I' Automobile^

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I' Automobile^ July 19, FAK T 4. PAGE 8 DETROIT bUaN DA V !1 M E S (PHOSL CHERRY 8S00) Sunday, 1942 THE CREAM OF THE CROP-LOOK THESE USED CAR BARGAINS OVER TODAY • Automobile* tor Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale Automobiles fox Sale Automobiles Wanted BTUDEBAKER '4O rhamplon 2-dr. trk ] sedan; beautiful original finish; folks, j had 1 owner, with very low mileage, every Cheaper Than AUCTION-AUCTION extra; sac ; trade, E-Z terms Wrlgley's. * CADILLACS AT ONCE I' Car 102 AUTOS —47 TRUCKS 1941 Club Convert ible I AUTOMOBILE^ Fare! MICHIGAN'S FINEST SELECTION MUST BE SOLD 1941 2-Dr. and 4-Dr. Sedans, 9100 GRATIOT LOW DOWN PAYMENT Srdaneltea. 6 0 Hydra Cars 2 DAILY SALES—2:3O P. M. and 7:30 P. M. Al Ma tics. iWanted—soo Used ftAI.ANCE WEEKLY Radios and Heaters. 5 to 1935 Pontiac, $69.50 S motor rvbulldins. boa, Dumping paint. Iwjl From. <-d»nr **d*n 8 cylinder; ;Plyms. ’4O to to lasle*4*e L FtW* . $ 25 Choose De luxe trunk SSOO S7OO fie.t of nthrr Ford Tutbr, 1930 . & ’4l. fa«. hcaka*. terutiea war* and a MONDAY TUESDAY bla<k finish; beater, run* f nr ilillKsSffJ B I Mrvire* to r*ai*dv the silmrnti common to to • . ’Fords ’39 ’4l. $350 er aiers Chevrolet Sedan. 1933 . 35 IF DESIRED—YOUR CAR IN TRADE E. H. COOK MOTOR SALES to SBOO ears after yeer um Traissd TERMS CONVERTIBLES DODGE-PLY MOUTH DEALER aMehaalss—tims-savise oeulsmsat Plymouth 4-Door, 30 ’37 to ’4l S2OO to SBSO —eaeraatsed werkaisashisl 1932... SELLING OUT LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL 1941 Ford Convertible 5-Pas*. 6666 Van Dvko :|Chevs. Chevrolet Coupe. 1931 . 35 7942 Radio*. Hgdterg, Defroster*. Office Furniture and Equip- 1941 Chevrolet Club Conv. FTDDKBAKER 1940 4-door d*e luxe Makes $25 to SSO More ment— Desk*. Chairs. Partition*. Shop Equipment—Compres- aedan, radio and healer. 8505; G down, ... 1941 Ford Coupe. 1933 43 Buick Super 5-Pass. vc trade. Law and Kowalk. 11801 Liver- Lubrication Setup, Motor Analyzer. Etc. WILL CALL sor*, Benches. Hoists. 1941 Olds Convertible 5-Pass. nois. Northlawn 9529 BUYER Repairing |Auto Repairing . 95 Auto Chevrolet Sedan. 1936 Everything Must Be Sold to the Bare Walls. Here's the STI'DERAKER 1040 WhampTon 2-dr* *r of a Lifetime to Equip a Department Cheap! 1940 Plymouth Conv. 5-Pass. dan beautiful light, green, looks like a Terraplane 1936 .. 70 Cnance Service very good radio, healer; Sedan. 5 TIRES LIKE NEW new car, tires; Cash! Cash! Cash! terms, trade, bank rates. Ford Tudor, 1934 45 ALL HAVE RADIOS AND HEATERS $565. liberal Victory Motor Sales LOW MILEAGE Graad River at Livernois Rebuilt, Dodge Sedan, 1934 35 Earl Holzbaugh ,J» REBUILT Big Trade-in Allowances 10538 Ma>k l.rnox Dealer NO. Coupe, 12324 GRATIOT 3483 Ford 9200 Ford 1935 63 atl DEBAKER luay de luxlii Champion I 150 MORE BARGAINS 150 4-dr. trk sedan really beautiful: 30; Ford Tudor, 1937 125 miles per gallon; must sell today; '• down, 1930 25 or trade BERT BAKER Marquette Sedan, Specials E M Gregory falesrooms, 3368 Gratiot! f Hacquoil sedan’’ Chevrolet Tn. 1934 I rd 'ST *u>i r trur.k r.idio $179 & WILLYS 1942 de luxe 4-door 1001 iteml Now Car Caa'wtso Sedan. 