UNIVERSIT):' Of JiAWAl.l .L_I~~ arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '&1 ~ US pa11el hears US Senator calls on IG to probe· Stayman .for anti~ NMI campaign By Zaldy Dandan Secretary Bruce Babbitt was of­ Variety News Staff fended by his remarks on UNITED States Sen. Rod Grams Stayman during yesterday's US (R-Minnesota)wantsinsular Af­ Senate Energy and Natural Re­ fairs Director.Allen Stayman in­ sources Committee hearing: vestigated for "unacceptable" Grams, who is. a committee and "outrageous behavior," spe­ member, sai~ Babbittannoµnced cifically for conducting "a very that he will even publicly com­ Bruce Babbitt public, politically motivated mend Stayman. Pedro P. Tenorio media campaign to win Repub­ "This is troubling," the sena­ Babbitt: CNMI lican votes"forthe WhiteHouse­ tor said. Tenorio says experiment gone backed "federal takeover" legis­ "Not only are Interior offi­ lation. cials getting involved in politics hearing went 'horribly awry' In a media release, and lobbying, but they are re­ Minnesota's conservative and .warding their staff for doing so. OKforCNMI By LAURA MYERS junior senatornoted that Interior Alle.,:i Stayman Continued on page 19 WASHING TON (AP) - Inte­ By Zaldy Dandan F~...§!:...l:!a.:sf:l~.,... · ?-:-. w-,.·:,'.:1'.£:._JZ,,J;.· r,;,;:-_.. " .., .,., ·",.-·, .. ·~·--.······· .. -··._'ifu::<'-..:2· ·-·.·.···-~+--··.,, •. ·. .:...... Lat.,~---· J rior Secretary Bruce Babbitt urged Variety News Staff lawmakers Tuesday to apply fed­ GOVERNOR Pedro P. Tenorio eral immigration and wage laws !1 Business sector leader believes NMI I yesterday said the US Senate com­ to the Northern Mariana Islands, mittee hearing on "federal take­ a U.S. territory where he said for­ ~ij has earned sympathy of US Senators: over" legislation went smoothly eign workers are abused in a self­ for the CNMI, and that the com­ ), By Aldwin R. Fajardo the Northern Marianas' tourism to cut costs, "not raise wages." rule experiment "gone horribly mittee members were "reason­ He mentioned that the gar- ft awry." ! Variety News Staff industry. The Saipan Chamberof able." -· CITING the ii I effects of a pos­ Commerce was also given the ment industry is expected to Shadowy recruiters lure people Tenorio, in a telephone inter­ sible adjustment of the local chance to present the business eventually vanish when the from China, the Philippines, view, said the four-hour hearing ' minimum wage to federal lev- community's position. Bangladesh and other nations to General Agreement on Tariffs 1:· reestablished a good line of com­ els, the CNMI delegation have Knight, quoting Sablan, said and Trade is fully imple~ented. ;'. the Pacific Ocean islands for a fee munications between the com­ j apparently earned the sympa­ the CNMI delegation "made "We hope that tounsm can ;, of up to $7,000 each, telling them monwealth and the federal gov­ strong points particularly with re­ sustain and increase its base to · they'll get lucrative work and a t thy of the US Senate during the ernment. t1 "federal takeover" hearing in gards to our economy now." support or offset the potential chance at U.S. citizenship. "We told them we are willing to "We are now bracing for what impact of a substantial loss of '.' Instead, Babbitt said, some are :'.l Washington yesterday. listen to them, and we asked them is expected to be the worst year in revenue to our islands," he said. forced into slave labor and prosti­ (~ 'The se?ators seemed very !) to work closely with us in ad­ sympathetic. The CNMI del­ our tourism history. Hotel occu­ Sablan said there will be no ft. tution, and others told investiga­ U 1 dressing (labor and immigration) egation has succeeded in a lot pancy has dropped as much as 30 further development from in- f) tors they were forced to have abor­ ~1 concerns," he said. Hof ways," said Lynn Knight, percent," Sablan told members of ternational resort chains "if you fjJ tions. "We tried our best, and 1 think t''; ; quoting Hotel Association the US Senate Committee on En­ take away our ability to staff h~j "The practices I described do we did a good job in presenting ( president Ron Sablan. ergy and Natural Resources. our business." /:1 exist in the world, but they must (the CNMI's case against federal Sablan testified on behalf of He stressed that this is the time Continued on page 19 Vi Continued on page 20 takeover)," Tenorio said. ' ~ T • -- • • ' • In a separate interview, the governor's top adviser Dr. Jose T. Villagomez said he was told that Sablan: 'No let-up' in members of the US Senate Eri­ ergy and Natural Resources Com­ mittee expressed willingness to iill plem en ting reform give the CNMI at least two years By Zaldy Dandan and Health Administration (OSHA). to correct its labor and immigra- Variety News Staff "I° hope they join and help us Continued on page 19 11-IE OlITCOMEofthe recent US enforce federal laws," he said. "I Senate committee hearing may be believe we would be more success­ !:(--·- X ~ ---·----- =--- .. = - 0 -ii considered favorqble to the CNMI, ful if they assist us." but acting Gov. Jesus R. Sablan In an earlier interview, Sablan has yesterday said there will be no let up said that whatever the outcome of j WEAT~ER /i in implementing labor and immi­ the US Senate committee hearing grntion reforms. on "federal takeover'' legislation, ~ Ou1look i; 'This administration 'sreforrnsare the Tenorio administration will con­ for good," Sablan said, "and we will tinue implementing labor and im­ continue with our aggressive en­ migration reforms. forcement of Jaws." He said the administration "val­ F.choingGov. PedroP. Tenorio's ues the good name of the CNMI," testimony during the committee and is committed to "making the hearing, Sablan urged a "greater Northern Marianas a better presence" in theCNMI on the part of place." US Labor Department, Immigra­ However, he added, federal tion and Naturalization Service assistance is still needed consid­ Parly cloudy skies with (INS), Drug Enforcement Agency ering the CNMI's limited re­ With schoolchildren gathered around him, Acting Gov. Jesus R. Sablan isolated ram showers reads a proclamation he was about to sign declaring April as Child (DEA) and the Occupational Safety sources and expertise. Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month. Photo by Zaldy Dandan 2-MARIANA_s \I AR~ETY NEW5_ A@_ VIEWS-THURSDA Y-AP-"R"'IL~2,c_cl_:_99"°8'------THURSDAY. APRIL 2, 1998 -Iv1AR1j\NAS 'I_ ARIETY NEWS AND VI~\VS-3 Hostage standoff in Gov't eyes new department

By Mar-Vic C. Munar "for short, it would be called ment, according to the acting gov­ Youth Affairs, from the Turkey on 2nd day Variety News Staff the YES Department which goes Governor's Office. ernor, would be made up of agen­ ANKARA. Turkey (AP) - in i\nkaraonTuesdaytodemand tliat of moving in and would uy to con­ THE administration wants to cre­ with a slogan 'Yes, The Youth cies which would be taken out of The office of the Job Training More than 50 prison guards amJ IOcorrnades be se111 back to Ilic Buca vince the-prisoners to 1i.:lease their ate a new department that will Can Do It," Sablan said. theirexisting mother departments. and Partnership Act, an indepen­ handle youth affairs, acting Gov. officials \1·cre held hostage for :1 prison tiom otherjai Is. quickly spread hostages. "We 're creating tliis agency so TI1e Division of Youth and Ser­ dent agency partly funded by the second dav Wednesdav bv leftist 10 five other prisons in a conce11ed lli~ justice ministry has defended Jesus R. Sablan announced yes­ that we can pay enough attention vices would be pulled oul of the federal government, would also inmates ir; si.x prisons: wiiilc ac­ action. tl1e transfers. saying Buca prison terday. to our youth in terms of employ­ Department of Community and be incorporated into the proposed tivists sought a deal between the Police ,md military units remained served as a detention site for suspecL, Sablan said the proposed new ment and services. And we want Cultural Affairs: the Employment youth department. swtioned OUL,ide tlic prisons in An­ awaiting trial mid could not hold the governme;it and prisoners de­ department will comprise exist­ to address these areas on a Cabi­ Services, from the Department of "The main objective of this de­ karn, Bergama. Bursa. Sakarya. 10 rece~tly-convicted prisoners. ~1anding the cancellation of trans­ ing youth agencies attached to net level," he added. Labor and Immigration; and the ·partment is to bring our youths on Canakk,tle mid Istanbul's Umr~miye. 1lie inmates me members of the fers from another jail. other Cabinet departments. The proposed youth depart-. the right track," Sablan said, banned leftist group Revolutionruy Governor's Special Assistant for 1lic hostage st,mdoff. which bcgim Autl10Iitiessaid they had no intention "We will not have problems People 'sSalvationPmty-Front, which with money because we will only has taken responsibility for several consolidate all agencies and of­ killings and bombings in Turkey. l fices that are currently handling Chinese nurse considers filing Jesus R. Sablan Turkish inmates often stage hun­ youth matters, and the respective ger suikes, riot orwke guards hostage \ funds of these offices would be drafting a legislation to create the to push for ~tter conditions. pooled for the new department," Cabinet office which would be suit against DOLi inspectors P1ime Minister Mesut Yilmazsaid Sablan told the Variery. called the Department of Youth the uprising pmved that the govern­ By Aldwin R. Fajardo Goldberg is not entitled to take He said the administration is Employment and Services. number of attorneys, as well ment needed suicter security in pris­ Variety News Staff the deposition of the nurse, as many adversely affected in­ ons. A CHINESE nurse. earlier Ding Di, in a deportation mat­ dividuals here," he added. ·11ieyhaveawe]I.establishedco111- suspected of working without ter. In his letter, Pixley stressed munication network," tlie Anatolia DPH says it expects to see valid documents. is seriously .. Moreover, given the po­ Goldberg is in no position to news agency quoted Yilmaz m; say­ planning to file charges tential sanctions available in compel Tan Holdings to ap­ ing Wednesday. more HIV cases documented against members of the Immi­ this proceeding, it would ap­ pear in the nurse's deporta­ 'The solution to the problem re­ By Aldwin R. Fajardo This brings to 14 the number pear that the Fifth Amendment US Sen. Dianne Feinstein examines a magazine clip from an AK-47 gration raiding team who tion proceeding, adding that quires rndical measures.'' P1ison au­ Variety News Slaff of confirmed cases of HIV in Cambodian police disperse a crowd of pro-Ranariddh supporters during a Capitol Hill news conference Tuesd~y where she announ.c_ed swooped down a garment fac­ to the United States Constitu­ the company does not employ tliorities have difficulty controlling THE PUBLIC health depart­ the Northern Marianas. HIV Wednesday outside the ousted first prime minister's hotel m Phnom certain w;mls. when: inmates smuggle the introduction of legislation that would prohibit the sale of ammumtion tory last month. tion may be a consideration," Ding Di. clips carrying more than 10 rounds. AP ment is expecting to document causes Acquired Immune Defi­ Penh. AP in cellular phones and b'llns. "My client is seriously con­ he added. "Your attempt to use this more cases of HIV infection in ciency Syndrome [AIDS]. a dis­ sidering filing an action in the He pointed out that Ding Di frivolous deportation proceed­ Top Japanese the Commonwealth with the ease that .destroys the humaJ1 United States District Court possessed a valid entry permit ing as a vessel to embark on a banks to write recent implementation of the body's natural defense systems. grounded upon her unlawful issued by the Department of fishing expedition to dredge off record loans emergency health regulation. Officials said CHC is expected to arrest and detention during the Labor and Immigration, and a up information regarding the While admitting that there unravel more cases of HIV and immigration raid." lawyer valid employment contract clinic is without legal merit," he may also be unreported cases .··: TIRES AS LOW AS TOKYO(AP)-Japan's 19big­ other STDs, including syphillis. Steven Pixley in a letter to executed by the Director of said. among the indigenous popula­ gest banks will clean up their bal­ PublicHealthcommunicabledis­ Asst. Attorney General Rob­ Labor authorizing her to act Pixley was refen'ing to tile clinic tion, health officials said the ance sheets by disposing of a ease contIDl progrd.111 manager Elsy ert Goldberg. as a staff nurse.· discovered by the Immigration mandatory screening for HIV record I 0.2 trillion yen ($ 76.7 Ramonhassaidtherecouldbemo1e Goldberg, according to Ding Di was taken into gov­ agents inside a garment factory ofnonrcsident workers will help billion) in bad loans, a leading unreported cases of HIV infection Pixley, has also scheduled the ernment custody when Immi­ reportedly owned by Tun Hold­ combat the spread of the virus. intheCNMI. financial daily reported Wednes­ nurse's deposition "without gration agents swooped down a ings. He said Goldberg should The new health regulation re­ 95* day. Ramon said there is an estimated prior communication" to him, garment factory last March 12, ha';,,e probable cause to ar;est Ding quires all of the more than The amount is almost 2.5 tril­ [ 150 cases of infection in the despite an earlier advisory where many workers, including Di before the arrest was executed 40,000 foreign contract work­ Northern Marianas which have lion yen ($ 18.8 billion) higher from him. the nurse, were handcuffed. by the DOLi. ers in the Northern Mariana Is­ than previously expected and will remained unreported since the The lawyer also scored Pixley claimed the ·nurse was He also advised Goldberg to lands to undergo examination disease is mostly asymptomatic. force all nine top commercial Goldberg's apparent "reckless handcuffed by immigration offi­ "treat this letter us an effo11 to against HIV and other sexually AIDS is a disease caused by banks to report pretax losses for conduct" and lack of concern cials and publicly humiliated in confer or attempt to confer with transmitted diseases. the entry of HIV in the body's WE SERVICE ALL MAJOR BRANDS the fiscal year ended Tuesday, the for the civil rights of nonresi­ front of her fellow employees and you regarding this discovery" in The Commonwealth Health internal tissues like blood ves­ Mitsubishi , Hyundai , Isuzu • Toyota • Nissan • Honda • Ford · PASSENGER TIRES LIGHT TRUCK TIRES . Ni hon Keizai newspaper said. dent workers in the CNMI. falsely imprisoned until her re­ order to avoid court intervention Center, earlier this month, dis­ sels. Chevy , Chrysler , Jeep · BMW , Mercedes • Mazda & more' '155R12 $29 .... LT155R12 $54." Most of the write-offs will have "Frankly, I am very con­ lease later in the day. and a request for protective order covered another case of HIV 175/70R13 49.95 -TIRES LT165R13 54.'' been paid for by selling off assets The disease was first detected cerned and disturbed by re­ "There was absolutely no and possible sanctions. · .BRAKE·SERVICE OIL& AUER CHAMGE infection from a nonresident in the Northern Marianas in 185/70R13 53." LT185R14 89. 95 such as stock and real estate hold­ cent actions of the immigra­ basis for her arrest and deten­ "My clients do not want to file worker. 1983. 175/70R14 59." HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES 4X 4 TRUCK TIRES LT195R14 99. 95 ings. it said. tion department which evince tion," he added. suit against the CNMI govern­ : ,;?~~~ : : · ~~:ir~~~rup lo 5 : g~:~s°~1 95 95 a complete lack of concern for Pixley reminded Goldberg 1 185/75R14 62. 185/60R13 $59. LT27/8.50R14 $89.95 LT205/75R14 99." The move signals Japanese ment. However, the reckless • Lr~'-= : Shell Oil : 185/70R14 64. 95 195/6DR14 LT30/9.SOR15 119." 95 the civil rights of alien work­ that Saipan is "American soil" conduct of your office must : BRAKE : • · Install new ~ : 73." LT215/75R15 104. banks' attempt to turn the corner 1 1 95 Cop says he was 'pressured' ers," he said. and that foreign workers are • : name·brand ~ 1 195!75R14 69. 195165R15 84." LT31/i0.50R15 149.9' LT215/85 R16 129.95 on a problem which has weighed be tempered with consider­ : INSPECTION : • oil filler • entitled to fundamental due 195/70R14 74.95 215/65R15 94." LT31/11.50R15 154.95 LT225/75R16 134.95 on their earnings for most of this Pixley, in his letter also fur­ ation for the rights of all re.,i­ : : : • Disposal lee S3.00 extra l nished to Acting Attorney process rights. 205/?0R 14 79." 195/5DR15 99.95 LT33/12.50R15 159.05 LT235/85 R16 149." decade. to testify against colleagues dcnts of the CNM1.·· Pixley , with every $ • General Robert Dunlap. said "My concern is shareu by a Efj ,, 205/75R15 95 225/60R15 LT35/12.50R15 169.9' LT245/75R16 159.95 emphasized. 79. 104." Many of the property-backed : PURCHASE ~-( :, :, By Ferdie de la Torre 01· the DPS tra!Tic section. 2995 l 95 r: : OF 4TIRES! , , , P215/75R15 84.95 205/50R15 109. LT265/75R16 169,95 loans on their ledgers went sour ,,. Variety News Staff Blas said he was among P225/75R15 89. 95 205/55R16 119.95 after the collapse of a speculative A POLICE officer said yes­ those who chased Eugenio in ·------· ·------· land price bubble at the outset of terdav that the Department of Dandan last NDv. 30 and w;1s f~~Uw] the 1990s. l'ubli·c Safety's I111crn;il 1\r­ the driver of a pulice vehicle I '185/60R13 215/40R16 fairs Division .. prc·ssured .. him wlw tr;mspurted the suspect By Rick Alberto ing drops in tourist arri\·,ds fmthc w01l done bv the l&S rn deter­ • Inspect :Cont & rea• suspension : , • Evacuate old 175/50R13 225/40R 16 to testify against the 11 police to DI'S. Variety News Staff past several months. mine the arn;unt that the CNMI , • Ad1us1 caster. coolant ,, ,r;:,./ S. Korea posts • toe & camber 11'~ ,. • ,! • Check tor 245/45R t 6 officers charged of beating Blas testified he did not see Tl IE MARIANAS Visitors Bu­ The lack of promotions in Ja­ will pay the agency . 