Annual Award Expanding to Students, Faculty
IN SIDE Winter break is just a month away. Check out our & list of films to i'o watch. •news press Volume 49 ·Issue 1 1 11.15.10 Annual award Clubs gather in friendly competition expanding to students, faculty For the first time, YELTs will know that, but they're not the only ones excellent on campus;' he said. honor students and faculty "We want to recognize staff (like) in addition to instructors. janitors, maintenance workers (and) clerical workers. All those people are By Joie Nishimoto . a part of the campus, and we don't ED ITOR -IN-CH IEF get to see them. For the first time, Kapi'olani Com We only recog munity College's Excellence in Teach nize them when ing Awards (ETA) will be extending things don't get its recognition and appreciation to done, but these not just professors, but to students people actually and faculty as well. work hard:' Now called the Year of Excel- In addition lence in Learning, Teaching and Sup- Ford to faculty, the port (YELTS), this award identifies YELTS will begin accomplished individuals who were to recognize students. nominated by their peers. "That's most important;' Ford said. Staff members will have the chance "We're here for the students to learn. to be awarded beginning this year. Why is our faculty excellent? Because According to Shawn Ford, Faculty they have excellent students:' Student Relations Committee chair According to Ford, he wants to man, KCC does not have an award have awards for Chartered Student SEAN NAKAMURA/KAPI'O for excellent staff members, but said Organizations (CSO), such as for Students from the Radiology Technology team trek across the pavement in front of the 'Ohi'a cafeteria using that other campuses like UH-Manoa Board of Student Activities, Board paper plates as a "lily" to venture on top "lava," one of the few games that was played on Field Day.
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