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mnd Summit Record

68th Ytsr—No. IS KSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 tnt*t*4 U Mt*k4 ClftM MUtIM at Ik* PmUmttttm tt »DKBlt. N. i. Vmtm tfca Act «f March VIST* •4 A 10 CENTS Mrs. IC. Holmes Ciry Ho* Us* Vote Reqistrotioa Horn YMCA Aimounc Evening hours for voter regis- Weaver Street Housing Plan New President of trations have been announced by, Program for Fal City Clerk Harry C. Kates. The Community Chorus evening schedule is primarily for Hit by 250 Residents in Area the benefit of commuters. Gym, Swim Events The 47th season of the Summit Resident* living in the area adjacent to Weaver itreet The City Clerk's office will be The YMCA. physical depart- fomm unity Chorus will begin on protested to Common Council Tuesday'night that real estate open until 9 p.m. for those desir- ment announces a full schedule of , Monday, September 10, with a re- values in the area will be greatly depreciated if construction ing to register for the November activities for the 1956 fall season, of the 28-duplex apartments, recommended by the Mayor's hearsal-meeting at S p.m. at the 6 General Election on September with swim classes commencing special committee to study replacement housing, is per- YMCA under the direction of 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 23, 26 on Tuesday, September 4, and "" mitted. Ralph" Burrier. The chorus will gymnasium activity starting on and 27. Registrations also may be te&t kn wn start preparing for Its guest ap- Monday, September 10. made during the day, beginning PUNIC BUIIQIIKI ° ^^eh a petition pearance on December 5, with the at 8:30 a. m. Ai has been customary, the "Y" •igned by nearly 250 residents liv- Colonial Little Symphony Society will offer a full program of graded tig near Weaver street, laid th»t The deadline for registration is Check Features and for its regular winter con- gymnasium classes for boys in the they "did not minimize the im- September 27. 7-16 year age bracket, with spe- portance to Summit of providing cert. Interested singers are invited cial emphasis placed on younger Fire Safety Drive adequate low rent housing ... but to attend this meeting. members. Coupled with the gym under no circumstances can th« The city'i second all-out observ- program will be the usual high- necessary impairment of witting S At a recent meeting of the ex- ance of Fire Prevention Week, Child Care Center property values be justified." ecutive committee, officers for the calibre aquatic instructional pro- which begins tomorrow, w ill be gram, which involves the nation- Most of the signatures werv 1956-57 season were elected "as fol- capped this year by a daylong al YMCA aquatic program. John from residents of Montrote and low: Opens Doors for tour nn October 9 of all public dates avenues and Colonial and P. Bennett will again be at the buildings with the exception of Evergreen roads. Mrs. Edward C. Holmes of 141 helm of the boys aquatic program. Overlook Hospital, by fire pre- However, Council pointed out to Beech wood road, president; Irving Third Year Today Other physical programs for boys vention experts and Boy Scouts the group in attendance, which A Lum of Chatham, vice-presi- will include the individual exer- in order to determine whether any numbered over 100, that the pro- The Summit Child Care Center dent and librarian; Miss Verda J. cise room and activity in Junior fire hazards exist, it was learned posals set forth by the Mayor's Powell of Summit, secretary; and today began its third year of pro- and Senior Hi-Y leagues in bas- this week. committee in July in no way com* Alden W. Hay of Madison, treas- viding after-school care for chil- ketball, bowling, and volleyball in Frank J. Kerrigan, chairman of nutted the city to begin construe* season. urer other committee members dren in the grades one through the Mayor's Fire Prevention Com- tion, and that if the plan did meet are Mrs. Richard It. Anderson, Wednesday and Friday will be with sufficient favor, the home* four who need supervision away mittee, at a meeting at City Hall Mrs Edmund A. Bowles, Mrs. the two days when girl, members last Thursday, said the State Fire would be financed only through from home. Under the direction Charlotte Engelman, Mrs. James will "take over" at the local Prevention Association will active- private capital. B Hays, Jr., Ernest R. Kretzmer, of Mrs, Blanche Dorsky, trained YMCA. On these days, girls may ly cooperate with the city in an Council then recommended that Richard A. Shaffer, William A. and experienced supervisor of the pass tests in the regular "Y ' OBGAMZING FI1E rtEVENTION-Tlie city's sec- are Reginald Burdick, vice president of the State attempt to reduce whatever fire he petitioning group elect a cum* Sklarz. and Frederick C. Stobaeus. program, children are offered a aquatic program and take advan- ond Fire Prevent*)* Week which gets underway Fire Prevention Association, and George WaRhour, hazards migh be existent in any mitt.e which would'meet with th« The present chorus was formed tage of recreational swims. The torn arrow was officially organized last Thursday in Mayor, the Sub-Standard Housing recreational period, arts and president of the Association; Councilman Fletcher P. public building. uhen the Summit Choral Society girls' aquatic program will be un- City Hell as Frank J. Kerrigan, (third from left) 1M To Make Cbeck-Up Hoard and any other interested crafts, and snacks. Thornton, Mrs. George N. B.iynton and Robert M. and the men's glee club merged der the direction of Marjorie Wil- chairman of the Mayor's Committee on Fire Pre- Mr. Kerrigan stated that on Oc- parties to discuss ways and means in 1926. th?se two groups had The Center, a United Campaign liamson, Nell Nittel, and Phyllis vention^ receives fire prevention literature from Dunsmorc, all members of the Mayors Committee. tober », approximately 100 fir* which would pave tht way for ;-u ve.tlgate A meeting to arrangt for the 1 derson recently completed a two- American physical education ex- would bring more people into thv of thwe hst season was a perftyjn-< « p.m. A fcojr way bring bis tfad the premises at a Uter date in 199*37 seawn 4#* Chfl$ Care year tour of duty with the Air pert this week. area and thus inore low-cost a-r-e of Mendelssohn's oratorio El- ^tenter was heltf at the-Dome of to this activity on his member- order to determine whether the housing projects. ship, with dad paying • minimum The new head football orach is Force and was discharged three In cooperation with the State violations have been corrected. ijah. Mrs. Lent yesterday. Those serv- In July, a special committee ap- activity fee. Howard Anderson. He steps into Weeks ago as personnel officer at Department, National Recreation Launch AB-Oat Drive ing the Center this year are Mrs. Association and its Recreational pointed by the Mayor in April of the coaching post left vacant by Lackland Airforce Base, San An- Starting tomorrow, when Fire this year submitted a plan where- The chorus win have Ralph Bur- C. B. Keeney, Jr., Mrs. J. C. Mad- The physical department win of- Community Exchange, the city will Prevention Wepk begins, until by private capital and civic spirit ner of Westminster Choir College den, Mrs. H. D. Richardson, Mrs. fer a Varied program of activities tonio, Texas. He is married and play host to Horqefo (Jabarrot of Sept. 15 when it ends, the Mayor's would combine to provide 28-du- as conductor for the fifth year. J. T. Connor, Mrs. W. H. Cox, Jr., for irfen members again this year. makes his home here. Unmuay, a professor of physical Committee will hunch an all out plcx apartments which would b« The chorus rehearses from 8 to Mrs. J. W. Kinley, Mrs. E. M. In addition to,$egular gymnasium Bears and Lee to Aid education at Carmelo, Uruguay, drive to ask local citizens to ex- divided into 14 lots, each to con- l') p.m. every Monday from Sep- May, Mrs. W. G. Tatlock, Mrs. periods during the week, the in- who will make a week-long study Coach Anderson will be assisted amine their h'lmt-s and stores for tain a two-family dwelling that 'cpkr to May In the YMCA au- J. M. Blackmar,. and rs. J. W. dividual exercise room will again (f local .administration and opera- "ilitnrium. All interested singers Robinson. be available to men. This facility by Bruce Bears and Tom I.oc, any existing hazards, and if there would house local families dis- tun of the recreation department. are any. to have them corrected be- placed by enforcement of the Sub- art- urged to attend on September The Center has been presented includes a rowing machine, Swed- both of the High School faculty. Mo is one of several professional fore October 9. It was also learned Standard Housing ordinance and 10. with a donation of $150 by the ish stall bars, long horse, heavy The new Summit mentor is en- recreation leaders of twenty na- that if any hotnoowner or shop- rent for approximately $79.10 per Summit Playhouse Association, bag. striking bag. weight-lifting. thusiastic over this season's pros- tions vi.-.]tiTTiT'"the United States owner wishes to have hazardous month excluding heat or utilities. Eight Area Residents Ralph Blank, president of the Play- boxing, wrestling, and the running pects and is pleased over an ap- tin-; summer. rubbish removed, he may call CR The recommended site lies, oppo- house, announced this week. The track. Get Petit Jury Call parent wealth of material to mold Mr. Gabarrot arrived yesterday 3-6404 fnr pick up Also, .all service site the Weaver Court building re- gift will be used for additional Swim instruction for men will into a top-flitfht team. Last Sat- and will stay with Mr. and Mrs. clubs in the area will be asked cently condemned by the Housing Kijjht Summit Area residents equipment at the center, accord- be held on Thursday evenings, W. Gerard Tatbck of Kent Place urday grid practice started at to cooperate by showing films Board .tnd the Board of Health v\ore among a panel of 140 Union ing to Mrs. tenz and Mrs. John with Harold Aherh directing. Rec- Hnulevarr!. He will leave Septem- on fire prevention as well as by According to Mayor Dean, onlf I'mnly petit jurors who were sum- W. Kinley, equipment chairman. reational swim will be on Tuesday Memorial Ficll witli about sixty ber II. Thrnuch'-nit the summer he hvitin? speakers fn»m the State 13 families still reside at Weaver moned and are now serving at evenings. aspirants being put through nitr- has made similar studies in sev- Five Prevention Association. All Court *Ke courthouse through Sept. 14. ous conditioning drills. City Softball Champs Men who are inter?sted in bowl- eral olher communities thrmurhout school and churches nave also 1» other matters. Council put off The names were drawn in the 1 the n.'iii in. To Be Crowned Sunday ing may apply at the Y office for - 'Morning and afternoon practice born asked to c^npentp. final hearings regarding the city's P'p-tnce of County Judge Wilton membership on one of the league sessions arc schrd'ilril tor T.i'"- ' Th'« Hnanl nf lti'rrc.ition also othi-r member* of the Mayor's •relinquishing of portions of Larch One of the top local sports events a!)i:"!in( ril th.ii ill-1 (iif-ini; outdoor A I filer and include, from Sum- trams which bowl every night at day and Wrrlnexdav (ruin !» tn II Committee .ire. IV. H.n> i i.itn\ co- pl;ire until Oct. 16 and >passed an mi'. Miss Mary C. English 24 Sum- of the year TU11 take place this the YMCA. Monday through Fri- >-'n.•!»••• 'Ijince I'nr the Miiiimer sp,v. ordinance prohibiting trucking on a.m. and from 2-::o )•• ."> |> MI 11:. chairman, ^envt.ny of thr Sum- day. A very popular activity in 'ii v II Ic held liinmht at Mcnio- nut avenue: Ivor O, Mall, 105 Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at.Memorial mit-Area Chamber «if ('OIIUIHTCP; Chapel ilrect through to Broad past season's has been the men's season opens < ;- 1 1- Cameron*-10 Edpewood drive i l'c;iT:ii i 11! 'villfrt;, ;,|] niernbcrs Kjip Chiff Thomas J. Murray. Revolution? were passed to Mayor's Trophy in the City Soft- erate on Tuesday evenings start- Howard Anderson i if tiin \i x ,Ii»r-ey'Scjnare Ihmre scho< 1 monies as well as to pay nl Mrs. Teresa M. Ginocchio, ing the |«»w *•: fi.;I K".-elle l'.uk Mis. flooiKC N. Boynton, ball League will take place. ing in early October. Those inter- 1 ''.!!i'is and Tt.urhen A^ociation. .salaries for volunteers in the fire '3! Morris avenue. the resignation of Peter Kandrat Panthers. ' nel director of Chubb ;ind Sun; ested in badminton may rlay on !!••' ;i v. .11 r.ill (>' e dancr. department. Motions were- also The championship game will be Several Vrteruns AtaiLbli1 K"l>oi-ts v S Reed, superintendent j Th>se chosen from Berkeley Monday evenings in the Y gym, and the retirement of Elwood C. passed to grant taxi driver li- between J. K. Smit, winners of the S > ) x tb* outdoor dances have if schools; Rev. Ifarry S. Carslon, 'Heights include Mrs. Elizabeth where a group of badminton en- Cornog. Appointed a physical edu- Veterans from Lst ye;!!'.-, tram cerses to Thomas Behan, Rbbert Industrial League, and Corradi a'tiatlcil nn average attendance if the First F.vangelical Lutheran iHT-ms, 222 Snyder avenue; Jo- thusiasts always gather. Co-ed cation instructor, Anderson holds who reported Saturday include Watson, Karl Kreder, Christian Landscapers, City League cham- if l'to residents plus numerous "hurch; Carl S. Ifulett, editor and Mph T. Hofman, 114 Snyder av- badminton is available on Mon- Lenny" I/ombardn, quarterback: N.ielson. Jr ; William Woods and pions. Both teams went through a BS and MS from Rutgers and ( publisher of The Summit Herald; and Mrs. Florance France a season in close competition in days at 9 p.m.. follow ing men's Lnrrv Lockhart, a halfback, aM Murdock H. Merchant. Permis- was a mainstay of the Scarlet Bill Butler, who plays center and Alton C. Cast, principal of Sum- M>n from New Providence. close and hard-fought event. (Continued on page 7) all <\v Santa Claus to land from a these plavers and fill in ('I'HT I'aimlv r \ ice Association lias1 cil. Hoy Scouts. Lowell Ifanscn. helicopter at Memorial Field tw» Governor Due spots Bill li.i-tt!«v, I'.,I! C'IMD'I'HI'IK siaff hy tli«' addition chairman *>• werks brfore. Christmas. St'lieck. .li'htir.v Mmirr, K !> M.>n ' f ;i in u s'>( worker. Mis Scouts; Harlan.S. Krii!ieTBojid A hnl by Kur^'iliiff Tree Service, School Calendar for 1956-57 At Tennis Club tlato, KiMrr-i'n H.n'u'--. .''ii M \f utlia Killer, a former worker in oi Hen eahori and the YM< A. John Heights, to remove 13 rierson. Boh KiKiwIcs 'imf l»un 'lie ch.ld L'.iiii!,inc«' clinic of Iho M.icN.nnai.i, J. Her;i> NOKIW nod tices from city streets at a coil (Reprinted By Request) (larglulo, all <>t whom saw action S.icrefiiciilo. Cil., Department of D'.il MacLeod, and Robert M. >f..$l.'JX7fwas accepted.^ 17 da.s This Sunday last season. i'lililir Welfare. Dunsiii'trc-, Ch.'itnfirr prc-idctit ,k» Zoning Variance Principals meeting Tuesday. September 4 at 9:30 • m. G Hi r. who i< 2t. attended iT^~^nf \the Stjij^^Jnc Communication from the Workshop for teachers, Wednesday. September 5 at 8:30 a.m. at Lincoln School uled to attend the annual invitat- be in charge <•! the 1.;K4.I.' Id :u'd S:IMIII'IP> I'ol'rv'e. ll'iston, and Prevention ( ommM4<><* ir:tlNO»'. Hill Civic Association re- All teachers will meet in their respective buildings on Wednesday, September 5 Anderson will Mnrit t!.e In :• "i .I'III.'III'I f:-nr;i State Clt-'ii^'c president: K«'a Council to consider a ti'.n tournament of the Summit at 1:30 p.m. Scrimmaircs have h'-cn >e!iHn!ed ( .ij»>i;e ,s'l"> will specialize in inald liurdick, vice-president; Wil- zoning variance which would pro- Tennis Club this week, it was an- work w.'h arl'ilf-ce'its and children Registration of new students on Wednesday, September 5 * with South Side Hii'h Schoi I and liam Monahan, director of th* hilut organizational activities in 1 1 f!ial n M a Schools open for students on Thursday, September 6 nounced by tourney officials. The it is eNrx" " '''' '' '" '"' and also will take graduate planning committee and Calvin residential zones. The note point- Westfield will alw I>P met in courses- at Itntgers University. Baile, member of the board of ed out that 'numerous groups ; days Governor is due on Sunday, Sep- Ootober '5 i sessions. She Ix^an her duties here on dans tember 9. directors. . . . under the guise of religion November Tuesday. mu'ht qualify as churches under The tournament will attract Single session Tuesday, November 8 for KU-cti.n Day Fowl Play on Lawns Driver Hurt Wntn Car the Law," and thus encroach into/ many top-ranking male players Robbery Complmnt residential areas. Schools close November 8 and 9 - NJEA Convention • Has Polict Baffled Hits Another on Curve Single session Wednesday. November 21. before Thanksgiving from the east. Both singles and Found to Be Fdse During late spring and early Residents living on Division ave- William Rixon of 82 Broad Milton K. Pierce. 32, of 553 Mor- Schools reopen on Monday, November 28 doubles will be played and final summer, Beacon Hill Civic Asso- •LtTS nue and Sunset drive have com- street .admitted early yesterday ris avenue was taken to Overlook ciation had protested to Council e police, Rixon said en by I. W. Whitcside of 19 Ever- erty as submitted by Temple Sinai of Mrs. David K. Bouton, 53 Sun- ' "^Schools close at the end of the day on Friday, February 15 for mid-winter In all, seven complaints have that he had been held up and green road. Whitetidc was unhurt. met with the approval of tht robbed late Tuesday night in the set drive. been registered with the police According to police, after hitting Planning Board as not in violation vacation rear *>f Pcdicim's Tavern on Schools reopen on Monday, February 23 - * The tournament is um!or the di- since the first de.;d chicken Whitesides car. Pierce broucht of any ordinance. Aubrey street and Morris! avenue discovered on a lawn cm Division his own car to a stop some feet rection of Gustav Craef, assisted ami that the "thieves" had also >torrh 17 away and then attempted to days by Mrs. Bouton. Miss Dorothy avenue. Two were found early la*-t M' !rn his car. OB iaasld* pages Sunday morning and V.\r> \vfvl*j>l «»»« » last Tuesday. It is -reporter! that However, he was apprehended a Easter. Schools reopen on Monday, April 22 (Easter is April 21) pfihec, Rixon admitted that the Stuart Nimmo, Henry Richardson, only one chicken is left on a lawn few blocks away by police. Classified 20,21 davs complaint was false that actually Editorials * May Mrs. James Robinsin and Mrs. and that it it freshly killed. Police he hud smashed his car into a ' After beinp detained at Over- Holiday on Thursday, May 30, Memorial Day Deaths * II davs John Taylor. The public is invited believe the depositing of the, fowls nearby tree earlier in the evening look Hospital for treatment of •Inne to watch the matches. is the work of a practical joker. and had hirlden it in some woods abrasions Pierce was placed under Paiiaic Valley I Schools close on Thursday, June 20 The raising of chickens within off Bedford and Morris avenue. arrest and chargtd with reckless Social 13, 14, IS He is charged with making a false driving and leaving the icenc of Sports II 1R2 days F->r WATER SOFTEKniS or SOFT city limits n illegal, and &o is WATER SERVICE C»ll CLIUOAN their promiscuous disposal. report. an accident. THI SUMMIT HtMID. THUISDAY. SPTiMttK i. ttt»

Teen-Age Camera Club held on '. September n if the H» tWMsdsat, Mrs! HoMs FtstoJ Meeting Chamber Pi Penoaad The monthly board meeting of j Donald BL lcLeaa, Jr. UO Oak The Camera Club, an extra cur- Warren B. Griffin of Plainfkld. riculum of the Caribbean Dcbi Group Has First has been promoted to the position the Junior Strviea League will be' Ridge a of Summit, held iti finiJ meeting of head of personi*! admiaatratkwn of the seaaon Tuesday evening, for the Summit Research Labors r August 28. The Tee&agc members Meeting Sept. 10 lories of the Celanese Corporation wetr trained to introduce photog- The pei dtaatoti o* of America. He will assume his SUMMIT LUMBER GO. raphy into the various churchei in new duties at tht Laboratories this area. SummM Am Chamber of Oof*. meree has aanoun<*d t stria* pf on Monday. A Dependable Sourat Thegues t ipeiker was Officer ten meetijys for the ltK-57 aaa* Mr. Griffin is a graduate of Edward Trayford. crime photog- •on with an outstanding speak* Columbia University and holds a rapher of the Police Department on industrial problems appe ' If aster's Degree in industrial psy- m m He spoke on the various phases of at each meeting. The first chology from Purdue University. photography. ing wtll be held September 10 Prior to joining the Celanese Cor- Lumber and BuiWing ywr prised possewions-diplonus, family Th e prints submitted by the the Hotel Suburban and poration, he was employed as a club were judged by J. Abramson speaker will be Gideon Oiagey, senior research associate with documentaryiwards, j»n b« M of the Summit Camera Shop, and editor of Industrial ReJartioo Dunlap and Associate!, Inc. of Officer Traviord. News, who will speak on tilt Stamford. Connecticut, a firm of f your decorating theme. Blisses Dorothy Scott and Mar topic, "A New Look at the lodua- management consultants. In Febr- SCREENS Bring them to our Gallery of Fine Pictures garet Jones received prizes for trial Keiitiotis RwfeaakxiaL" uary, U55, Mr. Griffin Joined the enlargement and contact prints, The perooonel group member* staff of the Summit Laboratories where framing is a specialty. See how respectively. Prizes were donated ship consist* of reproscntativM of where he has been functioning in by the Summit Camera Shop and the leading toduatriM of the Sum- the capacity of personnel assis- beentiful they can be... and for how little! the Summit Health Food Center. mit Area who meet regularly to JOINS NEWAIK tant. Combination Doors Shirley Bennett is the president discuM common problems. Ginsburg of 245 Kent Place Bou- levard, too of Mr. and Mrs. Sol- Gallery of Flaw Plclairee, of the group and Alzada Mitchell, The opening meeting speaker New Cookery Clatstt 281 *mLUt_i OL MH2I advisor. will present, for the first time, omon Ginsberg of 245 Kent Place the results of a nationwide poll on Boulevard, has joined the New- To Botfit Sopf. 17 I? A housefly can mgrafte as much the status of the induttrial rela- ark hw firm of Furst, Furst and Fall cookery ciaMec, apoosorwl as 2 miiw. Cattle insect pests tions professional and will give Feldraao. A graduate of Summit atmuatty by Pubtic Service Ebe- ran migrate as much as 28 mile*. his views on the rapidly increas- school* and Rutgers University trie and Gas Co., will begin fcn ing importance of the profession. Law School where he was a mem- Summit on September U, at 7:30 Other speakers and their dates ber of Phi Beta Kappa, Ginsburg p.m., witfa other laasiona stated are as follows: was formerly law secretary to the for October 10, November 14 and Superior Court Assignment Judge December 12. Ite hom« ecooo- October 1, Dr. Alex Bavelas. so- years cial science research department tor Essex County. He has taken miea kitcheo at S41 Spriagfteld 56 of Bell Laos; John N. May, Jr., several postgraduate courses, in- avenu* witt be the tMe of the Robert 0. Peterson and Prank J. cluding ones given by Roscoe course and MIM niiabdh Me- of itptnicble Strtitt Kerrigan, all local bankers who Pound. Harvard Law School dean Namara, home service adviser, will discuss banking in Summit, emeritus. wffl be in chatf*. agent tor November S; Detective F. Thomas Mueller, December S; William APPLIANCE Wade of Mutual Benefit life In- ANTIQUE JIWILIY surance Co., January 7. la vu c«ttMttMi w* tkOak ym «Ht fU4 y4*e«« ymn Allied Von Unas, Inc. Other meeting dates and speak- We «1M law a ckale* Mtetttoa 1 Ctiau, Okus, Laati*. ruiMate. era will be announced later. tMT $ Union, n, t. N«w Library Hours THE LENNARDS HIM* «S« MOVING New hours now in effect at the Summit Public library are as REPAIRS follows: Adult section — Monday PACKING through Friday, • a. ». to • p. m., Saturday—9 a. m. to 5: JO p. m. Children's section — Monday FRANKLIN HILLS STORAGE 'WASHERS 'DRYERS through Friday, 1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m., Saturday, 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. nt. TWOiBLr DRIVE I KNOI MILL DRIVE Nal specialist • GAS & ELECTRIC RANGES Ranch & Split Level Hornet i CESSPOOL CResfview 74)315 * ALL SMALL APPLIANCES CLEANING Coll CR. 3-1010 or any agtnt Building. Repairing U-7* RAIUOAO AVL , SUMMT, K. X Any Hake or Model Repaired By Trained Mechanics CESSPOOLS AND 8EPTIC TANI8 CLEANED, BUILT AND REPAIBED CRANE A BULLDOZES SUMMIT RADIO X APPLIANCE CO. SERVICE * Th* Home of Famous Xamc8-WEST!\GH0USE — HOTPOINT Trutke for Hire BENDiX WHIRLPOOL— 1VORGE—MAYTACh 4« Springfield Ave . Summit CR. 7-1333 CAMJGUUCK

YOU limply fill out • cUpoiIt slip and enclose your chick or mbnidy or

So yon really ought to try a ft CKNTDIIT • •» Especially now, while your BANKING BY MAIL IS EASY IMT TIME you take the meas* And when you pffet th§ p$dd present car is at its peak Fura of t "58 Bulck Cnmmr, you git ths reipofiff of Butck't worth •«• you'll know what the rporti-ctx mightittt V8 §ngin§ and th§ Especially now, at today* HERE XT THE BANK your account is credited, and an acknowledgment tent b'y return foDa nwan when they gay the iilk-tmooth wizardry of an Buick; pikes (who knows when advanctd nw> Variable Pitch mtfl. Even though you may not be able to step here as often as you would like, you if t great perfc they'll ever be aj low again!)... Dynaflow* that Ult you notch And egpedaOy now, with Buick can still make use of our services by doing your banking by mail. Hie fetaway is right tway-the the pitch for emergency accaU so solidly in the Top 3 of road feel fuporb-the handling nation that's the mortxttisfying America's best sellers-end that a joy. For thii if Bulck g most tafety measure in the land kind of sales volume i today. spirited and spectacular car. us to nuke you an even finer Ai we said, the name ii trade-in allowance. It hu the highest power-per- CENTVHT. Drop in on us this week-4 xky potmd ratio in all Buick history. And, as you'll discover, the SUMMIT TRUST COMPANY would be even betterl-anll see price is a cinch. For the '..ESTABLISHED I 8*1 It ride* on a chastig compact what a buy you can make right CINTUBT is Just a cut ibove to the kit ounce and inch. now on the best Buick yet Buick's lowest-price SPECIAL Main Office PaBtde ValUpBranch It takei to movement like a Series-and that's just a cut prim* ballerina—nimble to the above the well-known smaller It It itmntUrd on Bomdmtuttr. Sertnafitle' Av». 1 laachwood Kd. Ave. near Seufh St. nth degree. Summit Ntw cars.

