December 2019
VOL. XXVIII, NO. 3 LENOX, MASSACHUSETTS DECEMBER, 2019 newsletters, photographs, and corporate documents; inci- Letter from the Editor dental papers and documents (some significant, some trivial, and some private); and……. the money. Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends of Lenox School, A group of folks, including Randy Harris, Bob Sansone, Ed Another October, another enjoyable and successful LSAA Miller, Paul Denzel, John Schneiter, Keith Simpson , and even reunion. Great weather, terrific fall colors in the Berk- my wife Carole (a trained and experienced archivist) have shires, many friends, a superb dinner at the Lenox Club. been gnawing on this issue. We don’t have all the answers, but we do have many suggestions and ideas. We’re working And a very significant business meeting. on it. More in future P&S issues as answers and plans are resolved. Clarity is on the horizon. The main topics of the meeting were the results of a second challenge grant and a firm decision concerning the We do have an answer for the money, however, and that LSAA’s future… or part of that future. was the central theme of our business meeting. Jeff Smith, Fritz Eckel, Ira Colby , and Paul Denzel, through hard work First, the money. For yet another year, we were challenged and appropriate due diligence, recommended that the LSAA to meet an ambitious donation hurdle. Last year, we met a engage a local trust management firm that specializes in challenge grant posed by two generous alumni. And again non-profit charitable fund management. You will read much for this year, another alumnus posed an even more ag- about the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation (BTCF) gressive challenge, which we met and exceeded.
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