NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Aktivis Slaan Voet Teen Plaasmoorde Sazly Hartzenberg [email protected]
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Thursday 10 December 2020 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Aktivis slaan voet teen plaasmoorde Sazly Hartzenberg [email protected] Met plaasmoorde in die kollig en die land wat antwoorde soek, het aktivis Petrus Phakamile Sitho van Bultfontein in die Vrystaat besluit genoeg is genoeg en honderde kilometer teen plaasmoorde en vir vrede in Suid-Afrika begin stap. Sitho het in Oos-Londen in die Oos-Kaap begin en is op pad na Senekal, waar Brendin Horner vermoor is. Boere lê vir Sitho na aan die hart omdat sy ma en pa ook op plase werk. Hy het Dinsdagmiddag in Bloemfontein aangekom, nadat hy elke dag, vir vyf dae lank, meer as 100km gestap het en dikwels sopnat gereën het aangesien hy en sy stapmaats nie oor beskerming teen die weer beskik nie. Volgens Sitho het hy twee jaar gelede, in 2018, besluit om op te staan teen plaasmoorde, geweld en geslagsgeweld. Hy het vertel dat hoewel hy met die bewusmakingsveldtog begin het, hy dit nie alleen kan doen nie. Hy voel dat die land nou moet saamstaan. Hy het aan Bloemfontein Courant verduidelik dat hy op die idee gekom het nadat die Here dit hom op die hart gelê het terwyl hy gebid het. Hy het elke keer uitgestel totdat hy vir homself gesê het hy wíl ‘n verskil maak. Dit is vir hom moeilik om soveel kilometer per dag te stap, sy lyf word seer, maar die wete dat hy dit vir sy land doen, maak dit die moeite werd. Sitho sê dat mense nie besef die boere is die mense wat ons van kos voorsien nie en dat ons nie sonder hulle sal regkom nie. Hy het groot lof vir die mense wat langs die pad vir hom en sy spanmaats water bring en slaapplek gee by van die plekke waar hulle kom. “As ek in Senekal kom, sal ek graag met Horner se familie praat en ook met die mense van daardie dorp.” Sitho vra nederig vir skenkings aan hom en sy dapper spanmaats, Thabang en Sakkie, wat saam met hom stap. “Die fondste wat inkom, sal gebruik word om gate toe te stop. Ons is nog in die beginstadium van die veldtog, wat nog baie meer gaan uitbrei.” Mense wat ‘n bydrae wil maak, of hulle wil borg, kan ‘n e-pos stuur na [email protected] of Die span wat Dinsdagmiddag in Bloemfontein aangekom het, is van links Mangaliso Nyila, Petrus Phakamile Sitho en 073-008-4105 skakel. Sakhumzi Qave. FOTO: SAZLY HARTZENBERG 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 10 December 2020 Developing small businesses digitally Heidre Malgas [email protected] A digital enablement training programme for small business owners of Bloemfontein and surrounding towns was held by the GIFT Foundation on Sunday, 6 December 2020. Nobukhosi Dlamini, founder of the foundation, said the curriculum they presented is designed to help business owners to be more confi dent in promoting Leerders van Happy Finches wat swemlesse ontvang het saam met hul afrigters en skoolhoof. their business and to develop a clear Agter is van links Rushny Kruger, skoolhoof, en Marco Markgraaff , direkteur van National idea around who their target market is. Youth Sports Program. Onder van links is Justriandes van Schalkwyk, Francois Theron, Grethé The foundation’s mission was to assist Blignaut en Madie van Straaten them to pivot and diversify their business – from running physical or brick-n-mortar businesses to driving online businesses, marketing and transacting online. At the training session of GIFT Foundation “We help small business owners Swemlesse maak ‘n is Nobukhosi Dlamini, founder and executive understand the value of doing business director (left) and Akhona Phitsane, deputy online and help them with strategies that director of Destea PHOTO: TSAKANE they can implement in migrating from MPIKWANE verskil in jong lewens physical to digital. We then take them through the various digital platforms, help Heidre Malgas 09:00 tot 12:00 geleer om te swem. them understand how to use them for to apply for the training. [email protected] Die swemlesse word aangebied deur business purposes and then assist them According to Dlamini the attendees are Markgraaff se eie swemskool in die stad. Hul step by step to set up their business online all now active on digital platforms. “They Die nie-winsgewende organisasie, National plan is om te groei en uit te brei na plekke and create their own websites,” Dlamini all also have websites created. They have Youth Sports Program (NYSP), spesialiseer nader aan die leerders, aangesien vervoer said. created digital marketing material using daarin om kwesbare kinders te leer swem. een van die hindernisse is. She added that the Covid-19 pandemic online design platforms to promote their Daar word ook swemlesse aangebied aan “Drie van ons, Jaco Peyper, Ruan