9 grert time Mtmbar F«. th«> UrgrM attend- each day. In addition to the«;e eon, Richard, 7>j. they went im- ance uf the summer, were pres- hours, the shop will be open mediately to the scene of the ent. Thursday night; from 7:30 to »:(X> crash, blowing whistles as they Because <»f rermaU<>n<; to the p^.m. A back-to-school moti! w;ll proceeded through the woods but i Fx-ld House. customary summer be featured and a wide assortment TAKES GREAT PLEASURE upon arriving at the damaged meeting place of the Old Guard. of school clothes will be for sale plane failed to find any trace of the nutting was transferred to during the opening week. IN ANNOUNCING the occupants. They later report- the Ediit* home. Kadi member Operated by the Junior Service ed the exact scene to authorities brought a picnic lunch. League of Summit, the Thrift \ and a full-scale hunt was started The next regular meeting will Shop donates its net profit* to '• for the pilot. be held at the VMCA on Septem worthwhile cotnmunitp organiza- At first it was thought that the ber 11. • .. . - ' tions through the sale of clothing, bric-a-brac and household articles. Our First Those wishing 1» have donations picked up by members of the League may call CR. 7-4563 begin- ! ning on Monday. - The Consignment Shop, on the • Dr* M* I* Chanko second floor at 37 De Forest ave- ' Anniversary nue, will be open the week of Sep- tember 10 through 17 to receive Examined fall stock. It will be open for sell- ing Monday. September 17th, j 43 Nalfty Str*#t, Ntwarfc from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from that date on. articles for consign- InSummit Offjct Hcwit 9:30-5:30. Wed. 'til 9'f.M. ment will be accepted only on Mondays and Thursday*. Ertoingt by Appointment MArket 3-2376 Chubb Sinqing Group KNOCKOUT Entertains Kiwanians WE SHOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS At its regular Hotel Suburban luncheon meeting' Tuesday the OPPORTUNITY TO REMIND PROFESSIONAL HAIRCUTTING Summit Kiwanis Club heard the "Exiled 80 John Street Owli." a FOR barber nhop quartet from Chubb YOU THAT WE ARE DEEPLY Underwriters. The quartet was presented as part of a musical pro- gram planned by the club's music APPRECIATIVE OF YOUR PAST Men-Women-Children committee under the direction of Arthur B. Becker. PATRONAGE-AND WE SHALL by FRANK The "Owls" quartet Is a non- Tou could—if you've never had the detaflg of your insurance policy* professional group made up of CONTINUE TO INCREASE OUR explained to you—for, in insurance, a "technical knockout" is the "The Barber for the Movie Stars" Rus Meyer and Henry Parker, (Formerly with Warner Bros. Studios, Hollywood tenors. Ray Croul i.frnt bass and Jules Marckmann, a Summit resi- lews that can hit you when you thought coverage existed. An bade- aai Sand's Hotel, Las Vegas) REPUTATION AS BEING THE pendent insurance agent makes it his business to explain to you the dent, second bass. Sparked by Mr. Parker, the exact extent of your coverage. And when he plans your insurance he singersoffere d examples of close FINE STORE FOR GENTLEMEN tries to eliminate any gaps in your protection—another dangerous harmony part-singing from the traditional barber shop melodies IN SUMMIT AND THE SUBUR- source of technical knockouts. Make sure you avoid a TK0—buy of the late nineteenth century and yourjnsurance through a trained, independent insurance agent. traced the development of the more modern and complicated BAN AREAS. harmonies of today. Young GOP tach Party NEIGHBOR The annual beach party of t»ie Union County Young Republicans will be held Saturday afternoon TII* Fottowing at the Surf Club, Ortley Beach, Jack K. Whittaker at M laurel YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED RopfWttittativti avenue, county chairman of the For Complete Young Republicans, tnnuunced TO JOIN IN OUR FIRST this week. With Air National Guard BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION UnlversaMnlernaUotul Star. JEFF OIWDLER, currently Donald V. Rillo, 17, son of Mn. Florence Rillo ot 36 Baltusml •tarrinf ia "AWAV ALL-BOATS • beins; Kroomed by "FRANK" road, 15 now at Lackland Air with the sane proud care that has made Frank the barber for imet AGINCY MILTON T. MOUNTAIN AGfNCY Forjee Base, Texas, where he is SALI; ci. s-nw CR. 71314 the celebrities. taking part in th* summer train- ftAVIO H. KNOWLJS SHORT HILLS AGENCT FRANK IS NOW LOCATED AT THE SI MMIT BARBER SHOP, ing program of the Air National BY SELECTING CI. lt«» CR. 7-ziet 4K SPRINGFIELD AVE.. Sl'MMIT-ACROSS THE STREET Guard. mm ». HOUSTON SPINCEft M. MAKN FROM THE NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE RESTAURANT • NEW FALL SUITS CR.S44M CR. 3-1S4* Co* CR. 3-9842 Appointments Optional aWOOD M. OMHr THI RICHLAND COMPANY Patronize CR. 7M3S CR. 3-7OW • SPORT CO4TS MIWI fc SON THf STAFFORD A*r!CY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MY Local • SLACKS ex. s-sess CR. 3-19M FRIENDS OF THE HEIREW FAITH HOLMB AGENCY WALTER A. MeMAMARA "FRANK" CR. 2240* CR. 3-38M Business 'FURNISHINGS ATA -ft _> i^f^ftf _L:1^_J


WELCOME THIS SALE WILL LAST WAGON 3 DAYS ONLY dresses up the old school tie FR. 7-1463 THURS. • FRI. - SAT. Time was when boys returning to learning had only one choice of shoe. But now, Stride Rite makes all these, and other handsome style*... all with rugged good looks, grown-up details and traditional Stride Rite GUARD AGAINST quality. We fit these famous shoes every bit as well as they ire madt to fit FINANCIAL LOSS IT ...and that, my dears, U very well indeed! ' FIRE SPECIAL HOURS FOR SALE ! Thurs., Sept. 6 — 9 to 9 FrL, Sept. 7 - 9 to 9

Sat.fSept.8-9to6 with sound itoek According to Sin. fir* Intaranct. S— Hilt agtncy now. WE FIT CHILDREN Holmes Agency Rtallon — liiiuftn 331 Springfield Ave., Summit SUMMIT SHOE SHOP Sirring Summit mnd Hclnity for 57 l~r, Parking Area At Rear Of Store SUMMIT, N. J. 414 SntlNGPfELO AYENUE CR. 3-2*8t St. CR. 3-2400 THE SUMMIT HiHALD, THU»5DAV, SEPTEMKH t, HH

wealth, fame,.and social organi- HHI Ckurck Today—8 am, Bosh Hashanah Saturday—3 p.m.. Couple's dub tian Education meetlnf at Pariah try Day Wort Night at paris!l zations, which weigh not one iot niorning service, sermon by Rab- at home of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Boost. HOUM. Ear. Bahert ft. Oarpealer CHURCH DIRECTORY in the balance of God, and «e get bi Tarnor, "Life's Holiest Pur- S. Solimine, 66 Huntley road. Tuesday-4 p.m., Church acbeol Wednesday-1 p.m. to 10 pm clearer views of Principle. Break Sunday — • 4S am.. Church pose:" 11:30 a.m., Junior con- Sunday—11 a.m., Worship in the ttachert' meet lag at Parish Country Day Work night at par' up cliques, level wealth w»th school: 11 a.m.. Worship service gregation serv ice; 7 p.m., Rosh Sunday school rooms durin| al- HOUM; I P m to U ?.»., lab House. honesty, let worth be judged ac- utd sermon, "Beware! This Hashanah Eve. ! terations. from the King James version of Christian Science Church cording to wisdom, and we get Mess* Yoo" Nursery during Tomorrow-8 a.m., Rosh Hash- Monday—« p.m., Woman's Soci- m SfrtsfffcW Av». the Bible (Proverbs 22:1): "A good better views of humanity ' atlsh morning service, sermon by ety of Christian Service. Guest TEMPLE SINAI «f SUMMIT name U rtther to be chosen than ••MBit Scriptural selections to he read j Rabbi Tarnor, The Sacrifice;' speaker. Mrs. Oscar Somers of great riches, and loving favour include the following (Proverbs ! Th« Mfhjcl; Yooag adult dass; 11 a tn , hre's Circle at home of Mrs. J. 1( nil be brought out at Chrisian ues will be emphasized in reading* •artM eummU uut »ummiadU»« mrnnv essmuotu** Wotahlppirt ? Dtrine worship sed sermon; 'Tht T. Jajcox 11 Morris avenue. in tu tmatnmr «iu»rt*m fct th» U&ttuUii Church. Sprta^ieid s_-,J Science service this Sunday. from "Science and Health with First Baptist Church l jTas* of the Modern Church"; Wiidroo Atoaum. U* Oae«r««»Ua« eordiillT itrixm rmiittm Uit«r. Key noting the lesson-sermon on Key to the Scriptures" by Mary N. P. Methodist Church DarM *• BamwcD, O.O. «rt«d la UtMni Jud«Mn to puUtAxmUa* owmbtrahly t& tix Con. | Sonny duriftf sen ice; 7 p.m., ''Substance" if the golden text Baker Eddy (239.5): "Take away Rev. loec* •• tev. and Sirs. Edward C. Peters** Temple Sine! «r*c*tton »t th« baclufiint U Its fifth yw j Youth FeBowthip and Junior In- New England ai Sprtagfleld Ave. nrniT iwun KVB mvicst nMar, At«w* nit, at t-.t* t.» j termediat* Fellowship groups. Kibbi Morrison D. Bial man BOLV DAY CAUKDAK: Today — 8:15 p.m., Senior «oir jU»b HMttooatt BM, W*tam*?, tan. MMTMuHIW tu j Monday — • p.ra, Methr>dist Castor Nonaaa Summers • , rehearsal. Sunday — 9 30 a. m., Church Oil. TbunteT. Sept. Mil at 1030 AM mess mtetifig. Reform Jewish %y •i WaMrea A' Sunday — 9:30 a.m., Church ZT2 Sprinfflele Avense Senwntt, New Jeney "The Privilege of Worship;' 9:30 411 SPRINfrttELD AVI. SUMMIT the Rector, ll a. m. (Church Mmr. face*) Trap* school; 9:30.a,m. and 10:43 a.m., a.m. and 11 a.m , Church school A Branch of The Uotiier Chureh, The first Church of Christ Open rri. Ey». • Parking In Hour- \l»o Nruark, Hroad M. tor. William school "Family Service). Worship and sermon, " A Para- Sundar — 11 a. m., Morning meeting at Parish House: 3:30 dox of Burden Bearing." Sclenttft, to Boiton. Mtu«chus«rU Wednesday—10 a. in. Church p.m., Senior Westminster Fellow- Sunday Services at 11 A M. Sunday School ll A. M. World Service Committee; « p. m., service and sermoo. "Every Val- ley Shall be Exalted' by I>r. Ja- ship planning nweliiiR in room Presbyterian Church Wednesday Testimonial Meeting at 8:11 P. M. St. Cecilia • Choir; 7:39 p. m.. 106; 6;3O p.m.. Clipper Club Sup- Senior Choir Rehearsal. cob Trapp; Svnmy at Parker New Providence O. KiiOg House durit* service; 7 per in Parish House. ——- p.m. Reisgatnt education co*n- Monday—2:.')0 p.m. to 4 p.m.. Rev. Richard A. Bryai Christian Science Reading Room St. Lukt'i Reformed mittfw aad church school staff Registration in the Choir room for OPEN TO THE PUILIC Episcopal meeting at Community House. youth choirs; 7:30 pm., Scout Today — io a.m.,-.-"Stitch-in- 840 SPRrNOriELD AVENUZ Supper will be served. Troop 62 at Parish House. Time" sewing committee meets Murray HID Tuesday—7:30 p.m., Explorer at home of Mrs. F. C. Codding ton, Open dally 10:00 to 4:30 except Sundays and holidays; also Rev. Walter Mueller Friday eveninfs 7:90 to 9:30 and after the Wednesday meet- Friends Meeting Post 62 at Parish House. ]41 Oaku-ood drive, Murray Hill; 8 p.m.. Women's Association board ing; Literature on Christian Science may be read, borrowed Sunday — 9:*5 a. m.. Sunday Wednesday—7:30 p.m., Seoul or purchased. school, al classes; 9:45 a. m.. Sunday—11 a.m.. The Religious Troop 162 at Parish House; Busi- meeting at home of Mrs. K. C. Adult Bible class ill a. m , morn- Society of Friends (Quakers) holds ness Women's Guild; 8 p.m., Stowell, 45 Holmes Oval; Church ing prayer and sermon by pastor. its service it Ibe YWCA. Visitors Geneva 2. school staff meeting at Parish arc welcome. House; 8:15 Adult choir rehearsal. First Ev. Lutheran Church Oakes Memorial Church Sunday—11 a.m.. Morning wor- Jewish Community Center ship and sermon. "Religion: Load Our Funeral Home at 309,Springfield Avenue Rev. Harry 8. Carlsos) Methodist SI bat ttace BeaJewi Rev. Philip S. Watters, Jr. or Lift?"; Children's sermon; 217 Morris Arcnt* Calvary Episcopal Church School 120 Morris Avenue Church hour nursery; Donation Baael Xaraaa Tartar < Sunday; 2 p.m., All church calling Today—2:30 p. m., Dorcas So- BURROUGHS & KOHR day. meeting at the Parish House. ciety 8 p. tn., Church School teach- Today—* p.m.. Choir rehearsal. 1854 0:19 a, m. lit. a. 195$ FUNEIIAL DIRECTORS ers. Monday—8 p.m.. Circle meeting at home of Mrs. Lester Williams, Succmiton to Sunday—9:45 a. m., Reopening 873 Central avenue; Circle Seren of Church School; 11 a. m., Divine TWO StSSfOttt f«Ot AU MTAJtTMIrTO 1 . B. P. BURROUGHS & SOX meeting at home of Mrs. Owen Worship Service; 4.30 p. m., Hi- Williams, 172 North Hillside ave- EitablUhed l»2O Leaguers. Central Presbyterian Church School 9:15 Family Service in the church. Fifty minute nue, Chatham; 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., 309 Springfield Avenue • CR. 3-2323 Monday—8 p. m., Informational Country Day work night at Par- period of instruction in the Parish House. Parent's Congregational meeting, Re-open* Sunday, September 9th ish House; 8:15, Council of Chris- Class. Kobmt 0. Kohr John Datldton, Jr. ministration meeting. Tuesday—« p. m.. Board of Ad- — Afe 1 tfcreeqh high school. 11 a. m. Ail pupils 5th grade and above worship l:Ot •m. Seesleei — Afe 1 threvoji 4rh grade. MID-JERSEY with their families. Instruction for all Departments Idea's Cases ft) beejh September 30 or 9:30 a.m. COMPANION m the Parish House or Canterbury House. Wesme't dew te •««•« Octeber 14, of 10:00 o,m. Seabury Press Curriculum. DOG TRAINING A complete staff of trained teachers. CLUB, INC. READY CASH DUWW CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Office. Cr 7-1114 B^MaM^aUaV ^LwaV Sl^aV aBa^^taWieK aftw^h begins new •^•^Wa^-W^aT asTSet ^kT I^RWI*. a^% w^aTe .. j Tuesday. SepNmber 11, lfl* 8:00 p.m.—ItoHae-Amer] BANKING HOURS icon HiaN, Merrts Ave.f Swnmitt N. J,

Pe>rfe>ction wfu IM soffjft SeerefflDef 1 1954, 1:00 p.m. — Ch* with consideration... Linrose, Retelle St., Ue- Perfection is no mere detail — but it den. N. J. ji the consideration of details that makes For inronnaHon ^f Schools for perfection. Smith and Smith service new dostes aed eppHce^tee provides the thoughtful consideration pltcne caM: OPEN M-u that is so necessary. MRS. A. J. WANDS CRettvlew 3-3274 MRS. H. &ORSKY CRonford 4-3231 MRS. C. STBMfa RAhw«y7-S11l Experience, The Teacher Many people who have had some education are inclined to think that they know enough and seem self-satisfied with That's Your Savings Account I ~~ ' Subvrba* Formica Sink Tops a few antiquated ideas and habits acquired during a period Everything in Cabinet In their development where they were learning by imitation Your money in the Citizens Trust Company is available, and Always rather than by reason. It's a good thing to learn reverence, SMITH and SMITH and Furniture Making politeness and respect by copying others to whom these vir- has been availabltrto you alone during banking hours. FUNERAL DIRECTORS tues have become natural characteristics. When it comet to KITCHEN REMODELING the question of using liquor, tobacco, coffee, colas & etc., Money in the Citizens Trust.Company is safer than money in j-our AN Outstanding Semct "Within fhe Miens of Air here is where reason and experience should be the guide, and pocketbook—safer from.loss, safer from theft, safer from spending. HOME rot sttvica SUIUMAM KARL BINDER one should never start or go on with such habits without ICO CHH A^, Nml J. M. J. 413 fttorrii Arc., SprlngfttM, N. J. thinking of the answers to a number of questions? Oll 642S2 Ogde» Street Here's haw a young man in Short Hills, New Jersey, woke Evenings 20 fern Ave. tip and discovered from hta own experience that there was a better way in the world than the one h* had followed for ME. 5-4T717 a number of years. On the anniversary of the day when he first started to smoke be asked himself the following ques- t—0e—e—e—eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneei >eeteeeeeeeeeeeee tions and when he had truthfully answered them from bis IHTftCSI-OII Thoro'-s nothing to-compare with a own experience, he was convinced that he was on a dead end road so he turned around arxl left behind all desire for to- SAVINGS ings aecaunt in a bank. bacco, liquor and caffeine drinks. The questions ?????? ^"^ School 1. Am I healthier because of smoking? and 2. Can 'run fatter because of smoking? i. Am I happier because of smoking? 4. Can I think more clearly because ol smoking? College 5. Am I more efficient because of smoking? «. Is my pocketbook better off because of smoking? 7. What beneftte have all these years of smoking brought Subscriptions me? >. What benefit* will more years of smoking bring me? to the After finally realising the utter futility of smoking a« brought to light by the answers to the above questions the decision was reached that there Just want any future in it. SUMMIT If you have a probtta in human beharior with younelf HERALD •r some loved ones, be big enough to profit by the experience and mistakes of others. ' If yon blindly follow tome one without reading the sign posts or asking directions in this sitrsnge new world, you, too, may find that after a waste of the best years of your life you KEEP THE STUDENT UP-TO-DATE OF WHAT'S are on a dead end road. OP SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY If you were in a strange neighborhood and some dis- HAPPENING BACK HOME AND THE ACTIVI- interested party who seemed to know what be was talking Member about toM you that you were on a dead end road, you would TIES OF FRIENDS IN OTHER SCHOOLS.* not hesitate to turn around. Ftdtrat Restnre Fedtrd Depeelr Be your own teacher, conduct your own examination and • Sjrsrem Insurance Cerperarloe fade yourself. Your flodinga will surely lead you to try a new and bett«r road and from your own experience In travel- MAIN OFFICE HEIGHTS OFHCI Special Subscription Rate..... $4.00 30-32 Maple Street ing this better wsy you will soon be satisfiedttat it leads to 372 Springfield Avenue the place emyooe la trying to find. $WVMtlt| tit J. lerkeley Heights, N. J. fecbdts MM mailma, of Hit HERALD to any school or coibgo IN Hto cp—Jiy. • HOWARD B. BISHOP. Serving the Summit and Passaic Valley Area WHITE FO» FBEK BOOELET Call The Summit Herald; Circulation Dept CR 34103 HUMAN ENGINEERS WMMfT, N. J. THt SUMMIT HIHALD, THURSDAY. SEETtMtH 4 im The first successful power loom the first machine to make possi- departments. This.Jfar the new and was invented in 1785 by Edmund ble the manufacture of wide cot- Service to Mark Seabury Press curnculm will be Methodist Church Tiirt« Get Appointments substiiule teachers. i Ruth B. Edwardl and Mn. Fm Cartwright. a clergyman, It vas ton cloth. used. As Kindergarten Aides Kindergarten helperh * approved MMemcke. Calvary Church School Begins «ere Mrs L*"lia Canada. Mrs Locd Man to Attend The Bodrd of Kdur;»tn>n has an- Margaret E. Collandna *nd Mrs The port at Nw Yflrt ,_ School Reopening nounced the appointment of three Jane Ferrell. Those appointed more tonnage th*n any otfeet port Metd Trades Meeting New Season Sun. additional kmilercarten helpers suhtiitutt teachers were Mrs JI the world. ( alvary Church School will to- J. L Robinson of 11 Montview 9' open on Sunday with a family M.T- mad. will attend the Eastern Plant The new church school vear tier in. 11 am in thr church. Management Conference of thr "ill begin Sunday at the Method Mrs. Jame?* K. Merritt, director National Metal Trades Association >t (hurch with sessions one <>f i. hmtian Education Sept. 9 12 at Spring Lake. hmr long starting at 9:45 i m. thi> week The serwee of the Mr. Robinson is president of the Classes are planned for al! ages season tt.Il include a pniyr.ini (>f as-ociation and vice-president of j from two and three year-olds in dedication f'-.r teachers otficcrs .lube* Burns and Sons New York Win yw m H fill mlb* and >t;sf a^Mvtant.v 'he nursery j;roup up through the v Cify. lie will extend the associa- Junior and Senior Hi^h School On .succedmg Sundays there will tion s welcome and MMve a*' grades. The K\\s and "girljt who HtvaM he tun :-esston:>. a family sen ire moderator o{ one of the panel riis s. Ihe Social Hall in the parish All-SEASON AWNINGS The second service will be held Two At Fund Appeal for their fpeninR worship, vhile Coo'*!' owning under (fit iun at 11 a.m. Pupih from the fifth Mrs Jean Andrew* and Mrs>. G. fifth and sixth traders will so to ^i ado through high school will A. Chambers, lx>th of Summit, Ihe second floor class rooms to worship with their families in the were among more than 40 com- meet with group teachers church and return to the Parish munity chairman and Union Coun- Junior High School young •House for instruction: All other ty volunteers who aUended a people will meet first in the grades will meet in the Parish meeting week in Springfield Chapel, and the Senior High will House or Canterbury House with to inaugurate the 1956 county gather in the Fellowship room. separate worship services in all (Kenny Fund Appeal. Rohison Clark, the church school superintendent, Mary Emma Me Hand ftched-Importei PIANO INSTRUCTION Carroll, director of Christian Kd- from Franc* ucatioji, Paul and Alma\Oncley. Fantaitie Pattern CLASSIC REPERTOIRE and niUMC directors and Hamilton and POPULAR SONG STYLING Adelajde McCiiffin and Robert ALBERT DUPARC - Woodward, rrprrsentinR the Christian Education Committee, 63 Woodland Ave. CRettvitw 7-2134 will greet returning teachers and pupils and welcome new-comers. piece place setting Starts Army Training INCIUDIS- Army Private Joseph A. Kicchi. • IAROI DINNER PI ATE • DISSERT DISH son of Mrs Mary Ficchi of 20 Van Dike place , recently began six • SAUCER • COFFEE CUP • SOUP DISH months of active duty training at e SALAD PUTI 1 Fort Dix under the Reserve Act. ' Complvltr $•»•

QUALIFIED - PROMPT R«g.2.9S COURTEOUS ZEPHYR ALL-SEASON AWNINGS GIVE Television Service Quality 1$ Our Motto COMFORT AND BEAUTY YEAR-ROUND Radios & Rtcord Playtn ARMOUR STIR Rtpoirtd SUMMIT TELEVISION GENUINE SPRim JOHNSON'S SERVICE CENTER Robert D. Brough 86 Franklin PI. Summit SOuth Orange 3-4777 Funeral Home CR. 3-6991 Springfield Ave. of Morris JALOUSIES & STORM SASH Jim Gtrord 1799 Springfield Ave. Maplewood CRestview 7-4444 Tony Collar! Smartest time of all...

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FREE -Get 2 cans of *UrkM, m««t. chunk famous Star-Kist Tuna '•*' HOLIDAY SEDAN M«r» i h»w it warht: bvy 4 cam «• liM 7+u r*|wlor piriit. \*n4 4 lok.U and <»vp«» TUNA FISH COM yvi 9*1 c» KINOl, t* it.r-Kiit THXB. T*r> 27 minol Itlond, Calif , mnd («l 1 cant Pttlt BUY JI/OMfl.» while your present car commands its Dairy Values Frozen Foodt DON WANtOO nfl SCOKII 0RAORAM'AAM "AA"" MiMINl T peak trading value! Butter-*"*"'..;.. »-S9c tmrn AIL »W«T ^^ before rising upkeep boosts the Margarine lb 25c Fi$hBiie«---

per-mile cost of driving your Produce Specials All prlcra rffectlrt 8*p«. f. T, I. W* Dawn Frtih Sttuy thr riiht to limit quantities. Sorry, M present car! '. : SWEET CORN with ricarett**. milk or cream

Ear HIAlTrtfUUY and buy Olds ... the big-car Now M '\AAAJ A» with all the features you want, ••linfl. ft plus an attractive price NEW ment and value that lasts! Parlia •w t let frici OL.DSMOB I Oven Bvecy tint til * m ^___^___ YOURI ALWAYS WELCOME AT YOUR OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER'St m*^£^m aaaa $2-71 321 SPRINGFIELD AVE. 1 C»non of 11 rk SUMMIT INC. NOW AT YOUR NEAREST SPERCO MOTOR CO KINGS SUPER Entrance to Free Farklnfc on Summit A»t. 491 Morris Ave., Summit CR. 3-1700 BE CAREFUL... DRIVE SAFELY! good* aai any somber sc asms. -—•—-- - personal nature, such as • Ibsrt an some shops ia tows, of protested by m* «j«nt program. All of these will be tackled courae, who hsrs snail parking Jority e* ths - with a fresh, vigor and business that was kit fsdlities but for os at the Sum- town. At ths last protest BRAID unfinished at the beginning of summer win Bit avstnte end of town there is ing. however, I gaintd tht n» tarkiag lot nor am there hour f " * now b« resumed. meters we can recommend. Ihs The Htrtid, for one, keenly looks forward to the fall and winter for tt means increased activity for us. Gone now are the two months of doldrums, the long, boring days of desper- &a*tt Bamv •» Ctac«l*| ately trying to "fill" the paper, the dearth of INVESTMENT SECURITIES community activities and projects. l*ttt»Uab«0 by tb« Sttmuut rut»lMbl&t Oo, •»«•» *l ttta Suk »(mt. Summit. Mrw immf And so, welcome home, you vacationers. MUTUAL FUNDS •MOM clkM m*tt« OototMr S 1S8S, M th« port olflo* Sumait. N J.. under «* at ItaNto 3. l«7t. OwtM« * W. L Candy ft C*. lac op«*t«d by £v* rnrbw kDd Owl 6 Start Them Off Might Caafe* Mi IMIH •lit fclMrfiBB Edward C Sheridan This week many of our younger cituens tre filing into classrooms to begin their edu- SprtaffltM A". LNrffcmt Marion A. Kern .5 Adv*rti*ia# Cart S. Huktt Editor and PubUshaf cation in the kindergartens. Some of them CR.14M* may never reach the first grade. $ CTU**t#» HOW Ui Many of these five and six year olds, on *t par rwr ID cdvwe* Mngt* H»IH M tb*ir "own*1 for the first time will be killed Back oopu* IS mettm h of injured while flocking through dangerous Jl <• —nttly r*i/tu*t»d f Art Itomi for city traffic or hazardous country roads.

