TELEPHONES: FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th, 1948. STORE HOURS I Office 21, MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY ETD. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hardware 34. Magrath, . Wed. 8 a,m. to 1 p.m. Grocery Dept. 4r2 "A .good place to Trade." Sat. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dry Goods Bept. 4r3 0 0 ()()()()()()() (.)()() 00 ()()() 00 0 0 0 0 00 ()()()()()()()()()()()()() 000 000


Ladies' Flannelette Pyjamas

KIDDIES' Flannelette Pyjamas.

Printed and plain colors. Butcher Boy style. - Bargain $1.75 time! $1.29


Tearose and white uplift models.

Satin and KIDDIES COTTON TRAINING lace numbers . PANTIES. included.

White only...... 390 Sizes: 32 to 38.

SNUGGLES: Wool & Cotton 690 790 & $1.19

VESTS: Silk & Cottons. 750 PANTIES...... Rayon Stripe, Rayon Dry Goods Knit. Small, Medium and Large, Dept. LADIES NIGHTGOWNS: PRICED: 690 4r3 Crepe. $1.89 MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. A shower was held at the home of Mrs. The Congregational meeting at the William Wocknitz on Wednesdays afternoon United Church Friday evening was well- honoring Mrs. Oscar Salberg, nee Miss attended, A delicious pot-luck supper Stella Wocknitz of , Friends was served after which a sing-song was and neighbors called during the afternoon enjoyed, the reports of the various com­ and the guest of honor received many mittees were given and the election of lovely gifts. Lunch was served by the new officers took place...... hostess assisted by Mrs. Earl Wocknitz and Mrs. Dale Bly...... TKEZ’RE HERE......

A pink wool head scarf was lefft at Hampton’s Sunnivale Dresses in sizes my place the afternoon of the shower. 13 to 20. $5.95 Mrs. Wm. Wocknitz. Smart Unlined Wool Suits for Spring.

Ladies Ready-to-Wear Dept. 2nd Floor.



5-Eyelet Height in sizes 6 to 10...$2.45

Higher top Rubber Shoes in sizes 7 to 9

$6.62. • i»niM MEN'S SHOE DEPT.


HEAVY WOOL PLAID SPORT SHIRTS in assorted colors. Sizes: 14& to 17^-.

SPORT SHIRTS: Cotton and rayon checks. Assorted checks, plaids and plain shades. Small, Med. and large.

1/3 OFF ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BARGAINS.... for Boys BARGAINS .... for Men SQUALL’SHIRTS




Half Price..,.

H H M:::::::::::::::::::::: s: Mr. & Mrs. Gus Passons accompanied by her parents of are leaving Sat­ urday, by car, for a month's holiday along the Pacific Coast...... • • ' • • • « ■«•••«•••*! • ••••• '••••aaaaaaaaaaeai • • "T-SHIRTS" FINE COTTON T-SHIRTS FOR SPORTSWEAR, FOR ATHELETES, FOR EVERYDAY. WHITE ONLY. Small, Medium & Large. 75<£ each. Mrs. Gordon Dudley and irolyn return­ Mr. & Mrs. -is. Judd, Mrs. Dean ed from Cutbank after a week’s -visit..., 1 Heggie and daughter Myrna of Raymond Earl Holman of Lethbridge was a Mag­ were Magrath visitors, Saturday...... rath visitor Thursday...... Miss Thelma Miller of Lethbridge, and Mr, & Mrs. Marion Ackroyd left Wednes­ Darrel Miller of Raymond were weekend day for . guests at the home of their parents, Mr. & Mrs. A1 Miller......

5/ O' feO 1»///,/^\ r / [//A Q


THREE-PIECE SETS: Coats, Pants & Hats.

I-PIECE OUTFIT with zipper and button fronts.


SNOW SHOES in Brown or White. VELVET BOOTS with fur trim. for Children

STADIUM BOOTS, VELVET OVERSHOES Zipper closing Rubber boots with walking heel for Ladies. mi ii mt ii ,i it mi tin ii mi ii ii mi it mi mt uh ii ii ii ti mill i, ,i ii i,„ min „„n u „ it mm ,i it it ii „ u mi „ mi mi it mi mi in, ,i it ,i unit mi „i,„,tn Mrs, Elsie Murray spent the weekend in Lethbridge at the home of her don and daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Harold Murray.



