Ward Farnsworth | 312 pages | 19 Nov 2011 | | 9781430308003 | English | Morrisville, United States Books by Ward Farnsworth

There are many professional players in chess. However, they yet have to learn many strategies related to chess. Nevertheless, one basic skill everyone should know is pinning. It creates confusion that is hard to understand and at the same time increases the chances of winning. We can say that it is a skill only a few have fully mastered. If you do not know what a is in chess, here we have everything you need to know about this technique. Also, you will find a lot of information on this website about tactics and reviews about chess products. The pin in chess is a situation created when the opponent cannot move without exposing one of his most valuable pieces. The effect that has upon the is called the pin. You might have been wondering why a single tactic has been given so much importance. The pin was introduced by Chess master, Fred Reinfeld. The player after the formation of the tactic has been saying that the pin is mightier than the sword! Here are some of the amazing advantages that you will get by using this tactic. The biggest advantage of the chess pin is the restrictions it will create for the opponent. Now he will be forced to expose some of the important pieces in the game. In the example above, you will notice that White has to choose between the Knight and the . The obvious choice is to save the Queen which is more valuable than the Knight. More on this later…. The pinned piece will always have a weak defense. The reason is that it has the least or no effect on the surrounding squares that it is supposed to defend. For example, the Knight in order to protect the Queen cannot move to the following squares:. Chances of winning with the help of pin are high because it takes time for the opponent to find a proper defense. In the meantime, you can think of possible ways to attack while he is trying to figure out what to do next. This may cause a sense of anxiety to your opponent which helps you win. You can create a diagonal pin with the help of a bishop. In this case, you will have two or more targets in the direction of the diagonal. Make sure that your targets are in the colors of the same squares when a Bishop is Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) the pin. You can create the pin with by exploiting your targets that are in the same file or rank. A rook can be commonly used against the targets that are accessible on the D file of the board. When it comes to creating the pin, the most flexible piece that you will find is Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) Queen. You can create a pin with the Queen in any form whether it is a file, rank or diagonal. When I started playing chess, I was trying to chunk tactics in a way that I can easily remember and execute them with flawless precision. As important as it is to learn how to use a chess pin, you have to know how you can protect yourself from the procedure as well. In a perfect world, you ought to have expected the likelihood of that in any case. There may be yet an exit plan! Here is a list of regular thoughts you can use to escape from the pin in chess :. You will have to take a risky move with one of the pieces that have been caught. I suggest doing that in cases when you will have to pieces with the same value as a last resort. Capture the attacking piece. Use a counter-strategy to evacuate Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) pinned piece. Break the strategy by moving a protector in the way to the pinned pieces see the picture below. The position is the most important thing that you have to consider in order to determine the usefulness of Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) chess pin. However, here we have some tips that you can use to make your tactic more interesting. You can always add pressure to the piece that has been pinned by attacking it. Exploit all the squares that you think are safe by using the pin. On your pinning motives, you will have to look for the tactical combinations because it will give you the best results. Pin in chess is an extremely important tactic that all players have to master. Despite my best effort to help you master it, only a book can provide many examples and a huge amount of knowledge. There are numerous examples that will help you create threats to your opponent. You can out the following courses. When it comes to pinning in chess, this Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) is not the . Generally, chess players protect the Queen but on this occasion losing it was the fastest way to victory. The pin was considered successful but Black left his defense uncovered. Keep practicing and use the pin in chess under the right circumstances to make your game interesting and substantial. Please comment below to let me know if the article was helpful. If the information was helpful, I would appreciate sharing this article on social media. Enjoy the game! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. What is a pin in chess? You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess diagram visualization. Nf3 d6 3. Bc4 Bg4 4. Legal found a way to ambush Black. Why Legal sacrificed his Queen? Nd5 You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization. Share it if you like. Share on Facebook Share. Share on Twitter Tweet. Share on Pinterest Share. Share on LinkedIn Share. Share on Digg Share. Recommended Chess Products. Chess Strategies. Amazing Chess Facts. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Accept Read More. Necessary Necessary. Predator at the Chessboard Book Review () Worth a Read?