55 1941 Motors C. G. miles, '» down, we ! 0;a» ft" >r trunk RAH 319 heater. $765. trade '3x 2-r. waiting; PROVED p;vm< uth '49 4 ilfK'f. RAH gor'd Law and Kowalk, 11601 Livernois. North-1 AUTOMOBILE WANTED—Cash Dodge Sedan, 1935 . ... 75 cash your •ires 570 11414 LIVERNOIS lawn 9529 we pay mure or car for i CHEVROLETS equity, bring title. 13020 Gratiot. X TERMS Ford Tudor Trunk, 1936 55 F rd 38 u'i r *9 WILLYS AMERICAR QUALITY IV'igr 36 In funk ... 120 1942 J I i BUYING cars, condition, for junk T CLUB COUPES, 2-DOORS OLDSMOBILE 1038 de luxe 8 4-donr ft passenger sedans and coupes, brand new; anv Model A Coupe. OIL BITCH aedan grvid Auto Parts, 0137 Ford 1931 35 HACQl healer lire.*. A-1 mechan- these are wonderful buys in good, e> > Adlers Livernois. 10 YEARS! ically, $199 SBS down. 9815 Liveinois. long gas-mileage car*, wc trad* Northlawn 0125 12721 Livernois TV. 4-7604 SEDANS nominal for toe years ths Nett Rebuilt Motor hoi cHivioin Open Nights Til! 11 HO 4731 and gne term*: onlv a few to select from, CARS, any kind. highext pr" r* miscel- been maklsf toad lo sit tysei of eervice. Choice of color a. All look like new. save and worry. 1-0501, Mor- Completely Inotoiled FORD 1040 TCPORS Dp dollar* laneous Junk. Trinity 8101 Bl« fleot owner* 'h-m 15 000 srivote . Qgnr( * 'Mo*t all equipped with Radio* and Oldsfnobile ’37 Luxe 4-Door row Ootrolt'* I owed Price* Owner* uu tbea*. Th* Natt Motor I* tb* , wouwiio SFVFRAI TO CHOOSE FROM Heater*. Tire* like new! Hurry for - T PONTIAI BERT BAKER an gev-d good CARS fol junk: mep lout tir,:,, put rn"re only motor that boar* tb* goal nf Motor Rr. Ct»»n I mechanually; lira* these beautiful cars! RUSS DAWSON buick Grand River at Livernois 1 ,i d'>w n rt> trade $295 Jeff s Auto Parts. 4646 Humboldt. Tyler buiKtloc Perfection; that ewbodlee not on* L7J:: 14300 Livernois TO 8 1060 4-9036 or two. hut oil **v#o of the roro«nl,*ri fee. Need MERCURY i* » gnnd cVr Tht* 8-rvlmder: extra tue*. WILLYS 1942 dr luxe coupe 100 mile* tare* of engine rebuilding, worth many dnl. .ae\ Not ZtPMYR down, lor* to you CAWUBSI oftvROUTT 41~ special -le li.v <. • HcTTCHE As Low As heater. $765, we trade 1 balance \ \ Paid Far w —and all $665 15 month* Law' I. Ivory motor eomalololy tore down row u * ft.pas* ru;).. tiT tfII • and Kowalk 11601 Li'er- \ | ? *lh«r make*. vortihle H 9550 LIVERNOIS * glotaly 1 wry*t »an finleb. farter, rj»r*¦ , hrsirt »(•«' r>o7i GRAND rivkr I not* Northlaw n 9529 rebuilt to oew-car groeition limit* CARS WANTED J ?. Nationally ligb(». ft exi eiieri w « o» Ik- pew orrosiTV OMMPIA TY. $-1200 admitted eartt HALL-DODDS ' Raro-tygo ring* rot iffin muni **<rifK- ir*r- *»¦ 3900 WOODWARD Pontiars, Oldtmobilea, $ (lodlgoggoll* winner*). <onvertit>le coupe 4. tvery motor bl*cktg»tod. l»rw, Wrlgle \ • Ford \'>S Dr Luxe Tudor P\<"K ARD —l9lO 'llo’ Trucks-—Commercial Cars Chevrolets, Mercurya, Ford* * beautiful maroon finish, radio and For Sale , 5. 