Sir Robert Stout, P.C., K.C.M.C., D.C.L., L.L.D. : His Early Life, Ministry And
CAI\1TERBURY illUVERSITY COLLIDE LIBRARY This copy of the thesis by R.l-I.J.Hamlin, 1931, vms copied in 1946-48 at the Alexander Turnbull Library, '.iellington, from an original lent by the author through the Canterbury University Colleee Library. ':'!hen the thesis was first presented, no copy was deposited in the c.u,O.Library, nor left vii th the l'rofeirnor of History. The author's original had disappeared durillE, his many moves but he was able to provide a carbon copy, apparently ca11plete. Arraw~enents vrere made for the 'l\irnbull Library to retain one copy, to provide this copy for c. u. c. Librar-J and to make one or more co:9ies available to Hobert Stout, V.'ellington, and to Dr ":r,ldo H. Dunn, Clarenont Colleee, California. ( C, U, c. L. has no information about the exte.nt to vrhich this version has been checked vii th the fonner, but a casual examination seans to show that it is accurate~) ..e... ~.e.G'.2-..~ ~ 24. Jutt ,~a University Of New Zealand. ------------000---------- SIH ROBERT STOUT P. C. K. O. M. C. D. C. L. L. L. D. 1US ,i!;AHLY LIFE, MlNISTRY AND C.HJ\}{AC T ER Thesis For Honours Examination In History November, 1931. Hy Ady-tum l<. H.J. Hamlin, 23 Kavanagh ti treet Napier N.i..;W Z:!,ALAND I C O,N TENT 8 Preface pp 1 - 1 v. Note of Aoknowlcd~):, P V Bibliography pV-VII List of Illustrations p VIII CHAPI'.KR 1. · P• 1.
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