Life Near the Bone
Life Near The Bone Glen E. Edwards Douglas B. Harkness THE UNIVERSllY OF CALGARY LIBRARY Life Near The Bone Life Near The Bone A History of Orthopaedic Surgery in Alberta Dedicated to The Medical Students and Residents in Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Alberta and University of Calgary Past, Present and Future "It is life near the bone where it is sweetest." Henry David Thoreau Walden, 1854 Copyright © 1991 by Glen E. Edwards & Douglas B. Harkness All rights reserved. Credits Photography: Glenbow Alberta Institute Photo Archives; pages 19,21,22,25,26,29,31,35,82,87 ,88 University of Alberta Hospitals; pages 34, 106,107,111,119,120 Alberta Children's Hospital; pages 49,86,91,94,101,102,ll3 Canadian Orthopaedic Association; page 141 Many Private Individuals Printing and Binding by Ronalds Printing, May 1991 Printed in Canada Cover design from Nicolas Andry L'Orthopedie (First Edition 1741) CONTENTS Foreword 11 Chapter: One. Between The Wars: The Origins of Orthopaedic Surgery in Alberta 15 Two. Learning Orthopaedics 36 Three. Orthopaedics by Non-Orthopods 54 Four. Economic Aspects of Orthopaedics in Alberta 67 Five. Practicing Orthopaedics in Alberta 78 Six. Orthopaedic Care of Crippled Children 85 Seven. Poliomyelitis 105 Eight. Skeletal Tuberculosis 118 Nine. Orthopaedics for Adults 125 Ten. Orthopaedic Associations and Other Activities 135 Eleven. Post-Graduate Medicine Comes to Calgary 145 Twelve. Basic Orthopaedic Research 151 Endnotes 155 Biographies 163 Bibliography 172 Resident Training: University of Alberta 177 University of Calgary 178 Alberta Children's Hospital 179 Alberta Orthopaedic Surgery 1991 -- A.M.A. Register 180 11 FOREWORD The concept for this book originated in the 1980s, when it became apparent that a history of orthopaedic surgery in Alberta would provide a valuable reference, particularly for young and future orthopaedists.
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