185160R14 : (when applicable) , ' : , ' s ./ possible leaks 205/60R14 215/40R17 burglary suspect Francis anybody assaulting Eugenio in reau admillcu yesterday that the pan and other markets is expected l,ov. Pedro P. Teno1io had ex­ , • Most cars , , • • Refill with new ~~ ftis, o'N ~ -- record high I I I 235/40ZR17 Eugenio. Dandan. inside the vehicle, promotions for the CNMI as a to be felt in tbe succeeding months pressed his desire to pay the l&Sonly I I I coolant - . I'\: I,. 99s* 195145R14 I I I tourist destination arc handi­ through more drops in ttiurist ar­ $8 ._ --205/50ZR15 255140ZR17 trade surplus Police Officer Thomas Blas and at the DPS Criminal In­ for the period promotiomJ work was /'. v· . 205/45R16 told the Superior Court that vestigation Bt1rcat1. capped as practically the adver­ rivals. don.:. 95 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - tising campaign in Japan has i s59 11 s509s Lt. Lawrence Camacho. chief Durin!! government's cross­ In February visitor arrivals "l&S is mixious to receive some South Krnea registered arecord$3.7 4 of the Internal Affairs Divi­ exarnin;~tion. Blas admitted stopped. again dropped, it was learned. a.~sur;mcc ;md 1-:solution to tl1is is­ I I •'••••••••••••••••••,I billion trade surplus in March, its fifth sion, threatened him with sus­ that .lames Deleon Guerrero, Acting Managing Director "Without a big adver1ising cam­ sue ... Santos s;iid. ·------· straight monthly gain, the Trade Min­ Alvaro Santos said the promo­ . :CARWASH pension if he would not coop­ one of the accused officers, paign, of course it will 1101 be as Santos said the AGO had also 1c­ l~jM/w~~@(iJ1ijM@I istry said Wednesday. erate with the investigation on was his relative. He also said tional work done by the MYB effective :L~ when that advertising qucsrcd Ilic Oflice of tlie Public Au­ 11ie ministJy atuibuted the March : • Oil & filter change ~: the alleged beating of he wants Deleon Guerrero to offices in Tokyo and Osaka is campaign is there," Santos said. ditor 10 review the d,x:urncnts. 1 • Lu)Jricate chassis : i Brushless i surplus to thecountiy'songoing eco­ Eugenio. be c Ieared of the charges. limited to participation in tour­ ll1e l&S did lhc"Blue, Blue.Blue·· He mc111ioncd sewraJ issues that : • Top off all llu,ds . , nomic recession which sharply re­ 1 • Rotate & balance tires • When he informed him Eugenio earlier testified that ism-related seminars and other ad mid commcrci,J campaign in Ja­ have to be 1-:solwd. including tl1.: : • Service battery terminals : : Car Wash : duced imports of capital and con­ about what he saw, Camacho poii/c officers sprayed him events. JXUl last yew·. llie commercial w;L, legality. the amount of money that 1 • Inspect brakes , : Starling al : lS t0"11 ~s sumer goods while boosting exports. The MVB 's official advertis­ • , l~ost cars & light trucks : with mace, kicked and also ain:d on CNN. should Ix paid, ,md tlie infom1,tl agree­ South Korea's cunency, the won, called him a liar, said Blas. : I ing and PR agcncy in Japan, l&S i\lvaro, meanwhile, said the ment made. has lost nem·ly half of it~ value in the who testified on behalf of the punched him, and forced him Corp .. stopped doing promotional MVI3 had not heard fror,1 the \$599&[ S\29C)5 past yern·. A weak cunency boosL~ defendants during an ongoing to cat a piece of paper when l&S had agreed to continue its 95 EUM-3 G-ZERO WAVE3 bench trial against the 11 of­ and after he was arrested. work for the CNMI after the gov­ Gowrnor's Office regarding the promotional work for ti seal yc;u· \ 99X l $65 l : ~ : /'f..OTE.XA~TlYASSHOWN) /.j X1 UNIVERSAL 4 ux; ti X/5 UNIVERSAL 4 LOG 16 X 8 U//IVERSAL 5 LQ'., cxprnb by making goods cheaper ernment ordered it to do so for ·------· ·------· abroad while making imports more ficers. Police Officer Eugcne renegotiation with the l&S. (which ends September) witl1out a Prices vafid from April costly. i\ftcr his talks with Babat1ta also testified that he l,1ck of a formal contract. The governor has assigncd the fomial rnnu:1ct signed as the MYB 2 • 16, 1998 only while The CNMI has. because or sev­ Sn£-I/ GE..S Stil!~n on M~e Ro.ad, Guala Ra1 supplies fast. Nof with ·nie Mrnd1 surplus was a shmp Camacho, Blas stated he r1.:­ saw some police officc.;rs who Attorney General's Office to re­ b,mkcd on the promise· of forrncr ~~fi~;[ti, 1·~ leCJI visl][~II ~ ) Hours· IJ.:in ·Sal. 7:3/JA./~ -7:00P.M.; 234-TIRE (8473) any other of/er. Tread eral factors including the Asian O~c S,n 8 00~ M.5 OOPI.\ portcd the incident to his su­ assaulted Et1gcnio inside the view the invoices and othcrJocu­ Gov. Frnil,u1 C. Tenorio tl1at he \\'Ou Id Apply ror a Triple J Express Tire & Lube Card. Available Soon! 235-4455/6550 design varies by tire Continued on pageZO size and brand. perior, Capt. Delbert Sablan CIB orrice. economic crisis, been expericnc- ments related to the promotional sign tl1e $3.5-million cll!lu·act. --~ ...... ----0

' \ \ \ gAHlER. \ ' \ 'VHt,. r,1r10N1lm Po0"'18 ·0 \ \ \ \\ /1J r \ -cj-- \\ \ \ By JoJo Dass \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \. \ \ \ \ \\\ \ Absurdities \ \ '\ \ \ \ l'H.ESENTS \ \, \ \ \\ and stamped. recoiled at the L \\ If YOU want to go dancing :tt \ \ I \ \ ~rr thought of being sent home \ some bars tonight :llld you ·re a \ \ \ \ \ \\ Juan N. Babauta Paul A. Manglona Oscar M. Babauta no1m:siJent \\'Orkn. just be sure just because they did not have \ \ \ \\ an t\RC. \ ,ou ha1c ;111 Alien Registration \ By Mar-Vic C. Munar the governor is well respected," menl in the enforcement," There has been no reports \ CarJ 1,\RCl. \ \ \ Variety News Staff said Manglona who was among Babauta said. • of nonresident workers hav­ \ ,\ \\\ \ \\"ll\ ._, CNMI officials emerged from the the CNMI officials now in Wash­ Babauta saic.l Miller was con­ \01· onh· Jo 11011rcside111 work­ ing: been deported for not ha v­ \ \ U.S. Senate hearing Tuesday, full ington D.C. vincedthatGov. PedroP. Tenorio, ers founJ ~, ithout it face deporta­ im! i\RCs- vet. \\ \ ' \ of optimism, expecting the Sen­ "We just have to go back to as the new chief executive, "is But so rai. sources said. \cb \ \ tion. it appe:1rs from reports. that \ ate Committee on Energy and work, and work together as a the,·e have been around I Cl \ making a good start on reforms they may also face denials at these Natural Resources to come up unified team," Manglona said. who had been refused entry at \ and enforcement." joints. \ with recommendations in favor the Saipan International Air­ Subjects of the hearing are Sen. But Miller, according lo ,\ number of these nightspots. of the CNMI. port. One of them has filed a Daniel Akaka's bill, S. 1100, Babauta, expressed concems over it \\'as g;1thnc:'.J. has begun ask­ "The committee members suit against government. and President Clinton's own the actions that the CNMI's c.lepm1- in!! alien workers for ARCs. made it clear that they expect the proposal contained in S. 1275. ment of Labor and Immigration par­ Su ch be in!! the case. one worker CNMl l!Overnment to act on re­ Acting Labor anJ Immigra­ Both bills seek to extend US ticulm-ly with regard to deJX)iting: the to!J me th~11 they may hence forms immediately. and the immigration and minimum wage affected workers without giving them tion Secrctary Mark Zacharcs ··think ag:iin" if they want to go CNMl panel promised that re­ laws to the CNMI: to limit the full compensation for the money tl1al has. in r.:cent interviews. ex­ disrn-hoppin),:. forms are going to take place duty free treatment forthe CNMI they had spent on coming to the plained that strictly enforc­ Oa,·id Lee Roth \\'ou!J prnb­ immediately." Washington Rep. ; and to scrap the CNMI's privi­ CNMI. inl! the ARC requirement will ably prefer th:11 thc:1· instead go Ju:in Babauta said in a telephone le!!e to use the "Made in USA" Rep. Osecu· Babauta, who w,Ls also pr:,·cnt the spn:ad of tuber­ c/<111cing in rl1c srrc·cr. interview from Washington D.C. label unless it meets the 50 per­ pm1 of the CNMI clelegation. said he culosis. IIIV, anc.l syphilis. Reminder from slain man's spirit But seriously. a lot of pcopk The hearing. Babauta aJJeJ. cent US citizens workforce re­ wm confident the cornmiltec ww; because to secure the yellow arc findin~ this contrn1cr,;,· as WIIEN Korean businessman Byung: Ok Suh ar- in separate an:as in Kagman Jon March 29 and JO, was conducted "in a fair man­ quirement. convinced of the CNMJ's commit­ card. one must first undergo ~c11in~ ;1h;urJ b1 the Jav. · 1·iveJ on Saipan in May 1996, he opened the former 1995. ner. Tenorio headed the CNMI ment to work on reforms. he:ilth screening,. '\\"h;~i's lll'XI ':. . Chal:111 Market in San Antonio. One month later, "There was great Jeal of of panel, while the Clinton Admin­ "I have the impression that we A l!Ol"ernment lawvcr has \n .-\RC. 110 nwvics '! Suh 's wife Mi Young Park and their seven-year-old Park was luckv enot1~h because she was not interest in the federal aspect of istration was rcprcser;teJ by In­ might still have the hope of recti­ also ,;1ain1ained provi~ions of ',· \"o hash ·.> daughter followed. Treating Saipan as their second killec.l. And her ill;sbanJ ,; c.leath was given justice. the issue. The governor made an terior Secretary Bruce Babbitt. fying these problems:· Rep. Os­ the Li11· state that a nonresi­ '\ O admit t :111 CC l O J O Ct C11 home. Suh had worked tu secure a resident immi­ But whv is it that until now the suspects in the exec llent presentation as the key California Rep. George Miller. car Babauta said. dent worker mus\. within 90 superman ., gration status for thc:m. guns laying: of Ming w1J Hua remain scot free? We witness for the CNMI." Babauta human rights advocates and He said the CNMI shou Id take Jays upon entry into the Com­ :'-:o dri1·cr·s lin:nse ·? *** *** *** visited the crime scene and it seems impossible said. some workers testified at the adv;mtage of its 1emaining oppo1tu­ \o contract renewal"? monwealth. secure an ARC. that no one saw the suspects because the store is Iti Suh ·s dream to raise his family here, however. Senate Prcsiclent Paul hearing to "uphold" DOI's alle­ nities to conecl its mistakes. Failure to do so is violation \n water·? was shattered in the evening of Nov. 13, 1996. That located in a residential area. We received informa­ Manglona, for his part, saic.l the gations against the CNMI. "We don't deny that there we1e of the law and is therefore. 'fo I lot ·yx (er. sorrvfcllo, b111 fateful niuht. Suh was about to close the store when tion that the suspects boasted that the police woulc.l wrong doings; we mac.le some mis­ punishable with c.leportation. commiuec members gave some Committee chairman Sen. 1011"rc nor al/o,rccl ro /is1cn lo six youtl;., robbed the i:stablishrnenl. One of the never solve this case because thc:y were '"untouch­ 0 '"technically.'" the government indications that they arc willing Frank Murkowski (R-J\laska) takes but we m-e committed to mak­ / I.I : Yo/ I d O 11 . I Ji a\' C (Ill .\ f? C ) '? suspects struck the businessman on the head with a able." Guys, lc;t us do our homework and prove to l!ivc the CNMI another chance. was not available for comment ingrcf01rns at its best by vigorously ]kiln._,.,._. I awver said. glass bottle. while another pointed a .410 shotgun al these guys that we mean business. B·ut whik such 1s ::The issue before us such as at press time. pursuing persecution oflaborand Sume 1rnnrcside11t 11·orkns. him. uo1·crnmc111·s contention. a labor and immigration are very "There was great deal of dis­ immil!ration violations. This ,tun!! b1 the .-\RC scare. h:11e OUR sources said some marijuana plants were might,be the last chance for us." ;1umhcr of private lawyers arc critical. Fortunately we have the cussion throughout the hearing e1·c,; r,·i)ortcJ h rdraincd from The commotion c:1u !!ht the at tent ion of Park who found growing inside the Department of Public :1ruuinl! that failure to secure right govcmo,· at the right time: on the role of the federal govern- Babauta said. lc:11 in~ their quancrs :1f1cr work was resting at thi: tim~ with their daughter in the Safety's Division of Corrections compound a few an' ARC' is not a deportabk for fe:1r of hcing ,uhj..:ctcJ lll bedroom behind the store. !'ark peepcc.l through a Jays ago. Recently. sources said. an inmate carry­ offense. r:111d,, rn 111w II n 011 n r·c din spec/ ir 111 s sm:ill hole on the Joor to sec what caused th<.: noise. ing bolllcs of hard liquor weri: found atop the They stressed 1ha1 there al­ on the ro:1,I or inside hars. The1· She was shocked when :1 gunshot rang out. When prison building. Last week. it was reportl.!J that re:1dy arc entry permits and c:lll·I :1tfnrd the· ',25 fee. the suspects tkJ. Park saw her husband lying 011 the three inmates were seen crawling outside the DOC l:1hure•·· ( • lllll mon 11·e:tl th. l.:1 ll,,r :111d I ill Illig r:,t ion· s l'rn­ The suspects. led by Shawn i\ppklw. 11·crc :11·­ already skc:ping in the facility. Arc the DOC for till' employees during the These 1,orkcrs. they added. TIIE Dl:l'ARTMENT of La­ costs. ce.'Si ll !! Sccti,,11 in a frantic hid to res1cd after a few days and were suhscquc111ly guards sk<.:ping cm their job"' Or is it the manage­ hen and lmmil.'.ration (DOLi) One' or thc: workc:rs was re­ beginning of their crnplnv­ h:1,c :1lready hel.'.n ch,Tkcd for ,c,·Lir,·-the· ,ud,k11l\ ·I 11:il )cllm,· nm1 ictcd. Sim·e that tragic incident. the Iii cs nf ment' .lu,t :1,J..i11g. h:1s issued its ,;iling Dn a 1·our krre·d tu DOLi's immigration mcnt 011 the island. di,e·ase hct·ore dcp:11·ting re­ Marianas R\hrythm , :ird. l'a,l :1ml Jin dau~hleT h,1vc 11,·1 n been the· ,:1111,· 1·c:1r old case i 111·0!, i 11 ~ e i ~ht division while four,,thns ha1c: In issuing his dccisinn on s i'LT I i I C \HJ i 111 S () f ll r i ~ i 11 . Ill :1 K- .',1111. 111,11\: h:1\L" <>plc"d Jo t::kc :1 :11.':1i11. Suh's untimel, ,lc-:1th 11·mild ha1c 111:tde Till: l"N.\-11 (rilllc .'>toppers llo:ml has chosen cm:1le 11n1nesidc:111 11:mk~rs b,·,·n scheduled for transfer 1he unreimhursed drinking 1111.' the C:\'.\11 h<.::tlth .,nc:cn­ i 11 :iit-:111cl-,c,· :1ttitudc u1111l the P:11-J.."s life rne:1ni11~l~ss without their kid. Th..: Sgt. 1:ra11kli11 Babauta :ts new C'i"i111e Stoppers who h:11·c lc:Hllecl charges of r<.:lid. water and cooking gas. J\spcr ing, a rcduml:111cy and. at thc \, t)11~i)in~ :\Re· (.kh~tl1..' '-tth"idc~. d:1ughtcr l\'ou ld con;e home frllln school depressed coordi 11atur. The Board made a wise: dc:cision. I .ikc: unfair labor pral"liccs. inclucl­ The matti:r stemmed from a argued that the !alter is part of :-,,~1111i.: tirnt.:. a rt.:'.\'Lrllll' :--ourcc !'or 0/oway Ban~ :111J SC\I ed. fmrnc:r Crime Stoppers rnorJinator Lt. l:dwarJ ing unrcimbursed cooking gas complaint filed by th<.: work­ the comp:u1y housing facility while Th<.: ,L:1r<.: t:,kc, it, rnoh t"rnlll :, its go\·crnmLnt. Manalili, Babauta is young. h.irdworking, and The Ltwycrs arc also main- and drinking water c:xpcnscs. ers in 19lJ4whcre they alkged the t'om1c:r is likewise "requin:d" to Ch:il:t11 l'i:11, !!:1rmc·n1 t:,cton·. the wrsatilc. CiooJ luck. Frank I l':11-k :1ml d:1ughtcr w:111ted 10 go home, but de­ al!ainst their employer. that they were incorrectly be supplied by the cmpluycr. t"i1,t 1,, he r:1iJi:cl hy go,cn{mc111 1:1ini11g 1h:1t '":ill these ,\RC L·ided to st:,y on the island for the sole re:1son that '111 a decision penned by Linn docked for being late even Most of tl1c affccti:d workers have ,,pc:r:J1i10 i11,i::1rch ufhealth :111d hrou-ha-h:1 is a design to im­ CandyTaman Suh \\':ts buried hc1·e. :\ccmdi11g t11 the Korean GOV. Pedro Tenorio 's uppointmenl of Maj. Asp<.:r. DOLi · s ;\dministrati ve though it was thciremployer's scrnred te111rx1r:uy cmployct, during ,:1fc11 1 iol:11io11, :111d ll\er,1:1y er,. pres., the feds ... tr:1di1io11:d lx:lic:f. Suh remains Park "s lifc:1i1ne part­ Claudio Norita a, DPS deputy conuni,sioncr h:Ls late bus that had rnuscd their the four ye:u, it tcxik for DO LI to 011<.: lawyer told Ille' he ""ah­ I karing Ofl"iL·e Supervisor. the .'>0;11,· 2(JII 11,,rJ..n,. found with­ "s ner. ""] 11·:1111 to be close to his ,pirit." Suh has raL<;(.'{] eyebrows among some DI'S oflicers. One solutcly cunfu,cd. him:df." worhrs' cmployi:r. Mirage lard i llCSS. issuc a ruli1w 011 their case. out .-\1<.C dtll'ing that ,\brch lJ raid. tca,fully told :m investigator. oflicer appro:whl.'d us and said: ''Whut can you Asper's J;cision may still Actually. lots of people :uc. (Saipan) Co. 1.!J., was rincd The worJ..c,:s. Asper noted Affred Saures &. were !!i1en :111 ultimatum to se­ expect f'rom this department now'! While we have a in his findings. established be arpealed by the employer And as 1]11: confusion drags on. $4.000 for labor law viola­ cure 1l1e yellow card in the 11nt The harrowing cxp..:rience of the Korean falllily comrni,sioncrwho maybe can '!even clu,;c a snatcher that they were entitled to sums to acting DOLi Senctary absurdities arc propping up from tions. 2-1 hour, or face deport:1tion. reminds us or the murJi:r of Ming: Zhao I luu and ht-cause of hi, weight, we have a deputy eommb­ avcraeinu $4.,6 for the time Mark Zachares. tie CM Serenadet4S app:1ri:n t misinterpretations or th..: The workers ror their part The numhn of :1pprchen,kcl wife. I Ju.1. owners of Ming I !ua Market in Danda11 sioncr who can hardly c.lrivc his vehicle Ix-cause of'his wi:rc awarded S 1,700 includ­ they :vc1: required to be 011 Variety tried but faiil'd to I :1 w. .-\RC-le" 1101iroidc·111 workers I lolllcstead. The suspects rnhhed thc store and shot si7.e. And our dil'l-ctor for J)Olicc has difliculty in ing $555 for unpaid w,1g:es and the: establishmenl's premises reach any representative from One such absurdity is the t\R(' urew t1> rnon: than 1.211() in :1 wcck the: couple. The bodies of the: victims were dumped climbing the stairs !><.-cause of his age." $582 for cooking g,1s and to the actual time they wcri: !'vii rage to air com men ts on the loll,rn in~ ,uh,equcnt raiLh lln check llll disco pubs. drinking wati:r. able to start work. decision. other l:lct1iries. \\\'.II. the con1en1ion that The: r:,id, and the Llep,"t:1tion fll'.

