EU disappointment on lack of progress on Sejdic-Finci implementaon European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle, visited Sarajevo on 17 February to connue efforts to help BiH polical leaders to find an agreement needed to move BiH forward on its EU integraon path. Unfortunately aer hours of talks, the meeng with the leaders failed to produce an agreement on the implementaon of the judgement in the case 'Sejdic andFinci vs '. More...

Regional Co-operaon Council is a key supporter of EU enlargement process The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperaon Council, Goran Svilanovic, addressed the ambassadors of EU Member States to BiH and ambassadors from South-East Europe (SEE) Candidate Countries (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, , , Turkey – which are also RCC parcipang States) at a Themac Meeng on Regional Cooperaon in SEE, in Sarajevo on 4 February. More...

EU Project on educaon standards: European experts present recommendaons The presentaon of recommendaons relang to the compliance of quality assurance in educaon with EU standards and guidelines took place on 26 February. It is the first component of the project “Strengthening Instuonal Capacity for Quality Assurance”, which represents a twinning partnership between BiH and , funded by the EU under (IPA 2011) with an overall budget of 1 million Euro. More...

Regional conference on the Bosnia and Herzegovina More news reports to bring importance development of included in the MeteoAlarm more EU informaon to BiH's innovaons in BiH system cizens Regional conference “Instuons As of 19 February, Bosnia and The Office of the European Union and innovaon support Herzegovina is included in the Special Representave (EUSR) in measures” was held on 14 official web page of the partnership with all the public February in Banja Luka. The MeteoAlarm. MeteoAlarm is a broadcasters in Bosnia and conference was organised by the system which gives mely Herzegovina (BiH) and a group of EU funded project “Instuonal warnings about potenally news web portals across the capacity development of the dangerous weather condions for country have launched a special three innovaon centres and 650 regions for 12 different programme of media reports that research sector in Bosnia and condions issued by hydro- aims to inform cizens of the Herzegovina (INOVO)”, Ministry of meteorological services from 34 country about the impact of the Science and Technology of European countries. European integraon process on Republika Srpska and Innovaon issues of topical interest and Centre Banja Luka (ICBL). quality of life, today and in the future.

How relevant is the Erasmus Mundus study programme for young people in BiH?

Boris Franjic Mima Kemez Ana Brkic Kakanj Zenica Ljubuski

Progress of FYROM, Montenegro and Bosnia Invesng in the Western Balkans and Herzegovina in 2013 The EBRD (European Bank for Reconstrucon and EU leaders must show more commitment to Bosnia Development) organised a high-level regional forum on and Herzegovina, set a date for starng EU accession Invesng in the West Balkans on Monday 24 February talks with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014. The event brought together prime ministers, and connue the talks with Montenegro, provided government ministers, polical decision-makers and reforms are sustained, said MEPs in resoluons passed leading entrepreneurs. on 6 February.

Delegaon of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skenderija 3a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: 00387 33 254 700, Fax: 00387 33 666 037 Website: , Facebook: , Twier: , Youtube: , Email: delega[email protected]

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