ʼn Besluit Is Gister Deur Die SA Rugbyunie Geneem Dat Die Vrystaat-Cheetahs Voortaan Uitgesluit Word Uit Die PRO-14

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ʼn Besluit Is Gister Deur Die SA Rugbyunie Geneem Dat Die Vrystaat-Cheetahs Voortaan Uitgesluit Word Uit Die PRO-14 Thursday 1 October 2020 FREE NEWS YOU CAN USE Bloem sê sy sê oor Cheetahs ʼn Besluit is gister deur die SA Rugbyunie geneem dat die Vrystaat-Cheetahs voortaan uitgesluit word uit die PRO-14. Dit kom ten spyte van ʼn solidariteitsaksie op Maandag 28 September 2020 toe Cheetah-ondersteuners saamgestaan het en met ʼn verbyry-demonstrasie op die N1-snelweg gewys het hoe hulle voel oor Philmar Obelhozer het gesê hy gee nie om Simon Khorola voel dat die Vrystaat soms René Swart is baie hartseer dat haar dat die Cheetahs uitgesluit is nie; hy is nie geminag word en nie erken word as een van geliefkoosde span uit PRO-14-rugby is. Sy hul geliefde rugbyspan eintlik een van hul grootste aanhangers die beste rugbyspanne nie. Volgens hom voel hulle verdien dit om te speel omdat hulle nie. Vir hom was dit was die regte besluit. verdien die Cheetahs om te speel, want hulle ʼn werklik ʼn goeie span is. se moontlike uitsluiting. FOTO’S: HEIDRE MALGAS is ʼn goeie span Bloemfontein Courant se HEIDRE MALGAS het met die publiek gesels en hul mening gevra oor Casper van der hoe hulle voel oor dié Merwe, een van die grootste Cheetah- besluit. aanhangers, is vreeslik omgekrap oor die besluit en sê, Lees ook MORGAN “Die Cheetahs word nou weer onder die PIEK se verslag op bus gegooi en as ‘n slaansak gebruik. die agterblad. Die Cheetahs is baie beter as die ander Manie Venter het gesê, “Ek is baie spanne wat gekies is.” teleurgesteld dat die Cheetahs nie meer deel is van die PRO-14 nie. Ek dink dit is baie onregverdig dat so ‘n besluit geneem is.”. 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 1 October 2020 Motor ry tot binne-in Heuwelsig Spar Sazly Hartzenberg sazly@centralmediagroup.co.za Die Heuwelsig-gemeenskap in Bloemfontein is gisteroggend (Woensdag) met ʼn harde slag wakker gemaak toe ʼn motor binne-in die Spar Heuwelsig-supermark gery het. Die insident het blykbaar tussen 12 en 1 die oggend gebeur. Met Bloemfontein Courant se aankoms op die toneel, was mense klaar besig om skoon te maak. Volgens die eienaar, JC Vicente,was die motor steeds binne in die supermark toe hy daar aankom, maar die eienaar daarvan was nêrens te vinde nie en tydens Bloemfontein Courant se besoek is die bestuurder van die motor nog nie opgespoor nie. “Ek het die polisie laat weet en skat dat die skade my sowat R500 000 uit die sak gaan jaag,” het hy verduidelik. Vincente het gesê dat hulle steeds oop is vir besigheid en dat hy teen laat Woensdag met die skoonmaakwerk sou klaar wees en ook nuwe yskaste Die plek waar die motor binne-in die Spar Heuwelsig-supermark gery Chaos in Spar, Heuwelsig, waar ʼn motor tot binne-in gery het. geïnstalleer sou hê. het. Local business wins social media award Nomaqhawe Mtebele Awards 2020 on Tuesday. According to Von businesses on new, practical ways of nomaqhawe@mahareng.co.za Maltitz, the award is a result of their time, marketing,” added Von Maltitz. quality of work and commitment to clients. The Corporate LiveWire Global Awards Local business Cuberoo has been “This is our biggest milestone to date. invited over 90000 businesses, corporate recognised for its outstanding work in As a business that started without funding professionals, magazine contributors and the online media space. The agency we just focused on doing a great job and subscribers to nominate companies based was founded in 2017 and has gone offering excellent service every time. This on factors such as service, innovation, from strength to strength because of its award is the accumulation of many, many experience, and sustainability amongst commitment in effectively taking businesses hours and hard work. We have exceptional others. Award winners gain a place in the into the digital age. clients and this could not have been Global Awards Guide 2020. “We saw the need to create an agency possible without them,” she explained. “What makes us stand out is that we offer that understands marketing holistically but “Our industry is moving at a rapid pace, everything a client needs under one roof. that recognises the shift to a predominantly we keep up so our clients can merely They have a single contact person and set digital world,” said Director Nadia von focus on what they do best. There are processes. We also work with global and Maltitz. loads of options and new developments national clients and offer the same services Cuberoo was recognised as the Social and businesses don’t always know what locally. We genuinely care about businesses According to Cuberoo Director Nadia von Maltitz, Media Agency of the Year - South Africa is possible when it comes to digital or and want to see them succeed!” concluded the award is a result of their time, quality of