Nuclear Plaflt Attacked; Riots in India Bookstore's P6lic.Y a Result O·T

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Nuclear Plaflt Attacked; Riots in India Bookstore's P6lic.Y a Result O·T THE D E VOL. 36/NUM~ER 13 WIDENER UNIVERSITY JANUARY 22,1982 Beyond Chester: - , Nuclear plaflt attacked; Riots in India Five So.viet-made anti-tank rockets_ with Cryillic script yesterday morning on were fired at a nuclear power plant the bank of the Rhone River opposite under construction outside France's the plant. se ~ond largest city and one gouged a The French news agency, Agence four-inch deep crater into the wall of the France-Presse said it received a main b.uilding, officials said . telephone call from a person saying he They said the damage was minor, represented the Pacifist and Ecologist since the wall is 40 inches thick. Three Committee claiming responsibility for of the other four rockets fired Monday the attack on the reactor, located 28 night also hit the plant, but caused no miles east of this city of more than half a damage, and there were no injuries, the million people. officials said yesterday. Riot police and government su p­ Authorities said the rockets fired at porters battled workers yesterday in a the controversial Creys-Malville plant, one-day national strike that left at least the nation's first full-scale nuclear nine people dead, closed factories and breeder reactor facility, where Soviet­ paralyzed transportation in several made 60-caliber hollow-charge devices areas. were made in the 1960's. Scores of worker5 were reported in­ tic The rocket, made in the 1960's, drill­ jured in clashes at rallies outside plants This intere'Sting, lovely scene depicts only a small amount of the beauty that was ed a 4-inch hole into a 40-inch thick wall and offices during the strike, cal~ed by spread by last week's blanket of snow. in the main building, authorities sai d. Police found a rocket-faunching tube Continued' on Page 7 Bookstore's p6lic.y a result o·t students'. misuse. by Max Spolowich time the bookstore takes back a book schools' return policies," elaborated though they do make exceptions. It has News Edito. overhead costs increase, due to extra Maloney, "which showed that even not been unheard of for students to try paperwork and manhours for store with the new drop/add clause we still to return books they have stolen, saying Upperclassmen may have noticed clerks. have one of the most lenient return th~y lost their register receipt; that this year the bookstore has main­ Maloney notified his immediate policies around." Maloney explained he Many students complain about the tained a different policy for returning superior, Harry Pappas of the problem. is not completely inflexible, but he has high cost' of books, and . would alT unused textbooks as in previous years. preciate a secondhand bookstore at Under the new policy, a student must Widener. Maloney explained that he drop the course, and present a droIT sympathizes about costs, but that there and-add slip in addition to his cash is a lot more to operating a second-hand receipt. This changed policy has been bookstore than meets the eve. the cause of a certain amount of frustra­ tion, but was not instituted withotJt "There's a large amount of cause. knowledge ' necessary, ~oncerning Mr. Charles Maloney, managet of the market value, effect on new book Widener College Bookstore, com­ orders, even projections about the mented that the policy was instituted ~:>~:"" space that would be needed to store old because of the abuse of the old system. as well as new books." He stated that it "Certain students, a small minority, would take an in-depth study before a were abusing the old system, and we second-hand bookstore would become' were forced to request a change." feasible at Widener. Under the old policy a student could The manager, obviously pressed for return an unused book within the first time .at this "book-rush" period, made it two weeks of classes if he had his cash clear that he isn't out to make things register receipt. The problem originated hard on the average student. "The when some students bought books for policies were created to protect the Mr. Charles Maloney honest student." As far as second-hand classes they weren't even registered for Photo by M. Buckley (paying by check) to later .return them books are concerned, hi.s advice is to make the effort to find them before buy­ and have, say, $100 in pocket. ' Pappas- in turn reviewed the situation -to maintain good business practice. ing new textbooks. "A pattern emerged," noted and notified the vice-president for The bookstore staff must be careful Maloney, "and it became obvious that budgeting and planning, Ted Locke. about exchanging money for books we had to do sol'!1ething about it." Each "A study was done of fifteen other without the cash- register receipt, . ~( SPORTS: L.ady Hoo,psters hammer Dipiomats ... : ...... P.11 - ~tt IN QUI R I N G PH OT OG RA'P HER : "Yo u r f avo ri t e past i me. " ~~' :,- . I~~ ~ -" P.B . .. """ - '$ EDITORIAL: New Dome policy .. P.2 -- ~ .... 