Santa Claus Is Coming Through Town

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Santa Claus Is Coming Through Town MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2018 Santa Claus is coming through town Lynn’s 31st annual Santa Parade on Christmas Eve will wind its way for 22 miles from Boston Street to Avon Street. More than 100 oats will gather at 5 p.m. on Summer Street in Austin Square. At 5:15 p.m. it converges on Boston, At 6:30 p.m. from State Street the pa- At 8 p.m. they follow Stanwood Road, At 9:15 p.m., the parade is at Lynn eld 1 Myrtle and Holyoke streets and O’Cal- 4 rade takes a right onto Market Street 7 Fernwood Avenue, Chase Road and Eu- 10 Street in Wyoma Square. laghan Way. and a left onto Broad and Lewis streets clid Avenue to Broadway. at Lafayette Park. At 5:30 p.m. it will reach Walnut Street, At 6:45 p.m. it will be at Fayette, Essex At 8:30 p.m., the parade is at Jenness At 9:30 p.m., they are at Broadway en 2 Linwood Road and North Franklin 5 and Chestnut streets. 8 Street which becomes Range Avenue 11 route to Boston Street and the Lynn- Street and take a right onto Boston and and becomes Den Quarry and Cedar gate Plaza, where the parade ends. Cottage streets at McDonough Square Brook roads. at 5:45 p.m. At 6 p.m. it makes an appearance on At 7:15 p.m. join the parade at Western At 9 p.m. they meet at York and Casco 3 Western Avenue in Market Square at 6 Avenue, Chatham and Lewis streets, 9 roads. South Common, Pleasant and State then left onto Eastern Avenue at 7:45 streets. p.m. to Western Avenue. OBITUARIES ..............................A2 POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 COMMUNITY CALENDAR ............A2 HIGH 37° VOL. 141, ISSUE 14 LOOK! .......................................A8 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 OPINION ...................................A4 LOW 26° SPORTS ................................ B1-3 HEALTH .....................................B8 ONE DOLLAR NATION .....................................A5 PAGE A8 A2 THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2018 OBITUARIES Kathleen L. Harrington, 73 1945 - 2018 BEVERLY — Kath- cousins in County leen L. (Chase) Har- Cork, Ireland, the rington, 73, formerly O’Callaghan families a longtime resident of Glenagaul, Kildi- of Lynn, passed away nan, and Youghal; Friday, December 21, the much loved spe- 2018, at Sunrise at cial friend of Lucy Gardner Park, Pea- the beagle; she was body, after a long ill- predeceased by her ness. Kathleen was always loved and the beloved wife of the late remembered beagles, Skippy Paul Harrington with whom one and Skippy two. she shared over 29 years of Kathleen graduated from marriage. Lynn English High School Born in Lynn on October 11, with the Class of 1963 and 1945, she was the daugh- from Salem State College ter of the late Arthur C. and with the Class of 1967. She Abina L. (Callahan) Chase. was member of St. Pius V Kathleen was the loving sis- Church, Lynn and its Sodali- ter of Sally A. (Chase) Cuffe ty, the Infant of Prague Guild, of Peabody and her late hus- Lynn, Irish Northern Aid, Lynn band, Walter A. Cuffe, Jr.; the Unit, the Ladies Auxiliary of cherished Aunt “Kath” of Kel- Division 10, Ancient Order of ley Howells and her husband, Hibernians in Lynn, Holley-Na- David of Marblehead, Katy varre Lodge of Elks, 2787 A. Cuffe-Burgess of Danvers, and American Legion, 382 in Kerrin (Cuffe) Morley and her Navarre, Fla. and the Beverly/ Derek Durant, right, channeled his high school years playing football husband, Thomas of Westford Salem Lodge of Elks, 1309. into his sons, from left, Kyle and Kevin. and Anthony Cuffe O’Donnell She took on the role of a tire- of Salem; beloved great-aunt less and loving caregiver to of Erin Kathleen Burgess and several members of her family STEVE KRAUSE Mary Burgess, Eliza, Daniel and volunteered at the Sacred and Charlotte Howells and Heart, Tree of Life Food Pantry APPRECIATION Robert and Brendan Morley; in Lynn. She was very proud the devoted mother of Fran- to hold Irish and United States cis P. Harrington and his wife, dual citizenship. Her family Lynn sporting community Karen of Peabody, Michael always enjoyed receiving the Harrington and his wife, Kath- home made cards that she erine of Bradford, Dolores would make to celebrate any Gardner of Milton, Fla. and occasion. She was an avid suffers a big loss her late husband, David, and fan of all the Boston Sports Tammy Harrington of Beverly; Teams, especially the Red Sox LYNN — What made Derek Du- competed in the 2016 15-year-old was Joe Montana. the adored grandmother