B2-Bulletin Board SUBMIT NEWS Email announcements to bulletinboard@ BULLETIN BOARD galvnews.com B2 | Saturday, December 1, 2012 | he Daily News Contact Angela Taylor,
[email protected] TODAY more. Students must be Submit news ciic address) and contact event. Weekly scheduled accompanied by an adult. information. meetings will not run in Featured » The Texas City High For information, call 409- The Daily News Nonproit and chari- advance. 766-5100. listing School Band will be welcomes Bulletin Board table organizations can Organizations seeking selling 6-inch potted red announcements of up to Paid advertisement email items to bulletin more frequent listings » The Beta Phi Omega poinsettia’s for $10 each. 50 words in length about
[email protected]. can do so as a paid chapter of Alpha Kappa Orders can be placed with noncommercial events The Daily News will run featured listing. They Holiday Alpha Sorority Inc. will any band member or by of public interest. Just special events, as space is can select the dates of meet at 2 p.m. today at gift shop call Brian Moreno, 409- include the key elements: available, twice: once in their choosing. The cost 916-0824, or email Alice what, when (a time and a advance of the event and of that service is $20 per the Old Central Cultural The Texas City Garden Jensen, lmalicemj@sbc date), where (with a spe- once on the day of the date. Center, 2627 Ave. M, in Club will have its 41st global.net. The deadline to Galveston. All inactive and annual Holiday Gift order is by Monday.