UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Hard Talks in ECE Countries on How to Increase Renewable Energy Uptake ECE ENERGY SERIES No.62 Geneva, 2020 © 2020 United Nations All rights reserved worldwide Requests to reproduce excerpts or to photocopy should be addressed to the Copyright Clearance Center at copyright.com. All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to: United Nations Publications, 405 East 42nd Street, S-09FW001, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Email:
[email protected]; website: https://shop.un.org The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations or its officials or Member States. United Nations publication issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ECE/ENERGY/126 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.20.II.E.16 ISBN: 978-92-1-117230-0 eISBN: 978-92-1-004660-2 ISSN: 1014-7225 eISSN: 2412-0022 II FOREWORD The wider deployment of renewable energy will play a key role in the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal 7 calling for ensuring access to affordable and clean energy for all by 2030. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) organizes ad hoc policy dialogue events, the so-called “Hard Talks”, with the aim to promote an open dialogue between all involved stakeholders on how to increase sustainable energy uptake and promote renewable energy investments in specific UNECE countries. This publication explores the outcomes of Hard Talks carried out in Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Serbia and Ukraine, from 2016 until early 2019.