The Intron-Mediated Gene Regulation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

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The Intron-Mediated Gene Regulation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae The intron-mediated gene regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae A thesis presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Shih-Ching Eva Chen School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, University of New South Wales 2011 Table of contents Abstract i Abbreviations ii Acknowledgements iv Publications v Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 The hidden layer of gene regulation, non-coding RNAs 5 1.1.1 Small ncRNAs 7 1.1.2 Long ncRNAs 8 1.1.3 Complex genomic organization 9 1.2 Nuclear introns 12 1.2.1 Significance of introns 12 1.2.2 Function of introns 13 1.2.3 Introns in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 15 1.3 Splicing and the spliceosome 17 1.3.1 Basal machinery 17 1.3.2 Spliceosome assembly and splicing reactions 18 1.3.3 Catalytic centre of spliceosome 21 1.4 The Sm protein family 23 1.4.1 Sm proteins 23 1.4.2 Lsm proteins 26 1.4.3 Other roles of Sm/Lsm complexes 27 1.4.4 Regulation of expression of LSM genes 30 1.5 Aims 34 Chapter 2 Materials and methods 2.1 General materials and methods 36 2.1.1 Materials 36 2.1.2 Sterilization procedures and preparation of materials 37 2.2 Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, media and growth conditions 38 2.2.1 Escherichia coli strains 38 2.2.2 Escherichia coli media and growth conditions 38 2.2.3 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains 38 2.2.4 Yeast media and growth conditions 39 2.3 General DNA methods 41 2.3.1 General methods and reagents 41 2.3.2 DNA isolation from E. coli or S. cerevisiae 42 2.3.3 Polymerase chain reaction 42 2.3.4 Southern blot analysis 47 2.3.5 DNA sequencing 48 2.4 Generation of strains and plasmids 48 2.4.1 E.coli. transformation 48 2.4.2 Yeast transformation 49 2.4.3 Production of mutant constructs and plasmids 49 2.4.4 Construction of yeast strains 51 2.5 RNA based methods 52 2.5.1 Culture harvest conditions for RNA abundance measurement 52 2.5.2 RNA preparation 52 2.5.3 Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) 53 2.5.4 Affymetrix gene chip expression microarray analysis 55 2.6 Mating-type based methods 56 2.6.1 Mating efficiency analysis 56 2.6.2 Measurement of pheromone production 56 2.6.3 Sensitivity test of opposite pheromone 57 2.7 Cell growth assay 57 Chapter 3 Regulation of LSM genes and the function of LSM7 intron on the expression of LSM genes 3.1 Introduction and aims 58 3.2 Production and verification of LSM7 mutant strains 61 3.3 Expression level of LSM genes changes in response to different carbon sources 65 3.4 The requirement for LSM7 coding sequence and intron in maintaining the expression levels of the LSM genes in response to a poor carbon source 67 3.4.1 LSM7 is required for normal expression of LSM genes in response to growth on acetate 67 3.4.2 The LSM7 intron is required for normal expression of LSM genes in response to growth on acetate 70 3.4.3 The LSM7 intron alone is involved in fine-tuning the transcription level of LSM genes in response to growth on acetate 73 3.4.4 Expression of the LSM7 intron improves the growth rate of cells lacking Lsm7 protein 78 3.5 Does the LSM7 intron act as an independent trans-regulator in LSM gene expression ? 80 3.5.1 Expression of LSM7 intron from ADE1 locus alters the expression levels of LSM genes 81 3.5.2 Normal LSM gene expression in cells grown on acetate was not restored with the LSM7 intron expressed from the ADE1 locus in lsm7' and 'i mutants. 85 3.6 Discussion 91 Chapter 4 Regulatory elements of the LSM7 intron 4.1 Introduction and aims 94 4.2 Conservation of the LSM7 intron across yeast species 95 4.3 Linker-scanning mutagenesis of the LSM7 intron 97 4.3.1 Essential sequences of the LSM7 intron in regulation the level of mature LSM7 transcript 98 4.3.2 Expression patterns of LSM genes in response to mutations in the intron under different growth conditions 100 4.3.3 Essential sequences of the LSM7 intron in regulation of LSM genes 105 4.4 Secondary structure prediction of the LSM7 intron 109 4.5 Discussion 111 Chapter 5 Global transcriptional profiling in response to deletion of LSM7 intron 5.1 Introduction and aims 115 5.2. Principle component analysis (PCA) of microarray expression data 116 5.3 Differentially expressed genes in response to the LSM7 intron deletion 118 5.3.1 Differentially expressed genes in response to the LSM7 intron deletion under both media conditions 119 5.3.2 Genes involved in mating-type regulation are altered by the LSM7 intron deletion under both media conditions 124 5.4 The LSM7 intron is required for efficient mating in MATD-cells. 