Cmpy tetivi mftor 5 p.m^ Tumtimrt mmf km** Ur To avoid this tragedy parents should set hm mmltui from Thurtiay'i U$m*. Up planned training in safety steps to be fol- lowed by youngsters on trips to and from 1 school. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEE «, lfM The first thing parents should do is work out the safest route to school and then per- Constructive Community force >> sonally escort their children until they *n •a.) avfare of the various hazards. Modern man is frequently being advised [ TAAA AXtJUL never to underestimate the power of a wom- Parents should make sure while on these La&on OOA^, A*; an. That advice can be attested toby many training trips that they stop on curbs, look and it becomes increasingly apt as women berth ways before crossing and cross only at move into more and more positions of Influ- proper crosswalks. Good example is import- ence in public affairs. ant in teaching safety. Point out the danger of cars emerging from driveways and im- two weeks ago. Women are becoming particularly more DEATHS Miss Badgley, who was s New LETTERS Prdt upon children the need to obey all traf- active in the realm of government. Not that Mrs. George Vrsetiaaa i providence resident for 80 yean, Wants He«r Meters Bestem* fic officers and school crossing guards. _ _ they are becoming a dominant influence in Mr* Grorge Agnes Veneziana was born in East Orange. For Editor, Summit Herald: Teach your child that stormy days are several years the operated dress The Human Touch determining who shall hold public office but of 30 Parkway Terrace died last 1 am enclosing copy of a letter (specially dangerous as the autoist's visibil- Wednesday at Overlook Hospital shops in Summit and in Newaddressed to the Council of Sum- they are taking more active interest in the York, ity is poor. Warn him against playing in of a bean condition. She was 69. mit and hope you will be kind mechanics of government, in political issues, at Summit Federal «tr**ts, alleys and driveways on his or her Born in Ireland, Mrs. Venezi- AQ amateur painter, Mist Badg- enough to publish it in the Herald and they are assuming a new responsibility' ley did an oil painting of the New of September 6. if ># school. ana came to this country nearly as individuals and voters in the cause of good 55 year* ago. Before she came Providence Township Hall before Ethelyn Rutan Wood government. If your child takes the school bus. parents to Summit five years ago, sheit wai remodeled, which now The Hollywood Shop You walk into Summit FedersTi pleasant, »hbrothers, Luther ute meters are not only unfriend- The life parents may save by responsible avenue died last Tuesday at his ly, but actually hostile. My cus- 1 V. of New Providence and Donald order or travel check* — at Summit Federal, you'll political matters that will result in good gov- ufety training' ! means much more to them home. tomers feel thirty or twelve min- ernment. Non-partisan, it supports no party. E. of Oak Park, 111., and a neph- ute parking is not sufficient time than their own. He is survived by his wife, ew\ Robert Badgley, who was find you're always treated as a friend and neighbor — Its purpose is the single-minded one of study- Jannie !Mae and two sisters, Mrs. in which to select a dress, try it on mayor of New Providence several and make a decision to purchase ing and discussing issues, assessing candi- Mabel Colter and Mrs. Henrietta years ago. never an "account." You are invited to come in toon Telfair. it. It would seem to me that this dates and what they stand for. It urges action Current Comment* Rev. Reecr R. Hill, pastor of the might also apply to the purchase Funeral services were held at (Continued on page 10) of shoes, hats, gifts, bake shop. and enjoy it for yourself. only as it may result, in its view, in better Fountain Baptist Church on government. (Huoterdoa Democrat) Saturday. Interment followed at Rosehill Cemetery, Linden. Unfortunately, we think, the League has Scientists can say all they want cantank- very little to do with local affairs. Its pro- THE GREATEST SHOWCASE ON EARTH

For a great many of our younger resident! ' ^Hartford Courant) ., f, vtur leaden of tomorrow the reopening of schools marks a milestone 0nt of the grimmer battles 'now going •re being educated today in life, for they are making their first contact on, «v«n if it is a minor one. is the fight be- in ckssrooiM across the nstioa with teachers, books, organized routines and twr«n man and the common house fly. For class discipline. The first day of school is a urn mm m COMFMT 1 * while there, with the advent of DDT, it OF CM AT They deserve, need, and get big adventure in the eyes of a child. And. to•••rtfed as though the fly's number was up. when you row ' be realistic, older students also find a certain Smrnitl FKST k ONLY Orivtfn ths finest training in the world. The* suddenly a new race of flies, sly, agile, Ltt'i keep it that way. thrill in resuming school, although they may vigorous and speedy—appeared, they were never admit it. .-••-< save by Good schooli are s sound investment immune to DDT. Thete bronze-green speed- in our coantry'i future. Children are not the only ones affected fttrs began breeding a new super-race of by the opening of school. The entire town flit*, and so the battle went back and forth. mull at begins to stir and take on a hum of activity Uut the oddi now seem to be on man. He following Labor Day. Familiar faces are seen h»s been coming up with one fly killer after after lapses of several weeks, organizations »noth«r, so that it seims likely that before resume their contacts with our staff, plans long flies will become oddities. Two of the THE FIRST are made by clubs and groups for the fall ri*vr Ones, recommended for spraying dairy SAVMCS mi LOAN winter season, churches draw up programs b«rn»-rlong loved by flics—are Dtaxinon and p CMM CMCftl ^ NTKKl MINIMI for increased activity. There is a feeling of tftltfthion. fhese art ths first two organic b CSMCMSM ACCWM ^ H«MT OPMflWV NATIONAE^ M *nm MM tffM* vigor in the air after the torpor and lassitude phosphates that have been okayed for inside 9S5BroauSt,Newark2,N.J. of summer. fc Himxn m MTIUMNT vottd b«rn Uie. Beside that there art Methoxychlor 9t *M*V IMH MtMDIM PIDINAl 0C»OSmiMSuaA»ie| And there are jobs to be done. Jobs for and Lindane, which provide long range poison Aoosmli inur«< uo to the community, such as the United Cam- 113,000. prot#ction against the pests. Another phos- SUMMIT'S FIRST AND O N L Y p | y . , paign; jobs for smaller organizations, such hte, now called Dipteres, has also looked W B M B 3OMCWT * hinds by S«p». as the church or PTA, md jobs of a mort ia test*. ^ 10 MI* from tht lit. THE SUMMfT HERALD, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 be scheduled for Tuesday and Fri- LETTERS day mornings at 10 t$m. Mem- on Fifth Avenue, in Short Hills (Continued from page 6) bership in this group is op«o to to overridt toy punt of eithe any interested woman, regardless merchants or townspeople. The of ability. In aquatics, the worn traffic •xpert had spoken, moved en'i plunge will be held on Mon- Stripes are iiiafdiig Iiisforv on. and there wa< nothing left t days at 1:30 p.m., with instruc- « do but blindly follow said expert' tions on Wednesday at 1:30 and again at 8:30 p.m. •pUn. For complete information on ac- I have hope that when all ou tivities and membership rates, vacationers are back home and have had an opportunity to test please call the main desk of the the situation they will flood you Y.M C.A., at CRestview 3-3330. with their letters to sueh extent SHORT HILLS that you will be forced to listen New Pay Pact and return our one-hour meters. British •tripe*. It would be most helpful if you ^z.^:z*^igsB-i: - could five some assurance of our Hikes Bell Lob z having a parking area reasonably -.nearby other than the Glen wood Salary Levels •place lot which is filled by com muters by S a.m., or in the mean Representatives of Bell Tele- time return the meters in this phone Laboratories and the Com- •a (Ms sMf> ml 1 be •era* ^ vicinity (that is, from Summit munications Workers of America avenue to Irving place) to the one reached an agreement Sunday hour period. for a one-year contract granting tmr |U« CuriMilMit fall Ethelyn Rutan Wood. general pay increases of $1.50 to $5 a week to 1,573 service em- ployes at Murray Hill, Wnipr&ny, YMCA Announces Holmdel, Chester and New York City. (Contimued from page 1) 11:30 p.m. If the agreement is ratified by Women members of the Sum-the union membersh.p^by tomor- I he \9mmHrhemrtr4 r*lloiui HQ pr#ffy mit YMCA will be interested in row the increases will be retro- knowing that badminton will again active to September 2. A company spokesman said ratification is ex- . they'll k««n f«r drrwwM^^r pected. The agreement provides an in- • •_ r __^-z . _ crease of $5 for service employes who earn $100 a week or more; m* well m» rUumr—M. 6 Back-TBackToo I U to those earning $70 to $M.S0 weekly: $3 for employe* earning ,5 SchooSchooll 88 $69 or under, and $1.50 to part- far trriM. Kir In ••4 time employes. The agreement will place a number of classifications in ', higher wage groups, but the re ' grouping will not result in an ad ! ditional increase at this time the ETO> UOISB pokemon said. Fringe provisions are similar to those in the present smiPE (blue and green) contract. CHOOSE Although the French occupied French Somaliland in 1862, the Egyption garrison refused to "YOUR" withdraw until 1884. Not a shot fired. ~*~


201 Main St., ?9 Fftowtftr 7 Ito Stanford Typewriter Im Nrtvbl* Sin




•ftOUF CAMADIAM 11* ruND LTD. »et» aa«a rt«»*t tnm li dlalrltnUr ••* kwcilMcal I1 •aaMawt

iTYPEWRITER EXCHANGE W SOUTH ST, MOtllSTOWII.IJ. ptvmsimD snvm. —OPPOSM WOOlWOtTHS— CHARLES G. MILLER JL 1-7300 SJl SpriagHeld Arc. Summit, N. I. CR. 7-1737


(red, green and navy) ;, bolero effect with white •marl mothers know... linen collar, .'} to Gx, 7.95 (same style 7 to H) 8.95 Met VwMon Means Princess style with silver- colored button trimming, subteon in to 11, ?0.95-

EWOX IKM SK STRIPE (blue ami green) 4-TRACK with white pique . cuffs and vestee effect. TOP and^BOnoSTeTIUTION sizes 7 to 14, 8.95 WlfiDOWS 'same style 3 to 6x.) 7.95 At Urt .?. t^tom-wttn window that fiv« mdi- t«Uy rtcomm«nd«d top-and-bottom vtntilation. Wm- Ch/k'i ntw 4-Twck Window. acientiBcilly dt«jwl IJOXBOX SCOTTISH H an lid to mor« hfalthful livini. l»u pur». nw> iif . in tt th. bottom . .. lftr»tali. muity •»«•*•» "• STRIPE top And 4-Tr»cli dnifn provide botft •e: There art tion of homes is Lhe Westerly Hill* ed certificates of occupancy iw> needed, Segal & Segsl. the de- Season Sept. 17 tion program for the 16 new master, announced this week Berkeley Heigktt-A $1,005 far continued to be issued to resident velopers must provide additional 66 tfirages and a '22 car parking jde\elopnent on South St. Mr. Pat- Berkofey Height*—Mrs. Gordon teachers in the New Providence Negotiations are underway at was imposed upon a Berkeley area provided for M trnars;< in (ley had to conform with the reso* of the Murray Hill apartments in parking «pace upon request of Perry, program chairman of the school * system will be held in present between Mrs. Ricci and Height* indusftraal concern la»< spite of numerous protects reg- council. the said unit ' > lution adopted Tuesday night set- Lincoln School. Mrs. Lyman the postal authorities. week by Judge Douglas A. Haber- Un fortl) l tJ evening department of the Wom- istered at previous merlinx nl;i Tuesday rughi ac lion stemmed Wish cwuncil p;eMaeai H..*;h , K P°>«>' »« >* borough in an'* Club of Berkeley Heights, this B. Coddktgton, Jr., president of At least two and possibly an stroh in a civil actwo in which additional substitute carrier w$ live to alleged insdequate parkins i f , | »r nf Aug 23 directed Hamilton and louncilman Kdwm jronnection with final approval of week announced the group's pro- the boand of education will ad- the firm was found gudty of a 10n a ett( be needed to handle the fast facilities j |,y th« council to Sega! & SeR»l Morrison di>>entinjt. the fisea^jre] subdivision maps and uniformity gram for the 1956-57 season: dress the group during the morn- second offense in stream pollu- was passed with the approval r>! in the administration of the ordi- ing session of the conference. A growing volume of mail chan- tion. Although council approved !he {informing them th*t unless On September 17, Miss Mildred measure, they stipulated that wUfn I quate parking facilities be pro- ' councilman Fred Greenlev. Omge nance establishing rules, regult- booklet pertaining to the back- neled through tiie new pest office ind R. Farrell, mono-comedienne, will Tfie concern, ihe Berkeie\ Soffel and Curtis Gray Council- j '»*"»*• standards governing the ground and psychology" of the dedicated On July 5. present "Back to School and other CSwmical Co. of 11 Summit ave •jman Lawrence SUiiw *as not j subdivision law. sdjpol system will be distributed Mrs. Ricci has steared the original character sketches." This nue, was charged with specific present Mayor Sainuel Jor»* did | Borough attorney Fred A. to tiie new faculty. The booklet growth of the post office from its will be guest night and Mrs. Alfred violation on July 30 and August 1 nfj( xo-e ! IyorenU w as authorized to prepare was compiled by MKs Madtlinc place as a fourth class "cracker Girardy wil serve as hostess. box" structure built in 1900 to by Game Warden Leo F. Shun Councilman Mo.nK»H»jd Harold Hiichcox, of Esso Re- present. Following the meeting Thit vigorous, academically sound school develops the child his job Hill again be reviewed so sigrned by the Game Warden. Lane tu!d the council he repre- search and Engineering, will speak they will prepare the classrooms Discusses Plans of inquiring, creative mind into the student »f intellectual and reconsidered His duties will Dr. Sidney Beinfest, vice PIVM- sented sf\«-ral les.denu in the November 19, on "Wonderful for tihe first school session on New Providence — At a recent ability and integrity, ready to take bis place in the ke»t include drafting, surveying and dent of the company, said that Willow Knoll* area near S«4' World of Wax" Mrs Richard Monday. committee-meeting of Cub Scout secondary schools, public and private. Such quality is >e»er inspection work his firm started a $35,000 jm. Brook He requested council 'ake Landers will be hostess. Registrations are conducted Pack 63, members elected Dick achieved through: Two ordinances were passed provement program designed to action f>n will introduce Mrs. Stuart \V. terials, Beinfest testified. groups. •Annual New England Chestnut St., Washington Ave., for the first time this year has Lester 'Villiams and Art Koep- ^aid the matter would have tt> Sawson and her topic. '"Christ- • Instruction by skillet Ski Trip romljinnii! Pitjiey Ave., Clinton Ave. and Ho- increased from 176 to 198 already. pcl will continued as treasurer and Iw taken up Kith the county iree inas Decorations at Your Home." mature faculty with academic work and bart Ave An ordinance vacating This includes pupils in all grades. cubmaster, respectively. holder>. The matter will Ix onr The hostess will be Mrs. Frances See Our Selection Of specialists in I a n • ski instruction. portion* «f Providence St. lying The numb**? of pupils attending The committee also discussed 1 »f the item* on the S*pt tl a'4en«U Ruck. north of its intersection with West the local schools is about 1050. guagos. siienci . math- • Wholesome recrea- when the council meet* with the the year's activities which will in- .Ave was passed on first reading At a guest night on January 21, This decs not include tho the proposed February 18th will bring a non- Police Costs ' It was announced that new fam- Transportation 0 Hot Lunch** new high school Parking Tickets echnical discussion of "Nikethe ilies interested in joining the pack County officials have giar.ted New rrovkkace— For not an- Guided Missile." by Mrs. Marjoris will be contacted by mail after School Toltphon* — Dfttxd 9-3442 i permission that roads in the south- swering six overnight parking Stokes and Miss Audry Edwards Local Man $110 the reopening, of school and will Mrs. Winrfrtd Moore. Director, Drtitf 1-5334 erly section of Mountain Ave. be tickets he received within two of the New Jersey Bell Telephone New Providence — Alfred P. be advised regarding time and blocked off during the hours of weeks. Magistrate Frank Pizzi Co. Mrs. John Brown will be the Johnson of 148 Pine Grove avenue place of the organization meet- last week fined Dr. Edward Pos- hostes*: was fined S110 last week by/Magi- ing boys' dens. i ner of t South Gate road a total On March 18th the entire Depart- strate Frank Pizzi on a charge of was fined $10 for passing a stop of to. ment will visit Overlook Hospital disorderly condjict and using loud jWi.T' for a 'Look Behind the Scenes at and offensive language to New sign. Glen C. Darko of 290 South i Dr. Posner is a resident at the Street, was fined $10; while Sam- new Murray Hill Apartments Overlook." The hostess will be Providence police two weeks ago. Mrs. Martin Connolly. He also received a suspended uel C. Re of Scotch Plains and where all night parking in the Albert Veli of 86 mountain avenue DONO BROS. Mrs. Ruth Durrand will speak 30-day jail sentence. streets surrounding the develop- were fined eight dollars each. ment is prohibited by local or- on April 15th on "Antique Class According to police, Johnson NURSERY dinance t for You " Mrs. Michael Chruney phoned the local police, swore at Berkeley Heights —Miss Kle will act as hostess. them and called them names, 1032 SprinqfitM Avtnue Magistrate Piz/i .said that Dr. anore Kendall of 177 Pearl St., Ntw FrevMMct Posner hid failed to appear at The final meeting of the club last year Johnson's license was 18, was judged Miss Forest Lodge Municipal Court for the first three year will be held on May 20th at suspended by Magistrate Pizzi on over 60 other bathing beauties CR. 3-8184 tickets and fined him an additional which time the entire membership a charge of drunken driving. Sunday at the Warren Township (Fomerly located on $15 for contempt of court. of the Woman's Club of Berkeley In other cases, Stephen Martin- recreation spot. Paiialc Ave., Chatham) "The Manchester"—New tagland Three weeks ago several res- Heights will be guests. Mr. Rich- kevic of Brook side lane was fined ard Prentice will present "Charac- $25 for careless driving: James Colonial Model shows priced at $4Z.5M idents of the apartment develop- ment appeared before the Borough ter Analysis through Handwrit- W. C'alby of Beech Spring drive hr Componv their .upph.'d Council to protest the parking ing." The hostess will be Mrs. GRASS SEED for New WMdences on one to two arre« IN IASKIN& RID6E situation existent there. They com- Deitrlch Alsberg. aration of the program were Mrs. . . . unerringly designed for families plained that there are not enough All meetings will be held at lhe Donald Tilden, Mrs. Edward Muse, ON THE FORMER CHILDS ESTATE off street parking spaces for all Berkeley Heights Library at 8:15 that insi.«t on refinement and hxuriout Mrs. Edward Hughes and Mrs. DIRECTIONS TO MODEL HOME: tenants. Council instructed Build- P.M. Assisting Mrs. Perry In prep- Dietrich Alsberg. V II •111 ] o' "\1 h I comfort in everything they jwn . . . ing Inspector Robert Webster to Brings You These Fine Products beautifully crafted with traditional From East: Route 20C. from investigate to see whether space country exterior*. towards Bernardsville—*4tnile past Old MtU Inn. was adequate and directed him Or«M ' in Basking Ridge, on North side. OR from South: to deny further occupancy permits Route 208 from Somenule 'to Bernardsville — 1 if additional parking space was PENNYPACK GENERAL ELECTRIC Kitchei Center: needed. LAWNSPUR mile beyond Bernardsville center t>n \orth side. PROTECTION for Fin* Dt Urn* lawn* for lowni/ Tr^t, Slwvb^ two-car garage^.. Every conceivable According to Magistrate Pizti, •* Ifc*. modern feature , . . and the grandeur of Suburban Proportiot, lac., l«>d«r Mr. Webster reported that there Heavy IM Kwrtwfky Ik*. 40% ** * -4Mljc country views. Excellent commuting via l&MrdsvMo 1-2215 is adequate parking space. He said about SO percent of the DL&W RR. Triced from tiS.Mf. Brorhur* en Hequett garages, which rent for an ad- TERRAGREEN ORGANO ditional eight dollars a month, are for Dry, Infertile Soil for Rottt — SoilBwildiny not rented. 4v» •» •tml-thed*. A Other residents of the develop- Sun-Proof w«nd*Wul YOU. 3.30 fOMk, RWi-bwniiMf ploM m m0k ment fined with Dr. Posner were HOUSE PAINT i^d. —M* Z.M Richard H. Carson. $5 and Albert mt mm PRODUCTS F. Haibach and Philip Gresch, $2 Fiau lisistat • Stlf -Cltanidf. Contains Vitoliztd Oils each. Brown Hardware & Supply Co. Your DmalT Hag Thmml Womb's Chib Group to 480 SpringfltM Aw., Summit Opt* StotM on Tuesday IN OBSERVANCE OF ROSII HASHAN'A Berkeley Height* — The gar- WE WILL BE CLOSED T1IURS., SEPT. S den department of the Wom- an's Club of Berkeley Heights will open iti fall season on Tuesday with a garden buffet luncheon at the home of its chanman, Mrs. Frederick. C. Finsterbach of 572 Snyder avenue. Member* will If you've ever dreamed .. . complete plans for the sale of SAVES YOU spring flowering bulbs. as More books and articles have been written about Abraham TIME, WORK AND MONEY Lincoln Uian any other Ameri- V can. V* the many household needs, gas does the job best—clean'quick, COME AND low-cost, dependable, HAVE FUN! .!• f- completely automatic! PVBLIC^SERVICE Country

7sv Payin§ Servant •/ • Grtaf Hmii

Sot.. Sept. 15 FAR) AUCTION 10 A.M. - 10 P.M. of owning a Cadillac—now is the time Hom*Cool(«cl Sapptf (Phono CR 3-725* to make the move economically! for Rtwvtiowt)

tick*. Contests, Gamts Survr_T« dijrli^p in li.:- aici ery anil a liberal allowance on your present Model Train Exhibit there air tliou^anJ.* of innlnrlsls vln» car. Why n..| let u« 5( hcdule an appraisal and Frt« Movits »omrday hope lo be Cadillac owner*, r nr —ami a tlrmomtratiortofa 1936Cadillac for CMMmi manj ol the«r the happy limp is at hand. for you? We feel certain they will pr,1Ve We can promise reasonably- prompt deliv- lo be intrresting tnJ revealing events. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SPERCO MOTOR CO INC 491 Morris Avt., Summit Open Evenings of Ntw Prvvidoiico CR. 3-1700 THf SUMMIT HEI ID, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER A, IfU Nqt 9

body benefiti. j Froin rb« Fill Of Pompeii To The I corner of Euclid avenue, on week I Book Sale Puts t-ach year .bout 30,000 booki of j Destruction Of St. Pierre" has an days—from i:30 am. until 3 p m . I -11 kinds from current fiction to j inscription which indicaUs Uiat it [ to receive books of all kinds. ' book* m specialized | »as bought in 1937, at one of the • 30,000 Voktmes liolds, donated by a public appar- the first book *ales, by Peg ently K!ad to dear as sbehes of Gores. Each year many books volumes no lur,-

IV NEW POST-Josepb A. Bore of 340 Timber drive, head of pe Get LOW, LOW sonnel adminutration for the Sur mit Research Laboratories of (!.<• PRICES PLUS S. & H Celanese Corporation of Aincne i ha* been appointed to the nc.|!> GREEK STAMPS! established position of divis: n persone! manager for the plast.i;s division of Celanese. He will take liAKERY I up his dirtien at the Newark hca! B.iGK TOSCHOOL I AWES! quarters of the plastics diviv n COCOANUT PARTY on Monday. Mr. Berg, a gradu 't; I of Newark State Teachers' ( ' IDEAL 10'2OI> lege, hat had experience with :'.e I TOMATO cant Western Electric Company a>:. 29c I Juice Ht. 7-3?2O DAIRY I GOOD'N KRISP EXTRA SHARP I SWHT ILDERNEY I Gherkins Brooklawn Fanat KEEBLIR Buster Browns are built over "live Dairy Products CHEESE I foot" lasts modeled after the feet of Merrii ruim, N. J. CINNAMON 'pk ii activ» children. And we check your priced JK.S-UU Ib. CRISP child's foot size at 6 vital points to 79 I Crackers C.r insure perfect fit every time. Bring 4" » 7" A Reliable Source For Red tangy flavor! Just right for your child in now for a new pair. ALUM. COMI. WINDOWS snacks' I Sunihin* VI«IIB« Ping«n Your We maintain a complete range of 14-ei., MacarMiif 14- choice ALUM. COMI. DOORS I •«,. 0«tm*«l 1 {-••., sites at all times. ALUMINUM SCRKNS Cheez Whiz,?:: „ 49c SM|«> Jumblvt, !<-••. Spreads easily! Hundreds of uses! I Cookies HGIdwards & Cp. Muenster E£i & X" 35c Sunshine Hydrox Cookies 24 Franklin PI., Summit I NEE DELL SHOES CR. 3-3224 (YOUR RED CROSS SHOE STORE — EST. 192*) Evei.: CR. 3-5815 Lancaster "\J. S. Choice'' Oven Ready Mt SprfegfitM Avt. OPEN FRI. EVE. TIL 9 r.w. CM. 3-2042 Member of Summit Area Chamber ol Commerce '*•»' I <> IM IIIII HI 111 Enjoy Better Living.•. September Is Fix-Up Month Rib Roast Ib. 59 Juicy, succulent of^becf! More meot for your mrney most of chine bene rcr'noved . . . eor.y car\ing, From ci corn-fed-cattle! Boneless Veal Roast Shoulder Ib. 49 HUNTS fnjcy a nch, flavorful veol rcct dinner this weekend! A delightful Other Meat Value*! Fronted Fith Values! Lancaster Boneless Toit« O'Sea Brisht Beef Corned 69c Pollock Fillet L SLICE J BACON ;:T 33c Fish Sticks Toste 0' Sea 99c F n 10-of. pkg. **• Beef Liver I, ccV 35c 5t v Doifyour^lf wffti Swordfish " ib 59c Beef Kidneys'"" 23c Halibut s"gl Od Id HI I AH Beef Midgcr 93c K. 59c iverwurst cZl%, Ib. 55c Mackerel *°"°" ik. 15c Your choice of 572 decorator colors...mixed to your order FROSTED FOODS FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES

Now yon oat have jt«t the colors yoa wnnt for every Ideal Green French Style See how ea^v paint ing can be! Try interior, to bring out the full beauty of your interior DUCO Alkyd Enarwl in vparkling Gto*.- decor. These stunning^new Du Pont Custom Colors or velvety Semi-Glos-.: Bru-hea on in a come in throe sheens of matched colors — Gloss, jiffy... tranrforms mci6t surfaces in jitt one coat Odorless during appbcation. Semi^CIofis and Flat They're simple to apply with PRUNES Vashw as ea«ily a* the finish on your brush or roller... extra long-lasting... terrigen»tor. Wonderful for walls and BEANS odorless during application. woodwork in kikhens. Uths. any room Frwh y |bf. | V in the hou.-*. Idea! for fumifurr. too - and the Gloss is just right for cutd**-' -^ Matty (dors «>•»• Italian Mm *0 MW furniture. available in «ubb»r-Bov« Wall Paint 37c L*cef and plurrp! Ideal for jeliy or jam! Real delectable eating! U —*y t» opply • '"bm-Coof Picked ot f^fir peak of flavor, quick * Ixlra wo»hobl« - tirtro • i-czen to . Grocery, frozen food Chopped AND WALLPAPER CO. 2 pkgS. I and dairy price* rfferfirc through M edne»d$\; Sept. 12. All of/irri through Sul.f Sept. 8. 487 SFRINGHELD AYE SUMMIT CR. 7-1026 1252 Springfield Avenue OPEN TUESDAY, New Providence THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9,P. M. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 •to It 4 the Tuesday Afternoon Club. She Frank R. Thoman wto w asso- The fir* helmets used in war-1 over the heads of Ethiopian tol- the Pint Baptist Church. tent to Virginia Ormsby, treasur- vivor. was an active member of Im- ciated with Jane Roberts Co. of Funeral sen'ices were heid fare were sfcuBs of horns placed I diers. DEATHS B» taught at BooMvett School, er, at Sunset School, South Miami, Florida. manuel Congregational Church of 14 Bank streot, a wholesale gift Tuesday from the Burroughs k her* and entered the army as a Kohr Funeral Home, 3OS Spring- Hartford and active in its wom- Methodist Church of New Frovl- WAC is IMS. Upon her return she Mrs. BarsM S. Backus bouse. field avenue. Burial was m MEW AX» vtam emcs r dene* conducted service! last taught for a year at Lincoln Mrs. Lillian Wright Backus of! en's organizations. Mrs. Thorn an lived here for Springfield. Thursday at Burroughs and Sohr DESKS-FILES-CHAIRS School and one year at Roosevelt West Hartford, mother of Mrs. Besides her husband and Mrs. e years, moving here from funeral borne, JO* Springfield «v- School, Elizabeth, and at the John M. Leavens of Bedford road, Leavens, she is survived by an- Hillside. She was a native of On- The world's largest gypsum enue. Interment foBowtd at Pres- tario, Canada. %, Summer Art Workshop at New died Saturday at her home. She other daughter, Mrs. William M. quarry is located at Alabaster. byterian Cemetery. Muddle of GranvOle, N. Y. Mr. Thoman b the only sur- York University. In US© ah* Mich. was a prominent church and dub- Funeral services were held roftci moved to Miami, where she was woman in West Hartford. She Tuesday at West Hartford. Mist Prancci Forer of Miami, art consultant at Perrine and was the wife of Dr. Harold S. SUMMIT STORES ARE OPEN Fit., a former resident of Sum- Sunset Schools in Miami, and Backus. Mrs. Frank R. Thoman VWW* mit, died Sunday at Pntt General taught at the University of Miami during World War 1 Mrs. Mrs. Ella Thoman, «0, pt 34 6 DAYS PER WEEK 105 PAKK AVWUI Hospital, Coral Gablei, after a evening diriikm. Backus headed the East Windsor Kent Place boulevard died at her chapter, American Red Cross. She SHOP FRIDAY SITE 'TIL 9 P. 31, long illness. She is survived by her mother, home on Sunday after an illness ESTIL'S, 4-tltl She was a graduate of Mansfield Mrs. Ors Forer, and by two broth- was a past president of the West Summit Area Clumber of Commerce Hartford Garden Club and also of ten vears. She was the wife of Teachers' College, Mansfield, Pa., ers and two sisters, all of Liberty, Rutgen University and New York Pa. University. She was a member of In lieu of flower*, coBtributioni Pi Lambda Theta, national honor- may he made to the France* Forer ary educational fraternity. While Memorial Fund for a cancer pre- in Summit she was a member of vention program, and may be B. BURSTEIN'S CUT RATE iSL 430 SHtiNOTCLD AVI. SUMMIT • PRB fAmatm tor IN IIAI • Rear Entrant* Fnmfurktttg IM

$2.00 OOtOTHY

MEG. 11.71 IEO. VTTAUS NfWWOOPWftY HAM TONIC SHAMPOO w 50-lOc Stat ... $1.00 Phillie Cigars $3 Mt-KGnhi

Saccharin ir COTTON •eg. lie C WOOOtOtY ACID Of FACIAL SOAP 5 TAMITS PRESCRIPTIONS... ptn DUJVMr en h7ou COSMETICS— llqUEff M«i WIUM !••!!

