Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Gambier Observer 1836 9-28-1836 Gambier Observer, September 28, 1836 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/observer1836 Recommended Citation "Gambier Observer, September 28, 1836" (1836). Gambier Observer 1836. 1. https://digital.kenyon.edu/observer1836/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gambier Observer 1836 by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. VI. GEORGE W MYERS, PRINTER. sympathy for the labours and trials of yourself and family immense importance. We are too feeble in our out its stains, that hope which is life in death, for a vacation of one month; and having trav- in the great work, in which, as a minister of the Church, natural strength to resist the enemies of our and that peace of God which passeth all under­ From the Presbyterian, olled about 00,000 miles to promote the object you are engaged; and our earnest prayers, that He, “with­ salvation, we are not sufficient of ourselves to standing. The first sensations of a sick man, CHRISTIAN WARFARE. o the Society, I wanted to go and see that me­ out whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy” will “ in­ think any thing as of ourselves. Our hearts at his recovery, are not to be compared with Soldier go—but not to claim tropolis where a part of the inspired volume are sinful and depraved and are inclined con­ Mould’ring spoils of earth-born treasure ; crease and multiply upon you his mercy;” and that He the feelings of one, who, for the first time, was written, but where the Bible is now a pro­ Not to build a vaunted name, will “direct you in all your doings with his most gracious tinually to evil. They have an earthly attrac­ perceives the way of salvation by Jesus Christ, scribed book. I went through Geneva, and Not to dwell in tents of pleasure. favour and further you with his continual help.” We, also; tion. And if our minds are bent upon the ob­ and stays himself upon the divine mercy while was much refreshed by meeting the Committee Dream not that the way is smooth, greatly need your Christian sympathies, and your prayers jects of time and sense, God will be excluded sinking into despair. It is chiefly in private of the Evangelical Society, with whose pro­ Hope not that the thorns are roses, from the thoughts, the Saviour will have but a that the minister is an instrument of such bless­ Turn no wishful eye of youth, which we trust will he addressed to the same Divine Head ceedings and objects I was so much gratified, Where the sunny beam reposes. and Guide, that He will “pour upon us” (individually faint hold upon our affections. Death will ap­ ings: though, by his public work, he prepares that I wrote to this Society to make a liberal Thou hast sterner work to do, and collectively) “the continual dew of his blessing;” that pear to us as an evil of the greatest magnitude, the minds of his people for his private efforts grant ol 10,000 copies of the French Scriptures Hosts to cut thy passage through : he will direct and uphold us in this our time of great ne­ and we shall shudder at the contemplation of and success. He takes the mourners by the to promote the objects of that Society. Our Close behind thee gulphs are burning— those scenes which are to be realiZed in the eter­ hand, and they who shrunk from the exposure cessity, and “keep us with his continual mercy.” We Committee have only granted 5000; but I have Forward 1—there is no returning. nal world. But the Christian who has passed of their private and sacred sorrows, pour out no doubt they will, ere long, send the other Soldier, rest—but not for thee would take courage from the past; which we regard, in the from death unto life, is taught by the word and their souls before him, because he is to them in 5000. same view that you do; and trust that we may, as a par- Spreads the world her downy pillow ; the Spirit of God that he is only in this world the place of Jesus Christ, who loved Mary and On the rock thy couch must be, sh and people, be assisted by the same Divine Head, to go Before I left Geneva my friends observed, as a pilgrim and a stranger, and that lie is jour­ Martha, and wept at the grave of their LaZa­ “Probably you will like to see the house where While around thee chafes the billow; forward in the advancement here of “the Gospel in the Thine must be a watchful sleep. neying onward guided by faith and supported rus. He sits down bj the dying bed: he | Voltaire lived, and where he wrote his plays.’’ Church.” To Him, dear Sir, we commend you and yours, Wearier than another’s waking: by hope to that city which hath foundations stands on the verge of eternity with a passing Prompted by the spirit of curiosity, so charac­ in the bonds of the'Gospel: and are Such a charge as thou dost keep, whose builder and maker is God. When he is spirit, assures the sinner of pardon upon repen­ teristic of an Englishman, to visit the house of Brooks no moment of forsaking, You* *A * f*fectionate Brethren. in difficulty prayer is his resource, and thus he tance and faith, or soothes the fear and sustains this celebrated infidel, I was about to put on my Sleep as on the battle-field, By order, and in behalf of the Vestry of St. Luke’s Girded, grasping sword and shield ; realiZes the truth of the Psalmist’s declaration the hope ol the saint, as the scenes of eternity hat to walk into the country; when he said* “It Foes thou canst not name nor number, Church, Marietta, that God is a very present help in time of trou­ break in upon him. None but a minister k nows is not necessary you should put on your hat Steal upon thy broken slumber. ARIUS NYE, Senior Warden. ble. When the Christian is in prosperity, when the strange variety of occasions upon which he and he introduced me over the threshold of one Soldier, rise—thy war is done : September f2th, 1836. his hopes are bright and his faith is vigorous is called to impart joy or relieve sorrow. The room to another and said, “This is the room Now the hosts of bell are flying; and active, even then he finds that communion kindness and love of God towards man appear, where Voltaire’s plays were acted, for the ’Twasthy Lord the battle won, with his God tends greatly to increase his joys, as well in the beautiful adaptation of the meth­ amusement of himself and his friends,” and Jesus vanquished them by dying. For the Gambier Observer. to give stability to his hopes, and to add warmth ods by which he comforts and saves him, as in what was my gratification in observing that Pass the stream; before thee lies ON EXERCISES OF DEVOTION. to his devotion. Theh as the dews from heav­ All the conquered land of glory, the way of salvation. room had been converted into a sort of reposi­ Hark ! what songs of rapture rise ! It is an opinion industriously circulated by en descend and take possession of his mind he Every faithful minister raised up and sent tory for Bibles and Religious Tracts. Oh! ray These proclaim the victor’s story, some modern fanatics that prayer is not essen­ rises higher and higher above the thick fogs of forth by this Society, is made the instrument Christian friends, that the spirit of infidelity had Soldier, lay thy weapons down, tial to the formation of the Christian character, earth and he enters by faith within the precincts of such blessings to a community of human be­ been there, to witness the results of their vati­ Quit the sword and take the crown ; that it is no where enjoined as a duty,that it can of that sanctuary where the Lord of Hosts dis­ Triumph ! all thy foes are banished, ings. Whothen can estimate the private influ­ cinations respecting the downfall of Christiani­ Death is slain and earth has vanished. have no effect upon our condition, and there­ plays fiis glory, and where he is seen face to ence of a pious, faithful ministry ? Like the ty! I know that Voltaire said that he wa's liv­ fore they wholly and entirely dispense with its face. How much do they wrong their own unseen ministry of angels, it is noiseless, unap­ ing “in the twilight of Christianity;” but, bless­ exercise. With'respect to the exercise of souls who belong to the family of Christ by the preciated by the world, and sometimes repaid ed be God! it was the twilight of the morning THE O /SERVER. pra-yer considered as a duty, as a privilege and bond of external communion, who do not ear­ by injury/but of such value in the estimation which will bring on the day of universal illum­ For the Gambier Observer. as a means of grace, much might be said; a few nestly and devoutly seek for the outpouring of of the Saviour, that when he ascended on high, ination.
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