In 1918, a work- away, the Norwegian Christmas magazines Using TunnelBear is incredibly simple Netflix account with the TunnelBear turned er had to toil for two hours to afford just one play a part in upholding Norwegian culture and user-friendly. Once you’ve made an ac- on. While a lot of the shows are the same, I magazine. Yet demand was strong enough to and traditions.” count and installed the app, you just set your found that the Scandinavian options almost develop a small but healthy Norwegian com- Comic book creator and critic Roy country and turn it on and off as you like. doubled. English subtitles aren’t an option ics scene, originating annuals that still ex- Søbstad thinks Norway’s new comic artists They currently have servers in 20 countries, here either though, so language learners will ist today, such as Nils and Blåmann (1927), changed the game and helped solidify the tra- meaning that you can set your TunnelBear to need to have at least a moderate ability to Buttercup (1938), Vangsgutane (1940), and dition: “The Christmas comic books tradition- connect to any of these locations. And you read Norwegian to follow along. Tuss & Troll (1945). ally consist of recycled old strips and stories. don’t even have to choose—you can change Overall, I would definitely recommend Around World War II the focus changed But in later years creators like Børge Lund it as often as you like. Norway one day, India TunnelBear for people who want to keep up to Norwegian editions of imported fran- with his comic Lunch and Torbjørn Lien, the next! on Norwegian shows without the hassle of chises. Tarzan and The Flintstones may not who authors Kollektivet, have made special There are three pricing options: the buying equipment or paying a significant be your typical Christmas entertainment but seasonal stories, and old characters like Stom- Little TunnelBear is free and provides you amount. The cost is reasonable, in my opin- the Norwegians had other ideas. American perud and Vangsgutane have gotten much- with 500MBs of data. This goes quite quick- ion, and there is the added benefit of a pri- comics like (a Christmas needed reboots. In some cases that makes ly, of course, especially because the service vate connection. To learn more, visit www. annual since 1930) and Blondie (since 1941) them worth picking up also for readers like automatically turns on when your computer tunnelbear.com. are still published in annual editions. me, who, to be honest, lost interest years ago.” In the new millenium, interest in the Comics were for a long time seen as sec- Christmas annuals has reached new peaks, ond-rate entertainment for children in Nor- thanks to contemporary homegrown comics. way and elsewhere, but today, to a large ex- In the top years 2011 and 2012, as many as tent thanks to Christmas comics being bought, 60 different annuals were released, although read, and enjoyed by the generations that grew the publishers found that that was too much up on comics in past decades, the art form is of a good thing. This year a total of 50 titles more respected. While action and superhero have been rolled out. From total sales of about comics virtually went extinct in the 1980s and 1.3 million, the two or three best sellers reach 90s and former imported hits such as Donald Image courtesy of TunnelBear print runs of 160 to 190 thousand copies, such Duck dropped 80% in sales, the Christmas an- as the army-based 91 Stomperud, about pri- nuals were never really threatened. vate Stomperud’s attempts to go home for the Thousands of Norwegians will simply < cabinet pointed as Minister of Agriculture and Food. holidays. 91 Stomperud is the oldest Norwe- not get into the Christmas spirit without read- From page 3 His previous posts include that of Deputy gian-produced comic that is still producing ing the somewhat silly, old, and non-Christ- Minister of Transport and Communications new stories; it was first published in 1937. masy stories in Snuffy Smith or . Immigration and Integration Minister. Re- (2013-14) and Deputy Minister of Finance So how did comic books become a sta- One of the appealing sides of Christmas is ports were subsequently updated. (2014-). ple in the Norwegian Christmas tradition? that some things are just the way they always Anniken Hauglie, who was city councilor Museum-telephoning Thorhild Widvey, Again we have to look at history. In 1905, were. When Stomperud eventually makes it of the Conservatives in Oslo between 2010 former Minister of Culture for the Conser- Norwegians won independence from Swe- back home, far away from drill grounds and and 2013, is the new Minister of Labor and vative Party, has been honorably discharged den, and were eager to establish a Norwe- colonels and other problems, Norwegians Social Affairs. Former Labor and Social Af- from her office. gian identity through arts and culture. The too feel they are home on the farm. fairs Minister (Progress) has The post of Chief of Staff at the Prime Christmas comics not only coincided with been honorably discharged from his office. Minister’s Office is no longer filled bya this desire, they also fuelled it, as the com- Glenn Folkvold is a Norwegian journalist In other changes, the Conservatives’ Minister. It is assumed by Conservative poli- ics often promoted Norwegian characters, and media developer specializing in culture Linda Cathrine Hofstad Helleland MP is now tician Julie Brodtkorb. language, ideas, and habits. One example of and the arts. To read the full version of this Minister of Culture. The changes took effect from 13:00 lo- that is the goody-goody Vangsgutane—the article, please visit www.na-weekly.com. Jon Georg Dale (Progress) has been ap- cal time on December 16.

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