6-MARIAJ'IAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY-APRIL 2.~19~9~8------Tinian Chamber vows Marpi area designated M blames Public Lands I By Ferdie de la Torre .;, order from utilizing any of the Variety News Staff Says delay o,f hotel project also caused by gov't properties leased to MDM. the to police own ranks A HOTEL devclop::r blamed the defendant is not able fully to uti­ upland mitigation site complex building located on the sub­ Fishing B,L';C. By Aldwin R. Fa)ardo happy that Lt Gov. Jesus Sablan Division of Public Lu1ds of the De- be pursued until the government es­ lize the property. ject l,md. In 1995 DPL m1d MDM entered Variety News Slaff acknowledges that there are By Jojo Dass developers involved in under­ • p,utmcnt of LITTds ,md Natural Re­ tablish the owner of the building ,md He stated that DPL alleges that MDM, through counsel Eric Smith, into a limd lease to consuuct 504- TIIETINIAN ChamberofCom­ government-enforced measures Variety News Staff takings where certain animal sources for the delay in the consu11c­ receive the neccssrny approval for the Coastal Resources Manage­ said when Black Micro commenced merce on Tuesday vowed to which are burdening the private THEWHOLE330-hectare Marpi species may be threatened can tion of its project in Garap,m. room first cla,s rcsmt hotel and com­ demolition. ment permit was granted to MDM work closely with the CNMI sector not only on Saipan but forest area has been designated as now go ahead with their MDM Development Corprn:11ion demolition of the building, DPL is­ plex. The lawyer added tl1atarestaurant, Aug. 12, 1996. government in ensuring that alsoon Tinian and Rota," Long Saipan 's upland mitigation site, projects. .1 in its response yesterday to DPL 's sued a stop work order citing that tl1e DPL :L,ked the cou1t to tem1inate Ship-A-Shore, is occupying prnt of "Plain ti ff acknowledged the business community members said. according to Public Lands Board Haas and Haynie, it will be re­ lawsuit explained tliat on Ap1il 23. ownerofthe building was unknown. the lease for default as no consu11c­ tl1e prop::1ty app,u-ently under a per­ delay in the execution ofCRM of are complying with local and He added that the Chamber Chair Tomas B. Aldan said. called, has an ongoing tourist re­ 1997 the fim1 entered into a conu:1ct DPLsucd MDM lx:fore the Supe­ tion ha, commenced since the lease mit issued by DPL. the permit and agreed that the 12- federal labor laws. will work closely with the ex­ The move, Aldan explained, was sort project in Obyan. with Black Micro Co1v. to demolish rior Cou1t for alleged b1each of con­ agreement was signed. Smitl1 said until such time tliat momh period should be extended Chamber president Phillip ecutiveandlegislative branches carried out following requests made The plan, however, could not ,md dispose the i..leb1is of a fishing u-act over a le,Lse of 36,787 squmc Smith exp! aincd that DPL infom1ed DPLcm1cels tl1e pe1111it to tl1e rcstm1- to accommodate the delay," Smith Mendiola Long said the busi­ of the CNMI government in for­ I by a private develop::r, the Haas and get off the ground due to a num­ I metc1, ofland known ,L, the J ap,mese MDM tl1at the demolition could not ranl and issues a cease and de;;ist said. l ness community is supporting mulating a permanent measure Haynie Corporation and the United ber of bird species that may be Gov't fol"lll.s new the government's call to come that would address labor and States Fish and Wildlife Setvice. displaced as a consequence of the I: committee to· · up with a more workable mea­ immigration problems in the "Basically, the p::tition was made firm's golf course project. r sures that would unburden the Commonwealth. plan .'Visit the Quany firm: Blasts don't pose danger becausethey(USFWSandthedevel­ The CNMI government, in co­ Tomas B. Aldan private sector of "undue hard­ Sablan on Friday said the Leg­ op::r) said that they are not sure ordination with USFWS, recently Marianas Year' By Jojo Dass of requirements asked from them in (BPL), according to BPL Chair cized over complaints that it~ ship." islature should act with speed whether the designated area made mere 160 hectares of forest land also moved to assign a site in Marpi to Variety News Staff connection with their lease proposal. Tomas B. Aldan. blastings are weakening structures "The Tinian business sector is By Rick Alberto Continued on page 20 pur.,mant to an agreement between inMarpi. be used solely as a "repopulation" A MARPI-based quarrying firm The tests, done by Bombs Away, a Aldan,inaseparateinterview, said of nearby residential houses and the CNMI government and USFWS Aldan assured that no possible area for threatened bird species. Variety News Staff yesterday expressed optimism it will Guam-based explosives detonation BP Lis withholding decision on Black may jeopardize the planned con­ is enough," said Aldan. homestead area stood into the way of Developers that may be endan­ THE CNMI hopes to arrest the be grill1ted a new lease agreement, finn, · cost the Black Micro some Micro'spetitionp::nclingtlieoutcome struction of a multi-million tourist "So, ba'ied on tha~" he added, "we the mitigation site's expansion. gering these species in the slumping tourism ini..lustry saying tests conducted on its pre­ $1 O,CXX.l, Dayao said. of the tests' results. facility in tl1c area NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING expanded it (mitigation site) to in­ With the site now more than course of their operation are with the "Visit the Marianas mises showed that its blastings do He said Bombs Away was "satis­ "We are waiting for the resuh Houses ne.c1r the quarry site sus­ The Coastal Resources Management Program (CRMP) will clude the entire Marpi forest area" double its original size, Aldan required to mitigate the loss Year" campaign next year, not pose danger to the nearby com­ fied" with the tests. One of our Boardmembers attended tained large cracks by its walls The original mitigation site was a expressed optimism private through the program. MVB acting Managing Direc­ munity. "It (blastings) is way below the the testing," Aldan said. allegedly due to the explosion. be holding a public hearing regarding Coastal Permit tor Alvaro Santos saii..l yester­ Application No. SMS-97-X-264 submitted by Chargualaf Inaninterview,JW1Dayao,Black danger level," Dayao said With results available, Aldan said The request not to allow Black day. Micro General Manager, said they & Associates on behalf of Mr. H.S. Lee for the expansion 'The tests, conducted two weeks BPL, can "decide whether or not to Micra's continued operation wa~ ··We're working with the are set to submit a report of the tests ago, wa~ also monitored by a mem­ allow" the firm to continue the lease. filed by World Crnporation, the of the H.S. Lee Apartments in Susupe, Saipan. Electric hazards·, ·unsafe _drinking Visit the Marianas committee to the Board of Public Land as part ber of the Board of Public Lands Black Micro wit~ recently aiti- Continued on page 20 to launch an aggressive pro­ .water top concerns in barracks . motional campaign for 1999." The public hearing is scheduled for Thursday, April 16, . . . . ' . ·. ' . 1998 at 6:30 pm at the Multi Purpose Center in Susupe. A Santos said. By Jojo Dass tions." firms and anumberof workers' hous­ Santos saii..l one of the deci­ second and final notice of this public hearing will be International Hairport is newly remodeled and Variety News Staff Sanitation concerns, according to ing facilties. sions that the committee and published at a later date. HAZARDOUS electrical installa­ DOLI,alsotopslistofmostcommon HSO, which is preparing a re­ the MVB will make concerns I restocked for all your beauty needs. tions and unsafe diinking water me violations. port on violations found during the hiring of an advertising /''i'\ The public is invited to attend and to submit written the most common forms of health These include inadequate lavatol)' the operations, has thus far col­ and PR agency to help in the ( .• _,} comments and/or to make oral comments regarding this and safety violations found by in­ facilities, kitchen area, and trash site lated nearly 50 offenses, the bulk campaign. Services of which also concerns electrical \ .... _~ project. All written and oral comments received will be spectors among company-provided and collection system. "To issue an RFP (request worker housing facilities, according Violations, it was gathered, are installations. made a part of the permit application record, and will be for proposals) for another ad­ ~~,,~/ to the Department of Labor and Im­ allegedly common among facilities HSO, as part of a good faith Products considered in any decision made concerning the proposed vertising agency will be left migration (OOLI). beingmaintainedbyguarddutyfinns agreement, it has recently entered project. to that committee and the Available OOU records showed and manpower agencies. into with the Occupational Safety MYB to decide," Santos said. that about a third of the 35 housing DOU, in cases where violations and Health Administration He said the committee is Please contact Coastal Resources Management at 234- inspections being done by the were established, fines the ening (OSHA), has began closely work­ now meeting regularly to plan 6623/7320 or 3907 if you have any questions or require deprntment's Health and Safety Of­ employer and continues its monitor­ ing with a representative from the "for the remainder of 1998 and further information regarding this project. fice a week yields such violations. ing to ensure compliance. federal safety agency. for the full 12-month period "It (number of violators) varies," OOLI'sHSO,itwill be noted, was With the tie-up, DOU officials of 1999." PETER J. BARLAS said a DOLi agent, requesting ano­ among the department's sections mo­ said more inspections of housing "This committee (formed by Acting Director nymity. "Sometimes," he added, "al­ bilized during last month's series of facilities and factories may be Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio) will Name the service and most all of35 inspections have viola- unannouncedinspectionsongarrnent forthcoming. Coastal Resources Management actively participate in the pro­ motional effort of MYB," you'll find it right Santos said. The campaign will extend here in Dandan from L&T alleged to have not only to Japan but abo to Taiwan, Korea and other our expert staff, Rhea, places ··where we need to have visibility," Santos added. Julia and Pia. violated land use pact The committee comprises representatives from the hotel Air Conditioning By Rick Alberto mi ts from the Department of Pub­ issued to L&T on April 23, 1996, and tour-agency sectors and Hair SPA, "Selling Standards of Comfort Excellence for 01·er a Ce111ury" Variety News Staff lic Works, prt:dcvelopment and was for an open shed, orpala pal a. the govcrnrnrnt, including the Braiding, THE L&T Group of Companies final stormwater control plan, The open shcJ was converted Governor's Office and the has allegedly violated the use of building code permit, landscap­ into living quarters without a per­ MVB. Coloring, Perms, two public lands by constrncting ing plan, and brown tree snake mit amendment approved by the Guerrero said the Visit the Cellophane, staff housing units on them. prevention plan. CRM. :Vlarianas Year campaign was This surfaced after the Depart­ The CRM has orderei..1 L&T to Barias saii..1 that based on the an initiative of the industry in Straightening, Bleaching, Facial Makeover, Waxing ment of Public Lands had pointed stop construction activities pend­ discovery of CRM enforcement reaction to the Jownturn of and Manicure-Pedicure to mention just a few. I out that the: land lease in Lower ing compliance with the required officers who made an on-site in­ Asian economics, which af­ Base issued to L&T on Dec. 6, a conditions and plans. spection, the first floor of the st111c­ fected the number of visitors I 995, is for the construction of a In addition, L&T was told to ture had eight anJ the second floor coming to the CNMI. And ask about Hairporl's Star Club, for savings on service. warehouse, storage facility, re­ obtain from the Division of Pub­ 14 units for barracks-type usage. Some 60 percent of visitors pairand manufacturing shops, and lic Lmi..ls authorization to build a The project n;qui1·es a major to the CNMI comi: from Ja­ Hair Prnducts from: Matrix • Wella • Alberto Culver· American-African office. staff housing on the land. siting project, Barias said. pan. Korc,1 seni..ls the sccond­ Pride • (Coming soon. African Pride Super. no lye relaxer and other AP products) Recently, however, the CRM "Should deny or i..lisap­ DPL Barias said the CRM would biggest number of tourists, but found that a housing facility prove the proposed staff housing, order L&T to demolish the room since September, the number Maybelline ~loc!(ing§.; L'eggs project had started construction L&T shall apply for an amcni..1- divisions inside the ba1Tacks strnc­ of Koreans has i..lrastically i..lc­ in the concerned parcel of land. mcnt to the CR M permit for the ture should the DPL disapprove crcased owing to the suspen­ CRM enforcement officers re­ types of usage allowed on the the living quarters on the land sion of Korean Airlines flights ported that a steel frame for the Dl'L lease," Barias said. pared. and the economic crisis being housing structure had been The second land parcel wherein When contacted, L&T lawyer expricnced in Korea. Air Quality with creeled. L&T ts constrncting a 22-unit Steven Pixley said the matters arc Alvaro is optimistic that the Lennox Air Conditioning None of the permit conditions barracks is also in Lower Base. being looked into, includin~ the campaign will be successful, required before the start of the Barias directed L&T to resolve issue of whether a barrack; for as Japan, despite the reces­ All mator credrl cards accepted construction had been complied the matter first with the DPL since It's Remy Lloyd's newest place! employees can be authorized to sion there, still has some 17 ~~ffl.ffl(c"1 with, CRM acting Director Peter the original lease issued to that be built on public land. Shop for beauty supplies and save! JWS Barias said. million outbound travelers Air Conditioning and Refrigeration lani..1 parcel "prohibits the con­ Pixley said it was only recently ~~-~ These conditions includci..learth yearly. Located on South Middle Road strnction of living quarters." that the CRM notices were moving and erosion control per- 13arlas s:dd the coastal permit Phone: 235-5572/74 Fax: 235-5573 brought to his allcntion. . ,·,· ~_-MARIANAS VAR!ETYNEWS ANP_YIE_\¥S-JHURSDAY-.'\f>__~l_!,_2.,J99-8 ••

The Around the Islands section covers community stories, ----~------~----- THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1998 -.MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-9 local events, and cultural activities. Should you have a story you would like to share, or an event that needs lo . The Around the Islands section covers community stories, be covered, contact Laila at 234-6341 local events, and cultural activities. Should you have a story you would like to share, or an event that needs to be covered, contact Laila at 234-6341 Student leaders train at Y~~!hocQooi~!~!~.~ RJ Enterprises donates to Red Cross By Laila C. Younis · . · "One i~poitantskill is how to deal each other. The skills they are leai:n- Rota 4-H Club ALONG witl1 tl1e many walkers that Enterprises wa,a perfect match and we Islands Chapter and iL, community ser­ Van'ety News Staff with change in a healthy way. At this ing they would be able to share with were on the pathway last Saturday a appreciate their support," said vices, which include disa,tcrplanning. What you know about you1:-elf and point in their lives, the youth are their peers," said Tudela . new major sponsor also joined tl1e Red Walkathon Co-Chair Jeff Boyer. preparedness and response. armed how you see others are keys in be- constantly dealing with change," he "We incorporate our goals with reaps success Cross in lhc 12th Annual Walkatl1on TI1c Walkathon evenl raised over forces emergency services. health romino effective leaders, says Youth said. what thesrudents learn. Forexampl~, event. $30,CXXJ gross and 841 walkers partici­ and safety as well as HIV/ AIDS Consuhmil Miguel Valenciana. "To beagcxxl leader, it has to start our goal for this school year 1s ROTA RDSU - Of the half a million dollars from the US RJ Enterprises donated over$! SCXJ paled in the event. cducalion. Andoverthi11ystuden1leade1:s fiom with the self and getting to know your volunteerism. More students are get- Department of Agriculture grant funding committed for the Pacific worth of computer classes to be used as Prizes wiil be awarded at each of the These services are offered_ lo the Hopwood Jr. High School and wants, needs, strengths and weak- tinginvolvedincommunityandclub insular areas, the CNMI government through the Nmthern Mananas prized for the evenL · schools in tl1e next few weeks and will community lhroughout lhe year. Mruianas HighSchool leamed about nesses. Andthenlookingatthe inter- ~ctivities," she said. . College has been assured $15,000 annually. '1l1e WalkatlionCommit1eewan1ed be released from the chapter office for The Red Cross is not govern­ ment agency and these services are "effective leadership'' and much more pcI,Ona] and how you communicate V alenciano, according to Tudela is This provides a portion of the financial needs ~or the NMC, Rota, to not only recognize the studcnl\ and otl1er caleeorics on Monday, April 6. made possible by the generous do­ anendingtl1e 6th Annual Youth Lead- with others," he added. from the Inte1face, Inc. in Portlru,?, campus; 4-H Club's aquaculture, school readmess and Internet schools, but 10 also award !hem witl1 Proceeds from the event will go to educational pri?.cs, the donation by JU support the local Northern Mariana nations of talent, rime and money. mhip Conference at the Multi-Pur- Maiianas High School Student Oregon and was hired by the Pubhc projects. · · . PJSC Cen1cr Tue,;day. Activities Coordinator Doreen M. School System to host conferences Headed by Michael M. Ogo, land grant extenswn agent, the 4-H ··Our goal this ye(u· with the Con- Tudela says, the training the student~ rumually for public high school and Club Rota campus, currently has twenty active elementary ~chool fe1cnce i~ to Jeam.leadership skills 10 Youth Consultant Miguel Valenciana explains an activity to students are receivino from tl,e Conference is elementary schools. student (grades 5-8) whose enthusiastic.participation in leammg the help develop school environme1m during the 6th Annual Youth Leadership Conference Tuesday at the "'helpful and valuable". "I m11 leaining how wdeal will, necessary skills of the aquaculture proJects. al I d , l 1· d Mult,·-Pu'pose Genie'. Pholo by Laila c. Younis . be ____ _ g where · stu