Read the Herald Read the Herald .. For Local News Serring Summit tor 98 Yean For Local News Serving Summit for 88 fewr$ mnd Summit Record 68th Ytsr—No. IS KSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 tnt*t*4 U Mt*k4 ClftM MUtIM at Ik* PmUmttttm tt »DKBlt. N. i. Vmtm tfca Act «f March VIST* •4 A 10 CENTS Mrs. IC. Holmes Ciry Ho* Us* Eve.bg Vote Reqistrotioa Horn YMCA Aimounc Evening hours for voter regis- Weaver Street Housing Plan New President of trations have been announced by, Program for Fal City Clerk Harry C. Kates. The Community Chorus evening schedule is primarily for Hit by 250 Residents in Area the benefit of commuters. Gym, Swim Events The 47th season of the Summit Resident* living in the area adjacent to Weaver itreet The City Clerk's office will be The YMCA. physical depart- fomm unity Chorus will begin on protested to Common Council Tuesday'night that real estate open until 9 p.m. for those desir- ment announces a full schedule of , Monday, September 10, with a re- values in the area will be greatly depreciated if construction ing to register for the November activities for the 1956 fall season, of the 28-duplex apartments, recommended by the Mayor's hearsal-meeting at S p.m. at the 6 General Election on September with swim classes commencing special committee to study replacement housing, is per- YMCA under the direction of 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 23, 26 on Tuesday, September 4, and "" mitted. Ralph" Burrier. The chorus will gymnasium activity starting on and 27. Registrations also may be te&t kn wn start preparing for Its guest ap- Monday, September 10. made during the day, beginning PUNIC BUIIQIIKI ° ^^eh a petition pearance on December 5, with the at 8:30 a. m. Ai has been customary, the "Y" •igned by nearly 250 residents liv- Colonial Little Symphony Society will offer a full program of graded tig near Weaver street, laid th»t The deadline for registration is Check Features and for its regular winter con- gymnasium classes for boys in the they "did not minimize the im- September 27. 7-16 year age bracket, with spe- portance to Summit of providing cert. Interested singers are invited cial emphasis placed on younger Fire Safety Drive adequate low rent housing ... but to attend this meeting. members. Coupled with the gym under no circumstances can th« The city'i second all-out observ- program will be the usual high- necessary impairment of witting S At a recent meeting of the ex- ance of Fire Prevention Week, Child Care Center property values be justified." ecutive committee, officers for the calibre aquatic instructional pro- which begins tomorrow, w ill be gram, which involves the nation- Most of the signatures werv 1956-57 season were elected "as fol- capped this year by a daylong al YMCA aquatic program. John from residents of Montrote and low: Opens Doors for tour nn October 9 of all public dates avenues and Colonial and P. Bennett will again be at the buildings with the exception of Evergreen roads. Mrs. Edward C. Holmes of 141 helm of the boys aquatic program. Overlook Hospital, by fire pre- However, Council pointed out to Beech wood road, president; Irving Third Year Today Other physical programs for boys vention experts and Boy Scouts the group in attendance, which A Lum of Chatham, vice-presi- will include the individual exer- in order to determine whether any numbered over 100, that the pro- The Summit Child Care Center dent and librarian; Miss Verda J. cise room and activity in Junior fire hazards exist, it was learned posals set forth by the Mayor's Powell of Summit, secretary; and today began its third year of pro- and Senior Hi-Y leagues in bas- this week. committee in July in no way com* Alden W. Hay of Madison, treas- viding after-school care for chil- ketball, bowling, and volleyball in Frank J. Kerrigan, chairman of nutted the city to begin construe* season. urer other committee members dren in the grades one through the Mayor's Fire Prevention Com- tion, and that if the plan did meet are Mrs. Richard It. Anderson, Wednesday and Friday will be with sufficient favor, the home* four who need supervision away mittee, at a meeting at City Hall Mrs Edmund A. Bowles, Mrs. the two days when girl, members last Thursday, said the State Fire would be financed only through from home. Under the direction Charlotte Engelman, Mrs. James will "take over" at the local Prevention Association will active- private capital. B Hays, Jr., Ernest R. Kretzmer, of Mrs, Blanche Dorsky, trained YMCA. On these days, girls may ly cooperate with the city in an Council then recommended that Richard A. Shaffer, William A. and experienced