No 78, 2 September 1920, 2577
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jumh. 78. 2577 THE' NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. ~ ,2;; rn4, w. WELLINGT~N, THURSDAY, SEPTEMB;:,t,{920. Additional Land at Taha•opa taken for the Purpo,es of the j la.nd previously a.cquired for the purposes of the Oatlin's - Seaward Bush Railway. wa.y: -- Now, therefore, I, Robert Stout, the Administra.tor of the [L.S.] ROBERT STOUT. Government of the Dominion of New, in e:r.ercise Administrator of the Government. of the powers a.nd a.u tborities conferred on me by sections twenty-nine a.nd one hundred a.nd eighty-eight of the Public A PROCLAMATION. Works Act, 1908, a.nd of every other power and authority HEREAS it has been found desira.ble for the use, in a.nywise en&bling me in this beha.lf, do hereby procl&im W convenience, &nd enjoyment of the Ca.tlin's - Sea. and decl&re tha.t the la.nd described in the Schedule hereto ward Bush Railway to take further la.nd at Ta.ha.kopa, in is hereby taken for the purposes a.hove mentioned. addition to land previously a.cquired for the purposes of the said ra.ilwa.y: SCHEDULE, Now, therefore, J, Robert Stout, the Administrator of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise APPBOXDIATE a.rea. of the niece of la.nd: 1 rood 11·1 perches. of the powers and authorities conferred on me by sections Portion of Lot 8, D.P. 180, Motuma.oho No. 2, Block VI, twenty-nine and one hundred &nd eighty-eight of the Public Maunga.kaw& Snrvey District, Pia.ko County. (S.O. 21148, Works Act, 1908, and of every other power &nd &uthority blue.) in anywise ena.blin,! me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim In the Auckland Land District ; a.s the same is more and declare &bat the land described in the Schedule hereto panicularly delinea.ted on the pla.n ma.rked W.R. 27871, is hereby taken or the purposes above mentioned. deposited in the office of the Minister of Railwa.ys a.t Wellington, and thereon edged pink. SCHEDULE. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Administrator APPBOXDL\TE areas of the pieces of land : of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand; and A. B, P. issued under the Seal of that Dominion, a.t the Govem 2 0 34·8 Pa.rt Lf Section 21. ment House at Wellington, this 27th day of August, 1920. 0 1 20·6 W. F. MASSEY, Minister of Railways. 0 0 0·1 Part of Crown la.nd. 0 1 16·5 Goo SA VII TBB KING ! Situa.ted in Block XIII, Rimu Survey District, Clutha County. AUering Boundaries of Whangarei an,J, Hobson Counties. In the Otego Land District ; as the same are more par ticula.rly delineated on the plan ma.rked W.R. 27733, [L.S.] ROBERT STOUT. deposited in the office of the Minister of Ra.ilways at Wellington, and thereon coloured red a.nd green. Administrator of the Government. A PROCLAMATION. Given under the hand of His E:r.cellency the Administrator HEREAS it is provided by subsection two of section of the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand; and W three of the Counties Amendment Act, 1913, that :Issued under the Seal of that Dominion, at the Govern the boundaries of any one or more counties ma.y be altered ment House at Wellington, this 10th da.y of August, 1920. in accordance with a resolution proposing the alteration W. F. MASSEY, Minister of Railways. pas•ed by the Council of each of such counties in which the Goo SA v11 THlll Knro ! principal Act is in force : And whereas a. resolution was passed by the Whangarei ~-------- County Council on the sixteenth day of May, one thousand .4dditionaL Land at Morrioisville taken for the Purposes of nine hundred and twenty, and sealed with the seal of the the Waikato-1'hames Railway. Cuuncil of the said county on the sixteenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and twenty : [L.S.] ROBERT STOUT. And whereas a similar resolution was paBB8d by the Hobson Administrator of the Government. County Council on the sixteenth day of Ma.rch, one thons&nd nine hundred and twenty, and sea.led with the seal of the said A PROCLAMATION. county on the sixteenth day of March, one thousand nine HEREAS it has been found desirable for the use, hundred and twenty, praying for the alteration of the bound W convenience, and enjoyment of the Wa.ikato-Thames aries of such counties in the manner described in the said Railwa.y to further la.nd a.t 1\forrinsville, in addition to rwelis$io~~and in the First Schedule hereto : A /:"- ,,,: -':. / ;, 2578 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 78 And whereas it is expedient to make such alteration in IR.:iad; thence along the summit of the said range to a point accordance with the said resolutions : due north of the northernmost corner of the Marunui Block ; Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power thence by a right line due south to the said northernmost and authority conferred on me by the said Act, I, Robert corner of that block, and along the north-western and western Stout, the Administrator of the Government of the Dominion boundaries of that block to the Piroa Strt>am; thence along the of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the