North Council


Agenda item Ref: CJ/EH

[7] for approval for noting Date: 5Apr11 2018 From: Archie Aitken, Head of Business for Legal and Democratic Solutions Telephone: 01698 302295 Email: Executive Summary

This report advises of the Council's statutory obligation to conduct a review of the polling districts and the polling places within .


That the proposals for the review of the current polling districts and polling places as attached as an Appendix to this report be approved. Links

Council plan to 2020: To improve relationships with communities and the third sector.


Following the polling place review undertaken in 2013, the Policy and Resources Committee, at its meeting he'd on 5 December 2013 approved the polling districts and polling places in use for all electoral type events. Subsequent to this, and following the special meeting of the Council held on 3 October 2016, wherein it was noted that the review of the electoral arrangements undertaken by the Local Government Boundary Commission had resulted in a change to the ward boundaries and led to an increase of one ward, minor amendments were made to those polling districts and polling places that had been previously approved.

2. Report

2.1. The Representation of the People Act 1983, as amended by the Electoral Registration Act 2013, requires all Councils within the to conduct a review of polling places and polling districts within a period of six months beginning with 1 October 2013 and within the


period of 16 months beginning with the first day in October of every fifth year thereafter.

2.2. Schedule IA of the 1983 Act imports a number of statutory requirements including:−publication

of the notice of the review;

• consultation with, and the publication of any representations received, from the Returning Officer for every parliamentary constituency affected, and

• seeking the views of interested groups or bodies including electors, political parties and Members of the Council, as well as other elected Members such as MEPs, MPs and MSPs, and also from persons with particular expertise in relation to access to premises or facilities for persons who have different forms of disability.

2.3. Having regard to the benefits of continuity it is suggested that the review effects change only where a clear benefit is identified and that the consultation proposals be based on the current polling arrangements as attached in the Appendix to the report.

2.4. Prior to the commencement of the statutory review on 1 October 2018, an informal consultation exercise will be undertaken with the Returning Officer and each Member of the Council, the results of which will be used to form the basis of the consultation document to be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee for consideration.

2.5. Following approval by this Committee of the consultation document, the Council will give formal notice that the statutory review of polling districts and polling places will commence on 1 October 2018. The notice will be included in all local newspapers, placed within public libraries in each parliamentary constituency within the authority and on the Council's website. MEPs, MPs and MSPs and North Lanarkshire Disability Forum will also be consulted at this time.

2.6. On conclusion of the consultation exercise, a full report outlining any proposals for change to the polling districts and polling places in the authority will be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee.

3. Implications

Financial Impact

There is no impact. HR/Policy/Legislative Impact

There is no impact.

Environmental Impact

There is no impact.

:\REP\REVPOLLDISTPLACCJ.docx Measures of Success

Increase the volume of residents engaging in the electoral process.

Head of Business for Legal and Democratic Solutions


Polling Districts and Polling Places

Polling UnitedParliamentaryConstituencyKingdom Scottish District Polling Place Ward Constituency Reference

NL1 St. Patrick's Primary School 1 − Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Backbrae Street and Kirkintillloch East Kulsyth G65 ONA

NL2 Holy Cross Primary School 1 − Kilsyth Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Main Street and Kirkintillloch East Croy G65 9JG

NO Kilsyth Academy 1 − Kilsyth Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Balmalloch and Kirkintillioch East Kilsyth G65 9NF

NL4 Chapeigreen Primary School 1 − Kilsyth Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Mill Road and Kirkintililoch East Queenziebum G65 9EF

NL5 Kilsyth Primary School 1 − Kilsyth Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Shuttle Street and Kirkintillloch East Kilsyth G65 OBL

NL6 Bumgreen Hall 1 − Kilsyth Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Bumgreen and Kirkintillloch East Kilsyth G65 OHT

NL7 Banton Primary School 1 − Kilsyth Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Lammerknowes Road and Kiricintillloch East Banton G65 OQT

NL8 Cumbemauld Primary School 2 − Cumbernauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth and St. Andrew's Primary North and Kirkintillloch East School Eastfield Road Cumbemauld G68 OEB

NL9 Cumbemauld Primary School 2 − Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kulsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth and St. Andrew's Primary North and Kirkintillloch East School Eastfleld Road Cumbemauld G68 OEB

NO 1 Eastfield Primary School 2 − Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth 23 Caimtoul Court North and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G68 9JR

NL12 Eastfleld Primary School 2— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth 23 Caimtoul Court North and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G68 9JR