Cottons, Sheers, Fine Maderia

Sizes: 1 to 3 years. BLACK and BROWN SHOES in sizes 2 to 6. Soft leather uppers with well-fin­ ished soles. Priced at $1,85

We also have a heavier Shoe in narrow A oowpuncher ordered a steak at a rest­ and wide fittings: aurant. The waiter brought It in rare- Sizes: 5 to 7-£. ...$3.20 very rare. The cow-puncher looked at it 8 to 1O|...$3.85 and demanded that it be returned to the kitchen and cooked. 2nd Floor .... ”It is cooked,"snapped the waiter. "COoked—- nothing," replied the cow- puncher, I’ve seen'cows hurt worse than Soren Anderson is visiting at Cutbank, that and get well," Mont, with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs, Jack Jessop...... MAGRATH TRADING COMPANY LTD. "A good place to Trade." The Red Cross Mobile »j.inic visited Born to Mr. & Mrs. Ray Harker, a son, Magrath, Wednesday afternoon with seventy- Wednesday, Jan. 28th...... four donorsj including Del Bonita, Spring Coulee and local citizens. There were 11 IN TIffi HARDWARE DEPT, nurses with the clinic under the super­ vision of Miss Nell Mahar of Vancouver, COLEMAN OIL BURNING HEATER, Walnut finish B.C, small size...... $74.95 The Executive of the local branch of the Red Cross sincerely wish to thank all COLEMAN WATER HEATER, complete with those who so kindly assisted in any way. tank, white enamel finish...$169.50 Especially members of the Ladies Aid who served meals and lunches to the workers and donoys...^. ------*------GRAMHAMETTE ELECTRIC RANGE:2 burners and oven. White with black trim...$59.50

CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3,piece suite in White enamel finish. a sturdy tapestry covering. Reg. $289.50. THERMO Special Offer...... $229.50

KITCHEN CABINET, metal construction. 3 adjustable shelves. White finish. $13.50

GAS MODEL 15 POUND FLOOR POLISHER, with wool base. Makes waxing easier... $233.50 $4.95

C. S, Matkin attended the Commissioner Conference and the Boy Scout Annual Meet­ ELECTRIC ing at Red Deer on Friday and Saturday. MODEL. The main address Bf the conference was $193.50 given by Premier Manning. W. J. Dick of was re-elected president; Hon. N. E. Tannery Provincial Commissioner. The Red Deer Kinsmen Club sponsored the HARDWARE Luncheon* There are over 6,000 Boy Scouts in Alberta and 24$ leaders...... DEFT. Mrs. Flora Norton returned to her home in Provo, , Tuesday.

The Ladies Aid will be hostess at a birthday party REHEMBER...... honoring Mrs. Julia Gagan, Monday,' the Reduced Price Feb. 2nd at her home. All ladies on the BEATTY are cordially in­ vited to attend. ELECTRIC IRONER.

Reg...... $199.50 SHOF at the SALE PRICE... MAGRATH TRADING Co. $149.50

CHICK OIL-BURNING ... .The first step BROODERS toward the fulfil­ ment of a dream is They’re here. See for the dreamer to them, "wake up".

$31.50 SEE OUR | PRICE TABLE Jr. Turner and F. including China, F. Balderson left Vases, etc. Thursday afternoon^ MEN.... A C.C.M. BICYCLE-@.$51.50 for Calgary to Hardware Dept. attend the Rod & CHILD'S TRICYCLE/ large size $21.50 Phone 34. Gun Convention..., t

