ffiHh 20 14 InternationalSeason Sponsor 2Oi 4 SeasonProduction Sponsors GoldenAnniversary Sponsors CONRADPREBYS AND DEBBIETURNER ERNAAND ANDREWVITERBI THEDOW DIVAS

GIUSEPPEVERDI MESSADA REOUIEM Composedin Memoryof AlessandroManzoni March 20,2O14 at 7:OOpm

Thisproduction of the VerdiRequiem is dedicatedto LeadProducers' Circle Sponsors Raffaellaand John Belanichand DiamondProducers' Circle Sponsor Carol Anne Lazier. a. is pleasedto recognizeNorthern Trustas our Exclusivecorporare Sponsorfor ;:t, ""}o,2r;r^ Sincerethanks also go to SycuanCasino, Phone Etiquette Sponsor, and PointLoma Nazarene

KRASSIM IRA STOYANOV A, Sopra n o STEPHANIEBLYTHE. Mezzo Soprano PIOTRBECZALA. Tenor FERRUCCIOFURLANETTO. MASSIMO ZANETTI.Conductor CHARLESPRESTINARI, Chorus Master DR. GARY MCKERCHER,Music Director, San Diego Master Chorale The San Diego Symphony.San Diego OperaChorus and San Diego MasterChorale

TheVerdi Requrem was first performed at the Churchof SanMarco in Milanon May 22, 1Bl4 t. Requiem il. Diesirae ilr. Offertorio tv. Sanctus V. Agnus Dei vt. Lux aeterna vil. Liberame

lhe running time is approximatelyone hour and thirty minutes with no intermission.

By arrangementwith JHendon Music,Inc., a BooseyI Hawkescompany, Sole Agent in the U.S.,Canada and Mexicofor CasaRicordi/Universal Music PublishingRicordi S.R.L., publisher and copyrightowner. As patrons. a courtesyto other latecomerswill not be seatedduring the performanceafter the lightshave dimmed. Members of the audiencewho leaveduring the periormancewill not be permittedback into the theatre. The use of camerasor anykind of recordrng equipmentis strictlyforbidden. Please turn off all cellular telephones and any other electronjc devices. Cast subiect to chanoe