NL13 Cumbemauld Primary School 2— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kulsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth and St. Andrew's Primary North and Kirkintillloch East School Eastfleld Road Cumbemauld G68 OEB

NL14 Westfield Primary School 2— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Westfield Drive North and Kirkintillioch East Cumbemauld G68 9HJ

N1−15 Broadwood Stadium 2— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth 1 Ardgoil Drive North and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G68 9NE

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NL16 Broadwood Stadium 2 − Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth 1 Ardgoil Drive North and Kirkintililoch East Cumbemauld G68 9NE

NL1 7 Broadwood Stadium 2 − Cumbemauld , Cumbemauld and Kilsyth 1 Ardgoil Drive North and Cumbemauld G68 9NE

NI−18a Ravenswood Primary School 3— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Tiree Road South and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 I NR

NI−18b St. Mary's Primary School 3— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Liddel Road South and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 1JB

NL20 Carbrain Primary School 3 − Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Millcroft Road South and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 2LD

NL21 St. Margaret of 3— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Primary School South and Kirkintillloch East Broomlands Road Cumbemauld G67 2PT

NL22 Woodlands Primary School 3 − Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Melrose Road South and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 4BA

NL23 St. Helen's Primary School 3— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Lomond Drive South and Kirkintillloch East Condorrat G67 4J1−

NL24 Condorrat Parish Church Hall 3— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Main Road South and Kirkintillloch East Condorrat G67 4DZ

NL25 Condorrat Primary School 3— Cumbemauld Cumbernauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Morar Drive South and Kirkintillloch East Condorrat G67 4LA

NI−19a Muirfield Centre 4— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth 1 A South Muirtiead Road East and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 lAX

NL1 9b Muirfield Centre 4— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth 1A South Muirhead Road East and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 lAX

NL26 Kildrum Primary School 4— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Ellisland Road East and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 2HQ

NL27 St. Lucy's Primary School 4— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Oak Road East and Kirkintillloch East Cumbemauld G67 3LQ

NL28 Whitelees Primary School 4— Cumbemauld Cumbernauld, Kilsyth Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Blackthorn Road East and Kirkintillloch East Cumbernauld G67 3NJ

NL29 Abronhill Primary School 4 − Cumbernauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Medlar Road East and Kirkintililoch East Cumbemauld G67 3AJ

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NL30 Whitelees Primary School 4 − Cumbernauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbernauld and Kilsyth Blackthorn Road East and Kirkintillloch East Cumbernauld G67 3NJ

NL31 The Village Community 4— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Centre East and Kirkintillloch East The Wynd Cumbemauld G67 2ST

NL32 Kildrum Primary School 4— Cumbemauld Cumbemauld, Kilsyth Cumbemauld and Kilsyth Ellisland Road East and Kirkintillloch East Cumbernauld G67 2HQ

NL33 Primary School 5 − Stepps, Coatbndge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston 10 Blenheim Avenue Chryston and and Belishill Stepps G33 6FH Muirhead

NL34 St Joseph's Primary School 5— Stepps, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Road Chryston and and Bellshill Stepps G33 6AA Muirhead

NL35 Stepping Stones Family 5 − Stepps, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Learning Centre Chryston and and Bellshill 66 Cumbernauld Road Muirhead Stepps G33 6EW

NL36 Chryston Primary School 5 − Stepps, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Lindsaybeg Road Chryston and and Bellshill Chryston G69 91DW Muirhead

NL37 Primary School 5 − Stepps, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Langmuirhead Road Chryston and and BelIshill Auchinloch G66 5DU Muirhead

NL41 St Barbara's Primary School 5— Stepps, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Elmira Road Chryston and and BelIshill Muirhead G69 9EJ Muirhead

NL43 St Joseph's Primary School 5— Stepps, East/Glasgow Coatbndge and Chryston Cardowan Road Chryston and City Council Stepps G33 6AA Muirhead

NL38 Glenmanor Primary School 6 − , Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Glen manor Avenue and and Bellshill Moodiesbum G69 OJA

NL39 St Michael's Primary School 6 − Gartcosh, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbndge and Chryston Bumbrae Avenue Glenboig and and BelIshill Moodiesbum G69 OER Moodiesbum

NL40 Gartcosh Hall 6— Gartcosh, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbndge and Chryston Lochend Road Glenboig and and BelIshill Gartcosh G69 2AB Moodiesbum

NL42 Glenmanor Primary School 6— Gartcosh, Coatbndge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Glenmanor Avenue Glenboig and and Bellshill Moodiesbum G69 OJA Moodiesbum