4.510 g Aircraft SHfost healer, tire*; ft and Oveamig STANDARD cxccllcil onl' so4ft. fttotle Balance. ' I 1301 GRATIOT $345 Mercury '39 Dc Luxe Sedan 7 New-oar guarantor. No airntet N* alibi* * 8067 GRATIOT DU MACR AVR. - DODGE ’36 1-TON ; Livernois 9100 f'ft TopaT. PANEL 9550 NtW! RIG "REPAIR ROUNO-UP" GRATIOT SFK A.NO DRIVE THIS R j / CARSON BUICK MOTOR COMPLETELY REBUILT IN Nutt saw Isaugurato* *nolh*r wae-flm* 11001 MU'HIGAN fDearbrrrni SHOP, ft (,OOD TIRE.*, : wotar|*|»_fha '• 1941 Chevrolet.*. $629 $525 HAMILTON AT OftKMAN RI.VD. OUR BODY AND HALL-DODDS j •ervlr* for "Rosalr Rou' d uc PAINT IN A-1 CONDITION. $3.30 V I’LL * a roatelef* and evsort •penal rr luxe r >;h 9550 LIVERNOIS Verv good tire* - excellent condition. ; PAPKARD 1941 Clipper; beauliful gun- , end-t*-*nd rhock-us Chevmlem 1041 *"ri PRICE WE TRADE. ststttsttaxtaataaxaattai , •f your sar by Naft Mailor mocssnln and i-flnor metal finish. 5 go ><l white wAu tires; Put* coupes 2-drv>r trunk sedan* HALL-DODDS yoar ear la tly month* more ?aciory radio* and hes*er« ch'd.-e nf |9 .pones* upholstery. special today s' tos ihaeo foe EXTRA cash driving. Only thn raaalrt you need for ger. beauties $629 up '* down of *rade 9550 LIVERNOIS *1.375, terms. EORtW-193» da nixa fordor ..edan, radio BROS. feet driving mgnth* —REBUILD—- RAYNAL In come. Only g Gregor v A DON'T SELL YOUR CAR SHORT la lim- K. M Salesroom* UM Gracot and heater, spotlight, Mercury motor, a P ftCK RD ited nembar of ear* for I*, HALL-DODDS 574 Fast Jefferson RA. 8800 DODGE-PLYMOUTH DEALER GET MY PRICE accosted. Coll CHEVROLET 1941 sportal de luxe 2 •teal at $325. >» down, balance 12 monthl formation. Caty payment* *t sank rata* #f YOUR FORD CAR 'p* 9103 Chalmers PIN. 1300 door*. 4-door* and club couj>e» mnn MERCURY '4O super ennv. 5-pas* . BEFORE YOU SELL Intarast. equipped with radio* blk. automatic top special Holly- Plymouth 1 2-Door Sedan —ON—- heater* and other new very mechanically FORD Stake. 1931. with new rebuilt mo- •xtra*. *749 full prim We trade high FRED FORD wood ftniah; radio, heater, ft A 1 w w Ttree ehow 40He wear; \ e finish and tor, 6 wheels. 3782 Tuxedo. OUR SERVICE CREDIT PLAH TOO CAKF IN FTOCK 9ft*ft LIVERNOIS no 04AII tires; very clean and classy; aac s79ft, I ni• black clean interior. need for quick *i»le, only $345, terms. FORD 193ft 1.57" W. B trucks, two to FLOYD RICE trade, E-Z term* Wriglev'.*, I * DOWH lORP 41 super de luxe aedan cr>upc, choose frmm; $l5O full price. I*Boß LIVERNOIO NUTTMOTOR REBUILDERS NO MOHEY radio, heater, spotlight; fine condition, 77M1S MICHIGAN 7446 GRATIOT 3900 Woodward & GOOD price automobile* and will sell for s7ll to pay balance owing Grubb McKenzie I for old truck* OE 1*26 OPEN EVENINGS PL *«73 MOTOR Golden Auto Ter- Motor '37 town ft company. Mr Miller, .5840 Wood- Parta.
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