Cwtom Jaloosiei CM Mite ywr Nrth A SPARE BEDROOM! Enjoy th* Convenience of an Extra1 Room let your dealer Urnrn Oottoa rthtntoa Yoa'U aain a tpare baoVoen, dta, »lar- room or dintag room at a faction oTthe eott of adding oat ... and your home will take on a atriUng mw air. Only Qnfcmi /atootiaf can offer r

*». im T O BriofcOMf "•i*t*t->i»^t r-T->i-:%-i •:': , M* fMM> fw o Ink, Porto oad •ARXETS* Othtr SappHos .. ;:&;#i-&::ii:; / Sar© More Everyday at National Because . "From eenned goods fo clotk- Ing, MationaT hat the bwett pricei on the "best quality Yoa MTC sun at iki. brandf made. What's more. I eld ftliaUe acot. oet double saving with N«- SIEGEL S tienal Savinqt Stamps."

STATIONERY SHOP Ifood CO' W' ii i* NfWAIH _ one SuMMIT 37f SpriiKjfloM Avt. CR. 3-2340 41 * SpfMfJfivMI "Jm* AtroM J*e Stnmt From Our Former Location" Alt* Newark. CONVBMNT PARKING ARIA IN MAR Bread cor. WDliam

J&J gLATER « HAN AN took What 99" Gets You at ftntionmll Suve Plenty!

A |is«aU. by ••sa>M iMuadl ITINTIT flESNI. PULLET EGGS 3 £ 99*

YevN* mode ui seek a bigger, finer store... wHh more than double the floor space... and a new deportment for f^(nou» PORK Mil .l-ft.99' Hanon men's shoes. Thonks o million! Well open toon across the street at 597-599 Central Ave. Mil *Mt M«M W ley Wfcel Tea Uet MIW FIIUII REMOVAL MaMNktreN StarUit CHUNK TUHA 4


REGARDLESS Or COST - THOUSANDS OF FAIRS-SNOtS FOR CATSUP ALL OCCASIONS, All HEEL HEIGHTS, SIZES TO 11. AAAA TO C FrMt«f MM 690 890 1190 TOMATOES 9 RIGUIARLY TO 29.95 ^ Del*, UM»y or Dtl MMH« ftfj't most glittering Sho« SaU in all Slater-Hanan historyl JUKE

M$ohtKnol NoCOJ>;» | FH I«MI! rita iNiiy Pamsl 1.1. #1 Iraes I POTATOES 10

And..TYOBfletNantloMlSavings Stampa wltfc Every Parehase, Toe! TWIH 584 CENTRAL AVE., EAST ORANGE 784 Springfield Ave., Summit COUNTY OflN TOBOAT end THUMDAT IVINtMOS MIMIIR - Fete11 THURSDAY. $IWMTO 4, IW MARKS VISIT OUR NEW r Its g rfte i* i RECORD DEPT. SPECIAL HOOVER mnrmoM IH SUMMIT OPENING NEXT WEEK TWOMONt IN OMB Next week the Summit store as well FBp batto* «p il't • rtH* in* • pa* brtUw as the Millburn store will have a down and it'» a dry "ton. ••*•»•••••«•.««.•.«.«.•*>•••••••#•*«•• lAtHRTOFIU. ' completely stocked record depart- larger «uy lo-g*t »t fumwi Holds about I cup ment. All popular brands will be on •f water. V**t Up watrr in all but eitrewelj hand in everything from classics to hard water area*. Refill anytime during ironing. rock and roll and all at discount ...drtp b» top, wittr f«lti HANDY FABRIC IMAft. prices! «nts tot wlipliti, tvrninf m- rigbt »l your fmgn lip*. Uu you dial comet itantly to itum. Improvttf. temperatar* for fabric is be dry-ironed. Setting* if«**y*tnm ptnitrition mm for all fabrics, including «tw tyatlwtka. frutir iromni titi. bittir results UOMT teighu only 3 pouds. Civta fm fa ironing. Reduces fatigve. COMPLETE SERVICE

...illm Itft or rfgHt hani DEPARTMENT rronlnf. Kttpt cordset off Iroa- ing f For a quarter century our service department has kept appliances in Cleaner this area in tip-top condition. We and Tboli have constantly expanded and mod- Has Hoover's famous cleaning ernized to meet your needs. If your action ... it beats as it sweeps i 14" TV or any other appliance is ailing;, as it cleans, on a cushion of air. call us for prompt efficient service, Cleaning Tools make it the best 2-in-l cleaning combination CRestview 3-4803 money can buy. At this tremendous saving they won't last long, so stop in now and order your de luxe Hoover 0 0 Emerson 21" TV HOT POINT COFFEE MAKER Norqe Automatic 0 COMOI* TAPPAN VfOlKI VODIIIVT Completely Bunt-In WadII ^OveT WWInI Alwniniied Pix Tubt " Aatoniotic Electric, Automatic WASHER 17088 Summit only 179 REFRIGERATOR 88 Summit onlu • • m 19.95 Chramt Interior RCA-Whirlpool Rtq. 20f. 88 159 uwihM Illy RECONDITIONED Efertc Dr,«- | OQS8 IRONING BOARD WATER HEATER PAD AND COVER BENDIX DRYER 40 GAL GAS Electric 188 ADMIRAL Reg. 2.98 |?8 Universal 36" IAMBI SHE FREER GLASS UNED 59 GAS RANGE oo LEWYT VAC. DtfWM FANS SCALES Itg. 264.15 188 Top Nam* Brand CLEANER BAGS COME IN AND 1UY ONE Summit only 179" Ail Colors Reg. 1.00 BELOW WHOLESALE Rtg. 7.95 5 Caloric Gas Dryer GRANCO 79 FM RAMOS Rtq. AIR CONDITIONERS COOKIE PRESS 29t.?5 TOASTERS 179" At Tremendous I. 2.95 Top Norn* 27" 2" •rands 1088 $$ SAVINGS $$ Rt«. 17.tS Roper 30" WEBCOR, MINUET GAS RANGE FRI6IDAIRE vrM Clock I Tlnwr So* Electric HI Fl HEATING PADS BROILERS *U57 AMrWINnlC Rt9.11f.f5 88 up to I. 357.00 249 RANGE at Greatly 89.95 DELUXE IACK 2 Spcditn 84" Reduced Prices Mipletviy AvtoffuiHc Speed Queen Raiseable Iwner Honrescent Uqnt WRINGER • WASHER Rt«. 34t.tS SCOTCH GRILLS USED TV-as is Ironing Boards UrqtTyb Summit only Rtf. 14.11 88 . 5.95 Rof. 129" 239" 2" 5" ioraahi Price 8 • FREE PARKING TWO GREAT STORES - BARGAINS GALORE! FREE PARKING A In rear of born stores (See The Marks Bros.) In rear of both stem DRexel M200 CRestview 3-6800 SERVICE Number CR 3-6803 MiNburn Store Open RADIO SALES CORP. Every Evening 325-327 Millburn Ave., Millburn 47-51 Maple St.. Summil Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday Eicopr Saturday Til 9 P.M. •urn f P.M. TH1 WIMMIT HBtAlft THUMPAV. iWTtMttH >. HU Johnson, Mrs. C B. Johnson, Mitt Tbe Detroit - Windsor vehicular I tunnel WM eocnftotod hi Tea to Honor Marlon Jackson, lira. C. H. Miss June Bryan tunnel it the first nrto tube ever I a,nd can accommodate 1,00ft WELCOME B4CK. Knowles, Mrs. P. i. Keener, Mrs. New Members of Kenneth Kohl, Mrs. ft. C. Msloot, between two nations. The an hour, Mrs. W. P. Minachdl. Mrs. Tbom- Becomes Bride of College Club as Nevins, Jr., Mrs. Gtorf* More than 44 MW members will Nelson, Mrs. Jam«s A. O'Brfeo, Samuel R. Boorujy be feted »t the annual Summit Mrs. Graham J. Pearce, Mrs. L. Miss June Harker Bryan, daugh- College Club tea for new members L Robinson, Mrs. F. 0. Habit- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamrs Ed- on Friday, September 14 ,at 2:30 schek, Mrs. H. H. Br». Miss Ir- p.m., at the home of Mrs. John ma Scherer, Mrs. Joseph Schul- ward Bryan, formerly of Suninnt Seldoo Tennant, 3rd, dub presi- hoff. Mrs. S. B. Swain, Miss Mil- and now of Stamford, C<>nn., on ..tlie hit of the camDus dent. dred Steele. Mrs. G. W. Sullivan, Saturday became the bride of Women who have two or more Mrs. G. F. Simson, Mrs. F. B. Samuel Raymond lioorujy, sen of years at an AAUW accredited col- Smith, Mrs. R. R. Smith, Mrs. H. Mr, and Mrs Samuel Raymond lege toward an approved degree G. Smyth, Mrs. D. H. Springer, Boorujy of Chatham, at a cere Mrt. W. R. Waag, Mrs. E. S. 01- are invited to call Mrs. Richard numy performed by Rt>v. Kdward Matlock at CR 3-S599 about mem- cott, Mrs. H. Croix and Mrs. T. J. Peterson at the First Baptist bership in the College Club. Stanton. %• Gossard's pantie girdk jma The program at the tea will in- Church A. recpt»!ion followed at ' clude discussion of the calendar the Hottl Suburban. legs can't feel. Combioet J kiads and planning of the year's activ- PERSONALS tiiven in marriage hy her father, of elastic to gift complete Itf ities. Miss Janet Whitnort, daughter the bride wore a jtown ,.f chan The list of new members to be of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Whit- tilly lace and nylon tulle. The freedom and figure coatraL So honored includes the following; more of 12J Tulip street, has left fit tod bodice of Uce was designed/ Mrs. Frank Abercrombje, Mrs. with a Sabnna neckline md lonp comfortable you'll wear ~H -tot- for Knoxville, Tenn., where she T. G. Andrian, Mrs. fi. C. Brown, klerves, with a deep flounc* of has accepted*a position with the all occasion Mrs. C. R. Bushang, Mrs. M. F. Mrs. Samuel R. Boorujy, Jr. lace over the- full net skirt. Her *• Carr, Mrs. F. G. Chapel, Mrs. El- Lawson-McGhee Library Miss (Prrlm finger tip veil was attached to a Rest Assured You Always Walk Out Satisfied mer Carling, Mrs. Paul Dennis, Whitmore Is a graduate of Sum- headdress of pleated tulle and *.ed visual workshop of the National From Any One Of Our Three Beauty Salons. Miss Dorothy Dodd, Mrs. N. M. mit High School and Maryville pearls. She carried a prayer hook Council of Churches. Fair, Mrs. A. E. Fernald, Mrs. R. College, Tenn. covered with an orchid and »te- Recommended By Ambassador Service. E. Hall, Miss Marion Hansen, Mrs. Gwen Wenman, daiiKhu-r of Mr. phontis. R. J. Haslam, Mrs. D. C. Hoeste- Dr. Anneliese Sitart, daughter and Mrs. Dallas Wenman of Berke- The maid of honor wan Miss rey, Miss Jeanne Hunt, Mrs. Frank of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Sitarr of ley Heights, returns this week' to Mary Jarmon of White Phins, Edgewood road, returned last week Cornell University. For the second NVw York The bridesmaids were aboard the S. S. Santa Paula from year she has-been granted a teach- Miss Barbara Shank of Brvn South America, where she spent ing assistantslup in psychology and Mawr. Penn . cousin of the bri'V; you most tcant to ictar—most oj the Urn* her vacation with family, fnends will continue her studios fur her and Miss Jean IVIos of New Pro- in Medellin, Columbia, where she doctorate. vidence, cousin of the groom,. was bora. Dr. Sit an is a resident Uicmda Bak*-r of Milftud, Conn, pediatrician at Babies' Hotpitpl of Miss Martha McMane. daughter was flower girl for her aunt. The the Presbyterian Medical Ce-jter, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meant attendants wore dresses of ooral , NY. C. of 50 New England avenue, was taffeta, and carried old fashbned •'> Matching bra has your yonik- given a bowling party last Wednes- bouquets. ^'tVl fully lifted contoar at heart, Miss Adeline Pepper of Beach day by her parents at the Berke- The best man was Robert Jer- Spring Apartments has returned ley Recreation Center. ome Wood, and ushers were Prter with embroidered eottoa. home after two weeks at tit* Bread Sidney Sharon of 15 Norwood Van Iderstine and William Brady, Loaf Writers' Conference at Mid- all of Chatham. dlebury. Vt, which she attended avenue has been awarded a grad- Tht uate assistantship in counseling at The bride, a graduate of. Sum- as a contributor. Miss Pepper also mit High School, attended the Uni- took informal portrait photos of Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wis. versity of Connecticut and New several authors which will be used Vnrk School of Interior Design. FASHION STORE on the jackets of their forthcom- Among the new students enter- The Rroom is a premedical stu- 425 Sprinqfidd AvtniM ing books. Among the writers were ing Admiral Farragut Academy dent at Rutgers University, ha CR. 3-1 Leonle Adams. A photo of Pro lon, son of Dr. and Mrs. Morton fraternity. Vincetown harbor by Miss Pepper Kaplon of 70 Edgewood road. After a wedding trip to the appeared in a recent issue of the Poconos and Canada, the couple Christan Science Monitor. Mr. and Mrs .Clarence Crysler of • Caldwell avenue were guests will reside in Chatham. Lt. Hans-Walter Sitart. son of of honor at a dinner given Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Hans SKan of Edge- day at the Hotel Suburban by their wood road, spent the Labor Day five children on the occasion of week-end with his family Lt. their 35th wedding anniversary. Sitan is stationed at Ft. Den- Also attending were nine grand- ning, Ga. children of the Chryslers.

Mrs. William J. Pyte and her Four Local Girls Soon daughter, Lyn, of » Sunset drive To Leave for Centenary last evening entertained at a sur- New students at Centenary Jun- prise linen shower for Miss Mary ior College, Hackcttstown, from Anne Winterer of Short Hills who Summit are the Misses Linda is being married tomorrow. Miss Gundlach, daughter of Mr. and Pyle will be one of the brides- Mrs. Robert F. Gundlach of 167 made only by maids. Canoe Brook Parkway and Amy Duryee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Rigatt of 756 Spring- Edward Duryee of 12 Meadow- field avenue has returned from brook Court. They will report on the University of Southern Cali- September 16. fornla where he recently attended Returning to classes at Centen- the 13th annual international audio- ary will be the Misses Willis B. Butler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Butler of 200 Oak Ridfie av- The easy-moving comfort of the AMBASSADOR enue and Sarah P. Turgeon. good wool, Shetland type classie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ran- SERVICE dolph Turgeon of 796 Mountain av- (this one has been a favorite for enue, Berkeley Heights. many a campus year) — in a wide Recommend* County Flower Shov/ choice of those fabulous FLETCHER •-fi (correct word) colors th*t are All residents of Union County LINCOLN-MERCURY are eligible to participate in the dyed exclusively for Garland by 13th annual flower show to be hold 10-12 PimMis) PI.. Swmtir Bernat, makers of famous on September 16 from 2 p.m. to hand knitting yarns. $6.95 "Service for Lincoln & 5 p.m. at the Trailsule Museum Mercury Owner$" in the Watchunfi Reservation by the Gardens Clubs of I'nhn Coun- Matching Long Sleeve Pullover $5.95 "A S*nle» for ty, the Union County Park Com- |VnKOffl«N I* missioned announced Summit" HELEN EDWARDS CR. 7-4071 Weddings Are 420 SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT CR. 3-0486 AMSMMSOaWM Our Specialty! "Open Friday Evenings 'Til 9 P. M."

SCOTTS QUIMBY of CENTRAL, WESTHELD, N. J Her first nylons "Open Monday Evenings 'til 9 P. M." and they're buh hneo

WONDERFUL DAY. That day a young pirl changes her bobby s«Kks for, her first pair of nylon Blockings, the wa ter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Dr. Barnwell Home From of imported chantilly lace with an Reopening tor Butineu Smith of Bronxville, N. Y.. Mrs. elongated bodice with a sabrina F. Bradley Reynolds and the late Tour of Caribbean Islands neckline highlighted with irrridts- Monday, Sepetmber 10, 195$ or Mr. Reynolds, also of Bronxville. Returning from six week'i of Mr. Mosfr is an alumnus of the cent sequins. The bouffant skirt 'island hopping" in the Carib- fell into a court train and an il- Pingry School, and Williams Col- 1ACK TO SCHOOL lAltOAINS lege, Class of "55, where he was bean, Rev. David K. Barawcil of lusion veil was attached to a ; a member of the Sigma Phi frater- the First Baptiat Church will oc crown of rhinestooes and seed School ? pearls. She carried an old-fash- IACK TO WORK IARGAINS ' nity. He is now studying «ernnau- cupy the pulpit of the Fint Bap- ioned bouquet of white sweetheart lical engineering at Massachusetts tist Church at the 11 a. m. teiv AU KINDS Of lAftGAINS Institute of Technology. roses, lilliei of the valley and Ma Freeerkk tsssffcsgeaj. Jr. ice this Sunday. stepoanotis with an ivy cascade. The bridegroom-to-be is a grand- Come In And Set Our Fall Collection Today! 1 During hit trip Dr. Barnwell The bride was attended by Miss HOUtS: MONOAY THROUGH FRIDAY ion of Herbert C. House of Farm- visited Cuba, Haiti, Dominican green accented with velvet in injjton. Conn., and Mr. and Mrs. Linda Mary Gundlach of 167 Canoe matching tone. 9:30 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Brook Parkway and the brides- Clarence P. Moser of Rochester, The bride graduated from Kent Islands, Netherland Antilles and maids were Miss Marjorie Ana (OffN OV«t LUNCH-HMO Place School in June and the • SCHOOL DRESSES— N. V Caracas. While in Venezuela he Wynn of Far Hills, Miss Carol A December wedding is planned. bridegroom is a graduate of Pin- was a guest of Mr. and MrsFirth of Birmingham, Mich., Miss gry School and is now attending THUtSDAY NIGHT Pltldt and Solid Colon Charles Leet, formerly of Brant- Laurie Ruprecht of Short Hills, the University of Vermont at Burl- jCynthia Cottrell, Former wood drive. Mr. Leet is a direc- Miss Virgina Cox and Miss Car- 7:J0 P.M. TO T:00 P.M. ington, Vt, where is is a mem- i4yn White, both of Summit. • YOUNOf UKRTY PRINT DRESSES - {Resident, Announces Troth tor of Creole Petroleum Corp. in ber of Sigma Nu fraternity. Venezuela. Dr. Barnwell returned Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Cottrell The maid of honor and brides- liq MW parking lot ocro*$ HM ttrttt Toddler and Regular Siiti . last week aboard the Santa Paula After a two-week wedding trip of Andover, Mass., formerly of 26 maids wore maize yellow nylon through New England and Can- of the Grace Line. Valley View road, announce the en- chiffon gown with headpieces of ada the couple mill reside at 40 Opttarod by Junior Sonrko Uagut • IMP ORIGINAL" SUITS FOR BOYS gagement of their daughter, Cyn- matching lace. The maid of hon- University Terrace, Burlington. thia Lee, to Edwin R. White of Former Residents Have Son or carried an old fashioned bou- Maid's, Tweedi and Solid Colon. ', Nashville, Tenn. Announcement ha* been made quet of yellow pompoms with vir- Miss Cottrell graduated from of the birth ot a son, Robert Jo- lgated croton foliage and an iry • COAT AMO LEGGING SETS — Summit High School and Vander- seph, to First Lieut, and Mrs.cascade. The bridesmaids carried tfflt University. Mr. Whit* served Early J. Rush of Fort Dix, at St old-fashioned bouquets of rust For Girls and toys three yem in the Marine Corps Albans Naval Hospital, N. Y.f onand yellow pompoms with var- and now attends Vanderbilt. August ». Mrs. Rush is the for- igated croton foliage and try cas- A December wedding is planned. mer Patricia Doughty of Summit cades. • GARDNER NYLON SNOW SUITS — Charles K. Wynn, Jr. of Far GRAND Hills was best man and the head Pram, Toddler and Siias to 6K usher was M. Burgesa Hulctt of 76 Beekman road. Other ushers • GARDNER NYLON JACKETS — ware Richard D. Hayes of Short Hills, McKeodree J. Whitney, Jr. Leather Trimmad—Siie 8 to 14 of Stamford, Vt., Philip A. Bur- rows of Norwood avenue and Mark N. Donohue, Jr. of 68 Valley Vitw CLAIR DECORATORS avenue. Y*« aavt MI« at this Mrs. Rollenhagen, the mother SUMMIT IRANCH old reliable state of the bride, wore an afternoon Ruth Morgan, Inc. gown of Swiss organdie embroi- dered in shades of yellow and Saturday, September 8,1956 WM CH&DMH'S SHOP BIRTHS Tlf SftlNGRCU) AVENUI SUMMIT, N. X / CR. ••7070 To Mr. and Mn. Frederick (Off state Natteeal Grocery glare) 41t STRING**.© AVl, SUMMIT Snow of 25 Barberry lane, Berke- ley Heights, a son, born August !>O0ObOOOO0OOC3OOOOOO0O0OC Opw wrt. lvw.oF*rklM la Raw Ab* N*w*fk. Wn*4 St. tmr. WUaaat 30. • Bedspread** • Tablet To Mr. and Mn. Angelo Bo> tondi of et West End avenue, a daughter, bora August M. • Draperieo • Lampo To Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Kee of IS Edgar street, a daugh- • Cmtom-Made Slipcovcn t Aitorted Knickknacki ter, born August 10. To Mr. and Mr*, fact* Mertae of SI Edgewood avenue, a eon, CR. 7-2217 FRR PARKING RIAR OF STORI LOST OUR LEASE!!! born August M. To Mr. aad Mn. Philip Ano- lina of ta Fernwood place, a daughter, born August W. WE ARE SORRY TO LEAVE SUMMIT AFTER 15 YEARS OF To Mr. and Mn. VUe Capa- bianco of SB Garfleld street, FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS WITH THE COMMUNITY, BUT Berkeley Heights, a sea, bora SINCE OUR PRJESBNT LOCATION IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE August 2t. To Mr. and Mn. George HoweD Buy or Sell of 11 Lafayette street, a ion, bora TO US WE ARE FORCED TO CLOSE OUR DOORS IN SUMMIT. AugustH. To Mr. and Mn. Samuel Aeen. avtva of I Gales drive, New ProrMenee, a daughter, born We're Equipped to Serve You Well August M. To Mr. ftnd Mr*. Paul Paytot of 51 Clark street, a SOB, born -i - > - ^ August ST. To Mr. and Mn. Charles Baahatn of CS Hamson drive, Berkeley Heights, a son, born August 37. Bucknell Enrollet Peter W. Hebble. son of Mr. and Mn. Howard E. Hebble of 6 Lorraine road is among 35 upper- dassmeo enrolled at BuckneO University for postgraduate work. Hebble, formerly of Swarthmore College, will study for the degree of bachelor of science. COMPLETE FALL SELECTION HATS HANDBAGS 1 UP GLOVES I TO I ACCESSORIES ) Four Bedroom Colonial — See Clwlfled tor description Thit It A Perfect Opportunity To Make Your Chrhtmm Gift Purchotct.

List your property. We have buyers ANTIQUES I MOtRISTOWN NATIONAL GUARD George A. Allsopp, Inc. LEED'S ARMORY Realtor 390 SPRINGFIELD AVE. SUMMIT, N. J. fJPT. 1MMM1 11 A, M.-10:30 P.M. "Open Friday Mtes'Til 9 P.M." Cleees13tfce*er.M. DRexcl 6-2266 OM Seert HWt HeW, Cet. tun « J. • PDmitB, MIRRORS, CHAIRS, AND SHELVING FOR SALI! SHOW THE SUMMIT HtHALD, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, IffT II tion followed at tht William Pitt, land bridesmaid wat Hiia Nodtt Mary We;d*cmay«- «*. tfea* city I Chatham Girl Chatham. Quakenbush. sister of the bride. Miss Joqn Fogartytier pnacess styW J,X«B »** i ^GUILDjl[opnClfl7 became the bride on Saturday of bible. tenary Junior College, Hacketti- »aj, became the brick- on Satur- john Stuart Steel*. Jr., ion of The bride i matron of honor town. She is a nfember of Fheta day of William Cii>tian Gret- ert Hi>{^»r of I'hathira 31 r. and Mrs. John Stuart Steele was Mrs. Ronald Thompson of Epsilon Ku sorority'. Mr. Steele J^nger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- A graauat*' •<. Hafh of 2i Twin Falls road, Berkeley •OOO-LOOKINO GLASSES Sea Girt, who wore a yellow chif attended schools in Summit and ium Christian Gretr.ngt-r of Me- the* Heights, at a ceremony perform- ton gown with yellow lace and is now attending Missouri School dia, Penn , at a cfrcmony per- ed by Rev. W. S. Hinraaii at St. s i\»]^j{? and headband. Maid of honor waa Miss of Mining Engineering, Rolla, Mo. farmed at Centra] Presbyterian Beta fwipp«i ffoto Bdckrirfl Vzn- John's Lutheran Church. A recep- Ann Elizabeth Pike of Chatham ! Church by Rev. Leonard V. After a short cruise, the couple vers.:ty. She is a meraher of Sig- will reside in Roila. Buschman. D D. Fallow tn^ the ma Delia Pi. ceremony a reception was held 3*4 vmuwmo AVWIM 1'njun High Srfwui. Gra«-jd Rip- •AST OtANai, N. J. SUMMIT, N. J.

ids. Mich . and Bw-kneM l'nai« VlVWfWW •"••••H sity; Ht is *>*>c;ir*d -wrtfc tii»e William IseLn To ,. !W«r York and ASK fMR ITI PNYSICIAR AlOiT OUR SIIVICI is "'a' member of SAJJH* Phi Ep*j- l«n fraUrtuty. Falbwtng a tnp. tint reside in Maple*

Mrs. Jose** M. Bordlnk WollQ phi.'to •r* f#ITfMO Week-End Specials Alexandra Gray iir«i»r.$T£i» OF rwi tvAr Becomes Bride of Medical Student BACK TO SCHOOI! Banana Layer 81c Connecticut ^arraa Presbyteri- an Church at Union saw the scene From lh« l>«ncn«« of |H« worWi matttr on Saturday afternoon of the wed- •ho* croft*m«n com* (*•**, Th* SEVEN SISTERS ding of Miss Alexandra Gray, BBRD;GEB daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tor Children. H*r«, th* ikllUd hands of N. Gray of 137 Butler Parkway, evr iptclolly h-gfeod flttvrt Ml»«t fh* Coffee Cake... to Joseph M. Bordink, son of Mr. right (tmmtt iho* for your child't foof—> ...62c and Mrs. John D. Bordink of Nut- th«r« It no wbitltuf* for th* rigM iho* Mrs. John Stuart Steele, Jr. ley. The ceremony was performed (Botfen Studio) by the minister, Rev. Fred W. Mrs. William C. GreUlnger —tf* iho* thai flti iv*ry it*p of Hw woyl Druckentniller. Com* In and hov« your «hild Arrives Sunday Given in marriage by her father, at Canoe Brook Country Club. Moremofhos In iww fswea (how Among the freshmen students the bride wore a princess gown The bride, given in marriage who will arrive on Sunday at Lin of ivory dupioni silk embroidered by her father, was attired in a denwood College, Missouri, for the with seed pearls and a crown of gown of pure silk tissue taffeta give their children 211 MILLIURN AVL. MILUURN M. M393 start of the new term will be Miss seed pearls with a fingertip veil. with a basque bodice and por- Beryl Ann Robinson, daughter of She carried a bouquet of lilly of trait neckline. The skirt had lac* Bbrdens Milk than Mr and Mrs. J. L. Robinson of the valley and roses. inverts and terminated in a riiap- 11 Mont view avenue. The matron of honor was Mrs. eJ sweep. Her imported French Winfield J. Atno of East Orange silk illusion veil fell from a any oHier brand! and the bridesmaids were Miss matching lace and pearl Juliet Carole Fortenbach of Carlstadt. cap. Her bouquet was a cascade Miss Corine Brunner of Normandy of stephanotis. eucharis lilies and Love Thai Loden Green// Beach, Miss Carol Swikart of red garnet rose*. Rumson and Miss Barbara Breu- The maid of honor waa Miss nig of Union. AT TNI ITOM John J. Bordink was best man WIAI IT IN SKMTS. SLACKS, Robert Davis of New York City M AT TOM »OOt for his brother and ushers were and Edward Wallach of New York SHUTS AND SHOUTS Winfield J. Atno of East Orange, Robert Root of Highland Lakes, City . GREEN with a touch of charcoal, that's The bride is a graduate of loden . . . lovtly on all types, so right Union Hipii School and Presbyteri- for campus or suburbs. You'll adore BUY IDEAL! an Hospital School of Nursing at our Tyrolean co-ordinates in loden, with Newark. The bridegroom gradu- its floral-«mbroicl«red" belts and ties. Wool For The ated from Colgate University and skirts, $8.98; j.ney bloute, $5.98; is presently a medical student at BORDENS bermudas and slacks to match. Hard to Fit Girl Cornell University School of Medi- cine, New York City. He is a mem- Compute Line of ber of Theta Chi fraternity. its eg to be good Following a wedding reception A ihopful .of campus and carter sep- SUB TEENS 8 to 14 Springfield Ave Summit arates in other exciting colors and held at (he Hotel Suburban her*, styles. Sat our windows today, then CHUitTTTIS, GIRLS, the couple left on a wedding trip to La keVha in plain and after Sep- rush in for glamour at NAN'S! SIH TUNS AND TRNS tember 15 will make their home at New York Citv.

