
.. !{: :·.. SUBJECT: Q:[;EP S~:t-e Sela.c~:i;,Qn S~gtoup, DATE: Augu$1:: 4, 1969 F9q:t:'f;h Meeting, June 17, 1969 FR.iiM: N. w. Hinners.

The Fqur1;:h GLEP Site Selection Supgraup Meeting was held at Msc-,.· Hoii,ston-, Texas ·oli June 17, '196~: ..

P~lt"~ic-ip~n-ts agreed tQ recomm~rid to the GLEP tJia t:

1. a prf.xpe m:ifl'sion as~j:g~tnent set of s'i tes be G-1 Site 4

Site 5 (or 4) F:ta M~u:ro Fm~ ( ll

H-3 Rima Bode !I{2)

H-4 N t(;>:w of Ceris()rinus J-1 Copernicus Peaks J-2 Marius Hi1le;(3) J-3 Tycho Rim( 3)

J-4 Rima ;J?ririz I J'-5 Science Alternates:

a. Hygi~'ll,~ -_Meets.· some obje(:ltiyes of Rima Sode ·IJ: and Frc:t, M.g.ul:'o Fm. b. I;;ittJ;OW - Meets some obj.e~t,iyes ()~ R.ima Bode II­ Shou-ld n_ot be considered after li'"'3·.

(!);Consider fo'r H--3 if not flown on H-.l.

~2)Consider for H~4 if not flown on H-3. ... BELL.COMM, I'NC.

c. Hippa~p~us - ~t;¢t.f3' some qbject.ives of -Fm. Should riOt. b~ co~sid~r~:ci ·a,~t~r . H•2. .. . .

*_ulf~~~ .:~M~-~;~. sqm~ ... <>.~; J?~!S¢~r;t~s objeqt:ive.s. · for -+ J~s m:iisfslorfs; · · ·- considerj,' '• ·~· .. -'' J_:.;.2 . - • ------.. - .,

E!· Schroter's Valley "': Meets many of :R;ima P~inz I objec:tives. €bnsider fdr J.~2 -+ J-5 missions.


G""l: Sites 3;-5

H~l: S;lt:e 3, l(lsa~ing G-,.1 lands at Site .2; S:i:. te 2 i:f'S~l lands at site 3.

H,;;.2: Site.~l 4:R and '6.•

2. D~f?.. cartes, ~ uplar):Q; vo1¢.~nic site. r~p~eE;e.nt:at,i\re of la:J1'~te areas of th:.~ H:ighl#indfi; 1 be .i'~cOrtjfu~ded. to ·_t;lle A$s5· · :fo:ri incl\:u; ion in the set. B Lunar :Exploration sit'e. .List· . , ·

3. 4l 11 cc:Hdera ...t,ype~· s.i;t19 J:>e ccmsidert34 fqr po,s.sip,le future addi 'Iii on to set B c!u)d tha:t. candidates ·for such a site 'be, in priority order, . .. a.. Gaudibert. 1:>. Lass ell· c. G.a,mb art /

4. photography of the calqera.-tYJ?.e si te.s .. and of pther candidate si~es Be upqrad~d .from . ~;-geb-of~opporturli ty status in order to: affec.~ mission pJ:,c;tl1J1-ing_, peirticul.:trly a$ re'gard$ · CS!-1 .Sc'ience and· or~ it gfo'l.lnd.;..tracks;

. ·s.· for the se<:;Qnd _l~·nar lp·nd•ing, the Survey.or III si.te liot be considered as a candid~te landing· site. ,.

BELL.COMM tNC. ss~. i:EN[~ P~~o~~· S.w:. . w~~J~~btf,, •Qt ~!· ~~ ...

QATE: · · ·· · SUBJECY: ct~:E:ti ~.i;t:~ ~e!ecitioJ,; · f?~9rC>~P . 1\tig:Qs;t .4., 196.9

F9U·:(':tfi. . . Meeting, . .. a)me. 17·; · 1..;9'69 Flillttt= N ~- w.. llinne:rs

Th~-cfour.th Ille.~t~n~· _of -tb.e .Si~te. Selectio~;._S~9J;P~P: of the Grgup f6:r.: :LtiP,~r E,;KJ:?J;()ra~i.on .· Pl'azin,i~9'· ·. (G~~li) rltf:!t. c:i1:· ·-~~~· on June 17,, l~,Ei~. . 'rlle:re w~re. .~p . prip.te q~,]E!P:e,iv.e.s tg:r .. ····· · :A:t;.tach_.. menl:: -~-~- '