About two hundred guests enjoyed the DOMOLITE will resist scuff­ Taylor M.I.A. Stake Special Interest ing, repel moisture, oil and dirt. It Group party Friday evening at the Assembly will neither rot or mildew. To clean, Hall.Skits presented by Charles Harker wipe with a damp soapy cloth and rinse. and Nyal Fletcher, a vocal solo by Mrs. z Should not be subjected to excessive heat. Gean Wheeler accompanied by Mrs. D. H. / DO NOT IRON. Keeler, and a Waltz Quadrille ( Mrs. V "Dutch Boy" or "Cherry" patterns. Irene Strang, Mrs. J. H. Bridge, Mrs. J. $1.49 a yd. W. Alston and Mrs. Margaret Ririe, Messrs. Orson Bridge, J. H. Bridge, J. W. Alston Saturday evening Mr. & Mrs, Lloyd Ririe, and Geo. Thomson) accompanied by Emil Mr. .& Mrs. H. C. Poulsen, Mr. & Mrs. J. F, Ehlert on his piano accordian, were enjoy­ Grant, Mr. & Mrs. Alec Poulsen, Mr. & Mrs, ed during the evening. "A Traffic Ball" Rhondo Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. Jay Hamilton, was a source of merriment with the culprits Mrs. L. R. Jensen and Mrs. Wallace Dudley being brought before Judges B. W. Dow and motored to Lethbridge where they were guests J. J. Strang, Doughnuts and punch were at a delicious turkey supper at the home served during the dance. of Mr. & Mrs. Grant G. Woolley. Lethbridge guest were Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pratt, Mr. & Miss Shirley Pierrins of Spring Coulee, Mrs. Howard Fletcher, Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Mrs. T. Kadonaga and baby girl, and Mrs. Matkin and Mr. & Mrs. kLoyd Heppler. A Minnie Culp are patients in the Magrath novelty budget was the principal enter­ Municipal Hospital...... tainment of the evening with suitable prizes awarded...... CHARACTER ------A river first be­ comes crooked by following the line of least resistance ....and so does mops man. 81.45 Don Copell & 1.85

CLEARING.... MITT MOP: A broken Range (maybe taken of Ladies Pumps, off and wash­ Kiddies Slippers ed.) 350 a tin at Reduced Prices. $2.10 Grocery Counter. 2nd Floor Phone flr2

TEACHER: "Frank, what is a cannibal?" FEANK: "Don’t know, ma'am." TEACHER: "Well, if you ate your father and mother what would you be?" FRANK: An orphan, ma'am?"

RAYON ALPINE, red and sand, 54" wide $2.65 a yd.


White, 10, 20 and 50...... 350 a ball

NEW ARRIVALS: SLEEPERS £c* TOTS. Ecru, 10 and 20, small balls, each 150 Blue and Pink'FlanneleSt^. Button backs. Sizes 5 to >yrs. $1.69 DON'T FRRGET OUR FURNITURE BARGAINS Dry Goods Depi. Buy and Save, LIONS LOSE , A WIN LINEUPS: Yes the Raymond Jacks are still in the Raymonds R. Mitchell 18, H. Hicken 3, League, a league that is fast becoming very R. Erickson 2, L, West 0, Stone 0, R. evenly competitive. The fast-passing, sharp­ West 9, Murdock 14, D. Erickson 2, Smith shooting Jacks again led Iky Ren Mitchell, ed­ 0, Rolf son 5. Total...... 53. ged out the Lions 49-46 in overtime. The game MAGRATH: M. Sabey 15, D. Sabey 0, D. was ruggedly played, very close and very Sabey 7, W. Rice 14, W. Pashuk 9, J. Harker thrilling. The Lions’ passing was very weak, z/l, G. Rice D, P. Proctor 2, E. Coleman 2, and the ball-, was constantly landing in Ray- V Total...... 50. mond’s hands or in the crowd. We believe that the Lions will again show the form which en­ : Hansen 10, Gregson 17, Don abled them to knock over the Jacks two-in row. Steed, Williams 7, Leavitt 12, Cardwell Saturday night the Lions edged the Cardston 7, Del Steed, Toomer, Matkin, Gibb, Maple Leafs 62-59. Cardston have a group of Total...... 59 capable ball players Who will give a full MAGRATH: M. Sabey 4, D. Sabey 1, D. account of themselves each game from now on, Sabey 20, W. Rice 10, J. Harker 8, E. Coleman 6, W. Pashuk 11, P. Proctor 2. LOST: Stock-rack endgate for Pick-up, be- - G. Rice. Total.....62. tween Raley and Magrath. Finder phone 103 - (collect) Raymond. - J . E a B , H. L. Fisher.