PIOTR BECZALA,Tenor aulxote and last season as Thomas Becket in Murder ln the Polish tenor Piotr Beczala made his San Cathedral. Recent engagements include Mustafa in The ltalian Diego Opera debut as Rodolfo in 201O's Girl rn Algrers at Vienna Staatsoper,Jacopo Fiesco in Smon La boheme and returned this season as Boccanegra at the Lyric Opera of Chicago.the title role of Attrla Gustavlll in A Masked Bal/ Recentengage- at San FranciscoOpera. at the ViennaStaatsoper, ments include the title role of FausI. the the BolshoiTheatre, Teatro Massimo in Palermoand the Lyric Duke of Mantua in ,Les Chevalier Operaof Chicago.De Silvain Ernani,M6phistoph6lds Don Basilio des Grieuxin Manon and Rodolfowith the in TheBarber of Sevrlleand King Philipat the MetropolitanOpera. , Rodolfo with Vienna Jacopo Fiesco in ar the Vienna Staatsoper Staatsoper, and the ,The Prince and the Metropolitan Opera. the London Proms. the Royal in Rusalka with BayerischeStaatsoper. Edgardo tn Lucra di Opera.Covent Garden, and Madrid'sTeatro Real. Don Ouixoteat Lammermoor at Vienna Staatsoper.Hamburgische Staatsoper Madrid'sTeatro Real. Oroveso in Norma at the SalzburgFestival and in Tokyo. Riccardo/Gustavo.the Duke of Mantua. and and King Philipand Boris Godunov at The MariinskyTheatre Alfredo Germont in La travrataat OpernhausZUrich, the Duke in St. Petersburg.Furlanetto is a Kammersangerof the Vienna of Mantua at Paris Opera. at Gran Teatre del in Staatsoperand an HonoraryAmbassador to the UnitedNations. Barcelona.Alfredo Germontat the RovalOpera. Covent Garden. Count Vaud6mony in lolanta with the SalzburgFesitval. Romeo KRASSIMIRA STOYANOVA in Romeo and Juliet at the MetropolitanOpera. the Salzburg Festivaland the RoyalOpera. Covent Garden, Lensky in Eugene Soprano Onegrnwith the MetropolitanOpera and San FranciscoOpera, Bulgarian soprano Krassimira Stoyanova and Tamino in TheMaglc Flute and Rodolfowith San Francisco made her San DiegoOpera debut as Amelia Opera. A Zurich Opera member. roles include the title roles in A Masked Bal/. Aooearancesat the Sofia in Werther and The Tales of Hoffmann, Don Ottavio in Don National Opera include Gilda in Rtgoletto, GiovanniandCamille de Rosillonin TheMerrv Widow. Susanna tn The Marrrage of Frgaro, Cecilia in ll Guarany.Delila in I Fosca, Rachelin la STEPHANIEBLYTHE Juiva, Yitellta in La Clemenza di Tlto and llia in ldomeneo: Klng of Crete. Recent engagements include Mezzo Soprano Tatyanain Eugene Onegrnat the RoyalOpera, Covent Garden American mezzo-sopranoStephanie Blythe and NetherlandsOpera. Die Primadonnain Arradneauf Naxos, made her San Diego Opera debut in ,4 Elisabethin Don Carlo, Desdemona in Otello, Alice Ford in Masked Ball. She has aooearedwith the Falstaffand Miml in La boheme at ViennaStaatsoper. Amelia in MetropolitanOpera. Lyric Opera of Chicago, Simon Boccanegraar the Lyric Opera of Chicago,Desdemona San FranciscoOpera. RoyalOpera, Covent at the I\,4etropolitanOpera and Bayerische Staatsoper.the Garden and the Paris Opera in the title title role of Luisa Miller aI Deutsche Oper Berlin, Bayerische roles oI-Carmen, Samson and Delilah. La Staatsoper,and ParisOpera. Margueritein Faust and Leonora Grande Duchesse, Orfeo ed Eurrdice, and Juhus Caesar ln in ll trovatore at Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona.Miml at Egypt- and Frugola,Principessa. andZitain ll Trittio,Amneris in the MetropolitanOpera, the title role oI Rusalkaat Opernhaus Aida, Azucena in ll Trovatore. Fricka in Das Rheingold and Die Zirich, Countess Almaviva in aI Walktire,and Mistress Ouickly in Falstaff. She has appeared on Washington National Opera and the title role ol lphigenie en tour with Les Violonsdu Roy.with the New York Philharmonic. Taurrdeat HamburgischeStaatsoper, among others. In 2009, BostonSymphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, San she was nominatedKammersangerin by the ViennaStaatsoper. FranciscoSymphony. Philadelphia Orchestra. the METOrchestra, the HalleOrchestra, the Concertgebouworkest.the Tanglewood, Mostly Mozart festivalsand the BBC Proms. In recital.she has MASS| MO ZANETTI, Conductor appearedin San Franciscoand Princeton.at CarnegieHall. Alice Italian conductor Massimo Zanetti Tully Hall.the 92nd StreetY, Town Hall.Metropolitan Museum mrda hic Qrn l-)ienn Onare dehr+.nn- of Artand the RaviniaFestival. Blythe starred in the Met's liveHD ducting A Masked Ball earlierthis sea- broadcasts of Orfeo ed Eurldice. ll Trlttico, Rodeltnda. and the t: son. Collaborationswith renowned complete Ring Cycle. opera housesinclude Berlin Staatsoper, SemperoperDresden, Opernhaus Zinch, FERRUCCIOFURLANETTO Bayerische Staatsoper. Hamburgishe Bass Staatsoper,the LyricOpera of Chicago.San Italian bass FerruccioFurlanetto made his FranciscoOpera. Royal Opera. Covent Garden. Op6ra de Paris San Diego Opera debut in 1985 in the Bastille.Teatro alla Scala di Milano,Teatro del Maggio Musicale title role in Verdi's , returning for Fiorentinoand Teatro dell'Opera di Roma.Recent productions M6phistoph6ldsin Fausr and twice in the includeA MaskedBall aI TeaIroRegio di Parmaand Teatro title role in Don Giovannr.King Philip in las Palmas,Don Carlo and La travlataat BerlinStaatsoper. Don Carlo, Basilio in The Barber of Seville, Turandotwith the RoyalStockholm Opera and aIlhe the title roles of Boris Godunov and Don BaverischeStaatsoper, where he made his debutwith lursa