enL, can ,ee sa e an , ' 'The students ru-e leammg 10 ConTinued on page "The kids were taught to appreciate, not only the proper way of feeding the fish (talapia) and how to maintain the ~~ua~ultu~e system, but were also taught about ~)I t~e necessary spcc1f1cat1ons m the construction of the water tank, said Ogo. KCNM celebrates NMC's Mark Brotman, Aquaculturist, assisted in providing the technical advisement of the project." And without his assistance, the aquaculture project here at the NMC would not have been realized," explained Ogo. 10th Anniversary The fish tank which took three weeks to construct was completed TIIE Big 1080 KCNM "Coconut fearure music that is familiar and in mid December of last year. Country" and FM 103.9 KZMI contemporary. The first harvest will be in August of this year. "Saipan' s Fu:stFM" are owned and In fact, KZMI's consistent for­ "The main focus of the project is to getthe students' involvement operated by Inter-Islru,d Commu­ mat and sound music selection has and most of the students are maintaining the system themselves," nications, Inc. also the owners and resulted in a loyal ru,d large listener said Ogo. . operators of KS1D-FM in Guam. base each and every year. "The plan is to try and get the students to_ sell_ some _of the talapia. KCNM-AM began broadcast­ Both 1080 KCNM and 103.9 The sale will enable kids to participate m field tnps and other wo1thwhile activities," he added. Red Cross Walk-a-Thon Committee Co-Chair Jeffery Boyer joins RJ Enterprises representatives for a photo ing in 1984and plays today's best KZMiareequippedwithstateofthe to acknowledge the company's donation to the event. country music along with 8 hours art digital audio which provides the ofChaniorroandCarolinianmu~ic CNMI with tlie highest quality au­ each day. dio a~ well a~ reliability. Selective Servic·e urges KCNM's all lootl on-air staff Production facilities also feature Hard at Work Students from Marianas High School and Hopwood Jr. High concentrate on an activity durin_g means a solid connection to our digital as well a~ analog capability. · 18-year-olds to register · the 6th Annu~/ Youth Leadership Conference at the Multi-Purpose Center Tuesday. Photo by Lalla c. Younis island community. The studios and offices of "Saipan 's First FM," I 03.9 KCNM/KZMiare located on the IF YOU are about to turn 18 or school, so you can ask at the KZMI,startedbroadcastingin 1987, second floorof the Sablan Bui !d­ are already 18, the best way to Principal 's Office. & I Taotaota to. feature ·Teregeyo and recently celebrated its I0th an­ ing in San Jose. Telephone: 234- slay on Uncle Sam's good side Selective Service accepts . . . . niver:sary of service to the CNMI. 7239/8644. Fax: 234-0447. Request is to register with Selective late registrations, but the KZMI plays an Adult contem­ lines: AM: 235-CHAM(2426)FM: longer you wait, the longer PROGRAMAN I Taotaota is fea­ gram Adminilrator on tonight's its purpose, goals, objectives, eli­ Service. porary format featuring new hits 235-KZMI (5064) turing Ana S. Teregeyo of the ;how, hosted by Frances M. It's a federal law to register you're breaking the law. gibility, term, total represenla­ Key PeI,Qnnel: 11th CNMl Legislature, Sablan on Marianas Cable Vision along with favorites from the 60s, within 30 days of your 18th After you register, you tives, election and more. 70s, and 80s. Joe Tighe - General Manager Rosemond Santos, You1h Con­ (MCV). birthday. should receive an acknowl­ 0 If you have any questions or Local businesses have found Jimmy Foxxx/Marilyn Lakopo-Sales gress Acting Program Adminis­ Join us tonight on MCV, Chan­ comments, please call the MCV You also need to register to edgment of your registration KZMI to be perfect background Lewy Tenorio-program director from Selective Service within 0 trator and ~1ichae\ Evangelisla, nel 7 at 7 p.m.in the discussion on studio at 235-6382/3/4during the be eligible for certain benefits, music for their stores because we Josie Mikel - Traffic director. 90 days. You th Congress Assi slant Pro- 1he upcoming Youth Congress; show. such as federal student aid, job training, and mosl federal It will have your Selective ~ employment. Service Number on it, so keep Bestseller Bookstore Failure to register is a felony it in a safe place where you Easter Holy Week schedule for IUMC punishable by a fine of up to can find it when you need it. $250,000, up to five years in If you lose your acknowl­ located in the SPECIAL services for Holy Conference. mun ion. prison, or both. edgment, you can contac1 1he Week will begin this Sunday, This Sunday also is the cel­ Rev. Ripple will be avail­ Some slates also require reg­ Registration Information Of­ Celebration Joeten Shopping Center Palm Sunday, with guest ebration of the sixth year of able for prayer. This is a time istration for state studenl aid, fic~ at 888/655- I 825 (loll the founding of lhc English­ speaker 1hc Rev. Donald of quiet solitude, to remcmbc1· entrance lo stale-supported free J. ' •.. J, 'jj"--·: next to Ace Hardware l3ommari10 speaking on "Ev­ language congregation. the sacrifice of Christ for all colleges ancJ uni vnsitics. slate Over I :1 million men age l 8 ervone Loves a Parade!" at This Thursday is known in humanity. cmpl;y111enl, and permission through 25 are curn:ntly reg­ APRIL3 .. 18 I'-" th~ English-language congrc­ 1he church as Maundy Thurs­ Easter Sunday will be cel­ to practice law. istered with Selective Service. NOW OPEN! oa1i0n - of Immanuel United day, and a special service will ebrated with two services. The You can avoid the risk of Of 1hose, l, 128 arc from the ll .'i Me1hodist Church, be held at 6:30 p.m. wi1h the first will be at sunrise (5:45 prosccu1ion and loss of ben­ Commonwealth of the North­ y 8pm-2am Koblcrville. sacrament of Holy Commun­ efits by registering at any lo­ ern Mariana Islands. a.m.) at Lau Lau Bay, with spe­ \ _jxJ1t1t1 \ Visit our Bigger and Better Store Rev. l:larbara Grace Ripple ion. cial music, prayer and a mes­ cal post office or on the For more information, jump on will serve as liwrgist. Special music will come sage given by Rev. Barbara Internet. · the web: http://www.sss.gov or and find all the books you love. Service begins at 9: 15 a.m. from 1hc f<'ijian community. Grace Ripple. There may also be a Selec­ contact Mr.Joseph C. Reyes, State 2rt your night at GIG Discotheque and en­ Raffle Prizes!# wi 1h entranc~ by 1hc children Maundy Thursday remem­ Easter worship will also be tive Service Regislrar at your Director at 234-5860/7861 bers the I ast night be fore J csus SJo\the traditional party music, fimn Hip-hop wilh palms. held at the church at 9: 15 a.m., to R&B,'f,eggae to Soul, Booty Shake to House, ~ April 3 & 17 The children will be sing­ death and resurrection, when with special music from Denise age the youlh to listen lo the el­ ing, and other special music he broke the bread with his J-lewilt and the message, "A New Techn.o to Funk. Come & experience the GIG style Student .. ders and learn !heir sIOrics, or will be brough1 by John and disciples, and then wen I oul to Day is Breaking!" given by Rev. to hav~-a more memorable Easter celebration. Continued!rom page 8 they will iake their stories wilh ~ Debbie Wisc of the Guam rhc Garden of Gethsemane in Barbara Grace Ripple. prayer. 1hcm," said Yalcnciuno. BOOKS• MAGAZINE• SPECIALTY ITEMS Uni led Methodist Church and New members will be received problems more posi1ively i.1~ the Events of the last nigh I will "Identity is an important p,1rt of the Lay Speaker choir of bo1h into the church as in the ancient p1-escnt as well as tlic fu1ure, said be remembered in scripture leadership and this ,It this stage. it •·~·-~:, 235-7612 churches. tradition. MHS student Edwm·d Masiwema. \. ~, ' ... Entrance: $10 and song. is very critical to maintain that," - :, ,,.,--.,/ Sacrament of baptism will Al I persons are welcome to any MHS Senior Jacoby Winkfield ,, Hours of Operation: be offered. Rev. Bommarito Good Friday from noon to he said. (with local/alien card) of the services or activities of said that learning how to "listen to "'I am very impressed with this Monday - Saturday 10:00am-8:00pm is an associate member of the 3:00 p.m., the Sanctuary of Immanuel United Methodist people is also a step to be an group of students. They arc very Includes 5 Bud Council of Ministries of the the church will be open for Church. For more information, Sunday 10:00am-6:00pm effective leader". ~oopcrative and wonderful to California-Pacific Annual silent meditation and com- call the paslor at 235-7706. "One part I like to stress is go­ work with. I am looking forward Family beers! ing back 10 your roots. I encour- to next year," he added. Sponsored by: GIG & MARPAC Must be 21 or older to enter. .. ,.)...... - - -- - . ------.. ---·--·· . --...... - . ----- . - ..... ----·-- -- ~·------~,.. Elsewhere· in·· the Pacific Top officials sent for talks on Bougainville full and complete understand­ MORESBY the director general of KOROR, PALAU-The Re­ PM ready to contest PORT New envoy returns long lost historical document ing of the duties of its ances­ public of Palau has reaffirmed (Pacnews)-Papua New AusAID and Australian politi­ diplomatic ties with the Fed­ tral chiefs, the interrelation­ Guinea prime minister Bill cal leaders. dentials from Wolfgang leader in defense of free en­ sented the vice president with eral Republic of Germany in ships of the various clans and Skate has dispatched a high Skate says in a statement Gottelmann, the first Ambas­ terprise, democracy and the a copy of Volume 2 of the ceremonies held last week the customary responsibilities Fiji general elections level delegation to Canberra that he expects the discussions sador of Germany to Palau. maintenance of peace and se­ Kramer (Kubarii) anthropo­ 1998. , of Palau's villages." to discuss Australia's contin­ would cover ways in which In his remarks, the vice curity around and globe. logical study which had until Provincial Council responsible for are now prepruing to launch the new Ambassador Gottelmann SVVA (l'acnews)-Fiji's Prime ued participation in the peace Australians would be able to Vice President Tommy E. president pledged Palau's sup­ During the occasion, Am­ now been long lost from the the setting up of a new political party p,my and also have it 1e!.!istered with also announced that Germany J\·linistcr, S itiwni Rabuka is reat.!y process on Bougainville. best utilise their skills and re­ Remengesau, Jr., received ere- port for Germany as a world bassador Gottelmann pre- Palau archives. will meet at the weekend to finalise the election office. - will be offering small scale to stand again for eh:ction next The group, headed by the sources to reinforce the peace The five-volume Kramer year if norninateLI lw his ruling a number of matters. Meanwhile, some of the Ba pro­ economic assistance to the secretary for the department process. series was the first written his­ Soqosoqo ni Vak,;vulcwa ni This includes the endorsement vincial council members 1ecently at­ FSM's Caroline Rcpubl ic of Palau of enhance of prime minister and national Skate says his government tory of Palau, serving as a vi­ of fo1111ercabinet minister. Apisai tendeJa meeting of the Fijian Asso­ Bill to disqualify early rural development. Taukei. executive council, Robert and the nation are apprecia­ Voyager on tal record of the clan and chief A confident Rabuka tolJ Network Tora as the general secretary. ciation Party where it ex.pressed Minister of Stale Sabino Igara, left on Saturday for tive of the efforts put in by hierarchy of Palau at the be­ News he l:elieves he haJ served his 1l1e p,uty is expected to be namcJ its support anJ interest in an alli­ Australia, New Zealand, Fiji Chuuk mission retirees from gov't jobs ginning of the century. Anastacio will soon begin ance with the proposed Ba party. Canberra, The National re­ work with St,1te Governors ;ntl 1xopk well owrthc yc,u, ,md would the P,utyofNational UnityorPONU. ant.I Vanuatu. PALIKIR (FSMIS)-Presi­ ment in the state public service The Kramer vo\ume was The interest shown by the Fijian ports. PALIKIR (FSMIS)-Presi­ the State Delegates to identify continue to do a good job if givcn Among otl1er things. the p,u1y will lie says he is looking forward dent Jacob Nena transmitted a would be for the same period turned over to Minister of Association and the Nadro!!a and They will be meeting with dent Jacob Nena disclosed to appropriate projects. 1he chance. ls land Nc1works Cor­ fom1alisc it;; constitution. platform to a briefing from lgara after he draft bill to Congress Speaker as if the retiree from Community and Cultural Af­ Ba provinces will also b~ dis­ officials from the Australian Yap·Governor Vincent Figir Aside from those Germans poration reports. and elect its officc bearers. returns at the weekend. Jack Fritz for favorable con­ emloyment in the FSM Gov­ fairs Alex Mereb for immedi­ cussed at the weekend meeting. prime minister's department, that the MS Caroline Voyager familiar with the impressive Mc,u1"hile. mcmbc1, of the Ba A council spokesman says they sideration of Congress seek­ ernment Public Service Sys­ ate review by the Palau His­ will be available for the use of toric and Cultural Advisory ··Palau Collection" at the Chuuk State Government. ing to amend the FSM Code to tem or for a period of two years Stuttgart Museum in Ger­ disqualify state early retire­ from commencement of the Board. American Samoa needs Summit addresses Pacific 'brain drain' It was scheduled to depart According to Ngiwal histo­ many, perhaps the greatest for Yap on March 30. ment program participants Early Retirement Program.· number of Germans are more Organisation UNESCO's Interna­ rian Koibad Melaitau, "This CANBERRA (Pacnews)­ tan centres. Nena was responding to a from appointment or employ­ Nena informed Speaker Fritz tional Conference on Education for important work is the missino familiar with Palau as a pre­ money to pay off debts An international conference He says island states had to faxed message from Figir, re­ ment in the FSM Government that he is circulating copies of the 21st century which opened in link in Palau's record of th; mier diving destination. PAGOPAGO (Pacncws)-Thc He said the government can­ has been told that govern­ face up to the challenge of questing transportation assis­ under its Public Service Sys­ the bill to the State Governors Last November, Germany ments and educators must population loss of productive Melbourne Monday, and will con­ tem. urging them to introduce simi­ ranking chiefs during the time Arneric:m Samoan governor not pay these Jcbts and still tance in dealing with the ad­ of Kubarii 's research." became the 23rd nation to es­ meet its other obli!!ations. work together to counter the labour or they might simply tinue all week. The duration of such dis­ lar legislation in their respec­ Taucsc Sunia wams the lel!isla­ Hetolddelegatesthatislandstates verse effects of El Nino or He said that with this infor­ tablish formal diplomatic re­ ti\'e branch to al low his aJn;inis­ This is why a loan ~specifi­ problem of "brain drain" end up as retirement villages drougnt weathers affecting the qualification from employ- tive legislatures for enactment. needed to maintain social and eco­ mation, Palau can now have a lations with Palau. tration to loan SllS9.7 million cally targeteLI to retire the from Pacific Island nations. maintained by repatriation of neighboring islands of the ' nomic cohesion. Dowiyogo from the go\·cmmcnt Retirement government's debts is nee Jed, Nauru's minister for edu­ funds from overseas employ­ state. says the task for UNESCO FunJ to pay the go\·cmmcntdebts. Taucsc told li.:!!islators. cation, Bernard Dowiyogo, ment. Nena told Figir that MS Dowiyogo, the former presi­ was to help educators meet ,. Opening ,I special session of The governn;c:nt Retirement says there's a constant lure Caroline Voyager is being re­ such aims and to increase its 'Y,j· the \q,islati\'c ]\'lonJav. the !.!O\'­ Fund. worth abou1 SUS 163 of youth to the attractions dent of Nauru, was addressing fitted and provisioned, there­ '\, financial and technical as­ crnor saiLI the govcm;11en1 ;wes million has been used in the past and employment available the United Nations Education, after it will make a water sup­ 1 within the larger metropoli- Scientific and Cultural sistance to the island states. Sl S22 to SUS:',() million to local to bail the l!O\·crnment out of a ply trip to Mwoakilloa and Ill ;; and Ol'crscas \'CnJors. financial cr{is. Pingelap atolls in Pohnpei State. ~ Solom_ons PM faces Nena indicated that any as­ NORTHERN MARIANAS HOUSING CORPORATION sistance from Yap State in fuel :@Ji 6) bunkering arrangement for the 'no confidence' vote ship will expedite arrange­ HONIARA (Pacncws)-The South Guadalcanal Victor Ngele ments for the ship's departure. :.®-:;.,.