NL5I GNH 6— Gartcosh, Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Main Street Glenboig and and Belishill Glenboig MI−5 2RD Moodiesbum

NI−51a Glenboig and Our Lady and 6— Gartcosh, Coatbndge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston St. Joseph's Primary Schools Glenboig and and BelIshill 5 South Medrox Street Moodiesburn Glenboig ML5 2RU

\\ad−file\CentralPublic\Elections\Polling Place Reviews\List of Polling District and Polling Places.docx DPolling United Kingdom Scottish Parliamentary istrict Polling Place Ward Constituency Constituency Reference NL44 St Bartholomew's Primary 7— Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston School North and BelIshill Deveron Street Coatbndge MI−5 2JB

NL45 Inclusion Support Base 7— Coatbndge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston 41 Townhead Road North and BelIshill Coatbndge MI−5 2HT

NL46 Townhead Primary School 7— Coatbridge Coatbndge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Dochart Drive North and BelIshill Coatbridge MI−5 2PG

NL47 The Reigart Suite, 7 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Summerlee Heritage Park North and Befishill Heritage Way Coatbridge MI−5 IQD

NL48 Langloan Primary School 7— Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbndge and Chryston Bank Street North and Belishill Coatbridge ML5 1 EG

NL49 The Reigart Suite, 7— Coatbridge Coatbndge, Chryston Coatbndge and Chryston Summerlee Heritage Park North and Bellshill Heritage Way Coatbridge ML5 1QD

NL50a Masonic Hall 7 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Coltswood Road North and Bellshill Coatbndge MI−5 2AA

NL50b Greenhill Primary School 7— Coatbndge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Albert Street North and Bellshill Coatbridge ML5 3HE

NL52 St Patrick's Primary School 7— Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Kildonan Street North and Bellshill Coatbridge MI−5 31−P

NL52a Dunbeth Nursery Centre 7— Coatbridge Coatbndge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Coats Street North and Bellshill Coatbndge MI−5 3NX

NL53 Holy Trinity and All Saints 7— Coatbndge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbndge and Chryston Church Hall North and Bellshill Muiryhall Street Coatbridge MI−5 3RZ

NL54 Holy Trinity and All Saints 7 − Coatbridge Airdrie and Coatbridge and Chryston Church Hall North Muiryhall Street Coatbridge MI−5 3RZ

NL55 Holy Trinity and All Saints 7 − Coatbndge Airdrie and Shotts Coatbndge and Chryston Church Hall North Muiryhall Street Coatbridge MI−5 3RZ

NL56 Airdrie Academy 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts South Commonhead Avenue Airdrie MI−6 6NX

NL57 St Serf's Primary School 8−Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Thrashbush Road Airdrie MI−6 6QU

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NL59 Springfield Community Centre 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Forrest Street Airdrie ML6 7BA

NL60 Clarkston Primary School 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts 17 Findhom Place Airdrie ML6 7HE

NL61 Plains and St David's Primary 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Schools 1 Annieshill View Plains ML6 7NY

NL62 Glengowan and St. Mary's 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Primary Schools Drumfin Avenue ML6 7QP

NL63 Village Hall 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Telegraph Road ML6 7RR

NL64 Community 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Centre 107 Coatbridge Road Glenmavis ML6 ONJ

NL65 Primary School 8— Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shofts Greengairs Road Greengairs ML6 7TE

NL66 Golfhill Primary School 8 − Airdrie North Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Ballochney Street Airdrie ML6 OLT

NL58 St Andrew's Primary School 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Laggan Road Airdrie ML6 OLL

NL67 Beechbank Community 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shafts Centre Westermavisbank Avenue Airdrie ML6 OHE

NL68 Victoria Primary School 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shafts Airdrie and Shotts 79 Aitchison Street Airdrie ML6 0DB

NL69 The Chapelside Centre 9 − Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shafts Airdrie and Shafts Waddell Street AirdrieML6 6JU

NL70 Caatdyke Congregational 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shafts Airdrie and Shafts Church Kippen Street AirdrieML6 9AX

NL71 Devanview Pre−School 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shafts Centre Devonview Street Airdrie ML6 913H

NL72 Community Education Centre 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shafts Airdrie and Shafts 2 Clark Street Airdrie ML6 6DQ