of — win or lose. rant special in the eyes of his family World Series, and later was a defen- “He worshipped him,” said Keith. Brian Provencher and his wife, Service information: and friends was that he was just a sive wizard as the Classical center “That’s why he always wore No. 16 Kaitlyn, Paul, Matthew, and Kathleen’s funeral will be regular guy whom people naturally fielder. when he played. Then, of course, he Kelly Harrington, Andrew Turn- held from the CUFFE-Mc- liked and respected. Kyle was a kicker on this year’s became a big Tom Brady fan. He al- er, Shannon Vittozzi and her GINN FUNERAL HOME, And that, they say, made him re- Classical football team and has be- ways said his idols were the two best husband, Paul, Caitlin, Chris- 157 Maple Street, Lynn, markable. gun playing basketball for the Rams quarterbacks to ever play.” topher, Kerry, Patrick, Abigail MA on Thursday, December “That sums him up perfectly,” his as well. Dempsey recalled his toughness. and Jack Harrington, Maryjane 27th at 10 a.m. followed older brother, Scott, said Sunday And, when family involvement “I remember him the first day Gardner, David Gardner and at 11 a.m. by a Funeral morning, one day after Derek died made it necessary, the man who bled I saw him (during) his freshman his wife, Maghen Wright-Gard- Mass at St. Pius V Church, at the age of 47 from the cancer he Classical green became an English year for Lynn Classical football,” ner, Alexia Gardner and Bri- Lynn. Burial will follow in only found out he had Sept. 29. fan when his nephew, Jordan Javier Dempsey wrote on the team’s alum- anna Arsenault; great-grand- St. Joseph Cemetery, Lynn. “He was just a regular guy,” Scott (son of his sister, Amy), played quar- ni Facebook site. “I always loved his mother of Cameron and Elle Visiting hours will be held said. “And everybody I knew liked terback for the Bulldogs. toughness, but more importantly Provencher, Gianna and Paul on Wednesday, December him. He just had that type of per- For all his involvement, said Pine I loved him as a person. “He made Vittozzi, Bishop and Ro’man 26th, from 4 to 7 p.m. In sonality. He made people feel com- Hill president Jill Avery, he didn’t coaching fun, and he was always re- Freeman, Hunter King, Paul lieu of flowers contribu- fortable, he treated people with re- force himself on any organization to spectful and kind.” Martin, IV and Christopher tions in Kathleen’s memo- spect and people respected him.” which he belonged. He was quite the That toughness was why a lot of “CJ” Harrington, Jr.; the dear ry may be made to the St. Durant, second oldest of Butch opposite, she said. his friends weren’t aware that he sister-in-law of Gloria (Har- Vincent de Paul Society, and Joanne Durant’s four children, “He was a quiet kind of guy,” said was sick. rington) Pobiedzinski and her Sacred Heart Conference, was an athlete. He was the start- Avery. “But underneath that, he had “He didn’t really want to tell any- husband, Robert and their 571 Boston St., Lynn, MA ing quarterback for Lynn Classical a heart of gold. one at first,” said Scott. “He was a children, Robert Pobiedzinski 01905. To share a mem- in the late 1980s under coach Dave “All he wanted was to be on the quiet guy.” and his wife, Paula, and their ory or leave online condo- Dempsey, but he was not one to bask field, teaching kids how to play,” she Scott said he made it to four of daughter, Megan, Doreen lences, please visit www. in high school glory days. Instead, said. “It wasn’t important to him Kyle’s games this fall before being Godfrey and her husband, Tom he channeled those years on the that he run anything, or that he be diagnosed. and their daughter, Olivia, and high school playing fields into his the manager. He just wanted to be “After that,” he said, “Derek Annemarie Marchetere and two sons, Kevin and Kyle, and their there, and that’s where he was.” couldn’t go out much.” her husband, David. Kathleen friends. He coached at Pine Hill Lit- In fact, she said, the Durants were Avery recalls that one very import- is also survived by several tle League, Lynn Babe Ruth, and quite a formidable team. ant aspect of Durant’s personality West Lynn Pop Warner. “Carolee (his wife whom he had was that he always knew where he “He lived for those kids,” said dated since they were 15), ran the came from. “I ran into him not too younger brother Keith. “He was so snack bar while they were down long ago, and he was wearing a Pine IN MEMORIAM proud of them. He taught them to here, and she had it down to a sci- Hill Little League shirt.
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