18 May 2018 St Andrew’S COLLEGE Nec Aspera Terrent
Newsletter Term 2 #13 18 May 2018 St Andrew’s COLLEGE Nec Aspera Terrent The senior choir performing at the Music Festival To the Andrean Community "You don't get harmony when everybody sings the same note" Doug Floyd It is a well known fact that Jack Torres has an exquisite singing voice. He has the unique gift of seamless tonal progression and a beautiful barritone note range. As I sat in the audience at the Music Festival on Tuesday night for the Senior Choral concert, and as the choir organised themselves - the choir master fussing about in that uniquely choir-masterly quest for the pre-launch zero-defect state, it was with a sense of anticipation - for I love choral music and, as I have noted, there were some great voices assembled. St Andrew’s College Nec Aspera Terrent 18 May 2018 All the more suprising, then, for my Philistine science-teacher ears, that as the choir embarked on their beautiful Saints "mash-up" (Mr Heynsen's words, describing a "mash" of Swing Low Sweet Chariot and Oh When the Saints) I was surprised that although he was there, and prominently so, the individual wonder of Jack's voice had disappeared. Not literally, of course, but into the layered harmony of the group. Each of them had become one, and in doing so, their individual gifts had ceased to be theirs, but belonged now to something much bigger than any one of them alone. That is the essence of a choir, of course, and from where it derives its wonder.
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