2 - THE DOME, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22,1982 EDiTORIAL '- Dome /lCTt.ltfE3(JtlE MD£1V£Jf ? The announces -k /1;IY/ltTI1(E new ed itorial pol icy The Editorial staff of the Dome has decided upon and is implementing a change in our policy regarding "letters to the Editor." Henceforth, any letter sub­ mitted to the Dome must be signed by its author. We will no longer accept let­ ters signed ambiguously, i.e. "a concerned student" and we will not withhold the name of any author for any reason . " The Dome has undertaken this new policy for one reason. This new policy relieves the Dome of any responsibility for ambiguously signed letters. A letter published unsigned or signed by "a concerned student" places the burden of any reaction to this letter directly upon the Dome regardless of whether or not we agree with the author's position. This reaction can vary anywhere from anger to a lawsuit and in either case we would prefer to have the author bear the burden of any reaction to his/her letter. Therefore our new policy. We trust that this new policy will not restrict our readers from expressing their opinions, gQod or bad. We can only hope that it will bring opposing parties and ideas out into the light so that any existing problems can be discussed and resolved maturely. -<.:: Locke retaliates: Security protects property Dear Mr. Fletcher: The underlying reason for inspections is As evidenced by several articles in an the protection, safety and welfare of the otherwise excellent December 16, 1981 students of the College ... during vaca­ issue of the DOME, there appears to be tion periods, inspections may be con­ • in the interest of students a need for a clearer understanding of ducted to insure the security of the to determine ownership. The property is trol of persons entering the buildings. haiL" the duties of the Safety Office during then either returned to the owner or Once the dormitories have been in­ vacation breaks. During their inspections these teams placed in service to perform the func­ spected and secured, the frequency of When the students leave the campus find such things as windows left open tion for which it was intended. Exit signs the patrols are increased. While on during breaks, the probability of van­ or unlocked, doors not locked, wads of are returned to their proper location in patrol the Safety Officers are particularly dalism and theft increases on this as paper stuffed in the locking mechanism the hall, etc, alert to broken windows or other or tape placed over the latch to make well as other campuses. Although the All of the above actions are taken in evidence of a~empted forced entry. r-- - - - U,,'v6Is\ty;s not responsible for per- certain that the door will not lock when ' the interest of the safety and welfare of These precautions are taken to attempt sonal property lost, stolen or damaged, closed; electrical appliances such as the students and in accordance with ex­ to reduce or eliminate break-ins during the Safety Department, upon the depar­ irons, hot plates, lights, stoves and isting regulation. The following are but a the vacation period. One apprehension refrigerators left on; electrical wires run­ ture. of the students, immediately in­ feV' of the regulations pertinent to these of a break-in over the Christmas vaca­ ning under rugs and under mattresses, a creases its efforts to protect property. inspections: tion involved a student. The first action taken is for the Safety candle left burning, and distinctive pro­ Following the December 16th issue perty used by the University such as ex­ Supervisors, Chief Kennedy, Mr. Moret­ "Resident Program 1981-82, of the DOME, I spoke to several ti, etc. to accompany Dean Woodside, it signs, road signs, trees, furniture, etc. Section III, Paragraph H, students and explained the actions Dean Engram, Mr. Harris and other used to decorate an individual student Candles; Candles can be an taken by Campus Safety during the \ members of the Student Services office room. When the teams find an unsafe extreme safety hazard. They vacation breaks. A few students were condition, corrective action is im­ on a safety inspection of all dormitories. may be used unlighted, for not aware of the procedures and effort mediately taken. Windows and doors Working as a team, every room in every decorative purposes only. made to protect their property. All of the are secured. Plugs are pulled on elec­ dormitory is inspected, not searched. Violations are subject to fines students with whom I spoke were in This inspection is made in accordance trical appliances.
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