south-western boundary of the Waipu Parish, part of the area described in the First Schedule hereto, being now part south-western boundary of the Ruarangi Parish, the south of the Hobson County, shall, as from the date of the pub- eastern boundary of Waikiekie Parish, the south-eastern and lioation hereof in the Ne•" Zealand GazettP., be deemed to be south-western boundaries of the Tauraroa Parish to the added to and form part of the Wbangarei County ; and, with Mongonui River at the north-eastern corner of Section 166, the like power and authority, do proclaim and declare that Omaru Parish ; thence along the centre of the Mongonui the boundaries of the Counties of Whangarei and Hobson River to its confluence with the Tauraroa River, and along respectively shall, as from the aforesaid date, be those set the centre of the last-mentioned river to the eastern boundary forth under their respective headings in the Second Schedule of Section 44, subdivision of Walton's Grant, along that hereto. boundary and the northern boundary of Section 43, sub division of Walton's Grant, to the eastern boundary of FIRST SCHEDULE. Block VII, Tangihua Survey District; .the:r..ce along that AREA TO BE ADDED TO WHANGAREI Cou:r...-TY. boundary and the eastern boundary of Block I, Tangihua Survey District, to the south-western boundary of Section 8, ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, being Block I, Tangihua Survey District; thence along the south Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block I, Tangihua Survey western boundary of Sections 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and District, and Ngawhakarikikiriki, Pukepukerau, Te Iweri, and 15, Block I, Tangihua Survey District, and the western Panekuri Blocks, bounded by a line commencing at the boundary of the last-mentioned section to the southern northernmost corner of Ngawhakarikikiriki Block, and pro boundary of the Pukepukerau Block ; thence along that ceeding thence along the Waiotama River to the western boundary and the south-western boundary of the said boundary of Section 18, Block I; thence south-westerly block to the Te Iweri Block; thence along that boundary along that boundary, across a road, and along the western and the south-western and north-western boundaries of the boundary of Section 12 to its westernmost corner ; thence Panekuri Block and the north-western boundary of .the north-westerly along the southern boundaries of Sections 13, Ngawhakarikikiriki Block to the Waiotama Stream; thence 14, and 15 to the southern boundary of the Pukepukerau along the centre of that stream to and along the eastern Block; thence along that boundary and the south-western boundary of Section 4, Block IV, Maungaru Survey District, boundary of the said block, and across a road to the northern along the northern boundary of said Section 4 and Section 1 side of the said road; thence north-westerly along that side to the Wairoa River; thence along the centre of that river of the road to the north-western boundary of the Panekuri to ita confluence with the Mangakahia River, and along the Block, and along that boundary and the north-western centre of the Mangakahia River to the south-eastern angle boundary of the Ngawhakarikikiriki Block to the Waiot,ama of Section 8, Block XV, Mangakahia Survey District; thence River, the point of commencement. along the north-eastern boundary of Maungam Block, the eastern and northern boundaries of a forest reserve, a Stat-e SECOND SCHEDULE. forest reserve, and a further forest reserve to the north BOUNDARIES OF WHANGAREI COUNTY. eastern boundary of Section 13, Tekaraka Block; thence ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District bounded along the north-eastern boundary of that section, the north by a line commencing at the south-ea,tern corner of Section 1, eastern and north-western boundaries of Section 10, the Block II, Tutamoe Survey District ; thence proceeding eastern boundaries of Sections 25 and 24, all of Tekaraka easterly along the Mangakahia River to the western boundary Block; thence along the north-western boundary of the said of Section 3, Block XV, Punakitere Survey District, and along Section 24 and the northern boundarie~ of Sections 10, 14, that boundary and the northern boundary to the Mangakahia and 9, and the western boundary of the last-mentioned River, and along that river to the north-eastern boundary sections, all in Block XII, Tutamoe Survey District; thence of the Aukumeroa Block ; thence along said boundary to along the northern boundaries of Sections 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, the Mangakahia River, down that river to the Awarua River, and ·14, Block XI, Tutamoe Survey District, across the and up the last-mentioned river to a point in line with the Opouteke River and road, and northerly along the eastern northern boundary of the middle part of the Nukatawhiti boundaries of Blocks X, VI, II, to the Mangakahia River Block; thence to and along that boundary, the western and at the point of commencement : together with all the islands northern bonndaries of Kaikou No.