
INVITATION #ujlibrary @ujlibrary The University of Johannesburg Department of Philosophy invites you to a UJ PHILOSOPHY COLLOQUIUM WEBINAR American Education’s Censorship and Illiberalism: Coming to a South African Campus Near You This talk will discuss the state of free speech on college campuses, and the dominant moral orthodoxy that has taken over academia. Specifically, he’ll discuss diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives; bias responses teams; neo-racism; idea laundering (https://www.wsj.com/articles/idea-laundering- in-academia-11574634492); and his co-authored article Deluded Departments (https://www. philosophersmag.com/opinion/207-deluded-departments) which argues that academic philosophy has lost its way. SPEAKER § Professor (Portland State University, USA) Peter Boghossian is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Portland State University. He’s also an Affiliated Assistant Professor at Health Science University in the Department of General Internal Medicine and a visiting fellow at Reason Foundation think tank. Peter has a publication record across multiple domains of thought, and his popular pieces have been featured in , Scientific American, , TIME Magazine, the LA Times, National Review, USA Today, New Statesman, etc. In 2018, he and two colleagues were responsible for the Grievance Studies affair, in which they exposed academic corruption and shoddy scholarship in fields that purport to study race, gender, and sexuality. His most recent book, with translations in Mandarin, Polish, German, Romanian, Korean, and Czech, is How to Have Impossible Conversations. @peterboghossian DATE § 10 March 2021 TIME § 11:20 – 13:00 South African Standard Time (SAST) To join the Webinar, click on https://zoom.us/j/95828864560

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