130 5.5 Discussion 133 Chapter 6 Summary and perspectives 135 Reference 141 Key to appendices 165 Abstract Sm-like (Lsm) proteins are critically involved in a variety of RNA-processing events, including splicing, post-transcriptional modification and RNA degradation in organisms that range from bacteria and archea to yeast and humans. In Sacchromyces cerevisiae, the proteins existing in at least two heteroheptameric ring complexes: Lsm1-Lsm7, which promotes mRNA degradation via decapping in the cytoplasm; and, Lsm2-Lsm8, which is required for mRNA splicing in facilitating U4/U6 snRNP in the nucleus. Despite extensive understanding of their function, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate expression of the LSM genes. By constructing a set of mutants that lacked the LSM7 gene, or its intron, or which expressed the intron but not the exons, the LSM7 intron was shown to modulate expression of other LSM genes in trans. The intron located at a separate locus in the ADE1 gene was able to affect expression of some LSM genes although the patterns of expression in cells grown on different carbon sources were not the same as those in the wild type. Sequences within the intron that regulate LSM genes were identified through sequential targeted mutagenesis. The data indicated that the splicing elements are required for full function of the intron. Moreover, a 24 nt region of the intron was found important in controlling the level of expression of the mature LSM7 transcript and other LSM genes in the response to growth on different carbon sources. Microarray analysis was also employed to determine the full extent of the regulatory effect of the intron. Deletion of just the LSM7 intron affected a large group of genes involved in mating in haploids, and a mating efficiency assay provided strong evidence of the requirement of LSM7 intron in mating regulation. However, this regulation was not exerted through control in pheromone production or sensitivity towards opposite mating-type pheromone. These data constitute a step towards understanding not only the regulation of LSM genes but also provide an example of a novel mechanism for gene regulation driven by an intron that can act in trans in a relatively simple eukaryote that lacks the machinery for gene silencing. i Abbreviations 5’SS 5’-splice site 3’SS 3’-splice site aa amino acid BPS branch point sequence bp base pairs d day h hour kb kilo base pair LB Luria-Bertoni broth like-Sm Lsm min minute miRNA micro RNA mRNA messenger RNA ncRNA non-coding RNA nt nucleotides OD600 optical density measured at 600 nm wavelength ORF open reading frame PCR polymerase chain reaction pre-mRNA precursor mRNA qRT-PCR quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction rRNA ribosomal RNA RNAi RNA-mediated gene silencing s second snRNP small nuclear ribonucleoprotein snRNA small nuclear RNA snoRNA small nucleolar RNA SNP single nucleotide polymorphism SC synthetic complete (minimal) medium SD synthetic define (minimal) medium S. cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNA transfer RNA UTR untranslated region WT wild-type ii YEPD rich glucose medium YEPA rich acetate medium Gene names for dominant alleles are designated by the standard italicized capitalized three-letter mnemonic, followed by a number (e.g. LSM7). Recessive mutant alleles are denoted in italicized lower case (e.g. lsm7). Deletion is indicated by '. The protein product of the gene is designated by Roman type, with the first letter capitalized (e.g. Lsm7). Open reading frames are designated with three letters, followed by a three digit numerical code and ending in either “c” or “w”. The nomenclature indicates the chromosomal position of the open reading frame (e.g.YNL147W). iii Acknowledgments In has been a privilege to conduct my PhD study in this laboratory. First of all, I would like to pass my greatest thanks to Prof. Ian Dawes for not only the opportunity to work in his lab but also his support, guidance, advice and understanding throughout the years of my study. Without his positive outlook and encouragement, this project would not have been possible. I will always remember your dry ice trick that always work and the moves on the dance floor. My appreciation also goes to all the support and guidance received from Geoff Kornfeld, including small things like making me an RNA special esky, to more importantly supporting me in the project in many ways. Also, I would like to pass my special thanks to Dr. Joyce Chu and Dr. Ruby Lin who have not only kindly provided me their knowledge and experience for most of the RNA works, but also mentally encouraged me throughout my study.
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