ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC PARISH November 24 2 0 1 9 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Our Pastoral Priorities: -Deepening Spirituality -Evangelization -Strengthening Marriage and Family Life A simple Thanksgiving prayer: Check out all our Advent opportunities on page 6 “Dear Lord, thank you for this food we are about to eat. We are especially grateful this time of year, as we reflect on Your provision, all You have given us — and the love you have placed in our lives.” Make this your best Advent yet! Bring your food to get blessed for your Thanksgiving meal during our Thanksgiving Mass at 9:00 am on Thurs. Nov. 28. WELCOME Pastor Parochial Vicar Seminarian Fr. Brian Schieber Fr. Dan Weger Thomas Maddock frschieber@ frweger@ thomas.maddock@ 913-402-3932 913-402-3914 913-402-3923 GENERAL PARISH INFORMATION PARISH OFFICE LET’S STAY CONNECTED Deacon Mark Stukel 14251 Nall Ave. Want to receive our weekly email
[email protected] Leawood, KS 66223 with parish news? Change in email 913-402-3929 or phone number? (913) 402-3900 Contact Denise Greene at
[email protected]. Parish Office Hours Deacon John Weist Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Find us on Facebook!
[email protected] 913-402-3939 SCHOOL OFFICE (913) 402-3950 PRE-SCHOOL OFFICE ǟǥǢ ǣǤǑǖǖ HOW TO JOIN OUR PARISH (913) 402-3970 Our staff is ready to assist you! If you are new to the area and would CHRISTIAN FORMATION OFFICE like to become a member, please join For a listing of all staff members, go to (913) 402-3940 us on Sunday mornings at 10 am for