Miller.For SemperoperDresden. he has conductedproduc- CHARLESF. PRESTINARI tions of Otello, Carmen, The Marriage of Flgaro, Norma. Don Chorus Master Carlo,Madama Butterfly,and La bohdmeas well as svmphon- CharlesF. Prestinarimade his San Diego ic concertswith the DresdenStaatskapelle. Notable concert Opera debut as Acting ChorusMaster performancesinclude Srmon Boccanegra wilh the Vienna in 20O8's The Pearl Flshers.returned in Symphoniker.a specialVerdi/Wagner program for China 201 1 for Turandot.and was appointed Philharmonicand GuangzhouSymphony Orchestras. Verdi's ChorusMaster in 2012. From 2OO4- Requiemin Linzand Otelloar TeatroCol6n in BuenosAires. 2012, he workedon over50 oroductions ForOpernhaus ZL)rich. he conductedLuisa Miller and revivals with New York City Opera,first as assistantchorus master. of La Fanciulla del West, Anna Bolena, Turandot. Otello and and from 2008. as chorusmaster. Whileobtaining gradu- La boheme.Performances as a symphonicconductor include ate degreesin choralconducting from lndianaUniversity. he NagoyaPhilharmonic Orchestra, Czech Philharmonic. Weimar waschorus master and opera coach for the IndianaUniversity Staatskapelle,Konzerthaus Orchestra, Bamberg Symphony. OperaTheater. He hasalso held accompanist positions with Stuttgart Radio, NDR Symphony Hamburg. Orchestre the BrevardSummer Music Festival. the CarmelBach Festival. Philharmoniquede RadioFrance. among others. the SanAntonio Opera. the New JerseyState Opera. and the NationalChorale in New YorkCity. and has servedas guest chorusmaster at the ManhattanSchool of Music

Musiciansfor this productionare membersof the SanDiego Symphony Orchestra SAN DIEGOSYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Jahja Ling,Music Director

VIOLIN VIOLA SusanWulff lheresaTunnicliff BichardGordon* ASSISTANT JeffThayer ThomasC.Turner AssotiatePrincipal FrankBenk MichaelPriddy PEBSONNELIVANAGER Concertnaster ActingPrincipal W.Gregory Berton DouglasHall DEBOBAHPATE AND KABENAND WABBEN SamuelHager BASSCLABINET BASSTROMBONE JOHNFABBEST CHAIfr KESSLIBCHAIB JoryHerman FrankBenk lVlichaelPriddy PBINCIPALLIBBABIAN NickGrant NancyLochner MargaretJohnsion* CounneySecoy Cohen PrincipalAssociate AssociatePrincipal AllanFickmeier BASSOON TUBA Concertnaster RebekahCampbell MichaelWais Valentinl\4anchev l\ilanhewGarbun LIBBARIAN JisunYang Chi-YuanChen Principal Princtpal BachelBellairs AssociatePrincipal I WandaLaw FLUTE ByanSimmons AlexanderPalamidis 0ingLiang RoseLombardo LeylaZamora HABP PrincipalIl ThomasMorgan Principal JulieSmith Phillips Lon Luuu, R, lVei-ChingHuang AJNilles SarahTuck CONTRABASSOON Principal " Lonqlerm Associate Principalll DorothyZeavin ElizabethAshmead LeylaZamora SubstituteMusician Bandall * Brinton GarethZehngut TIMPANI StaffOpera Musician YumiCho Ptcc0L0 HORN ByanJ.DiLisi HernanConstantino CELLO ElizabethAshmead BenjaminJaber Principal AliciaEngley YaoZhao Principal AndrewWatkins PatFrancis Principal OBOE DarbyHinshaw AssinantPrincipal KathrynHatmaker ChiaLingChien SarahSkuster AssistantPrincipal I AngelaHomnick AssociatePrincipal Principal Utiliry PEBCUSSION lgorPandunki MarciaBookstein BetsySpear WanenGref GregoryCchen JuliaPautz GlenCampbell AndreaOvenurf TriciaSkye Principal WesleyPreeoun KarlaHolland-Moriu DouglasHall KennethlVlcGrathr SusanBobboy BichardLevine AndrewWatkins ShigekoSasaki BonaldBobboy ENGLISHHOBN TRUMPEI YehShen lVlaryOda Szanto AndreaOvenurf ByanDarke PIANO/CELESIE AnnaSkdlovil ConceftnasEr AningPrincipal MaryBananger EdmundStein BASS DR.WIUIAM AND JohnMacFenan Wilds HanahStuart (S) JeremyKunz-Harris IVELYNUMDEN BayNowak ORCHESIBA JohnStubbs Principal ENGLISHHORN CHAIB PEBSONNELMANAGEB PeiChun Tsai SOPHITAND ABTHUB TBOMBONE Magdalena0'Neill JingYan BBODYFOUNDATION CL-ARINET KyleR. Covingron JoanZelickman CHAIB SherylBenk Principal Principal GeorgeJohnsion

