9 Ecology and Nature Conservation
HIGHWAYS AGENCY – M4 JUNCTIONS 3 TO 12 SMART MOTORWAY 9 ECOLOGY AND NATURE CONSERVATION 9.1 Introduction 9.1.1 This chapter provides the assessment of the potential effects of the construction and operation phases of the Scheme on Ecology and Nature Conservation. A desk-based study and field surveys, undertaken between 2009 and 2015, have been used to underpin this assessment. Technical supporting data are provided in Appendix 9.1 and Confidential Appendix 9.2. In view of the long design-life of the Scheme (30 years for new gantries, 40 years for new carriageway construction, and 120 years for new bridges), and as no impacts are predicted during the decommissioning phase of the Scheme which have not already been identified and assessed for the construction and operational phases, effects as a result of decommissioning have been scoped out of this assessment. 9.1.2 The assessment has been undertaken for the following receptors: statutory and non-statutory designated sites, habitats and plants, terrestrial invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, bats, dormice ( Muscardinus avellanarius ), water voles ( Arvicola terrestris ), otters ( Lutra lutra ), and badgers ( Meles meles ). 9.1.3 To prevent unnecessary injury or death to badgers and having regard to the Protection of Badgers Act 1992, all information related to badgers (including survey methodology, baseline information, mitigation and residual effects and cumulative effects), is presented in Confidential Appendix 9.2. Release of Confidential Appendix 9.2 will only be to the Planning Inspectorate (the “Inspectorate”), and on request from suitably qualified professionals. 9.1.4 Direct and indirect effects on nature conservation as a result of the Scheme have been considered.
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