(!): 2nd AMENOED REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ~~~~:~~~:~~ motion of no ronfidence in is on the provincial order paper Solomon Islands Prime Minister for Fri Jay, SJBC reports. The s.oard of_Directors of the Northern Marianas Housing Corporation (NMHC), represented by Mr. Juan S. Bartholomew Ulufa 'alu has been Parliament will open Thurs­ Ten~no, Chairman, and the Department of Public Works are soliciting sealed proposals for the Installation set for Friday this week, a day day with a state opening by the of Lighting of the Baseball Field in Tinian, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Proposals after the state opening of parlia­ governor general, Sir Moses 111 duplicate, will be accepted at the NMHC Central Office in Garapan, Sa;pan until 2:00 p.m., local time, ment. Pitakaka. The speech is ex­ CHRYSLER NEON April 22, 1998, at which time and place all proposals will be opened and read aloud. Any proposals received /\cling Clerk to Parliament pecteJ to cover aspects of the $077061 after the above time will not be accepted under any circumstances. Elizabeth Andresen has imlicatcd government's economic reform YOU SNOOZE YOU LOOZE! the motion to be moved by MP for programme. By JIM GOMEZ Save up to $6,539.00 A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the proposal. This security may be Certified Check, MANILA,Philippincs(AP)-The Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond, made payable to the Northern Marianas Housing Corporation. Philippines on Wednesday lifted a Tonga participates in suspension on a domestic airline The proposer is required to submit with the proposal: 1) a copy of a current CNMl-issued business license; whichopernted a DC9 jet tl1atcrashed 2) updated financial s1atement; 3) listing of existing and past projects including completion dates; 4) certification i11Feb1umy,killingall l04peopleon of tax co~pliance from the Department of Revenue and Taxation; 5) written confirmation from a reputable international convention board in the counuy 's wor,t aviation bonding firm as to the company's capability to obtain bond insurance and performance and payment bond; NUKU'ALOFA (Pacnews)­ The convention forms a frame­ dba,ter. 6) copy cf Builder's Risk and Workmen's Compensation coverage; 7) listing of manpower with copies of Tonga is one or I 4 Pacific isl ant.I work that promotes the conserva­ Cm-Ios T,mega. chief of the Air CNMl-1ssued work permits; and 8) listing of equipments. tion and sustainable use of countries meeting in Nadi, Fiji Tmnspo1tation Office, said Cebu Pa­ CHRYSLER INTRIPID CHRYSLER STRATUS this week to discuss how to i mplc­ biodiversity, ant.I the fair and cq­ cific Air hat.I committed I 7 airwo1thi­ JEEP CHEROKEE Plans and Specifications of the projec1 are available from the Technical Services Division, Department of ment the international convention uitabk sharing of the benefits aris­ I ness violations. but that these trans­ S057008 S087080 Public Works, Saipan, on or after February 25, 1998. A non-refundable payment of $150.00 is required for $067026 on biodiversity. ing out of the use of genetic re­ gressions have been crnTcctcd. Save up to Save up to $7 ,419a00 each set; payment made payable to the NMHC. \ $4,539a00 Secretary or the: mini.,;try uf sources. ' Cebu Pacific's lkct W,Ls uroundcd Save up to $4,483.00 lands, sur·vcy anJ natural 1·c:­ Pacific Island countries will also after it, flight 387 slarnm;J into a Attention is called to Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968 which requires the sou1Tcs, Dr Savae Latu is the pre pare for the fourth meeting of mountain as it pn~pmcd to land at the provision o\ tra111ing and employment, and the awarding o\ contract for work on the project, to low income country's representative at the Fiji parties to the convention on \ Cagaym1deOrocityai1po11onFcb.2. project area residents and business concerns. NMHC also noti1ies proposers that it will affirmatively ensure gathering, Radio Tonga reports. bioLliversity, in Slovakia in May. that. 1n any contract entered into pursuant to !his advertisement, minority and women's business enterprises None of the 99 p,1,sengers :mu five will be accorded full opportun1\y lo submit bids in response to this RFP. c1ew members stnvived. 9rganization· accuses gov't of A p1dimimuy repo11 by the Air Attention is further called lo the Labor Standards Provision tor Wage Rate Determination of the . . ' ''. Trm1spo11ation Office said that pilot Commonwealth, Classification and Salary Structure Plans. and payment of not less than the minimum gI\Tlng women low priority . · ctTor may have caused tlie cra,h. but salaries and wages as set forth in the Contract Document, must be paid on this project. it did not elem· the air! inc of negli­ CHRYSLER CARAVAN GRAND CHEROKEE gence. H O!\'IARA (l'acncws)-Thc nation of Discrimination Against $087081 C047227 Tl1e Government reserves the right to reiect any or all proposals and to waive any imperfections in the said Presidrnt of the Solomon bla111.ls Women. ,u1d unsccccssf"ul att~mpL, 1l1e repo11 found "major meas of proposals, if in its sole opinion, to do so would be in the government's best interest. All proposals shall National Council of Women, Afu to have draft National Women's non-complicmce witi1 struidrn·d ,ec­ Save up to $4,622.00 Save up to $4,519.00 DODGE RAM ommendcd prnctices" coveiing air­ become the property of the Commonwealth Government. Billy, has accused successive gov­ Policy taken to parliament and 5087077 C087414 5077042 ernments of giving low priority to adopted. craft worthiness miJ maintemmce, flight cn:w qua] ifie a ti on :md U,ti ning, Save up to Save up to Isl JUAN S. TENORIO February 13, 1998 international conventions and na­ 1l1edraft womcn 's policy had been Save up to $4,767.00 $3,715.00 $6,000.00 Chairman of the Board Date tional policies for women. rejected by the fo1mcr Marnaloni mid flight dispatch :md flight opera­ Northern Marianas Housing Corporation Billy (Ms) says such negative government. tions, Tm1ega said. Tanega said tli1ce of tl1c airline's attitude shows how the male domi­ Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji AIRPORT LOCATED ON AIRPORT ROAD ACCROSS FROM ISLAND APPARa JOHN 8. CEPEDA February 17, 1998 nated government system regard and Samoa are the only South Pacific seven remaining OC9s have been ISLAND !HERMANS! Acting Secretary of Public Works women in Solomon Islands. island countries to have signed and c\eme

Vohlclo not exoclly as shown . . . . 6it JOI 3off~ 6t. in ,t to w'in ,ti G~;!ii;--c MITSUBISHI Only 45c per game, minimum 4 games. ) ~~ A leftist protester covers his face with a placard during a rally in front 'Total Prize Pool is Approximately S23 Million, 1irst division prize is approximately S11.5 Million of the Department of Trade and fndustry Tuesday in the financial Garapan 234-7133 fJ.tJ:JI/ZRJ'~\ \i2 MOTORS district of Makati, urging the government to implement price control. ~/ti Tw~iPLE J M.. -~ Oi~S CNMI LOTTERY Beach Road, San Jose They alleged that prices of prime commodities continue to rise Used Car Mart 235-5012 NEW CARS. USED CARS. PARTS. SERVICE B u i I t F o r Li vi n g.'" Call the Lottery Hotline for jackpots! 235-8442 despite the positive development in the exhange rate. AP ~A THURSDA :', APRIL 2, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VJEWS-15 , _____.. _ ------:- 14-M_t.R!f.N~_S__ YA_RIETY l'l]WS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY-APRIL 2, 1998 ------~---

'. I. ! China PM arrives in London 2 1996, dead in Karachi bombing percent from according Tiananmen Square in 1989. a in and China to repair relations Prime Minister Tony Blair LONDON (AP)-China's new to Chinese trade figures. !-- most businesses had nm yet Calling Zhu's trip to London badly strained by arguments plans a visit to Beijing this year, KARACHI, Pakistan(AP)-A sait.l was a timed device contain­ premier, Zhu Rongji, arrived in Britain is also the largest Eu­ "a major event," Chinese For­ over Hong Kong's future in the the first by a British premier in bomb in an ice cream shop am! ing 200 grams (seven ounces) of opened. Britain Tuesday for meetings ropean investor in China. with eign Ministry spokesman Zhu last few years before the British more than six years. another in a shopping mall in cen­ explosives. At least eight people were killed with British leaders and the first more than 1,800 joint ventures in two bomb explosions in a mar­ Bangzao said Tuesday that colony reverted to Chinese rule British officials said the tral Karachi Tuesday killed two The second explosion ripped ever summit between China and worth$ i 2 billion, and it hopes ket in this port city last month. China "believes that through this last July. thorny issue of human rights in people and injured another 24. through a shopping mall about the European Union. to strengthen its foothold. two kilometers (onemile) away Prime minister Nawaz Sharif visit it will be p'ossib!e to push Both sides have since spoken China would be raised during police said. Zhu, an economic reformer British insurance companies No one claimed responsibility 20 minutes later, killing another earlier this month accused neigh­ China-Britain relations to a new of improving tics. On a visit to the talks. promoted to premier on March arc vying for business licenses. for chc biases, two in a series that person and injuring 12 more. boring India of being involved in phase." Beijing in January, British For­ They also said that concern 17, is the most senior Chinese and there were rumors in i-==-----·------J have rocked Pakistan's economic Police said the shopping mall bombings in different parts of the The three-day official visit is eign Secretary Robin Cook said over the changing of electoral official to visit Britain since Beijing ahead of Zhu 's visit hub in recent weeks. bomb was planted under a country, Indian officials denied Zhu's first overseas trip as pre­ China was offering "a fresh arrangements ahead of the May Chinese troops crushed pro-de­ that he would announce a busi­ The first explosion occurred in vendor's cart outside. the accusations. mier and follows efforts by Brit- start" in relations. · elections in Hong Kong might mocracy demonstrations on ness I icensc for at least one the ice cream shop soon after it "There was a massive explo­ Officials in India and Pakistan, also be raised with the Chinese British insurer while in Lon­ opened, killing one person and sion and people ran for cover." which have fought three wars in premier. don. injuring 12. sait.l shopkeeper Abdul Karim. the last 50 years. often accuse "We are trying to develop Zhu will meet Quern E1i1.a­ The shop was t.lestroyet.l by whar Many shops were damaged, but each other of being behind vio­ much broader relations with China as it c merges as one or beth II ant.I will hold talks with police bomb expe11 Moin Ut.ldin casualties were limited because lence in their countries. the great powers of the 21st cen­ Blair Thursday and stay on in tury," said one British official. London to attend ,t meeting of speaking on customary condi­ European and Asian leaders, tion of anonymity. as well as the first summit be­ Group bids to have world Britain is China's second larg­ tween China and the 15-nation est European crade partner after EU. Germany, with bilateral trade I le then visits francc from farm subsidies dismantled of $5.79 billion in 1997, up 14 April 5 to 7. SYDNEY, Australia (AP)-Aus­ million people and around one-third The group, the tl1 ird force in world In Susupe ll,1lia mid 13 pmtner countJies Tues­ of global frum trnde. U,tde talks alongside the United States K•s DIMSUM & day launched a campaign to dismantle across l11e communique was signed by and Europe. has ceen encournged by Grand Hotel . A para-military troop guards a mosque belong to Sunni Muslims in ba.iTiers to free world frum u·ade, in­ Ausl!~tlia, Argentina, Brazil. Canada. 1efom1s in Ameiica but expects stiff NOODLE HOUSE Multan, Pakistan Monday after the killing of three Shiites by unknown cluding wiping out massive subsidies gunmen. Tight secunty measurement were taken immediately after the Chile, Colombia, Fiji, Indonesia. opposition from Europe. ki//in_qs of Shiites. AP wotth $280 billion (Austmlian dol­ Malaysia.NewZealru1d.Philippines. Memcercounuies insist next yem·' s lars 424 billion) a y1c:rn·. SouthAfiica.111ailandm1d Umguay. talks should not drag on like the last The Saipan Chamber of Commerce Frnm leaders from five contincnL, Meeting in AustJ·alia for the first round, which was scheduled to take issued a communique insisting that Announces an opening for the position of time since it was formed in five yerns buteventually hL~ted seven. their trnde ministers ··aggt-essively Queenslru1d state 12 yeru-s ago, the "We neet.l to hit tl1c f!round mn­ put sue" freer and fairer international Cairns Group represents some of the ning," said McGauchi;, leader of Executive Director trade through the World Trade world's most efficient famers who Austrnlia's National Frnme1s Fed­ DIMSUM Org,mization 's new round of nego­ r~u;ilil1~J indil'1duals ma)'. .submit a resume and application to the Sai an ,u-e detennined to compete on a level emtion. •siopao l tiations struting next ycrn·. playing field. l11e group's push to make agticul­ ' ; 7151AND.u r ,.,,... ( h.11.11~,.rol' Cornmerl'c,"IIICC, ,.st llo:ir Family Building in Garapan. Confacl aft n_111:1~c.r~ :1rc .. pl10nc:_ 2.1.h 7 I 50. la:" 2_;J. 7 I 5 I. e-mail: [email protected]. ·111e time for rheto1ic is over. It's 111ey ,u1,'lle it is "absurd" that sub­ turnl U.ide a topprirnity at the Geneva I Ile Excrn11,c D1rcclor JS a salaried po.1111on, and hours will vary includin now time for action," said Ausu.ilian sidiesof$280 billion a yeru·amount to :::::::~alls w, ... .J ., ... / . .,.") 1, ~ .. ·J J • ,'.1·c111ng ;ind weekend 11wk. Salary will depend on experience and qualifications~ wlkscomes on tl1eeveof a meeting of Si .\o ~hone 1n1cn·1cws please. Application Deadline: 5:00 PM Wednesday frnm chief Donald McGauchie on almost halfof the $600 bi!lion (Aus­ UTidc ministers in Sydney under tl1e •dumplings .- CONGEE/RICE April 8. 1998. ' behalf of his counterpmt., from the tr.Jiandollrn, 908 billion) global trade chai1mm1ship of Ausu·alirn1 Deputy Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, left. greets Chinese Prime Minister Zhu. Rongji ~n~ his wife Lao An "Yhen they Cairns Group. which n:prcsenl, 550 in agriculturnl producL~. ~ were the Queen's private guests at Windsor Castle Tuesday. Rong111s 1n Br1tam to attend the Asia-Europe NOODLE SOUPS. SOUPS/LUGAW The ,ucccssftil apnlicam will have the following minimum qualifications: Ptime Minister Tim Fischer. j';~']'· .·-· meeting due to start March 3. AP • wanton ):j/.,,.,.;.(i • Pork ball (bola bola) \L1,1cr·1 dcyrcc i1! HusincssAdministration. Economics. Communications "' rc'i.1tccl I 1clJ. i I lu, requirement may he substituted for two years of • ravioli \:-i,1.1'):.l, • halo halo m.,n.,;2crncnt C\J'Cfll'lll'C and 3 Bachelor's degree in Business Administration • chicken ·\ · • chicken ball 11 1J1HlllCS. l!lnllllt1n1catiuns. or related field). ' Cigarette importers locked in a h Singapore is good business for , beef brisket \~ ( • sliced beef \:~111l1l·,1n1 m:rn:1gcmL'!ll e.xrcricncc in _hl_l!>._inl'ss and/or in administration . ' 111_~ l~1d111g "Lllt :,,,upc:_r\'1:,,,H111. rcsron.'i1hI11t?· ror budgi:t planning and We are open until midnite n_l,tll,!,:!1.'mcnt. :1~ \\C]~- .ts c,p ....~nence in markcttnµ and public relations. yo-yo couple touring the world legal battle with Thailand gov't Try our new dishes: l:wcrirn,·c ,ind Pr11i1c1cr,cy with Computer Sy,tcm, am! Software (oflice during weekdays & 3:00 a.m. · Company officials could 1. Shrimp ball/squid ball noodles soup I " 1 11t\~ ,lit.' and rli igr .11111ni_ng rc!Jtionc1l Lbtahascs. ri nancial solhvar~, desktop were not permitted to move '" during weekends . By JONA THAN DRAKE BANGKOK, Thailand puh!P,h1n~._ and cll:ctnHllc communications). their shipments out of not be reached by The Asso­ 2. Beet ball noodle soup 1 (AP) - Thai smokers l':-i '- L'I'. .th li l Y~( 1 1.·nmmunicatc wdl an Li rcLttc with various L.'onstitucnt publics SlNGAPORE(AP)-Somemay ciated Press for comment. 3. Spicy goto 1 craving a Marlboro Light Bangkok's port because of the 1 L' C h:1rnh"·r mcmhcrs. hus1nc.'i'.-i and government sectors). say thcy't-e just plain loopy, but But retailers said the regula­ are facing forced with­ rules. Tel. No. 234-3307 then, Arneticans Hans Van Dan tions were too demanding. ·1 !:.: S:11r"n Cli:imhcr 111° Commerce is an Equal Opportunity Employer. drawal thanks to a month­ They refused to disclose the El7..en mid Kate Miller do seem to ce ingredients because they fear Smokers complained of a going ,urnnd in circles. long dispute between the Thai authorities cannot keep definite shortage of 'IJ1ey're traveling the world, ex­ government and import- the secret, The Nation said. Marlboro Lights 011 the local HUMANITIES COUNCIL 1998 GRANT CYCLE periencing the ups ,u1d downs of crs. The Public Health Min­ But health officials say the market. promoting yo-yos. Smuggled cigarettes - The C\'\!1 Council 1·or the Humanities announces the istry put regulations into regulations· are necessary con­ 'IJ1e couple has stopped in far­ those not bearing a tax stamp effect Feb. IO requiring sumer information and say DISCOUNT ON LOCALS FOR: ,,,.·,tJ/ahJ/11~· of funds for the 1998 gr,tnts cycle and is now flung Singapo1-e espousing the vir­ - are still available, said importers to disclose the Philip Morris can easily sue if :1,·cc·pt1ng ,q1plic1tiuns for funding. Dcacllines for 1998 major tues of the spinning toy m1dpromol­ one vendor, speaking on con­ • Braces ingredients of their ciga­ the ingredients arc disclosed. • Teeth Wlliteni11g 1\2.UIJ(J ,llld aho\e) :ire: I ;-..fay; 3 July; and :2 October. ing a new yo-yo produced by dition of anonymity, who f:tlH:, rettes to ensure they con­ Some smokers are switch- • Teet11 Cleaning - I1111 "1 .int, I under S2,000) and planning grants (up to S 1,500) Playmaxx, the U.S. business tl1ey ing rather than fighting. said he pays off police to rcp1-escnL tain 110 toxic substances. • Fillings rn'.': he ,uhmtttcd any time. The Council is particularly 1994 l!l/o~fd '(o-Yo chaml?ion Yo-Hans, o;Ha~; V;n Dan Elzen, right, Philip Morris (Thailand) "When you go out at night avoid hassle. · Denture Repair TI1e two pe1fonn daily in front of tlhcio\nl tn hurnctn1\les projects \hat focus on improvin" and h15. g1rlfnend Kate Miller perfo_rm '.The Loop" at the Takashimaya and pull out a foreign brand, it Given the shortage, the • Extractions enthralled Singaporeans. They !lip Sho_ppmg Centre. The two are m Singapore to perform yo-yo in a Ltd., which imports the l1\l.:r:1c\· t11rough reading :1110 discussions groups for preschool, makes you look kind of cool," smuggled Marlboro Lights • and other Dental needs their yo-yos around in intricate and senes of shows. AP popular Marlboro Light cknwnt,try. secondary and the out ol' school population. Grant said Thong Jang Faikham, a se­ are selling for about 50 baht precise patterns ,md deliver yo-yo remains in the United States to help brand,.and a local trading • Stateside Dentist lune.Ls lll,ty be: llSt:d lo purchase books and related materials, bought Playmaxx, and now sells curity guard who smokes three ($1.25), about three baht ( I 0 puns. with the Tucson.Arizona-based busi­ yo-yos professionally. company were cited by lr.,r fees. stipends. lmnoraria and travi.:I costs for speakers, packs a week. '"But a Thai cents) more than the retail Call 235-3720 111e uicb ,uc met with applause, ness but joined him for m1 Asian tour. Yo-Hansfirstpickedoneupwhen The Nation newspaper Jl\rn\SJ(lll Jcackrs and CJtht:r scholars associated with the brand can always do the job." price. though the gags aren't always un­ Previous lr'dvels have taken him as was I4yearsold,thenstrutedscarch­ Tuesday as saying they JlrOJ<:Cl. The Council encourages applications to fund derstood. far as New Zealand, Austr-J!ia and ing for better yo-yos. 11 orkshops, sc:minars and symposia for teachers, parents, school ''In every one of the four comet, through much of western Europe. Now he owns 1,250 of them, Hong· 'Kong deports another batch of Vietnam~s~ ;idm1n1.,trators and students lo cxplore various methodologies, oftl1eworld,thereru-ealwayspeople "When people see what you can do dating from 1900 and including a curricula and tfitc us.e and application of computer technology who are going to want to learn how with a yo-yo, they 're just blown replica of an aluminum yo-yo de­ portct.l Vietnamese included considered economic ill!· an::J '.he 1nternct to improve and enhance literacy throughout to yo-yo," declares Van Den Elzcn, away," he says. signedby NASAandtestedinspacc. HONG KONG (AP) - A group or 237 Vietnamese was 22 women and one boy. f!,rants. thc Commonwcalth. The Council welcomes applications from 24. who is better known by his stage "It really snags their interest" Having dated him for eight years, ' ll1crc now me about 3,(X)O Viet· returned to Hanoi aboard two The majority of them arrived Smile Saipan Dental Clinic pub! re and pn vale schools. teachers and parent associations, name Yo-Hans. Entertainment aside, they claim Millernow holds her own with the namesc in Hong Kong awaiting de­ ''Our main intention is to teach lJsing a yo-yo has other cenefil,. flights Tuesday, bringing to in Hong Kong last year. church grnups .. colleges and other nonprofit organizations. For revolving toy. po11ation or 1esettlcmcnt ovcrse:L,. offering lowest prices ever the world how to yo-yo." "!t t.ums out that yo-yoing is very 12,098 the number sent home Earlier this year, the Hong more .tnlormatton m I'm application forms, plcasc call or visit But business is on both tl1eir Sincetheend tl1eVietnam War in Fo1merly a national yo-yo cham­ since the government began Kong government scrapped its add1cuve. I gave my dad one five minds. 1975. about 199,000 Victnam­ ?ur ol.l t~c at ~15-4785, Ground Floor of King's Plaza, Dandan. pion, he h,L, spent tl1c !mt two years forcible deportation of Viet­ 22-year-old policy of giving yerus ago, and he quit smoking," says An optimistic Yo-Hans says yo­ <:sc have fled to Hong Kong. I he C.'\M! Counct! for the Humanities is a nonprofit, private on the road dcmonsu.iting his skills Yo-Hans. namese asylum-seekers in Vietnamese arriving here the yo sales jump evety tl1irty yem'S or and more than 143,000ofthem corporation I undcd, in part. hy the National Endowment f'or and pmmoting tl1c product. So addictive that his father later right to be screened for politi­ so, and since the last surge was in 1991. have been rescllled in the tht.: l!umanitics. His girlfriend Miller, 22, usually gave up his aerospace career too, A government statement cal asylum. 2nd Floor Morgen llldg. 1968, it is ti me for ru1other. West. said the I a test batch of de- Most of !he Vietnamese arc THURSDAY, APR1L2, 1998 ,MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-17 : . - --· ------~------embargo on Yugoslavia Jones lawyers want By ROBERT H. REID U.S. Ambassador Bill Rich:u·Json said "wt; must ::,oiJ th,· 111is1akn nl Envoys of both Russia and China break with Serbia. which alonl! with UNITEDNATIONS(AP)-The said they do not consider unrest in Montenegro forms the Fe,dcral said the resolution sends an "unam· the p:1,t wht.:n the i111,·m;iti«r:.:, ,,n· U.N. Security Council imposed an Kosovo a threat to international Republic ~f Yugoslavi,1. biguoussim1al" to the Yugoslav <>ov, munity waited tt~, :, lllg hd<>r·,- !; ,, ""." anns embargo Tuesday on Yugo, security-the traditional justifica­ "The ultimate Qoal is the seccs, er;;ment i~ lklgraJc th:~ the \;;1r\J decisi\'c action." Lewinsky evidence s/avia to press President Slobodan tion for the council to become in­ sion of this ce;tain \,md from "will not tolerate violence ,mI.I ethnic BothScrhia,mdthcsm:rlkr,»•,. close to ruling on Clinton's volved in an internal dispute. Serbia," Jovanovic told the coun­ cbmsing" in the Balk:ms. ince of Montcnt:).!r

the people I represent." .. We also believe that im­ Chamber of Cornrnncc (SC:C) policics-lJS Sen. Daniel Tenorio . .. Tenorio cited his new proved coordination between and the Hotel Association or Akaka's (D-llaw;1ii IS. 11 ()() Continued from page 1 administration's accomplish­ our. .. and federal immigration the Northern Mariana Islands and the White ll"use-backcc.l Floods spread in Quebec ments in checking labor and systems is a better solution (Hanrni), also presented oral s. 1275 . ..: · · 01mstown, alxiut 60 krlomcters (40 MONTREAL (AP) - Thou­ melted last week's heavy snow­ tion problems, which, in effect, immigration abuses and the than federalizing of our i mm i­ and written testimonies to the The bills were intrmluccd 111 -r miles) southwest of Montreal. sands of homes in Quebec lost fall. will fend off the passage of fed­ further growth of the CNMI 's gration system."' Tenorio said, committee. the wake of persistent reports "Yesterday I was depressed but power when a thunderstorm swept In Monteregie alone, the swell­ eral takeover legislation. alien population. citing the congressional US The committee hearing of labor. immiuration and tar­ today, at lea,t you can get inside and through a region already hit by ing Chateauguay River flooded "'(The governor's aides told Moreover, he said, his Commission on Immigration started at 9:30 a.m. EST iff abuses in the CNMI. start cleaning up. It floods a little bit flooding from an early spring about 700 homes and forced the me over the phone) that the administration's reform ef­ Reform report, which recom­ (March 31 ), which is 12:30 The bills seek to restrict lo­ but never like this. People haven't thaw. evacuation of about 550 people. committee gave the CNMI a forts have the backing of the mended against a federal take­ (April l) midnight here on cal immigration and increase The electricity blinked out In Sainte-Marie de Beauce. seen it like iliis for 40 years." chance to get its act together." CNMI Legislature. over. Saipan. the local minimum waue to Monday evening in about 25.000 about I 00 kilometers (60 miles) Even. some 1iverside municipali­ Villagomez said. "We have adopted a zero tol­ Devastation The committee is consider­ federal level, and are co';is,d­ homes in the Montcrcgic region south of Quebec City, 60 homes ties on Montreal Island are under "Two years are enough for erance policy. to enforce our In addition, the governor ing bills that would strip the ered fatal to the CNMI 's cheap southwest of Montreal. on the banks of the Chaudierc mreat. In Laval, more than 2,CXX) us to be serious and this ad­ laws to the fullest extent," he warned that the CNMI CNMJ of control over its im­ alien labor-dependent Hydro-Quebec officials said River were evacuated. homes are at risk will, up to four ministration is very serious said. economy, which is already migration and minimum wage economy. power should be restored some­ 1l1e situation improved slightly centimeters ( 1.6 inches) of rain ex­ about these problems," he "We are getting our house reeling from the effects of the time Tuesday. Monday. will, water levels dropping pected to fall before the weekend. added. in order." Asian currency crisis, would Monteregie was among the re­ in most regions and ice jm11S melting "We 're getting sandbags ready in Zero tolerance Federal presence, be further devastated by a fed­ gions hardest hit by January's ice slightly. C,L'iC we need them," said LouisM01in. In his brief and ··to-thc­ not takeover eral takeover. · storm which knocked out power But provincial ci vii protection offi­ town manager of Pie1Tefonds. a point" oral testimony before At the same time. the gover­ "This would reduce us to to about 3 million Quebecers. lt cial scautioned tl1atheavy1~tin is fore­ Montreal suburb. the committee, which is nor urged the federal govern­ our former subsistence took up to a month to restore cast over me next few days. The flooding has claimed one life. chaired by US Sen. Frank ment to increase its presence economy, dependent on fed­ power in some places. ··J thought we'd hadourdis:L,terfor Yves Ramsay, 25, drowned Sunday Murkowski (R-Alaska), the and involvement in the CNMI eral handouts and a drain on the ye;u· wim the ice stonn. but no," after being swept away in the current governor said the CNMI still instead of scrapping the the federal treasury," he said. I Eleven rivers between Montreal 0- anr..1 the U.S. border have over­ said CliffCunn. who lost his lim1ace when ,m ice jam gave way on 11,e needs to retain control of its commonwealth's control over What the CNMI needs, he ·.. •. ·;:.~-... nowed their banks after rhree days ;md !mt -water t:mk when water filled Nicolet River, about 100 kilometers immigration and minimum its immigration and minimum added, is the "federal govern­ of unusually warm weather the basement of his house in ( 60miles) southwest ofQuebec City. wage ··so we could define our wage as proposed by White ment to please work with us. ::-;1:.·, Ramsay was riding an all-te1rnin local identity" and ··guide our House-backed legislation. Not against us!" vehicle near his home in SainL,-Mar­ economic growth.'" ""(T)he Clinton He ;aid "true partnership" tyrs-Canadiens when tl1ewaterswept is needed "'to achieve our mu­ ~ J -- UN probe accuses Northern Tenorio admitted chat local administration's proposal ... f Q) over the road. control created problems, but does not offer viable solutions tual goals." c:: . g. Ireland's police of abuse In Ormstown, some streets re­ ,tddcd that the problems are to our problems," he said. Besides the governor, Sen­ .~ J .c mained blocked on Monday. not unique, and that "we are ··we believe that stronger ate President Paul A. t: 0 By ROBERT H. REID I I-day fact-finding mission to Brit­ 'The town was isolated and whe1e working hard to correct those enforcement of federal laws Manglona (R-Rota), House ~ 0.. UNITED NATIONS (AP) - A ain ,md Northern Ireland last October we are, all the bridges were closed," problems." against employers who disre­ Speaker Diego T. Benavente d to investigate the ""independence of ·c U .N. investigator has accused police said Alex Stewart, who noted emer­ He said he came out of re­ gard the law is a better solu­ (R-Prec. 2, Saipan), Resident 0 of h:u-assing defense attorneys in judges and lawyers:· The Associated gency workers were taking people tirement ··because these prob­ tion than federalizing our Rep. Juan N. Babauta and rep­ 0 N01thern lrc\:md :md called for an P1ess obtained a copy Tuesday. out of stricken meas on tractors. lems greatly troubled me and m1111mum wage. resentatives of the Saipan :::.::: independent inquiry into me 1989 In the report, ll1e investigatorfound One main bridge was damaged C slaying of a lawyer who defended thut the Royal Ulster Constabulary when it was hit by huge chunksofice "O Francois Gauthier paddles his kayak on the flooded main street of Ste­ ll1e Commonwealth improve "upon begin an employment crisis mat wil 1 C IRA suspects. ··has engaged in activities which con­ rushing down 11,e river-from another Marie Monday. Over 200 houses were evacuated after the Chaudiere Business .. . result in regional economic, political 0 U.N. special investigator P:u·am stitute intimidation, hindrnnce or im­ what we have." :} River rised over the unusual limits. AP bridge, which was cleared. ,. Cumaraswamy also called for ll1e proper interference.·· Continued from page 1 The answer to lalxir mid immigra­ and social problems," he pointed ouL 0 Royal UlsterConstabulwy to n~spect "The special rnpporteur is espe­ I-le also explained that ,i phase­ tion problems is stJict law enfo;-ce­ In me end, Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio 0 0. the right of a suspect to have a lawyer cially concerned by the fact that the out or the foreign workers would ment in pmtnership will1 lxith local :u1d the 1est of the CNMI delegation, present during intermgations. RUC has identified solicitors (de­ bring CNMI's~tourism industry mid federnl. agencies, according to focusing on the adverse effecl~ of the e the 37-page report, fense lawyers) with their clients or EU opens separate talks with to its knees. Sablan. federal control to the islands' 0 In :::.::: Cum:m1Swamy also urged reinstate­ meir clienL,' causes :IS a result of ··Jt would force the replacement He said an incre,L'ie in ll1e local economy, seemed to have awed me of a l:u·ge 111ajo1ity of our staffs that minimum wage to mainland strm­ US senators. -~ ment of the right to jury nial and the discharging their functions," he said. 5 East Europe nations, Cyprus en right against self-incrimination. Cumaraswamy cited the 1989 as­ me from other counuies. but me1e dm·ds is unrealistic. adding that the Sablan said Sen. Frank H. Q) He alsocriticizedemergency re.[,'ll· sassination of lawyer Patrick will never be enough citizens in our loss of the fo1eign workfo1-ce will Murkowski (R-Alaska), chairman :.::: By ANNA SATHIAH rivalry and come to regret that. Belgrade. of the Committee, is giving the Cl) :} lations on electmnic surveilhmce ;15 Finucane, who was shot 14 times in small population to replace ll1cm."he damage all indusuies ··and our future 0 BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Kasoulides said his government ..d too vague and called on me govern­ his home in front of his wife and three Geremek said Poland does all it 1 added. ability to sustain our.;elves." Commonwealth two years to work ..... > ment to install recording devices in children. The Protestant paramilitary Five former Soviet bloc nations has invited Turkish Cypriots to can to combat the spread of orga­ ll1e HANMI p1esident urged the •· ... If you vote for these bills, it will on its immigration and labor prob­ C opened membership talks Tues­ join his negotiating team. ··we l 0 0 detention centers and make the tapes Ulster Freedom Fighters claimed re­ nized crime from the east but cau- · creation of a joint wsk force to help deva~wtenot only our economy, but lems. r.l".J day with the European Union, regret that they are not here with tioned, "We do not want our east­ I t: available on requesL sponsibility '"but to date no one has ~ -~ 111e rcpon w:L~ prepared after :m ever been charged for the crime." which heard an appeal by Cypius us today," he added. ern borders to become Iron Cur­ l - not to let Turkey hinder its entry. A second batch of candidates tains." J activists to look for 'hot button' vestigation, saying that the CNMI > Of all six candidate nations that - Latvia, Lithuania. Slovakia, He said Poland would present a us ... issues for US Republicans ... such hired lobbyists. ·a "O began negotiating in Brussels, Romania and Bulgaria - were Continued from page 1 as forced abortions, religious per­ But according to Grams, '"(The) Communists seek to thorough steel restructuring pro­ "O Cyprus is economically the most present here on Monday for an gram by mid- l 998. The EU has secution and forced pro;titution," CNMI is within its rights to use its Q) ·The taxpayers of this country +- advanced. enlargement launch ceremony but told Poland to revamp its aging Grams said. own funds to hire lobbyists; :} should be outraged. It appears we He added that Stayman also Interior. .. officials are not." .D Negotiations with the other five they are on a much slower track steel industry which will mean ·;:: delay vote on PM now have an agcncy ... misusing - Poland, Hungary, the Czech into the EU and the union will laying off of tens of thousands of went to the press ··on many occa­ Grams further alleged that +­en By SERGEI SHARGORODSKY energy minister, as the new prime taxpayers' funds. rewarding its Republic, Slovenia and Estonia engage them in "preparatory" workers. sions indicating that the evidence ··Stayman was (earlier) identified '5 MOSCOW (AP)-Communists minister,butlegislatocsintheDuma officials for breaking the laws, -will also likely last at least five membership talks shortly. It is also under orders to reform from the private investigator and overheard in a public restroom -~ in Russia's opposition-dominated - parliament's lower house - threatening elected officials, and years and focus primarily on how On Monday, Hungarian For­ its huge agricultural sector. would be used to ·overcome Re­ (saying) that Interior would be 3 State Duma on Tuesday moved to have been high] y critical of the holding itsclfabDvc the oversight publican opposition' and ·as strat­ going after me for the things I said ~ 0 to accelerate market reforms in eign Minister Laszlo Kovacs To join the EU, candidates must 0 C delay confirmation of President nomination. capacities of Congress,·· Grams egy lo divide about the office:· these countries to nrnke their spoke of an almost "obsessive" be democracies. respect human 00 Boris Yeltsin 's nominee for prime The government is likely to fight saiu. Rq1uhlicans ... sensitivc 011 these Grams called it a ··personal Cl) eign minister of the Greek Cyp­ leged that Stayman lobbicd in fa. purpose is to find evidence that co111111unicate ll1is to back up what I +- the constitution and Duma re~rula­ Duma to consider the president's rope," said Polish Prime Minister those of the EU. Q) riot administration in Nicosia. vor of US Sen. Daniel Akaka's will buy off Republicans, that is believe ,ue a se1ious pattern .u1d prac­ ·;:: tion\ we 're re{Juire


20-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY-APRIL 2, 1998 __ ··---~------T_HlJl3:?DAY, APRIL 2, 1998 -M_ARIANA_S VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-21 raise its $3.05-per-hourminimum prostitution and nude dancing in people with respect. I thought I workers' civil rights that were uncovered by the Interior Depart­ wage to the federal level of$5. l S. DEADLINE: 12:00 noon the day prior to publication Babbitt ... the Marianas. "The experiment would make good money to send And he said local authorities also has gone horribly awry .... It has home to my family. But I was ment earlier this year. NOTE: If some reason your advertisement is incorrect. call us Continued from page 1 Sen. Frank Murkowski, R­ will tighten their own immigra­ immediately to make the necessary corrections. The Marianas Variety created a plantation economy," treated like an animal." News and Views ~ responsible only for one incorrect insertion. We Alaska, chairman of the Senate tion rules. not be allowed under the Ameri­ Babbitt said. The Justice Department is in- "We are doing something to Classified Ads Section , · reserve the right to edit. refuse. reject or cancel any od-~t a:~.time .... I The girl, identifiedas"Katrina," vestigating the criminal allega- committee, said he strongly sup­ can flag," Babbitt told the Senate ports a Clinton administration bill stop miscond_uct, to punish it, a?d Energy Committee after it met said in written testimony, "I had tions of the girl, who is in an to prevent repetition," he sai?. no choice. I had no money. I was American foster home, and the to extend federal wage and immi­ Employment Wanted 03 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRE­ IN Tl-IE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE behind closed doors to hear the oration laws to the Northern "Misconduct is not endemic SENTATIVE-Salary:$3.20-6.25 perhour COMMONWEALTil OF THE NORTHERN IMMEDIATELY NEEDED story of a 16-year-old Filipino so scared .... I thought laws in Labor Department is investigat- Plus $425.00 housing allowance MARIANA ISLANDS Mariana Islands in order to halt throughout oureconomy, nor even VACANCY girl who said she was forced into America protect workers and treat ing other accusations of abuse of in the garment sector." Assists customers to select and pur­ BANK OF GUAM, '(';.,,/(.,,.,. .'/.1,./ alleged abuses of foreign work­ chase specified merchandise. .!,!;...... ,l:u FOR LOCAL HIRE ONLY Con~gress exempted the Plaintiff, has spoken. We ask the legisla­ ers. He has introduced a similar ··Ql*Atit Answers any questions pertaining to -V· signed to be a tel]lporary mea­ Mariana Islands from federal merchandise by customers. JOSEPH JUAN MAFNAS CRUZ, ·. . GREENSKEEPER . · ture to listen to him about the measure. sure, and is not well suited to wage and immigration laws in ·- ·Job Vacancy _· Japanese skills required. Defendant. Tinian ... flaws of the recently signed non­ Such "guest workers".now out­ 01 MANAGER, BOUTIQUE (DEPART­ Civil Action No. 96-1170 • HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE PREFERRED BUT NOT REQUIRED. be a long term· solution. I 976 when it approved the cov­ Continued from page 6 resident worker hiring morato­ number U.S. citizens in the is­ MENT)-Salary:$1,500.00-4 ,000.00 per • THREE (3) TO TWELVE (12) MONTHS EXPERIENCE AS A Long suggested the holding enant extending U.S. sovereignty. · Announcement SUMMONS FOR Pl IBLIC :UIQN rium law," Long told Variety. lands more than 42,000 compared month GREENS KEEPER and care in drafting permanent of public consultation meet­ As a result, the duty-free Responsible for sales training to include He said the business commu­ to 28,000 Americans. 03 SEWER-Salary:$3.10-3.50 per hour TO: THE ABOVE-NAMED • SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS measures to replace HB 11-163, ings that would enable the pri­ economy boomed as foreign individual product knowledge. customer nity will continue giving the But Murkowski accused the Contact: KAZUE INTERNATIONAL, service and sales techniques. DEFENDANT: Please apply and pick up application in person during office hours, and to monitor closely the effect vate sector air its concerns on workers arrived in droves. Last INC. dba Kazue's Boutique Tel. 322· Ef1ectively communicate, implement CNMI government feedback on adm.inistration of allowing abuses YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED Monday rhrough Friday. of the new law upon all segments issues affecting businesses in year alone, 30 garment factories 6338(4/2)Th25908 and monitor strategies with division op­ NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE the "undue hardship" encountered to increase over the years by not and notified to file any answer you wish the Northern Mariana Islands erations staff providing guidance and 10 make to the Complaint, a copy of which of the community. enforcing federal laws that do made $820 million in clothing 01 BUILDING MAINTENANCE RE­ by the private sector from legisla­ feedback. Japanese skills required. is served upon you hereby, within twenty­ He said legislators should keep like the hiring of nonresident last year, sporting designer and PAIRER-Salary:$3.05 per hour apply in the islands seized from 01 SHOP SUPERVISOR-Sal- one (21) days after the founh publication tion and regulations implemented Contact: CHALAN KIYA APARTMENT MICROL INSURANCE, INC. in mind that the solution proposed workers. Japan in World War II, including "Made in America" labels. ary:$800.00-2,500.00 per month of this Summons, and to deliver or mail a "The Lieutenant Governor by the government. CIRCLE, INC. (4/2)Th25923 Assists sales manager in providing di-· Needs by the freeze hiring bill was de- those against child labor, civil But Troy Cribb, the Commerce copy of your answer 10 White, Pierce, Department's textile trade chief, rection and motivation to department Mailman & Nulling, the Plaintiff's rights violations, human smug­ 02 COOKS-Salary:$3.05-3.50 per hour personnel to work towards accomplish­ At1orneys, whose address is P.O. Box MOTOR CLAIMS ADJUSTER firm to secure assistance in financ­ told lawmakers that 17 of those Contact: GREEN HILL CORPORATION als. gling and sexual abuse. ments of department objectives. Assisls 5222. Saipan, MP 96950, as soon as Successful candidate must have sound mechanical knowledge, office Quarry ... "The material thereisofgoodqual­ ing the undertaking. Babbitt answered, "Yes, we factories are Chinese-owned, the dba 369 Noodle House Tel. 235-4507(4/ in maximizing sales and improving prof­ practicable after filing your answer or fabric is Asian-made and most 2)Th25924 its through control of operating ex­ sending it to the Clerk of Coons of filing. skills and able to work within a team environment. Insurance experience Continued from page 7 ity," Dayao explained. He said BPL was contemplat­ could do more. We should do Your answer should be in writing and workers aren't American, giving penses, sales, payroll, overtime and preferred. Meanwhile, Aldan said the resort ing nullifying World Corp. 's lease more. We will do more." 05 COOKS-Salary:$800.00-1,200.00 PCNs. Japanese skills required. filed with the Clerk of this Coon a1Susupe, firmerectingamulti-storyho!elacross company has asked for a one-year since it will cease to be the owner Pedro P. Tenorio, governor of lie to the "Made in America" la­ per month Contact: DFS SAIPAN LTD. Tel. 234- Saipan. It may be prepared and signed for the street from the firm's quarry site. extention of its lease's construc­ of the hotel site once the joint bel. Contact: 5 ACE CORPORATION dba 6615(4/16)Th71533 you by your counsel and sent to the Clerk the islands, said he is dedicated to Golden Island Chinese Restaurant Tel. of this Coun by messenger or mail. It is ACCOUNTANT Black Micro has reportedly tion provisions. venture is forged. rooting out abuses, which he IlQl necessary for you 10 appear personally 235-7381 (4/2)Th25925 02 MASON-Salary:$3.05 per hour Successful candidate must have 4 years accounting experience, office taken the position not to vacate In an earlier interview, Aldan Aldan said BPL has not de­ called isolated. But he said the until funher notice. If you fail to answer 02 CARPENTER-Salary:$3.05 per hour in accordance with this Summons, skills and able to work within a team environment. the quarry site until it has ex­ has said World Corp. is seeking a cided on the company's petition Marianas' economy would suffer S. Korea • • • 01 ACCOUNTING MANAGER-Sal­ Contact: MARYLEE P. AQUINO Tel. ary:$3,825.00-$4,750.00 per month judgment by default may be taken against for a year's extention. Continued from page 2 233-6099(4/16)Th71549 you for the ·relief demanded in the hausted al\ possible raw materi- joint venture with another resort if the government is forced to Contact: MICROL CORPORATION Tel. ComplJint. Please submit your resume at Micro\ Insurance office at Ground Floor, turnaround from a$3.48 billion defi­ 234-5911 (4/2)Th71331 01 STORE MANAGER-Sal- By order of the above coun: Lim's Office Bldg., cor. Beach Road, San Jose, Saipan. citayearago.ltincreasedthecounuy's ary:$1,000.00-2,400.00 per month 01 ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT-Sal­ is/Deputy Clerk of Court No phone calls please. cumulativeJanuary-March trade sur­ 01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE-Sal­ ary:$3.05-3.50 per hour ary:$3.05-6.75 per hour Dated, this 29th day of December, 1997 .. ~ An Equal Opportunity Employer plus to $8.58 billion, compared with ; Contact: YOU NG CH UL PARK dba Pro­ Contact: LOUIS VUITTON, INC. dba a $7.33 billion shortfall dunng the .j fessional Enterprises Tel. 234-7200(41 Louis Vuitton Saipan, Inc. Tel. 233- same period of 1997. .~ 2)Th25913 0637(4/16)Th26065 . ' - . 4.. •. ,, -· ,.~ ; .~,4 -~ MARIANAS, AIRLINE, INC. is soliciting applicants . .. ._. ,. . • •· , ,. (l!,_ , • . . • • •• •- C , .· o Quoting a preliminary report from edk~l)~ ~ ~ 01 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:$4.80 per 01 MANAGER-Salary:$1,000.00 per HOUSE the Korea Customs Service_, the min­ j hour month for posted applications: isuy said the country's customs­ .! Contact: FAMILY ENTERPRISES, INC. Contact: MARIANAS EXCHANGE, INC. . :FORRENT - cleared exports rose year-on-year 7 Tel. 233-4997(4/2)Th25914 dba Marianas Auto Paris Tel. 234- 2·Ticket Agents percent to $12. l 3 billion in March 9531 ( 4/16) Th26067 . As Lit6 A.rea · while imports plunged 35.8 percent 02 SALESCLERK-Salary:$3.05 per PREDECEASED BY: hour 4-Ramp Agents • 3-Bedroom; 21/2 Bath to $8.39 billion. 01 COMMERCIAL CLEANER-Sal-· Parents: Lorenzo N. and Elena Igitol Contact: LFP CORPORATION dba ary:$3.05 per hour • 24 hrs water supply South Korea began to post trade Marg's Kitchen Tel. 234-3706(41 01 ASST. OFFICE MANAGER-Sal­ 2-Cargo Agents Parents-In-Law: Rosalia Lian (Aitt) surpluses in Novemberwhen the sur­ 2)Th25910 ary:$4.00 per hour • Fully or partly furnished Sisters: Maria I. Taitano, Estafania, I. Lifoifoi plus reached $120million. It reported Contact: PELICANA INT'L. ENT. INC. i 01 FRONT DESK CLERK-Sal­ Please pick-up applications @ the old Continental Cargo Formore information, Brothers: Jose N. Igitol, Luis N. Igitol asurplusof$2.2 billion in December, 1 Tel. 288-1885(4/16)Th26068 ary:$634.40 per month Building located right behind the CTSI Bldg. @ the Airport Call Tel. 288-4305 Brothers-In-Law: Jose E. Taitano, Peter C. Lifoifoi, $ l.53 billion in January and $3.31 -1 Contact: SILVER TRADING CO. LTD. 01 WAITER-Salary:$3.05-3.75 per hour Elias P. Sablan billion in February. i dba Silver Resortel Tel. 234-6631(4/ 01 CUSTOMER SERVICEAGENT-Sal­ Exports of gold contributed to the J 2)Th25917 ary:$1,000.00-2,000.00 per month AS LITO PROPERTY Sisters-In· Law: Carmen M. Sablan, Victoria N. Igitol In Contact: MICRONESIA SYSTEMS INC. surpluses. March, $316 million 01 MAINTENANCE BUILDING RE­ (Formerly Saipan Paint Ball) Children: Esteban, Samuel, Concepcion, Bernadita, Jesus, worth of gold was exported. I dba Plumeria Resort Tel. 322-6201 (41 PAI R-Salary:$3.05 per hour 16)Th26069 Daniel, Antonio More than 2 million South Kore­ Contact: NEW MYUNG DONG COR­ INTENSIFY SERVICES CAMPAIGN 87,400 Sq. Ft. Available in As PORATION dba Lei Rent A Car Tel. 234- APRIL6, 1998 TO APRIL 10, 1998 ' .· Great Grandchild: Jared Austin ans sold or donated 220 tons of gold 01 COST ACCOUNTANT-Salary:54.25 Lito for Long Term Lease t,, 1300(4/2)Th25911 10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM worth$2 billion in a two-month pub­ per hour with Existing Concrete lic campaign launched in January to Plus $225 monthly housing allowance SURVIVED BY HIS CHILDREN: 01 MOTOR REWINDER-Sal- Contact: TOWN HOUSE, INC. dba Building, 2,400 Sq. Ft., Pete JL. and Margarita M. Igitol save their troubled economy. ary:$1,050.00 per month Town House Shopping Center Tel. 235· OIL & FILTER CHANGE Power and Water Available Leonora I. and Derek Warren (Jovaan Earl, Christian DeLeon) South Korea called in the Interna­ Contact: JRS ENTERPRISES CORPO· 6351 (4/16) Th71546 PLUS INSPECT VARIOUS Great for Commercial Use Melvina I. and Douglas Brennan (Dexter Pablo, Daryl Alan, Donovan tional Monetary Fund in Decem­ RATION dba Electro Hauz International ber to bail out un economy on the (4/2)Th25907 01 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Sal· Travis) verge of collapse under the weight -~------ary:S3.05-3.90 per hour Contact: Mr. Jae Yeo! Lim Ivan M. and Marie S. Igitol (Buddy Sean, Brittany Shannon, Brandi 01 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:S3.05-4.25 01 CHEF DE CUISINE-Sal- Tel. 234-3201 of over $150 billion in foreign per hour ary:S2,000.00-5,250.00 per month Sheyanne) · debts. Contact: MYUNG SUNG CORPORA­ 01 DORMITRY SUPERVISOR ~ Jerilyn I. and Franklin Cabrera (Jacob Keith, Joseph Patrick, Reva 111e improving trade pe1fo1mance TION dba International Insurance (HOUSEKEEP ER)-Salary :$600. 00- Jo, Joshua James, Franklin Kori) Agency Tel. 234-1941 (4/9)Th25986 870.00 per month w,L, a major factor cited by the U.S. 01 WAITRESS·RESTAURANT-Sal­ !L Perry Jerome M. Igitol ratings agency, Mocxly's Investors 01 ASSISTANT MANAGER-Sal­ ary:$3.05-3.55 per hour NEW IN TANAPAG MAIN ROAD SIDE David L. and Lydia D. Igitol (Marcia Mae, Laura Doreen, Daisy Lynn, Se1vicc. in rw;ing South Korea's credit ary:$3.15 per hour 01 WAITER (RESTAURANT)-Sal-· Maribel Christine) standing this week. 02 WAITER-Salary:$3.05 per hour ary:$3.05-3.55 per hour • Furnished Apartment Contact: ROWENA L. O'CONNOR dba 01 MAINTENANCE (PLUMBER)-Sal­ 'Iype Rate Units A.1ailable Delfina I. and Stanley Russell K's Dimsum & Noodle House Tel. 234- ary:$3.05-3.55 per hour Jessamine I and Richard Atalig (Chad Joseph, Sasha Richelle) 5684(4/9)Th25988 01 HEADWAITER-Salary:$3.05-3.55 2 BDRM $750/mo, 2 Unit Martin L. and Marlyn U. Igitol (Jon, Jake) per hour 1995 ASIA BUS (45 Passengers) $25,000 3 BD RM $900/mo. 1 Unit Leonisa I. and Ken K. Kato 01 SALES ASSOCIATE-Salary:S3.15 0"1 ELECTRICIAN-Salary:$3.05-4.15 1994 ASIA BUS (45 Passengers) $19,000 per hour per hour , Shop Rosa L. Igitol and Antonio I. Rogolifoi 01 FLORIST-Salary:$3.05 per hour 01 DRESS MAKER-Salary:$3.05-3.55 1994 ASIA BUS (35 Passengers) $17,000 (Melinda, Peter, Chester, Tara Lorraine, Reginald, Heidi, Anthony, Contact: CARMEN SAFEWAY ENTER­ per hour 1995 TOYOTA WAGON $6,500 1.130 SQF $1.500/mo. 1 Unit PRISES, INC. dba C-Mart, Carmen's 01 COMMERCIAL CLEANER-Sal­ 1996 Ian Zachary) DODGE RAM 350 (15 pas.,) 40.000 miles $14,000 Pis. Call: 322-2312, 6363 235-0235 Baby New, Hair Salon, Wholesale Dist.; ary:$3.05-3.55 per hour 1992 CSE Properties; Pacifica Funeral Ser­ 01 ASSISTANT MANAGER, BAR-Sal­ DODGE RAM 350 (15 pas.J 40.000 miles $4,500 APARTMENT FOR RENT vices; The Floral Lane Tel.234-7313(4/ ary:$3.50-4.93 per hour 1988 CHEVROLET (15 passengers) $2,700 Also survived by numerous cousins, nephews 2 Bedroom• Fully & Semi Furnished• 9)Th71437 03 COOK-Salary:$3.05-3.55 per hour 1990 TOYOTA CAMRY (Aircon Good) $3,300 One-Bedroom House For Rent. and nieces. 24 hrs. Water• All rooms airconditioned 03 CLEANER HOUSEKEEPING-Sal­ Cable Included 02 TEACHER-Salary:S4.80 per hour ary:$3.05-3.55 per hour Please contact: MR. PARK 234-2340 24 hrs. water supply Located in Tanapag next to the 02 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Sal­ 01 GARDENER-Salary:S3.05-3.55 per Magnificent supply Tanapag Elem. Sch. . ary:$5.54 per hour "hour Located in San Vicente Bay area 01 HELPER, KITCHEN·Salary:$3.05- Rosary is being said at 11:45 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. daily at Bithen Delos Remedios Church in Tanapag For info, call Ton or Re ina at 322-3283 Contact: GRACE CHRISTIAN ACAD­ Only $600.00 monthly EMY dba Grace Christian Tel. 322- 3.55 per hour Call: 3320(4/16)Th71545 Contact: HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN Tel. 234-1778 or 234-6734 Last respects may be paid on Saturday, April 4th beginning at 8:30 a.rn. at the 322-3311 (4/16)Th26074 MANAGER lFOR,SALE 01 BOAT CARPENTER-Salary:$3.05 .· '.,~:FOR-RESTAURANT·.· Bi then Delos Remedios (Tanapag) Church. Mass of a Christian Burial will be l~I:~)(lj~llf!li§;t3§! per hour . LOCAL HII,?.E . offered at 3:00 p.m. at Bithen Delos Remedios (Tanapag) Church. 02 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-Sal­ 4·Door Hatch Bacl< $2,000 080 ary:$3.05-3.50 per hour • Two Bedrooms • Located at Navy Hill -w/ EXPEI,?.IENCE • Spacious 2-bedroom fully furnished Burial will follow immediately at Chalan Kanoa Cemetery. Dependable Transportation Contact: QUINCY CORPORATION dba •Furnished with Aircon • 24 hrs. water supply apanment in San Antonio, walking distance Micronesian Marine Tel. 234-9696(4/ • Quiet Neighborhood to stores and laundry Offering Good Salary • Reasonable rate. 16)Th2606 Contact: Tel. 322-3607 after 5:00pm weekdays , or anytime on weekends. Or page at 236-1023 Call: Ador for appointment at Tel. 322-6130 Call:Tel. 235-0526.8:00ant to 12JXlp.m for appointment '::.:....-:_-:_-~-..;.-.--_-, ::- ···.:. __ . j

-,,.i' 22-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY-APRIL 2, 1998 EEK & MEEK® by Howie Schneider -- __ 1 CROSSWORD PUZZLER (~BRAG\ I I I'M AJJIJAYS PJt(r.1UAL . ~ MU(f-\ ) I I NEVER L05E MY 1EMP£R. ACROSS 40 Susskind ID I'M IJOT MB'.JIAUJTAT\VE, 41 Talking horse ~ I 1 You can (2 wds.) Pacers stop Clippers I'M 10:)T STIJBED!<-IJ. wiggle them 42 Light touches 44 Hand I N8/ER CD'V\PLAIU ... \ 5 Legal document warmer lND!ANAPOLIS(AP)-Twodays InToronto,RickFoxhad31 points Keith Yan Hom scored 19 of his 22 rough game that included Price's a loose ball with I 0:07 left in the 9 Youth org. 46 Piano keys after setting an NBA record for futil­ and IO rebounds as the Lakers won points in the first quarter mid Kerry scuffle with Vitaly Potapenko. third quarter when he collided with 12 Within an - (slang) of one's life 48 Violation of ity, the Indiana Pacers set a club for the 13th time in their last 15 Kittles kept New Jersey in front after The Cavs, in sixth place in the Boston's And,ew DeClercq. 13 Loosen law record with 14 3-pointers - six by 14 Long period 51 - sequitur games. Atlanta made a fourth-quarter run. Eastern Conference, won for the Vashon Lenard had 26 poinl~ and of time 52 Noisy Chiis Mullin - as they defeated the Shaquille O'Neal added 20 points Kittles sc01ed nine of his 18 points eighth time in nine games, and put Dan Majerlc 16 to pace Mi­ 15 Fabulist disturbance 17 British actor 54 Egyptian Los Angeles Clippers 128-106 on and 13reboundsfortheLakcrs, while ina 16-2spmtthatgavetheNetsa91- anotherdamperonOrlando'splayoff ami, which shot 59 percent John - goddess Tuesday. ChaunceyBillupshad21 fortheRap­ 75 lead. The Nets moved a half game hopes. and made I I -of-19 3-pointers 19 Organ of 55 Sue­ In beating the Clippers for the 11th tors, wholosttheirsixthstrJightgame. ahead of Orlando in the fight for the speech Langdon ShawnKemphad 13pointsand 16 in winning for the 25th time in 21 Lubricates 56 Seabird consecutive time, the Pacers hit 11 of Kobe Bryant had 17 points for the eighth playoff berth in the East. rebounds, and Wesley Person scored 29 games. 57 "-Girl" 22 Decree their fo,t 14 shots, including 3-of-3 Lakers before leaving the game early It was the Nets' first game since 16. Sura, a 53-percent foul shooter, Hornets I 01, 76ers 93 24 Negative prefix DOWN on 3-pointers, to take command from in the fourth quarter with a hip in jury. All-Starcentcr Jayson Williams broke was 9-for-9 from the line. In Charlotte, North Carolina, Glen 2-19 © 1998 United Feature Syndicate I 25 Possess I the start. · Spurs 95, Knicks 78 his light thumb, while Atlanta wa5 Heal 121, Celtics 95 Rice score<.126 points and Davi<.! 26 Curved letter t Madre's (inits.) I without its two leading scorers, Steve In Miami, the Heat won the Wesley's 15-foot (4.5 meter) 27 - iron hermana 7 Singer Mullin led Indiana with 24 points, In New York, Tim Duncan scored Adams 18 Actor Rob - 29 16 ozs. 2 "Loneliest" 25 points and David Robinsonhad24 Smith and Ch1istian Laeru,er. game, but Jost center Alonzo jumper broke a tie late in the 20 Huge and was 6-of-6 frum 3-point range. 31 Negative number 8 Female deer individual as San Antonio ovezpowered New Cavaliers 93, Magic 86 Mourning with a broken left fourth quarter for Charlotte. 