BULLETIN BOARD Contact Angela Wilson,
[email protected] CELEBRATING 178 YEARS Wednesday, April 7, 2021 | The Daily News | B4 TODAY Beach in Galveston. school’s parking lot at PASSING PARADE Seeding Galveston’s Registration is $35. For 4115 Ave. O in Galveston. information, visit www. MD Anderson Cancer Cen- HAPPY BIRTHDAY Harvest Morning Jennifer Jane Alcala, Farmers Market will galvestonhumane.org or ter will conduct the blood email info@galveston drive. Picture ID required. Patrick Pleasant, Shakisha be open from 8 a.m. to Pleasant, King David Cald- 10:30 a.m. (or while sup- humane.org. To sign up, visit https://ti- nyurl.com/ballhsrotc0421. well, Linda Cobb Huoni, plies last) Wednesdays at Brittany Rivers and William The Galveston Rail- For information, email 3318 Ave. N. in Galveston. Newton. All fruits and vegetables road Museum will BHStornadobattalion@ have its Model Train HAPPY ANNIVERSARY are island grown. For gmail.com. Daniel and Lolly Ortega, information, text Debbie Show from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sun- celebrating 48 years; and Berger, 281-794-9899, or The Galveston Coun- day at 2602 Santa Fe Place Joseph and Sheila Jack, email seedinggalveston@ ty Master Gardeners celebrating 22 years of yahoo.com. (25th Street) in Galveston. Admission is $15 for will present “Growing marriage. adults, $10 for seniors, and Cucurbits” from 10 a.m. The Texas City Chapter $7 per child. To purchase to 11:30 a.m. April 16 Send birthdays or anniversary of Taking Off Pounds tickets and get more infor- virtually. Master Gardener names by noon to passing.parade@ Sensibly will meet at mation, visit galves Herman Auer will present galvnews.com or mail to Passing 9 a.m.