Ham, 550 a lb. Bacon, 600 FOR THIS WEEKEND l:::::: lamb 270 a lb l Leg, afly size...... 500 a lb. Chops, ...... 500 a lb* { SHAMROCK HAMi HOME BRAND SLICED BACON a lb* i lb. pkg. pork \ 580 400

Leg Roast, short trim. 500 a lb. SAUSAGE , links, per lb. .400 Chops, per lb...... ,500 FOR SALE: Victory Oats, fanned ready to sow. fish Grant Crookston. Cohoe Salmon, per lb. .520 ATTENTION: Big Dance at Farmhill, Feb, 6th Halibut, per lb...... 430 Ted’s Melddy Men, Lunch will be sold. Kippers, per lb...... 350 Mrs. R, W. Ardnt.

FOR SALE: Dining room suite (6 pieces). ODDS AND ENDS Also 2 rocking chairs. Mrs. W. G. Lawlor. The Australian wool clip for the 1947-48 season is expected to bring a record return FOR SALE: 2nd Cutting Alfalfa hay. Delivered of $44^ million. The average price has been or ?h Mike Schneidyer. 480 a pound. In the price is 200 a lb. less. NOTICE: The Gold and Green Ball will be The Canadian Government isn’t interested in held Feb. 7th at the Assembly Hall with the the Wool Grower, or the Sugar Beet Growers, Anderson Sister’s Orchestra. Dance starts and during the last two years has done at 9 o’clock with the crowning of the Queen everything possible to ruin the livestock Ceremony at 10 0’clock. This is a Budget industry. Event. Non-Budgetholders 750 Semi-formal. Extra ladies free. NOTICE: A meeting of the Lighting Com­ mittee will be held Monday, Feb. 2nd at Fireside was held Sunday evening at the the Town Hall at 7 P.M. home of Miss Marie Smith with the following Have you your porch light installed yet? in attendance: Mr. & Mrs. Don Briggs, Mr. & B. W. Dow. Mrg. Fred Briggs, Mrs. Ethel Braithwaite, Mrs. Lillian Taylor, Mrs. Avilda fiarker, N0TICE1 THE Annual Meeting of the Magrath Misses Alice Faye Rasmussen, June Bohnet, Hockey Club will be held Tues. Feb, 3rd at Julia Burgess, Alice Has Allen, Dorothy Brad­ 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall. Election of shaw, K'« Jam&fl . Jean Ririe, LeVaum Matkin, officers, final plans for a. New Skating Hope Alston, Lavina Keeler, Barbara Ririe, Rink to be discussed, etc. Please attend. Dawn Robinson, Laverne Harris, Shirley Clarke, J. G. Perley, Pres. Messrs. Roy Bly, Allen Anderson, Glen Leish- man and Gordon Coleman. Don Briggs was the FOR SALE: 2 room house and lot, guest speaker. Refreshments were enjoyed. Mrs. Grant Wheeler,

rf FROM "TO A MOUSE" Lions Club meeting held on Monday night (Burns) Jan. 26th was featured by a talk from Mr. Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste Leslie Pharis, guest speakerjand by Hr. Emil An’ weary winter cominf fast, Ehlert on the accordian. There was a very An’ cozie here, beneath the blast, good representation of Lions present. Lion Thou thought to dwell, Pingree Tanner, 1st Vice-President, occupied Till, crash’ the cruel coulter past the chair in the absence of Lion President Out thro’ thy cell. Jay Hamilton, who was out of Town on business, Mr. Pharis congratulated the Lions org­ That wee bit heap o’ leaves an'* stibble anizations for the very fine work being acc­ Has cost thee many a weary nibble’ omplished throughout the entire field of act­ Now thou’s turned out, for a' thy trouble, ivity in which the Club was working which in­ But house or hauld,, cludes many different countries. Also refer­ To thole the winter’s sleety dribble red to the situation Canada as it effects An” cranreuch cauld' farm organiaations through price controls and etc. But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane Both Mr. Pharis and Mr. Ehlert were In proving, foresight to be vain; appreciated by the members of the Club and The best laid schemes o' mice and men other present. Gang aft agley, Financial report of the Club was pre­ An’ leave us nought but grief an' pain, sented by the Secretary. This report was for For promised joy. the year 1947. The Club was shown to be in a healthy standing from a finannial stand­ Still thou art blessed, compared wi’ me’ point as well as from club activities. At The present only toucheth thee: the present time the Club has a membership But Oohi I backward cast my e'e of 48 with some additional members to be On prospects drear'. added shortly. An’ forward, tho' I canna see, Mrs. Annie Steele did the catering in I guess an' fear'. the usual satisfactory manner. //------// Songs were led by Lion Tamer Ken Gibb. FOUND: License Plat4 : F 71290 Tail Twister Lion Geo. Hamilton collected the News Office. fine s...... ff. T, Steele