Botha en has had a devastating impact on small business. Some of them have already mense wat nooit die geleentheid gehad om ek, is almal gemoeid met sport in Suid-Afrika businesses. “They are the bloodline reported connecting to new customers and te leer swem nie. en betrokke by die program. Ek het na hulle of our economy. Our commitment is to securing sales from the digital channels we Swemafrigter Marco Markgraaff het hierdie gegaan met die idee en hulle het my heelpad help small business owners to recover have introduced them to.” organisasie begin met die doel om kinders ondersteun. Omdat sport nog altyd deel van from the pandemic, to reconnect with She added, “We are going to continue in kwesbare gemeenskappe te help om dié ons lewens is, het ons besluit om iets terug their customers, and to also attract more with further virtual training for the next few sportvorm op ‘n professionele manier te te gee.” Die rede waarom hulle swemlesse customers that may even be outside of months so that these business owners ervaar. aanbied, is omdat hulle wil hê dat kinders Bloemfontein or the Free State.” become very profi cient and comfortable “Die organisasie wil graag sportprogramme water moet leer ken, respekteer en verstaan The programme was developed and operating online. We will continue sharing aanbied waar daar werklike waarde vir hoe lekker dit is, maar ook hoe gevaarlik dit is. delivered by the GIFT Foundation with the strategies and tools that are available to leerders is. Ons doen dit nie om ‘n regmerkie Volgens ‘n verslag van Happy Finches support of the UK South Africa Tech Hub. assist them. We will also be holding one-on- te kry nie, maar om ‘n verskil te maak en om se skoolhoof, Rushny Kruger, is dit vir They partnered with a local organisation one coaching sessions to address specifi c ook aan die borge te wys dat hul geld goed die Graad R-klas ‘n eenkeer-in-‘n-leeftyd called Impact Spaces to help, as well as problems or challenges that each business gebruik word,” het Markgraaff gesê. geleentheid. Swemuitrustings is aan al die with the Department of Small Business owner might be having. Furthermore, we Dis weinig dat iemand ‘n skool nader en kinders geskenk vir gebruik by die fasiliteit, Development, Tourism and Environmental hope to continue training other cohorts of gratis swemlesse aanbied, en toe Markgraaff insluitend ‘n swembril en -pet. Dit het ook Aff airs (Destea), who assisted them by small business owners from the Free State met ‘n skool in Heidedal in verbinding tree, daartoe gelei dat twee van hul onderwysers getting word out to small business owners in the future.” was die skoolhoof verheug en meer as die geleentheid gekry het om Vlak gretig om deel te neem. Leerders van Happy 1-afrigting te ondergaan. Finches ECD, geleë in Heidedal, word nou Markgraaff en sy span het planne om uit in groepe van 20 leerders elke Vrydag van te brei en meer skole te nader. Give a toiletry bag to help make a difference Pierce van Heerden [email protected] Love Hair SA joined hands with the Logan K Foundation and aims to collect 100 toiletry bags with essentials to donate to teenagers in need. Roberto and Caroline Groats have jumped on board with the initiative that aims to build and restore self-care and worth and their goal is inspire youth from all walks of life to stand together. “The Heidedal Day of Reconciliation is meant to help youth from all walks of life and to inspire the youth to stand together as South Africans on such an important date,” said Roberto. The 100 toiletry bags will consist of toothbrushes, Vaseline, face cloths, face soap, sanitary pads and more. Caroline has asked that community members who can help with this initiative to jump on board, everyone is welcome. The handover will take place at the Heidedal Public Swimming-pool on 16 December 2020. Drop off s can be made at the Love Your Hair SA in 10 Dan Pienaar Drive, Westdene, Bloemfontein. Call Caroline or Roberto on 076 636 4364 for more Roberto and Caroline Groats from Love information. Hair SA Editor - Pieter Delport REPORT NEWS: [email protected] SALES STUDIO AUDIT Corni Fourie - 051 505 0997 The distribution of this ABC Marelize Dunlop - 082 291 4124 Elmarie Venter newspaper is independently Business Manager - Corni Fourie Carien Papgis - 082 659 7741 audited to the professional 051 5050 900 Anne Theron - 074 481 5070 standards administrated Production Manager – Nita Lloyd Judy Barnard - 076 791 0304 Liezl Magson by the [email protected] Nettie de Beer - 082 822 4538 Audit Bureau of Felecia Wessels - 051 5050 926 Circulations of South Africa. Central Media Park Distribution Supervisor - Nicodemus Mokapane (Classifi eds) Moloko Moholwa 7 Christo Groenewald Street This newspaper is obligated to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly.