.. !{: :·.. SUBJECT: Q:[;EP S~:t-e Sela.c~:i;,Qn S~gtoup, DATE: Augu$1:: 4, 1969 F9q:t:'f;h Meeting, June 17, 1969 FR.iiM: N. w. Hinners. The Fqur1;:h GLEP Site Selection Supgraup Meeting was held at Msc-,.· Hoii,ston-, Texas ·oli June 17, '196~: .. P~lt"~ic-ip~n-ts agreed tQ recomm~rid to the GLEP tJia t: 1. a prf.xpe m:ifl'sion as~j:g~tnent set of s'i tes be G-1 Site 4 Site 5 (or 4) F:ta M~u:ro Fm~ ( ll H-3 Rima Bode !I{2) H-4 N t(;>:w of Ceris()rinus J-1 Copernicus Peaks J-2 Marius Hi1le;(3) J-3 Tycho Rim( 3) J-4 Rima ;J?ririz I J'-5 Descartes Science Alternates: a. Hygi~'ll,~ -_Meets.· some obje(:ltiyes of Rima Sode ·IJ: and Frc:t, M.g.ul:'o Fm. b. I;;ittJ;OW - Meets some obj.e~t,iyes ()~ R.ima Bode II­ Shou-ld n_ot be considered after li'"'3·. (!);Consider fo'r H--3 if not flown on H-.l. ~2)Consider for H~4 if not flown on H-3. ... BELL.COMM, I'NC. c. Hippa~p~us - ~t;¢t.f3' some qbject.ives of Fra Mauro -Fm. Should riOt. b~ co~sid~r~:ci ·a,~t~r . H•2. .. *_ulf~~~ .:~M~-~;~. sqm~ ... <>.~; J?~!S¢~r;t~s objeqt:ive.s. · for -+ J~s m:iisfslorfs; · · ·- considerj,' '• ·~· .. -'' J_:.;.2 . - • ------.. - ., E!· Schroter's Valley "': Meets many of :R;ima P~inz I objec:tives. €bnsider fdr J.~2 -+ J-5 missions. Reeycle·Altern~teJ!J: G""l: Sites 3;-5 H~l: S;lt:e 3, l(lsa~ing G-,.1 lands at Site .2; S:i:. te 2 i:f'S~l lands at site 3. H,;;.2: Site.~l 4:R and '6.• 2. D~f?.. cartes, ~ uplar):Q; vo1¢.~nic site. r~p~eE;e.nt:at,i\re of la:J1'~te areas of th:.~ H:ighl#indfi; 1 be .i'~cOrtjfu~ded. to ·_t;lle A$s5· · :fo:ri incl\:u; ion in the set. B Lunar :Exploration sit'e. .List· . , · 3. 4l 11 cc:Hdera ...t,ype~· s.i;t19 J:>e ccmsidert34 fqr po,s.sip,le future addi 'Iii on to set B c!u)d tha:t. candidates ·for such a site 'be, in priority order, . .. a.. Gaudibert. 1:>. Lass ell· c. G.a,mb art Ritter/Sabine 4. photography of the calqera.-tYJ?.e si te.s .. and of pther candidate si~es Be upqrad~d .from . ~;-geb-of~opporturli ty status in order to: affec.~ mission pJ:,c;tl1J1-ing_, peirticul.:trly a$ re'gard$ · CS!-1 .Sc'ience and· or~ it gfo'l.lnd.;..tracks; . ·s.· for the se<:;Qnd _l~·nar lp·nd•ing, the Survey.or III si.te liot be considered as a candid~te landing· site. ,. BELL.COMM tNC. ss~. i:EN[~ P~~o~~· S.w:. w~~J~~btf,, •Qt ~!· ~~ ... QATE: · · ·· · SUBJECY: ct~:E:ti ~.i;t:~ ~e!ecitioJ,; · f?~9rC>~P . 1\tig:Qs;t .4., 196.9 F9U·:(':tfi. Meeting,. .. a)me. 17·; · 1..;9'69 Flillttt= N ~- w.. llinne:rs Th~-cfour.th Ille.~t~n~· _of -tb.e .Si~te. Selectio~;._S~9J;P~P: of the Grgup f6:r.: :LtiP,~r E,;KJ:?J;()ra~i.on .· Pl'azin,i~9'· ·. (G~~li) rltf:!t. c:i1:· ·-~~~· on June 17,, l~,Ei~. 'rlle:re w~re. .~p . prip.te q~,]E!P:e,iv.e.s tg:r .. ····· · <m~~:ting, ·~~J~::~t:~~il~l~~,!~~J;~:~i~~~l'~~:Jfil~li~hr l;a;tiCl±'n~r s:ite. The attenqees at: tlie' meeting' are lL:lisi:~d' in> :A:t;.tach_.. menl:: -~-~- ' Mi,s;~i.(I)I\ As~:?i9:nJtientl3 N •.· H~n.nE!rs ga-ve tnE!. l?~Ckg-;dupQ. on tf1e _.reqY.~s.t._b¥.:~~~.A j!or 8,,.SE;!lect;l,on• oX: si'¢.«:!~ 'f~r· tll,e i?~opcis~(} ID(!PfiE!d l:#f:!~':t! l~!l§.:i.r(gs ~ H'e. n;ot~d ·ftlat .in t±l.e ·H~I3:t. ···few months,. a~iz:,iyit:Y o~ t:h;¢· L.un~#: E'Xl?1o~- atid\1 P~~rfff~Jil· h:~l:J J_!lg~~~~~d 1;-o ~e·· P?:tp~ th~t. ~J?~t.~~e;±c,;~~ -~·~f~iJ~rt,~r a::rfi!· spefi¢i;i;h.9\: ·s:i,g.t}~:ei¢e~;n-r£. ·eft;~;~.. oJi· ·,~p·~q~c:r~:et . C!ia:r,i<j:~$' •a)~d~ ,oi!)e~a:,... !i~~a[o~~~r·~g~r=d .. £·~!~~f6s:!~a!~c:·~tK~:Y:ac~:~eg~~ax~.-·!~~~~£~u·c- tuJ;;.ed 11 PQt!'of' ~ites sU'qh as the •21 now in Se~ B. 'l'll~y, t\n~· SJ?eCit ~i,C'al:ty.f¢le, ·~~~~:f{>· Si~~~ ~~~.ec:eion _}aqa~q'. (!\S·~~) ·,. a,s.f:l·~;C{:.~~~(l· at ttr.~i;r Jl:p'i~ 3r. 196.9 ·me·~ticng, '4$.~~d thEt G,~EP to ~ecql)lll\~hd· n\~$~•~bik ~~13·igh-'' , meil,ts· for the sit.e$. · ~u~n a l'i~t, opcE! a¢p~E.t~·a .})Y .til~ 2¥S$B·,, wouJ.d forix\1;:}le: bas~s 'for pl<i~,fi:,ing·. ~ha,rig;es,,. a.l.thdtigh_ ~.q~!s'ibl,g, \trottld:·pe cC,nt.:r.oiJ.l~.d, i.e.'.· .r~n49~'' wbims~¢a:t •cnanses w<;;u~~d,:-nt?t. pe ~l:Ic>wed'. .; PiC,~o~·ea chancj~S. wqlild ·11~v:e .~P_l:fe eX.tE:\!:nsf\tely doCum~riiie,d' ahd sup-. ported,. by demom~tranly s·igl)if'icartt reasens. As backgrounddnateria1 to be Usea for ·Planri;i:l)g;, J. H. S~,~se:r. p;r.eJ?~Ai;~d. Jt. s~~lll? or.·~·~·. ~~J?pin~· of t?ei ·S,~t: · B s:itt~~ ~ TJ;le ¢ll'i1'1:'~·n.~ spi~.llt:e sit~: ril~P p;r~~.qt~o~: §.ta,tY:~ i~: sll~wn :iir1 ~t~~~hf!l~nt ~~~f~!f~~a~tt~~r::~i~!ti~i~~~l~~j!~~:!i~~r~~~5~~l:~;: if ac;:·c~pted, r~q)li·+E! si<I~ificf4n't: ·aa:ait:i<:mtJ:'il photog:Jl'~PbY~'~·Seie belo~iJ • .' . ,, . ~-- ~ - ' ~ . ' ' - . Stu-· Davis and J·im Bi~nik ·bll'ief:Iy <tis·cussed :tfi:e expeqtea e.vo1Utior1·· ih operatdc;u'l~i c~BafJi-l;ity and ll~~~w · ~e. SJ?~c~£ieal~y ~~~4~:e~+~a. tfi~!.~f;~~,t~~:I:ti~~~;~:i!:ei~it~;~,~ .·~:4. ~n~.15 ~~~l:~~~a:~$. The H.~s~r·:res (~1.~-~~0~l' ~~S) a.~l 'P~f;;y,· ~~~tP· 1 s a,pd ~;tl;ow .fQ~ 2 E~ • s pe~ Itlis$i:on. ~~Q.'!:fsi9r).~tton i·s~ · a }l)9ss:i;pi<ti~ty oil. H""'~·-'- apd:: rn.~Y -be=' . _; BELLC1:>MM, IN.C. - 2 - pl~n,.p~_q, £'or. H.,.3 ~J1d H'"-4_. A.J:l · eyq1ut;9il. in l~nq~_P9": acq~;ra,:~y. :i,~ 5!~;~~;~!~~~~~i!~f!:~i~i!liii~i~~~!:lf!il1~E~ St)i:tS. {lri.c:l a ma#ileg: rovi_rig- v~hic~~ qp .:t--2·-*S or. J..:..J'+-5 •.. The ~!;f_~_c::t~y~ :r:_c:tcii~us:o:f-.:()p_E!ratioris is· ex_pecte~. to :be "'5 kirl' with the rover. A-~tier :tnu.ch d~p~te -thE! ~Pii#t~cipant~ ·agreeci to. recoiiUnepd thE! follo~:irig p~izit~ mission ass·.ilgpm~ri~=- ' Date AH¢1lo Mis.~i¢n, \ s.r.t.e ~ 7/6'9 11 G.-.1 s;ite 2 11/69 i2 H-1 s::it:e 5 (or 4) 3/70 13 H-~ :Fta· M4uro Fin. (l) 7/79 14 .ij~3 ·R.i.ma Bode•. I.I(Z} 11/70 is H~4 N .to w of cens;orinus 4/71 16 J-1 c_opernicus. Peaks ' (3) 9/71 17- J-2 ~Cirius Hills ~~--h_ R··.· (J) 2/72 18 J-3 '"'.Z C:: .o -:tm 7/72 +~ J-4 R~ina Prin·~ I 12/72 20 J-5 oesc(irtes OJ:le f!P,,O\~ld note tha~. th,~ list- corita.ins ll)oe;t;J.ty ~?i-tes wh:i,ch have b·een in hj;git priot.i.ty lists fo':~r ~e __lc:lst_ ~ey-E;!Jia·1 y-~ars.. SoiQe specific comments are needed,. hqwever. With re·gard' to footnq~e. (3) ~ave, the group :f;el t .1:hat ·Ty'clio would J11~ke a, be~1:~r. non-mqbili ty · m~~s.ion tl,lan M~;t*us Hil·ls. Th.e r~~-t$:c5n that rrycli() ·.if:;". I)Q\:1 in thC3 J-3 slot is t:lt.~t op~ft:~.tiqn~l. consiq'e+~tion9 (a,bq:["~, p~y),;q~) dictatE! th:at a ':L'yci:l.o nii~:~icm be £Jow·n ea·ri¥.. i_n a 9:iy~l\'- e9l~n4'~r- ye·filt~ On the current~ schetlu1e of four~morith. q~nters for H-IIlissions ang · 5- mdntbs tn~~~after, . J-3· iS. the 6riiy ppss:i.bili'ify .(I!-~·;;r i's tdo early from an operatiqpctl · v<i.~wpOilit) • . '!'he P,:i,gplanq~ iq.tpa¢.1;: c:r-at,.~;". site ce.rtsq;rriri~s };l:gp b(:!en cha:ng(3d sl,ightly t6 ie4~4 N to w of ~e.r)~qninys. ohr ill:i.tia:L< l~rid;~p._g .site · · lq:ca.t:i;q·n wci:.s al)_oqt ._1 krn north of t}l'e c.t~te+ :r;~m. ~{:!por~s:.
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