\\ad−file\CentralPublic\Elections\Polling Place Reviews\List of Polling District and Polling Places.docx DPolling United Kingdom Scottish istrict Polling Place Ward Parliamentary Constituency Constituency Reference NL73 All Saints and Rochsolloch 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Primary Schools Bellsdyke Road Airdrie ML6 9DU

NL74 Tollbrae Primary School 9 —Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts South Biggar Road Airdrie MI−6 9LZ

NL75 Victoria Primary School 9— Airdrie Central Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts 79 Aitchison Street Airdrie MI−6 0DB

NL76 and St Kevin's 10— Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbndge and Chryston Primary Schools West and Bellshill Langmuir Road Bargeddie G69 7RS

NL77 Janet Hamilton Community 10— Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Centre West and Bellshill Langloan Street Coatbridge MI−5 1 HJ

NL79 Old Monkland Primary School 10— Coatbndge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbndge and Chryston Craigend Drive West and Bellshill Coatbridge MI−5 5TJ

NL80 St Mary's Primary School 10— Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Hozier Street West and Bellshill Coatbndge MI−5 4BA

NL81 Old Monkland Community 10— Coatbridge Coatbndge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Centre West and Belishill Lismore Drive Coatbridge MI−5 5PG

NL78 St Augustine's Primary 11 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston School South and BelIshill Henderson Street Coatbridge ML5 1 BL

NL82 Sikeside Primary School 11 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Sikeside Street South and Belishill Coatbridge MI−5 4QH

NL83 Cambroe Primary School 11 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Kirkton Crescent South and Bellshill Coatbridge ML5 4TP

NL84 St Mary's Primary School 11 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Hozier Street South and BelIshill Coatbridge MI−5 4BA

NL85 Kirkshaws Primary School 11 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Old Monkland Road South and Belishill Coatbridge MI−5 5EJ

NL86 Calder Parish Church Hall 11 − Coatbndge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Bute Street South and Bellshill Coatbridge ML5 4HF

NL87 The Shawhead Centre 11 − Coatbridge Coatbridge, Chryston Coatbridge and Chryston Berwick Street South and BelIshill Coatbridge MI−5 4NH

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NL88 All Saints and Rochsolloch 12 − Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Primary Schools Bellsdyke Road Airdrie MI−6 9DU

NL89 Primary School 12 − Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Main Street Calderbank MI−6 9SG

NL90 Primary and 12— Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts St Aloysius Primary Schools 1 Honeywell Crescent Chapelhall ML6 8XW

NI−91 Petersbum Primary School 12— Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Petersbum Road Airdrie MI−6 8DX

NL92 Mobile Library 12— Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Blackcroft Avenue Airdrie ML6 8PU

NL93 Dunrobin Primary School 12 − Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Petersbum Road Airdrie ML6 8BH

NL94 Dunrobin Primary School 12— Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Petersbum Road Airdrie MI−6 88H

NL95 All Saints and Rochsolloch 12 − Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Primary Schools Bellsdyke Road Airdrie MI−6 90U

NL96 Petersbum Primary School 12— Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Petersbum Road Airdrie MI−6 80X

NL97 Calderbank Primary School 12 − Airdrie South Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Main Street Calderbank MI−6 9SG

NL98 Church Hall 13— Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Church Road ML6 9QG

NI−99a Allanton Primary School 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Dura Road Allanton MI−7 5AB

NI−99b Momingside Primary School 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts School Road Momingside, ML2 9QW

NL100 Stane Primary School 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Torbothie Road Shotts MI−7 5JJ

NL101 Dykehead Primary School 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Easter Road Shotts MI−7 4AS

NL102 Mobile Library 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Road Hartwood MU 5BY

\\ad−fule\CentralPublic\Elections\Polling Place Reviews\List of Polling District and Polling Places.docx DPolling United Kingdom Scottish Parliamentary istrict Polling Place Ward Constituency Constituency Reference NL103 Community Centre 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Main Street Salsburgh MI−7 41−S

NL104 Community Education Centre 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Victoria Street HarthiH ML7 5QE

NL105 Eastfield Community Hall 13— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts West Benhar Road Harthill MI−7 5QR

NL106 Salsburgh Community Centre 1.3— Fortissat Airdrie and Shotts Airdrie and Shotts Main Street Salsburgh ML7 41−S

NL109 Aitkenhead Primary School 14 —Thomiewood Coatbridge, Chryston and Beflshiil Lincoln Avenue and BellshiH G71 5QZ

NL1 10 Tannochside Primary School 14— Thomiewood Coatbridge, Chryston Uddingston and Belishill Douglas Street and Belishill Tannochside G71 5RH