Mi,s;~i.(I)I\ As~:?i9:nJtientl3

N •.· H~n.nE!rs ga-ve tnE!. l?~Ckg-;dupQ. on tf1e _.reqY.~s.t._b¥.:~~~.A j!or 8,,.SE;!lect;l,on• oX: si'¢.«:!~ 'f~r· tll,e i?~opcis~(} ID(!PfiE!d l:#f:!~':t! l~!l§.:i.r(gs ~ H'e. n;ot~d ·ftlat .in t±l.e ·H~I3:t. ···few months,. a~iz:,iyit:Y o~ t:h;¢· L.un~#: E'Xl?1o~- atid\1 P~~rfff~Jil· h:~l:J J_!lg~~~~~d 1;-o ~e·· P?:tp~ th~t. ~J?~t.~~e;±c,;~~ -~·~f~iJ~rt,~r a::rfi!· spefi¢i;i;h.9\: ·s:i,g.t}~:ei¢e~;n-r£. ·eft;~;~.. oJi· ·,~p·~q~c:r~:et . C!ia:r,i· Si~~~ ~~~.ec:eion _}aqa~q'. (!\S·~~) ·,. a,s.f:l·~;C{:.~~~(l· at ttr.~i;r Jl:p'i~ 3r. 196.9 ·me·~ticng, '4$.~~d thEt G,~EP to ~ecql)lll\~hd· n\~$~•~bik ~~13·igh-'' , meil,ts· for the sit.e$. · ~u~n a l'i~t, opcE! a¢p~E.t~·a .})Y .til~ 2¥S$B·,, wouJ.d forix\1;:}le: bas~s 'for plwed'. .; PiC,~o~·ea chancj~S. wqlild ·11~v:e .~P_l:fe eX.tE:\!:nsf\tely doCum~riiie,d' ahd sup-. ported,. by demom~tranly s·igl)if'icartt reasens.

As backgrounddnateria1 to be Usea for ·Planri;i:l)g;, J. H. S~,~se:r. p;r.eJ?~Ai;~d. Jt. s~~lll? or.·~·~·. ~~J?pin~· of t?ei ·S,~t: · B s:itt~~ ~ TJ;le ¢ll'i1'1:'~·n.~ spi~.llt:e sit~: ril~P p;r~~.qt~o~: §.ta,tY:~ i~: sll~wn :iir1 ~t~~~hf!l~nt ~~~f~!f~~a~tt~~r::~i~!ti~i~~~l~~j!~~:!i~~r~~~5~~l:~;: if ac;:·c~pted, r~q)li·+E! si

5!~;~~;~!~~~~~i!~f!:~i~i!liii~i~~~!:lf!il1~E~ St)i:tS. {lri.c:l a ma#ileg: rovi_rig- v~hic~~ qp .:t--2·-*S or. J..:..J'+-5 •.. The ~!;f_~_c::t~y~ :r:_c:tcii~us:o:f-.:()p_E!ratioris is· ex_pecte~. to :be "'5 kirl' with the rover.

. . A-~tier :tnu.ch d~p~te -thE! ~Pii#t~cipant~ ·agreeci to. recoiiUnepd thE! follo~:irig p~izit~ mission ass·.ilgpm~ri~=- '

Date AH¢1lo Mis.~i¢n, \ s.r.t.e ~ 7/6'9 11 G.-.1 s;ite 2 11/69 i2 H-1 s::it:e 5 (or 4) 3/70 13 H-~ :Fta· M4uro Fin. (l) 7/79 14 .ij~3 ·R.i.ma Bode•. I.I(Z} 11/70 is H~4 N .to w of cens;orinus 4/71 16 J-1 c_opernicus. Peaks ' (3) 9/71 17- J-2 ~Cirius Hills ~~--h_ R··.· (J) 2/72 18 J-3 '"'.Z C:: .o -:tm 7/72 +~ J-4 R~ina Prin·~ I 12/72 20 J-5 oesc(irtes

OJ:le f!P,,O\~ld note tha~. th,~ list- corita.ins ll)oe;t;J.ty ~?i-tes wh:i,ch have b·een in hj;git priot.i.ty lists fo':~r ~e __lc:lst_ ~ey-E;!Jia·1 y-~ars.. SoiQe specific comments are needed,. hqwever. With re·gard' to footnq~e. (3) ~ave, the group :f;el t .1:hat ·Ty'clio would J11~ke a, be~1:~r. non-mqbili ty · m~~s.ion tl,lan M~;t*us Hil·ls. Th.e r~~-t$:c5n that rrycli() ·.if:;". I)Q\:1 in thC3 J-3 slot is t:lt.~t op~ft:~.tiqn~l. consiq'e+~tion9 (a,bq:["~, p~y),;q~) dictatE! th:at a ':L'yci:l.o nii~:~icm be £Jow·n ea·ri¥.. i_n a 9:iy~l\'- e9l~n4'~r- ye·filt~ On the current~ schetlu1e of four~morith. q~nters for H-IIlissions ang · 5- mdntbs tn~~~after, . J-3· iS. the 6riiy ppss:i.bili'ify .(I!-~·;;r i's tdo early from an operatiqpctl · v

'!'he P,:i,gplanq~ iq.tpa¢.1;: c:r-at,.~;". site ce.rtsq;rriri~s };l:gp b(:!en cha:ng(3d sl,ightly t6 ie4~4 N to w of ~e.r)~qninys. ohr ill:i.tia:L< l~rid;~p._g .site · · lq:ca.t:i;q·n wci:.s al)_oqt ._1 krn north of t}l'e c.t~te+ :r;~m. ~{:!por~s:. ·:r.rc)~ -10 · indiCate3(i' thc;tt ~he rirri area lo.oks extre:nle1:Y i:o'-lgfi:. · fir. response ttl. Gonsigt3_:t' for .Ho.o3 if not -flown on a:-2.

(2) Con~ide:r for H-4 if not. flown on H.,.3. (3) Pref~r to reverse sequence if no mobility on J~2~ - 3 -

to .tPc:f~. ~IWi· .in view o;. the tact tha.t the pr:i:m~ry o]z)j~·¢tiv~ i~ ".to ~q.mple Ji~gll:l~d$,. Iijat~:t;i!al ~~twer ·. tllan an- impa¢t -Craf;:~~ ~~~c()ri(.'tiilt¥·. o&:).eetive) i~~f;tN:~~~J!l~:il~:~i!:~¥:~f:~~~~Ji~i~~:n sd;ie:nee~ A1teirn~ tes ·

J;n view of potent;i~l p:J:oblett)s in g.etting. to certain S.i teS 1 we also rect:>Iiunenci'~d a list Of science site. c~J'*e~na:J;~s to 11.s~q be . ' ~ only. if coi'rip~:r.ili,rt:g; 'reas~fis eJii~t. . T)i~~~. si:fes are:

a~ ~Y9'::L,nB~c- M~~;ts ~·pme obj,e¢ti.ves Of Fra M~U:J-"0 F1U. ana. Rima Bode ·II •.

c. H~PP}:trch-us. - Meets· ·s.ome ohj~ctives of Fra Mauro Fm. SJ:ioU'lcl not :be cons•:t

d. 1\Qplf,eda. -:' ME!ets ~o~e of oe·~cartes objectives.. Consider ' for J-2 ,+.- J ... s I.ni$.sions.

e. Sc:Q..t()t¢r's Valley - Meet!:l·marty of Rima Prinz I objectives.

Consider' ...• for·. ·J-2 + J-5' miss·ions.'" . .

Altern.ate~ ~u]ffed9, and Scll~Qt;er':~ Valley wartant !Uention becaus:e they have p:r,evio:i,J:sly been C!;>Il!;idered. a$ .P:rj,.me c~nd;~p~t~~ • Ab;\i·~f.¢da . h;a~ qeen x-~Pl~ce.cl PY Des cart;~~ for the l:'~ii$pn tJ:lat st.·U,~Y ot· tn¢· O:rb~ ter rv· phqtpg:~~phy in.Cii¢at~s. that b~sca!tt.e,s, is r~· .· e~en.tat.j.ve of ~ mych .. 'li:lige~ hiqhl~rtf;ls :t;eg;i:.on' thap. is .'Ai:>lil;.#~d!a. ~· • . ·~~ . it r.e~·:re~ s~i'lts as cj.Q'od a'sit,eto c:>bt'ain "deep-s¢atedil vol'can,i.es is deb~tab],e. The sitte ~~s been desc1d]?ed briefly bY F. El..:.aaz, H. :Masutksky' and t). Wilh~lni$.: . . ·

''The. ~rea, of tJ'l$· soq:t;.hern h~sn;tartqs north of t:lle c:rate,r .. Q~s¢ar.~e~ is gh,aJii;lct:er±~eO. D,.y ~ii:*y, groQvY)- cm:ci fur.:~;~eti· Q,epos~:Ji;s. J;'~ .. f:s: b.qupd .9t1. thE:f. we·s'.t by· ·a. h.il,ly: ariQ.: pit.1;ed' st:t;;~t;ig~


g~qlo~~cal a.riP g~o<;:bem~cal y,:P~wp·q:i:qt:s.. ~n al'il:~rn.ative to t.lti~?' a.rea. ~o'4.:t.q, 0'¢·~, #.;i.£'$,1;;:, ~f:! Z\l:p~s regi()n · irf the west a:ijci-, s·e.C.9;!}~~, tne A:Pulfeda a.d~a to t.he e~st~ '' ·

fies¢a·r~·s' . (O~Bi.tet ·_ i:V~--p}totp cov~~~ge <;>ttJy of ~--... 6.0nt re§~;lutionl· w~§ pl~ce~.,Q~ -~~:.. ·i:ast Ill~S;sign; i;n d~der_ -to ~btain- photo­ grapp;ic coV,e,lf~gE! a(ieqJ1C1t.e for 8'ite certification from eith.e'i the TychO or Mari\1$ IHlls niisE:;ion. ·