supervisor of the pass tests in the regular "Y ' OBGAMZING FI1E rtEVENTION-Tlie city's sec- are Reginald Burdick, vice president of the State attempt to reduce whatever fire he petitioning group elect a cum* Sklarz. and Frederick C. Stobaeus. program, children are offered a aquatic program and take advan- ond Fire Prevent*)* Week which gets underway Fire Prevention Association, and George WaRhour, hazards migh be existent in any mitt.e which would'meet with th« The present chorus was formed tage of recreational swims. The torn arrow was officially organized last Thursday in Mayor, the Sub-Standard Housing recreational period, arts and president of the Association; Councilman Fletcher P. public building. uhen the Summit Choral Society girls' aquatic program will be un- City Hell as Frank J. Kerrigan, (third from left) 1M To Make Cbeck-Up Hoard and any other interested crafts, and snacks. Thornton, Mrs. George N. B.iynton and Robert M. and the men's glee club merged der the direction of Marjorie Wil- chairman of the Mayor's Committee on Fire Pre- Mr. Kerrigan stated that on Oc- parties to discuss ways and means in 1926. th?se two groups had The Center, a United Campaign liamson, Nell Nittel, and Phyllis vention^ receives fire prevention literature from Dunsmorc, all members of the Mayors Committee. tober », approximately 100 fir* which would pave tht way for ;<been formed under the leadership agency, is located at the Field Johnson. Boys and girls who are Fire Chief Thomas J. Murray. Looking on (1. to r.) (Wolin photo) prevention experts from the State future talks. of Miss Esther White and Israel House, Memorial Field. Transpor- advanced swimmers may try out Fire Prevention Association and Many Interested Parties White The chorus now consists of tation is offered by the Center for the Y'J competitive swim 40 to 50 local Boy Scouts will tour Mayor C. Philip Dean then said about 75 men and women from from the public schools and St. team, and eirls may be considered the city's public buildings, which that the plan to build the 2ft-duplex many communities in this area, Theresa's. Parents arrange to pick for the highly skilled synchro- Former Rutgers Grief Qoach South American includes the schools, churches and apartments is still in "the nebulous stage" but that there are many ami has presented a number of up their children at the end of nixed swimming team, which is mercantile shops starting at 10 persons "interested" in the pro- major choral works in recent the session which is held every under the direction of Furney Jef- a. m. and report to the fire de- Recreation Aide posals. He explained that a pri- vcars, which have been received school day. Information and ap- freys. partment whatever violations or Takes Reins of High School vate corporation' is now in tht lication forms may be obtained hazards are found. These hazards with critical approval. Recent pro- m addition, on Wednesday eve- throes of being organized for Uw Summit High Scftftfr gridiron days. He graduated in 1953 ami will be marked with a red tag. grams have included the Verdi from Mrs. Dorsky at the Field nings Mrs. Nittel will again offer Guest of City specific purpose of raising suffi- Keqtiiem, masses by Mozart, House and Mrs: Winthrop C. Lena, courses in Junior and Senior life- future for this seaNB will be in received his Blasters in 1954, dur- Although members of the touring Summit's recreation program cient capital with which to put tht Haydn and Rossini, and distingu- president of the board of the Cen- saving to girl members. Boys are the hands of an *tpt#*ue*l eoach ing which time he assisted Rut- force will hav« no legal authority and other activities of the Board plan into operation. ished secular and religious music ter, will answer inquiries, at CR. encouraged to bring their dads to who joined the fac#y this year gers coach Harvey Harmon in to fine violators, ull reports will of Recreation will be given a Many of the residents expressed by contemporary and classical 3-7319. the Y's popular father-son swim be filed wxth. jbe fire department, and who w*s drilling the freshman team. An- thorough study by a visiting South fear that the new development romposers. The final presentation eo Saturday afternoons from 4 to who, <n torn will rr>-u ve.tlgate A meeting to arrangt for the 1 derson recently completed a two- American physical education ex- would bring more people into thv of thwe hst season was a perftyjn-< « p.m. A fcojr way bring bis tfad the premises at a Uter date in 199*37 seawn 4#* Chfl$ Care year tour of duty with the Air pert this week.
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