IDEAL SHOP Enters Stephens College IF THIS ISNT CASHMERE. WHAT IS IT? NAN'S Among new admissions to lit L FrMf St. Stephens. Columbia, Mo., this SPRINGFIELD AVE., SUN*M term will be Miss Claire Aim- PIM311 strong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nobel Armstrong of 78 Pro- spect Hill avenue and Miss Ida Ruth Kaplon, daughter of Dr and WUIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIUIMIIIIIIJ^ Mrs. Morton Kaplnn of 70 Edge- wood road

REPAIR SERVICE Watch Repairs PtaHt Rtsfrung • KRESGE • NEWARK Engraving Hating Crystals Pitted Immediately CARLANS ( SCMMIT BRANCH lour Community Opes Frl. Eves. 'Ul t P. N. 441 Springfield Ave. CR. 7 MM I will resume SUMMIT ANIMAL WELFARE LEAGUE Inc.

Wouldn't tomconr Ilk* a nlrr ptrt briflr (with a Inthrr roll;"). Thl» doc and many othrr rulr dofi, pup- plrt, rati and klllrni arr taking MONDAY OPENINGS hotnn RFMF.MHKH. the Animal Wrlterr l.«»ur li not an S.f.r.A. bnt a Tolunterr orfinliallon, your help and contributions arc aJwa)s wetcomrt. beginning Sept. 10th i CR. 3-UJJ SHORT HILLS LANDSCAPING CO. DREAMSPUN • COSTRACTORS • We're bigger than ever—bigger in area . . with many new depart- NEW — Excellent It looks like cashmere, and f«*k liU cashmere, and lias o.hmfrcs luxury - yet ments added! We're air conditioned! We're brimming with values that Material for TOP DRESSING, QUALITY Drearmpun c*t< onlr a fraction of the price. Here is your proud-to-wear classic, herald mbrand new season! Come see what's new in Autumn fashions LAWNS, GOLF GREENS « full fashioned and fiatterinp. Pick it from a roller of tho^e most beautiful color, dyed; for yourself! Come outfit the children for school! Come for Fall FLOWER GARDENS. exclusively forCarland by Bernat, makers of famous hand knitting yarns. A soft, soft, Eipert -oft blend erf imported laml-wool. anpora ral-bils' fur, and a little nylon - Dreamspun fixings for the home! Come again on Mondays — starting Sept 10th — Landscaping :« all delight. when we resume Monday openings for your six-day shopping convenience. Consultation Service CARM6AN . 110-tJ CLASSIC SHORT SLIEYI SLIPOVER Sl.« MATCHM6 SKIRTS flO.fl

Permanent COME MONMUUMUl f:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. Driveways •nd Hugh*, Parking Lots OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL t:00 P.M. 421 SprfasqfitW Afmt Summit. N. J. CALL (Ofpmie Trott'g Bake Shop) CR 7-20*4 f CR 7-4410 !• THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER o. I fit SUCTION NOTICE Unrru ir-.-) b»> Turapikt to tht City Uleoto C&trro*t*, Inc.. Ill WoodUnd Avt&ut to Wallaot ISO fa* Bortb ml aa« tatiJ i 4..J lUvtr. ifctaca A»tcut. Sho* Boom. Haa*d to Uorrl* u.d aorth aldt Us* of Oiaoaldt AWIM wmttrii to k Brief dttaeRptttc of til* rirrk o^ DUTTRJCT: ••• BHMJC Turapicr. Mufrta tad tMtenj us Uorrii Awtout, tfionrM bun load Bogtbgftf Memo* m wmMBt arvaw Uca of tfceb eSecttao MonataU A*a» Avaatu. egrtBetiia Anania IT'MlfWI ««Hn et tbc .£«» of 8m- riBST WARD MUST rlr aloof eaatar UatU a off rtrnvoorS d RoaRdd •rod Road TO tudge Roid, Rsdga but. UouBtain At«nua wtM mX Bat tixmAf n«tt»«*d lo «ktd <-M y- Poli:aj Place Burnout Art to tha Monte au*a Baa TiuopU* a&d Kidg* koad productd *eat«rty M WUUaa 8trt«t: WUliasi »tr*tt aenlh UM LAWS at **» JICMT gov- 7 S :r.t of Unrrls aft&u*. tbanct aiooa t^ toUtwrtoa cectar Un«a Bawthomt Plate: Bawtborat rlact trly to Sayrt •tra«t: Bayiw »trw( * y ELECTION DISTRICT Bf- Fwii wood Road aouthtriy to Rifigi waster!) to '•'* Rorlti lnt«{atcttoa With *a»t*rli w Morn* AV«S«M: Monk 4 | or tntttf « w»t> tbc CKy Clark. at tfct Lnterteetloa *f '.'•* Jkreoua to thm point «r Boad: RMn Bo«d aaatarlj w Uob&r Baecbwood K'«d. Beech wood R£ad U out Bonberl; (e B» BUM*; 0* tumult. at 1* offlrw. CKT Ball. lm«a of Sprl£«fie:S «»tcu» *-o of i; Sobart Avtaut asd Bobait Btll»vut Avenue; BtlUvut AV»XI\M M Bttwtt aoutberiy to UB«MI 413 BprHwrfVSd Anew, Summit, K J . Kr.1t fr»ril. »x.d tafj.ce U. T8ZBO D1S11UCT- Btodimad aouthtcly to thi Woodiina &i»nut; Wootflajkd Avsout UadMt VUe* watMrty t» U daily from g 30 A U .to • 30 P SI ex- *l^fsf '-if !r»i'.3*':> KP»- School. Woodiand *»•• aoutcitrir to --« point or place of Dlac* of bagiQBlBg. empt Batunlan tad SuiuJais. and >n R»Urt»d: Dtlawara. Laek»w»nu» tses'.r.nlng !!:.n i-pr: \.r?:e-.d A?r:.ut. !•'• **oom> WA*D. rovaxm Monday evtfklngs bBtwMKi UM- ll. (• IKIKO EU,OnO!« DISTRICT: 1 WMtera Tlillr"ti twttrlji to MorrU WARX), IIOBT1 OISTBJCTt of 7 MM] IF11 uul or. :::e ^v*i . ..j- t.-:. and Baats Tiuropllu; MurrU tad Sciiooi, Morrlt A vs., TRICT — J«ff«noa SehooL «rf Be|ft II H. n ». :f Si, 21, « ?5 at tbt UittcatcUoo* ot tM A»anua— Boos la twtaaaat, n ..s-.,;:, 1U'.: -»3 " '•!' V-ri- »:. AWIU* tad Turnplk* north*/-)/ to th* t>olnt w iurLi>ca ou Pla^SfOiUia M. r ISM. fnsa 4J0 FU to I p U Avftue. U; '. .-t-u.^ A.*...*• ' :> ' •'« SltS« Room at foot of tuln to ttft citv l:c» is Huulc B:»er. 'n»: re ruurr WAJRO. 8BI»TH DISTBICT- tlOtfTH E-ECTIOU DISTRICT: Ba- 4r1»#way tntraoct. ocrtficM«. to tha mcaU Ch»rroi*t. Inc., SIS Spring. gtacii.8 t,t ttie ctnttt U&« of itontia FOCTKTH BLBOTXOII ODmUOT: Ba. giuclne at th« tuMta«eUo« «f UM After Thr.-Ji A»«-:. Jf A.-:. i» _ .id ««kt«rlT to gluciof at tht lutersoctlon of uht»«»ifri> OJrci'uiou to t£t tad of Edgar to b* Iw-Jd Not «, !»i* «:.w;jod R*m4 nortfierly to tut eaatar Uttw of tha Dalaw&re, Slreet. ttsence Cuntlttulztg oortbwwt- 1st ceout lint ot tbt Bafcwajr ValUl «* a BUM m tail MHCk at NOTICE IS JU3UEBT OIVKM iu.trlj !nwr»fCtlOD with H»wt*orli« trly on ill Imagliiai; Uu« to ICutlMB Railroad southerly to tht City U»r. aa4 Wwttra R«ilxo*d aioDg tht Olt* Um wtetwiy aud .-.- EUwtbrrD* Pl*tt t 5umaiU Avanue, lheoc« along tha fol- Aituu* tfcw -V j ., r.tlt.a:if *ou#.Qe iowlnf cwitar Ui;«. Suiomlt A»enut Citing 30U !t-et uortheiatcnj from tDt northerly to ISO (M* BOrtb «( tbt in tU» Ciiy of Summit iwwt-pa t'.e I • aortfatrl; . to Sprtngfleld Avenue, ctuter dut o! K«ut Pit** BouUtvard; Qonh tide Unt of Olaaalda AteatM; H^y^ll Bf4a. U&§ fi^ tt.*ne« [h.r!Enl)i ilnog tbt centtt Uct ISO fa«t Donb «( *&4 ptnllrt te ttt ••Mori? |» » total !*• f t«i #wt «C botira <* 7 A M *ftd 8 P M KST .:. i '. avecue Spriiiffittd Avtnut e*»terl» to aortb aid* Hut) of CHteaWt Avwvt lit* w«tft m» Unm at Ot«kat< mm, MK4 rrlmr«w M >r.\j Air: w ,16 .Hnn>->•:<• At«.;«. j »«#teily -,o WoodUnd Avenue: Wood- A*w»ut; Waidrou Avtuut corth«rly o/ Madlsaii Av*»;i» It MorrU Aveout: Of' - thenc* tout tifajtt-tlj Wong tbt ceatet •aattriy to Uorrt* Avtoiw; aloos UM toa fwt mm, mt UMI mu»04 to tha itrtj »• u» --rw-•»••! A-.r-.^m la Ki:. . PIBC* Boi.e- i lar.d Avenue southerlf to tht point WMttradg* Road; WbJttrtdgt Road lln« of lUUirn* Avpaut to tn« center c«uur Una of Morrta Avwut ttstwty wtat Mi Uu M Orc&firt WIM* UM BaftiMtfar * m. Kent Piiw* B-3u-f«usJ to w#i of place of beginning aasteriy to fsrawood Road, fern wood Jur of beteriy Ru«d; tteccs euttrl; to tha point cur plact of btfttinlBg nortb*ity ts UM •*ct*f 9&t af kvmvm ue tm ii.t ur p,*c» cf btgicxi:!-* i FIRST *AJU>. KJUBTH OIBTBICT Road ttortbtrljr to Rldgt Ruitd; Rldgt l-NITED STATES niong iht c»:iterlln« of Beverly Road Rallraaa:: aliwui tfea I^A^^HU tf t^ »a u»» . nRSl WARD RICOND DtSTHICT ; - A: C^-.'XJC PontiwC Co. Iiu;, 3iS •attar)/ to Hobart Aveout, to Cftiioc Brook Parkway. th«nct sacoifo WARD, rimi DftriiOT to tht for '.'.* President «r.«d, thence »cst- District ! Dtiiwirt, Lacia wanna and W«et*rn Railroad wawurly to UM poUrt or erl| along Nuttiurtc Buad to .U tti> canter Uom of tforrijtforrij TTurapU* d eaoowv WAMD. 8TATE OF > tht DDalawart . Lackawaniia IM WtwtMt * tht following mlnu*. ibtnrr continuing touthwwt- RaUroad; th«cc« along th* following1 corxrv ::>e». Summit Avenue nartherlf FIRST WARS, (MRTSNTH DLSTHICTT erly ot> iua Inxsgiu^ry lint to tilt lc- center Unaa: UorrSt Tumplka toutb- _....»» Oolwy Drive, u$u$ the. c^uter lU*e *>f i pr!j.i»d. BMcbwood mo*4 •ouMttrljr to to Itorrto A»enu«; coaUaulng tlit aorth aid* u*t ol Morrto Avtout Bin Btr#tt ftorthtrl* U» th* IMawmM. nxxnca M BBWBBT otrm iw FIRST V^AHD A CoiiK'.jrrjd to h» of •uw Delaware, Ltckawuina MMI Wwt- aorttatastcri/ oa an Imaginary UQ* to — Franklin bohool — Ca.'ei ert» — En- eawtfly to a point 100 fat* wt«t «f Laekwitta and d WwMrWtaitra ItaBAUTMMIl ; tlKT-^ for-* term _of 3 ie*r»^ ._.. ' ^; '.Viilji.-re K-»<1; t: o!f Pl.i yijrouwt. «h« (lMt MMUB* Of tot NlMJt, fc-unr: li=* - eeo^er Hi.t af c.-ii luliroMl; Ociawar*. L«k»w»niji tbt MuthwtaUra and of Mutburtt Orchard Street; thtno* klont a ttaa OtUwaro, LwktwwM m»4 Wwltni SKt'ONI) WARD. A Cj ,IAILIULQ to Road; tbtoot *Mt«r]]y »ad SL.ECMON UISTHICTi B«- drawn 100 fatt wmt, of and Qanlltl RAllroad t««wrly W UM BftbM* •ki- __ aj^ ti^nn i _i - - *• bt »!Mt*rrl» » &r.u.t cr plio« of b«irtantn«. •outturtr aiong tht following ceotar to tht wett alda lln« of Orehtrt lty Rallmd; RahvayTUltT Kittim BYAK, " NOTICT IS trrfcKBY GIVFN ^«t tnw: Ifathunt Road to Wooaitnd »i;-l Hue (i:ov« Avenut. Straet northtrlv to tht ctnt«r Unt of •outherl j to tho point cr jfiamtl bo- ilienee tJoug lh« following center tht Oelawtr*. Lacktwanna and. Wtat* for wMttoMnt to Hit*: In » mutaeMy dlrectloa ilong «rn Railroad taatcrljr to tha point m OMirt-Vrobato DtrMee, on fni- Pint Ciruve Avt^ue Ui liitciburn place ot Beginning BBOOKO WA»&. iforni Bonsior bar M tm***i - Road; tiience in » • w«iitriv direction —littBtetpai •ulldlnc. IU e«rla«ft«te aloes Sl&ckcburD P >*d to Dl«ulm> SECOND WARD. SIXTH UEBTWIOT Avanua, Council Chambtr. Av«uue, thenco northerlj Along Divi- —Munlclpu Building, ftll BtKibatlaM sion Avrtiti* inii [he bnundtrjr lint of Avenue. Council Chajnbtr HnfTti KLsonoM DierauoTt BV ht City or Summit ID the Puuklo SIXTH ELECTION DISTRICT: •*. at th« iBMraiattM at «*•3ia aprtMtfuui River, thfiica Along the PMSBIC River rlnnlng at the lntortaottoa of UM Horn mt aprtngfitld krmvm BUBUBkt, JT J. in a Q»rih«!y direction to Mount renter line* of Do Street and UM and th» DtUwv^ tackAwaajka aai Vtmon ^vfJ^ue•. the«c» eiuitprly along Delaware. Lackawanna and Wtattra ~ a RaUroaa Utme* aloa« tte AW, M. » Mouol Vein -n Avfime to the Del»wire. Railroad, theoca along tht following foUowlngj etnta* Un«: la a wwrtarly Bannwlt hM a Laekawannt and Western Ballrond; center Une«: Elm Street touthtriy to dlr«rtioo alone aprtaa>*li Av«eu» •• hence la a tnulhcriy aud e«it»rl* Linden plact; Undtn Place wwttrfr Blackburn Road; HMDM UI • gowtB- that art IM direction «;.»HK the D»'lawara, Licka- to Tulip Street; Tirllp Btreat notth«rty trly dlractton aloof Blackburn »aa< annt »m1 Wfstern Railroad to a to rVotptrt Stratt; thano* In • wt«t- IxiLnt opr*'1.'-^" the center line ot O»k- le? Avu.u- jp-'Kliic«l; thence In • southerly d;: eclon along tht t»ld. pro- duced o-nt'-r line of 6aklry Arenu* and Oaklrv Awnui to Springfield Avenue, thuir* futttrij tjong Spring- YOU CAN RENT NEW CARS FROM field Avenue to the point or pUca of

8ECX)ND WARD KITOOND DISTRICT —Klt-ld Hoiut. Wyrtla Avtnut Miln Hoom. bECOND KI.ECTION DISTRICT: Ba- BELL TRADING CORP. innliiK at M point In tht center Unt >t Protpf't S'.-oet and tht center lint •f Tulip .s;r»i-'., and along tht foltow- I ing cent'T [::•• m t touth»rl7 direc- tion tlou* l;.:!p E'reet to Ajtiltnd Road; th^::<-e In t »eaterljr direction along AA).:,IS-1 to Colony Drive; 'hence 1:> .> w• st>r!y direction along Colony !>•',•• r <•! Olfn Oakt A»pnue; thence !n. a ? • ;:aw«-tterly dlrecilon filong O'.e:: O.IKII Avenue to Plot Orove Avui'.ie, thence in a toutherly direction a. 'tg l»;.ie Orova Aienut to Ashland H ad. tht-nce tn a westerly Hera ore fabrics worth yodeling direction IIOIIK Anhimd Road to DITI- *ton Avenuf. thence In a nortfttrly about) They'r* colorful I They're gay . . . Urectlon a! >r.e Division Avenut to Blackburn Road, thence In an •art- they're perfect for everything erly direction «'.onK Blackburn Boad to Pint Ornve Avcnu«; th»nc« In a Vom skirts and blouses to nortbrrly direction along Ftnt Orovt aT^W Artnu* to Prapect Street; thenct In dreiies you'll weor oil through the year! »n entterlT tlin-rtlon along Proapect (RENT THE GIFFORD WAY) Street to tbt point or plact of be- ginning. ^_ SECOND WARD, THIRD DISTRICT FOR EXECUTIVES - FIELD MEN - SALESMEN Brayton School, Room tn bajement SANFOBIIID* COTTON _JBoy»" pUvrnom oa Athland Road Hundred* of Buslneue* Now Enjoy These Great Advantage* fldit, second door oa right aa enter bujiemt-nt. 1. N1W CARS AT RMULAt T. THIRD BXECTION DISTRICT: Be- ginning «t tl)» lnteraectlon ot tht INTOVAU Fire, theft, $80 deductible — col- Washfast Prints center line* ol Tulip Street and Linden Place, thetire along the following cen- Brand new can supplied at mutually liilen protection, plus prompt re. ter line* Tv.:i|> Street southerly to Mountain Av.-:u>»: Mountain Avenut convanient times end places. pleeement ef eut-of.iervlee ein. •Maierly m I'rlmroat Place; Prlmroat Plit'e and Prtmnwt Place produced 2. ALL RtPAfRS s.uitherlr to 130 feet north of tbt north Hide line of Glen«lde Avenue; And Gifford peyi ell (fie eflls. I. MttlOYID CARS RBTUCID Promptly, minimum time leu. 3. TOWJNG AND LOtRICATIOH Gifford pays for alt el H. f. UN»«T14CT1D MUA6I CAMPING 4. Tlf B RiPANHV ANO RaFlACED For both buiineis and pleasure. Top quality tires the yeer 'reund. For flo-»og«thtf or mix-match EQUIPMENT 5. COMflETI WMTBI SBlVrCIN* 10. ALL THfSf PLUS ... separate*... a cheery dress for mom Full Line Of Again, Gifford pays avarytfiinf. No bookkeeping problemi, ne AND daughter, even sports shirts cepitel tied up in automobiUi for dad ,.. this alluring yet practical SUMMER WEAR 4. LfCINSf FLATB greater goodwill for your buiintu Tyrolean print is TERRIFIC! FOR MEN & BOYS And everything alia to comply happier pertonnel driving sparkl- with local lawg. Big color assortment. 36-in. width. Visit Our Camping ifii f new can. *ifHI ftlM end Fishina, Deportment (PILL IN COUPON ANO OUt MMHSIMTATtVt WIU CALL AT YOU! CONVMMINCI) NATIONALLY ADV. BRANDS NO-IRON PEASANT SOX80 HIGH STYLED NAME AT SAVING PRICES! COMPANY Percale Prints ADDRESS SALZMAN CITY 2ONI STATI 4* OFFICIAL ARMY ft NAVY OF CAR OPERATED ». DEPARTMENT STORE 201 Mcin St. Orongt BELL TRADING CORP. OR 37494 ROUTE 10, WHIPPANY, N. J. WH 8-0371 "We Give S & U Grrro Stamps" Rent The Gifford Way The latest fashion rage but one that's sure to become a classic! It's so right for vests; blouses aprons, skirts, «ven jackets you'll wear over everything every month of che yeorl 36-in. Width.

PEAKLIZED HEART BUTTONS FlOtAL SCROU iRAfD Ivii njM •iMih.«a lovdt far Wh.i..alo i.i»i 16 JO 24. TyrettM Mylat. SEW THRU HEART SUTTONS MINT BRAID Catict ol ltd wtiiH at aovy to Itt'lacltat oida. la '»«. 4% JfcC d>«o «p any A all 1r'olia«| block, whilt ar §'••• '.Of oil Y^l ouiSi, S.ft 17. Ii>al*tk y«». IDllWEIS nORAl BUnONS DANCERS A FIOIAL MAID 3 inchti wi*». la grata. r««, al»ck ar vkila. OUlUctjvt .-4 5» , tour VIVI 21 JO.