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. This book is the first in a two-part set which contains over a thousand examples organized in unprecedented detail. Every position is accompanied by a commentary describing a train of thought that leads to the solution; these books thus are the ideal learning tool for those who prefer explanations in words to long strings of notation. This volume provides an introduction t This book is the first in a two-part set which contains over a thousand examples organized in unprecedented detail. This volume provides an introduction to tactics and explains forks and discovered attacks. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published November 8th by Lulu. More Details Original Title. A Field Guide to Chess Tactics 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Predator at the Chessboard Book Iplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Predator at the Chessboard Book I. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Predator at the Chessboard Book I. Jul 31, M rated it it was amazing. If there were one beginners book to chess I would recommend above all else it is Wards Farnsworths Predator at the Chessboard. Which besides being the best Chess Book I have ever read, it is one of the best books I have ever read period, certainly the best non-fiction book I have ever read, and launched a love of chess for me that lasted many years, while greatly improving my game. Farnsworths book takes you step by step a thought process he developed to help you identify and exploit Tactics in c If there were one beginners book to chess I would recommend above all else it is Wards Farnsworths Predator at the Chessboard. Farnsworths book takes you step by step a thought process he developed to help you identify and exploit Tactics in chess. His tone is conversational, the same language you would get from somebody who was standing next to you giving you advice on what to look for. He also avoids the use of , which helps make the book more readable especially to the beginner. This helps make the book Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) to get through and less dry. In addition, the lessons are broken into small portions you can learn from in isolation, allowing you to learn one relatively short lesson, put down the book, play some games, and be surprised when almost immediately what you learned becomes relevant. He will give you a variety of examples to help familiarise yourself with tactics. It teaches you the most important tactical patterns Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) recognise, and breaks them into different categories, to allow you to identify slight modifications on the original patterns. He shows you how to find them in a real game, how to realise what pieces on the board are likely to be used and exploited by a tactic, and how to prevent tactics from being used against you. He goes from teaching you how to identify a tactic with all the other pieces stripped away, to how to identify it in a real game. He then explains how, when you discover a board has multiple tactics open to it at once, but none of the tactics on the board leads to an immediate advantage, how to think through string several tactics together to gain an advantage. He gradually builds on his concepts Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) he has built a comprehensive yet concise way to deal with tactics at the chess board, with none of his Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) book being unnecessary fluff. Once you've read his books on tactics, that's all you need, and I would suggest it's more useful to from thereon "drill" tactics by doing a variety of chess puzzles one after another to memorise the patterns. As time went on, I read this book some years ago, I found myself using Farnsworth's system less and less and relying more on shortcuts to find tactics I developed over years of play and practising chess puzzles. Now Farnsworths book was the first I had read, and I was the ideal person to benefit from it having never studied tactics independently before, but nonetheless it was hugely helpful to me. There is no easier way for the beginner to improve quickly than to improve in tactics, as most chess games are won and lost due to tactical deficits at the beginner to intermediate level. There is no better beginners book on tactics than Wards Farnsworth: Predator at the Chessboard. Aug 25, Ben rated it really liked it Shelves: A few days ago I decided to play a game of chess. During my school years I was very adept at the game, and was even nominated to lead the chess team for a brief spell before moving onto sports. It has been years since Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) played yet for some reason I felt as though I'd pick back up where I'd started. Big mistake. So much has evolved and adapted within the chess community that it's almost impossible NOT to be steamrolled. I was watching, mouth agape, as new techniques were being used before my ey A few days ago I decided to play a game of chess. I was watching, mouth agape, as new techniques were being used before my eyes and I was unable to counter them, simply because I hadn't seen them before -- they certainly weren't being used in ! However, this book changes all that. It provides you with ways to attack AND defend; how to counter these new techniques and how to perform them yourself. It's a neat pickup Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) you're into chess, and even if you're experienced it's no harm blowing away the dust on some alternative tactics. Feb 27, Finlay rated it it was amazing Shelves: chess. This breaks down the basic tactical themes in a way that just fit perfectly for me -- whenever I finished a chapter, I would immediately start to see those ideas popping up in games. I read this online from his website. View 1 comment. Mar 02, Bruno Arine rated it it was amazing Shelves: games. A must read if you wish to be taken seriously at chess and break through the plateau on the Elo rating. Dec 30, Java rated it really liked it. Very well organized, flexible in progression, and geared toward anyone who wants to learn some formidable chess tactics. The text is written in a more casual format than what I've seen in other chess tactics books, making it very easy and accessible to people new to the game. You are also not expected to follow the book in chapter order, and can skip around to learn the different sections any way you choose. The only thing it assumes is that you know how all the pieces move and can read some min Very well organized, flexible in progression, and geared toward anyone who wants to learn some formidable chess tactics. The only thing it assumes is that you know how all the pieces move and can read some minimal notation. This information can be read for free on the author's website, but I prefer to have a paperback copy to get my eyes away from the screen once in awhile. I recommend this one to anyone new to chess who wants to improve their game and understand the reasoning behind their moves, and plan to get the second book. Oct 13, Christian Crowley rated it it was amazing. I am reading this book through Mr Farnsworth's excellent and attractive free website, which presents a complete graded course in chess tactics forks, pins, skewers etc with exercises. Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) page presents a single diagrammed challenge to work out, with a paragraph or two of explanatory text. With the logical layout and expert analysis, I am enjoying learning more about chess tactics and Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) my skills at spotting opportunities to use them. I'm struck over and again by how the author maintains I am reading this book through Mr Farnsworth's excellent and attractive free website, which presents a complete graded course in chess tactics forks, pins, skewers etc with exercises. I'm struck over and again by how the author maintains a perfect tone: clear, concise and entertaining. I've given this book a provisional 5-star rating; the bite-sized lessons are the chess-world's equivalent of a page-turner thriller. Aug 17, Quinton Baran rated it it was amazing. An excellent review of tactics - in this case the double attack and the . I have seen my game improve, by recognizing these patterns and organizing my vision and moves. This book is written well, with engaging conversation, and little notation. For me, the "plain English" descriptions are very useful and welcome. Aug 09, mathias tesar rated it it was amazing. The best introduction book to chess tactics, period. Donald rated it really liked it Mar 03, Philip Ternhem rated it it was amazing Jun 12, John rated it it was amazing Jun 05, Justin Svegliato rated it it was amazing Aug 11, Sami Quadri rated it it was amazing May 20, Dustin Gier rated Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) really liked it Apr 25, Ofer rated it it was amazing Mar 03, Predator at the Chessboard Book I by Ward Farnsworth

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to chess:. Chess is a two-player board game played on a chessboard a square-checkered board with 64 squares arranged in an eight-by-eight grid. In a chess game, each player begins with sixteen pieces: one , one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The object of the game is to the opponent's king, whereby the king is under immediate attack in "check" and there is no way to remove or defend it from attack, or force the opposing player to forfeit. — rules governing the play of the game of chess. structure — describes features of the positions of the pawns. may be used for tactical or strategic effect, or both. Chess tactics — a chess tactic is a move or sequence of moves which may result in tangible gain or limits the opponent's options. Tactics are usually contrasted with strategy, in which advantages take longer to be realized, and the opponent is less constrained in responding. Fundamental Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) include: [8]. Checkmate pattern Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) a particular checkmate. Some checkmate patterns occur sufficiently frequently, or are otherwise of such interest to scholars, that they have acquired specific names in chess commentary. Here are some of the most notorious:. — aspect of chess playing concerned with evaluation of chess positions and setting of goals and long- term plans for future play. While evaluating a position strategically, a player must take into account such factors as the relative value of the pieces on the board, pawn structure, king safety, position of pieces, and control of key squares and groups of squares e. — group of players that share common ideas about the strategy of the game. There have been several schools in the history of modern chess. — group of initial moves of a chess game. Recognized sequences of opening moves are referred to as openings as finished by White, or defenses as finished by Black, but opening is also used as the general term. King's Knight Opening —. Sicilian Defense —. Indian Defense —. Endgame — phase of the game after the middlegame when there are few pieces left on the board. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Overview of and topical guide Predator at the Chessboard: A Field Guide to Chess Tactics (Book I) chess. Further information: Comparison of chess video games. Further information: Comparison of top chess players throughout history. Main articles: and List of chess variants. Chess portal. Fundamentals of Recreation, 2nd edition. Retrieved 2 May Retrieved 4 April Archived from the original on Transpo Tricks in Chess. See review at "Transpo Tricks in Chess — review". The Oxford Companion to Chess second ed. Oxford University Press. Golombek's Encyclopedia of Chess. Crown Publishing. Chess thinking. Simon and Schuster. SBN Lasker, New Yorkas a "celebrated ". Chess at Wikipedia's sister projects. List of openings theory table List of chess Irregular Fool's mate Scholar's mate. Bishop and knight checkmate King and pawn vs king Opposite-coloured bishops Pawnless endgame Queen and pawn vs queen Queen vs pawn Rook and bishop vs rook Rook and pawn vs rook Lucena position Strategy Tarrasch rule Study Tablebase Two knights endgame Wrong rook pawn. Chess portal Category. Wikipedia Outlines. General reference Culture and the arts Geography and places Health and fitness History and events Mathematics and logic Natural and physical sciences People and self Philosophy and thinking Religion and belief systems Society and social sciences Technology and applied sciences. Categories : Chess Chess-related lists Outlines of sports Wikipedia outlines. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description matches Wikidata. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Add links.