32 Sign on door 3 Rapture 9 Originate Reggie Miller, who returned after a 22 Ward off 33-est 4-the 10 Word with one-game suspension, and Antonio York. In Cleveland, there must be cheekbone. The Hornets blew a 20-point breeze music, food 23 "No man­ 34 Spy org. -island" Davis, playing for the injured Rick The Spurs ouL,cored the Knicks hard feelings between the The center faced surgery first quarter lead and trailed 81- 35 Niven ID (converse) or mate 25 Automobile 36 Declares 5 Daphne- 11 "No ifs, - or Magic and Cavaliers when Tuesday and his status was 76 with 9:24 left before regroup­ pioneer Smits, added 19 points apiece. Mark 36-22 in 17 minutes. 38 Hockey great Maurier buts" 27 In the Jackson added 11 poinL5 and 15 as­ Allan Houston Jed the Knicks with Mark Price gets into a fight uncertain, the team said. ing to hold off the 76ers and end 39 Cinder 6 Swallow up 16 "Hud" star company of sists in 26 minutes as reserves played 31 points. and is booed in Cleveland. Mourning, who averages a two-game losing streak. 28 In the lead 29 Milan the fourth quarter. Nets I 05, Hawks 90 Bob Sura had 2 I points as 19.2 points and 9.7 rebounds, Allen Iverson led the 76ers currency Lake rs 114, Ra pt ors I05 In East Rutherford, New Jersey, Cleveland beat Orlando in a was injured during a scrap for with 28 points. 30 Poet 34 -game hen PEANUTS® by Charles M. 36 Soviet Union (abbr.) IN A UNIQUE WAY, IF '{OU NEED 37 Inventor I HAVE TO DO Thomas- A BOOK REPORT ZECHARIAH 15 ONE ANY HELP, JUST 39 " ... give her Padres, Mets, Cards and Braves win openers Qt{ ZECHARIAH OF ii-IE MOST IMPORTANT LET ME KNOW ~~~og BOOKS IN THE OLD CINCINNATI (AP) - Pokey bases loaded gave New York a 1-0 over the Los Angeles Dodgers. on opening day. center. --:------z 41 Earn TE5iAMENT .. 42 Ms. Merrill Reese tied a opening-day record for victoryoverthePhiladelphiaPhillies. Aselloutcrowdof47,972onopen­ Braves 2, Brewers I Loser Bob Wickman suuck out 43 Shakespeare shortstops with four errors, helping Matt Franco opened the 14th with ing day screamed in anticipation when In Atlanta, Gerald Williams trotted Andruw Jones, but Matheny went river 44 Former the San Diego Padres and newcomer a single off loser Ricky Bottalico and Delino DeShields walked on a full home from third after catcher Mike to third when Lockhm1 broke for Israeli prime KevinBrownrolltoa 10-2victoryon became just the third Met to reach counttoloadthebaseswithMcGwire Matheny's attempted throw second on the pitch. minister Tuesday. second base when McRae walked. 45 Capote ID on deck. skipped into left field in the ninth Marlins 11, Cubs 6 47 Anger Brown, one of a dozen players After a forceout at third, Bernard McGwire didn't disappoint them, inning, giving the Braves a season­ In Miami, the World Series 49 Ms. Farrow discardedbythefloridaMarlinsafter Gilkey singled for what should have opening over Milwaukee, the champions and theirrevamped ros­ 50 N.Y. time hitting a towering drive that cleared victory 53 Tellurium their World Series title, gave up one been the game-winning hit to left, but the left-field wall and broke open a Brewers' first National League game ter that includes 14 rookies scored symbol run and five hits in 6 1-3 innings and McRae lost his footing and fell round- scoreless game. after28 years in the American League. six runs in the first inning en route hit a three-run double in the seventh. ing third. . McGwire, whoalsodoubled,over­ The Brewers, the first major league to a routing of the . STELLA WILDER Wally Joyner and Tony Gwynn TheMetsdugou~ which had spilled shadowedastrongperformancefrom baseball team to switch leagues since Series MVP Livan Hernandez added homers as baseball's first pro­ onto the field to celebrate Gilkey's winner Todd Stottlemyre. the 1892 season, talked repeatedly won despite allowing five runs in 5 ltidS~TW fessional team took its most lopsided hit, retreated and waited. The St Louis starter gave up three about the need to play solid, funda­ 1-3 innings, mainly because Gary YOUR BIRTHDAY opening-day defeat since a 12-4 loss Luis Lopez popped up for the seca hits in seven-plus innings and didn't mental baseball in the NL, but they Sheffield and Charles Johnson hit 2 DOWN: to Philadelphia in 1962. ond ou~ and it looked like the mara­ allow a runner past second base. got sloppy in the ninth. · three-run homers. Reese put the Padres ahead to stay thon would continue when Castillo worry about today that you are KN101-!T'S McGwire, expected to challenge Williams, a former Brewer, It was a familiar start for the THURSDAY, April 2, FRIDAY, APRIL 3 by committing four errors in the first finally ended it with a single to right unable to forge ahead with re­ TITLE. Roger Maris' home-run record of 61 walked with one out in the ninth Cubs, who set an NL record with 1998 ARIES (March 21-April three innings, tying the record for on a full-count pitch. · newed enthusiasm. Potential is in this expansion year, is the first and took third when anotherpinch­ an 0-14 start en route toa last-place By Stella Wilder 19)- You may find someone .... gaffes a shortstop in a season opener Turk Wendell, the Mets' sixth Cardinals player to hit a grand slam hitter, Keith Lockhart, singled to finish in 1997. on the rise. ~ BORN today, you are a sur­ quite dazzling today - per­ set by the Chicago Cubs' Lou Stringer , picked up the win with two SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- prising individual-with the ca­ sonally or professionally - inhismajorleaguedebutonApril 15, innings of hitless relief. make score 6-3. That was the end Dec. 21)-Someone close to you With two outs and two men on pacity for tremendous power, but you mustn't let yourself Cardinals 6, Dodgers 0 of the Hustler offensive .., may be engaging in a certain be­ 1941. Laly ... base, Laly 4 short stop, Tito strength, warmth, sensitivity, be blinded to the truth' In St Louis, MarkMcGwire started At the botttom of seventh, Laly havior today simply to get a reac­ Mets I. Phillies 0. 14 Continued from page 24 Laniyo hit a single to center to generosity and kindness - TAURUS (April 20-May the season with a bang, hitting a grand 4 second baseman, Stanley Lani yo tion out of you. Take care you innings bring in the two runs needed to while also being the exact op­ 20) - In your efforts to be In New York, pinch-hitter Alberto slam in the fifth inning off Ramon bottom of the fourth to inch closer hit a solo homer to left field after don't overdo it! tV win game. posite of each of these traits at cooperative and flexible, you Castillo's single with twooutsand the Martinez and leading the Cardinals at 4-3. one out to lift the score to 6-4. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 7 Game two will be played Thurs­ one time or another. You are a actually may put yourself in a With both teams scoreless in Then Hustlerpitcher Albert Lizama 19)- You will discover that you 1-2= day at 7 p.m. If necessary, the dynamic worker and the kind fairly threatening situation later fifth and sixth innings. The Hus­ threwanerrortofirstbasetogiveLaly and a rival have a great deal in deciding game three will be played to reach every goal you set, in the day. Use care. j 9~WNI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING tlers again notched two runs to 4 another run, 6-5. same night. and you are often at your best GEMINI (May 21-June 20) common. Surprisingly,thisisonly likely to increase your desire to The Coastal Resources Management Program (CRMP) will in situations that would be - You may feel disadvantaged Brenda Schultz-McCarthy defeated Martinez, the last giving the game get ahead. be holding a public hearing regarding Coastal Permit more than others are able to today, but with a little extra effort Martinez .. . Olga Barabanschikova 6-1, 7-6 (9- to Grzbowska, who served out ~ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) Application SMS-98-X-74 submitted by B.P. Reyes take. You arc a true believer you can make even negative de­ No. Continued from page 24 7). the set. in a code of behavior that is velopments work in your favor. - You will have much to discuss Consulting Services on behalf of Uno Moda Garment with familv members later in the Top-seeded Lindsay Davenport With Grzbowska up 3-2 in the specific to each individual CANCER (June 21-July 22) Factory for the expansion of the Uno Moda Garment Also Tuesday, No. 14 Patty wasscheduledtoplay a second-round second set, Mai1inez was one point situation: you behave in a - You arc looking forward to day. As th~ day dawns, however, Factory in San Antonio, Saipan. you may have more questions than Schnyder defeated qualifier Amelie night match against Corina Mor.iriu. shy of a service break. manner that is suitable to the renewing your partnership with Mauresmo6-3, 7-6(7-2) and No. 16 With the first set tied 5-5, But two winners got Grzbowska circumstances surrounding someone who worked well with answers. '3NO '6 'l\ft! ·g 'l::1'1'3 ·g '310:33N ·v '!:HS ·c: 'NVl"JMONS . ~ :NMOO The public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 1998 Natasha Zvereva eliminated Gala Grzbowska easily broke Martinez's back to deuce and Martinez later you, and yet you are true to you in the past. There may be one PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) I. 3/\13Ml ·o~ 'l::IOl:ll:lllf.J 'L 'l::13il0 ·g 'NOl::11 "8 'Sl:l\flS -~ :ssol:::18\f at 6:30 pm at the San Antonio School Cafeteria. A second Leon Garcia 6-4, 7-5. serve by winning four straight points. missed two forehand returns to yourself at every turn. obstacle to overcome yet. - You may want to take more In another first-round match, Three points came on errors by fall behind 4-2. Some may find you nothing LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - time to get to know someone to­ and final notice of this public hearing will be published at more than inconsistent, but Take care you aren't so quick to day, always remembering that a a later date. • Milwaukee lost to Atlanta 2-1 in you usually are criticized only spot flaws in another's plans that career boost may be the ultimate field fence. its first gmne si nee becoming the only you are unable to be supportive of result. The public is invited to attend and to submit written Marlins .. . The aquatic an:a, which holds 35 by those who cannot keep up tean1 to switch leagues this century. those things that can work well. Copyright 1998, United Feature Syndic.ate, Inc. comments and/or to make oral comments regarding this Continued from page 24 people and costs dlrs 4,CXXl per game with you. You are not one to The Brewers seemed to hm1dle the do things the easy way, as evi­ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - project. All written and oral comments received will be to ren~ was ready to make its debut The new team, though, had some­ when the Arizona Diamondbacks NL style just fine; with noDH,pitcher denced by your choice of ca­ You may have no choice but to do made a part of the permit application record, and will be thing that no one else in the majors played host to the . Cal Eldred singled off four-time Cy reer. You love to do things exactly as you are told during the considered in any decision made concerning the proposed has: A cigar bar inside its ballp,u'k. One wmning: Fans in the pool had Young winner Greg Maddux. that are not easy to do! first part of the day. Independence project. "It's a fabulous place. Tampa was better bring their gloves, along with • In tl1e longest scoreless opener in Also born on this date are: may become an issue later. known as the cigar city a long time their swimsuits. Colorado Rockies National League history, pinch-hitter Buddy Ebsen. actor and LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) - Please contact Coastal Resources Management at 234- ago. We wanted it to reflect that Albe1to Castillo's single with two dancer: Emmylou Harris. You can do much to help a friend star Lairy Walker hit a ball into the 6623/7320 or 3907 if you have any questions or require heritage. That's why we put it in," outs and the bases loaded in the 14th singer, Linda Hunt, actress. or loved one from falling into a water duiing batting practice Mon­ Devil Rays owner Vince Naimoli inning gave the Mets a 1-0 win over T~o see what is in stor(; for rut. Be open and honest, but al­ further information regarding this project. day. said. Philadelphia you tomorrow, find your birth­ ways supportive. Suggest a cre­ Other highlights on opening day: PETER J. BARLAS In Phoenix, some fans at the Bank •Theligerswonin tl1eirfirstgarne • Pokey Reese tied a opening-day day and read the correspond­ ative outlet. One Ballpark also had a unique view SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Acting Director since shifting from the AL East to the record forshortstops with fouren-ors, ing paragraph. Let your birth­ ~DMu~WU~ Il=Il~UJJ~~- - from a pool, heated spa and a day star be your daily guide. - You won't have so much to Tue/Wed/1hu 7:00 • Fri 4:00-8:00 • Sal/Sun 12:00-4:00-8:00 Coastal Resources Management Centrnl to accommcxlate the Devil helping Sm, Diego and newcomer swim-up bar beyond the right-center Kevin Brown beat Cincinnati 10-2. ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE! (DURINGBOXOFFICEHOURS). Rays. 24-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-THURSDAY-APRIL 2. 1998

By BEN WALKER "It's m1 awesome feeling." said was the winning pitcher m1c.l October NEW YORK (AP) - Swimming McGwire. whohit58 lastycar. "I low stars Gary Shcnicld and Ch:u'II:~ pools, cig,u- lxm;. !xvii Rays, Dia­ can you not get chills?" Johnson hit three-run home1s. mondbacks. Revamped Marlins. G1iffcy. who hit 56 la,t sc,Ls;on for "Nolx:xly shou Id getcm1icd away ... new-look Brewers. 1l1ey were the the Seattle M,u-iners, kept pace a few Florida m,magcr Jim Leyland said. stories on opening day in U.S. Major hours later. 'Ille Amcricm1 League "It's just one game. and we 're a ve1y League Bw,eball - until McGwire MVP connected for a solo home run young balldub. We 're going to take ,md G1iffey. against Clevelrn1d. some bumps and bruises." Mm"k McGwire m1c.l Ken Giiffey 'Ille Florida Mmfo1s, meanwhile, 'Ilic Tamp,1 Bay Devil Rays. how­ Jr. quickly showed what this expm1- also got off to a strong st,ut. I laving ever. kxikcc.l exactly like the exp,u1- sion season may be all about. Both stripped ncmly half their roster in a sion team it is in,m l I -61oss toDcu·oit homcrec.l Tuesday, beginning the move tosh,h a$53 million payroll to at St. Petersburg. Ma. chase for Roger Mm·is' record of 61. $33 million. the World Series cham­ 'Ilic Devil Rays fell l'\:hind I 1-0 McGwire occame the first St. Lou is pions scored six 1uns in the first in­ after five innings mid thesclloutcrowd Cu·dinals player to hit a gnmd slam ning mid beat the Chicago Cubs 11-6. of45J69 at Tropic:u1a Field had little on opening day. highlighting a 6-0 For at le,L,t one game, these Mrn·­ to cheer except for Wade Boggs' win overthe Rupc11 Murdoch-owned lins lookcda lot I ikc h,t ycm·'schmnps. home nm. Los Angeles Dodgers. WorldSc1iesMVPLivm1I le1rnmdcz Continued on page 23

RoeAnn Vawter leaps towards a gold medal in the long jump event Johnson's 172-game eriorless streak ends dt,ring the Guam Special Olympics held Saturday at the George Washington High School track. Vawter also won a gold medal each in MIAMI (AP) - Catcher Mickey Morandini attempted to to ac.lvm1ce to third. the mile-run. the 100-m and the 200-m races. Pt1oto bv Eduardo c. Siguenza ChadesJohnson 's 172-game er­ steal second base with two outs. Johnson, a Gold Glove winner in rorless streak, a U.S. Major Johnson's throw sailed high. each of his first three major league League Baseball record, ~nded After glancing off. the gloves of se,L',011S, h~t committed m1 e1rnr on BANMI leading Tuesday in the first inning of sho11Stop EdgarRente1ia and second June 23, 1996. scorers the first game of the season for. bm,eman Craig Counsel!. who wm; . His streak of 1,295 tom! chances \kn' s Lem;ue the Florida Marlins. backing up the play, the ball skipped' without llil en-or was also a major When the .Chicago Cubs' into center field, allowing Morandini league recoi·d: N,ttlle Team Q Pts Ave. Diego 1' lasga''' S poi lcrs 1-l 290 20.7 ...... -,,•';' ,,," Roy Matagobi I Ii-Five 16 286 17.8 \ Ed Mendoza Nationals 15 257 17.1 Randy l'elisamen LA Ol'Ace~ 16 254 15.8 Laly 4 over Hustlers in Game one C,eot)!e M asga I Ii-Five 15 222 14.8 Ray I.izatlla Nationals 14 199 14.2 LAL Y 4 took game one in its one run going into the second, the Laly 4 made rwo runs to tic John ,\cost,t Get Cov1:red 15 209 13.9 /. best-of-threechampionshipse- Laly 4 rallied in the latter part of score. 2-2. The Hustlers Rotllco lgtnod Ldiwel 14 186 13.3 · ries against the Hustlers. 7-6 at the game to edge the Hustlers. seemec.l headed ro victory at Tau la Peter Lebwel 15 184 12.3 ) the Susupc Sports Complex. With both teams scoreless in the top of fourth inning as Wayne l'u.t LA Ol'Aces 16 195 12.2 The victory placec.l Laly 4one the second. Hustlers' second Ilustlcrs' first hascm:tn. lkn ~' game away from winning the baseman Jess Celis hit a solo run Sablan hit ;1 two-run horner to ,,. \Yon!l'n's Ll':ll!lll' ;,. Saipan Softball Association horner to the left center at the top the right field to \\'idcn the gap ,-i,!, Natlle Team Q Pts Ave. iJ Softball League crown. of third inn in!!, to furtherthe score at 4-2. ConniL' C1m;1cho"' MTC 9 202 22.4 fi1 Srnrcless in the first innin!! at 2-0 in fav;r of I lustlers. Laly 4 scored one run at the Brenda I laddm Just For Fun 8 176 22.0 f1f and trailing the Ilustlcrs by At the bottom of third inning. Continued on page 23 JuliL' Tokyo MTC 9 132 14.6 L.:... ..:.:.;,~~,....;:_7~::...:..::.~.~~.;~'..:..-~i.::JL:.:.1::....J:.~~02(,7:?~~~~~,,,;;:,..L.:.:::.:L-:.:.i.;:,.~~-·~,:.:,·2··· ,r.',~. Juvie Omar Just For Fun 8 IOI 12.6 Nally Ngiraidong Unified 9 105 11.6 Bert Tudl'ia Unified 7 74 10.5 Lisa Black Just For Fun 8 83 10.4 I lope Kinsella MTC 9 86 9.5 Rose Pangelinan Unified 8 67 8.4

'''Indicates scoring cha111p

Martinez falls at Family Circle HILTON HEAD ISi ,AND, South Carolina (APl - Conchita M,utincz failcc.l to reach the Family Circle Cupqu,uteliinals forthe first time in seven tries, falling Tuesc.lay to unseedec.l Magdalena Grzbowska 7-5, 6-2 in a scconc.1-round match at Sea Pines Racquet Club. ll1e eighth-seeded Mmtinez. tlw Family Circle champion in 1994 ,u1d 1995. n:achcd the semifinals the /XL'>l two ye,u-s. But the clay specialist committed do1.cns of unforced e1rnrs in a ragged pc1fon11,mcc against the 47th-nu1ked Grt.l~)wska. "It w;L, a bad day," Ma11inez said. "I wasn't feeling cornfo11ablc, not even one time in the match ... "At some stag.cs of the match, ci ther her forchm1d or her backh,u1d wcren 't pc1fcct, ,me.I I took ac.lvm11age of that," Grzybowska said. Athletics Director Bill Sakovich accepts a $500 cash donation from Palua Sports Association members Jose Continued on page 23 Milong, BrianAdelbai and Herman Ngiraidong for the CNMl's participation in the upcominq 1998 Micronesian Games. Pt1010 by Laila c. Younis tMarianas %riet~~ i/1,, .r, ,, ,, :'Yi'·. i r ,,;, J,r "J f :,.,:/',f>Clf ,r•r ';rr,, J: l'JJ:) G&)

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