MEDALLION V, I* 2 lath wltlbt, IDELWEIt:p;» S FLORAL BUTTONS Oittiti »a Tyroltaa laih. a*A15* to' ~ •tml*a«r«t<«ia«. «_ . 9T* fd. VENICE LACI <

CHARMING *rs* >: , _. *•*" font *ee/ Ont coet «f Itvrt FOR TYROUAN STYLES illA^ \ •detleei Pnn * Lanben Soli4« wiU put a cok* SIMPLICITY PATTERNS This colorful, alkyd enamel protects H e*w,dt«4M laua oa BIOKM %MJ well avfcet .-*?; * floors, steps and min against —ma waifpefer. !I*I a mi «/A«W wiU paint wear, knocks and weather. Resiica r

^ ''••< 25* •a. water, grease and oil. Equally e*d fc*i vow easwtr to a o^idt job ud t g^ on*. »crviceablc on wood, mecal, concrete (air-lalodow ttrta for tvary »••. or linoleum. CoaM to »aW see *e wkle raof* of Solidet colon. btf mi Ibt lo»ily. N*w«n Tyiwlton itptretoi aitt trtltti art Uolmrttl. la Inl wild MM tiaartttl, tjy now I HILL CITY PAINT EK Slort Homrt: Moa., Tntt. * W»d. i:3»- «X «J. NEWBERRY CO. C ENTER 3:3» p.m. Tknn. * frt. I.J0-9:00 p.m. Haluraar t:J*-t.M p.m. AND WALLPAPER CO. 487 SPRINGNELD AVENUE, SUMMIT CR. 74024 THf SUMMIT HSR ALP. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 17 Mrs. Dwyer Opens Campaign With Air Conditioned Registration Plea Republican Auembbworn- *JI Florenct P. Dwyer officially opened her fill campaign for elec- tion to Congress today with an ap- peal to supporters of President Eisenhower for "an all-out voter registration drive during Septem- off to school to ber." "Not only must we vote, but we must make certain that—by the September 27 registration dead line—everybody qualified is reg- istered to vote," she said in her warning against apathy. to... Mrs. Dwyer, Republican candi II date for Congress in Union Coun- m< you ty a sixth District, made her reg- istration plea in a report to voter? on her prccampaign activities. "At the conclusion of last April' primaries, I made a public pledge to familiarize myself as widely as possible on national and interna- tional problems and issues," Mrs RAND UNION Dwyer said. "With that objective, in mind. I made a series of trips to the na to save more on quality foods tion's capital for conferences with DRIVE CAREFULLY.,. FOR CHILD tuch outstanding administration leaders as Vice President Nixon, Secretary of State Dulles, Secre tary of Labor Mitchell, Senators fa*e and Smith and other Repub lican Congressional figures. "This seriea of conferences, " GRAND BUYS for SCHOOL DAYS Mrs. Dwyer continued, "was cli- , maxed by a meeting In August 4/ rith President Eisenhower." STARKISTTUNA S5#' r?5« WESTON COOKIES As a result of these conferences, Mrs. Dwyer said, she is prepared Peanut to "wag* a forceful, well-informed PEANUT BUTTER cJESU '£35* BURRY COOKIES Top ;°C39* campaign in which I will be able to apeak with first hand knowl- edge at the problems, accom- PRESERVES siS^nW '^29' RAINBOW NAPKINS plishments and aim* of the Eis- 9 IOO ft. «5cs» enhower Mtminaftratioo." HYDROX COOKIES *— '^ 39* WAXED PAPER Mrs. Dwyer said President Eis- I rolls 00 enhower and other leaders—dur- Wonderful gil ing the series of conferences—ex- pressed concern over the possibil- ity of voter apathy in November LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS for you ond your family and a lack of interest in registra- tion. FRESH PRESSED -Tep Quality-Plump-Young without spending a dime extra "In Union County," Mrs. Dwyer concluded, "we who believe in Hie Eisenhower program most make cartaan w« are not gulty of apa- thy. Our first mission is to heed th« President's plea for an all-out >"iRiKi-r registration program. "And—beyond that Immediate September mission—we must car- ry the record and pledges of the Eisenhower administration to oar BLUE STAMPS friends and neighbors with the •ime fervor that marked our IMS crusade, and on November I, we Here an a Jew famous brand'gKttftoa must make certain everybody foes to the polls. In that way, we can get for* the scholar In yowrlfopNy will win ao even greater victory In READY Westminster Abbey, which has been the seme of every British TO coronation since 10W, is noted tor its choral music. Its doisters are one of London's most peaceful COOK epoU. SN '•* "•, Avg. Wgt. IAN MtmS SAYI 14-18 lbs. ON AUTO MSIMANCI. PAT SEMI ANHUALLT. U. S. Decwrf- 4>V 4 / ft. M. tOYNTON, Clt MtU ment ef AgricuHwre Retemmenas Turkeys..« _ mSUUNCI BROKE* _ e 0—4 Ivy. Stock Up Your Freezer..* Tsnttef when fctlesJ with rVeshnuKle ivtter. Visit Your "Triple-S" Redemption Center Todoy ot 26f Morris Ave.. Springfield. Armour's Star-Skinless ' New FlavO-Rich-Quick Frozen Closed Monday. Open Friday Nlgtrt. WE WILL 1'AlbJ Fry or Grill Ib. pkg. Wt HOT ONLY WILL, IUT FRANKFURTERS "T 4 BEEF STEAKETTES 8 Servings DO MAT ANY DIAL « ANYWHMI ON FOREIGN CARS DEL MONTE PEAS ***;*• 3 '^49* TOMAfO PASTE S'l' 3 • JAGUAR • can • HIUMAN DOLE SLlCf^PINEAPPLE '£ 19* SPAGHETTI^M^U-*. 2^ W • SUNBEAM 3 get a 9 piece • ENGLISH FORDS SHORTENING^- £ 29* 179' DASH DOG FOOD 2 'ts Service M all Fereiga Cars Fres/i Fruits ari% Vegetables James Gonnanlnc. 291 Ireod St. Elbertn CR. 3.3144 Fretstone STAINLESS STEEL A Big Dividend! PEACHES KITCHEN SET a $21.00 value for only $&4I

CaRfends) Valencie Sweet Pascal - Large Site Diamond Buy Ipiecejzach Oranges 10'"39* Potatoes 3*^25* Celery 2^25* Walnuts UTINStU IJB(f..WB•}!»;'.fii' "HW.UfflBiiWi 1 IACH PIECE dairy foods BbebKk Salmon d goods ONIY; I>fk« Iht |MM «-h« found a golden iff id % roll! wi ifainst ftr« hu*rdj...and, for a D small txtri paymtnt, you nwy «bUbi Sweet Muenster 69' »«wttr tftlnM windstorm, KtU. npif Trim SaM Whip ^::'c ;:::;' •- Donuts nm and other haunts to vtnir hom*. Ci't mi iwfay-bt tfrably mtt feniaW ELMER G. HOUSTON Cary Maple Syrup N?NT55» Unc!« Ben's Rice "Z 23« Geisha Cnbmeaf '/,;' 85* Dif Hand Cleaner H r/ 140 Avensje. Bouillon Cubes ot 3;?. 23. Apricot Nectar K "«* 18# Rip? Olives tXZ; '~ 35. Dif Puddings *»•'— 3^32i Woodbury Soap 3 "i 26« Hep Oven Cleaner *" 9« Smmft, New Jeney BASTING SPOON 99< Oreetry Wees Weetlve Sept. 4th ^thrv Sept. 11th. Meat, Produce A Dpiry Prices Effective Sept. 6th thru Sept. ltd Op«n Tonight ond Evtry Thundoy ond Friday Untfl 9 P.M. 2t DtFOREST AVENUE, SUMMIT, N. J. THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. SifTEMttR 4. IH4 they «U be forertr barred from prm- are etettoced or oaa b« found, or If n OH OBXTAZM §TRJ Rogers cam« in first followed by lirofta Gains Find ecuUnf or rccoTcxlsg U*e ume acatust you d«*tr« tite mUttary aerrtoe bailot ANO OTHER PUBLIC PLAOES iv Lhe •ubtcxtber. for a raiaeiT* or Mend then make an T» C1TT Or KTiOCT AND Doug Roger*. Girl winner of the Scholarship JOHN BOORUJI. application under oe/tb for a roUlter; 50 Enter Canoe At 19CBV^9KH«WQ ' *rvl>w DBCHMI PBOVIMO PEHALTH8 I«CW V 18 hole match which employed the For R#4jl$tiy Admin l*u*:ar. Mrrioe belkft to be forwarded to him TION8 THERSOr. PMi«l March Joe Birolka posted a top sided lUgistraUsanrwtiac to tfc* Donald F. Guida, mm of Mr. KEKTZ fc EJENTZ. AitJU. stAtine lo your application that he 1W3. A« AOM&dMl J\»iy 7 l»w Calloway system wag Peg Speno. 33) SprlbfttoM Art. U over the age of tweMy-oae y*era tetaber 17. !«]. February Brook Junior 5 and 4 victory over youthful geaeral electim wi N*v. I eaa and Mm. Daniel Guida of 396 Summit, n. J. aad atattec hi* name, serial number, In the boys" division, John Walker be aade throat* Sept 27 bmm Aug. 33. 30 Sept. I. 13 PW—S14.00 home aOdreac and tile address aft which lftS*. Jl*T S. »5S, Aruet Charley McCrea at the rolling Broad street, a senior at Bowdojc he la statkrotd or can be found edged Karl Swanson and Sandy i a.m. to 4 p.n. Stoaday thwtft Uay IS mm ao4 J-un* is Ooiege, is ooe at 166 studeote NOTICE TO FEKSOSS DCSIB1NG Form* of application can be ob- Galloping Hill Golf Club. Kenil- CJBSEMTEB BALLOTS Dated: SepUBItitt 4. !OS« Golf Tournament Sfropp. * Friday at the city clerk's •f- from the underat£&ed. Approved: September 4, worth, last Monday afternoon to flee. City HaB. Evenhaf regis- wtoo have had scholarship*: re- : At Summit. X. J . 6*pt*m*« C. PHDDUI1 r«AN. The Canoe Brook Country Club Winners in the nearest pin match If IOU »r» t quailed and regia. 6. 165«. ' ' gain the final of the Union Coun- trataeat wtM be aaaMneed at ft newed. % t*r*d voter of the {Kate who expects HAJR8T C. KATX8. Mayor. Junior golf championship tourna- were Chuck Davies and Peg Speno. to be kbsect ouuide ttie State on I. Hairy C. Kate*. City c later late. Guida, a Summit High Schoci Ctty Clerk. ment was hdd las* Friday with Longest drives were hit by Eddie ty Public Links Golf Champion- No*. I. MM6. or k qutOifl^ »rid re«i&. the City of Summit, do hereby c<— Those elifibie to ?o(e are: graduate, u majoring an govern- Mired vot«r who will be within the City Hall. 313 sprtocneid Ave. that the foreooanx Ordinance wa« 1 over 50 boys and girls as entrants. Holt, Bart Wood and Steve Snyder. ship. Mike Kascin of Mountain- State on NOT. C. lfti«. but txottUM of Summit. New ;«m*y. ntimiiffl by th* Common Couii<-;. 1. These having resided 1* ment. He is a member of Sigma Sept. « Winner in the 18 hol*> match Longest drives by girls v*ere made phjiacsJ dk*txUliy wtu be un- •aid c«» at » rejular meeting h*l-i side stopped Les Jankoski's bid New Jersey «•* year and hi Nu fraternity and was manager to c&« roar tatilot »t U» poUlu« AN ORDINANCE Tueaday netting. September 4. ;s^ vere Bruce Wilkinson and Martha by Martha Moorhead and Carole for an all-Summit final with^ Bir- Union County five assist by ci the basetwii team. He also was piac» tn TOMZ district on Mid daw. HARET C KATFS Moorhcad. Runners-up in the hoys* Grossnickle Utd jvu d«alre to rote Is th* Genrr<4 AM ORDINANCK REOUUATtNO SPE- Nov. I. oa the staff of WBOA, campus Elacttou to b* beid on NOT. 6. IMC. contest were Eddie Holt and Dave ofka, defeating the former coun- CIAL TRAFFIC CONDITIONS EX- s«pt < iwe Putting winner* were Tom Rog- 2. These wh* will b« 21 «* «r ra<%> station, and was secretary IcUMUy wrKe or apply ui p^im>a to ibe _McK(nvn and S(cph«i Schwa rz, ty champion 4 and 3. u&(ienlgB«d at on«e nou will riot the club Master of ceremonies must bring naturalisation pa- be able to vo'.r »t ;x>ur utuil polling Kascin was consistent in de- phy degree in physici last Fri- LONG-DISTANCE MOVMS pers with him when be regis- [dace. No rlvtllan »t*rni>- b«ilot vUl LIFE INSURANCE during tlie presentation of awards d*y from the University of Chi- feating Jankoski, probably play- ters. be furnished or fom&rtied to any *p- and prizo,*- was Harold Sanderson. capo's summer commencement plicfctrt unioM r*<|itwt thw-f->r 1c r«>- ing the steadiest golf of all four Applications for civilian and $10,000 a** ,10 $80.44 Trie tournament committee con- wa« James ('. Phillips of 175 Ca- celTpd not leij th»n «dght days prior semi-finalists. Kascin held a 1-up military absentee ballots sre to th« tKtlmi, »:vr. PLAN — CASH VALl'i: advantage after nine holes of Moorh^ad. chairmen; Mr. and available at the Municipal Dated: Septemlx>r t 19j« play, closing the match by tak- Building. Anyone having ques- G. M. BOYNTOM. CR 3-42U Mrs J IS Ilubbard and Mr and HARRY C KATK3 ing the 11th, 13th and 15th holes. tions is asked to call Harry C. Starts 21st Year at Essa City Cl.*i BROKIR Mrs K Wallace Wilkinson Kates city clerk. Frank T. Barr of 70 Oak Ridge City . j:2 [ f4d Avr. Birofka, rifted one of the finest Sumnu New Jeraejr. match play golfers in New Jersey avenue last Thursday celebrated Sept «. twenty years' service with the posted a 38 going out to McCrea's he Baltusrol Golf Club Tuesday NOTICE TO FERKON* IN MlI.IT.tRY 40. holding a 2 up advantage. The Esso Research and Engineering SERVICE OR PATIKNTS IN VETER- with a 86-&-7T. The Class B win- ANS" HOSPIAI-S 4SD TO THtlK Roselle Park star won the 10th, Compagny. Dr. Barr is a senior ner was Mrs. A. H. Fraze with a RELATIVES AND FRIENDS. DEPENDABLE SAME but from that point with pressure engineering associate in the Com- II you are In ihe military service or 114-31—«, with Mrs. Clark Sloat mounting, Birofka played stead- pany's petroleum development are a patient In a v**ter»c4' hospital ENGEL BROTHERS, Inc. winning the Class C prize with a and decLr* to \(Kt. or If \ou art a ily to win the lltft. 12th and 13th division. relative or [riend of a p*-re:m »!» Is On* ml Amtritm'i Bert ... Ottr 60 f#«r» •/ Smwkm DAY to go 4 up. NOTICE TO In the nulnaxy ferrtr* or Is a ps-tttx The Putting prize winner was In a weteraii*' hnepi'^J w'.\o. \ou be- ltfve. wlU dtslrf to \.)'c In th<" Gen- LOCAL MOVING — STORAGE—CRATI\G Mrs. F. L. Gaertner with 30 putts. ESTATI) OF EMORTH WKL8H De- eral E:*ctlon to b> hfW on Nov. «. Mrs. FarroN Takes d 19M. kindly ''rite to M\f underfilled SERVICE! t0 Ule Orilw (>f 86 TULIP ST., SUMMIT CR. 3-3200 Prix* at laihisrol Very few birds will eat a brist- A ^5^. CHARLES at once making application for a mili- A. OTTO, JB . Blirrogne of the Coun- tary »eri"tce ballot to be vou-d In &<>ld \119E.UrandSt. tli*ub*th 4-7800 Mrs. John Farrell captured the ly saddleback caterpillar, whose ty of Union, made an th» twe-ntv- election to be forwurd-d to yo.i. if you WF.EKI.V TRIPS RERvire TO *»Twxth d»y of August. AD. l»5« ar« In t he military t< rnre or are a Class A priie in the special spines break off and inject a bum- i TO FLORIDA ALL U STATES CR. 7-1333 upon th» ap^lion';ion of th« und*r- pmtleitt In a TTeraiis' butpiial. siatlnc Stroke Play Tournament held at ing acid. slg-n«d, M Executom of the f*t»tt of your mmp. aje;. seriaJ number, homf Ml4 dec(a»«l. notlne u hereby trt»en addrfss and th* »ddre.<« at wnich you to th» creditors of »atd deceased to exhibit to th« »ub«crii>«T» uader o«th With over II yean of television or Effirmmon their clmim *ne area you can depend on ui al- of TlllllllllllllltlllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfr MM d«CM«ed. nodoe U hereby Bl»»n to th» aretlltorm of »&ld dcoMaed to exhibit to th« iiuh*crtb«r uodcr oath QUALITY USED CARS or ftfrtrmMdon th«tr CUIOM Mid de- maads actfnat tlve «ct*t« of aald d»- OMMd WOiln six mo*vtha from th» - aoitber. AVITA M. USHER, Look At These Get Acquainted Price* ! Ei u Buj»n>, 397 MUiburm Ar«. MBU>ura« N. J. 6000 SECOND CA« — TRANSPORTATION SrfCIAU — A » 8e«>t. «, a. *> NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT '52 DODGE $431. '47 FORD.. $100. NOTICE IS HEREBY OXVZN That Meadowbrook the flrat »nd final aooount of the New ensbe, Urcs •ubecrlbert. Fkorenoe W. Van Houten, and the national Newark and Ewes Beaklnc Company of Newark, execu- tor* of the hat will and t<*rt*m««tt '51 CHRYSLER .. $399. •47 DODGE...... $119. of AVOUBTUa 8HARPVAN HODTEN. deeeaaed, will be audited and ataited Windsor Delaxe by the SurrogM*. and reported for •ettlcmenc to the Union County Court —Probate DUtalofi, on Friday, September 38 next at 10 A.M. Dated Aucuat », IBM '50 STUDEBAKER $215. •49 NASH...... $115. nZiiENCx w. VAJT aotrrn* 4 Door, Overdrivt BAH Trte NattotMd Newark and Ik. aez Banking Compemy of Newark , MANY MORE TO CHOOSE BAJLET and SCRBfCX Attorney*. IVK Raymond Blvd., Newark 3. N. J. Au«. ». ». Btpt. «. IS FM: at.TS NOTICE tO CREDITORa CRATE OF JOSEPH M. UrjIUlAT. DeoMced. Fumuant to the order of CHABXKS A OTTO. JR.. Burrotate of tne County of Union, made on the fourteenth day of Ausurt. AD, Mi. upon the aopU- cation of the undersigned, m Admlnka. trator of the wten* of aald deoeaaert, nottct )• hereby lOren to the aredtton of Mid deoeMed to exhibit to the tubscrtbw under oa/th or aXflrmatloB their claim* and demand* aavtwt the estate of aald daoeaeed within «u month* from the date of **t«te of aald deseaeed. noUoe Is hereby firm to the «red*ton of Mid deeeaeed to exhibit to th« •ubeorlber under oatii or •iflrmatlon thedr clalnM and demands against tr* A GENERAL MOTORS •atato of aald dec»«s«d within adi months from the date of mid ordtr, or Pontiac MASTERPIECE fwt RtRt Tot Drltt tTiem Make Your Own Deal Day Week • Month or Tear di Corp. BEN* THB OirrORP WAT SELECT YOUR NEEDS FROM THIS LIST. WMppaay. l». J. WV. i-OSTI Add up the items you deeire, subtract the allowance, then come in and see us. Bring your family and let them help you to decide on your new 1956 PONTIAC today. CHIEFTAIN SERIES 205 Hornpowr Vt STAR CHIEF SERIES 240 He*Mf»wtr V-t 4- GREAT 122" WhttRxm, for «ny rMh* 124" Wtwefeast. for my parting 206" Length, for tosy porfciitej 213" Uncjtti, lorgo tan* orto SINCLAIR'S PISHIN' JOHNSONS CHIEFTAIN 2-Door Sedan S2.3I0.OO STAR CHIEF 4-Door *•*» $2,445.00 CHIEFTAIN 4-Door Sedan 2.435.00 STAR CHIEF 2-Door Cotdfmi 2,130.00 COMPLETE iNow there's t fishin'Johnson in snysizt power, mort deluxe (catnrei thert art CHIEFTAIN 2-Door Carolina 2.5W.00 STAR CHIEF 4-Door CorofiiM 2.f05.00 you could possibly want. The 4 Sea* 5 other great Sea-Horsec to choose froa CHIEFTAIN 4-Door Carolina 2.SI5.OO STAR CHIEF ConvortiM* 3.030.00 CHIEFTAIN 4-Door Wagon ... 2.110.00 STAR CHIEF Safari Woao* 3,315.00 HOME HEATING Horses pictured here are the most popu* —up to 30 hp! And they're all lar fishing model*. But, |f you want more Come io and see. — OPTION Al EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE — SERVICE StratoFlight Hydramatic Trans. . (2IS.M Fower Steering fllt.M * Hlf ft Qvaftty Sinclair „ Vnderoeat Heater M.M Fower Brakes 4Mt> Radio & Antenna , M.M AnH.Rwtt Fvwl Oil rower Windows Sf.M BRAND NEW 1956 MOTORS W/W HITS, five 40.M Iwiw KZ-Eyr Glass „ J2.» 2Tot* ralnt „ 49.M law Cwrtmct Dual Kihanrt a.H Foam Robber Cntaioi 21.M 5'/2 lo 15 H.P. Directional Signali aad Lighter, •laftdard •qvlpmenl. Plan NOW AT GREAT SAVINGS! — EASY FINANCING. LOW iANK RATE! — OIIBurn*n Coin/ HUmboldt 3-0244 Mtartao-1200 f ANDERSEN PONTIAC, Inc. HVJbbord7-5414 Summit Hardware Sport & Toy 357 SpriiKjfitM Av«., Summit 312 Springfield Ave., Summit, N. J. CRestview 3-9150 CR. 3-0217 OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE SINCLAIR *JohnSOn SEA HORSES rO» DEPENDAlllllTV st KPININC COMPANY THI SUMMIT HIKALP. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 It r Toktf Lucy, live§ at 851 Springfield of active duty training at Fort Piano Studio Classes I School .and Albcrtn J<>n<>*;'u !:o v :'.l '* " * ' -k ^r> * \ * c tf>e V^e *~v ^ * *• GttS SchoiOTSkip Therr arc at lea--? V. riV, in avenue, it receiving two weeks Belvoir, Va. ..t*. acK aJvanvtd teviuui. Array !••«•*• Warrant Officer ri Uilh To Nab an Saturday Sj'Tlll^ cli'.sir^ i.'C:!;,U {,-•: ;; , A \j': ,r.. ! .Science Km;';,),.!, r: "' ^ "'"' '* I'I'J-''• n ''f frank W. Botttof, wtase wile, Registration for enrollment «t .".•*•»•: ->>.J- , ,«•••*.cm- the Piano Studio at The Home- a! the FurtiUKlity i/'. il> I: . v • ', «, T v . t i(T;l,i ;-.,- !.••.•-, ~" ' - "FOR TOUR CHILD'S HAj'liird t 1 l>MI;s N H,.' i 'I ': -. stead is being held today and to.- I RUPTutt-EASEJt mornrtv for clasie* which will McCcNter Theater Opens BIRTHDAY PARTY" • • <- ' ••»•'-«*•. . ,•.-! ^ begin on Saturday. ^New Seoson On Sept. 21 Sparkling Fun, L*(U and Comtdy CIa$ses in theory, harmony. J . >».•*>*.'• '•--•* !».-.'rears may join classes in Evaryont enjoys a Magic Show •».•• • \i <•• n.,k . . (bird calls while teen age groups. T MENT!' SAN DORSE i who wish to study advanced tech- ! nic, will be able to participate in ' NEWARJi. THE MAGICIAN I semi-monthly party lesson*. I K.O. I'KiKTOKS fUidbcffc 3-4t3t Members of the ichool's staff *••!•• • Ki'ii Afki Whclu Dnf Saltt Afwc? I lip ki for riitnrt R«f»r«c* include Henrietta M. Heath, who 1 W .>••.. il ,» | 374 SptttffWW AY.., Smmmk studied at the Jullurd Grarimte f' K, * 1 , I /..--•••; M . *>t -U >_. r :» > r.»i " " ' -fin * (I,»ii IHCRES NASSAU LINE MORRIS PLAINS, '

!•>•*• \ .! \U *- :"»• •> r MU\| IN TIIKAIRl. ^ • • . *,• •**•;• ,.- K: • \ i\ :: ,-i. ! '„• '• -. -• •• . J ..« Si-,.- I. • ^tnlit i'our Hrirrialinni thru: • • i > ^^ :: '\s H ,• . tandof the Bible' Paulsen Travel Bureau 23EASTER3 BROAD 8ISEET N FUEL CO. McCARTER FREE PARKING 7 Bt««hwood Road, Summit OPEN EVENINGS THIATRS OP> PWNCITON CR. 3-0004 CR. 3-1313 \**i?.% ft 1 5*.* >? *.• •."» HI NEIGHBORS! SEPT. 21-22 ONLY We Arc Happy To Annmiuvt *1K Bol Offtir (Ipiu Halt .V Sun. SUMMIT PHARMACY 10 A.M. U> 10 P.M. PAPER jfa M JIMMY SAVO YOUR PIRSONAL SERVICE PHARMACY - PUrHOUSE IS NOW OPEN •WIUIUIN, N J HKI-MI «-4JH JOHN SEBASTIAN FOR YOU! CONVENIENCE:— ( H • 3! it! PillklMC I ill Still. SHO-M.ils. V.tii. •Jhuri,. A s»t JO-« Monlhlv I lurjc li< mind lhf»ifull' inrpirii IH'IA n Ks si IT. ! I VERABRYNNER ««• "m Vtrt l*ritnipi lirllvirt ' • . , • • »f Kf*p Km>rd« of Your npfmri for tnrnntr 1*1 l*"i>i«r«


IKK l> : R«g. 6.95 Bathroom ScJe 3.89 rr K\rr I'lllc »> ! 7Sf STRINGFIELD AVE. CR. 3-2010 MUI Mitt* V»t|on»l

MAIL OIOII% *• 5'. 1S nm » fi i? •' t: ~s I .-• KING GEORGE INN Markft at Hrimd > , N>wiirk Phonr M \. I- FOR RESERVATIONS, CALL ' Now Slmwi MILLINGPON 7-0410 ;; Rt Ml MT. BETHEL RD. WARRIA' TOWNSmP Ou CI^)S',;T> MONDAYS THEATRES

• IG MEE K10DIE-L AHDS S El) better electrically MORRIS Km r. ln HOUSEPOWER To-Vttr ikn *MM. Hwtn»im» A Calwr LJSTRANSpcinafitld Av«. DCR. 3-3900 AMP KKINVm • l>BMIK.%li (TM THE KING AND I" PLAYING TUHV TUESDAY UM NO.SON ffT MORW* JACMf [OOOIIFT


jo it nsrr Bonnti sax THE AIK-C.'OSDITIONEII "AUTUMN LEAVES" COMMUNITY 4 Walter Reade Theatre Fed up with slowpoke appliances—v ^outh St. Morrtotown ii'H t Alt anemic lights—blown fuses or any of the Phone it! *-19lt

other wiring problems found in 3 out of 4 IIKM) OVI If :!n.l \\! I K. homes today? If so, you'd better ask about l»\ll.\ \r - • i ;• ' i UNION «i 22 ^ S\T. ••• i .i>-vv. * n • i" i\' "i;. modem 100 AMP Service! M \. .'I .'i.;, iv: iv'i i,i For only with 100 AMP Service can you have I UK I'ltot !• enough branch circuits—with wires large IIMK eliough td~affry^lectficity at-full power to all WH«M l«Ml the electrical appliances and equipment found in today's modern home. 100 AMP Service ^•vlso provides for-plentyofLpermanenlJightR s,.,i •>.•,».I! j*-; i

and convenient outlets for carefree modern l',r>(' wiring ills but preparesyour home to poweri -looisARNSIROSG-yf the electrical wonders of tomorrow. ^tCOLEPOIIIERy (HUOIH AiW*TS Ftft So ask your electrical contractor about JOHNHUSTOK

key for you to live better...electrically.) TheWlD ORSON >V1ELI-ES

mit-Df-li -••;'-r wri.' niji-ys a ttmq:w WEO. Hint SAT. SEPT. 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 --JCP&L • Thr Vi-ar's I in lit I'ifi I'II tun ih.utiR ••xp.-n-'iuv. for your verv Jersey Central Power * Light II% (..mlii'-i —tin I nli. s[)Ccial !ti"t;'i' . ' Tyrone On Rou»e 202 { ltmords»ill«. N. J. POWER BE. 8-1150. 1151 | p yp Kim NOVAK l:..v:i.4-ii I M C.'nUv.::!. la:-.-:—-t—r . ctBytfrtWctrkfllcontnictor ftrafrH wiring chtd-iip. DROP IN FOR A LARGE altrinklftf IV ikhtn t> PORTION OF RELAXATION! I nr an enjoyable eveolm tai • lii'iidh, bn^pitablr »tB»«»«i»h«r»'. VIP ill find we fil tbr bill p<-rt«-cUT. FOR AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGES Our I'"11 and Hrink« ire cuprTb, our MT\II«» rfrft «IHI trafioat. ( unic, \ i>11 us vion. Y»a U nuke ti< i "muM"' for future iUte«.