Thenusicians enployed by the San Diego Symphony are nenbers of theMusicians'Association ofSan Diega County, Local 325, Anerican Federation af Musicians, AFLClT.

PERFORMAN€ESI4AGAZINE P4 PRODUCTION: Mary Yankee Peters ProductionStage Manager CessanyFord Productionlntern DorothyRandall PrincipalPianlst KristinRoach Pianist ChadesArthur Supenhles

SANDIEGO OPERA VOLUNTEERCHORUS ALTOS VanessaDinning LisaKalal AngelaMontague Kanish BASSES Aaron Bullard


Dr.Gary McKercher, Music Director MartinGreen. Associate Music Director ChrisAllen, Director for Pops MichelleLaGrandeur, Executive Director Aaron Mitchetl,Assistant Music Director BryanVerhoye, Accompanist

SOPRANOS EmilyRiggs KristinFallon TENORS Rob Donaldson JulieAmes Zulma Sandoval Sonja Hershkowitz TlmBarnes GregoryFrank Theodora Bellinger NathaniaYoung Alelha Hotaling Noah Friedman ChrisGrim Sarah Campanozzi Sigmund Steph lshihara MartinGreen- KJ Ben Kim JeannineDahl-Fogel Kara Stewart Loydene Keith John B. Hansen-Tarbox Andrew Konopak EllenDamore Lea Ann Walker ClaudiaKim CarlosA. Lewis DouglasMartin Jean Danyiel ShirleyP. Ward Mary GraceC. La Croix Aaron lVitchell- RyanM Martinez SharonDavis LibbyWeber Amanda Lautieri DanielMoyer Robert Mayberry Betsy Faust Susan Marberry Tim Mclellan- ALTOS CharlesOtt HeidiHall Kay-MarieMoreno JamesA. Roth Stephen Ott Jane Baker Anita Hansen Judy Mowers Jim Stevensont RickRoesler Patti Blair JaniceHansen KariRoller Jeff Wallin Aaron Sathrum PatriciaHay CaliBolyard. Carolyn Rollin KevinWilliams GordonShugars MaryAnn Buckles YoshikoHigurashi-Jensen MerinaSmith BarryR. Smith Jr. CindyBurnham PatriciaHurt JuliaTaylor BASSES RobertTaylor BonnieCampbelF TatianaJames. Stacey LeVasseurVasquez M.Gary Bell Jeremy Toren Davis BarbaraMcGowen ErinWishek Steve Cargill DirkVan Proyen MaureenCaton Nina Mohan EvangelinaWoo. PeterCronin PatrickWalker ErinDecker Janet Q'Brien MindyYardy Tim Daly Wen Wu JantinaPerry. CarlaMorand Dustin ColinDoherty ' DesignatesSection Leaders