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Putnam's Holiday Books lilli»«. .'IJ. MÍ1XU11X/Í1.X, 1 ' I j. I J .?*. J »«_«. T NATURE ANTV BOOKS. ¿ooks ano Publication«. Dook« aub publication*«. Dooks ana Publication«. Dooks uno Publications. Books anb pablications. ^j-jn^rTTONP HT PR. VAN DYKE ANT> MR MARTE. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO.'S I 1 UCK ANO "OMI" OTHER UN- *?MMCftXAN THIN08 By Henry VHH Dyke. « BRTA1N 247 «'hariet« Bcrlbner's Sons. v... Pp. Gift BookSa Putnam's Books Hamilton Wright Mabie MY STl'PY KlKK Hv Holiday With Sixty-five Illustrations hy Mand Alle« ami Oene*nev« Cowle«. Octavo. Pp. x. *as. AlIS TOR Y AND BIOGRAPHY. TV«**. Vt.id <««. Co. Poet and Han Famous Homes of Qreat Britain pr *".* Dyke carries with him, when he THE DUTCH AND QUAKER Browning: sanders hy th" fishing streams, exactly tho COLONIES IN AMERICA A SURVEY. By Elisabeth Luther Cary. AND THEIR STORIES. Edited by A. li. Malan. rlpht temperament, and thls^ we «ay desplta By JOHN I-I*.KE, With 8 2 vol» Crown of what some fisher- rmps, With 25 and some text cuts. Svo, the writeri are the Duke of Marl¬ the taei that he Is capable 8vo, gilt top, $4 00. photogravure illustrations, Large gilt top, $3.?5. Among HOMES DESCRIBED: ns heresies. Take, for ex- An In the» companion volume on Tennyson, no In thi«« boole. Min« Cary haa shown excel¬ borough, the Duchess of Cleveland, Lady « M««lnr 1 sstls. wfn would regard ''r'!rh'f,1l « I*****"** which describe th« nrl-dn of her material. Miss Alnwick, on "Talkabillty." Mention¬ aJ,V2 Wthof tlM COI BIM o' N.w York «nd I'enn- lent Judgment and literary ukin In the «»«lection and arrangement De L'isle and Newton, Penalua Holland Honae, amj 1'. hla essay l8 to !». re,-i»l like that of other not as a task, but Dudley, Lady Lady rat. Cary urges that Browning's poetry poets, 1.» < lllirlfrnlr, that the Inventor of the Maxim that "Fish- for is to that h«-r will v. In many a reader over to her view of Warwick, Lord and A. H. Malan. mr. ing pleasure It fair say rolan« Emlyn, Multi,* « hstitforth, not talk" Is lost in the mists of THE END OF AN ERA the of one of the great ,»f the nineteenth century. Abbey. err-ri must writing«« poets With 200 illustrations. Royal 8vo, ltlenbelm. Belvoir <Buttha, he adds that the man well deserve-, A very interest tig and candid book on the nearly «nalia. .jit.quity. Southern / v the srmt Author vellum cloth, 450 pajees, in a box, $7.50. II «.ru »mick, «smirk tai*. "For a more footles« rule," he con- Confederacy, by |OHN S. Wist Large ..is crown lull m,.r.,,-,o rum. n<*t I1S.OO. "a conventionality more obscure and Bru, «$2.(Mi B Hauea, " The In volume I* extremely Interesting, having been written either by in Its tyranny, was never His Homes, His Friends text the present account In¬ «**Tnl»*ss imposed upon ÏAMES RUSSELL LOWELL AND Tennyson: the owners of the mansions described or by Mr Malan himself, In every case th»- m» ;nnocent and honorable occupation to HIS FRIENDS and His Work. With l8 illustrations. Large Svo, $8.75. cluding data derived from authentic sources Hut the Illustrations make an unusually ur¬ photogravure best ever to give a, und discount its " ns and as to for are without exception the published IHnlnlah Ita pleasure profils. A fascinatm«- book of and remi- Here truly Is a beautiful book I», autiful to typography binding, beautiful gent appeal precedence. They In the book. The work is enter¬ name all that Is biography ! with which that them«« has been seized upon general Idea of those famous houses which are discussed K*hy, In the of genial, niscencr, EDWAID D. D. theme, lieautlful In ihe revr-rence and affection with a desire for another vol um« by Evtim HALF, fr- m a rich arid varied field the essential and strik¬ taining from beginning to end. and leaves th«« reader lively anglers fo about tholr harmless sport In With 48 and other illu»(ration». ond elucidated. Mi-s «'at y hal garnend twelve mor«« of beautiful home«.*" .?jv-uId poitrdits 8vo, ing Incidents in this enreor."-N' Y. TltHM Saturday Review. which will, In the same worthy fashion, clebrate Kngland'«. «-,.«..»'.' ill«nea Uko conspirators, or sit together fit 00 meat -N. Y. Tribune. jn a boat glum and penitential, like naughty CONTEMPORARIES . on the bench of disgrace?" Thla A del 8 httul book on lamou«. men and Some Colonial Homesteads of the Feudal Chateaux to the root of the matter. What layman women, Romance goes by THOVIA«; WFSTWORTH HlOGtMSOM 12mo HARM AND. With 87 illustrations. flvo, 40 and other illustrations. $3.50. .