Vince Yi Countertenor


Vince Yi Countertenor

“Yi has a voice like no other, velvety, gorgeous, While still a student his remarkable vocal effortless …” talents were recognized with a string of awards, including The Shoshana Founda- With reviews like this resounding in our tion Richard F. Gold Career Grant. In 2007, ears, it’s clear that Vince Yi is becoming he gained a place as the only counter- an established countertenor star. Rapidly at San Francisco ’s prestigious forging an international reputation, he ar- Merola Program for young artists. Cri- rived on European stages singing the male tics heralded his performances, writing: lead in Johann Adolf Hasse’s “Vince Yi blew our socks off”; another ex- (Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci 2012). claimed: “ … my jaw … dropped all the He has since appeared in the dazzling Gala way to the floor … ” In 2009 he made his Night of Countertenors at the Palace of Ver- Carnegie Hall debut under the auspices of sailles and Athens Megaron Concert Hall, the Marilyn Horne Foundation “The Song which has recently been recorded and will Continues” series. More recently, Yi was tour Europe in the coming seasons. This nominated for Russia’s distinguished Gol- past season, he appeared in Peter Sellar’s den Mask Award as “Best Male Opera Per- new production of Purcell’s The Indian former” for The Indian Queen. Queen (Perm Opera, Teatro Real Madrid 2013), which was aired live on Mezzo and In addition to his performing, Yi is also a recorded for DVD release. He also per- talented pedagogue and has served on the formed the title-role in Leonardo Vinci’s voice faculty at the University of Michigan , (Opéra Royal de Versailles, Co- and Western Michigan University. logne Opera, Concertgebouw Amsterdam 2014).

The 2014-2015 season will include ano- ther production of The Indian Queen at the Bolshoi Theater and the English Na- tional Opera. Yi will also appear as Emilia in a staged production, CD recording, and European tour of Leonardo Vinci’s long- forgotten Catone in Utica. The 2015-2016 season begins with the role of Fraarte in a new staged production and CD recording of Handel’s Radamisto, which will tour Management Europe after its premier at Opera Frank- Georg Lang furt. Erzherzog Wilhelm Ring 13 A - 2500 Baden, Österreich

Born in South Korea, Yi grew up in Califor- T: +43(0) 2252 82 777 nia, and studied at Boston University (BM, F: +43(0) 2252 82 777-50 MM) and the University of Michigan (DMA). Coverphoto: Julian Laidig E: [email protected]