sc!nrot~r ··s Valley •. ha~. _b~e.Il ;of _g;r:e.at in.~erest _Oil._ a9C9.Unt q:f :i;t$ vpl~an.~gs ,_ . t\01,ll;>l,e · sif\119~~. :t"j,ille p._tfd t~an$·i.~nt event: ~,tgntincgs. ~~~~'~'it,~~~~i~:~~i: ~~~t!r;:il~f~~~l~:~~!ti;~~r~re· als0··a' dollble ·sinut!tis ri:;tle. .Available p~of.i~og-i:'a~P'Y covets_. We mouth are,!9: of 1;11¢" ril~th -tht,r~ it wa~ :J:>r..qpo~eci tJ1at. t,n~·-· 'l~rid~ing- ,l:S~: at th:e m~\f~- c1n9.; ~that•. the rov!-n9· vehfc·le th~ri ·be used· 'to· tt."a:verse u:p the ~aiiy-.on. · · · ·

R.e~c.:J;e. Altetna-,tes ,:!·," On_ ac;c.ount q£ i:he unkn.owns reg(lrqing. giv~ng u!). re~~c~e_ oppor~unities· ~l'ld ta.:rget~11!3· ·_ t.9 a s~A9l.e · si.t;~ P.je:p. ~ontli:ly · opp;6+tun-ity, r~ey.c-l,'e alternates ~~;J?:e s~ie~t¢d for· the. £:U::st.three m£ssion,s•. tG~l is, bt" CQUrse'now ac;;id~mic an.d' Site 3 en\erges c;lS piefe:rred. for H+-1). The recycle sit~s are:·

G;..l: Sites 3, s H-1: Site 3, C1ssuming ··G.;;.ll~nds at Site 2; Site 2 if G-1 land,s at Site 3 .

. H-2 Sites 4R and 6. Calde+as_ It was noteCJ. tJiat possible calderas represent a cl.a-ss of ].una;' features no,t rejiresente4 ~n . Set B• · · Sev~ral c.a,rni:idC~·tes were identified and a priQrj.ty efi.t~lisl)ed based. pri1narily on their expe:cted· vall;le in· es:tabH,:sh.ing a. s~ismic net.. . .

a. Ga.ud±;Dert (ll0 f:i, 37°E) b. La·ssell (l6°S., a.9wJ c. Gruppart (l0N·, l6°W)

· Ri:ttet:/S~bi.ne. . (2°N, 20°E)

Most of the s:tt.~s ,_a,.#~ not. cl!).vered by higl'l reso]..t;l.tion pho.ti(;tgf"g;phY: .or by ste_ro~Jijl~di\ijirt, ~es¢1\:it;~on. !)liot.ogra}?llY· -of.. _s-ii;e~ ce-:rt.:iflca,tion, q:ha,.lity. . $iliPP4~U$ ._n~~d~ tQ·- l>e p\).6 qfi, acqu:i;:!!J~g' s~ch phol;Qg;,J.-c;iJ?hY if tJl¢s~ ·a~~ -q~~~ £~J,t~{ are· ~ver gqing· ~o- l:,)e i¢~:1 c~trd.~~~1f:~.$- fo:r ·ltart(l~n.9;· (s'ee J)e]Ct:··~:eqtioril .• It' was, decidi$d·th:at i.t l$. pre:Jnat.'ure t.o· re~C)J$end -~ ct:a-.lc:J,~r~ fei:J: :kncl,usion· in Set :8 until further ph.oto..;.g¢ologie · s~~udy i~S carried out. ... 5 .....

