Download Light Rail Timetable
NLR Newcastle Light Rail servicing Newcastle Interchange, Honeysuckle, Civic, Crown Street, Queens Wharf & Newcastle Beach How to use this timetable Fares This timetable provides a snap shot of service information in 24-hour To travel on public transport in Sydney and surrounding regions, an time (e.g. 5am = 05:00, 5pm = 17:00). Information contained in Opal card is the cheapest and easiest ticket option. this timetable is subject to change without notice. Please note that An Opal card is a smartcard you keep and reuse. Add value before you timetables do not include additional trips for special events, short term travel and tap on and tap off to pay your fares throughout Newcastle, changes, holiday timetable changes, real-time information, trackwork the Hunter, Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Illawarra, or any disruption alerts. along with Intercity Trains in the Southern Highlands and South Coast. For the most up-to-date times, use the Trip Planner on Fares are based on: • the type of Opal card you use Real-time planning • the distance you travel from tap on to tap off You can plan your trip with real-time information using the Trip Planner • the mode of transport you choose on or by downloading travel apps on your • any Opal benefits such as discounts and capped fares that apply. smartphone or tablet. Find out about Opal fares and benefits at The Trip Planner and travel apps offer various features: • favourite your regular trips Which Opal card is right for you? • see where your service is on the route Adult – Customers 16 years and over who are not entitled to any concessions and normally pay full fare.
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