THE NEW LETHBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL There are a few facts about the prcposed new $700,000 High School.? Citizens of Leth­ bridge will vote on, on Feb. 3rd. 1. The building will be 242ft. by 282 ft. 2. It will have 14 classrooms and 6 self-contained shops. 3. The Motor Mechanics Shop and the Farm Machinery Shop will be housed in 45 ft x 51 ft. rooms. 4. The 12 ft. wide halls will be lined with steel lockers 6' x 1-g- ft. 5. The Gymnasium will: (a). Have a 56’ x 90' playing court. (b). Have collapsible steel bleachers which will fold against the wall when not in use. (Estimated life 25 to 30 yrs.I (c) . A seating capacity of 1000. (d) . ^e self-contained, i.e. entirely separate from the school for ball-games, etc. Mr. Kyle, principal of the Lethbridge Collegiate Institute, deplores their present small gym (40'x60'xl4') and said that original plans called for a larger court but economy measures cut down the size of the gym (just what happened in Magrath). He is convinced that B. Bali-iEs an asset to a school and had it re-introduced in the Collegiate (on a larger scale) this year. Mr. Kyle believes that receipts from the new gym will provide ■ funds to completely equip the large stage which will be in their new building. The gym will be large enough to have 2 or 3 cross courts for basketball, or be used for several gym classes at one time. Basketball now is the largest drawing sport of all. If Lethbridge gets their new High School (and public opinion favors it) and the huge new gym in their Civic Centre (which they will have for sure) we may as well hang up our suits here in Magrath unless we get a larger playing court. If our present Gymnasium was extended 80 ft. to the west we could have a 48' x 85’ playing court with a seating capacity of 1000.

J, E, B.

THE NEW PARK THEATRE 0PENIN3 ...... The Magrath Lions Basketball team is going north this weekend. Thursday evening they will FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th play against the Calgary Detroit Bears. In Edmonton, Friday and Saturday, they will play ONE SHOW ONLY STARTING ...8:15 versus the Varsity Golden Bears. Doors open,...7:45 DANCE, Saturday night at the Assembly Hall. PRICES EVENING, 18$, 25£ and 45$ Everyone welcome. MATINEE EVERY SATURDAY @ 2:30, Matinee Prices: 120, 25$ and 35^ GROCERY DEPT


Phone 4r2


FRIDAY, JAN. 30/48. SATURDAY, JAN. 31/48, • • ■ • • PINK GRAPEFRUIT, 96's, 4 for...... 27/ A, SPECIAL 10/ ORANGES, large, per doz...... 55/ ■VZDIGED BEETS per tin

ORANGES, small, per doz...... 25/ DICED CARROTS per tin .

LEMONS, per dos...... 45/ APPLE JUICE, Allen Clear, Choice Quality, per tin.

McINTOSH "Reds", Fancy, per box $3.95 VAN CAMP SPAGHETTI, per tin...... 19/


Vijo...... 7 #s...... 42/

Aunt Jemima...... 21/

Coyote Brand...... 63/

SATURDAY'S LUNCH COUNTER SPECIAL: "Hot Beef Sandwich with Vegetables" ...35/ a plate.

MINCED BUTTER CLAMS, per tin...... 33/

CHICKEN HADDIE "Crown", per tin...... 27/

LISTERIBE , MlNARD S 7 oz, bottle. 47/ 43/ < Il I 32/ PARSNIPS, Waxed, 2#s...... 15/ LinimenT a bottle. TURNIPS, Waxed, a lb...... 05/

COOKING ONIONS, a lb,...... 08.

CARROTS, 2 #s...... 07/

POTATOES, Netted gem 8#s..,25/ 27/ FLEISHMAN’S YEAST 6 for 25/


Robin Hood Flour,...... 35/ Walnuts, per lb...... 98/ Raisins, Calif, seedless per lb...... 23/ 48/