Ca,ndid(ltes £6t.:. .. furthe:r 2l.lot.o'A\lii>\t$~lif~~~R1rl~~*f~~~~~~{;,lh1~§' ~ih,~~~ ~~o~~g~§~li~li oi¢1.~:1;" 1i9 get th~· s;it$s ·p\!t of: ~e ta:r-g~ts~o.f· oppp;t'~~\ln~t~ ~~tegopy and . i~to on~. wli~¢h m:Lqh~ fo·rce ·r(uch BP:qt()graphy · int;o miS.sl:~Jil: · p1ah-­ ~ning~ . Iif was-~~reed-tn;qt: a ·:rec0InifieKdation: tO:-do ifucn~wou.ifd;··oe made tO 'the GLEP 4Dd't9 tne Apollo s'i.te .. S~le~hion B6,arci~' . . - .. T:tle .. cu:t'rent l.i'st of gani{idates for· :fur-ther photography is shawn At:t.aC:hmeilt • ''"" - ' ih' • ''' 1< •• j' •• • ·c.' · Co.ns i s~~e. $elect,~on: arttlJ'ipt~a tli,iit. t[ie Sit:~ Seie:cti;it()n S'ub.g'~91lR . l:f1it.·~·~:lly F~j::om- . tn~ndefJi.:' t,hc;tt $t~~s· 1, , ~' .JJf, 4R,' lind. 6 )?,e' ~-L ·a?\~Cil.$'d&t~$ :w~t1i!4~:. and· ~ ;lii~B~r.:~rio1J'~,~Y if :tT~· .. G:-1 ·yt~i?$1an _:tal)~s··.at· ~fte .. }" ~~ qi.r.·)·; . _... ~qbs(;:!q.g,E;m:f:1y, l-1~C. d~tet'~.+ned· .t:f:l.C~;~,t;hey C,QqJ:d· ~q·.e: reeof1U11~ · .·· .~e1oqa,t:ed S:i;tes: 3Ih 4R, a.P,d 6 as :¥·i.,.l cand*~at:~!3 o.h .?~Cqq\lpt, qf. a~ ·4~ .. .. ~ ~o ~g·~p art Ap'pl:t.o..,t;ype; el;lips,$ t;q~ H.~l .•. ~h¢y tb~#~fo~e P+'Cipt~s~\'1. tig the 1\:.$:$~ on· JlittE! 3 th:B:t surveyo? ·sl.tes· s... r · arid s:-1II be· H+I' c:a:nelid:~~£~5. At _the,.;~.~-~ m~e~#I19:.: it·w~s q~~~d~~ th~t.Site.§2~··3~· .. c:md. .sw6,~;1J.dbe the . H--1 c~qiQ;ate · !3dftes ah,d.· t.h'at MS.C wqula. :i,.ny¢$·tig~te Fra· Ma'Qro and. H,ipp.:.. arcnu.sas pas.s~bie. ad·a·:ttions ot as ·a su.Bs~itute• ·for s1te 3··· ·.. ·.Ms.c· · siihs~~li¢nt.1Y s'~:i;c( that fJt.~f ·cq~:t.d ~at. r~dp~~I}d: ei:tflie~· J;ia.:l1~lii9 o:r; Hippatcnu$ fo:Jg.·a-1 ap;d' s,~cjqest~d again tfi:a:t the Survey·or· III !3ite be Cdt,l!:?id~:r;~d~ . 'J.'he. ApqllQ ~rogr~m Qff~ee ~en ct.sJteq: ~}1~·t t.~E! 9it.e selec­ tion ~Qir~i#'o1Jp cbr:t:;iiQ.e:r: t~~ m.~·ri~s pf Sit;~s:..t:~;:t. . e·oriside~.@le qi~-. cussioil iesulted in a unariimo'us '1:-eeomme'nd.atiorr against s--:rrr 'as ·ari H.- 1· ccind.hl~te. . The rea.sons·, prihlarily, s.(::ientl'fic,. ·and fn. orde~r of significance ar,e: · · · ·

1. Site s.-O:III app¢ar.s to offer 1it:tle; if any I g~o1ogiciu ()r g,eqchemical iJriprc:)V~m~nt ov~x· Sit,~s 2 a~~· 3 in tltci.t ;t.t. is tih~ ·,s;~e (-"~~$t:~in"'· qr ':'o+d~t'"l. niar7 ·~¥~;e ••. ~itiels (J>:n- 4) w.ould l)e prefE!~iJ!":re.d, of eou:J;se, to e:~:t:Q~F s~·t;~ 2 o+ 3~ The geophy~icist!3 '(JJ:id.. l;lC!t· viE!~ S:;.Ill as· a major inip:~rpvement ov~'r. S:Lte 3 fdr' ALSEP· depldytl!ei:lt. ·

2. J:!l~~E?~i,~at.~pn. s>.. f $u:rtY~Mq:r~_:t;x:I. ~8~l,d·. d~t;;r~ct. ~;f<;?Jt1·, th~ ... at:t:~n1tio~. which co-u~a ,~E! . p1a·¢~9' on · t:he eon: duct q~ s ':"059. 1 the gebtog:i;cal exp¢ri.;n'i~nt~ which haS· ,a1readf su

3. The. Pu.ll~J.J:c, JY.I3.~i~~~~:lY 9;r no~, .WQ~Jg~ prQb~all~Y vj;:,~w, getting' ecr~lleo E;ittv~yt>,~ sp~cfecta~1fas :lil1~ 1''~tJTI~ o~:j~c~ t,±ve... . ~a·~1ut~e to §o so, ll;i;_gqly prol:>:"·l>·~~·~ ·wo.qJ;ca qe~,r~¢,t fro).'ti the. ovel;a11. entllu~·ia~'Iit :for :c~;;n:it.i~tt.ing 1Uhq*• e.xp]Qr,.;. ation. · . , · - 6 -

!. : :!t.. • 4. 9-ql!~~YOJ,:'· -:ti:t i.~ :;.c;>ri. ~~- e~.~t ~lo~e . t~ 1~.• ~). o~ ~- 400· In ~~cite~ . ~~d .. ID~Y-~ P~ ~P$9~:t~_g; tr.~~ _--~~-- N4:-~W · of an• ailtrbn'aufs. dutdng; desderit 6r oh tl't'Er 'surf-ace.