Dlnnrr Srrvrd from l:S0 «o 11 I1. M. I nil Rcstavrant & Sl'KCIAf. Klltnit: SHOW ! EASTERN FUEL CO. TERRY DEMPSEY'S Cocktail Bar 23S BROAD STREET FREE PARKING SAT. MAT. AT 2 P. M.—Tyrone Power in—"KING OF Morris Ave. & Morris Turnpike. Sprirwjfidd THE KYBER RIFLES', plus carfoonv! | L OPEN EVENINGS CR. S-0001 Alii ( IINDITIONED HaV WANTaV PMMil POISALI •OR SALI It THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, SEPTIMBER & mrwi TAX. AJfT »— MISCELLANEOUS T FOt SAU CAR FOR SALI SECRETARY atit. 3-PCBCV JSTin* room iutt« wtA ARCHIE BUYS & SELLS BUSCEtXANEOl'a B» UCRCUBY OOG» Ooo* mate attp oorera. txU rug, Old cherry h*il rack t2i, txmm tun- cuatosalaed. RiH, o*w w w Mabn*oal or tttde. 2 end tablet. ME S-l t>r'd§,1»4» FORD Alll REDUCTION LABS. U CM. to a» ohalr wttb *ap coxrer $3S. CR. up. LoWi ric brand new $J5.00 DHtsd »-23M. > Club Fart Tim* et«w««ad 10-12 AM lun.lture, some imsUqu**, rJiis. aiaa. fciicj plumbing «uw>l3e« Open o, 8chum»ch«r-WMarly. etc. wittUT. War infoniMrtaon oall 10-plece ciimw room cot «nth day <-x<*e}»t WKUi««lay. 9 tr. 8. l»40 FORD. Blccai«oit aftar « Advb&c*, ButterlCE. UoCall, uod GIRLS pad*. AafcLnc t-23. Ctu be seen any c Shjjj. wrose from " Bimpiidty • '•' paUern*; Vo«u« *nd pay a; HOCSVWOJUOR. FMU umt. «•*« 10, time. OA>1 DRfKfJ 6-413S. fy ta MtversTlll*. MI. i- Mode* Roy»l« P»tt«B S*srrtc«. Open l»5O BU1CK SUPER, •-floor R hu cmted fiw«4*r uerw 2-Ujiie point, beat o'fc? Puii or ptft tarn* or Me- 3-4 itigktta DrvMt «-SM» before t «r LAW6ON sofa. Ctiauoelback ctuir. &llp 1(245-W! evMiLma to 10 P.M.. Sunday U> 6 <• pm. vo nadn1gfot>; »•- l P.M.. MOrrtaitowm 4-17ia. DRI S-4«1S. fir S3, vtotccfettraa m Mtamtag to sefaool. work in modiro eC«**r»Jc« & drapea to nMcb. Reaoon- PUBLIC SALE WotCAN VOR Beftuwrark, Steady, part CR 7.40»8. Ei>ta.t« of Or. A P McGiVin AU 1M3 3 -door biti-k Cu*toirair.# p V, ALPARN'8 YARD OOODS and DEC- Apply ia Una*. ICotate)*, Wifcmwtay and Fri- tiomf !ur:il..!iius«. Pluicu air coiidi- ooodlttou, owried by «:•;!,* day*. Small houw, MM sohooJ 4g» Ot'SKHOLD COODI tijiier. latest uuxlfl. «<<;. 10 a.m. to 5 ORATOR 8UPPUB8 opportt* Al- child. Drawl ••MM. deruf}' UiU Sum 00 Bt. 10, eotranca torn. ELECTRONICS COMBINATION Utch«i fclnk uid tub. pin.. MaoiboD Gallfcrtw. 2MI Mtln St.. &£d on Llttlwon rd. (Bt. 302). No 72 buc BU1CK Hpcolal »ed*u, IMS txr B«rkal«7 Height* Oood oondstiou. Suit*Ui« loir shore •u>p 1O0 fe«« t»fcj. Uorrif Plain*, FHttey CK. oortt*»«. PlK«c fcfter 3 P.M. CR,, J- TWO IUKX1. iiemter gtiM BtruitfSit fud «. J &ay fine. Prtrat*. $1S«. c« HILf aou. bows — T*rx*t aiwl Kleid 68-4tMih, JTYPISTS •My BfilKtry wuto, O«l\ixe . $ SJ 40 lbc HunUikK 66-tuch 56 ib».. l>o'h FINAL SAL£. r^araa« Kept 8 WANTED TO IUY .O.I. • cubic foot - refrigerator. ** for 110. OR. 3-3876 Lunps aoid hump ahacka wt <*•' MAK FOR SALES con/11 t-ltmi - - 100 up to 50'". Our nt-w fill atook K Wi-FAY'CASH for your used rum!-'U AND OTHER WORK LtsUodaredJ wuftonuutic vizier 75 BOYS 28" 3-s.p»ed blo-nlt-, 1 tin display. A rtfiti will oouilnee you uitiquea. iUver, book*. brtc-«.w" ft aurar DIIUM Piltftdair*. » few Ail pui- old. tsi, *'ftd. skis, cnlld'a desk. CR. we une Union County'* largtxA lamp patntlngj, work* of ut etc lit OwX&au Oauur. 3-8624 &iid lamp stiiude de&kir . GBOROE'8 AUCTION' ROOMB tart*. liberal bttaaflaa. Otfl for »p$»t ttupiofBoaut. Good . ExoeUeiv* ouudltion . 150 washer. R<- DVKHYTHTNO miL*t BBOO In 2 di.v«j! I. T. WILLIAMS 83 8UMMIT AVENUE I AIR REDUCTION LABS. r . . . 90 rujm »K, iiiirxor 48»»U" Tel. CKetrtvlew 7-<*9« BRECK'S HOME It GARDEN cookuiil titUlf, porci'Mn-tiip ta.t>'.«. 754 Ceaur&l Ave. Weatfieii Wt wlU buy your atUc oonv > For *wk, ia a modem aJr-temlitioMri bulanf »i* a ma en, a-roo ABC No Parking Prooiem. CENTER luinpt. |Kirc!i erf't. 35nim niw.ric WE BUY Scrap Iron tint] DH pw i*kh «tbn •cccBaat wa#«, lilwral wa- viewer. 44 Mlucon Ave., dmUidiii Open dally 8 AM. to 6 fM CLERK TYPISTS Turapfito MMlburu EASTERN FUEL CO. L"v« 7:30 to S P.M. WB BUY book* Plea**- raU cafeteria. S day M* INK* vack, I-1M1 S3 broad at.. Summit CR. 3-O0.* ROTAJtY "POWER MOWER. ZV—S^irs nuytloo. B M. Book Shop. CnJtvrnan. wl!*i ri\i:cli 3 moe. nld. MfSHAL 1 NSTKl'MENTS Accounting Clerks OPEN EVENTNG6 ! STOCK ROOM CLERK FRIOIDALRE WABHIMO MACHINt:. $75. On.Ri;i*liy *I«i DRexrt 8-'. 52J Tttpbo* « [ de- Exoallnut, condition. fM. Cill CR 7- fvMilosh. B3 Owden OvaJ. Spring- PUaio rtratte but not ncoeanry. WW oou- PUnos & Oryc; P. V organdy, 49c; Hmnuiand Sialovox (Used ) 1S5 0(1 country -Ilk* aiirroundlDja Kind tt ftd.. Bummtt. CR 3-«M0. llan ceutw. I*wb"2t3. S»crtflc«. T>le- d<>tud «WIM, 49c: ufffia. j9c: &*u- LafUrgw Studio 3W00 (lclaut 24 hour nursing CITB M coiar proj«it*ir. DHexed 9*5041. forlw-d brondi-loth. 49c: eaUn. 59c:Leans- Spinet 425 00 CHI, aurglcil, and chjrtrJc*"? SALESLADY PLASTIC INLAYS cordurov. $1.10; nylon. 89c; oonbtct, Wurlttnec Sjinot 4"i00 > UEncurr WSS5. ' US Broad at. Summit IXiBCTIUC T%tmt. double o\fn. 4 55c; roam rutatwr, slireddpd. 59c per FOR GIFT DEPARTMENT Old. 1135. CR. 7-1400 lb; monk's cloth. 48-ln.. !>Bc; similar Hammond Chord Org*n Va 00 ?ry. uphout«ry, EL. 2-0868 ACCORDION - Hawaiian Oult«r l^~ pwfcttou. Good fmrt bridal fabric*. "Do-Il-Yourwi{" &e- tckna a roar hntn* VVtrsar Pr»a-iar Opotttna Goods DapMttneut. oost I3S5. In «to-240. CR ALTKNBITRU PIANO HOUbfi 3-19OB. cwworif* ftial not.iona from Ba.t«s, 7-4930 Itcfawcod 'ltd' at Effort*, Somait, K. J. BRECX'S HOME k GARDEN SUMMIT HAJIDWARE Dun River, Botwiy,- Evwfact. Quad* 1150 E. Jersey ft;. Etenbetii. N J. •—MISCELLANEOUS rica, GalfV & Lord. Malllnson. IMd- CLARINBT luttrucilm). C^UJ B'^.1 hu~ CENTER Sprtn«ft«td AY*. Sumuilt PIANOS, many r&moua m*ken In DRPXCI 6-1178 iift*r 3 30 p ;n ' tiK-Corr-lrrl!!. Punjab. Wama'fta. rtook. Expert wnrlop. Dowe, 333 Monday tfcnwgta Trtlay • » A- «• »• *» * Uanit Tjrnplk* UUlbum RHAL. , p, HOSPITAL bed*, wneel ctialrs. wn.;^rr« for old eBte.bll*h«d HcaHor affloe In VKNI.TIAN blUKis. 3 JIT. douMf win- Broad S'... Sunuilit CH. 3-749n dow.' I i>r sluttle. 1 iarKi- ivll (Win'.- I WILL not be reapiNudblt fur »• Box Ml, Summit Herald, for con* Center, Summit CB 3-7171 lii.'. DPfXel 9-2373' PIANO Orlffuh baby icrand. Kxcel- debt* or any other obUimtlm^ SPRAY OPERATORS rtteUl ltl OOLF C1UB5—au-.uuf» Anouv .Ii>i;-s BOY'S- home made KM lem rendition C\J! CR 3-7388. rurred by t»y wife. Juaiiltai 5>T»- aroCKUAH, I (tar ««*k. Anptr in Ttgbm*a*S aw of 8 lron». Like t.eiv. bu»:>:y, 'moderate ep»*d. II—DOGS .iNl» fETS Slgnfd William Sle-bf-jt, Jr • p«w». W. & J. SioMW, JOS Ittttbum p)»no- POODLKS. re.»l wy*, dainty »pnccw« 'AXI drirar wantad, full or putLADDER. 24 St. ex[h. l>runfl new. rasr. $150, neto $50. Mid white. Pwtlxrwd Silvers 'it*r. PASSBOOK No. 297>2.-Rmurn vT'r". PLASTIC INLAYS Cuiut'i) Knuielii. CAldWeU B-2873. 1st Nattorul Bank. Summit.. ' t at. ttnM. Uclca.*»nna, Turl. CB. 7-1100. conddUon. Call CH. S-IM6 Uilrxel 6-98W1 BILL C1TT iUdto C«JM. Stead? work. And ACCOUNTING POSITIONS cm J-MOO Tutt drtr«r. CR. 3-1M0. BEAUTICIANS YOUNG MAN AXD HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Ftrt-ly b»- WANTED 1MB vc«n 9:30 4e 10:30 momdngi or < to SALE f e»«vliia«- Mr. Brown, 37 Uaplt St., REAL ESTATE fon A3a» opwilnc tar #t, SUDMIU. l-SUMMIT 1-SUMMIT 1-SUMMIT 1-SUMMTT MEN! Do you ««D( a, paipt-tlm* i>^4J- CAROUSEL HAIRDRESSERS UocT Wwdd you IlJc* »n «ycr* |30. FOR THE BEST SERVICE YARDSTICK AND SLIDE RULE to WO. par ««akf Ara you wlUkn* Come aqitipptd to check with tu on the Mrt aualatr andd alalaMa for th« to irark for K? CKtw%oUad oonunU- Always old. CLEANN, •tona and banuaat rrarr ttiu you moneneyy you bare ever Men. Oeorglaa Colonial In WoodUnd Park not a CONSIDER — abow our ptxxhiot. Tar toJormMloo 1 •wry ono« to. awhile w* Htti t*,-, CH (11x15) DR (U X15) 4 BRs (16x14) P*W» mm a houM uiat w« c, '• Immediate Opening c*U Murdoek «-MM aMar • p.m. 'Consult a Realtor clean . It nveej* timt Uv» lnt«;,-' ' Top ataitinc aalary For AXZ driram Part ttrna: w«*k«twk K (15^231 LR (15'6x27) (15x12) eitertor and vrounda are kept In i,,-.' Air-eoaditioaad effic* and eaJate And mctat. PuU Uma: day or nlfbt. of the Lib. (12x14) Rcc. Rm. (23 Xl3) (14x12) rmoulaite ocmdttton by the vtm-n r , Junior Bookeeper CR 74U5 batwaen 1 and a p.m. (12x11) h*Tt really otred for and loved 11 ,nr Discount at Stan, Bwtmek ft Co. Stores SUMMIT to ttoelr horn*. Tnk three-v«u.,; 0 ExctQcnt promotional opportuoftie* CR. 3-6850 GLAZEBROOK-SHEPARD AGENCY CR. 3-4610 Colonial wttih attached «*ra«e hM , C&d wtaliliainii flim. 0vt- HBP WANTED REAL ESTATE BOARD la>r»e Uvinf room with rtrepUoe 4 punatnn plana entral aManMfle Oo. at motto* on BERKELEY HEIGHTS abundantly treed and shrubbed T>.« Paid racaikM aehar ootnpanr hananti bar at to * aw aar-ooodtuonad Triple "A" Location Seoond floor front — 387 Springfield Are P«f««, wftl eatabltehed front .,U1 and vwnrwma* on VI abaf field NEW PROVIDENCE rear lawn mak«a a ch*rmln«, n«»t Holidara wrf nm* «*tr paM ahaauaa . UountaUMtda. Opaiitoiaji for WUl bt remodeled on exterior and renovated on inatde to autt tenant • needa, C. R. BARD, INC. Reaaana-ble Rent ••Wtof. Reasonable taxea and hi»-!r.« mala *xA r«RuA« pararwiw*. coata. AU oonreni«noea. Ck» •<> , SUMMIT CLERK TYPISTS BOARD MEMBERS Inquire: JOAN O. CHRYSTAL, REALTOR 3-W0O Jama* B. Morrti 3-S424 CR 3-R2M. nj? m$ FLEXOWRTTERS Bwood M. Obm cn. 7-0O5 BILLING CLERK 1% Mehtend Oo 3-7910 THE'RICHLAND co. TCta Stafford Acancr WANTED!!! WYNNWOOD ' Realtora TYPISTS EXPORT TRAFFIC CLERK Wahard H. Stromenftr 7-4021 (Pirt of DniM 1B11) « Man]« at.. SunwtU. CH 3-M fl Allstate Insurance Co. QUOTATION CLERK Robart H. Swwl* Purolia»<-r mtio haa «JI appreciation Sun. A Bvea. oaU Mr. Habd«, CR 3-»« John - P. Taylor 3-7J78 11 A.m. for customued detalto of a mMter or Mr. Seymour, CH. 3-y,>: Whitnooc* and Johnaon :i-14O4 niluiKlc In a home. Situated con- COLONIAL HOMES PERSONAL BROKER SBRV1CI UOVWTABK ATX.. MOMUT WU. and 3 Tlfc * tth *K AUr«d 8, Anderaon 3-0800 vendmit to «chcw4», trAnoportaclon. FILE CLERKS Joan O. Ohryaul .I-R224 iwe haa * beniir.lfiU pin* pan>'ll«l Vif dy. »U hour iraafc. cm- Joaaph F. Church BYRON E. PHOEBUS oonault •3-i)117 rwfcUon room which hna a l>.xrb^q;ip RASMUS J. SAVIO JOHN T. TAYLOR, Realtor STENOGRAPHERS • tamflM tonuda aMnuootra boa- DRAFTSMAN or ARTIST (MaawbKiok-Shepnem .1-S»S0 pit. and newly built *;one OBOROE PODBM3KT •At Ufa IMHUM pro- Ckraoa A. Handwork 3-9400 447 Springfield Av»-Summit CH 3-1J7I fireplace, aa well oe a new bar, with -1 (BEGINNERS A EXPERHMCXD) IMBB, panaton ptM, and id paad boll- W« ha,T» aaad for aa «J«r* tadtnduU Holmaa A#«noy n-2400 fonnlr» top and nin:Uil« w*ter, Temporary offloe, 40 (Mirer Lake Drive 2A-SH0RT HILLS m7Tatapb°na Mr. KtMpp •* DRtmt ttmlnad ta drafttof or art. ••tntlal Cmar D. Houaton 3-64«4 acoumlc1 CPUIIIR and KenftlJ* llixw. TO BE TRAINED IN ^T» far avpaUMmaot or tvplr «* appteaot balniiaragtad to laain- JotM-Beek-Schmldt Co. 7-1031 Here arc otimr fea,turt-n In huuxe SHORT HTLLB. UTLLBURN, UXPLf- MHIfewa Aw.. laO UM tawtmi^ua of maa> drafttng. C. Kally Acancy 7-2121 r«e living room, spudou* il^ltw JOAN O. CHRYSTAL, WOOO. THX ORANGES and 17 rther TECHNICAL TERMINOLOGY Claraoc* D. Loot to Son 7-4483 roaiu. 3 bfdrtxKim with an extra pUie • uburban re«ldentla) eommunltie* TYPIST Pannanant poaHtoo for panoa atunr- 3-1800 Realtor RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO: Opanoar pnelUd dHi. 2 coinplete baths, and 0 DePomt Ar«. ' RunwiU, thrmighout Eatet. Union and MorrU PROCTER & GAMBLE tnaj aMi«r. Snlaf waafc, pratu atwrinc waiter .A. UcNunara. 3-3680 plenty of »u>r»tfe space. Oversized two countiea: oouTtnlent to th« Lacka- pmaton paaa paid by amptoyi. Pbon* car gnjuse. nuiCHdain drtvpwuy and CR. 3-MM wuina SECRETARIAL SUMMIT. N. J. paraonnal far Intarrtnr, Souttt Or- rir » l«ni» kennel for your pup. an • IB«h Bcttori ar**!** an«* 3-39M. Extra p&nWli'd dm wliere Dad o»n MANSION ROBERT E. DIETZ COMPANY viy. wiaie re«* of family''UM rec- •cbool or Mcntarial school grads iritti or ppr. Work Hammond Mip Company Franklin School RSALTORa Sl« VaJtofiM. klaoiwrood. N. J. rt-loil rr»in'- mill DIUxel 8-4331. offloa. Baooma aU«l- REAL nrTATK Charming, nearly tier split >vM Hiindaomn Oakriluck nifirt to tri.s[>«- !8 Kd^.ir R* , ejum- letdtof reMtrch k development laboratories. bto tor fttO baoeflta tncludlnf r»- in1.:. $25,000, flnn. Immediate nr'.u* ndjolulnx't PrtJk area, with almoat 2 Ml pront Auing. O*M Mr. WAJOXD from thl» fin* (trade acliool. acre* of lund. FOUR BEDROOM Pieuuuit working oonditiom. Varied recreational Oo WU than* you coxKtf aaM raal «•• First level oontadn? ciwrajio- hill, p.uicv. . lut floor: Ltvrg« Crntre Ball, tiring activities. Excellent opportunities for advance- «a*»T If rou nwr* • oar. oan work llrtnc room with flrciilace. dlnlnp rormx, dining room, library, kttcban COLONIAL fuU tdm* and Urm looailr, «« hare room, oompletnly mod»n» kltchMi and wid pantry. RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST paattton oar ttt* r«(tM party, malt or Stone fn>M colonial, on quiet i'.rt*' J ment (amatU. Bqwcteoo* not run—17. NMtory. Iikd floor: StDdy. 4 good bedrooou In exoppUonsl looaUon, Tmy f&w- tj CXMJB Bt TO HI VO Ii|t* booUBeeping. S day week Thr«» tvedixxurui on lippw lerel. and Micone Agency ,iiid 3 b«ttu. plus »ernuvta qmrtwi school, larov UTUI« room, [xiwdcr rur. wi'.h bath over Itttctven. 1 UOMMT-ntBUT. • A Jt TO 4 Wt ia air-eondltiooed building in «»tr» l»nre rocrentlon room down ', 3*) SprUMffidd AT. Summit four good b«troom«, 2 rile batrw. pr /^ COUUKTt CULMM AOCBtB TO: G. A.AIIsopp. Inc. flAffht. Two car RMTWf of rourae. 3rd floor: Maater Bodroom ft huh. In low thirties, OWOCT nxirlrtK 1-n^ Tliere lit lUao a recreation room )n prompt soMon n^cmsnry. See ph.) 1 ::i Short Hilli. •luat* BOOOM" RaaJtar DR A Hn« value In this nel«rvl>orhoo wnvWd, put Ultw. Hour* Stafford Agency Immediate Occupancy Realtors &. A. Allsopp, Inc. BMH «att« monor. Full to b* *n«(icad, Oood nay. C*MM- Hntne*'1 RealUr DR 33« BELL •ad part tlmt an»jaoywant now till gbatayari. UN Bprta«nak AT*^ NMT REALTORS WHITMORE & JOHNSON Old Short, Hllla Hd A EMex. MUlYrn OMataiM. Apply at J. J. Nanrbarry Pite 10 Bank 3-1OO0. 7-0357 OFFERS WANTED 6 Bank Sweat CR 3-1404 OPEN SUNDAY ALL DAY Oo., Oartaral Oraan* ationptnc C«n- CR T-J7»7 TELEPHONE «ar »lnW f »ppUo*tlon OOOPLaV. aoofet, 1« Via*. OanarU & Sundays •-CHATHAM TOWNSHIP mjalda. rarmaaaw. Top pay. New> J» TOMT, opywUmlt-y to own • LDMCKBOinnTnTII WORKORK. . ApoUoUlona mark* Araney. Morrlauxirn. JC •- 4 ye*r old RANCH hoinf with living LABORATORIES beinbi g Mcaptadd. Applly oftte*, MAGNIFICENT room. 3 bedroorna. on* tile both, PINEWAY FARMS (Near Summit) J. J. Nawtoatrr Co.. OooiraJ Oraao* fcnrwn p^iroli opetilnK from dining STONE & FRAME Murray Hill, N. J. ShU Oanitar. aHtfWd 5 BEDROOMS nrtM and kitchen. La; 75 x 148 »*kliig Country llvirm *<• It* beat—and NOT IMPLOYMEMT WANTED •27-1)00. Rinch; 1 bedrooma.- J tile iw.V: UKlAb •eaoocrapiMr. 1 d Boad. Siunmit, .V. J. W hah s bou*rlvb t amiUter hhwiw u.i horn*, aaar UUJburo or aprtnf- 4991. on larf* landeoaped lot; lovnly wooded Houjea for aal* or cu#totn built to la arudoiia to aell; house now w«.-. flaid Oamar. DRamt t-wn itter a •attltig; «paclc«w and brtffht room*; your ordtr. Or, If you prefer, buy th« 8 minute trtrt from Sumrntt sUfic p.m. BABT •!«««. OOUMM atudant. Bre- circular «talra, paneled dmi, drm&lng Sun and evr» CR 3-6183 nlna». Eipertwioad. CR. 3-3WH. apiactous home plot of your choice room, aundeck. »late roof; fully *quip. now, and build laur on. SUMMIT woman for working eou- lUi onnt TiMlanMAdinc oara to p«d kitchen, many doaeta Beauti- W. A. McNamara pit in •unrnK. flnMU apartment, owidran of worklni motftara. Oaya. fully d«oorated. Conv»n»emt to »v«ry- ___ BRICK. RANCH «tT per woek. *1.3S per hour, thlnhl f Trtruiyntbul«waljTrtiy~ntbul«wa"~ljom*7-Too i STAFK>RD.ASHlCXJltiiltfiU_ raijutrwl. C«. 1-30M «vw. In UoaoaMd barnt, OR 3 3~bOTS-m -the Town»hlp of Cr muat aa< K to appr*dat« It. tKN BETTER THAN NEW 10 Bank Sweat CR. 3-1000, 7-0141 k-xown u Long Vl?w. Rlrer SAIJBBLADT. MH ttma. J-OUT waofc. acooviottn*, ooropltU VnUBCHl CB. 7-04«l or any broker CR 3-8«77 after « P.M. t to> S. Browne Book Shop, Sum tax rerttirna. Touoc man would Like OWNER MOVING mH. OR. 3-*7«a. Patt ttm •mploTBMnt. Avattafcl* 30--NEW PROVIDENCE «v«nlnaB ami w«»kw»d«. CR. 3-7412 VAKT Mn* aaeratarjr, i mornlnas Built only four y«ara a«o and: Jiunt antU omoa, ocular of Hununlt. CR woman imtom work; UNUSUAL roofntly oomplmely redecoratfd and part ttiw. MUrdot* I4W HOT* la a lovely home with larse lrhprovpd by owners now movtnjj to NEW LISTING UNUSUAL tnaater badroom. dreastnc room »neautlf\il brick i^inch BXXTaCWOBUR. 1 dag« to fldi ftni. DAY'S work wtmbad. 3 da^ya. CR. >- Brick Cap* Cod bungalow r.*. r » . bath on tn* l«t floor plua ll»ti>« room, lioiri" U now offered for «iU*. conroiilenceB. A very jsulxrtaiiM*; • •' EBaap la or out. Haattb oanl. no 3181. dtaiinc room, kitchen with dining arm. Entrance hnil, .vrnotlvr llvlntt r*nm SPACIOUS fc GRACIOUS WOMAN SALES CLERK •motto*. ImMUearat. d«p*iuUblt t.hi« could be m*d* Into a vc. •• WILL batoy alt at my hero* tor work- Uundiy. Uratory. madd'e room and with flrepliir*, dining room, excellent y and dlMin^rnl-a))p<] home. Typinf, •hortfcand, ia itmc* de- nonb fcuroraean prafwwl. All «p- 13 moUMr'a ehtktren. Monday vo hath, open poroh. »nd floor: 3 h«l-modern kit "hen, tlww* trtc* bedromu!. tnr hall _ ootonlnl on \ T; CR. 3-VtV. roorna and 2 baths. Situated on huh corner plot. 8 bednnnM, 4 In the low 30'a. roc further UI?.'T:I.«- partmmt Monday thmufk Frldiy Full Time c\>U>r«1 'lie b»ith. Ul*-d powder roin tion, call un. WANTSD — two raakta. whim, ou« u YOUNO Udy would Uk* to b»by alt, area, Wlto lot IOOW237. Cha.stwm. and,,e'.u;lc»,ed,,patch:, EK»sJ?r i»wlr3 w buthr 2 enclosed porohe*. cook, ftaat floor workar. on* aa clean offloe, beautr parlor, arenlnsa L*rg» baaetnwnt with room for j>!:iv «<«»<(• PI>HOI> overhead; full dry aAse- Franklin School mnuftit. A '.j-i>e 0hA«!lMniul4-w«ltr««i, In family o Oood rrferrooe*. alCrdock 8-J3B3 area I oar garage. Priced at ?4i.iOO nn-nt; two-oar built-In nnrim*. of prmporty that U soldom STEfHENS MILLER CO. Charline'f Drug Stere two. Muat ha.rt joml. r*e«nt .,r*f- See thl« rt«ht away thro>u:i Lnratrd In conx#e«l«'nit Cromwell ill Owner hu retired. CAPE COD •reivoe«. TaHaphone brtv»«n 8 EXPI9UBNCTD typist would' llk» typ- Pirit. n'".IT Jiwn, achooUi, Me. ori CT BprtaaflaH At», ett Ing to do at horn*. DIUxel ft-2818 3 ;,"ear old bungalow In cotin'T "•'• e 1U. OP • aoi » FU for OBRIG, REALTOR fully l.inrt.«"fip«l lo'. In wonderful ASKDKI M0.000. Mai?. Nr*j all coiivpniBiicfa, C>:.M.:-" m*M. CB. 7-KWJ. BABT aMtar. aapartanced, ir»rt.ure wom- Jl Uackle St., Summit ciiKlttloii throughout a^d bfoirlfully 4 bfdrooriM, li., batlu on nev'1-' .•>::'•• TYPIST —CLERK an. IMferenoet. No Infanta. DnJ T'.IT^ further lnformafjlon and lOOKtKO for a ntoe home? Our U OB 7-0435 CR3-«:a Df vare to thta unu»it»Uy fin* appodntmemt to lrwpect, con- «".il)«-. DB. «-O5*fl. tebta. pta« jun cupboard 27 Bo*-. 25-MORRIfl C»UNTT *n tanv, Ohttftvam. HOLMES AGENCY, Realtors MKAT WRAPPtne. SioaU«nt worklni 2A-SHORT HILLS TYPIST - CLERICAL coodMon. Bnuiaoyre bon<4tta. Ctl t—micrcvu 45 MaoU St.. Summit die*view 3-M^o Klmbath 4-SMi PRE-REVOLUTIONARY JUM Gradual* Preferred lOOKKKPER-CURK BOT'S iuh blorcJt with fameretor Brea. 4c Sunday CRe»tTl«w l-\\~i Book OASItmiS. KsoeDenit varfcta^ oondl MO. UK. 3-UM. 1750 WISTFUL THINKING Publishing W> have 3 ohUdren now and «'• ^ j Mteni tiara. Btnployee bnnaftta. Otll ntz»' J—CLOTHING APARTMENT ZONE Oruuul MAiilt flooring from Virgin form enlmnoe Uie vilue of t.lilf, m« (nlerestinf — challcnjinf oppor- (tram rwUat. vaU^wM vnrk. battt 4-1M4. llviblo and charming early colonial realdrnce, altuated 011 about 7 »crw with love to buy a home. Any 3 or 4 brtr-->v* UadaoB r«t«rt burn and Burnt Uoiisf. house in Olenwood i* tunity—in pltaiant—modem—up- oftvcai M to la. • rvk WOMAN, clerical and aeUknc .^^ TUB ItOBDf Kood Shop. 3 Taylor All Conveniences a nruMlcrn kitchen—a.nd niaj-b* PVPR » required. Brerttually to aanHiM fa Straet, lUUbum. aella uaed eOothln* ytin-t roorm on firat and at-'-Mid powder rown—would Oo Ju»t fit'" to-dita —itr conditioned office. rMjwnrtbUlty of -J of battar quality tor arary member noon; krtctoen plus 3 rootiui ivnd bxUt H>uvy Direh (Jo\«r to wide center hull, living room wit-h fireplac* Ubrvrv PERCOFLASH MFQ. CX>RP. wlili llrc)»l;ire, •iviclauc; room ha* flreplaoe with crane, butlera pantrv Lunch Boom (1 hour lunch)—& day m the family. CTloaed month oi on 3d; low toxM. low heatlii« r.W* Then wn*f» «o wUtfiU about U* cn Aufuat, Reopen Sept. 4. und good Income pcwibiUttoa; pliw 3 iKXte roujitrv kltrhon, open and oerpenrd porches. Pour apftcloua bedroonw with week. Company piid—Disability OOOK and iwwnd iwuawworkar for larj;e cltw.U. 2 modern biithroorrn Open attic expoeet HUGE hand hewn beura biialnai ooupla. alvcv In or our.. gxruaf. Addnc Kll.OUO Wnll, try M wr mlphf. wi> Just r\r.' tnd Inno-anc* Benefit*—Year Eod lUraraacaa inquired. Call »ft«r 7 pm UUibvirn, nopen* Sept. 10. OkKhlng ralso n pemny mt>re tlun *2S.iMl, Jt c»U Historical Society. If you're Uilnklng about aeUing »••*:: (OppoaMe Y.W.C'A). rVB aaoratarui, tmuMMpa day. room. JlrrpJace. modem kUc-lirn. f C0LLIN5-ADET 00. rX) Ladvar, ataootypMa Nawmaxk dininai room, wrliUns pcxwn. larise Grace A. Handwork, Realtor— own house *xne Ume noon. tlu«'U .i, Summit, N. J. Ayaooy. Uorrtatpown JK SMaa OAMtRA porch. t«T*c«, laiwe nhuWl k«t wed cfT-lalnJy upprtrtate gottlnil •'!>'> CReatview.MOtO KODAK MEDALI8T n Camer*. f 3 1 Uuiy tnitt »«•• J-<*r gar.-mc. :UW Spnn«fleld Av*. CH 3-M00; 3-3408 crack a.t It—direct. • •tear Letu. lHi3', UM M«». CVvrrj- WOMEN (4) extna You •Itould M« It. CU1 own- OPPOSITE NICOLA CHEVROLET SUMMIT r M - 4> Full or pan tuna. Uu*t h»ra Inf oue. Ima ahade. 3 fttoara. Portra er. CR. 3-3514. Our telephone U ORange O-PifM » f plaaaant Totoa for talaphon*. Tto work l«na) 1 i . HeUand Sniohronar Flaah xnueone'a alwaya bom* afteff 7 PM^ from Summit offloa for lMuUnf oon- with Luniinar Befleotor. estetulun oarn. OaJB Mr. OOU1M.GR. I-UI7 for Baa* with 30 ft. cord, will eaU only liitatilrw. M oomplate [»ckM*. »190 firm price, D*a««( »J»o far ooantar wort M Uuudrr and dry HOMES • HOMESITES claardnf plant. N*at. ooncwiial. Ac* » to 40. StMdr pojitton, Ml*rr, va- • •*•! • ™™*«w-^|»«» j Dlnina-ri*j f Room Suit*. aaUon. Mhar bMMAta. Apply In pa>. WU1 a*il »eparat«lt*lyy. Dfteset ft-438i, •on. Oart>y» BnterprU* LMtndrr. J HAMOOANY dtaln* room ohlne, cabl- "SUMMIT'S NEWEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY" HOUSEWIVES (3) m. K Summit A**.. Summit. n«t and bufret. C*ii Thuradiy or XABUC woman for bouavwork and Friday befor* 1 P.M. cat. 3-miJ. rum WCLLMORI iUILDIRS or YOUR OWN IROKIR ' Millington 7-1490 da BBDHOOM vulte, MHIK room suit*, r.T»* *»?*••* WMkftr. Murray BUI MOUOD. -n#». OB. 3-4T34. THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY. SEPTtMBt* 4. I tS4 LOST PUftNiSHO iOOMS •aid toiMij. Mitt 1* hmttot ««»n Dated: f. 1NM ttoo. br «uir autbsfBHesssa reootd at I has with ... . to the credKora at aaid d(o**—a to T C. «A tb* proesstUoaa (or tie varuaUkry dte- to set my hand and afflsttf my orfl of August AD, !Mg upon the saga- iSsSbo* w», SS4S9. Bts&ura to Ta* I-AHOl «ean room Bustoeas _ CorjwrstiotM. otal asal. st Trartoe. tbi* Twmmr Hank". 6\uuz&K. or eiMbtt to the autMcriber uoder oath c •Oi U tloO t taflPajofT by t«ll# 'i 1 r»sMlj "yaw tyj Itovlsvd »t*tut«* at Nrm Jtnty. pe*. caUon or U» . Q«c«u»ed to exhibit Us to* subsoribsr rvwnsam Swsrs&ari of Secretary of St«t». under oat b or affirmation ih«tr ttilass c* forrver barred from prosecuting or STATE ©T HBW iBB*gT &*»* Of Ifa* Stse* «T Wew Jmrm Do MCMBR it ofurpiN **. Oafi FTtahKjr, Marta* offir* It situated tt No ad aod den-^nd* MT&iDaC th* «s%at« ot H WAtNtT ST. &umn*t N¥ OP ST&TS Pr&nU&a PUc«. in the CKf of Hereto* CerUfv that th* *sid oorpot*. 31 Mafite Street »«ld d*e««*ed wKhln a!l months from ootr. ROQHJ wttfe __. •crltMr. Summit, Oouvtr Wfc«r»*r, t erf Vaioa. ofi tii« fourMsatti d»v BOOM. ustoa.3 j*orjoi » wmamr oxvm the* A'dg. M » Sept. • U Pe*«-rt:4W © gtri*. Drssal S-0&13 cvatoa bite wtu be reoetved by th* SARA E. CREVtl room. cxM>*«o&«t* te tf*£* Oomtnaa OouMai «( tn* Cwtjr of turn- ONottMawd prefemd, CE at* for the oouMruottoii of Auorey Su*wt aad L#wta inam BKtaoaioB ID BUSINESS DIRECTORY the City of Summit la the County of Teacher of Piano KO1MD Oaaaa. with a BltumtiwuM Oooorwi* bt* T?p* BM-3 aurfao* upon i> ""«^«" RAND REPERINCI TO RtUAJLE lUSINISS HOUSES T ALTHUTIONf *. CR. 7 foundattaa, cattmnv* amottDt of Type |»UUM LettoBg Only Otfi Bvasiaes. COilTOKTABUt room to SM-1 •urfee* pavement required I* #•#436. 4M ton* at Macadam fcxundMioa m Thtory—Harmony—EnitmbU tquare j-ftrd*. and op*oeUPLSB or *tti«te. prtrUeg» Quality Cold Cut* CR J-8834. fNUth. STUDIO: 21 LOCUST DR. CR. 3-0521 Antique$ WINES BEER MM*. - awn*, ca ( 3) xa Un. rt. OIMJW ttlook curb Daily Sandwich Servie* At Popular Prices jtioe. ROOM •et In Oaa* "D" Concra**. *" Bough* m ouly. Party Specialties. Canap*g mpt Delivery Service ( J) 145 Un. n 14" ReiaforoKi Oon- Onmptste* gatax* Bough* Mad* rt> Order P1.EASAKT furnd&twd room for CM-U Pipe in pla"- OLS-tttt A.fDeCAM OAROE!n« Monthly tteuatmmn., «tUt MUci ( 4) 81) lAa. Ft. 16" Reinforoed Ooa- tt Smalt AT*. Cl. 7-MM H Mapk Street Cat. j»wn car*, top drawing. ssttflrn. re- Chit to te-MMporm/tioc or«t« Pipe In place. HENRIETTA M. ZSUateu PL pair tod put U1 Rew lawn*. Plant < 5) 4 Drop Inlet* Type "B". LAAOX rocitn, prtv»t* bMb. ( 8) i Exiting Mftnbole Head* ratted aAruba. remov* anv tt»*d tr*» drain cwatnJ. CR 3-7871. fcork wid cement patioa. DB S-4668 3^;" to KTlMie • Auto Dealer. • ROOM for r*m. near bue ami ( 7) 3« Bq Ydc. U&cadun BwiOmne Piano Instruction • Delivery Service • ^BsCAPlNO MATEBUXA - p CR 7-W79 5" In depth. humus. b«t«tum block*. Al*o Mason ( I) W QitU. Bituminous Material 3aiisL •orlc. Call Appoltto'* Press! ft-1311 PLEASANT lu hu«v«, CR iPrline Coat) Aaphaitt MC-O or Harmony... Theory... Improvisation Up Osrtsn*? 3-5T27 MC-1 or Tar BT1 or RT-1, WERNER MOTOR CO. SUBURBAN LIQIORS. WINES BEERS TOP SOU. ( I) MO Ton* Bituminous CooorwM Certified by the lnter$tate Tmchen A*$ociatlon NIXNtSHED HOUSi FO1 |IN? SM-3 Bottom Course W In PAUL L WERNER, Prop. DEUVERY SERVICE Preaapt DeHveriet loader sad Call CR. I-IU2 ' trictor Uwn mlt NEW PROVIDENCE - « rooma, 3 b^l- p Clou and private ItMOfM PACKAGE DELIVERY i Jork OR »-31« itxnw: tutoin&ttc bn«, ganac. Uon- (10) 185 Tons Bituminous Concrete Chrysler . rty»o*tli Dealer Saaasall T«ii«i-. tocwkiQ. CiUl «lt«r • pm. SM-2 Top Coum* 1V4" »nd 1" Is MESSENGER SERVICE TANDSCAPB OAHDEWta Uwn ear* 3-4871 If no Miawor ctU br tlve month. ftepklr and buUd depth. 3-9MU " ROOUK. hoow. C*l. 3- Drawing*, sptolflcMJan* and forms lt»% Ot'AaANTKgD VggB CARS 1 --• - ——-sstlmat* — . I 8780J780. of bld«, pont-racu and bond for th* DlUxe) 6-2105 proposed work, prepared by Friarta Meeem »e«y * Palsl Sks* RJRNtSHID APARTMIWif A. Murray, City Engineer, and ap- 3OOOOOO • Electrical Appliance* • CITY MASON, INC. jsnMCIC CWK&A QeotTil proved by the State Highway Cotntxu*. Car LNIIII . . . WwtkJj-Moathly- »-aplng, maaon oonwfcctor. driln FOR RENT *lon*r, ntv« been filed In tht offlo* Guy Soccodato, Prop. »-»rlc. CB 7^443. at the Mid Eu«tn*«r at City HaU, Vaarly . . . l«w Hate* « ROOMS. fwi«e. tulUkble i p«*oo» Eaifern Fuel Company New Construction 4 Alteration* |»-4US0N CONTRACTOM oiJy. mj Irom O«. 1. CR. 3-3024. by prospective bidders during tnistrw— mm CR. MMI 17 Merits Ce«rt SaaaaaJl c.eps, walka and pattat. Ko job too hour*. Bidden will b« furotehtd wltii OBERLIN CONSERVATORY «:n*Il. Call CB J-J*ed CH. n«er on proper notice and p»S"meaui of eofct of preparation. Bid* mu«t b* .idwU AU tn?en _ coooret* *or« | cilUJETTE N J. 3-room oo«««e; DAVID J. FLOOD • Patotera • and eomatructlcm. Kcbdu Rudlrt tUvti I and 3-r>x>rn furntahed made on standard n 7-:48I. required by the »pecinc«a«rj*, must (Upaired EDWARD CHIOVAROU I- be enck««d in sealed envelopes, bear- 12 MOUNTAIN AVfNUI SUMMIT. N. J. Household Wiring BUILDING FOR RENT ing tlie luune and uldress of blddw and name of road on outside, ad- Prompt Scrvlc* AND SON CLEANED PROM TOP CR. 3-8552 • Floor Covering? • Painting Contractors TO BOTTOM 1000 OQ. IT. I kpproxunwMT» wMjl uf- drvcr- OouncU, City of Summit. N. J, and a Decorators wood work and windows certified check for not l«n* than un h«*d doora. M»p;nrood & MUlbum CR.S-SM1 itHmmm FrnmUKU ashed. Floor* cleaned and waxed •eerton. oom 3-44W. man or email burtnm*. Tropical Fish * Supplies Dial ME. 5-7676 or ME. 5-7(177 The gchool kat becone famoni because of lt( lifatioo. A phone call brings th rxw rooft. rtwU raoO aod FUN for ALL AGES WHIATON'S Fret Delivery PTJUTT floor offto* with trM parking teachers, aeaai clataroom procedures aad Ha deltgftttal ptT»d,d fTitt*t» *J«J llM4l«n r«- store to your home. Eif»U«at location In oenter of 'javn. "•• stf «» TEXACO SERVICI It SuaaaM Ave. CReatview pilrMl or repJaowl. HAROLD HAR- fttoraft In baaemovt avUtebl*, 190 •taoaphere. .Empiojrerg .conitanUy- .seek .Stafford Hall •Asphalt, Vlarl. LlHelesai User me RISON CR 7-l»S4. • ROAD SERVICE per month. CR. 7-1314: evea CH. 3- graduates. •Wall Til* *•• Wall aosrft. BOWCRAFTS • IGNITION-CARBURETOR, tte. •IMUM Uneitvst. CHATHAM PET SHOP JT. RtbtMcD 9, ground flogr, J0O to 400 *q. General Repairing •relt Bass UnoUaa* Carpet*. We board your birds while Ijtepci™ «n4 kltwfcUoM; bathroom*, ft. evaUabl* 1 Short H1U* avitnuo. j bu>h*D* or »ny Inttd* work. O*MIMM Abort mils. DRexet S-JSofl. WOODLAND MARFAK LabrlcaUon you're on vacation I fonnloa topi. 1*«J* too amaU. IDEAL 1300 *quara fart owiur of Sujttmtt STAFFORD HALL CR. S-fTN 4WI Morrlf Aw. ME. S-Met loo*Uoo. Pint floor—separata bulltttng , gutMn. K « FLOOR COVERING CO. IN MAIN n. CHATHAM Pans)1«d valla. Mouatlo oalUoc. tlte PLAYUND Partial nttni. KIM Contnotlnc Cofloor. UTttorr. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • Blcydea • xtry M74S. DTUX* >-0OW. Sultabla for orfloa. IKrtrt aaMmbl? 11 ScMck Ptahi 1M3-M Morris Are. Uafcm. N. J •If aad rrpalr chlmotj* aod nt> work or any bualaeaa punult. CHeit- t«rs: wash window*, m flocra new 3-1000. 1-0*71 18S Summit Avmtut CR. 3-3641 LARRY'S Paoae BlVrdoek S-13M and email paint Job* Reiabardt PIRST floor at Summit loca- CYCLE & SPORT SHOP • Ptumberm • 8-1078. Urincstoo e-U«5 tion *ult*bl« for ratall or offlosa, BI~MOtlMO four room*. Mouth to month or long New A V«ed • Fuel Oil • term letae. OaU CRertvlvw '-1CKK). BICYCLES LeROY BALDWIN UOTSro. hftullng. iMMuUfc afflel- KXrsiC STUDIO for rant by th* hour •nt wrrtot. Call MCrdoek <-0OW or loncar. CentraUy looated. CW. 7- Parw R*pslra Sales Sendee • PLUMBING oioa. D»y or night. CooolUlafd Uatvm. |J*7 Bread St. CR. S-SMS B»tf§rn Full Company • HEATINC ~ ^ Ualoo. N. J. KENT PLACE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS FXELOIL STORES FOR RENT e ALTERATION SUMMIT. Store Central. T*l*p>hon« 24 Hour Dellrery CR 3-MJ4. »1 Blackburn Bd. A SCHOOL WITH A NOTABLE RECORD OF • Bolldlng Materials • WILLIAMS OIL-O-MATIC • JOBBING J. D. UcCRAT S South St. POntsr Summit. * Paperhanger Pboti* CR 8-OW. PREPARING GIRLS FOR THE WOMEN'S COLLEGES Oil Burners It GreeafleM Are. CR. 7-MSt ikCRMAN SCHMIDT psiaUsB and dee- GARAGE FOR RENT STEPHENS-MILLER CO. Sales k Service) oratlnf, formerlj SctwUdt A Rslt- OABAOE. 33S Morrt* Are..., Cfll. S- SINCE 1894 Broad Street CR. S-MM ANTHONY RMIA muu Par Ire* satimat* eall Mur- A333 between « and 7 PM. Compttf UIM •/ dock «-aoS7. rompdr ******* T» OARAOEB. Indiftdiial. wUh WAVTBD-Hau»*a to punt. O. B X>oar*-«lao auMabto tor *tar*««. Mill- BUILDING MATERIALS STEPHENS-MILLER CO. PLUMBING • HEATGVG White Jr. * Co. Falatint M4 DSB- burn and Short RIB* Avenue. Dlleiel Complete Boarding and Country - Day Programs COAL FUEL OIL ITELOIL SHEET METAL WORK orattsc. 18 Bd(«r St. CrsstTlsw T- a-3«« Metered Deliveries 1 CHESTNUT AVENUE ROOM AND tOARO Kindergarten through College Entrance M iBMeO Place CR. T4M0 PAPERHANOINO tnUciot and «ttcrlor OIL BURNER CR. » MM puntlag. R«*aontbl«. Wiytw J. UCEN8BD praoUoal nurs* will iMard Opening Date: Thursday, September 13th Pi DRetci »-S03» or Mkeury aad flv* kind attention to semi in- • Carpet Sales A Service valid or eJdsrty ladr PR T-JW5. 38 Russell Plac. QR. 7-0030 • Real Estate • WILLIAM ROKTRKB painting, paper- PLEASANT around noor room. K«o*l- Rortnc* Wolfe, B.A..M.A. Headmistress hugtnt. dmoraUBf. «• Mapl* Ara Isnt meal* Kd«rly_person or eon- Bprlngfttld. Dlln«J-ll«l wrioom* Th* DeBan1. MS 42 Norwood Avtnift Summit, Ntw J«noy BEDROSIAN'S Om, brualor. Pap«r- Sprlugtleld Av», Somtnlt. CU AttracUve Values in • Jewelera • MICONE AGENCY hmglng. Plut*rln« OualltT vorvork at 9787. Works Assiduously popular prlcta. Bob Pmbrtcatort. RUGS On The Sale of Your House. bR««el S-OO35 Phone: CR. 3-0900 and List It With Us. • ROCCO CAMXLA Rentals Wanted QCPSBtT IsMrtor and sjwrjcr paint- /all-fo-Wall Carpeting FIRE INSURANCE ing. paperhaBClDg. lattmate*. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS Thoro-Cleaning 316 Springfield Ave.. Swaasct, N. J. mrr 5-8391. WANTED Repairing CR. 3-fl VfTERAN duatrta palnt*n-( to daenrat- Storing ing Call DR*iH S-I7S3. 3 OR 4 room* and bath. 1 obtkl age Guaranteed 11. $73. CR 3-3M0 Win recognition.. • a better Job Re-Fitting PAINTINo paper hanging, wlf wwh- WATCH—JIWIIRY • Roofer* • tng mat«rlaJa that itajr daso. Jim , ROOMS, j-oung bualneH axip>. Re-Laying f-»ni, DRexei 9-371]. CR. 7-<»83. 42S Sprlagfield Ave. PtOOB MAUITKMANCB UNFURNISHED HOUSt- bigger SUMMIT. N. J. REPAIRS LARRY MAY V tnatntaoaxie*, aa-ndlng. flntoh- TRANSTERRED ji rboae: CR. T-W0e ROOFING Inj and w».»lng. B. J. PowaU .* Boa* minimum 3-b*droom, J-bath un- DEVELOP r*)ING - GUTTERS DRexM »M4S furnWvsd houee or »partm«it for income! * ftewoncblm adult family of fow. bc*H<-nl f LEADERS t«-puiTiNo . POUIBT>O •rannat. Buz MS, Summit H* • Chimney Cleanins; • Pritn Svunirlt. Caf CR. ITATtNO—gold, stiver, nickel chrome. CONFIDENCE rcrppsr. etc. Drlv. in to Madison ADCLT fa.iillT of 4 — minimum 3 NATALE CHIMNEY CO. * frit ServU* 14 PRANRXIN PL. ' 3M Mats st, Stedlsoo bedroom. 2 bach*. Referenqac Bcot Built • Repaired • Cleaned SMS*SSMS*SS—SSS^M MS. Summit Herald. t; This is the Time of the Year to • Service Stations • 3Z-A—PIANO TtJNWO FURNISHED APARTMMT SL?EAK Clean and Repair Your Chimneys TO KHEP TOUR PIANO tn perfect WANTED ! . . . also Fireplaces. Why Not Call plvoh—hare It tutted Mvularljr. C. WK HAVE bualaeaa couple looking !'or Now And Protect Your Family ZOTTE'S ESSO SERVICE oh, vaaeher of plamo and r«...iin. a 3 or 4 room furndahei*d aperuneapartmeni t EFVECI1VEL and Home For the Long Hard Marrl* An.. ST«tnfn«*!c Dmd 8-2SW from « to 7 P M. Dale Carnegie Course jam Broad Street Baannb LAMP8 SHAOIS or ] bustoeas people. lmm«dJt.te oe- Mo«n(lB| • aecovwca Office A Home Stationery 'upaiury. OaU CB 7-OW1; ereolii** TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Csavertlng • Ca* Mark Cross Leather Goods t^£H 3-am. - • Oro>r STEPHENS-MILLER CO. Steck • aha*** la Steck Greeting Cards In Effective Speaking And Human Relations if ROOMS aad beAti. »anf*. !*.¥• Hwlp PwIM • orns Csts-sm K>r BTM for ehUdren. Ileat nr.d BOUSKWIVKS—InMreaUng. eduction- BLUE COAL IM-1W Ceatral Are. »T»*«n*)* ••r vat«r *U|>p«ed I12S moata ROfl Wsstfltls, N. ». I-4»l 37f SpriagfteM Ave. Are., Sumcntt.' CR. 3- al vork for tmblUmu fomu who ! Take the First Step Forward can work 10 to 20 hour* wwkl . Ex. Hie KOPPERS COKE FUEL OIL ratkins Acres* Street ceUrM rwmxrxratlon. Hio» BUILDING MATERIALS •fACTOUS 4- room J-betrootn (tarden mac* trad car eeaontUJ. Man* rartal COME, SEE A CUSS IN ACTION! • TelerUofj • '?»ran«Bt. Cocttpleulr »ir-<«ndi- opportunitlte. Writ*, giving ag •, oaa. water furoliOed ,O*r- ucaiioa and exptrieno*. Boi M RasseO Plaee CR. 14m • Laondriea • >raU*U«. ImovedeMw oocupanrr. Summt H'T&ld. Summit. OPENING SUMMIT RADIO & R. Sua*a, « MorDt Art.. S 10 D B-4401. FOR SALS FREE MEETINGS • Speak Effe«tiv*ly • Dairies • COR1YS APPLIANCE CO. •A—e appttcaMMfrof :b WHIOW Sprliif Drive. Merriitawa, N. J. • JEffertM t-4455 MILUNGTOM 7-002S CR. 7 ITU t« SprtaffleU Ave. Jttt" • Betfereooei. CR. 1- d''^ &ecaul« ol the p—n THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY. SEPTtMtE* », !W BECAUSE YOU GET MORE LOW PRICES... THROUGHOUT THE STORE... A&P IS THE PUCE TO