NL1 12 John Paul II Primary School 14— Thomiewood Coatbridge, Chryston Uddingston and Belishill Labumum Road and Belishill G71 5DG

NL1 13 Tannochside Primary School 14— Thomiewood Coatbndge, Chryston Uddingston and Belishill Douglas Street and Belishill Tannochside G71 5RH

NL1 14 Bumhead Community Centre 14 − Thomiewood Coatbridge, Chryston Uddingston and Belishill Bumhead Street and Belishill Viewpark G71 5AT

NL1 11 Fallside School 15— Bellshill Coatbridge, Chryston Uddingston and Belishill Sanderson Avenue and Belishill Viewpark G71 6JZ

NL1 15 BelIshill Cultural Centre 15— BelIshill Coatbridge, Chryston − Uddingston and Belishill John Street and Bellshill Belishill MI−4 1RJ

NL1 16 Noble Primary School 15— BelIshill Coatbridge, Chryston Uddingston and Belishill Shirrel Avenue and BeHshill Bellshill ML4 1 J

NL1 17 Lawmuir Primary School 15— Bellshill and Uddingston and Belishill Footfleld Road Wishaw Belishill ML4 2BY

NL118 Primary School 16— and Airdrie and Shotts Uddingston and Belishili Willow Grove Holytown Holytown ML1 4SB

NL1 19 Holytown Community 16— Mosserrd and Airdrie and Shotts Uddingston and Belishill Education Centre Holytown Stevenston Street Holytown ML1 4RG

NL120 Moss end Primary School 16— Mossend and Motherwell and Uddingston and Bellshill Calder Road Holytown Wishaw Mossend MI−4 2RH

\\ad−file\CentralPublic\Elections\Polling Place Reviews\List of Polling District and Polling Places.docx RefPolling United Kingdom ScottishPatli:mentary Polling Place Ward erence NLI2I Belishill Cultural Centre 16— Mossend and Motherwell and Uddingston and Belishill John Street Holytown Wishaw Belishill MI−4 I RJ

NL1 22 Community 16— Mossend and Motherwell and Uddingston and Belishill Hall Holytown Wishaw Street New Stevenston ML1 4JS

NL123 Belishill Cultural Centre 16— Mossend and Coatbridge, Chryston Uddingston and Belishill John Street Holytown and Belishill Belishill MI−4 1RJ

NL124 Daiziel High School 17— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Crawford Street West Wishaw Motherwell MLI 3AG

NL125 Ailsa Nursery Centre 17— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw The Loaning West Wishaw Motherwell MLI 3NQ

NL126 Braidhurst High School 17— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Dairiada Crescent West Wishaw Motherwell, ML1 3XF

NL1 27 Pat Cullinan Centre 17— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Logans Road West Wishaw Motherwell ML1 3PB

NL128 Keir Hardie Memorial Primary 18— Motherwell Airdrie and Shotts Uddingston and Belishill School North Brannock Road ML1 5DU

NL129 Newarthill Primary School 18— Motherwell Airdrie and Shotts Uddingston and Belishill High Street North Newarthill ML1 5JU

NL130 Daisy Park Community 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Centre North Wishaw Cassels Street Motherwell ML1 1 DX

NL131 Jerviston Community Centre 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and Belishill Coalhall Avenue North Wishaw Motherwell ML1 4BJ

NL132 Jerviston Community Centre 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and Belishill Coalhall Avenue North Wishaw Motherwell ML1 4BJ

NL133 Muir Street Primary School 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Parkneuk Street North Wishaw Motherwell MI−1 1 BY

NL134 John McCormack Community 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and Belishill Centre North Wishaw Motherwell Road CarfInMLl 4EB

NL135 New Stevenston Community 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and Belishill Hall North Wishaw Jerviston Street New Stevenston ML1 4JS

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Polling United Kingdom Scottish Parliamentary District Polling Place Ward Constituency Constituency Reference NL136 Our Lady and St. Francis 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and BelIshill Primary School North Wishaw Newarthill Road MI−1 5AL

NL137 New Stevenston Community 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and Bellshill Hall North Wishaw Jerviston Street New Stevenston ML1 4JS

NL1 38 Newarthill Primary School 18 − Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and Bellshill High Street North Wishaw Newarthill MLI 5JU

NL1 39 Keir Hardie Memorial Primary 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and BeUshilt School North Wishaw Brannock Road Newarthill ML1 50U

