EB Awarded Seawolf Contract Inside Today
16— MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, May 3.1991 1. 88 TAG SALES aiCARSFORaJUJfl S2 TRUCKS ft VANS 94 MOTORCYCLES ft MOPBDS FORD-1978 Galaxy. (^11 FOR SALK after 1pm, 645-1218. DODGE-1982 Van. HONDA-1978 CX500 Very good condition. Cargo, 8 passenger, Road bfta. Shaft drive, f i t ! HUGE Asking $500. slant 6. Automatic, 59K water cooled, well 10 FAMILY SALE! IMPALA-1980. Power miles, good tires, reese maintained. 7500 miles. Furniture, antiques, books, Steering, power brakes hitch. m X ) . 643-1653. $850. Paul, 243-7855 toys, china, glass, beauti power windows, air or 646-3383.___________ ful clothes, giflware, box conditioning. Runs MOTORCYLE.-lnsurance. LAWN CARE PAINTING/ CARPENTRY/ HEATING/ lo tsA M O iS I PAPERING REMODELING PLUMBING good. Body in good SSCAMFERSft Friendly service, com Rain or Shine shape. High mileage. petitive raes, same day FrI., Sat. and Sun. TRAILERS H anrhpH tFr M pralb YARDMASTERS WEXaLFSPAtmNGCO. KITCHBIA BATH REMODELING hs&lBHon and Reolaoenient Asking $450 or best coverage. Crockett Spring Clean-Up VIsI our beaudM Showroom or call lor 9am-4pm offer. Cash or bank 1984-YELLOWSTONE Agency, 643-1577. QuaMy w oikata olOI,Gas&Beciric check. 649-4379. Lawns, Bushss, Trees Cut reasonable ptfce! your tree estimate. 68 Blgdow Street PARK MODEL. 38 X H ER ITA G E •Vyiater Heaters Yards, gutters, garages Interior & Exterior ■Warm Air Funaces Manchester PLYMOUTH-VOYAGER 12. Winter package. 25 KITCHEN a BATH CENTER S E 1987 59K, air, AM/ Foot Awning (9 X 26). Looking for an daaned. U w n FerWzing. App«- Free Estimates 254 Broad Street ■Bciers FM, luggage rifok.
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