·!:1~t~!::~!t!~~~~~cWri:a\lti il'l tij.e 'd:fcitter. · ~~:~· P~~~1f±~:~o-· ·

in 9.1:'~-Un,tertt so~f!tiJ11~~" aci:v:~c¢q~ .in :fc;v:or.. 9f. S.0III is _'t;J:tat the aser:onauts cou:tcl use. tl\e_ surv~y~~ as_ a: ;treaefiigrii.iition. target. The i~i~~P ~=:~~ii;;$~:¥!;i~it~i~~:i}fif~:£~~t~~~~:t;!~:~f::~a w:i.l:+.. h~ d~l:t:n~A-~ed PY _t1if3: U;~qS i,p.o co.rfjtciP,C:St.i_€>p; ·,YI;~~l.l·l@C• . _(~~we,l$ Trask respqna•e,ca ·tt:> £he rcequest on ·Ju~~· Ji?'; t9:69·\ This respqnere, with a list <>'f red~sign·atfon p¢int:s, is ertcHo.sed as Attachment- D)~ - (J~#lf~tr~-~~:: .. ·.- . . N. w. ·Hi~ne;s· . ~

Attactiments Attac}lment A

~· . .~:,. s®-~J'~gpp _}1f:!.rtiJ:?~rs

J. '9;. Qj:et:J:;'i,¢;(1-,, l\JSG/!.t':ij2 . F. El-l!!&~, ~~licol:bnf _t~ecz:~tq.ryl N. · w. ~j,i'lnex;s, Be·lico~' ·( CJ:lairmc:m). R. ~- ~-9vach~ S'ta~.fo+d. ¥n~vez!s~ty H. !>i:~s~~~:tty ~ u. ·_ $. GeQlogica1 Survey H. H.;--~cnm1d"t7 , M.S~/'ii:B · G • S inlJ99n s , M• I • '1' • . p. Wilhelm~:, u. s. Geo~ogic.~l,. suz;vey

·Absent: D. ~· :B¢a,tt,ie ~.NASA HQ/MAL L. W\ Fred~~:Lck 1 lJilivers·i-ty of Virginiq._ P. Gast, ~amo.nti.-.Qoherty GecHogical observatory w. N. Hes.s I MSC/'l.'A ·

D. R. .:1\tis'Ei!·;tmC>t ~elh,:omm R. A. Bi;iss I • :Bellc.omm .. s. ~- -IU~ac~me,l:'l ·M.$.c/i?D P. R. Breft:t 1 · MSG/TIJ2 · · R. P. ~rys¢h1 NASA HQ/MAL J. D. Burke·, jpt,;. s. L. pavis, ~S€/HD J~ w-~ Head, Bellcomrn J. A~ Hej:'i:>?l~~h, TRW J. H0111l~$ 1 ·NASA HQ/MCL Q. A" Hgl.mes, .MSC/FM5 v. s. M.• ertl B'elicomrn. J. II,. Sa$:ser;. MSC/TJ J. H. S~ddath, M;SC/EG23

N. J. Trask 1 · U. S. Geci'logical SurVE\Y 6/10/69'



1)111 S-18 M&st:.ing. c MoS,~ic 1: 2~0. Qd.O iJ'Une 69 MosaH:: June 69 ' 1:25,000 ' : ,·· ... ~ Plit>foliiap 1 =·2.sa; ooo Nov 69 2oom c. :t.

2li:fi S-23 Fra Mauro MoScl'ic 1:2'50; OQO June 69'' M~~·~:tc 1:2s,qqo. June E}.~ . . ~h~~omap :J..:250,QOO NOV 69 200m c.· I.

3,) · V-12 f.tosa.ii:: 1;2$0,000 .June 6;9 Mo"t?scop;ic;: Md§~.ic 1: ~·5,ooo Jo.:ne 69 /', .. ,, coverag:~ Only

4) Rimae Litt~ow Mc>'saic l:2SO,OOC:J June 6.9 MO~aic 1:25,000 ·June 6~ Plibt~~P 1:250;000 sept 69 400m c. r.

5) V-30 Tycho Mosa.ic 1:250,,000 A\19 69 ~6.S,aic 1:25,0QO A,ug 69 Pllp~omap 1:2$0;000 oct 69. 80()J,n C. I. ·.- ''

6} V-23.1 Rima ayg.inus Mosaic 1:250,090' Au~ 69 ~$.aic 1:25,000 Aug· 69 :Pfl¢)toma:p 1:250:,000 No.:v 69 400m c. ;r.