NL140 Keir Hardie Memorial Primary 18— Motherwell Motherwell and Uddingston and Bellshill School North Wishaw Brannock Road Newarthill MI−1 5DU

NL141 John McCormack Community 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Centre South East and Wishaw Motherwell Road CarflnMLl 4EB

NL142 Benyhill Primary School 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Hillcrest Avenue South East and Wishaw Wishaw, ML2 7RB Ravenscraig

NL143 Jim Foley Community Centre 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw, John Street South East and Wishaw Wishaw ML2 7TG Ravenscraig

NL144 Wishawhill Community Centre 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Low Main Street South East and Wishaw Wishaw MI−2 7ND Ravenscraig

NL145 Wishawhill Community Centre 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Low Main Street South East and Wishaw Wishaw MI−2 7ND Ravenscraig

NL146 Wishawhill Community Centre 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Low Main Street South East and Wishaw Wishaw MI−2 7ND Ravenscraig

NL147 Glencaim Primary School 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Glencaim Street South East and Wishaw Motherwell ML1 lIT Ravenscraig

NL148 Community Room 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Glen Tower South East and Wishaw Motherwell MI−1 2HZ Ravenscraig

NL149 Knowetop Primary School 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Knowetop Avenue South East and Wishaw Motherwell ML1 2AG Ravenscraig

NL150 Muirhouse Primary School 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wrshaw 66 Barons Road South East and Wishaw Motherwell ML1 2NB Ravenscraig

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Polling United Kingdom Scottish Parliamentary District Polling Place Ward Constituency Constituency Reference NL151 Knowetop Primary School 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Knowetop Avenue South East and Wishaw Motherwell ML1 2AG Ravenscraig

NL152 John McCormack Community 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Centre South East and Wishaw Motherwell Road Ravenscraig CarfinMLl 4EB

NL1 53 John McCormack Community 19— Motherwell Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Centre South East and Wishaw Motherwell Road Ravenscraig Carfin MI−1 4EB

NL154 St. Brigid's Primary School 20— Airdrie and Shotts Motherwell and Wishaw Newton Drive Newmains MI−2 9DE

NL155 Cleland Primary School 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw 26 Main Street Wishaw Cleland MI−1 5QN

NL156 Mobile Library 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Tiree Crescent Wishaw West Crindledyke MI−2 9JA

NL1 57 Cleland Primary School 20— Murdostoun Airdrie and Shotts Motherwell and Wishaw 26 Main Street Cleland ML1 5QN

NL1 58 Carrick Hall 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and V'[ishaw Carrick Crescent Wishaw Wishaw, MI−2 7JP

NL159 St. Aidan's Primary School 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and \Nishaw Coltness Road Wishaw Wishaw MI−2 7EV

NL160 Cambusnethan Primary 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw School Wishaw Branchal Road Wishaw MI−2 8PD

NL161 St. Aidan's Primary School 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Coltness Road Wishaw Wishaw MI−2 7EV

NL162 Cleland Primary School 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw 26 Main Street Wishaw Cleland MLI 5QN

NL163 South Wishaw Parish Church 20 − Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Hall Wishaw East Academy Street Wishaw MI−2 8BG

NL1 71 Carrick Hall 20— Murdostoun Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw, Carrick Crescent Wishaw Wishaw MI−2 7JP

NL164 Wishaw Academy! 21 − Wishaw Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw, St. Ignatius Primary School Wishaw Lochpark Wishaw MI−2 7EB

\\ad−file\CentralPublic\EIections'Polling Place Reviews\List of Polling District and Polling Places.docx 12

Polling United Kingdom Scottish Parliamentary District Polling Place Ward Constituency Constituency Reference NL165 Muirhouse Primary School 21 —Wishaw Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw 66 Barons Road Wishaw Motherwell ML1 2NB

NL166 Gowkthrapple Community 21 —Wishaw Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Centre Wishaw Off Birkshaw Brae Wishaw MI−2 OND

NL167 Thomlie Primary School 21 —Wishaw Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Lomond Drive Wishaw WishawML2 OJR

NL168 Netherton Community Centre 21 —Wishaw Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Netherton Road V'Iishaw Wishaw MI−2 OEQ

NL169 Overtown Community Centre 21 —Wishaw Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Main Street Wishaw Overtown MI−2 OQF

NL1 70 Waterloo Memorial Hall 21 − Wishaw Motherwell and Motherwell and Wishaw Wishaw Road Wishaw Waterloo MI−2 8EW

\\ad−file\CentralPubiic\Elections\Polling Place Reviews\List of Polling District and Polling Places.docx