THE DIAPASON APRIL 2013 Advent Lutheran Church Melbourne, Florida Cover feature on pages 26–27 CHRISTOPHER HOULIHAN “STAR POWER FROM A YOUNG ORGANIST: Astonishing performance…Houlihan proved a captivating showman at the keyboard .” (The Birmingham News AL, 2011, awarded 5 out of 5 stars) PETER FLETCHER “Gracious virtuosity” (Fanfare)
[email protected] LYNNE DAVIS “A strong sense of drama, brilliant theatrical contrasts.” (The New York Times) “A level of authority in playing French works that is virtually unmatched in this country.” (St. Louis Post-Dispatch) “A commanding technical control and a re- fined sense of style and taste.”(The Diapason) “Exemplary performances: Lynne Davis gets tempos, registrations and esprit just right.” (The American Organist) THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Fourth Year: No. 4, In this issue Whole No. 1241 As this issue was in preparation, word arrived of the death APRIL 2013 of the great French organist Marie-Claire Alain on February Established in 1909 26. We are all diminished by the death of this great artist and Jerome Butera ISSN 0012-2378 teacher. Few organists have had the profound infl uence on our 847/391-1045;
[email protected] profession as did Madame Alain. She leaves a legacy of more An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, than 2,500 recitals, more than 280 recordings, and former stu- the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music dents in prominent positions in this country and in Europe. This issue also includes the annual listing of summer confer- This issue includes an obituary written by James David Christie ences, in addition to our regular departments of news, reviews, CONTENTS (page 23), instead of our usual “Nunc Dimittis” notice.