¡as no- been at -»nee amused and exasperated And their Stories. Bv MARION $.1.00. By ELIZABETH W. CHAMPNEY. With photogravure $2 00. " . * . not manner A notable with Amcrlcu* history. The name of the author not history, but romance. It Is, of course, try the hierophantic in which many a book dealing early Mrs. Champney'«-. volume does give dry a few Is a n»»t of the ,«. curacy as to facts, but of attractive treat¬ to of the chateaux in one volume. The author has chosen only risman goes ftbOUl his business? REMINISCENCES guarantee only gr.-atest poMlble possible present all Mont St. .jp. ment of themes absorbingly Int» nut mg."-Kochester Democrat. as typical: Angers, with Its traditions of Roland and the peers of Charlemagne; W« us-- th.- wort] business advisedly, for It la 181f«1809. A book of uncommon bv Caen and Falaise, which tell the story of interest, Michel, with souvenirs of Kollo and the Viking«: Call- «?«.- nely difficult to see where the pleasure Ji'LiA WARO HOWE. With numerou*. portrait» William the Chlnon. the cradle of the Plantagenets, Avignon, Carcassonne, and other illustrations. Conqueror; o' sport enies n if a man Is to follow it In 12mo, $2..r)0. More Colonial Homesteads lard, and oth»-rs. jr. ra solemn nr.d Intenso mood than even the MEMOIRS OF A REVOLUTION¬ And their Stories. Hy MARION HARLAND. With SO illustrations. 8vo, $-3.00. American Historic Towns. Edited by Lyman P. Pott*!!. most seri.-us crisis In hi» financial matter», say, IST " More Colonial Homestead? " Includes among «»thers, descriptions and Illustrations of The talc Is told-it may be a l.a f*liaumler<- »lu Pralrl", Ky.-Morven, the Stock¬ New .A -uld excite. An extraordinarily book, r\ John Hall. Johnstown, gi, T.- Lexington, Historic Towns of England fisherman's tale, but we let that pass-of a cer- Interesting by ton Homestead. Prlncton, N. J. Scotia, the (Jlen-Sanders House, Schenectady, K. Y.-Two KROPOTKIN With three portraits. Small 8vo, N. Y. With introduction bv P. Morris. With 161 illustrations. Hvo. gilt top, $3.50. tAln stream In Virginia, with tmooth Pchnyler Honi'-steads, Albany, George brawling $2 50. are: Rutland, Salem, Boston, Cambridge, Concord, here and in which the The towns described Portland, nnd Bhlalna poola there, fl 11 'STJtA TFD FOOKS. Plymouth. Cape Cod Towns, New Haven. Doerfleld, Newport, Providence, Hartford. Ash are as plentiful as they are plucky. To this Literary Hearthstones »»mi:«] h;ne come, for many years, a pair of BACKLOG STUDIES Studies of the Home Life of Certain Writers and Thinkers. Bv MARION HARI AND. «anglers Imbued with the true passion. As the Historic Towns of the Hiddle States H\ «. HARi.1 s DUDUI WARNER. Holiday Edition illustrated. Two vols. lGmo, each, $1.60; per set, $8.00. : added up, however, they have both With 12 lldistrations and 11 Fully With introduction Dr. Albert Shaw. With 135 illustrations. *vo, gilt top, $«3.50. head-pieces by 2. William by Brook¬ dev» tendencies, and wading is no EOMUMO H. GARRFTT l2nio, $2.00. 1. Charlotte Bronte. Cowper. The towns described are: Albany. Saratoga, Schenectady. Newburgh. Tarrytown. as comfortable for them as it used t»» " Mrs. Terhune has not only given us here extremely readable studies of the home life New York, Buffalo, Pittsburg. Philadelphia. Princeton. Wilmington. some Infor¬ lyn. Bo each has trained his horse to advan««e THE MARBLE FAUN and personality of Cowper and Bronte, but has made use of freshly obtained be. mation Investigation."-The Outlook. Into the river at suitable points, and By NATHANIFL HAWTHORN!' Roman Edition. gath.-re«; y perSoMl 4« of careiu Studies in Berkshire astriile, the anglers alt. with everything Illustrated with reproductions ly Nature lhere, se acted recent of famous a Arthur Scott. at their and fish photographs sculpt¬ Love Letters of Musician With Ifl illustrations in from original photographs by ?hey need saddlebows, they ures, paintings and historical lo. -Mies. Care¬ photogravure th- lr ease. Dr. van we and. In¬ Coleman Adams. 8vo, (in a box), $4.50. Bt Dyke hope, fully printed, tastefully bound. 2 voK lCmo, By MYRTLE REED. Svo, gilt top, $1.75. By John Large residents ot the course of those "A book of Interest to all lovers of t the Berkshire country, whether deed, better«, would approve -¡¡it top, ia The which Is told In the love Utter?« 1s as beautiful as the manner of tilling, and -.pedal and fields." hav«. story as visitors. It Is wise, readable and fragrant of the wood» anplers, though some of their companions Myrtle Reed has made n. contribution to tlie lovers' literature of the world as precious th« THE TENT ON THE BEACH " laugh-d them to scorn; for we gather from Sonnets from the Portuguese," and hardly IcM poetic the author not By JOHN G.
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