Select Republican Political Institutions in Outline
____ APPENDIX: SELECT REPUBLICAN POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS IN OUTLINE (300 before 81; 600 down to 45 Bc; then 900 until SENATE. The main consiliu,’n (“advisory body”) of magistrates, itself consisting mainly of ex-magistrates step aside for others. What the Senate decided Augustus reduced it again to 600). The most senior magistrate available in Rome usually presided, but could the Senate long guided state administration and policy e,zatu.s consultant, abbreviated SC) was strictly only a recommendation to magistrates. But in actual fact, of imperium, triumphs; also the state religion, finance, and preliminary iii almost all matters, including wars, allocation of provinces, (eventually) all extensions in which case it is called patrum auctoritas. The 1isiussion of legislative bills, A SC could be vetoed (by a consul acting against his colleague, or by a tribune), more than advice. SC riltirnurn, first passed in 121, was employed in cases of extreme crisis, but again technically was no ASSEMBLIES (U: POPULUS. COMPOSED OF BOTH PATRICIANS AND PLEBEJANS (NON-PATRICIANS). cum imperia. Gave “military auspices” to consuls, praetors once elected by the Centuriate Assembly; also to dictators, non-magistrates was a consul (or sometimes apparently a practor); in Aserubly Validated in some way the powers of lower magistrates (aediles, quaestors). Its president curiae (“wards”) of the city. (c mitia Cicero’s day, it was enough for a lictor symbolically to represent each of the 30 voting (‘101010) (“infantry”), the latter divided into five classes, Centuriate Originally the army, which had centuriae as its constituent units. Equites (“cavalry”) and pedites A of these 193 voting units, not absolute A ,seni hlv ranked by census wealth, totalled 188 centuries; added to those were five unarmed centuries.
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