(1) Community Council Minutes

Allanton and Hartwood Community Council of 20 June, 3 and 31 October and 28 November 2002 and 30 January, 27 February and 27 March 2003 (pages 1-8)

Central Community Council of 3 March 2003 (pages 9-10)

Coltness Community Council of 11 March, 8 April, 13 May and 10 June 2003 (pages 11-23)

Harthill and Eastfield Community Council of 2 October, 6 November and 4 December 2002 and 5 February and 5 March 2003 (pages 24-32)

Newmains and District Community Council of 11 September, 9 October and 13 November 2002 and 12 February, 12 March and Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 14 May 2003 and Minutes of 9 June 2003 (pages 33-50)

Shotts Community Council of 19 February, 19 March, 16 April and 21 May 2003 (pages 51-61)

Submit Minutes of Allanton and Hartwood, Central Wishaw, Coltness, Harthill and Eastfield, and District and Community Councils (copies herewith)

(2) Wishaw and Newmains Community Forum - Minutes (pages 62-66) Submit Minutes of Wishaw and Newmains Community Forum of 6 March and 12 June 2003 (copy herewith)

(3) Wishaw and District Area Committee Tour (pages 67-68) Submit report dated 27 August 2003 by Area Team Leader advising of the main areas visited and issues discussed at the Area Tour of 16 July 2003 (copy herewith)

(4) Good News Report (pages 69-70) Submit report dated 25August 2003 by Director of Community Services advising of some various 'good news' stories within the Department of Community Services (copy herewith)

(5) Better Neighbourhood Services Fund, Wishaw (page 71) Submit report dated 2 September 2003 by Director of Housing and Property Services advising of progress of the Castlehill Community Park, BNSF Project within the Wishaw area (copy herewith)

(6) Community Forum - Expenses (pages 72-73) Submit report dated 27August 2003 by Director of Community Services advising of budget availability to support the development of the roles of the Area Committees and Community Forums (copy herewith)

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(7) Community Grants

(a) Consideration of Applications for Homologation (pages 74-78) Submit report dated 20August 2003 by Director of Community Services advising of expenditure already committed within the Community Grants Scheme 2003/2004 (copy herewith)

(b) Community Grants Scheme - Consideration of Applications (page 79) Submit report dated 5 September 2003 by Director of Community Services (copy of report herewith, Appendix to follow)

(8) Presentations

(a) North Local Plan (pages 80-83) Submit report dated 17 September 2003 by Director of Planning and Environment advising of the process and timetable for key stages of the Local Plan to outline the Committee’s place in the process (copy herewith)

(b) Youth Court Hamilton - Pilot Scheme Presentation by Community Safety Co-ordinator, Department of Community Services

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