7) Rima Hadley Mosaic 1:250,000 i\,}lg'69 M(?saic 1.:25,000 Aug ~9 Pbo'tQtna·P 1:25q,ooo Jt,tn 7o 300tn C. I.

8) V-24 H~pparchus .Mo~~ic 1:250,QOO Oct 69

.MQ~'a±c .1:25·000 • . ; .·, I . : Nov 69. Photomap 1·250j000 Dec 69'.... ·~ 400m c. I. · 9) <;:opernicus MO.Saic 1: 4S0', OO(l fel;) 10:

Mp,sp.~c. 1:2:5. . I .000,. •;, Feb 7Q PJ:l~tomap 1:.250, OQQ Mc:lr 70 30Qm c. I.

10) Marius F Mos'a.ic 1:2SQ;OQQ Feb 70' M6~l;'lic 1:25, oeo Ma.:r 10 Pnq.t:omap 1 f~·s;oioo·a Kpr: 70 3 omn ·a • I • P'age 2 · •

1]:) v-46 Pct:~~~J MQsai~ 1:2~0,000 ,Apr 70 p,.,, &. ~o~sif~c 1,:25,000 .APr 70 i'h<:>tC>map 1':250, 000 'Z,.Uiy 70 400m q. ,1:.

12.) v ... 43. 2 Ga·ssendi ·Mps·a·ic 1:2$~,0.00 .Mar 70 Mosaic 1: 25~, OQO ··A:e.r to ~}j;Qttm~p 1.·:-2so··.. , o·oo May 1o 400m e. I•

1J} V-29 Rima Bode I.:t Mc:>saic 1:25Q,OOO 20% assigp~d· but II Mosaic 1:25·... , 000·.. noaates estab. Plu;:rt:eti\ap 1:·2,sb,OOO II 4o.om: ·c.. I~.

14) v-48 .A,ristarchus · Mos.~j:.c 1:2,50, OQO 15% a·ss,.iqned "b\lt, II !ofosa:ic:: 1:. 2s. , ·aao. no' ael:~es e.stab. P~6tomap 1:250,000 II 400m c. I~ ' 15) V-18 Diqnysius Has .not 400m c. I. b~en · .16) Mot1c;:>~.~.¢p ic. . V-19 1\bul;feda assigned c<;:;verage only ~or 17) V-21 Alexander proouc­ 7QOm C. I. ·tion 18} V-28 A:~phonus 400m c. I. \ M9'ne$.cQpic. 19) v-33. Copernicus CD cove:ra·ge only'

. 20.) v~4o Tonias .Mayer p 400nr' c. I •

21) V-49 Sohroters' Valley sdom c. 1. • Ailt\CHr~l'Ef\J1T C .

€A~HllDATES' . FOR J!URTH~R-- ·,· - PHOTOGRAPHY_. . .. -

MOSTING c· Ill. S-:oiS· A$~lJE()A v V-19· R:i:MA HADhEY v V~26 COPERN I:CUS CD V..,33 ' ,_ .- .. __ -· .. -. -, v CENSORlNPS v V-12


Brarig~: o~ t\~,~t9g~:q~Ogi:c Studr~~ : J4S-·Mirdate'f1~~ta~·tfuad:. . . ~ .· · Menio p'~rl~, ·haii£()inia.T 9462$

June 19, 1969

11r· .J~~s H. s~~ser, T.J ~-~·. ~ann~Q'. ~P:~-~.e.c::~,a£t C4!nter HCiti..se'on, Te)tas 77'Qs·s

T~~; e.nc.losed li$J;s shQt.T th,ose pc;,;int;s se~1~cted for possible re.. · desigt~,~~ion on missl,otrs. after G~l in site~ 2, 3 ant( sat:isfactt;q;y;. 1~.t pie know, ~tld: I W.i.ll ti~y aga,.iJ,'I. •. I ~. $~~g.frtg copie'!J. of the ·-l.is't to sev~r4l membeJ;"s of· the Lunar Ge~logy Exp:_erimenters, ~ " ' .