work during the Corporate LiveWire Global branding. It is our goal to help educate the director. and commitment to clients. FSFW donates a year’s supply of sanitary pads Pierce van Heerden the struggles of being from the township,” pierce@mahareng.co.za Kganyago said. According to public relations guru, Shorn The non-profitable organisation, Free Khumalo, the handover formed part of the State Fashion Council, which is part of FSFW’s community development drive. the annual prestigious Free State Fashion “Amidst the global Covid-19 pandemic, Week (FSFW), recently donated a year’s which forced the world into a lockdown supply of sanitary pads to school girls from resulting in the postponement of various Atlehang High School. events, including the FSFW fashion and As part of the programme, the lifestyle showcase, this did not stop Free organisation had award-winning radio State Fashion Week from carrying its and TV personality, Lerato Kganyago, as mandate of giving back to the community.” a guest speaker. She shared a message Chairwoman of the Free State Fashion of hope with the girls and touched on a Council and CEO of FSFW, Candy Smith, number of issues, including gender-based said that it may help just a few girls, but violence, depression and human trafficking what matters is that it means one young before sharing her journey of becoming woman less who does not have to worry a successful media personality and about having sanitary towels for the rest businesswoman. ““I did not just arrive at of the year. Smith also encouraged those where I am. It has taken a couple of losses, in attendance to support her initiative of disappointments, failures and rejections but assisting young women with sanitary pads. because my will was strong and I stuck to The handover took place on 22 my dreams, I was able to break through. September in support of the FlutterByLKG, Candy Smith together with Lerato Kganyago and school girls from Atlehang High School who I’m the girl from Soweto. I’m just like you. a recently launched sanitary pad brand received a year’s supply of sanitary pads. PHOTO: PIERCE VAN HEERDEN I was raised by my grandmother. I know owned by Kganyago. Editor - Pieter Delport pieterd@mahareng.co.za SALES STUDIO AUDIT REPORT NEWS: Corni Fourie - 051 505 0997 The distribution of this ABC Marelize Dunlop - 082 291 4124 Elmarie Venter newspaper is independently 082 3701 268 Sales Manager - Corni Fourie Carien Papgis - 082 659 7741 audited to the professional Anne Theron - 074 481 5070 051 5050 900 standards administrated Production Manager – Nita Lloyd Judy Barnard - 076 791 0304 Liezl Magson by the info@bloemfonteincourant.co.za Nettie de Beer - 082 822 4538 Audit Bureau of Felecia Wessels - 051 5050 926 Circulations of South Africa. Central Media Park Distribution Supervisor - Nicodemus Mokapane (Classifieds) Moloko Moholwa 7 Christo Groenewald Street This newspaper is obligated to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly. All rights and reproduction material published in this newspaper are hereby reserved in terms of the Copyright Act. This publication is registered as a newspaper. Verified distribution: 50 000 copies per week. Wild Olive Estate, Bloemfontein, 9301 For any complaints about our distribution, please contact Andries Kleinhans on 084-610-8337 or send an email to: andries@drmmedia.co.za 1 October 2020 • Bloemfontein Courant Community • Gemeenskap 3 Hulp aan vroue ná Bfn model to borskankeroperasies Sazly Hartzenberg represent SA sazly@centralmediagroup.co.za Oktober is borskankermaand en vroue wat teen borskanker veg of reeds die stryd gevoer het, moet met baie dinge vrede in Miss Planet maak. Dit aldus Ilse Jordaan, wat die afgelope 20 jaar vroue help om ʼn vol lewe te lei na ʼn borsoperasie. Dié Bloemfonteinse dame het aan Bloemfontein Courant gesê baie vroue International kom uit die hospitaal en weet nie dat daar Heidre Malgas so far has only been online and virtual. hulp is nie. Deur die regte bra, wat balans heidre@mahareng.co.za What you stand for as an individual, is verseker, te dra, kan hulle weer gemaklik what they were looking for,” she said. It voel en besef hul klere pas soos hulle dit Meghan Pearl Kurrama has been started off as a national competition and van voor die operasie onthou. chosen to represent South Africa in according to Meghan you automatically Jordaan sê dat baie trane al in haar the Miss Planet International pageant qualify for the international competition werkplek gevloei het omdat van die after being scouted as a candidate who taking place overseas, which turned out vroue hulself daar vir die eerste keer could represent the country in various to be Cambodia this year. sien ná ʼn borsoperasie. Daar was egter international competitions. “Preparing for any competition is a ook baie gelukkige oomblikke nadat sy And this is not Kurrama’s first lifelong journey and you learn and hulle kon help.
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