TERRAPLANE Ner Served at Noon by the Hostess the Tilay Contains Many Coinedv Lo Thirteen Members and Three •-'.Illation'- MI Addition to Sev Visitors
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WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, 1936. THE OBLWEIN DAILY IEGI8TEE. OELWEIN, FAYETTE COUNTY. IOWA. FIVE with throe suns, Sheldon | M:iry Louise Kurlc, N;iyda Ma- all left Monday morning for Sioux , Will Eggleston, and daughter, of Henrietta Bushman \i..il"d OIM; L. Watt and daughter-in- All jcotUnJ N««r 5«« I Keith, four years old; Ilk-hard j bon, Deun Sureliett, uud MiloiCity where they will visit the !at- , Whittier, Cal., and Mrs. Corely day last week in the home of th" Mi•;. Ho\varr| Watt were eal- ii We.4 Union Saturday. Kvcrywlicn- Scotland 1* war tlMI 'Dale, one and one half years old 1'1'eiffei First grade: Marion Sny- ; tor's son and two daughters lor a of Fayette were Wednesday guests Jailer's parents, Mr. and Mr.-;. V,. sea. \\lilcli often comes f"r Inl»n4, RANDALIA 'and u baby boy only a day oldjder, Ardath Wilbur, Donald Cue, few days. ', in the James McSweeney home. 11. Bushman at Ossian. and Mrs. B. S. Bronn were 1 ay afternoon visitors in the while In the stormy nean at tb« I who proceeded his mother in death i Doris Haiiso ), Edith Leech, John Mr. Myron Edmunds, Mrs. ( Alls. Chas. Whiteford received Harland McComb and family George Storm and son and Vir- Hie announcement of the marriage were Sunday afternoon visitoi., in dso Miss Hen- west lie the Hebrides a* ro.iy la • Farewell Party i but four days. Besides her sor- McFacldcp, and Dean Jellings. sunset as the Aegean lilt* of • rowing husband and two children, Jean Clark of Fayelte visited true Edmunds, all of Galena, 111..; ot Paul Whiteford of Brownsville, 'the parental S. W. McComb ii'im". Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Grant and ; Mr. and Mrs. John IVUT.VIP .;. Harold Cue and kindlier clime. Miss HenricUa Bushman attended the deceased is survived by her our room one afternoon this were Tuesday and Wednesday. Texas, to Miss LuluDcllc Crow 01 week. Taft, Texas, which occured April ! were Sunday dinner guest:, in the Saturday evening u farewell party in honor of the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hil- visitors in the Frank Edmunds i ton, as well as her brother Clif- Doris Hansov brought us two home. i 2-t. 'lliey will make their home 'Robert Hoth home at Sumner. .ii...; parental H. J. Cue Carl Middlestadt family at Oel- in Brownsville. I Inez accompanied them home for Owl« Lure Songster* wein Monday night. Mr. Mittle- ford of Gettysburg, her sisters, i wild flower plants. Ray Bark Word was received Of the death . of Peter Arm-, of Frcderieksburg, i Mis. Dodds and daughter Vir- 'the evening. 111 ll;ily it i-i lilt' pnir'.irp of pro- sladl retired as a lural letter cur-' Mrs. Alviti Ruu of Harrold; Mrs. I brought us our first bouquet, of .VI .'"I'll ,,.•:<; in ih«; Ochvoin Evelyn Bassett of Gettysburg, wild flowers. who passed away last Thursday ; ginia accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. I Word was received of the d'-ath fr-xiniiMl liinl snari'i's to IMITV mvl» rier and with his farniJy will move W< C. C. Hunt, all of Cedar Rapids j of Mrs. Bright of I) y R"gi.M<T is not a gamble. with tlii'tn illirhi^ tlii'ir i-ntrlilriu ol>- soon to Missouri. , Orma at home, a brother James are enjoying another "Bobb-] following a short illness of pne-U- j II .'-'"ii id fer good values and who is a student at State Col- soy Twins" book. This one is' monia. i came last Saturday for a few clays j South Dak., who passed erafioiis. The owN an- cxiieclsHjr lege. Mrs. Bright had taken ill"The Bobbsey Twins At Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Tim Mahoney are i visit in the home of the latter's I April 20 at the hospital IP word your ad carefully, you arc traiiu'i) :itiil nr>> sai'l t" a tint el th* Thursday Reading Circle I Corners." the parents of a son, born Satur- ,' daughter, Mrs. Eldo Reid and lam-| city following a few days i •ii'" to find a buyer. >ii|]:;liir<ls hy their ;irt'-icn<'« Thursday Reading Circle met with pneumonia on Wednesday and brought to the Oneida hospital Th" attendance- in our room has day. May 2nd. iiy, the former and daughter re- of pneumonia. Thursday afternoon at the home of turned home that day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frye Mrs. Louis Raal/., with ten mem- j at once. Friday, April 17 a baby l-'cen much better this week than Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edcl and son boy was prematurely born, nam- it has been for som time. Ralph were Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bratt and children Robert and Loraiii" bers and one visitor present. daughter Verda were Sunday af- | Mrs. Charlotte Vaughn were Mrs. Hettlor gave a very interest- j ed William, but lived only until We made "FJy To Healthland" in the Clair Holmes home near 1 Saturday. The young mother posters for our room. Friday. Dur- Hawkeye. ternoon visitors in the home of day dinner guests in the A. J. in; , talk on "Birds of Our Coun- ing Health Week we plan to make Mr. and Mrs. Clair Sprague at- her mother, Mrs. David Gietty Brown home at Fayelte. try." Several bark papers were struggled valrintly against over- m j whelming odds but, weakened as a heallhhouse. tended the 25th wedding anni-j 'ar Hawkeye. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shal'er vi.,- read and rol call consisted of 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook visited ited in the home of h-r brother, "Seine Unusual Happening!; About ••In was. the light for life proved The first grade are giving an versary of Mr. and Mrs. John Inc. much for her, Monday after- avseniblv on Tuesday afternoon, Schradcr of Maynard, held in the in the Martin Timm home last JMr. and Mrs. Hewitt ChiUcnd"ii Birds." Mrs. Uuby Sarchett will Sunday, at Fayette. and family at. Richfield. be hostess to the club May 14. noon, April 20, ly.'Jti at four May I!); :>:30 P. M. to all first Dick Reuber home near Wcstgate o'clock she passed on. traders of next year. .We would Sunday. About fifty guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Talcott Mr. and Mr:;. John ('line and with program as follows: (Art) like lo have tlie parents bring present and picnic dinner served were Sunday visitors in tlie El- children of Sumner wcr" Friday Reynolds, by Ruby Sarchclt; Alas- Oliiitiary of Walter K. Warlike (heir children who plan to enroll at noon. don Noon home at Fredericks- evening visitors in the Clint Sha- ka, The Yukon River Alcntnin burg. ' fer home. Kange by Hattie Odekirk; Salmon Waller K. Warlike, only ;;un of next September. Mr. and Mrs. Claude John- .John and Augusta Warlike, was I.asl week the pupils in the stop, and George Whiteford of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Cook andI Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cue ;,nd Fishermen, Charlotte Vaughn. born, Dec. Hi, 1012 near Randalia. ••'•adcs from 2 to !> took the Stan- Waterloo were Saturday evening daughter of Arlington visited Fri- (children George and Marion Snv- Roll call and reading of year's ]ewa. the .••>.'!Mi<' yivir on Dec. 21st ford Achievement tesfs. visitors in the home of the hit-day in the parental Bert Cook j der visited Sunday afternoon and programs. This being the last Ne.v! Monday and Tuesdav the ler's brother. Chas. and wife. | home. i evening in the John Meyei home meeting of the year, there will he v."is bapti/.ed into the name of the Tru'mc God. His father died gh school pupils will be Mr., and Mrs. Ralph Cue and • Ross Cutler spent the week end I west, of Sumner. be an additional meeting May 21st March 27, 1!)17 leaving Walter tin1 Iowa Every pupil son of Mason Cily were Sunday | with relatives at Cedar Falls. j Mr. and Mrs. Dale Wolfe spent at the horn- of Lucy Turner, fatherless at the age of lour years. These t'-sls are compiled visitors in the parental F. C. Ba- j Miss Florence Hummislon of I several days in the honv of her when the club will observe "Moth- He win I. lo school in Handalia UnivopMfy of Iowa, are con and H. J. Cue homes. i Fayette visited Friday evening in I brother, Wayne Ki/er and wife er's Day." until moving io West. Union in lo high schools in the Mr. and Mrs. Fred McFaddcn tlie home of Mrs. Josie Powers. Hi" latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Clark went. \V. K. C. Met Friday w he then completed Iowa to determine the and children and Mrs. Sarah Mc- Mrs. Alice Crawford of Fayette hi'; schooling. Sinn that lime he standing of the schools Farlden attended the tenth wed- was a visitor in the John Peter- to Strawberry Point lo visit, in the Wonnn's Relief Corp met Fri- has been employer! in fanning. and the individuals. ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. son home Friday. parental home Satin-day afternoon. day afternoon at their hall, with He w.is confirmed in the Lutheran Tear Lawrence Sinnott at Ochvcin Ed Heisermari and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Adrain (Iambic fifteen members and twenty one visited in the Marion Moore home visitors. The visitors consisted of el lurch at Maynard, Iowa August for a c'vck on the year's w-)i-k j Sunday. About forty relatives George Herwig of West Uhion '23, l!).'!.'-i Mid remained a member and to see how our courses coin- ' were present and picnic dinner were Sunday guests in the home at McGregor.