Newell Trask Geologist '


cc: T. N. V. Karlstro~; US~S H•. H. S~hlnitt, MSC ...· . N ,1 lli\l~.~r·s, BeUconun ~ a. A, SWii.J.lrt, USGS' . •


site 2

4.11: Mission II . CJ;il htmi· :oiiit~t.:E~~ae.•.. 84 450 24~~ i.6 84. ' 43.9 27.5 1.7 85· 512 '6,,3 1~5 85 Si~ 12~0 ._4 "85' 57·3 iiTs· · .6 8? 5.65 9.1 .s 8~ s6"s 13~.4 V6 8~ ~6'8 19.4 .4

s:1.t:e 3

t\ll; Mission II Cm ftom Frame . . E3r alrie let· Data·. :Ease -. ·. ,, . .,-;. ,.·.; 121 · tSlt 1.1.0 1.8 1'2i 288 20.0 LS 121 2'i9 .. 3~_.8 1~5 122: 416 1.2 i~z 4P9 t~·~.. 1.Q· 122 403 lO.S 1.5 122 408 17.6 1:a 12'2 410 27.8 0.5

Site 5

All M:tssion III Cm from Frame let n~ta.e_d'ge '',' 166 592 18.1 1.:8 i6,6. ~'94 2o •.a 1.0 16.6 584 8~8 1.7 166. sa a 28~1 .4.· 1~'6 .5~9 u~.s .3 l67 717 10'.8 .s i67 7J6 1.8 1.7 i67 726 4.2 .a l§J 7;21 14.5 1.2 I


GJ:,l~P S,ite ·.. ~·&J~<:ti:Qn .Sup(,l,:t;"9JiP t F'6u·rth Meeting - June~ 1~·6·9.

'¢C?iti}i);;ll(3te': M~o~B;qd~m' to · eomp4et:~- M~~oraJ:\ciU.m' ·to·.

N~l\ a:e~Q.'g.tr~_~t~~§ .· · · un±v~ts:i;;ty· .q.f .. ¢a·J:i.~.Q~n~a/~eJ;:ReleY

DJ.:'. A. L. :Bu#linga~e stran$ord VJ'liye:t!$:i,·tY " ';··•"'' ', .. ~. iL .lan:ris R. i. ~c)1!nich

· M.'asE(. lli§ti;tq;:t.~. o:f .rtE::f¢hnol~,;t ·-·-,.·,-··, . Drs. ~ ~· Pr~ss .· E~ .· · $·~~mmons

L8.m~nfi.".Geo'la,~;;i.:b.ar .Qb~e·:tva,tqf)r or. I;'. Gast

· ~in:ttli~.c>P,ian: !\$t;-ophf,§~kc~eii:I. J. ea~io/TA· Ob~.. ~~~·t.o;:y · · L.. .p~'zis/IJP• w. e~etr.iich/TH2 Dr. c! Luqciqui~.t It~ F:§~;~Arrli'~: . ,c. H. G:J,ra,ncy/ED TRW(~oU~tte>:n ij'. N·. Ji~§.~·t-~~ Q•. A. ao~mes/FMS J. E• Blabni~ J. P. J • ~. .u~·f.t>·au\ih o. ~- ~~~c:!!~~n J. A. 111~i,J-.t.t:t)PA u. s • : G~a,l?:Stical .$ul;'.~e)?/:E}_l~gst9;ff D. D. M6J!;t'is.ori/TH2 c. H. Ji~.~#iiH~,l];)~ M~ssrs. A. H. Chidester J. H. ~~~~;~r./'r.¥' p. P. E:1st6h ·_ S .t.tt/CB T. N. v. K~~1strom J.· R~ s~ . ·:~tt:Ptii2 H. .Mas\ir!()Jfy ·. ·· · L. C'·· Wa~¢;;~Tcr u: •. &'.~ ~.e.c::>log:i.c,c,\1. "su~v~Y/t.Jenlc;> ~ark . ... .--~.y·· C?l:ll-;i_fq:.;:niii .. ~ns,:tit.~:tE2 .of:" ~echnol¢9;¥ N. J. 'i'rask

Dr. E.' M.•• Shoemaker.• . -- ·-· "'i o. E. w{ifiii11lis

urii:v~.rs,.itY ?~, ~r~~5m.a M.esstsc. Mr. E.·M. W!l.it!lt~~:t ••.. !•' ~. r.t. Andetrson o-;; i. -rn'S~~fittii Wniv~:rs:i~:·· Qi C~l;i:~,o~nicttSan Di.eg~. C • J?454~,~~~_. · . . . A. 1? •.l3

. ComPJ:.¢te . M~9~~n~~.m -to ,~~~gieeer:Mem9i:~rtdtim''tfo·v·,- •,

~ell¢Qront,.~nc:::~ All Memb'e~~ pepar:tmen:t · ~o *5: · Department ·1024 FilWJif' ··saeo·,_ID__ •.. y r·o··· .. Messrs. p. R. ~~ !'J!>st:y;ac;:t onl;y to b. :B~ s J .. ~~· Marshall · Be11cdmm·, .. :Enc ~ . •; ••. • - ·." '( '1 ~:· ~: ~i~=~lafici v. s . .Mtiiim:iert B. G·· ''f;1;~~~-!~ ldt J. J. O·Conn<;>r . P. :E • .ReN-n9lds J. 1\• s~axton R. V. s'percy J. w. Timko R. L. wag~er