Dairy Values White Eggs r'm FRESH BROIUNG & IRYING Sliced Swiss Cheese Sliced Muenster CHICKENS American Slices 29s te«dy-to-Cook French Roquefort Sizes Oiier 3 lit. 33 Customer's Corner ttdQe tneese Rt9Uur or oi You can buy them split, quartered, Reading, Writing and THRIFTMAT1C... cup cut up or vhole at this same low price! Thrift is "rare and wisdom in the management of Upr-Mifct" fcaty—tort money". .. a subject worthy.of joining th« three r's. FINE FROZEN FOODS! The pit for thrift In food ehopping—fortunately—is a lesson easily learned. You simply go to A*P, the stor* that couples consistently fino food with consistently mor* low SMOKED TONGUES 39 prices 'plus worthwhile specials, too!). This cuta your total bill on the food* you want . . . adding up to real, *p*.Nfkt~Sfct4 honest-to-goodness thrift. Sliced Strawberries »* 2^45' Read our prices below . . . urite your shopping list from CHUCK STEAKS . pkf. 27 Aura . . . shop at AAP—and you'll have acquired the habit Lemonade Mix •*-*" 3 '«.- 44' BACON Sajdalf Sdtctti of thrift. Come se« . . . you'll save! Btmkn CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Libby's Broccoli Spears. 2^4? AAP Food Stores, 420 Lexington Are., New York 17, NY. *27c SMOKED BUTTS ««-63c Codfish Cakes •-•**-•.-- £39* "Sov-Mfft" , lip aMlttMM^ Cimr Cuts For School Lunches Birds Eye Fish Sticks. . . £35' -39c PORK CHOPS O9c -85c Frnb and Afternoon Snacks! Cod Fillet *«.—<*«-* £33< VEAL ROAST -49c FLOUNDER FILLET -69c Sliced Boiled Ham ^« Breaded Shrimp Sliced Bologna .... FrwiH cmcl Vestteblwil Sliced LWerwurst SunnyfUld Fanqr, Frtth Crtam«ry 7w. s Salt ir Swett Tuna Fish can 33 brtck Sandwich Bread BUHER 65 Elderberry Jely Cream Cheese 2^27 EVAPORATED Price Reduced I MILK !• MmiifCanitr 6 - 72 10NCISLAMMx M. I Yellow Bananas A«rP brand — Oar to** quality Bosco tn KMMM1 T™" CnrkuK - - -7h POTATOES IU»vlllwl HOM* VIQvnvl>» • . pha.Aw TOMATO ^ 2-49 Crispo Cookies A breakfast favorite £b 09 V^/ki^A LV M I H 7 a%v •%£ M 10a33« vdlnpTirCMInlahjrM PMIJVHIKIIIVWS bag AI 12K. Cut-Rite Waxed Paper* . WHEATIES 2 PEACHES r Libby't Cencmtrat^-FROZIN More Big Values FREtSTONE larky frcbris Uncle Ben's Rice 13 'X pkg. f ORANGE JUKE 6 - 89 Gravymaster >^»«» Ann Pigt — Ptach, Apricot or PintappU lDl SWEET CORN Henri Spaghetti Sauce ! 2,;;. Bon Olive Oil ^^ PRESERVES 47 Fn« RMrby Firm 6»19 Household Bags ^"- ^23" Fanqf domtttic—Most brands c d Marcal Tt; Tissue RED PLUMS WoodburySoap . TOMATO PASTE 6 :37 CALIFORNIA k AM Pt|t T4STC THE DfFFERENCEf SALAD-DRESSING 739c GRAHAM CHANOI TO.'THI NIBLETSCORN T'~ CRACKEB 'M3IC Dutch Apple POttMOtf fOO» MTAMt dto-tift Pie «*43< SWANEE 4- 45c im Parltr-emMI SQMRE COFFEE CAKE Mil 33« ATUNTIC 4 fACmC T1A COWAHT in CIRCLE SI* ^A JIM Parkir-ClOCOLATE Price* ttftcthr* Hirevfh Stturdw, S«ftamt«r 8Hi ANGEL SOFT .. .iii.03 .u' in Sup«r MarktH and S*lf-S«nric« tt*r*t. CHIFFON CAKE INl 49. fitrhtr Babf Food Baby Faai BIN BaM BMM Kara Syrip •anlaOil Kritt'i Oil AlltWMt KIM UM «r Mtr»cJ» , b*4lrn and frying ii 6-n* "23* l

Dial Blal \ Niagara Lliit labfgait Tml Kraft's YIIVMU S«ap TtiUy Taa Laiadry Starch Ll«|rid Starch raf VPPM M wwi fohricv Spriari